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SABBATH First and Second

Quarters 1953.

- .- -. --.
These Sabbath School Lessons are dedicated to
instruct our people in the important work of Bible
order and organization. Our success depends upon •
harmonious action and unity in doctrine and teaching', •
but can only be achieved by following the
divine plan given in the first Christian Church, Many
do not realize that ~der and organization are in-
dispenslble in the work of God, and consequently •
they lose everlasting life because they are unable •
• to work in fellowship with God's children and the
holy angels. By preserving the system of organization,
we IIhall grow in: the grace of God until we attain to
the stature of Christ. Eph. 4: 11-16,
"Some have advanced the thought that as we •
near the close of time, every child of God will act :
independently of any religious organization. But.
I have been instructed by t.he Lord that in this work :
there is no such thing as every man's being inde- •
pendent. The of heaven are all under law, :
• each influencing the other to do the will of God, •
yielding their common obedience to the law that •
controls their action. ~nd in order that the. Lord's :
• work may advance heulthfulIy and 1I0lidly, His people •
must draw together:' Testimonies to Ministers. •
:. p. 489: 3. :

When I consider thy heavens,
the work of thy fingers, the moon
and the stars, which thou hast
What is man, that thou art
mindful of him? and the son of
man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a
little lower than the angels, and
hast crowned him with glory and
honour. Ps. 8 : 3-5.

Religious Liberty Publishing Association

42 Prospect Rd., Summer Hill, N.S.W.,· Australia.
Lesson No. I.-Sabbath, January 3. 1953.
1. What basic diflerence has always existed between human
be.ings and other creatures? Ps. 8: 4·9.
2. For what reason was the earth originally made? Isa. 45 : 18:
Rev. 4: 11.
3. What is neceSSQlry where intelligent created beings have
relationship with each other?
"There is perfect order and harmony in the holy city. All
·the angels that are commissioned to visit the earth hold a
golden card, which they present to the angels at the gates
of the city as they pass in and out. Heaven. is a good place.
I long to be there, and behold my lovely Jesus, who gave His
life for me, and be changed into His glorious image. Oh, for
language to express the glory of the bright world to- com~1 I
thirst for the liVing streams that make glad the city of our God."
(E. W. 39: 2)
"The inhabitants of the place were of all sizes; they were
noble, majestic. and lovely. They bore the express image of
Jesus, and their countenances beamed with holy joy, expres-
sive of the freedom and happiness of the place." (E" W. 40)
NOTE: Wherever in!§llligent beings assemble in fellowship
Ihey must be governed by laws' and principles. For laws to have
power to regulate, there must be authority, therefore God
established constitutional rules and regulations which must
be obeyed.
4. Who was the first to administrate the laws that controlled
earth's creatures and lile? Gen. 2: 19. .
S. Who created and fixed' these laws? Ps. 8: 6-8

6. What were some 01 the gifts originally given to man by our

(a) The gift 01 choica. To obey or disobey, to receive the
the reward lor obedience and the penality for transgression-
according to the choice. Gen. 2: 16, 17.
(b) The gilt of laculties that could organize and plan.
Cen. 2: 15, 20 (first part).
(c) The capacity to worship and appreciate the blessings
of God. Gen. 4: 3, 4.
7. Who has absolutef control? To whom are all responsible?
Rom. 14: 11. 12.
8. What were two outstanding moral laws made for the
benefit of mankind at Eden? Matt. 19: 4-6. (marriage)
. Gen. 2 : 2. 3. (Sabbath)
"The Sabbath was not for Israel merely, but for the world.
It had been made known to man in Eden, and, like the oiher
precepts of the Decalogue, it is of imperishable obligation. Of
'that law of which the fourth commandment forms a part, Christ
declares, 'Till heaven and earih pass, one jot or one tittle shall
in no wise pass from the lexw.' So long as the heavens and the
earth endure, the Sabbath will continue as a sign of the
Creator's power. And when Eden shall bloom on earth again,
God's holy rest. day y,rill be honored by all beneath the sun.
'From one Sabbath to another' the inhabitants of the glorified
new earth shall go up 'to worship before Me, saith the Lord.'''
Matt. 5: 18; Isa. 66: 23. (D. A. 283: 2)

Lesson No. 2.-Sabbath, January 10. 1953.



1. In what other pa:tt of tha universe is order and organization

strictly maintained? I Cor. 15: 24·28.

2. How can it be known that organization existed in Heaven

before the creation of man? Ps. 103: 19-22.
3. "'''but ware the different degrees of authority instituted
end obeyed by heavenly intelligences?
John 14: 28) Father
12: 49) Different in degree, but one
15: 26) Son ) in purpose. I Cor. 12: 4-6.
I Cor. 12: 3) Holy Spirit )
',1: In -which way do Heavenly beings worship and reT.rence
God? Rev. 7: 10,12.
5. How do they assist man? Heb. 1: 14.

"One part of the ministry of heavenly angels is to visit

our world and oversee the work of the Lord in the hands of
His stewards. In every time of necessity they minister to
those w-ho as co-workers with God are striving to carry forward
His work in the earth. These heavenly intelligences are
represented as desiring to look into the plan of redemption,
and they rejoice whenever any part of God's work prosperi.
. "Angels are interested in the spiritual welfare of all whc.
are seeking to restore God's moral image in man; and the earth-
ly -family are to connect with the heavenly family in binding up
the wounds and bruises that sin has made. Angelic agencies,
though invisible, are cooperating with visible human agencies,
forming a relief-association with men. The very angels who
when Satan was seeking the supremacy fought the battI.e in
the heavenly courts, and triumphed on the side of God; the
very angels who shouted for joy over the creation of our world
and its sinless inhabitants;i the angels. who witnessed the fall
of man and his expulsion from his Eden horne,-these very
heavenly messengers are most intensely interested to work in
union with the fallen, redeemed race for the salvation of human
beings perishing in their sins," (6 T, 456: I, 2)

6. What is the great objective of the Lord of the univer..1

John 17: 21·23.
p:ch;is~eSignS that eaven's ord-;r>.<heave~s J!l an ;;II

e'{.er'rfib.ent:h"e~n's divine ~l'mony, shall be- represented in
}I-rs "churcll on earth, ""rhus i~is people He is glorified.
.h~u~ them e Su'rr-of Righteousn--ess will'sq,ine in un~e.<:!.
~tr~).o ~e 019"1 nst has given to His church ample-
facilities, t at He may receive a large revenue- of glory from
His redeemed, purchased possession. He has bestowed upon
His people capabilities and blessings that they may repre-
sent His own sufficiency. The church, endowed with the
righteousness of Christ, is His depositary, in which the riches
of His mercy, His grace, and His love, are to appear in full
and final display, Christ looks upon His people in their purity
and perfection, as the reward of His humiliation, and the sup-
plement of His glory-Christ the great Center, from whom
radiates all glory," (D. A. 680: 1)

'J. What interest had the heaveniy beings after the creation
of the earth? Job 38 : 7.
8. What reserve did God keep over the f$lllen angels? n Pet.
2: 4: Jude 6.
9. How effective and important was the application of law
and order in Heaven during the great rebellion? Rev. 12 : 9.
10. How closely related are the. laws which govern Heavenly
beings and human beings? _.1 Cor. 6 : 3: Matt. 18: 10.
"The church of God below is one with the church of God
above. Believers on the earth and the beings in heaven who
have never fallen constitute one church. Every heavenly
intelligence is interested in the assemblies of the saints who
on earth meet to worship God. In the inner court of heaven
they listen to the testimony of the witnesses for Christ in the
outer court on earth, and the praise and thanksgiving from the
worshipers below is taken up in the heavenly anthem, and
praise and rejoicing sound through the heavenly courts be-
cause ChrIst has not died in vain for the fallen sons of Adam."
(6 T. 366: 1)

Lesson No. 3.-Sabbath, January 17, 1953.

1. Wlho hClll supreme cont.ol of the whole universe and to
whom are all responsible? - .....
(a) Ro~. 14: 11. 12 by virtue of authorship. and owners'hip.
(b).I Cor. 6: 19, ~O by virtue of redemption.
2. Wh;at were two outsl,ancling laws made for the benefit
of 'mankind?
(a) Mal\l'iage (Matt. 19: 4-6).
(b) Sabbath keeping (Gen. 2: 2, 3).
3, ,Where can we find the comprehensive statement of the
relationships between:-
{aj Man and God.
(b) Man and Man.
(c) Man and the Church of God.

ANSWER: (a) and (b) Matt. 22: 36-39. (c) Matt. 18: 20; 16: i9.
4. .Whom should we heed in times of crisis, and when
principles are involved? Acts 5 : 29: Eccl. 5 : B,
5. What respect and obedience must be renedered to the
earthly rulers? Matt. 22: 21: Rom. 13: 7.
6. To whom does the expression " higher powers" in Rom.
13 ; 1 refer? (See 1 T. 360: 3: 361: I, 2 f.p.)
"David's power had been given him by God, but to be
exercised only in harmony with the divine law. When he
commanded that which was contrary to God's law, it became'
sin to obey. 'The powers that be, are ordained of God: b.ut. we
are not to obey them con'trary to God's law. The apostle Paul,
writing to the Corinthians, sets forth the principle by which
we should be governed. He says, "Be ye followers ot me,
even as I also am of Christ." (P. P. 719: 3)

7. What law is comprehended in the instruction given by

the Apostle Paul in Rom. 13: l3? Verses B-I0.
B. What perfect ideal is set for all men? Pa. 133: I.
"It is the will of God that union and brotherly love ;>hotitd
exist among his people. The prayer of Christ just before' his'
crucifixion was that his disciples might be one as he 1S 'one
with the Father, that the world might believe that God' had
sent him. ["ThiS most touching and wonderful prayer reaphes
down! the ages, even to our day; lor his words were, 'Neither )
pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe
on me through their word.' While we are not to sacrifice one
principle of truth, it should be our constant aim to reach this
state of un\V (P. P. 520: 3)
9. How far should the habits and customs of the unbelievet"s
affect God's people Lev. 18: 3-5: Jer. 10: 2.
"The law of love being the foundation of the government
of. God, the happiness of all intelligent beings depends. upon
their perfect accord with its great principles of righteousness.
God desires from all his creatures the servi,ce of love,-service-
that springs fromi an appreciation of his character. He. takes
no pleasure in a forced obedience; and to all he grants free-
dom of will, that they may render him voluntary service."
·(P; P. ·34 : 3)
Lesson No. 4.-Sabbath, January 24, 1953
1. After the fall of Adam, did the organized worship cease?
Where did they worship? Gen. 4: 3, 4.
'''At the cherubim-guarded gate of Paradise the divine
glory Vias revealed. Hither came Adam and; his sons'to wor-
ship God. Here they renewed their vows of obdience to that
lavr the transgression of which had banished them from Eden.
When the tide of iniquity overspread the world, and the wicked-
ness of men determined their destruction by a flood of waters,
.the hand that had planted Eden withdrew it from the earth."
(P: P. 62: 2)
2. In what hope was tlhe heart of Adam firmly fixed?· Gen.
3 : 15. Rom. 5: 12, 13, 15.
NOTE: From the simplest lorm, the Church economy developed,
but basically all the lesser and greater leatures of it were
under· divine instruction and Gospel Order.
. ... '. ",".

