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Fourth Quarter, 1967.

Gospel Order

, 'Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in th,e

name of t'he Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and,
10, I am with you alway, ev.en unto the end of the world. Amen.' .
Matthew 28:19,20.
~.'Let all things be done decently and in order." I Corinthians 14:40.

During this quarter we will take up IV subject which we have

not had for over tell years, namely GOS-PEL' ORDER.
The Spirit of Prophecy warns us that "we are living in a time
when order, system, ailld unity of action are most essential", not
only to keep out many evils which Satan would rejoice to bl'ing in,
but also to ensure success in the proclaiming of tlle message.
As the Work of God on earth advances, we see the necessity
of perfecting organization, in harmony with the Bible and the Spirit
of Prophecy.
While on the one hand we are to maintain the simplicity of
the gospel and.', th'E} pl'imitive godliness, and prevent form and mach,
inery fl'om taking the preeminence, on the other h.and we are to
strengthen the system of regulation and order in tile church.
Much light has been given us in reference to gospel order, and
many improvements can be made in our actions, through the
of the Holy Spirit, now that "thorough organization is essential".
May the Lord bless each of the Sabbath School attendants as
they study this subject!

Plan Ahead F~r Your 13th Sabbath School Offering



Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, "Gospel Order" for Uctober to

December, 1967, is published by the I:leventh Day Adventist Reform
Movement General Conference, Mailing Address: 3031 J"ranklin BLVd.
Sacramento, California, U.S.A. .
................................................H " " H II •••••• II.1

Lesson No.1 Sabbath September 30, 196,7.

Key Text: "And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and
shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work
that they must do." Exodus 18:20.

1. What was the government of Israel characterized by? Deuter-

onomy 4:5-7.
NOTE: "The government of Israel was characterized by the most
thorough organization, wonderful 'alike for its conlJlleteness and its
~mpli\lity. The order so strikingly displayed in the perfection and
arrangemen t of all God's created works was manifest in the Hebrew
economy." PP:374.
2. How was Moses counseled by Jethro to organize the hosts of
Israel and plan for a wise distribution of responsibility? Exo-
dus 18:14-23.
3. Wha1l did Moses do, in harmony with the plan suggested by
Jethro'? Exodus 18:24-26.

4. Describe the organization in Israel.

NOTE: "God was the center of 'authority and government, the

sovereign of Israel. Moses stood as their visible leader, by God's
appointment, to administer the laws in his name. From the elders
of the tribes a council of seventy was afterward chosen to assist
:Moses in the general affairs of the nation. Next came the priests,
who consulted the Lord in the sanctuary. Chiefs, or princes, ruled
('vel' the tribes. Under these were 'captains over thousands, and
captains over hundreds, alld captains over fifties, and -captains over
tens '; and lastly, officers who might be employed for special duties."

5. How was the Hebrew camp arranged? What do we knoW' about

its divisions? Numbers 2:1-34.
NOTE: "The Hebrew camp was arranged in exact order. It was
separated into three great divisions, each ha,ving its appointed pos-
ition in the enc'ampment. In the center was the tabernacle, the
abiding pla,ce of the invisible King. Around it were stationed the
priests and Levites. Beyond these were encamped all the other
tribes." PP :374,375.

6-. To which tribe was committed the charge of the tabernacle and
all that pertained to it? Numbers 1:53; 18:21-23.
NOTE: "To the Levites was committed the charge of the taber-
lHwle anel all that pertained thereto, both in the camp and on the
journey. When the camp set forward, they were to strike the sacred
tent; when a halting-place was reached, they were to set it up. No
person of another tribe was allowed to come neal', on pain of death."
7. Describe the divisions into which the Levites were separated?
Numbea-s 3:17-38.
NOTE: "The Levites were separated into three divisions, the des-
cCIHlants of the three sons of Levi, and each was assigned its special
p('sition and work. In front of the tabernacle, and nearest to it, were
the tents of Moses -and Aaron. On the south were the Kohathites,
whose duty it was to care for the ark and the other furniture; on
the north the Merarites, who were placed in charge of the pillars,
sockets, boards, etc.; in the rear the Gershonites, to whom the care
of the curtains anel hangings was committed." PP:375.
8. How was the position of each tribe specified? Numbers 1 :52;
NOTE: "Every tribe bore a standard with the sign of their father's
house upon it, and each tribe was required to pitch under its own
standard. When the ark moved, the armies journeyed, tht. different
tribes marching in order, under their own standards." IT:65I.
9. By what means did God' direct the Israelites ill their travels?
Exodus 13:21,22.
NOTE: "God himself directed the Israelites in all their travels.
'fhe place of their encampment was indicated by the descent of the
pillar of cloud; and so long as they were to remain in camp, the
cloud rested over the tabernacle. When they were to continue their
juurney, it was lifted high above the sacred tent." PP:376.
10. What went before the Israelites in all their journeyings? Num-
bers 10:33.
11. What solemn invocation marked both the stops and the departures
of Israel? Num.bers 10:35,36.


Lesson No.2 Siabbath, October 7, 1967.

Key Text: "For what nation is there so great, who hath God so
nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call
upon him f'od" Deuteronomy 4:7.
1. Describe the character of those in charge of the tabernacle?
Numbers 8:5-11,14-16,20-26.
NOTE: "God did not leave His holy tabernacle to be borne, erected,
and taken down, indiscriminately, by any tribe who might choose
the office; but persons were chosen who could appreciate the sacredness
of the work in which they were engaged." IT:652.
2. What was the duty of these men toward the people? Numbers 3:5-8.

NOTE: "These men appointed of God were directed to impress upon

the people the special sacredness of the ark 'and all that appertainell
thereunto, lest they should look upon these things without realizing
their holiness and should be cut off from Israel. All things pertaining
tc, the most holy place were to be looked upon with reverence." IT: 652.

3: What happened if any man got out of his place, and did certain
things alien to his office? Numbers 1:51; 3:10; 4:15
NOTE: "And if any man from curiosity or from lack of order got
out of his place and touched any part of the sanctuary or furniture,
c,r even came near any of the workmen, he was to be put to death. "

4. How were directions transmitted to the people? Numbers 10:1,2.

NOTE: "The Levites were designated by the Lord as the tribe in the
midst of whom the sacred ark was to be borne, Moses and Aaron
marching just in front of the ark, and the sons of Aaron following
neal' them, each bearing trumpets. They were to receive directions
from Moses, which they were to signify to the people by Bpeaking
through trumpets. These trumpets gave special Bounds which the
pc,ople understood, and directed their movements accordingly." IT:651.
5. What were all obliged to understand and obey in regard to the
movements they were required to make? Can we tell the meanIng
of each of the different sounds? Numbers 10:3-8.
6, What happened if any failed to comply with the directions given?

NOTE: "If any failed to comply with the requirements given by
the Lord to Moses, and by Moses - to the people, they were punished
with death. It would be no excuse to plead that they knew not the
n~tUl'e of these requirements, for they would only prove themselves
willingly ignorant, and would receive the just puniShment for their
transgression. If they did not kno\y the will of God concerning them,
it wai their own fault. They had the same opportunitIes to obtain
tlio knowledge imparted as others of the people had, therl'fore their
sin of not knowing, not understanding, was as great in the sight
of God as if they had heard and thiJll transgressed." IT:651.
7. What instructions were given concerning the foreigners that
were among Israel? Deuteronomy 23:7,8.
?\OTE: "The mixed multitude that had accompanied Israel from
Egypt were not permitted to occupy the same quarters with the
tribes, but were to abide upon the ouskirts of the camp; and their
dfspring were to be excluded from the community until the third
generation." PP:375.
8. What sanitary regulations weJ;e enforced upon the people? Why?
Deuteronomy 23 :10c12,14.
NOTE: "Scl'Upulous cleanliness. as well as strict order throughout
the encampment and its environs we enjoined. Thorough sanitary regu-
lations were enforced. Every perso'n who was unclean from any c,ause
was fOl'bidden to enter the c:uup. These measures were indispensable
to the preservation of health among so vast a multitude; -and it was
necessary aiso that perfect order and purity be maintained, that Israel
might enjoy the presence of a holy God." PP:375.
9. Why was Balaam astonished as he looked upon the E'ncampment
of Israel? Numbers 24:2,3,5,6.
NOTE: "As Balaam looked upon the encampment of Israel, he
heheld with astonishment the evidence of their prosperity. They
had been represented to him as a l'Ude, disorganized multitude, in-
festing the country in roving bands that were a pest and terror to
the surroundng nations; but their appearance was the reverse of all
this. He saw the vast extent and perfect arrangement of their eamp,
everything bearing the marks of thorough discipline and order. He
was shown the favor with which Gorl regarded Israel, alld their dis-
tinctive character as his chosen people. They were not to stand upon
a level with other nations, but to be exalted above them all." PP:447,
10. What is the design of God for us in connection with the order
instituted in Israel? Romans 15 :4.
NOTE: "He is as particular now as then. And He designs that we
should learn lessons of order and organization from the perfect
order instituted in the days of Moses for the benefit of the children
of Israel." IT: 653.
Lesson No. ::l, October 14, 1961.
Key 'rext: "But now are they many members, yet but one body."
I Corinthians 12:20.
1. What was the first step taken by Christ in the organization of
the church? Mark 3:14.
NOTE: ' 'When Jesus h'ad ended His instruction to the disciples,
He gathered the little band close about Him, and kneeling in the
midst of them, and laying His hands upon their heads, He offered
a prayer dedicating them to His sacred work. Thus the Lord's dis-
ciples were ordained to the gospel ministry." DA: 296.
2. What further step was taken as the church grew in membership?
Acts 6:1-6.
NOTE: "The ehureh was continually enlarging,' and thiB growth in
memhership brought increasingly heavy burdens upon those in charge.
N a one man, 01' even one set of men,. could continue to bear these
burdens alone, without imperilling the future prosperity of the church.
There was necessity for a further distribution of the responsibilities
which had been borue so faithfully by a few during the earlier days
of the church. The apostles must now take au important step in the
perfecting of gospel oi'der in the church, by laying upon others some
of the burdens thus far borne by themselves." AA:88,8~.
3. What were the immediate results after the ordination of the
seven deacons? Acts 6:7.
4. What necessity b6'Came evident later in the early Christian churc'h'!
What was the purpose of further perfecting the organization?
Ephesians 4:11-15.
NOTE: "Later in the history of the early church, when in various
parts of the world many groups of believers had been formed into
ehurches, the organization of the church was further perfected, so
that order and harmonious action lllight be maintained. Every mem-
!',)l' was exhorted ,') :Jet ','f<Jll his r'l,rt. Each was to make a wise use
of the talents entrusted to him." AA:91,92.
5. What were the different vocational offices in the church, in the
days of the apostles? I Corinthians 12:28.
6. How can we explain the "differences of administrations" and
the "diversities of operations" in the apostolic church? I Cor-
inthians 12:4'-11.

7. 'What is one of the reasons why there must be different degrees
of responsibility and authorit¥ in the church? Exodus 18:22.
NO'l'E: "The time .and strength of those who in the providence of
God have been placed in leading positions of responsibility in the
church, should be spent in dealing with the weightier matters de-
manding special wisdom and largeness of heart. It ,~s not' in the
order of God that such men should be 'appealed 'to for the adjustment
of m'inor matters th-at others are well qualified to handle." AA :93.
8. What success was ensured by the order maintained in the early
Ohristian church? Acts 2:41,42,46,47; 4:32-35.
NOTE: "The order that was maintained in the eady Christian church,
made it possi])le for them to move forward solidly, as a well-disciplined
army, clad with the armor of God. The companies of believers, though
scattered over a large territory, were all members of one body; all
moved in concert, ·and in harmony with one another." AA:95,.96.
9. For what was the organization of the church at Jerusalem to
serve as a mOdel? Acts 15:2-6,22,30,31; 16:4,5.
NOTE: "The organization of the church at Jerusalem was to serve
as a model for the organization of churches in every other place
where messengers of truth should win converts to the gospel. 'l'hose
to whom was given the responsibility of the general oversight of the
church, were not to lord it over God's heritage, but, as wise shepherds,
were to 'feed the flock of God, . . . being ens'amples to the flock
and the deacons were to be 'men of honest report, full of the Holy
Ghost and wisdom.' These men were to take their position unitedly
on the side of right, and to maintain it with firmness and decision.
Thus they would have 'a uniting influence upon the entire flock." AA:91.


Lesson No.4 Sabbath, October 21, 1967.


Key Text: "Let all things be done decently and in order." I Cor. 14:40.
1. 'What does God require in the conduct of church affairs today?
I Oorinthians 14:33.
NOTE: "He requires that order and system be observed in the
conduct of church affairs today, no less than in the days of old. He
desires His work to be 'carried forward with thoroughness and exact-
ness, so that He may place upon it the seal of His approval." AA:96.

2. What is most essentiai in our ciays,? f corinthians 14:46.
NOTE: "Oh, how Sa tan would rejoice to get in among this people
and disorganize the work at a time when thorough organization is
essential, and will be the greatest power to keep out spurious uprisings
and to refute claims not endorsed by the word of God! We want to
hold the lines evenly, that there shall be no breaking down of the sys-
tem of regulation and order. In this way license shall not be given to
disorderly elements to control the work at this time. We are living
in a time when order, system, and unity of action are most essential."
3. What evil frequently follows the non-existence of an official
"system of regulation and order"? Colossians 2:18,19.
4. What do certain people wrongly fear as popery? Numbers 16:3.
NOTE: '''l'he spirit of pulling away from our fellow laborers, the spirit
of disorganization, is in the very -air we bl'eathe. By some, all efforts
to establish order are regarded as dangerous -- as a l'estl'iction of
personal liberty, and hence to he feared as popery. They declare that
they will not take allY man's say-so; that they are amenable to
no man. I have been instructed that it is Satan's special effort to
kad men to feel that God is pleased to have them choosc their own
course, independent of the counsel of their brethren." TM:488,489.
5. What are those individuals compared to who do not draw in
harmony with their fellow laborers?
NOTE: "The spasmodic, fitful movements of some who claim to
be Christians is well repl'esented by the work of strong but untrained
horses. When one pulls forward, another pulls back; and at the
voice of their master, one plunges ahead, and the other stands im-
moveable. If men will not move in concert in the great and grand
work for this time, there' will be confusion. It is not a good sign
when men refuse to unite with their b-rethren and prefer to act alone.
Instead of isolating themselves, let them draw in harmony with theIr
fellow laborers. Unless they do this, their activity will work at the
wrong time and in the wrong way. They will often work counter to
that which God would have done, and thus their labor is worse than
wasted." TM:489,49~.

6. What rule should we observe to ensure harmony of action and

receive the blessings of God? I Peter 5:5; Hebrews 13:17.
7. How can we shut the door against Satan's efforts to create
confusion in the church? II Thessalonians 3: 6,14.

NO'l'E: "I saw that this door at which the enemy comes in to
pel'plex and trouble the flock can be shut. I inquired of the angel
how it could be closed. He said, 'The chmch must flee to God's
Word ancl become established upon gospel order, which llas heen over-
rooked and neglected:' This is indispens-ably necessary in order to
bring the c~urch into the unity of the faith." EW:100.
8. For what purposes was organization established in the SDA church?
NOTE: "To provide for the support of the ministry, for carrying
the work in new fields, for protecting-.!2.oth the churches and the min-
istry from unworthy members, for holding church property, for the'
public-ation of the truth through the press, and for many other objects,
organization was indispensable." TM:26.
9. What will those who have the unction from on high always en-
courage? II Thessalonians 3:7.
NOTE: "Those who have the unction from on high will in all their
efforts encourage order, discipline, and union of action, and then the
angels of God can co-operate with them. But never, nevel' will these
heavenly messengers place their endorsement upon irregularity, dis-
-organization, and disorder. All these evils are the result of 8atan's
efforts to weaken our forces, to destroy our courage, and prevent
successful action." TM:2'8.

10. Under what condition will the angels of God work for us with
much success? Matthew 6:10'; Ephesians 4:11-16.
NOTE: "Angels work harmoniously. Perfect order characterizes all
their movements. The more closely we imitate the harmony and order
of the angelic host, the more successful will be the efforts of these
heavenly agents in our behalf. If we see no necessity fot harmonious
action, and -are disorderly, undisciplined, and disorganized in our
comse of action, angels, who are thoroughly organized and move
in perfect order, cannot work for us successfully. They' turn aw-ay
in grief, for they are not authorized to bless confusion, distraction,
and disorganization. All who desire the co-operation of the he-avenly
messengers must work in unison with them." TM:28.

11. Whereby can we see that the work of the angel of Revelation
18 will not dispense with organization?
NOTE: "Let none entertain the thought that we can d-ispense with
organizatiOli. It cost us much study and many pmyers for wis-
dom, that we know God has answered, to erect this structme. It has
been built up by His direction, through much sacrifice and conflict.
Let none of our brethren be so deceived as to attempt to tear it down,
for you will thus bring in a condition of things that y'ou do not
dream of. In the name of the Lord I declare to you that it is to st-and,
strengthened, established, and settled." TM:27,28.

12. Under what symbol was God's organization shown to the prophet?
Ezekiel 1 :4-21.
NOTE: "To the prophet the wheel within a wheel, the appearances of
living creatures connected with them, all seemed intric·ate and unex-
plainable, But the hand of Infinite Wisdom is seen among the wheels,
and perfect ol'der is the result of its work. Every wheel works in per-
foct harmony with every other." TM :213.


Lesson No.5 Sabbath, Oc.tober 28, 1967.

Key Text: "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock,
over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed
the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood."
Aets 20:28.

1. What care did Moses exercise in the selection of his helpers?

Exodus 18:21-26; Deuteronomy 1:16,17.

NOTE: "La tel', when choosing seventy eJdars to share with him the
responsibilities of leadership, Moses was careful to select, as his
helpers, men possessing ~ , sound ju~ent, and experi~ce. In ...
his charge to these elders ·at the time of their ordination, he outlined
some' of the qualifications that fit a man to be a wise J'uler in the
ehUl·ch." AA :94.

2. What principles of piety and justice did king David urge upon
those in positions of responsibility? I Chronicles 28: 1,8-10.

3. To what standard did the apostles hold in ordaining churcih

officers? Titus 1:7-9.

NOTE: "The same principles of piety ~nd justice that were to ~

guide the rulers among God's people in the time of Moses and of
David, were also to be followed by those given the oversight of the
newly organized church of God in the gospel dispensation. In the
work of setting things in order in all the churches, and ordaining
suitable men to act as officers, the apostles held to the high standards
of leadership outlined in the Old Testament Scriptures." AA:95.
4. What caution shoud be used in ordainIng men and electing
leaders? I Timothy 5: 22.