3 , For .how long did Noah urge the people to observe the
_, true. Pirinciples? Gen. 6: 3.
4. What similar characteristic 'is known of Enoch and Noah?
Gen. 5 : 24: 6: 9.
. 5; What is known of God's purpose in the sacrificial service
after the flood?
6. How was Church organization again established? Gen,
'8':'20, 21.
. 7. .How did Satan try to subvert the people from God'•
. specific rules? Gen. 11: 1-14.
8. How did the Lord defeat this subtle plan? Gen. 11 : 5.9•.

9: .What great counterfeit of the true Church, and cou~terpart

of ancient Babylon. is existent today? Rev. 17: 3-5.
10. ,iWhat great organized work shall be seen before the
second coming of Jesus? Rev. 18: 1, 2.

Lesson No. 5.-Sabbath, January 31, 1953.
I. What conditions existed in the Un,iverse before Satan',
rebellion? How were these conditions possible?
"So long as all created beings acknowledged the allegiance
of love, there was perfect harmony throughout the universe
of God'. TheY delighted in reflecting his glory and showing
forth his praise. And while love to God was supreme, love
for one another was confiding and unselfish. There was no
note of discord to mar the celestial harmonies."· (P. P. 35 : I)
2. From whence come wars? James 4: 1·3.
3. What solemn declaration was made by God after Satan',
desire to indulge in self·exaltation? Ezek. 28: 17.
4. What events led to his being cast out of heaven? Rev.
12: 7·9.
5. Where does Satan now exert his influence? I Pet. 5 : 8.
"Satan, the great adversary, is on the track of every trans-
gressor of God's holy law, and he who is no~ sensible of his
danger, and does not earnestly seek shelter in the etrnal
refuge, will fall a prey. to the destroyer." (P. P. 517: 2)
6. What provilrion was made anciently for those who un·
knowingly and unintentionally killed any person? Joshua
20 : 1·5.
7. When could he receive the penalty for his involuntary
action? Joshua 20 : 6.
8. What did these cities symbolize?
ANSWER: "The cities of refuge qppoin.ted for God's
ancient people were· a symbol of the refuge provided in Christ.
The same merciful Saviour who appointed those temporal
cities of refuge, has by the shedding of his own blood provided
for the transgressors of God's law a sure retreat, into which
they may flee for safety from the second death. No power can
take out of his hands the souls that go to him for pardon."
(P. P. 516: 3)

/ ; "The church is God's fortress, His city of refuge, which
He holds in a revolted world. Any betrayal of the church
is treachery to Him who has bought mankind with the
blood' of His only begotten Son," (A. A. II : 2)
. What agency does the Lord use to restore the original
universal peace? John 8 : 32; I Tim. 3 : IS.
"The church is God's agency for the proclamation of truth,
empowered by Him to do~ a special work; and if she is loyal
to Him, obedient to all His commandments, there will dwell
within her the excellency of divine grace. If she will be true
to her allegiCmce, if she will honor the Lord God of Israel,
there is no power that can stand against her." (A, A. 600: 2)
"Truth, passing by those who despise and reject it, will
triumph. Although at. times apparently retarded, its progress
has never been checked. When the message of God meets
with opposition, He gives it additional force, that it may exert
greater influe~ Endowed wtih divine energy, it will cut
it~ way through the strongest barriers, and triumph over every
obstacle." (A. A. 601: I)

Lesson No. 6.-Sabbath, February 7, 1953.


1. What is the period of the Patriarchal Church? Ex. 3 : 6.
NOTE: This: period is considered to be from Abraham to
the twelve son's of Israel.
2. How can we know thai the Patriarchal dispensation fol-
lowed a ,definite system of worship?
(a) Abraham: Gen. 13: 8 14: 19, 20.
(b) Isaac: Gen. 26: 24, 25
(c) Jacob Gen. 33: 18, 20.
3. What is said of Esau and his rejection of the true order
of worship? Heb. 12: 17.
4. What wa~foretol<.l of Goel's people and their bondage
in E'~ypt? Gen. IS: 13-I€l.

5. What further steps were ta]<en in the Church of God
after their delive:rance?
NOTE: Increased light was given and enlargement was
.,1ade in the Church services. This was to include laws such as:
The Ceremonial Ex. 20: 4-17.
The Moral .... Lev. chapters 1-27.
The Civil Numbers chapters 1-10.
The Judicial .... Ex. 18: 24 : -26
The Educational .... Ex. 18: 19-21.
The Defense Deul. 20: 1-20.
"Soon after the encampment at Sinai, Moses was called
up into the mountain to meet with God. Alone he climbed the
steep and rugged path, and drew near to the cloud that
marked' the place of Jehovah's presence. Israel was now to
be taken into a close and peculiar relation to the "Most High,
-to be incorporated as a church and a nation under the
government of God." (P. P. 303: 1)
6. How faithful was Moses to the L"ord's instruction? Ex.
39: 43.
7. By what system was the Mosaic code known? Col. 2 : 14-17.
8. For how long did it continue? Matt. 27: 51.
9. How were the two sets of laws (Moral and Ceremonial)
distinguished? Deut. 31 : 24-26.
10. W·hat was required besides sacrifices? Lev. 4: 5, 6; Ex.
18 : 25, 26.

Lessc1n No. 7.-Sabbath, February 14, 1953.


1. In which way, has the will of God been made known in
each succeeding generation? Amos 3: 7; Deut 6: 7.
2. What reserve does the Lord hold? Deul. 29 : 29.
3. In which way did the Lord give specific instruction through
the prophet? Jer. 1 : 9, 10.

4. What other individuals were connected with the ministry?
! Chron. 27: 32 (Man); Weh. 13: 13; Neh. 11: 19.
5. Upon what source of information were the men of God
to rely? Matt. 2: 9.
6. What warnings were given against incorpCll1ating worldly
practices and ideas? Jer. 19: 5. 7.
7. What was considered infallible? Ps. 100: 5.
B. When could it be mown that the Church was endowed
with God's blessing'? Jet'. 29: 13. 14.
9. 'What results followed when the order and organization
became weak and perverted?, Isa. 9: 13·17.
10. Who was Israel's invisible leader? What had He pro-
mised? Ex. 33: 14.
11. What did Jesus teach? Matt. 22: 16.

Lesson No. S.-Sabbath February 21. 1953.


1. What is the meaning of the Church? t Cor•. 12 : 12.
NOTE: The word "church" is our rendering of the Greek
word "Elclclesia" which means, that which is "called out ".
A church is a group of organized individuals holding the
same faith and doctrines, united in Christian fellowship all
over the world.
2. Upon what foundation and consfitution, i.e: church disci·
pline, is the Church established? Matt. IS: 15·1B.
NOTE: By accepting the privileges and obligations ot
Christicm religion, the person is called into the society of others
who believe the same principles and doctrines. They, the
members of the body. enloy fellow.ship with one another and
with Jesus. Christ who is the head of the Church.
3. Who is the head of· the. Church? Eph. 5: 23; 1: 22. 23.
"Human power and hum(T>'\ might did not establish the

: 12
church of God, and neither can they destroy it. N~t on the
rock of human strength, but on Christ Jesus, the Rock of Ages
was the church' founded." (P. K. 595: 3)

4. Has God a visible.. Chu!ch on earth? •• ~

-r.~- itt- ",.~ • ...u-.. - - - .
ANSWE·: "Through centurIes of persecution, conflict.
and darkness, God hasi sustained Hie church. Not one cloud
'has fallen upon it, that He has not prepared for; not one
.opposing force has risen to counterwork His work, that Be
has' not foreseen. All has taken place as He predicted. He
- has not left His church forsaken, but has- traced in prophetic
declaration what would occur, and that which His Spirit in"
spired the prophets to foretell has been brought about. All
His purposes will be fulfilled. His law is linked with His
throne, and no power of evil can destroy it. Truth is Inspired
and guarded by God; and it will t~iumph over all opposition."
(A. A. 11 : 3.)

S. What is made kno-wn in God's Church? Eph. 3 : 9, 10.

NOTE: Through the members of the visible church:

6. With' whom is the Church linked? By what means? Heb.

12: 22, 23.

7. What spirit prevails in the woll'1d and even affects indi-

viduals in the Church? 11 Cor. 7 : S.

"The world is filled with strife for the supremacy. The

spirit of pulling avray from fellow-laborers, the spirit of dis-

organization, is in the very air we breathe, By some, all
efforts to establish order are regarded as dangerous,-as a
restriction of personal liberty, and hence to be feared as
popery. These deceived souls regard it a virtue to boast 01
their freedom to think and act independently. They declare
that they will not take any man's say so; that they are amen-
able to no man. I have been instructed that it is Satan's effonr "tl
to lead men to feel that God is pleased to have them choose ~ '4
.their own course, independent of the counsel of their brethren."
(G, W. 486:2) -

8. What is the spiritual application of the "plucking" of the

eye and "cutting off of the hand" mentioned in Matt.
S : 29, 30? Rom. 8 : 12, 13.