NOTE: "There should not be so great haste in electing leaders as to
ordain men who are in no wa_y fitted for the responsible wvrk - men
who need to be converted, elevated, ennobled, and refined before
they can serve the C3.use of God in any capacity.
I I The gospel net gathers both good and bad. It takes time for
character to be developed; there must be time to learn what men
re3.lly are. The family of the one suggested for office should be
considered. Are they in subjection' Can the man rule his own
house with honor~ What character has his children~ Will they do
honor to the father 's influence~ If he has no tact, wisdom, or power
of godliness -3.t home in managing his own family, it is safe to con-
clude that the same defects will be carried into the church, and
tile same unsanctified mallagement will be seen there. It will be
far better to criticise the m3.n before he is put into office than
afterward, better to pray and counsel before taking the decisive
ate]J than to labor to correct the conse.quences of a wrong move."
5. what procedure is recommended by the Bible and the Spirit
of Prophecy in connection with the selection of leaders? I Tim-
o':.hy 3:10.
NOTE: '" Oue man may be appe·inted to lead for a week or a month,
then another for a few weeks; -:md thus different persons may be
enlisted in the work, and after a suitable trial someone should be
selected by the voice of the church to be the acknowledged leader,
never, however, to be chosen for more th3.n one year. Then another
may be selected, or tile same one Illay be re-elected if his service
has proved a blessing to the church. The same principle should be
followed in selecting Illen for other responsible positions, as in
the offices of the cOliference. Untried men should not be elected as
presidents of conferences." 5T:619.
6. Why should those who are independent in spirit not be chosen as
leaders? Colossians 2: 18,19.

NOTE: "God has placed in the church, as His appointed helpers,

men of varied talents, th3.t through the combined wisdom of many,
the mind of the Spirit may be met. Men who move in accordance
with their own strong traits of character, refusing to yoke up with
others who have had a long experience in the work of God, will
b.ecome blinded by self-confidence, unable to discern between the
false and the true. It is not safe for such ones to be chosen as
leaders in the church; for they would follow their own judgment and
plans, regardless of the judgment of their brethren. It is easy for
tIll' enemy to work thi'ough those who, themselves needing counsel
at every step, undertake the guardianship of souls in their own
strength, without having learned the lowliness of Christ." AA:279.

7. What does the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy say about
inexperienced brethren in connection with the leadership? I Tim-
othy 3:6.
NOTE: "1 have seen that those who have had but a few years'
experience in the c·ause of present truth, are not the ones to lead
out in the work. Such should manifest a delicacy in taking positions
which will conflict with the judgment and opinion of those who wit-
nessed the rise of the cause of present truth, and those lives are
interwoven with its progress. God will not select men of but little
experience to lead out in this work. He will not choose those who
have had no experience In the sufferings, trials, opposition, and
privation endured to bring this work up to the platform on which it
now rests." IT :238,239.
8. Why does combativeness disqualify a man for the ministry?
NOTE: "He has the ability, and, as far as his knowledge of the
truth is concerned, he is capable; but he lacks culture. He has not
learned to control himself. It requires great wisdom to deal with
minds, and he is not qualified for this work. He understands the
theory, ·but has not educated himself in forbearance, patlence, gentle-
ness, kindness, and true courteousness. If anything arises which does
not meet his mind, he does not stop to consider whether it is wisdom
to take notice of it, or to let it pass until it sh·all be fully considered.
He braces himself at once for battle. He is harsh, severe, denunciatory,
and if things do not meet his mind, he raises disturb-ancf' at once. ,.
9. Will God ever entrust His flock to the care of men whose minds
have become weakened by former errors that they have cherished?
II Timothy 2:19.
NOTE: "God will not entrust the care of His precious flock to
men whose mind and judgment have been weakened by fermer errors
that they have cherished, such as so-called perfectionism and Spiritual-
ism, and who, by their course while in these errors, have disgraced
themselves and brought reproach upon the cause of truth. Although
they may now feel free from error and competent to go forth and
to teach this last message, God will not accept them. He will not
entrust precious souls to their care; for their judgment WitS perverted
'while in error, and is now weakened." EW: 101,102.

10. What act MOWS the sanction of the church to the selection of
men for the ministry? I Timothy 4:14-16.
NOTE: "Brethren of experience and of sound minds should (l,ssemble,
and following the Word of God and the sanction of the Holy Spirit,
should, with fervent prayer, lay hands upon those who have given

full proof that they have received their commlSBlon of God, and set
them apart to devote themselves entirely to His work. This act
would show the sanction of the church to their going forth as mes-
sengers te carry the most solemn message ever given to men," EW: 101.
11. What is the duty of the church towards those teacher'll wilo do
not give urunistakable evidence that they have been called by
God? I Timothy 5:22.
NOTE: "1 saw that the church should feel their l'esponsibility and
should look earefully ~n~ attentively at the lives, qualifications, and
general course of those who profess to be teachers, If unmistakable
evidence is not given that God has called them, and that the 'woe'
is upon them if they heed not this c-all, it is the duty of the church
to act and let it be known that these persons are not acknowledged
as teachers by the church. This is the only course the church can
ta ke in order to be cle·ar in this matter, for the burden lies upon
them." EW:100.


Lesson No. 6 Sabbath, November 4, 1967.


Key Text: "Verily 1 say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on
carth sh.all be bound jn heaycn: and whatsoevCr yo shall loose all
oarth sh::Lll be 100sc(1 in hea\'Cll." Matthew 18:18.
1. With what is church organization in the .Bible compared? What
unity and subjection should characterize the church? I Corin-
thians 12:12,27; Ephesians 5:28.
NOTE: "As all the diffel'ent members of the human system unite
to form the entire body, -:lnd each performs its office in obeilienee
to the intelligence that governs the whole, so tho members of the
church of Christ should be united in one symmetrical body, subject
tt the sanctified intelligence of the whole." 4T:16.
2. What has God bestowed upon the church? What is not per-
mitted by the Lord? Matthew 18:18.
NOTE: "Christ gives power to the voice of the church. 'Verily
1 say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on eal·th shall be bounct
in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed
in heaven.' No sueh thing is counten-aneed as one m'tn's starting
out upon his own individual l'esponsihility and advoea.ting what views

he chooses, irrespecHveof the judgment of the church.. God flall
bestowed the highest power under heaven upon His church. It is the
voice of God in His united people in church capacity which is to be
respected." 3T: 450,451.
3. When and before whom must individual jUdgment be given up?
James 3:17,18.
NOTE: "I have been shown that no man's judgment should be
surrendered to the judgment of any olle man. But when the judg-
ment of the General Conference, which is the highest authority that
God has upon the earth, is exercised, private independence and private
judgment must not be maintained, but be surrelldered. Your error
was. in persistently maint'aining your private judgment of your duty
against the voice of the highest authority the Lord has UpOIl the earth."
4. In what respect did Paul ma.nifest great; And what was
the result? I Corinthians 1: 10.
NO'fE: "Notwithstanding the fact that Pa.ul wa.s pel'sonalJy tal.lght
by God, he had no strained ideas of. individu'al responsibility. While
looking to God for dircct guidance, he was ever ready 10 recognize
the authority vested in the body of believers united in church fe]]owship.
He felt the need of counsel; and when matters of import3nce a.rose,
he was glad to lay these before wisdom to make right decisions."
"Throughout his ministry, Paul had looked to God for direct
guidance. At the same time, he had been very careful to labor in
harmony with the decisions of the general council at Jeru~alcm; and
as a result, the churches were 'established in the f·aith, and ilicl'eaSell
in number daily." AA:402.
5. To what a.uthority did even Sister White submit?
NOTE: "I had not one ray of light that He (the Lord) would have
me come to this country (Australia). I came in submission to thc
voice of the General Conference, which I have ever mfli~ltained to
be authority." Letter 124, August 9, 1896.
6. What is the inevitable result when men think that, in their
actions, 'they are not dependent upon the decisions of the general
council? Colossia.ns 2:18,19.
NOTE: "The greater the responsibilities placed upon the human
agent, and the larger his opportunities to dict'3te and enntrol, the
more harm he is sure to do if he does not carefully follow the way
of the Lord, and labor in harmony with the decisions alTived at b,y
the general body of believers in united council." AA: 199.

7. Can one man commit abuse of authority? I Corinthians 12:12.
NOTE: "If you should let the power in the church, the voice and
judgment of the General Conference, stand in the place you have
given my husband, there could then be no fault found with your
position. But you grealty err in giving to one man's mind and
judgment th,at authority and influence which God has invested in
His church in the judgment and voice of the General Conference.
When this power which God has placed in the ChUl'ch is accredited
to one man, and he is invested with the authority to be judgment
for othe.r minds, then the true Bible order is changed. Satan's efforts
upon such a man's mind will be most subtle and samet imes over-
powering, because through this mind he thinks he can affect many
others." 3T :493.
"God has ord'ained that the l'espresentatives of His church from
all parts of the earth, 'YQ&n Rssembled JP a General Conference,
shall have ,authority. The error that some are in danger of eorn-
mitting, is in giving to the mind and judgment of one man, or of a
small group of men, the full measure of authority and influence
that God has vested in His church, in the judgment and voice of
the General Conference assembled to plan for the prosperity and
advancement of His work." GW:490.
8. What God-given arrangement governs the election of leaders
in the church of God? Who have a voice in the selection of the
G.O. o,fficers? Wh'o appoints the Leadership of the Work hrough
the voice of the whole body of believers? Acts 20:28.
N,OTE: "Every member of the church has a voice in choosing officers
of the church. The ehurch chooses the officers of the state conferences.
Delegates chosen by the state conferences choose the officers of the
of the union conferences; and delegates chosen by the union con-
ferences choose the officers of the General Conference. By this ar-
rangement, every conference, every institution, every church, and
every individual, either directly or through representatives, has a
voice in the election of the men who bear the chief resl'onsibilities
in the General Conference." 8T: 236,237.
9. Whereby can we see that Ohrist acknOWledges the authority
of His organized church? Acts 9:3-18.
NOTE: "Thus Jesus gave sanction to the authority of His organ-
ized church, and placed Saul in connection with His appointed
agencies on earth. Christ had now a church as His representative on
earth, and to it belonged the work of directing the repentant sinner
in the way of life." AA: 122.

lesson No.1 Sabbath, November iI, 1961.


Key Text: "Verily 1 say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it
unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto
me." Matthew 25:40.
1. What happens when a man loses his confidence in the leading
brethren and becomes at variance with the heart of the work?
Romans 16:17-19.
:NOTE: "This was as Satan would have it, that Brother. B might
lose confidence in the men whom God had appointed to lead out
in this work. He became at ·Yariance with them and with the heart
of. the work. He was like a vessel at sea without an anchor or a
rudder. If he could not h·ave confidence in those at the head of the
work he would have confidence in no one. Brother B has but little
reverence 01' respect for his brethren; he thinks that his judgment
and his knowledge and abilities are superior to theirs; therefore
he will not receive anything from them, nor trust to their judgment,
1101' seek counsel with them, unless he can le:ld and teach them. He
will act according to his own judgment, irrespective of his brethren's
feelings, their griefs, or entreaties. When he separated his confidence ~
from the heart of the work, Satan knew th:lt, unless this confidence
could be restored, he was sure of him. Brother B's eternal interest
depends upon his accepting and respecting the helps and governments
which God has been pleased to place in the church. If he follows a
course of his own choosing he will eventually find out that he has
been altogether upon a wrong track and that he has deceived himself
to his ruin." 3'1':437.

2. What interference is condemned by God? I Peter 4:15.

NOTE: "1 saw you looking to Battle Creek with jealousy ·and sus-
pICIOn. You would place your hands in there, and mold their acts
and doings to what you consider would be right. You :ne noticing
little things that you do not understand, that you havE' not the
lE'ast to do 'Tith, and that in no W:lY concern you. God has committed
His work at B.C. to chosen servants. He has laid the burden of the
work upon them. Angels of God are commissioned to have oversight
of the work; ·:lud if it does not move right, those who are at the head
I' of the work will be corrected, and things will move in God's ordE'1'
without interference of this or that individual." 1'1':204.
3. What is the consequence of making oppOsition to those in charge
of the general management of tihe work'? I Corinthian5 12:24-26.

NOTE: "The brethren in Ohio have been encouraged to look with
distrust and suspicion -at those who are in charge of the wOI'k at
Battle Creek, and have stood prepared to rise against positions taken
by them. Brother J has taken his position firmly, without I'egard to
the body. He has imagined that evils would arise from the head-
quarters that he must conteL':' against. He placed himself in array
for battle when there was no fighting to be done. He planted himself
firmly to resist something which never arose. Many of the brethren
in Ohio cherished the same feeling, placing themselves in opposition
to something that never appeared. Their warfare has been unwise.
They have been ready to cry out, Babylon, until they are l:- complete
Babylon themselves," 1T:236,237.
4. Who prom~ts the withholding of means, d.oubting, suspicions
and prejudice in regard 'to the General COnference? James 3:13-16.
NOTE: "They felt that they ought not to have aided the General
Conference, and urged that they ought to have had the means to use in
their own field. The Lord worked for them according to their limited
faith. Sat·an, who had been holding their minds in deception, caused
them to think that they had done a libeml thing in sending means to
the General Conference, when, upon investigation, the f.acts showed
that they still lacked a considemble of returning to the conference the
amount that had been paid out in sending laborers and in helping them'
in various ways to start the work and c-arry it forward. Yet these
persons have been grieved, dissatisfied, unhappy, and have backslidden
from God, because they thought they were doing such great things.
This only shows what a terrible deception c·an come upon minds when
they are not under the special control of the Spirit of God. Theil'
doubting, their suspicions, their prejudice in regard to the Geneml
Conference, were all prompted by Satan." 5T:283,284.
5. How does God regard the despiSing and rejecting of the appointed.
leadership in the church? Matthew 18:5-10.
NOTE: "It is hardly possible for men to offer a greater insult to God
than to desPise and reject the instrumentalities that He has appointed
to lead them." 3T:355.
6. What is the result of refusing to respect the counsel and to
highly esteem the judgment of 'those in the Offices that God has
appointed for the leadership of His people? II Timothy 2:24-26.
NOTE: "There have ever been in the church those who are constantly
inclined toward individual independence. They seem unable to realize
that independence of spirit is liable to lead the human agent to have
too much confidence in himself, alld to trust in his own judgment
rather th·an to respect the counsel and highly esteem the judgment of
his brethren, especially of those in the offices that God has appointed

for the leadership of His people. God has invested His church with
sf-ecial authority ·and power, which no one can be 'justified in disre-
garding and despising; for he who dues this despises the voice of God."
AA:163,164. •
7. What cannot be lightly esteemed? Hebrews 13:17.

NOTE: "Those who hold l'esponsibJe positions 1ll the church may
have faults in cowmon with other people ·and Illay err in their decisions;
bii"t notwithstanding this, the church of Christ on earth~given to
them an authol'ity that cannot be lightly esteemed." 4T. :17.

8. What sin, written in the books of heaven, will be met with shame
by many individuals, in the day of God? I Samuel ~6:9.

NOTE: "I saw that he would question the men upon whom God
has seen fit to lay the responsibility of HlS work. He would exalt
his own opinions and views above the light whlCh God had given
through them, and would boast of his knowledge; and he would
be an accuser of his brethren, not excepting the ambassadors of
Christ. All this overbearing influence to belittle the judgment of
the serv·ants of God and to accuse them of weaknesses and errors,
exalting his own opinions above theirs, if not repented of, will be
found written against him in the books, which he will see with shame
in the day of God." 3T:451.

9. What is the result when we have but llttle consideration for

the instrumentalities of God? II Peter 2:10-12.

NOTE: "The minister is not infallible, but God has honored him
uy making him His messenger. If you listen to him as though he
were not commissioned from above you will not respect his words
nor receive them as the message of God. Your souls will not feed
upon the heavenly mann·a; doubts will al'ise concerning some things
tha,t are not pleasing to the natural heart, and you will sit in judgment
upon the sermon as you would upon the remarks of a lecturer or a
political speaker. As soon as the meeting closes you will be ready
with some complaint or sarcastic remark, thus showing that the
message, however true and needful, has not profited you. You esteem
it not; you have leal'J1ed the habit of criticizing and finding f:iult,
and you pick and choose, and perhaps reject the very things that you
most need. .. The ordained instrumentalities of God are almost
entirely lost sight of. God has instituted no new method of reaching
the children of men. If they cut themselves off from heaven's appointed
agencies to reprove their sins, correct their errors, and point out the
path of duty, there is no way to reach them with any heavenly communi-
cation. They are left in darkness and are ensnared and taken by the
adversary." 5T:298,299.

10. What IS equivaient to disregarding and despising the authority
with which the church is vested? LUke 10:16.
NOTE: "By ignoring the authority of the church they show con-
tempt for God, who gave to the church its authority." 5T:243.
11. What sins are very grievous in the eyes of God? Could seditious
elements be led by tihe Sipirit of God? Galatians 5:19-21.
NOTE: "Paul charged his brethren to beware lest in trying to cor-
rect the faults of others they should commit sins e.qrually great them-
selves. He warns them that hatred, emulation, wrath, strife, seditions,
heresies, and envyings are as truly the works of the flesh as are
lasciviousness, adultery, drunkenness, and murder, and will as surely
close the gate of heaven against the guiltJ'." 5'1':244.
"Sedition" means "the causing of discontent, .nsul'l'ection, or rc-
sistancc against government".


Lesson No.8 Sabbath, November 18, 1967.


Key 'l'ext: "And the Illultitude of them tiJa t believed wore of one
lwal't and of one soul." Acts 4:32.

1. With what problem was the Thessalonian church afflicted? I Thessa-

lonians 5: 14; II TheSSalonians 3: 11,6.

NO'fE:' 'The 'l'hessalonian believers were greatly annoyed ~y men

coming among them with fanatical ideas and doctrines. SOUle were
'disorderly, working not at all, but .. busybodies '. 'l'he church llad
been properly organized, and officers had been appointed to act as
ministers and deacons. But there were some, self-willed and impetuous,
who refused to be subordinate to those who held positions of authority I
in the church." AA:261. . }
2. What right did the disorderly elements in the Thessalonian church
claim? II Peter 1:20.

NOTE: "They claimed not only the right of private judgment, but
that of publicly urging their views upon the church." AA:261.

3. In view of this situation, to what did Paul call attention of

the Thessalonian believers? II Thessalonians 3:7,14.