"Christ has plainly taught that those who persist in open
sin must be separated from the church; but He has not com-
mitted to us the work of judging character and motive."
(C. O. L. 71 : 3)
"I then saw the third angel. Said my accompanying
angel; 'Fearful is his work. Awful is his mission. He is the
angel that is tO'select the wheat from the tares, and seal, or
bind, the wheat for the heavenly garner. These things should
engross the whole mind, the whole attention.'" (E. W. 116: 1)

Lesson No. 9.-Sabbath, February 28, 1953.


1. What dangers threatened the people of God as they
neared the borders of Canaan? Num. 14: 1-4.
"Thus they accused not only Moses, but God himself, of de-
creption, in promising them a land which they were not able
10 possess. And they went so far as to, appoint a captain to
lead them back to the land of their suffering and bondage,
from which they had been delivered by the strong arm 01
Omnipotence." (P. P. 389: 2)
2. What was the truth regarding those things which the
spies had seen? Num. 14: 7·9.

• 3. How was this uprising quieted? Num. 14: 10·12.

"The Canaanites had Iilled up the measure 01 their iniquity,
and the Lord' would no longer bear with them, His protection
being removed, they would be an easy prey. By the covenant
of God, the land was insured to Israel. But the false report
of the unfaithful spies vras accepted, and through it the whole
congregation were deluded. The traitors had done their work.
II only the two men had brought the evil report and all the ten
had encouraged them to possess the land in the name of the
Lord, they would still have taken the advice of the two in
preference to the ten, because of their wicked unbelief. But
there were only two advocating the right, while ten were on
the side of rebellion." (P. P, 390: 1)
4. With what great promise did the Lord encourage the
Ministry at that time? Num. 14: 21.
5. When will this promise be fully consumated in spiritual
Israel? Rev. 18 : 1.
"Graciously the Lord responded, 'I have pardoned ac'-
cording to thy word.' And then He imparted to Moses, in the
form of a prophecy, a knowledge of His purpose concerning
the final triumph' of Israel. 'As truly as I live,' He declared,
'all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord.' God's
glory, His character, His ~erciful kindness and tender love,
-that which Moses had pleaded in behalf of Israel, W'ClS to be
revealed to all mankind. And this promise of Jehovah was
made doubly sure; it was confirmed by an oath. As surely
as God lives and reigns, His glory should be declared 'among
the heathen, His wonders among all people."
"It was concerning the future fulfillment of this prophecy
that Isaiah had heard the shining seraphim singing before the
tnrone, 'The whole earth is full of His glory.' The prophet,
confident of the certainty of these words, himself afterward
boldly declared of those who were bowing down to' images
of wood and stone, 'They shall see the glory' of the Lord, and
the excellency of our God.'
"Today this prophecy is meeting rapid fulfillment. The
missionary activities of the church of God on earth are bearing
rich fruitage, and soon the gospel message will have been
proclaimed to all nations." (P. K. 313 : 1, 2, 3,) ....
6. What happened to those who scattered the' fal!!c reports?
Num. 14: 36, 37.
7. Who did Satan use for the same purpose shortly af~r­
wards? Num. 16: 1.
8. How quickly and widespread did this rebellion extend?
Num. 16 :49.
9. What special lessons may we learn from these incitlent!\',.
ANSWER: "The Hebrews were not willing to submit to
the directions and restrictions of the Lord. They were restless
under restraint, and unwilling to receive reproof. This was the
secret of their murmuring against Moses. Had they been left
free to do as they pleased, there would have been fewer
complaints against their leader. All through the history ot
the. church, God's servants have had the same spirit to mee·t."
(P. P. 404 : 1) . .

10. How did the Lord consider the actions of these melt
whIch had taken against the servants of the Church?
ANSWER: "But Korah and his companions rejected light
until they became so blinded that the most striking manifest-
ations of his power were not! sufficient to convince them; they
attributed' them all to human or satanic agency. The same
thing was done by the· people, who the- day cilter he destruc-
tion of Korah and his company came to Moses and Aaron,
saying" 'Ye have killed the people of the Lord.' Notwith-
standing they had had the most convincing evidence of God's
displeasure at their course, in the: destruction of the men who
had deceived them, they dared to attribute his judgments to
Satan, declaring that through the power of the evil one, Moses
and Aaron had caused the death of good and holy men. It w'as
this act that sealed their doom. They had committed the sin
against the' Holy Spirit, a sin by which man's heart is effect-
ually hardened against the influence of divine grace. 'Who-
soever speaketh a word against the Son of man', said Christ,
'it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever speaketh against the
Holy Gh'ost, it shall not be forgiven him.' These words were
spoken by our Saviour when the gracious works which he had
performed through the er of God were attributed by the
, ews to Belzebub. ..,}I is th~ough(j~~gencJ'o t~:; ol}: ~.Y'it'
't at-God comm mca e, lth'man; and1hos <V'ho dehoe tely
rejec this" acfenc£ as sa>ani'c,/. ~v~ut~ff/th( cliannel.{,l.

com£uilicatior{b~t' een/the/soul ana/Hea en."/W P. 405/

Lesson No. 10.-Sabbath, March 7, 1953.


1. When did Jesus establish the apostolic Church? Mark
3: 13, 14.
"It was at· the ordination of the twelve that the first step
was taken in the organization of the church that after Christ's
departure was to carryon His work on the earth." (A. A. 18: 1)
NOTE: 'Almost from the commencement of His ministry,
Christ organized his Church. He ordained its officers and
~stablished its principleS' and constitution.

2. Why did ,Jesus separate completely from the apostatized
church? Malt. 23: 37·39.
"The Sanhedrin had rejected Christ's message and was
bent upon His death; therefore Tesus departed from Jerusalem,
from the priests, the temple, the religious leaders,. the people
w.ho had been inst.ructed in the law, and turne,d to another
class to proclaim His message, and to gather out those who
should carry the gospel to all nations." (D. A. 232 :.1) ,

3. What is said of the faithful remnant? Rev. 12: 17.

"As the light and life of men was rejected by the ecclesi- '
astical authorities in the days of Christ, so it has been i"e,
jected in every succeeding generation. Again and again
the history of Christ's wilhdrqwal from Judea has been~
peated. When the Reformers preached the word of God, they
had no thought of separating themselves from the establisHed
church, but the reJig,ious leaders would not .tolerate the light.
and 'those that bore' it were forced to seek another class, who
vrere longing for the truth. In our day few of the 'professed
followers. of the Reformers are actuated by their spirit. Few
are listening for the voice of God, and ready: to ~ccept truth
in' whatever guise it may be presented. 'Of.ten those who
follow in the steps of the Reformers are forced to turn away
from the churches they love, in order to declar,e the plain
teaching of the word of God. And many times those who are
seeking for light are by the same teaching obliged' to leave-
the church of their fathers, that they may render obedience."
(D. A. 232: 2)
4. Why was it necessary t~ separate froIJ:! backslidden
,Israel? Matt. 23 : 13. 15.
"Christ told the TeVIS at Nazareth a fearful truth when He
declared that with backsliding lsreel there was no safety
for the fai1hful messenger of God. They would not know hi&
north or appreciate hi~ labors. While the Tewish leaders pro-
fessed to have great zeal for the honor of God and the good
of Israel, they were enemies of both. By precept and example
they were leading the people farther an-:l brlher from obedi-
ence to God.-Ieading them where He could not be their
defense in the day of trouble." (A. A. 417: 1)
5. Who were the foundation members of the Apostoli~
Church? Luke 12 :32.
"Notwithstanding Israel's failure as a nation, there re-
mained among' them a goodly remnant of such as should be
saved. At the time of the Saviour's advent, there were faith-
ful men and women who had received with gladness the
message of John the Baptist and had thus been led to study
anew the prophecies concerning the Messiah. When the early
Christian church was founded, it was composed of these faith-
ful Je,ws 'who recognized Jesus of Nazareth as the one for
whose advent they had been longing. It is to this remnant
that Paul refers when he writes, 'If the first-fruit be' holy, the
lump is also holy; and if the root be holy, so are the branches.' ..
(A. A. 376 : 2)
6. What should be understood by "The Remnant"? Zeph.
~: 12, 13.

"Through unbelief and the rejection of Heaven's purpose

for her, Israel as a nation had lost her connection with: God.
But the branches that had been separated from the parent
stock God was able to reunite with the true stock of Israel
-the remnant who had remained true to the God of their
fathers. 'They also: the apostle declares of these broken
branches, 'if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted
ill!: for God is able to graft them in again.''' (A. A. 376: 2)
7. Why do many fail to understand and recognize the need
to "follow the lamb withersoever He goeth"? Maft. 13 : 14·16.
"There are many who make but little progress in the
divine life, because they are too selfsufficient to occupy the
position of learners. They are content with a superficial know-
ledge of .God's word. They do not wish to change their faith
or practice, and! hence make no effort to obtain greater light."
(A. A. 283 : 2)
8.' What were the fundamental principles of the Church of
Christ? Malt.- chapters 5. 6.

9. What was the gospel message based upon? Mark 1 : IS.

"The burden of Christ's preaching was. 'The time is ful-
filled, the: kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe
the gospel.' Thus the gOE)'cl ~essage, as given by the
Saviour Himself, was based on the prophecies. The 'time'
which He declared to be fulfilled was the period made known
by the angel Gabriel to Daniel." (D. A. 232: 5)
10. To whom was the message to be particularly direct:ed
and why was so much time spent in Galilee? Matt. 10: 6.
"The people of Galilee were despised by the rabbis of
Jerusalem as rude and unlearned, yet they presented, a more
favourable field for the Saviour's \·rork. They were more
earnest and sincere; less under the control of bigotry; their
minds were more open for the reception of truth. In going to
Galilee, Jesus vras not seeking seclusion or isolation. The
province was at this time the home of a crowded population,
with a much larger admixture of people of! other nations than
was lound in Judea." (D. A. 232: 3)

Lesson No. ll.-Sabbath, March 14. 1953.