NOTE: "In view of this, Paul called the attention of the 'I'hessa-
lonians to the respect and deference due to those who had been chosen
to occupy positions of authority in the chureh." AA:261,262.
4. Wha.t method does GOd use and what method does He not use
when He wants t9 send ,light to His cihurch? I Corinthians 9:16-18.
NOTE: "God has made His chmch on the earth a channcl of light,
and through it He communicates His pmposes and His will. He does
not give to one of His servants an experience mdependent of and
contrary to the experience of the church itself. Neither does He give
one man a knowledge of His will for the entire church, whik the church
- Christ's body - is left in darkness. In His providence, He places
His servants in close connection with His chmcn, in order that they
may have less confidence in themselves, and greater confidence in others
whom He is leading out to advance His work." AA:163.
5. Under whose influence are those Who act independently of tIh&
counsel of the church? Matthew 18:17; II Thessalonians 2:25,26.
NOTE: "Boasting of their independence they will, under )lis (Satan's)
specious, bewitching influence, obey the worst impulses of the human
heart and yet lYelieve that God is leading them. Could their eyes
be opened to distinguish their captain, they would see that they are not
serving God, but the enemy' of all righeousness. 'l'hey would see that
their boasted independence is one of the heaviest fetters Satan can
rivet on unbalanced minds." 5T:294.
6. What does individual independence lead to? Proverbs 1.4:12.
NOTE: "Unbelief suggests that individual independence increases our
importance, that it is wHak to yielll om own ideas of what is right and
propel' to the verdict of the chmch; hut to yield to such feelings and
views is unsafe and will bring us into anarchy and confusion." 4T:19.

7. When and before whom must individual judgment be given up'!

Acts 15:2.

NOTE: "But when, in a General Conference, the judgment of the

brethren assembled from all parts of the field, is exerei~ed, private
independence and private judgment must not be stubbornly main-
tained, but surrendered. Nevel' should a laborer regard as a virtue
the persistent maintenance of his position of independence, contrary
to the decision of the general body." 9T: 260.
8. What lesson from Nature teaches us that in the work of God
there is no such thing as independence? Psalm 8:3,
NOTE: "But I have been instructed by the Lord that in this work
there is no such thing as every man's being independent. The stars

of heaven are all under taw, each influencing the other to do the wiit
of God, yielding their common obedience to the law that controls
their action. And, in order that the Lord's work may advance
healthfully and solidly, His people must draw together." 9T: 258.
9. For what reason do many individuals become disconnected from
the body? Jude 16,19.
NOTE: "Many do not realize the sacredness of church relationship and
are loath to submit to restraint and discipline. 'l'heir course of
action shows that they exalt their own judgment above that of the
united church, and they are not cal'eful to guard themselves lest
they encourage a spirit of opposition to its voice.. Church relation-
ship is not to be lightly cancelled;' yet when the path of some pro-
fessed followers of Christ is crossed, or when their voice has not the
controlling influence which they think it deserves, they will threaten
to leave t.he ('hun·h. True, ill leaving the ('hurch they woulll themselves
be the greatest sufferers; for in withdrawing ueyond the pale of
its influence, they subject themselves to the full temptations of the
world." 4T:17,i8.
10. Can God acknowledge any portion of the vineyard that becomes
independent of 1ihe rest? John 15:4.
NOTE: "The cause of God is one the world over. <Every branch of
the work centers in Christ. No one portion of the field is inde-
pendent of the rest." 5T: 284.


Lesson No.9 Sabbath, November 25, 1967.

Key Text: "Woe unto the world because of offences I for it must
Jleeds be that offences cOllie; but woe to that lllan by whom the offence
cometh!" Matthew 18:7.
1. What is one of the greatest evils with some individuals? What
class of workers are most frequently victims of this deception
.f'. ~of Satan? • What do they actually mistake for popery? r Tim. 3:6.
"'''''...,.,. ~ ~ 6<r.L.lfu ~JI!~t .
XOTE: "Many of the hlf.{vY bt6-dens formerly bome by men of long
experience are now falling upon younger men. This transfer of re-
sponsibilities to laborers who~e experience is more or less limited is
attended w!,t!? some danger~ against which we need to guard. The world
is filled with strife for the supremacy. The spirit of pulling away from

our fellow laborers, the spirit of disorganization, is in the very air
we breathe. B.x som~ .~ ejI.Ql:.ts to establish order are regarded as
dangerous - as a restriction of personal liberty, and hence to be
feared as pope;y.· They declare that they will not take any man's
say-so; that they are amenable tL· lIO m:m. I have been instructed that
it is Satan's special effort to lead men to;! feel th·at ..G.od i~ed ~o
have them choose their own course, independent of the counsel_of
their Drethl'en." TM :488,489.
~ A 2. How do church memt6rs help the enemies of God, while pro-
/.~J!~ fessing to support the cause of the Lord? Nehemiah 6:10-14.
'..IL ( ':if- NOTE:
"Satan takes advantage of every unconsecrated element for
\ ,...::1~~ the accomplishment of his purposes. hong those who profess to be
r j ' j / ~ the supporters of God's cause, there are those who unite with His
:..Ja~ enemies, and thus lay His cause open to the att·acks of His bitterest
foes. Even some who desire \ rk of God to ro.s or will vet
~eaken the hands of His servants by heating, repor mg, and half l
helieving the slnnders, boasts, nn(lmennces of His advers:ll'ics," PK:645J(
.<1 3. What disposition eXists in the carnal heart? And what does it
14)/L44-4~, lead to? What must tJle servants of God suffer? Matthew 5:11.
Jil ~ NOTE:" Men's hearts arc uo Rafter today than when Christ was upon
(J.J!./.,;> the earth. They will do all in their power to aid the great adversary
f'::::.-~ in making it as hard as possibe for the servants of Christ, just as
-- the people did with Christ when He was upon the earth. They will
scourge with the tongue of slander and falsehootl. They will criticize,
and turn against the servant of God the very eftorts he is leading
them to make. They will, with their evil surmismgs, see fraud and
dishonesty where all is rigilt and where perfect integrity exists. They
!ay ~h ~ to the charge of God's servants, when lie HinlSelf
18 leading them, and when they would give even their Hves if God
required, if by so doing they could advance His cause." 4'1' :234.