1. What are the three main feaiures of the Church?
ANSWER: (a) Rules of Faith (b) Members (c) Authority.
Rules of Faith: are given through the channel of the Holy
Spirit using various agencies, as prophets, etc. lIThess. 2: 15;
I Cor. 11 : 2.
Membership depends upon certain visible evidence. Certain
specified steps must be taken belore a person can be con-
sidered as suitable for fellowship.
Authority is applied by mutual co-operation of al!. Malt. 16 : 19;
2. For how long will the true church remain? Matt. 16: 18.
NOTE: The Church will continue to be a channel of God's
appointment and the agency through which he will mqnifest
His power and glory.
3. What instruction is given for the days preceding th9
Second Coming of Christ? Hob. HI: 25.
4. How long 'do individuals remain members of the body?
Heb. 3 : 6: Rev. 3 : 5, 21.

s. Uow long does .the Ch\;lrch rl!main a chosen vellsel for
His h~nor? U ehron. 15: 2; Zech. 3 : 7.

6. How many members may constitute a church? Mall. 18 : 20.

"Those who in any place were by his labor led to accept

Christ as the Saviour, were, at the proper time, organized into
a church. Even when the believers were but feW' in number,
this ....m s done. The Christians were thus taught to help one
another; remembering the promise, 'W"here two or three are
gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of
them." (A. A. 186)
7. If it isevide~ that the church is in apostasy, what should
the members do? Ex. 23 : 1-3.
"After a long and severe conflict. the faithful feW' decided
to dissolve all union with the apostate church if she still
refused to free herself from falsehood and idolatry. They
saw that separation was an absolute necessity if they would
obey the word of God. They dared not tolerate errors fatal to
their own souls, and set an example which would imperil the
faith of their children and children's children. To secure
peace and unity they were ready to make any concession
consistent with fideliiy to God; but they felt that even peace
would be too dearly purchased at the sacrifice of principle.
If unity could be secured only by compromise of truth and
righteousness, then let there be dilference, and even war."
(G. C. 45: 3)
8. How often was this necessary during the Christian dispen-
sation? Rev.2: ; 3: 22.

9. Why is it essanHal for a clear stand to be taken when the

Church is in apostasy? U Cor. 6: 14·17.

"Whoever solicits to sin is a tempter. Whoever {mitates

the gr<eat deceiver becomes his aid. Those who give" their
influence to sustain an evil work are doing Satan's drudgery."
(5 T. 103) "

10. How close is the relationship of all memebers? I Cor.

12: 25, ::6.
11. Is there any neutral stand for the Church, or its members?
Matt. 12: 30.
"This statement holds its force in ali ages. On the church
has been confer~red the power to act in Christ's stead:. It i&
God's insirumentalily for the preservation of order and disci-
pline among His people. To it the Lord has delegated the po:wer
to settle all questions respecting its prosperity, purity, and
order. Upon it rests the responsibility of excluding from its
fellowship those who are unworthy, who by their unchrist-
like conduct would bring dishonor on the truth. Whatever the
church does that is in: accordance with the directions given in
God:s word, will be ratified in heaven." (G. W. 501: 4)
"Deal faithfully with wrong-doing. Warn every soul that
is in danger. Leave none to deceive themselves. Call' sin by,
jts right name. Declare what God has said in regard to lying,
Sabbath- breaking, stealing, idolatry, and every other evil.'
'They which do such things shall not inherit the king.dom of"
God.' If they persist in s'in the judgment you have declared
from God's word is pronounced upon them in heaven. In '
choosing to sin, they disown Christ; the church must show that
she does not sanction their deeds, or she hersell dishonors'
her Lord. She must say about sin what God says about ii.
She must deal with it as God directs, and her action is ratified
in heaven. He who despises the authority of the church,
despises the authority of Christ Himsell." (G. W. 502: 2)

Lesson No. 12.-Sabbath. March 21. 1953.

1. What other Church was incorporated in the Church 01
Christ? John 3 : 23.
2. How were they given fellowship? Acts 19: 1-3.
3! Were any of the moral or spiritual rules abrogated by
the Apostolic dispensation? Matt. 23 : 3.
NOTE: Christ admonished the believers to follow the
good 'doctrine, 'hot the evil example of the scrioes and Pharisees.
4. How were the Churches established in the different coun-
tries? Acts 16: 4. 5.
"As an important factor in the spiritual growth of the new

converts, the apostles were careful to surround them with the
safeguards of gospel order. Churches were duly organized in
all places in Lycaonia and Pisidia where there were believers.
Officers were appointed in each church, and proper order and
system was established for the conduct of all the affairs per-
taining to the spiritual welfare of the believers." (A. A. 185: 2)
5. How extensive was this work to be? Matt. 28: 19. 20;
Acts l: 8.
6. ' How were the Churches organized Rom. 12: 4·9.
7. By the proper procedure and ~der, how quickly did the
missionary work spread? Rom. 10: 18.
8~ Where were the converted believers aU directed? Act.
2 :47. ;
'9. What danger did Paul. the Apostle, see and what did he
do about it? Acts 19: 9.
"The Spirit of God had wrought with and through Paul in
his labors 'for his countrymen. Sufficient evidence had been
presented to convince all who honestly desired to know the
truth. But, many permitted themselves to be controlled by
prejudice'and unbelief, and refused to yield to the most con-
clusive evidence'. Fearing that the- faith of the believers
Vrould be'cemdangered by continued association with these
opposers o~ he' truih, Paul separated from them, and gathered
the disciRles into a distinct body, continuing his public in-
structions'in the school of Tyrannus, a teacher of some note."
(A. A. 285 : 3) ,
Ie> What was the four-fold platform of the Apostolic Church?
Acts 2: 42.

LesRon No. 13.-Sabbath. March 28. 1953.

1. What special blessings are provided by the Church?
At-lSWER: .Privileges
(a) .I Cor. 3: 9. Co-workers with God.

(b) Eph. 2: 19-22. Fellow-citizens with the saints.
(c) 1 Cor. 10: 2, 4, 17. Privileged to participate in the
Lord's supper, etc.
"The inidvidual is endowed by the Creator with certain
inalienable rights which are his to exeroise and enjoy as a
member of society. He is governed in the exercise of those
rights and privileges by the social order under which he lives.
Some of these rights and privileges are limited in so far as
they touch the general interests and welfare of society and the
liberties and privileges of other individuals. This is a funda-
mental principle of social order and citizenship.
"This same fundamental principle is recognized in church
relationships. The individual is a free' moral agent, endowed
with certain rights and privileges which under God are his
to enjoy and exercise as a Christian without let or hindrance.
However, there are certain governing principles which, as a
member of a church, he as an individual recognizes, that will
limit the exercise of some of these powers that are his, in har-
mony with the general good of the church.
"When (Tn inaivi'dual comes into church relationship as a
baptized believer in ·the Lord Jesus, he surrenders or lays down
at the threshold of the church certain privileges or rights
which are his as an individual, while he retains and continues
tCi exercise other privileges and rights over which the church
does not exercise control.
"Among those rights which he retains as a member of
the church is the exercise of faith in the Lord Jesus for the
saving of his soul, the study of God's word, private, family,
and public prayer, the privilege of speaking and testifying
to the glory of God, of working for the salvation of the lost,
and many others.
"In all matters that pertain to the general good of the
body, such as the establishment of standards of conduct. of
articles of faith, doctrines, or teachings, methods and plans of
work in and for the church, rules governing the conduct of. the
affairs of the church. ek., the individual recognizes the author-
ity of the church.
"In these matters the member says, 'I will accept the voice
of the church: recognizing that he always has the right of
discussion and vote as a member of the church, in the decision
regarding what the policies, plans, and standards shall bs.

"While this covenant relationship between the individual
al'\d the church is not always expressed in writing or in printed
formi nor is it always expressed in publio statement, yet it is
recognized as a fundamental, basic principle of church coven-
ant and relationship." (Organization and Administration 124,
125., by Montgomery)
(a) John 20: 21. As workers we are sent into God's
(b) Gal. 6: 10. All need our help.
"Everyone who connects himself with the church makes
in that act a solemn vow to work for the interest of the church,
and to hold that interest above every worldly consideraion. It
is his work to preserve a living connection with God, to engage
w:ith heart and soul in the great scheme of redemption, and
to show, in his life and character, the excellency of God's
ccmmandme.nts in contrast with the customs and precepts of
the world. Every soul that has made a profession of Christ
has pledged' himself to be all that it is possible for him to be
as a spiritual worker, to be active, zealous, and efficient in his
Master's service. Christ expects every man to do his duty;
let this be the watchworcl throughout the ranks of his followers."
(ST. 460: 1)
.'3', H~ should each oUicer. treat his particular oUice?
····4: 10. .
i Pet.
NOTE: The' officer9 are not selected forever, they can be
changed if they are not a blessing in the advancing of the
cause of the Church. The office however must needs remain
and suitable persons be used in administering these offices
on behalf of the Church.
4. What motive should characterize our service. Col. 3 : 17, 23.

5, What privilege and duty has the' individual when he is no

longer in harmonny with the Church principles?
'.'We recognize that the essence of true religion is that
religion is based upon conscience and conviction. It is there-
~f;re to 'be con8'lan:tly our purpose that no selfish interest or
temporai adva·ntage shail draw any person to our cmmunion,
and that .no tie shall hold any member save the belief and
conviction that in this way he finds true connection with Christ.
When change of conviction loads any member of our society
to feel no longer in accord with us in faith and practice, we
recognize not only his right, but his duty, to change his re-
ligious affiliation to accord with his belief." (Organtzatlon
and Administration 130: 1, by Montgomery)
6. HovT great was the love of Jesus for this ,church? Eph.
5 25.

Lesson No. 14.-Sabbath. April 4. 1953.