~~ 4.
What class of members are used by Satan to hinder the work
t561~of reform? What Sister White call them? How does Satan
9~~use them? Acts- 20.29,30.
, ~~OTE: "There are in our churches those who profess the truth
who are only hindrances to the work of reform. They are clogs to
the wheels of the car of salvation, This class are frequently in trial.
Doubts, je::tlousies, and suspicion are the .fruits of selfish~s, and seem
to be interwoven with their very nutures. I shall name this class
£.!!.ronic churrJ~ They do more harm in a church tl~
ministers clin undo. They are ,3. tax to the church and a great weight
to the ministers of Christ, 'rhey live in an atmosphere of doubts,
jealousies, and surmisings. Muc.h time and lal'or of the am..2,a~8
of Christ are required to undo their worlc of eVl1, und restore harmony
and union in the church. This takes from the courage and strength
of God's servants and unfits them for the work He has for them to do
in saving perishing soul~om ruin. God will reward these troublen
of Zion according to their works." Ev:370,371.
5.Wllat should be done with this class of people? II Timothy 3:5
(last part) .z~~~.~-<~~
NOTE: "The ministcrs of Christ should take their position, and not be
hindered in their work by these agents of Sa:tan. There will be
enough of these to question, and quibble, and criticize, to keep the
ministers of God constantly busy,@they will.allow themselves to
be detained from the great work of giving the last savmg message
of w8l'lling to the world. If the church has no strength to stand
·against the unsanctified, rebellious feelings of church grumblers, it is
better .to let church and grumblers go overboard together than lose the
oppOl·tunity of saving hundreds who would make beth'r churches,
and have the elements existing within themselves of strength and
union and powel·. The very best way for ministers and churches is to
let this faultfinding, crooked dass fall hack into their own element,
and pnll away from the shore, launch out into the deep, and cast out
the gospel net again for fish that may pay for the labor bestowed
upon them." Ev:371.
6. Wllat kind of difficulties are always present with the true church?
Wllat does G<ld offer us so long as we fulfil our duty, t.aking disci-
plinary measures whenever necessary? Rom~ans- 16:17,18.
NOTE: "From the first, Satan has set . self against this work.
He has been determined to 1 ring all s power to bear to silence
and sweep from the earth those who ere laboring for the advanc'ement
of light and truth. He has eve' ad a measure of succe~s. Calumny
and the fiercest opposition h e been brought to bear to crush out the
precious truth by discou-r ging its advoc·ates. The great adversary
has employed his heJJish deceptions in various ways. and every effort
made has brougl),t.....-(o his side one or more of the professed foliowers
of Christ. T)Jo"Se whose hearts ·are carnal, who arc more in harmony
'with the y>£hdeceiver than with Christ, have after a time developed
their character and gone to their own company." 4T :593,594.
0he church will yet see troublous times. She will prophesy
in/Sackcloth. But although she must meet heresies and persecutions,
although she must battle with the infidel and the ·apostate, yet by
the help of God she is bruising the head of Satan. The Lord will
have a people as true -as steel, and with faith as firm as the granite
( rock." 4T:594. ~~'--'A1-..4-.'~'
Wllat will men dO, in the true church, to the end of time? How
114M-A. .
will they try to everse the situation, making others responsible
~ ~ for the troubles? Numbers 16:12-14.
~~ - - . . ''\ ~-'7' _ -24-
()~4/ 4~(~C) ~-
NOTE: "To the end of time, men will arise to create confusion
and rebellion ~mong those who claim to bd l'epresentatives of the
true God. Those who prophesy lies, will encourage men to look upon
sin as a light thing. When the terrible results of their evil deeds
are made manifest, they will seek, if possible, to make the one who
has f,aithfully warned them, - responsible for their diffieulties, even
as the Jews charged Jeremiah with their evil fortunes." PK:442.
8. What do many unconverted believers do When their voice has
not the controlling influence which they think it deserves? What
historical event repeats itself? John 6:66. •;'
NOTE: "As those disaffected disciples turned away from Christ, a
different spirit took control of them. They could see nothing attractive jJ ..J
in Him whom they had once found so interesting. They sought out t'n::;v"-J
His enemies, for they were in harmony with their ~ and work. f)~.,JI1
They misinterpreted His words, falsified His statements, and impugned "l
His motives. They sustained their course' by gathering ~ r y
item that could be turned against Him. .. Souls are tested ~
ii'SWere those disciples in the synagogue at Capernaum. W~ truth
is brought home to the heart, they see that their lives are not in
accordance with the will of God. They see the need of an entire
change in themselves; but they are not willing to take up the self- to~
d~ work. Therefore they are angry when their sins are "dis-
covered. They go away offended, even as the disciples left Jesus, mur-
muring, 'This is an hard saying; who cml hear itf'" DA:392.
9. In what sense, also, does history many times repeat its~••
connection with disorderly elements? I John 2:1~:.~~'" - _. -P-?
NOTE: The General Council -at Jerusalem framed and issuera cer-
tain decree. "Not all, however, were pleased with the decision; there
was a faction of ambitious and self-confident brethren who disagreed
with it. These men assumed to engage ill the work on t.heir own re-
sponsibility. They indulged in much murmuring and fault-finding,
proposing new p~ns, a-nd seeking to pull down the -work of the men
whom God had ordained to teach the gospel message. J<'rom the first.
t.he church has had such obstacles to meet a-nd ever will have till the
close of time." AA :196,197. '
Lesson No. 10 Sabbath, December 2, 1967.
Key Text: "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in t.hine heart: thou
sh,alt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not. suffer- sin upon him."
Levi ticus 19: 17.
1. What authority has GOd given to the church? Matthew 15:13;
18:~8-20. /)7.-d'ttJ ~- iw;;ul~/'
,t?btMJ: "..." ~}Ii. -2S-o
fJJ~{ ...... -k~~,
NO'l'~: "On the church has bccn cOJlfcned the power to act in
Christ's stead. It is God's instrumentality for the preservation ~Of
ordm' and discipline among His people. '1'0 it the LOrd has delegated
the power to settle all questions l'especting its prosperity, purity, and
order. Upon it r~sts the responsibili..ty of excludin from its fellowship
those w,ho al'e unworthy, who by their unchristlike conduct would
bring dishonor on the truth. Whatever the church does that is in
accordance with the directions given in God's word will be ratified in
heaven." 7T:263.
"Let none spe.ak lightly of the duty of the church to admin-
istel' censure and rebuke; neither let them criticize the action of the
church when this painful task becomes necessary. Christ has given
plain instruction regarding the duty of the church toward those who,
while professing to be loy~l members, are brin in dishonor to the
cause of God by their course of action-.-' Every plant whi~h my
ilea,venly Father hath not planted', he says, 'shall be rooted up '. G;2:f!
ha commanded that those who prove themselves unworthy of church-
fellowship s all be separated from his body. Those who speak against
the exercise of this authority, speak against thc authority of Christ."
HH:March 19, 1908.

2. W'herein should we be very careful and why? James 5:19,20.

NOTE: ,'If there are wrongs in the church, they should receive
i}nmediate attention. Some may have to be sharply rebuked. This i~
Ii0t doing the erring one any wrong. The faithful pTlyslcian of the
soul cuts deep, t~t no pestilent matter may be left to burst forth again.
After the reproof h·as been given, then comes repentance and confession,
and God will freely pm'don and heal. He always pardons G> con-
fession is made." Ev:370.
"Whenever you see or hear something th·at needs to be corrected,
se.ek. the Lord for wisdom and race, that in trying to be faithful
you ma not be severe.
"It is always humiliating to h,ave one's errors pointed out. Do
not make the experience more bitter by needless censure. V.,gJ,dnd
criticism brings discouragement, making life sunless and unhappy.
~y brethren, prevail by love rather than by severity. ~
one at fault becomes conscious of his elTor, 1:'e careful not to destroy
his self-respect. Do Il0t seek to bruise and wound, bnt rather to
hind up and heal." 7T:265.

3. What should we carefully do when dealing With faulty members?

W'hat is the first step to be taken when a brother commits a
wrong? W'hat is the second step? And what is the third step?
Matthew 18:15-17.

NOTE: "In dealing with erring church-mcmbers, God's people .are
carefully to follow the instrnction given by the Saviour in the
eightecnth chapter of Matthew." 7T:260.
"Whatever the character of the offense, this does not change
th£.. pkm that God has made for the settlement of misunderstandings
and personal injuries." 7'1': 26l.
4. What happens when leading b:rethren neglect the right use 01
their authority? Ja~17. ~ ~ ~ ~ 'v-e4J.,.JJ:.r~
NOTE: "'£hose who have too little courage to reprove wrong, or
who through indolence or tack of interest I!lake no eapl¥stAort to
purify the famil or the church of God, are held accountable for the
evil that may result from their neglect of duty. W e are 'ust as reo
sponsibe for evils that we might have checked in othel's by exercise
of parental or pastoral authority, as if the acts had been our own."
":E'or evils we might have checked, we are just as responsible
~ if we were guilty of the acts oursel~." DA:44L
5. What is the result when sin is not immediately corrected in
individuals? What example in the old Testament shows us how
God regards sin among His people? Josillua 7:10-12.
NOTE: "He (God) shows us that when His peoge are found in sin
they should at once take decided measures to put that sin from them,
that His frown may not rest upon them all. But if the sins of the
people are passed over by those in responsible positions His frown
will be upon them, and the people' of God, as a body, ~vill be held
rcsponsible for those sins. IlL His dealings with J!ilLP~Q.P ilL the
past the Lord shOWS tl!.!J. l!~essity of purifying the church _.from
wrongs. ne 'inner may diffuse darJoll3ss that '''ill exclu~ ti;; light
urGod from the entire congregation." 3'£:265.
0. What experience contains an important lesson to church leaders
today? I Samuel 3:11-14.
NOTE: "The sin of Eli had consisted in passin~ lightly over the
iniquity of his sons in sacred office, and over the evils prevailing
throughout the land. His negleet to correct these evils Ji~ brought
ulllUl......~el a fearful c.alamity. His sons had fallen in battle,
Eli himself had lost his life, the ark of God had been taken from
the land of Israel, thirty thousand of the people had been slain,-
amI all because sin had bee,n allowed to flourish unrebuked and un-
checked . . . What a lesson is this t.Q.. men holding positions of re-
sponsibility tod·a)' in the church of Godl What a solemn warning to
deal faithfully with wrongs that bring dishonour to the cause of
truth!" PK:416.

tor what two errors will the displeasure ot God rest upon us?
7. p
How should we act to put an end to evil tongues? Psalms 15:1,3; ..{ ....
Galatians 5:15. -?u ~~_~ ~
NOTE: "Ministers and lay members of the church displease Gou ~
wE..en they allow individuals to tell them the errors and faults of cl ~
their brethren. They should not listen to these reports, but should
in.quire: 'Have you strictly followed the injunctions of your Savioud
Have you gone to the offender and told him his faults between you
and him alone~ And has he refused to heal' you ~ Have you carefully
and prayerfully taken two or three others, and laboured with him in
tenderness, humility, and meekness, your heart throbbing with love
for his soul ~, If the Captaih's orders, in the rules given for the erring,
have been strictly followed then an ·advance step is to be taken - tell
it to the church, and let action be taken in the case accQrding to the
Scriptures. Then it is that heaven will ratify the decision made by
the church in cutting off the offending member if he does not repent.
If these steps have not been taken, close the ear to complaiilts, and
thus refuse to take up a repro-ach against your neighbour. If there
were no brethren and sisters to do this, evi I tongues would 800n
cease; for they would not find so favourable a field in which to
/;;:'\ work in biting and devouring one another." 5'£ :616,617.
\8J 9. When does the offender actually sever himself from the fellow-
ship of the church? Matthew 18:17.
NOTE: "If he will not hear them, then, and not till then, the matter
is to be brought before the whole body of believers. .. He who re-
jpots this united overture has broken the tie that binds him to Christ,
and tlw. has severed hillJ.,s'<Jf from the fellowship of the church. Hence-
forth, said jesus, 'let him De unto thee as an heathen mll-n and a
publican.'" DA :441.
"No chmch officer should advise, no committee should recom-
mend, nor should any church vote, that the name of a wrong-doer
shall be removed from the church books, <:!§TID the instruction given
by Christ has been faithfully followed." 7T :262.
(j) ,MI': How does God regard the church if she fulfils her duty, taking
disciplinary steps whenever necessary? Isaiah 1: 25-27.
NOTE: "yY..!l..en this instruction has been J.ollowed, the church has
cleared herseR-before God. The evil must then be rna e 0 appear
as it is, and must be removed, that it may not become more and more
widespread. The health and purity of the church must be preserved,
that she may stand before God ul,lsullied, clad in the robes of Christ's
righteousness." 7T: 262,263.
if8' ~
Whose work do those do Who expose the errors ot God's people
to their enemies? With which nation are they compared? Deuter-
onomy ~:17-19.
NOTE: "As it was a crime for Amalek to take advantage of the
children of ISl'ael in their weakness and weariness, to annoy, perplex,
and discourage them, so it was no small sin for y.o.u. to be closely
~g to discover 'the weakness.,. the haltings, tiie----;;rrors and
sins of God's afflicted people, and expose the same to their enemies.
You were doing Satan's work, not the work of God." 2T: 109.
"We are not to make it a matter of comment and criticism
<::among ourselv~ ~ eill3ft.p' it is told to the church, ~~at
liberty to l~epeat it to otlJ..m's." DA:441.