1. WithPthe increasing growth of the Church in the Eph8lian
period. what became necessary? Acts 6: 1-4.
"The disciples of Jesus had reached a crisis in their ex-
perience. Under the wise leadership of the apostles, who
labored unitedly in the power of the Holy Spirit, the work
committed to the' gospel messengers was developing rapidly.
The church was continually enlarging, and this growth in
membership brought increasingly heavy burdens upon those
in charge. No: one m<;m, or even one set of men, could con-
tinue to bear these burdens alone. without imperiling the
tuture prosperity of the church. There was necessity for a
further distribution of the responsibilities which had been
borne so faithfully by a few during the earlier clays of the
church, The apostles must now take an important step 1n the
perfecting of gospel order in the church. by laying upon
others some of 'the burdens thus far borne by themselves,"
(A. A. 88: 2)
2. How was the selection for the local needs conducted?
Acts 6: 5. 6: Deut. 1 : 16. 17.
3. In which way would the effectiveness of the Gospel be
weakened in the Church? U Thess. 3 : 6, 11.
4. W:hat are we told concerning those who desire to unsettle
the faith of t'he body? Rom. 16: 17. 18: E. W. 256.

5. Where do we find a heaven-approved system 01 govern- \

ment in operation? Numbers 9: 15-18. 23.
6. When was this system changed? I Sam. 8: 6. 7.
"Those who act a part in God's cause are not to follow
the example of worldlings. The voice of God is to be heeded.
He who depends on men for strength and influence leans un
a broken reed." 6 T. 249: 3.

7. How long; wart this example to remain? I Cor. 10: 6.

"Thou shalt make no covenant with them, 'God had said,
and those who had recently rededicated themselves to the Lord
at ihe altar set up before the ruins of His temple, realized
that the line of demqrcation between His people and the world
is ever to be kept unmistqkqbly distinct. They refused io enter
into alliance with those who, though familiar with the re-
quirements of God's law, would not yield to its claims.
"The principles set forth in Deuteronomy for the instruction
of Israel, are to be followed by God's people to the end of time.
True prosperity is dependent on the continuance of our coven-
ant relationship with Go.,d. Never can we afford to compromise
principle by entering into alliance with those who do not fear
Him." (P. K. 570: I, 2)
8. What advice does the Apostle Paul give regarding fel-
lowship in these days of growing darkness? Heb. 10: 24. 25.
9. Under what symbol do the scriptures refer to the Church?
Acts 20 : 28: Zeph. 2: 8.
"W:e are numbered with Israel. All the instruction given
to the Israelites of old concerning the education and training
of their children, all the promises of blessing through obedience,
are for us." (M. H. 405: 1)
10. In which dispensation are we now living? Joel 2: 28-32.
"The dispensation in which we are now living is to be,
to those that ask, the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. Ask for

His blessing. It is time we were more intense in our .devotion.
To us is committed the arduous, but happy, glorious work of
revealing Christ to those who are in d'arkness. We are called
to proclaim the special truths for this time. For all this the
outpouring of the Spirit is essential. We should pray for it.
The Lord expects us to ask Him. We have not been whole-
hearted in this work." (T. M. 511 : 3)
"What can I say to my brethren in the name of the Lord?
What proportion of our efforts has been made in accordance
with the light the Lord has been pleased to give? We can
not depend upon form or external machinery. What we need
is the quickening influence of the Holy Spirit of Godi 'Not by
might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.'
Pray without ceasing, and watch by working in accordance
with your prayers. As you pray, believe, trust in God. ~
the time of the hitter rail1 when the Lord will give largely of
His Spirit. Be fervent in prayer, and watch in the Spirit."
(T. M. 512: 1)

Lesson No. I5.-Sabbath, April 11. 1953.

1.' What great test came soon after the organization in the
days of the apostles? Acts 15 : 1, 2.
2. What promise did the Apostles remember? Matt. 18: 20.
"As an important factor in the spiritual growth of the
new converts, the apostles were careful to surround them with
the safe uards of gos el order. Churches were duly organized
in all places in ycaonia and Pisidia where there were be-
lievers.. Officers were appointed in each church, and proper
order and system was established for the conduct of all the
affairs pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the believers."
"This was in harmony with the gospel plan of uniting in
one body all believers in Ch:rist, and this plan Paul was careful
to follow throughout his ministry. Those who in any place were
by his labor led to accept Christ as the Saviour, were, at the
proper time, organized into a church. Even when the believers
were but few in number, thiS! was done." (A. A. 185: 2, 3.)
3. What are we told concerning the orderly procedure followed
by the Apostles at Jerusalem? Acts is.
4. How was each Church' to be represented? Acts 15: 6.
"In the church at Antioch, the consideration 01 the question
01 circumcision resulted in much discussion and contention.
Finaly, the members of the church, fearing that a division
among them would be the outcome of continued' discussion,
decided to send Paul and Barnabas, with some responsible
men from the church, to Jerusalem, to lay the matter belore the
apostles and elders. There they were to meet delegates from
the different churches, and those who had come to Jerusalem
to attend the aproaching lestival. Meanwhile- all controverllY
was to cease until decision' should be given in general council.
This decision was then to be universally accepted by the dif·
lerent churches throughout the country." (A. A. 190: 2)
5. Who was the President of the Coniference? Acts 15 : 13.

"In this instance James seems to have been chosen as

the one to announce the decision arrived at by the council. It
was hiS' sentence that the' ceremonial law, and especially the
ordinance 01 circumcision, should not be urged upon the Gen-
tiles, or even recommended to them. James sought to impress
the minds of his brethren with the lact that, in turning to God
the Gentiles had mad'e a great change in their lives. and that
much caution should be used not to trouble them with per-
plexing and doubltlul questions of minor importance, lest they
be discouraged in lollowing Christ." (A. A. 195: 1)
6. How did this orderly procedure succeed? Acts 15 : 30. 31.
7. What fundamental principles can be observed in operation
at this time?
(a) Representative government. V)J...
(b) Delegated authority, :J'j
(c) Sisterhood of Churches.
(d) Appreciation of general councils and Conlerences.
(e) Rights 01 individual Churches and groups. 30- ~I
(l) Ecclesiastical authority. ~7

8. What was the supreme authority in this Conference?

Acts 15: 13-17; IsC!. 8 :20.
28 .
9. oW'hat lcind of men were selected to care for the interests
of the various Churches Acts 15: 22;. 25·26;40: 41.

Lesson No. 16.-Sabbath, April 18, 1953.


1. For what special reason is the history of the Seven
Churches preserved? Rev. 2: 3.
2. What condition was demanded of the Churches? Rev. 1 : 3.
3. How was the history of the Seven Churches revealed
even before their existence? Rev. 1: II.
(a) Ephesus failed to preserve the pure dq,ctrine of the
Apostolic Church.
(b) Smyrna, rejected because they tolerated unconyertec;i
believers. These sacrificed principle (to avoid persecution).
(c) Pergamos. Though established upon the Remnant
of Smyrna, it gradually conceded membership tQ.-Pa.galJ. and
QP!jticql elements. Thel humble minority of true believers be-
came overwhelmed by the multitude of worldly pretenders.
(d) Thyatira. Began with believers whose spirituality had
improved under the fearful tribulation, but again Satan brought
downfall through the subtle teachings of Rome (fezebel).
(e) Sardis began her period from the end of what is
known as the dark ages. Separated from the tyranny and
superstitions of the Papal Church it marked a new em. Failure
to m~ain the aim licit and u~it of the' deii'YEired
to the saints, permitted numerous groups and individuals to
scatter and divide the believers. Worldly popularity corrupted
the purity and power of the message of Christ's Righteousness.
Man-made works and traditions brought spiritual blindness
and the message to herald the Second Coming of Christ vras
(I) Philadelphia. It is to this condition that the Church
is to aspire. Special light ha~ been given through the "open
door.". Though feeble, (verse 8) the truth still operates in her.
sphere. Through the hOUT of Jacob's trouble the members of
this church will be protected.

(g) Laodicea consists of those who, though endowed with
the accumulated light, of the former ages, became.. luke-warm;
thus formality permitted the worldly influence to bring her
into apostasy.
NOTE: The '€!E0stasy of the Churches is largely due to their
failure to apply th~' authonty wuh wfilcn they were endowed
by God.
4. What are the three major dangers which continually
threaten the safety of the Church?
(a) Formalism. Mark7 : 7-9
(b) Secular Favour. James 4: 4
(c) Disorder. II Thess. 3 : 6, 7.
5. What is the only cure? Rom. 16: 17, 18.
"I saw that this door at which the enemy comes in to
p~rplex and trouble' the flock can be shut. 1 inquired of the
angel how it could be closed. He said, 'The church must flee
to God's word, and become established upon gospel order,
which has been overlooked and neglected.' This is indis-
pensably necessary in order to bring the church into t e...willy
oUh~Jalth. I saw that in the aposle's' day t e church was in
danger of being deceived and imposed upon by false teachers.
Therefore the brethren chose men who had given good evidence
that they were capable of ruling well their own house and
preserving order in their own families, and who could enlighten
those who were in darkness. Inquiry was made of God con-
cerning those, and then: according to the mind. of the- church
and- the Holy Ghost. they were set apart by the laying on of
hands. Having received their commission from God, and
having the approbation of the church, they went forth bap-
tizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and
administering the ordinances of the Lord's house, often waiting
upon the saints by presenting them the emblems of the broken
body and spilt blood of the crucified Saviour, to keep fresh
in' the memory 01 God's beloved children His sufferings and
death." (E. W. 100: 2)
"In every age there is given to men their day of light and
privilege, a probationary time in which they may become
reconciled to God. But there is a limit to this grace. Mercy
may plead for years and be slighted and rejected; but there

comes a time when mercy makes her last plea. The heart
becomes so hardened that· it ceases to respond to the Spirit
of God. Then the sweet, winning voice entreats the sinner
nO' longer, and reproofs and warnings cease.'" (D. A. 587: 1)
"The Jewish nation was a symbol of the people of all
ages who scorn the pleadings of infinite Love. The tears of
Christ when He wept over Jerusalem were for the sins of all
time. In the judgments pronounced upon Israel, those who
reject the reproofs and warnings of God's Holy Spirit may
read their own condemnation." (D. A. 587: 3)

I,esson No. 17.-Sabbalh, April 25, 1953.


1. What temptation hasl tested Church leaders in every era?
Luke 22: 24.
2. What advice did Jesus give His' disciples? Luke 22: 25-27.

3. How are the rights and resposibilities of every soul to be

respected? What' should rule? Titus 2 : 1.7. Jude3.