When mef,j,re rebuked for their errors should we take· it for

granted that they will always correct themselves? W!l-at is the
effect of showing sympathy to wrongdOe~? Psalms 141:5.
I\'OTE: "There will be men and women who despise repl'oof and
whose feelings will ever rise up ·against it. It is not pleasant
to be told of our wrongs. In almost every case where reproof is
necessary, there will be some who elltirely. overlook the fact hat
~he S irit of the Lor en rieved and nis cause reproached.
These wjJI pity those. who deserved reproof, because personal feelings
have been hurt. All this unsanctified sympathy places the sympa-
thizers where they are sharers in the guilt of the one reproved. In
nine cases out of ten if the one reproved had been left under a
sense of his wrongs, he might have been helped to see them and
thereby hiiVe been reformed. But meddlesome, unsanctified sym-
pathizers place altogether a wrong construction upon the motives of
the reprover alld the nature of the reproof given, and by sympa-
thizing with the one reproved lead him to feel that he has been
really abused; agd his feelings rise UJ in rebellion against the one
who has only doile -his duty." 3T: 359.

Lesson No. 11 Sabbath, December 9, 1967.


Key Text: "Bear ye one another's 1J.urdens, and so fulfil the law of
Christ. " Galatians 6: 2.
1. What difficulty did the disciples have? With whom did thIS
problem originate and what does it lead to? Matthew 18:1;
NOTE: "The .strife for the highest place was the outworking of
that same spirit' which was the beginning of the great controversy
in the worlds above, and which had brought Christ from heaven

to die. .. Lucifer had said, '1 WIll be lIke the Most HIgh I (lsa.
14:12,1<1); and the desire for self-exaltation had brought strife
illto the heavenly courts, and had banished a multitude of the hosts
of God. .. Lucifer desired <J.2.d's power, bllt not His character. He
sought for himself the highest place, and every being who is actuated
by his spirit will do the same. Thus alienation, discord, and strife
will be inevitable." DA :435,436.
2. What will the man of God never strive for, so long as he remains
consecrated? Matthew 20:20,21,24-26.

NOTE: "So long as he remains consecrated, the man whom God

has endowed with discernment and ability will not manifest an
elJ,gerness for high position, neither will he seek to rule orcontrol.
Of necessity men must bear responsibilities; but instead of striving
for the supremacy, he who is a true leader will pray for an under-
standing heart, to discern between good and evil." PK:31.

3. What trouble arose in the church at Antioch? Acts 15:1.

NOTE: "In the church at Antioch, the consideration of the question

of circumcision resulted in m'!!£!l discussion and contention:" AA: 190.
4. As they could not solve the matter locallY, in whose hands did
they place the solution of the problem? What was the attitude
of the believers while. waiting the final decision? Acts 15:2,6.

NOTE: "l<'inally, the members of the church, fearing that a division

a,mong them would be the outcome of continued discussion, decided
to send P.aul and Barnabas, with some responsible men from the
church, to Jerusalem, to lay the matter before the apostles and elders.
'rhere they were to meet delegates from the different churches, and
those who had come to Jerusalem to attend the -approaching festivals.
Meanwhile all controversy was to cease until a final decision should
bO gIven in gene~:arcouncil. " AA: 190.
5. How far-reaching was the authority of the decision made by
the General Council? What benefits did it bring? Acts 15:23-27.

No'rE: "'Phis decision was then to be universally accepted by the

different churches throughout the country." AA~190.

"The 'apostles ,and elders', llIen of influence and judgment,

framed and issued the decree, which was thereupon generally accepted
by the Christian churches." AA:196.
"The broad and far-reaching decisions of the general council
hrought confidence into the ranks of the Gentile believers, and the
cause of God prospered." AA:197.

6. How can we thwart Satan's efforts to crea,te a, division in the
church? Wha,t important understanding existed among the a,postles?
Acts 12:17. /5t'f
NOTE: "When dissension arose in a local chmch, as later it did
arise in Antioch and elsewhere, and the believers wel'e unable to
come to an agreement among themselves, such matters were not per-
mitted to create a division in the church, but were refel'l'ed to j! general
[louncil of the ~ body of believers, made up of appointed delegates
from the various local chur('hes, with the apostles and elders in positions
of leading responsibility, Thus the efforts of Satan to attack the
church in isol,ated places, were met by concerted action on the
part of all; and the plans of the enemy to disrupt and (lestroy were
tlnvarted." AA :96.
7. Whenever there is a se,rious difficulty in the· church, what is

is the
to be respected as final authority?
Acts 20:2.8,
"But when the judgment of the General Uonfer('nce which
highest authority that God has upon the eal'th, is exercised,
private independence and private judgment must not be maintained,
lIut be surrendered, Your et:ror was in p~rsistently mAintaining your
private judgment of your duty against the voice of the highest Ku-
thority the Lor(l has upon the earth." 31':492.
8. Wh.en tihe church is divided on a controversial question, where
is the legaJ authority?
NOTE: "The church is God's delegated authority upon earth. . .
It is the \vant of deference for' the opinions of the church that
causes so much trouble among brethren. The eyes of the church
may be able to discel'l1 in its individual members that which the
erring may not see, A few persons may be as blind as the one in
enol', but the majority of the chmch is a power which should con-
trol its individual members, .. God has placed a voice in the church
~i'jlich must control its meml>ers." 5T :107,108.

9. Wha,t step was Paul desirous of taking among the Ga,latians'!

Why did he refrain from taking such a step? Galatians .~2.

NOTE: "False teachers had brought to the Galatians doctrines that

were opposed to the gospel of Christ. Paul sought to expose and
conect these enol's. He greatly desired that the false teachers might
be separated from the chmch, bu't their influence had affected so
many of the believers that it seemed hazardous to take action against
them. There was danger of causing strife and division which would
be ruinous to the spiritual interests of the chmch. He therefore sought
to impress upon his brethren the importance of trying to help one
ll.llother in love." 5T:243.

10. What is the first thing to be done whenever aUucUltles anse"(
What does success depend upon? Coloss~; Hebrews 11:32-34.
NOTE: "The path of men who are placed as leaders is not an easy
one. But they are to see in every difficulty a call to prayer. Never
are they to fail of consulting the great Source of all wisdom. Strength-
ened and enlightened by the Master-worker, they will be enabled to stand
firm against unholy influences, and to discern right from wrong,
good and evil. They will approve that which God approves, and
will strive eal'llestly against the introduction of wI'ong- principles
into His cause." PK:31.
"You need not go to the ends of the e,arth for wisdom, for
God is near. It is not the capabilities you now possess or ever
will have~ that will give you success. It is that which the Lord Ca)l
do for you. We need to have far less confidence in what men can
do and far more confidence in what God can do for every believing
soul." COL:146.
Lesson No. 12 Sabbath. December 16, 1967.

Key Tl'xt: "Bl'holrl, how goorl ':lllrl how pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in unity!" Psalm 133:1.
1. What is our great need? John 17:21-23.
NOTE: "Our great need is unity, perfect oneness in God's work."
2. What is the true meaning of Christian unity and what ~ ~
doe~ jt ,en;'llre?.I. Romans 14:.'i ([aRt part). ~ ~ _
~ "'" ........~ ~ . 1/ '
NOTE: "But let us remember that Christian unity dol'~ not mean
that the identity of one person is to be submerged in that of another;
~ does ;r-;;:;ean that the mi!!.d of one is to be led... and controlled
by the mind of another. God has not given to any man the power
that some, by word and ac,t, ~eek to claim. God requires every man
to stand free, and to follow fhe directions of the word." 8T :212.
3. What should be the attitude of the leading brffilren./fn order
that they may have a uniting influence upon the church? Acts 1 :14,;
/ .... I Corinthians 1:10; II Corinthians 13:11. ?.-.A'~MtH~
'/ '-- /i.LoL.- --~
, l'~OTE: "These men were to takc'thei.!·- p6s?'tion uniteclfy on til:
side of riQ'ht, and to maintain it. with firmness ann decisio'ii.-""'R!Jus they
L5Uld ha;;;-a uniting influence upon the eutire flock." AA :91.
..-"J~ --:T~32~"~;~" - ~~~..--<---
,~CV~-I'c?~r~ , ,.
4 On what condition would t:he church have success? John 17:11,23.
ANSWER: "Only as they WeI'e ~ist, could the dis-
ciples hope to have the accompanying power of the Holy ,Spirit, and
the co-operation of angels of heaven. With the help of these divine
'ngencies, they would pI'esent before the w'oTld a united front,
and would be victorious in the conflict they were com-
pelled to wage unceasingly against the powers of darkness. As they
should continue to labor unitedly, heavenly messengers would go
before them, openiiigthe way; hearts would be prepared for the re-
ception of truth and many would be won to Christ. So long as they
remained united, the church would go forth 'fair as the moon, clear
us the sun, ,and terrible as an army with banners'. Nothing could
withstand her onward progress. The church would advance from
victory to victory, gloriously fulfilling her divine mission of proclaiming
the gospel to the world." AA :90,91.
5. Of What is unity alJl0E-Z believer§ the reSult? John 15:1-10
:><r 1'4-~ ." ~t<;,.-. 1.4"'"
NOTE: "A union of believers with Christ will as a n,atural result
I;ad to a uJll..on-;W~ne ;noTiier:-:-:-" 5T:1V:-- . --' - -