NOTE: Principles which are based upon the law of God

should rule irrespective of time or IJlace.
4. W.hat is meant by Constitution?
ANSW;ER: Constitution is a form of government and
adopted by the church as a whole. It is to:-
(a) Protect the rights and liberty of the individual.
"The words of Paul reveal the true dignity and honor of
the Christian life: "Though I be free from all men, yet have
I made myself' servant unto all," "not seeking mine own
profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved." I Cor.
9: 19; 10: 33. (D. A. 550: 5)
.(b) Preserve the unity and purity of the faith. Ex.
18: 20, 21.
(c) Establish and administrate by-laws and regulations
lor the success of the work.. Eph. 2: 19-22.

5. What is the highest authority in the Church?

"I have been shown that no man's judgment should be

surrendered to the judgment of anyone man, But when the
judgment of the General Conference, which Is the highest
d"uthoriiy that God has upon the earth, is exercised, private
independence and private judgment must not be maintained,
but be surxendered." (3 T. 492: 2)
6. How is the General Conference formed?
NOTE: The General Conference is formed by the uniting
of all of the Union Conferences of the world.
7. What form of Government is admistered by the Reform
ANSWER: "Every member of- the church has a voice in
choosing officers of the church. The church chooses the officers·
of the state conferences. Delegates chosen by the state con-
ferences choose the office'rs of the union conferences; and
delegates chosen by the union conferences choose the officers
of the General Conference. By this. arrangement, every can-
ferEl-nce, every institution, .every church, and every individual,
either directly or through re'presentatives, has ct voice in the
election of the men who bear the chief responsibilities in the
General Conference.'" (8 T. 236: 3)
NOTE: The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement is
organized and administered under the apostolic form of repre-
sentative government in which the people participate as
mentioned in the above paragraph. This form ,recognises the
authority of representative or delegated bodies.
8. What example have we ol this system? Acts 15: 2·4.

NOTE: The delegates were "brought on their way by

the Church" (verse 3) "They were received by the Church."
(Verse 4)
9. What is meant by delegated authority?
NOTE: A delegate is a person appointed to act officially
cmd with authority for another or others in all the deliberation
of the body.
10. What are the necessary qualifications of delegates to
Conferences? 9 T. 263.
"God would have His people an understanding people.
He has so arranged matters that chosen men shall go as
delegates to our conferences. These men are to be tried and
proved. They are to be trustworthy men. The choosing of dele-
gates to attend our conferences is an important matter. These
men are to lay the plans that shall be followed in the advance-
ment of the work; and therefore they' are to be men of under-
standing, able to reason from cause to effect." (9 T. 262: 1)

Lesson No. l8.-Sabbath. May 2. 1953.


1. Whom did Jesus say would give grievous trouble in the
Chu.rch in the last days? Matt. 24 : 24.

2. What great truth did Paul tell the disciples? Acts 20 : 28-31.

"The church of Christ is in constant peril. Satan is seeking

to destroy the people of God, and one man's mind, one man's
judgment, is not sufficient to be trusted. \ Christ would have his
follow:ers brought together in church capacity, observing order,
having rules and discipline, and all subject one to another.
esteeming others better than themselves. Union and confi-
dence are essential to the prosperity of the church. If each
memeber of the church feels at liberty to move independently
of the others, taking his own peculiar course, how can the
church be in any safety in the hour of danger and peril? The
prosperity and very existence of a church depend upon the
prompt, united action and mutual confidence of its members."
(3 T. 445: 2)

3. Where should the church flee in such emergency?

ANSWER: "I saw that this door at which the enemy comes
in to perplex and trouble the flock can be shut. I inquired of
the angel how it could be closed. He said, 'The church must
flee to God's Word and become established upon gospel order,
which has been overlooked and neglected.' This is indispens-
ably. necessary in order to! bring the church into the unity of
the faith." (E. W. 100: 2)
4. With the Church properly established and perfectly order _d.
what would be the result?· I Cox. 14 : 33, 40.

5. How many bodies has the Lord' made? John 10 : 16; Eph.
4: 4·6.
6. Under which symbol should the true Church be known?
Matt. 5: 14·16.
7. Is it the will of God that the people of the earth should
remain iin spiritual,darkness? Acta 17: 22·30.

8. What is fo,etold of the condition of the people in the

last days? II Tim. 3 : 1·5; IITim. 4 : 3, 4.

9. What warning did Jesus give of the danger ,of perverted

ideas being introduced into the Church? Matt. 18 : 6, 11, 12.

"In every age Satan has sought to impair the efforts of

God's servants by introducing into the church a spirit of
fanaticism, Thus it was in Paul's day, and thus it was in
later centuries, during the time of the Reformation, WYcliffe.
Luther, and many others who blessed the world by their in-
fluence and their faith, encountered the wiles by which the
enemy seeks to lead into fanaticism over zealous, unbalanced,
and un sanctified mjnds," (A, A, 348: I)
10. In what! clear and distinct forms should correction be
made in the Chu,rch? I Thess. 5: 14; Titus 1: 10·13.

11. In which way should ,the member suppod the officers of

,the church? I Thess. 5 : 12, 13.

Lesson No. 19.-Sabbath, May 9, 1953.


1. What ar some of the prerogative powers and rig.hts of
local Churches?
(a) Elect its own offic~rs and...h9ard,
(b) Admit new members into fellowship,
(c) Dismiss individuals from its membershiP,
'td) Grant letters of transfer to' other Churches or receive
transfers from oiher churches,

2. What must the local Church accept when it becomes re-
lated to the Conference?
ANSWER: It recognizes the authority and the right of the
larger body to decide all questions of general importance
W IC relate to all of the Churches. It agrees to accept and be
controlled by the constitutions and by-laws, plans and policies
ag~ed upon by the Conference.

3. What relationship is held between the local churches.

Local Conferences. Union Conferences and General Con,-
ANSWER: All are governed by the Principles and Con-
stitution, the higner organization using advisory and recom-
mendatory action, never being arbitrary or dictatorial.

4. What should the General Conference have?

(a) It should have the confidence of the majority of the
members of the movenment.
(b) It should have the support and co-operation by vote
of the majority of the delegates who represent the majority
of the world.
(c) It should have the support of the Union Conferences
and Presidents.
(d) It should have competent officers.
(e) It should give clearest evidence that the Principles
and Constitution are perfectly understood.
5. Has the General Conference unlimited power to rule?
(a) It is an administrative and advisory organ inside
th,e Movement and ~mite .
(b) W He some of its actions in the adoption of rules
and policies are mandatory the major part of its actions are
l'..ecomme ator This also applies to the relationship of the<
Union Conlelence to the Local Conference and the Local Con-
ference to the local Church.
Un_~no Gircumstance can the General Conference dis-
fellowship any member of a local church, or its representative
delegate in any General Conference Session. The ind~1

joins the ovement through the local Church and when
necessary. and in harmony: with the principles disfellowship-
ment is brought about by the local church to which he belongs.


Lesson No. 20.-Sabbath. May 16, 1953.


1. When did Jesus 8st'ablish the apostolic Church? MCIJ'k
3 : 13. 14.
"It was at the ordination of the twelve that the firsl step
was taken in the organization of the church that after Christ's
departure was to carryon His work on the earth." (A. A. 18: 1)
NOTE: Almost from the commencement of His ministry,
Christ organized His Church. He. ordained its officers, estab-
lished its principles ancL constitution.
2. What other followers were incorporated In the Church; of
Christ? John 3 : 23.

3. Upon what grounds were they fellowshipped? Acts 19: 1-5.

4. Were any of the moral or spiritual rules abrogated by

the apostolic dispensation? Matt. 5: 17-19.

5. What means did God use to establish churches in

the various countries? Acts 8 : 1.
"The persecution that came upon the church in Jerusalem
resulted in giving a great impetus to the work of the gospel.
. . . . To scatter His representatives abroad, where they could
work for others, God permitted persecution to come upon them..
Driven from Jerusalem, the believers 'went everywhere preach.
ing the word.''' (A. A. 105: 2.)
6. How extensive was this work to be? Matt. 28: 19. 20:
·Acts 1: 8.
7. How were the churchell established? Acts 16: 4, 5.
9. How quickly did the mIssIonary work spread when ac-
companied by the right order and procedure? Rom. 10 : 18.
9. Where were the converted people all db'ected? Acts 2 : 49.
10. How is the Remnant Church identified? Rev. 12: 17.
NOTE: The True Remnant church will be know'll by her
actions n01 by name or claim.
11. What is the result of the investigation carried out by the
True Witness? Rev. 3 : 8, 10.
12. What great blessing is to be the reward of the faithful
Philadelphian? Rev. 3: 12.
13. Where will the safety of the Remnant be found in the time
of trouble? Isa. 27: 4, 5.

Lesson No. 21.-Sabbath, May 23, 1953.


1. What other message followed the first and second angel?
What gift was enlarged? Rev. 14: 8, 9·12; I Cor. 12: 23. ' '<. 4-
w •
NOTE: . The Third Angel's Message brought renewed hope
and light to the sincere adventists, but to preserv the message
and its progress from the spirit of independence and fanaticism
steps had to be taken to control the members which increased
the growth of the church.
"The Adventists were of all churches, and at first they
had no idea of forming' another church. After 1844 there was
great confusion, and the majority were strongly opposed to
any organization, holding that it was inconsistent with the
perfect liberty of ilie gospel. The testimony and labours' of
Mrs. Whi1e have always been opposed to fanaticism, and in
the instruction given through her; organization in some form
vtas early insisted upon, so necessary to prevent confusion."
(E. W. 97.1: 3)
2. 'How has opposition always been made against true
Rcfonnation? Neh. 4 : 7, 8.
3. W:hat spirit provided for the success of this work of
Nehemiah? Neh. 8: 1 first par.
4. What influence did Satan bring among the disappointed
ANSWER: "At this time there was fanaticism in Maine.
Some refrained wholly from labor and disfellowshipped all
those who would not receive their views on this point, and
some other things which they held to be religious duties. God
revealed these errors to me in vision and sent me to His
erring children to declare them; but many of them wholly
rejected the message, and charged me with conforming to the
world. On the other hand, the nominal Adventists charged
me with fanaticism, and] was falsely. and by some wickedly,
represented as; being the leader of the fanaticism that I was
actually laboring to correct. Different times were repeatedly
set for the Lord to come and were urged upon the. brethren;
but the Lord showed me that they would all pass by, for
the time of trouble must come before the coming of Christ,
and that every time that was set and passed by would only
. weaken the faith of God's people. For this] was charged with
being' with the evil servant tha.! said in his heart. "My Lord
delayeth His coming." (E. W. 22: 1)
"The Lord has again visited me in mercy, in a time of
bereavement and great affliction. December 23, 1860, ] was
taken off in vision, and was shown the wrongs ofl individuals
which have affected the cause. ] dare not withold the testi-
mony from the church to spare the feeHngs of individuals.
"] was shown the low state of God's people; that God had
not departed from them, but that they had departed from him,
and had become lukewarm. They possess the theory of the
truth, but lack its saving power. As we near the close of time,
Satan comes down with great power, knowing that his time
is short. Especially will his power be exercised upon the
remnant. He will war against them, and. seek to divide and
scatter them, that they may grow weak and be overthrown.
The people of God, should move understandingly, and should
be united in their efforts. They should be of the same mind, of
the same judgment; then their efforts will not be scattered,
but will tell forcibly in the upbuilding of the cause of' present
truth. Order must be observed, and there must be union in
maintaining order, or Satan· v;ill take the advantage." (l T.
210: 1,2)
5. What result had come tb many who opposed order and
ANSWER: "August, 3, 1861, I was ShOWh that some have
feared that our churches would become Babylon if they should
organize; but those in Central New York have been perfect
Babylon, confusion. And now, unless the churches are so
organized that they can carry out and enfo;rce order, they
have nothing to hope for in the future; they must scatter into
fragments. Previous teachings have nourished the elements
of disunion. A spirit has been cherished to watch and accuse,
rathe.t' than to build up. If ministers of God would unitedly
take their position, and maintain it with decision, there would
be a uniting influence among the flock of God. Separating
bars would be broken to fragments. Hearts would flow to-
gether and unite ,like drops of water. Then there would be
a power and strength in the ranks of Sabbath-keepers far
exceeding anything we have witnessed." (\ T. 270: 2)
B. From what danger has the Church to be continually led?
ANSWER: "There are two extremes that vre should warn
all against. One extreme is to human creed to secure the
Church-order; the other is no order, each one acting inde-
pendently of the views and feelings of his brethren." (R. & H.
7. Though Jesus our High Priest moved from the Holy Place
to the Most Holy Place in the Heavenly Sanctuary, how
closely was he connected with His Church? Heb. 4: 14-16.
"Though the ministration was to be removed from the
earthly to the heavenly temple; though the sanctuary and our
great high priest would be invisible to human sight, yet the
disciples were to suffer no loss thereby, They would realize
no break in their communion, and no diminution of power
because of the Saviour's absence. While Jesus ministers in
the sanctuary above, He is still by His Spirit the minister of the
church on earth. He is withdrawn from the eye of sense. but
His parting promise is fulfilled, "Lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world." Matt. 28: 20. While He
delegates His power to infeTior ministers, His energizing
presence is still with His church." (D. A. 166: 2)
B. How graciously was the gift of Government bestowed
upon the Church? How long would the. gifts remain?
Eph. 4: 12, 13.
9. What should all remembe~ i!! every success and blessing

given to the Church? Matt. 16: 18.
"Human power and human might did not establish the
church of God, and neither cam they destroy it. Not On the
rock of human strength, but on Christ Jesus, the Rock of Ages,
was the church founded, 'and the gates' of hell shall not pre-
vail against it.'H(D. A. 595 : 3)

Lesson No. 22.-Sabbath, May 30, 1953.

1. What were the f.irst definite steps taken for the o,rgani-
zation of the believers of the Third Angel's Message?
ANSWER: The following resolution was adopted at Battle
Creek, Michigan, U.S.A. in October, 1861. "Therefore we
conclude that means be adopted for the preservation of order,
the. correction of wrongs and the consequent growth in grace
and spiritual mindedness."
2. What were some of the benefits to be derived! from
(a) A molre thorough organization for local churches for
efficient service for spiritual growth and to preserve order
and unity.
(b) For the strengthening of the local church organizations.
(c) That written records of all churches business trans-
actions in the name of the church be kept by visiting ministers
and others in authority.
(d) That a careful record of the various members be kept.
"It should be definitely known at all limes they urged, who
are and who are not considered members and then the
wellme of all may be looked afte'r and the erring may be
reclaimed. by timely actions or the unworthy withdrawn in a
manner to save the cause reproach."
3. ,What was the solemn covonant made and kept by the
Seventh-day Adventists?
ANSWER: "We the undersigncd hereby associate our-
selves together as a church, taking the name of Seventh-day
Adven1ists, covenanting to keep the commandments of God
and the faith of Jesus."
4.' Where was the first local Church organized?
ANSWER: Pleasantville, Iowa, in Oct. 1861. The lirst
local Conference was organized in 20/4/1863.
5. What expression was gdven by Elder J. White in R. & H.
ANSWER: "Organization was designed to secure unity
of action, and as a protection against imposture. It was never
intended as a scourge to compell obedience, but rather for the
protection of the people of God. Christ does not drive His
people, He calls them. Christ never designed that human
minds should be molded for heaven by the influence merely
of other hum'Cm minds. 'The head o~ every man is Christ.'
His part is to lead and to mold and to st~p His own image
upon the heirs of eternal glory. However important organi-
zation may be for the protection of the church and to secure
harmony of action it must not come in to take the disciple
from the hands of the Master."
"These who drafted the form of organization adopted by
Seventh-day Adventists, labored to incorporate into it, as
far as possible the simplicity of exp'ression and !bund' in 'the
New Testament. The more o'f the' spirit of, the' Gospel mani-
lested, the more simple, the more efficient the system."
6. How were some grave dangers overcome by the special
direction given by the Spiri~ of Prophecy :and pioneers?
"I was shown that God's people, who are his peculiar
treasure, cannot engage in this perplexing war, for it is
opposed to every principle of their faith. In the army they
c~mnot obey the truth and at the same time obey the require-
ments of their officers. There w'ould be a continual violation
"OLconscienc;e. W;orldly men are governed by worldly prin-
ciples. They can appreciate no other. \ Worldly policy and
PUblic opinion comprise the principl~s of action that govern
them and leads them to practice the form of :right-doing. But
God's people cannot be governed by those .motives. The
words and commands of God, written in the soul, are spirit
and life, and there is power in them to bring into subjection
and enforce obedience. The 'ten precepts of Jehovah are the
foundation of all righteous and good Icrws. Those who love
God's commandments will conform to 6'very good lerw of the
land. But if the requirements of the rulers are such as conflict
with the laws of God, the only question to be settled is'. Shall
we obey God, or man?" (1 T. 361 : 2)
7. What will be two outstanding and recognizable features
of the true Church of the last days? Rev. 14: 12.
B. How will new light be added to the light already existent?
II Pet. 3: 18.
"Peter exhorts his brethren to 'grew in grace, and in the
knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.' Whenever
the people of God are growing in grace, they will be con-
stantly obtaining a clearer understanding of His word. They
will discern new light and beauty in its sacred truths. This
has been t,rue in the history of the church in all ages, and
thus it will continue to the end. But as real spiritual life
declines, it has ever been the tendency to cease to advance
in the know'ledge of the truth. M.en rest satisfied with the
light already received from God's word, and discourage any
further investigation of the Scriptures. They become conserv-
ative, and seek to avoid discussion." (G. W. 297: 2)
9. In which way should respecf be given to the order of
the Church? II Pet. 2 : 9·11.
"In all the! history of the church, no reformation has been
carried forward without encountering serious obstacles. Thus
it was in Paul's day. Wherever the apostle raised up a
church, there were some who professed to receive the faith,
but who brought in heresies, that, if .received, would event-
ually crowd out the love of the truth. Luther also suffered
great perplexity and distress from the course of fanatical
persons who claimed that God had spoken directly through
them, and who therefore set their own ideas and opinionS'
above the testimony of the Scriptures." (G. C. 396: 1)

Lesson No. 23.-Sabbath, June 6, 1953.

RAIN" 1.., ~~~
. ~)
1, By what power is the True Church enabled to fulfil her
appointed work? Zech. 4: 6.
2. What else is needed? phil. 3 : 15, 1a.
NOTE: "It is not numerous institutions, large buildings,
or great display that God requires, but the hormonious action
of a peculiar people, a people chosen by God and pr€Cious.
Every man is to stand in his lot and place, thinking, speaking,
and acting in harmony with the Spirit of God. Then. and not
till then, will the work be a complete, symmetrical whole."
3. How long is the fiue unity and fellowship to remain?
I John 1 :7.

4. When is the majority without right to govern? Provo 22 129.

"There is to be no change in the general featureS' of

our work. It is to stand as clear and distinct as prophecy
hos made it. We are to enter into no confederacy with the
world, supposing that by' so doing we could accomplish more.
I! any stand in the way, to hinder the advancement of the
work in the lines that God has appointed, they will displease
God." (6 T. 17: 2)
"God calls upon us to hold firmly to the fundamental
principles that are based upon unques1ionoble authority."
(8 T. 298: 2)
5. What results will follow when order and organization
are strictly maintained? Ps. 91: 1·16,

6. Who only can build and keep the Church? Ps. 127: 1.

7. Who will endeavour to take charge of the. Remntlnt

Church? II Cor. 11: 13·15.

"Unsanct' ied ministers are arraying themselves against

God. They are praising Christ and the god of this w'orld in
the same breath, While professedly they receive Christ, they
embrace Barabbas, and by their actions say, 'Not this Man,
but Barabbas'. Let all who read these lines, take heed,
Satan has made his boast of what he can do. He thinks to
dissolve the unity which Christ prayed might exist in His
Church. He says, '[ will go forth and be a lying spirit to de-
ceive those that [ can, to criticize, and condemn, and falsify'.
Let the SOn of deceH and false witness be entertained by a
church that has ~ great light, great eVidence, and that
church will discard the messag€- t e Lord has sent, and re-
ceive the most unreasonable assertions and false suppositions
and false theories. ~ ~ s_ _th""'e",,ir oll¥t f~r he
what. lrldth is." (T. M. 409: 2)
8. Wltat help may history provide in safeguardi"ng order?
ANSWER: "We have nothing to fear for the future except
as we forget the way thel Lord has led us, d His teachings
i~ur pgst histQI.Y." (Life Sketches 196: 2)

9. Ho.w close will be the unity of God's people in the laat

days?, . 17: 22.
10. What Benefit may be had by being joined to the Church
of God? Col. 3 : IS, IS.