6. What must be given up in order to ensure urgty in the C!lU~C~?L .ilL"",

(), ~ .f:"hilipplan}l 2:1-!j; I COLinthians 10:24,33~ ~"".~~--~ _'T/~
.7'/.Y A'" -1:-~qJQo' l-..r#'JU.Ao-..J--vCH<ra--~.. '"fr"~
aTE: "Whe'tl self-will is renounced in reference to matters there /
will be a union ot"beiievers ''lith Christ. This ,all should pray for
and work for determinedly, thus answering as far as po~sible the
prayer of Christ for unity in His church." 5T:94.
"We should seek for true goodness rather than greatness. Those
. who possess the mind of Christ will have hu..!!!ble views of themselves.
They will labor { 01'-- the' purity and prosperity of the churc.h, and be
ready to sacrifice their own interests and desires ra th er than to cause
dissension amo~thei!' ~thym. ,. _ &:r.:2~. / ~ / ~
~ .A"~_ ~.A~~~~u .
7. Whereby ay peace and unity be sacrificed? I Peter 5: ,3;
/ Galatians 5:26·.;,...rf~~ 9 ' ~ ~ / ~ ~
NOT]~: "By s~l pride, n desire to rlictate, nn ambitious longing
for honor or pOSItion, a lack of self-control, by the inrlulgence of
p,assion or prejudice, by instability or lack of judgment, the church
may be disturbed and her peace sacrificed." 5T:241.
8. What is the source of all genuine efforts for unity among t:he
P~d? Who prompts all anti-union efforts? I John 4:17-21.
NOT E: ., The p~en~ no7":;ifficult to l'e understood, and the
people whom God is leading will be united upon this broad, firm plat-
form. He will not use individuals of different raith, opinions, and
views, to scatter and divide. Heaven and holy angels an working
to unite, to bring into the unity of the faith, into the one body. Satan
opposes this, and is determined to scatter, and divide, and bring in
different sentiments, that the prayer of Christ may not be answered."
9. For what purpose has GOd "tempered the body together" in
church organization? I Corinthians 12:24,25. What frustrates
the prayer of Christ? '"-- h'-I .4 ~ ;1

[NOTE: "If one man takes his views of Bible truth without regard
to the opinion of his brethren, and justifies his course, alleging that
he has a right to his own peculiar views, and then presses them upon
others, how can he be fulfilling the prayer of Christ~ And if an-
other arises, and still another, each asserting his right to believe ancl
talk what he pleases without reference to the faith of the body, where
will be that harmony which existed between Christ and His Father, and
which Christ prayed might exist .among His brethren ~ Though
we have an individual work and an individual responsibility before
God, we are not to follow our own independent judgment, regardless
of the opinions and feelings of our brethren; for this course would
lead to disorder in the church." TM:29,30.
10. O~at }~p is unity absolutely dependent? I Corinthians 13:2"7.
• ~¥/~('~
NOTE: "Christ iaw that unity and Christian fellowst1J:p WEcre neces-
sary to the cause of God, therefore He enjoined ~p"Q;"Ris disciples.
And the history of Christianity fI:om that time until now [l"oves con-
clusively that i;L.union only is there strength. Let individual judgmynt
~Ibmit to th~.t!~.o~the church." 4T:19. ~~£fr _k tAJ·.{,~
11. What sort of unity is not endorsed by God? ~ Corintbians 5: 11;
c~. ~~i~~hY 3:5; Amos 3:3. .~.t~M~Av
,/,~'7 "'::.... ,e.-
NO'rE: "Our work is soon to close, and we are now to place our-
selves in working order in God's way. We are not to link ourselves
up~those who are not wise to discern what is the_:'I'.i~?,f_. Go.d.
We are to come out from· among them and be se]Jaratc. The em]
of all things is at hand, and the message of w.arning must be given.
A spirit of an~er is stirring the nations, and it wil] doon bl.: too late
tr. work for the Lord. Every deceivable deception will bE' brought·
ill, and the enemy 'will work with masterly powe't. Stronger and
strongpr will be his efforts, until in heaven it is said, 'It is finished '."
July 1905. (Lom::! Linda. Messages, page 185,par. 1).
"'Ve are not to unite with the rebellious, and call this charity. h
12. On what ground are we called upon to establish unity? John
NOTE: "Christ calls upon His foiJowers to coine into unity on the
I{ure gospel principles which ,are plail!ly. reve,aled in the word of G-2d,"
GW:391. ' -,-,-,.- H ' .. -..,.,

Lesson No, 13 Sa.bbath, Deeember 23, 19tH.
Key Text: "To the law :cmt! to the testimony: if they speak not
aecording to this word, it is beeause there is no light III them," 1sa. 8:~U.
1. What should the shepherds do before they wvocate new pOints
of doctrine? What will such a course prevent? Proverbs 1b:22.
NOTE: "1 saw that the shepherds should consult those in whom
th.£Y- hl,lve reas~n to have confidence, those who have been i~he
m~ages, and a'l'll firm in all the present truth, before they advoc.:lte
new iioiIits of importance, whieh they think the Bible sust:lins. Then
the shepherds will be perfectly united and the union of the shepherds
will be felt by the church, Such a course 1 S.:lW would prevent un-
happy divisions, and then there would be no danger of the precious
flock being divided and the sheep seattered without a shepherd."
2. What is the only sa.fety for us with reference to new light?
Proverbs 11: 14.
NOTE: "There ·are a thousand temptations in disguise prepared
for those who have the light of truth; and the only safety for any
of us is in receiving no new doctrine, no now interpretation of tho
Scriptures, without first submitting it _,t,Q brethren of experience.
Lay it before them in a humble, teachable spirit, with e.:J.l'llest prayer;
and if they see no light in it, yield to their judgment; for' in lhe
lllultitude of counselors there is safety.''' 5'f :293..
3. Give two main purposes for which the ministry has been es'tao-
lished in the church, What should they, on the one hand, prO-
mote, and, on the other hand, prevent? Ephesians 4:11-14.
4, What attitude is not endorsed by God, as far a.s special light
is concerned? Why? Ephesians 2:20-22; 4:1-6.
NOTE: "Let none be self-confident, as though God had given them
special light above their brethren, Chi-ist is represented as dwelling
in His people, Believers are l'epresented as 'built upon the foundation
of the apostles .:lnd prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the ehief
Cornerstone; in whom all.the building fitly framed together groweth
unto an holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also are builded to-
gether for an habitation of God through the Spirit.'" 5T: 291,292.

5. What method does God use when He \vants to send light to
His people? With what words did Paul warn the church in his
day? Acts 20: 29-31.
NOTE: "If he will work in fidelity and in harmony with God's
plan he will hear the sweet words, "Well clone " from the lips of the
Master. But if he rejects the klhors of God's servants, if he chooses
his own way and leans to his own understanding, he will surely make
shipwreck of faith. God ~8_ not passed His peo le by and chosen
olle solitary man here and anot!lcl: t.!.!.9LG- !l§.Jd1e onl' ones ~vorthy" to
iJe entrusted with His truth. He docs not give one man new light
!'ontrary to the established faith of the body. In every reforlJl, men
have arisen making this claim." 5T:291.
6. Wherein should we be very careful? Of what should we always
beware? Colossians 2:6-8. ...... t'<:::1 -c..L-c...I-
7. What will be the tendency of some men and women professing
to have new light? What fear did Paul express in this connection?
II Corinthians 11 :3,4,13-15.
NO'l'B: "Men and women will arise p·rofessing to have some new
light 01' some new revelation whose tendency is to unsettle faith in
the old landmarks." 5T: 295. --..----.
8. Since those who hold fast to the Head are lmit together in a
spdrituM body, by common joints and ligaments of faith and
experience, can anyone be connected with the Head so long as
he refuses to link up with the body? Colossians 2:18,19.
9. What is our duty conce!rning new light and pomts of controversy?
I Thessalonians 5: 2,1.
NO'l'E: "While we must \!01d fast to the truths which we have already
received, we 1l1usLnL,t look with sus )ieion upon ~I1IY new light lli.t Gwl
may send." GW:310. - u --_.. •

"Our brethren should be willing to investigate in a candid way

every point of controversy. If a brother is teaching error, those who
are in responsible positions ought to lUlo\-\' it; a).1 if he is teaching
.truth, they ought to take. th~~~al~.~!..~~.. We should all know
what is being taught :ll11ong us; for if it is truth, we need it." GW:
300,301. .
10. What directions has the Lord given us by which we may test
every doctrine? Isa·iah 8:20.
OTE: "If the light presented meets this test, we are not to re-
fuse to accept it because it does not agree with our ideas." GW:301.

Religious Liberty Publishing Association

43 Harrow Road, Auburn, N.S.W., AUST.

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