Lesson No. 24.-Sabbath, June 13, 1953.

1. What is the basis of the covenant between God and the
'Church? II Chron. 15: 2.
"'Wha't God promises he is able at any time to perform,
and the work which ,he gives his people to do he is able to
accompi{sh by them. II they ",ill live accordi'ng to every
word he has spoken, every good word and promise will be
fulfilled unto them. But if they come short o.L~!ict obedj~,
the great and precious promises are afar off, and they cannot
reach the fulfillment." (2 T. 148: I)
2. What will the Lord do when the Church apostatizes?
Rev. 3: 16.

"Let men become lifted up in pride, and the Lord will not
sustain them and keep them from lalling. Let a church become
proud and boastful, no! depending on God, not exalting His
power, and that church will surely be lelt by the Lord, to be
brought down to the ground. Let a people glory in wealth,
intellect, knowledge, or in anything but Christ, and they will
soon be brought to c~nfusion." (8 T. 127: 2)
3. What is meant by the expression "spue out"?
ANSWER: "To those who are indifferent at this time
Christ's warning is, 'Because thou art lukewarm, and neither
cold nor hoi, I will spew thee out of My mouth.' Rev. 3: 16.
he figure of spewing out of His mouth mean tbat_He cannot
offer up your fa ers or our expressions of love-.to_ God. He
cannot endorse your teaching_of Hi?- wor~yo.ur --spiritual
worli: In an,y Wii~ )1e cannot resent YQ1lr religious exercise.ll_
ith the request that grace be" given you." (6 T. 408 : 2)

4. After repeated calls for a proper refonnation, what came

upon the Laodicean Church in 19141
ANSWER: "I see a crisis before us, and the Lord calls
for His labo.rers to come into line. Every soul should now
stand in a position of deeper. truer consecration to God than
during the years that have passed." (T. M. 514 : 3)
5. How were the original pioneer principles openly vio-
lated by the General Conference?
ANSWER: In 1913 after the discussion between 1. .R.
Conradi and the General Conference. "Besides that, having in
view the serious times in which we are living, I endeavoured
to draw the attention of our leading brethren, at the last
General Conference, to act with great prudence in considering
the matter of military service, otherwise they would bring
great difficulties to thousandS' of our, brthren.
"After having received instruction from the highest author-
ity, we in Europe were permilled to decide this matter our-
selves for those who do not know the condition of the brethren
in Europe and who are not directly concerned with it, must be
careful to abstain from every kind of condemnation regarding
iL" (1. R. Conradi, "Zion Watchman" Nov. 18, 1914)
In 1915 at the. Autumn Council at Lorna Linda, California:
(a) "As a church, let us accept the pr.inciples of noo-
combatants. 'Non-Combatant' is our goaL"
This position did not remove all theit difficulties so then
the follQwing position was taken:
(b) "Then we took the position: 'Everyone vms to follow
his conscience regarding this question.'''
(NOTE: 1. R. Conrad; was also at this Council.)
In 1923 at a Conference in Gland, Switzerland.
"We revere the law of God contained in the decalogue
a3 explained in the teachings of Christ and exemplified in
His life. For that reason we observe the seventh day Sabbath
(Saturday) as sacred time; we refrain from secular labour
upon that day, but engage gladly in works of necessity and
mercy for the reliet of suffering and the uplift of humanity; in
peace and in war we decline to participate in acts of violence
and bloodshed. We grant to each of our church members
absolute liberty to serve his country at all times and in all
places. in accord with the dictates of his personal conscientious
conviction." (S.D.A. in Time of War, 346-347)

6. Is it posible: to serve two masters? Matt. 6 : 24.

"Satan is working with unfailing perseverance and in-

tense energy to draw into his ranks the professed followers
of Christ. He is working 'with all deceivableness of unright-
eousness in them that perish.' But Satan is not the only
worker by whom the kingdom of darkness is supported. Who-
ever imitates the great deceiver becomes his aid. Those who
give their. influence to' sustain an evil work are doing Satan's
drudgery." (5 T. 102: 3)
"When men who claim to be soldiers of Christ engage
with the confederacy of Satan, and help along his side, they
prove themselves enemies of Christ. They betray sacred
trusts. They form a link between Satan and the true soldiers,
so that th'rough these agencies the enemy is constantly working
i:J steal away the hearts of Christ's soldiers," (M. B. 139)

7. What condemnation came upon the Laodicean Church?

"At this time the church is to put on her beautiful garments,

-"Christ our righteousness." There are clear, decided dis-
tinctions to be restored and exemplified to the world in holding
aloft the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. The
beauty of. holiness is to appear in its native luster in contrast
w.ith the deformity and darkness of the disloyal, those who
have revolted from the law of God. Thus we acknowledge
God, and recognize His law, the foundation of His government
in heaven and throughout His earthly dominions. His authority
nhould be kept distinct and plain before the world; and no
laws are to be acknowledged that come in collision with the
laws of Jehovah. If in defiance of God!s arrangements the
world be all~wed to influence our decisions or our actions,
the purpose of God is defeated. However specious the pre-
text, if the church waver here, there is written against her in
the books of heaven a betrayal of the most sacred' tru'sts, and
treachery to the kingdom of Christ." (T. M. 16: 2)
~. After repeated efforts were made by the loyal brethren
to correct the apostasy, what did they conclude?
ANSWER: "In' such a situation the! people are left to one
or two conclusions only; there is no alternative. They must
condemn the practices 0 such leaders .and ho to the Lord's
standard them~s, o,r they m.usi conclude that if such
leaders are approved and accepted of God, then the Lord
must not be so particular as they had supposed in regard to
His standard, and so decide that they, too, may depart from
it, and still hope to be accepted of' God." ("The Medical
Evangelist," Vol. g, No.2, p. g.)
NOTE: Delegates from 16 countries met in Conference
and the original principles of the pioneers of the Third Angel's
Message were adopted as the basis of the Movement. The
Bible and the Testimonies were to be the rule of faith and
9. Why is it not possible to accus;) the Reform M.ovement
of being an off-shoot?
ANSWER: Elder Watson in his circular letter, "The Euro-
pean Situation", p. I, par. 10- "In Germany those who took
their stand against Conradi's wicked action in thus committing
them to war were treated with great harshness by Conradi and
hin associates. The resistance of the minority to military
service ihreatened to compromise the whole body of Adventists
in the eyes of the German government, and to avoid this,
Conradi had the minority disfellowshipped from the Church."
NOTE: The true and loyal believers upheld the foundation
principles and were disfellowshipped by their disloyal brethren.
"To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the
majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when
champions are lew,-this will be our test. At this time we mus·t
gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from
their cowardice, and loyalty from ·their treason." (5 T. 136: 2)

LenDon No. 25.-Sabbath, June 20, 1953,

1. What great assembly shall be gathered during the
plagues? Dan.. 12 : 2; PM'. 1 : 7.
"Graves are opened, and 'many of them that sleep in the
dust of the earth. .. . awake, some; to everlasting life, and
some to shame and everlasting contempt.' All who have died
in the faith of the, third angel's message come forth from the
tomb glorified, to hear God's covenant of peace with those
who have kept His law." (G. C. 637: I)

2. What is the next event and who take part? I Thess.

4: 15-17.

3. What complete separation: between the Church of God

and the wicked will then become apparent? Matt. 13 : 3-42.
4. What important work is now begun? I Cor. 6: 2, 3:
II Pet. 2 : 4, 9, 10.

"Then I saw thrones, and Jesus and the redeemed saints

sat upon them; and the saints reigned as kings and priests
unto God. Christ, in union .with His people, judged the
wicked dead, comparing their acts with the statu1e book, the
Word of God, and deciding every case according to the
deeds done in the body.''' (E. W. 290: 3)

5. During the Millenium (l,000 years) what other functions

will be followed, especially by the 144,000? Rev. 20: 6.

6. ,What careful records have been kept in heaven? Rev.

20: 12.
7. How orderly and perfectly organized shall the realms
of glory be for God's people? Rev. 21 : 27: Isa. 65: 17.

"Again I looked and saw the earth purified. There was

not a single sign of the curse. The broken, uneven surte of
the earth now looked like a level, extensive plain. God's
enti;re universe was clean, and the great controversy w'as
forever ended. Wherever we looked, everything upon which
the eye rested was beautiful and holy." (E. W. 205: 1)

8. What shall be the joy of those who have kept the law
of God? Isa. 66 : 22, 23.
9. What everlasting joy shall be known? Isa. 35: 10.
10. What will be the' joy of our blessed Master and Saviour?
- Lessob ~o. '26.-Sabbath. June 271. 1953.
1. What do we know regarding the relationships of intelli-
gent beings? " •. {..
2. What practical benefits are realized both in the evan-
gelical and pastoral order?' ,.
(. IlJ. IV
3. What close connection is found between organization and
the Gospel-past, present and future?
4. On what do the prosperity and safety of the church de-
pend? f 7W, 1" ..v:
5. Who is the author and promote, of disorder and "no
organization"? Where and when did it begin?
6. What part and place will education have in the true
appreciation of organization?
7. In what part does the Holy Spirit lead?
(a) -The Principles and Constitution.
(b) The application.
(c) The results.
8. What is the primary cause of the two apoatalolies in the
last days? •
(a) The I,aodicean apostasy. f· .,. -
(b) The General apostasy. -. (' ..,. 1....... I < __ L. (-

9. How will the believers in the church benefit during the

I,oud Cry and the Latter Rain? r,.,
4- /

10 What conditions will exist in the new Earth?

)J,I,t • ?,


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