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Senior Division


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The Sabbath School lessons for the fir~t quarter
of this year are devoted to the study of the precious
messages in Chapters 14-lG of the hook of nevela-
tion. ~'iany expressions of gratitude to God I,ave
conle from the brotbers and sisters in different parts
of the world for the timely instmction given iu the
past Sabbath School lessons.
We believe that all studying these lessons will
have a clearer conception of the importance of
naniel and nevelation which so definitely mark out
the pathway for the people of God and indicate the
th e important events to take place before th e coming
of the Lord.
"As we near the close of this world's history,
the prophecies relating to the last days especially
demand our study. The last hook of the New Testa-
nlent Scriptures is full of truth that we need to under-
stand. Satan has blinded the minds of n~any so
that they have been glad of any excuse for not
making the ftevelation their study. Ilut Christ
throuph Iris servant John has here declared what
shall he in tIle last days; and He says, 'nlessed
is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of
this proph ecy, and keep th ose thin gs which are
written tllerein.''' Testimonies to Ministers,
pp. 110.117.
That this study of the Sabbath School lessons
will be given daily undivirled attention and that
each student will be enabled therehy to better pre-
sent to the world the future promises of God and the
culminate events of tltis earth's history is the
prayer of the

Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, "The Book' of Hevelation," covering

Chapters 14 -18, for January-March, 1955, is publishe<l by the Seventh
Day Arlventist Reform Movement General Conference and printed by the
Reformation Herald Publishing Association (a corporation of the Seventh
Day <lventist Reform \'Iovement) at Sacramento, California, United States
of America. Mailing address: P. n. ox 234 Oak Park, Sacramento 18,
California. PRINTED IN U •
Lesson No.1 - Sabbath, January I, 1955
The Everlasting Gasp el

1. With which line of prophecy should Revelation 14: 1-5 be

connected? What principle should guide liS in the further
stndy of the bool, of Revelation?

NOTE: Verses 1-5 of nevelation 14 are a continuation of the

line of prophecy beginning with Chapter 12 and ending with
Chapter 13, bringing us to the final conflict of God's people with
the "beast and his image," Let us always keep in mind that the
order of successive events should detennine the time and place
of the prophecy. Whenever a line of prophecy extends to the end
of the world, we can know that this line of prophecy ends there;
and whatever is introduced subsequently belongs to a new series
of events. Verses 1-5 bring to view the triumphant company on
the sea of glass.

2. After John's view Qf the redl'ell1ed in their imn'ortal state,

to what scene was he now directed? Rev. 14:6 (first part).

3. What name is given to the proclamation rrade by this angel?

What is the extent of his n:ission? nev. 14:6 (last part).

4. what shonld he understood by the expression "the everlasting


NOTE: "The message itself sheds light as to the time when

this movement is to take place. It is declared to be a part of the
'everlasting gospel;' and it announces the opening of the judgment.
The message of salvation has been preached in all ages; but this
message is a part of the gospel which could be proclaimed only
in the last days, for only tllen would it be true that the hour of
judgment had come." Great Controversy, pp. 355-35G.

5. What did early Christians believe in regard to the second

coming of Christ? \\hat definite warning did Panl give abont
any premalme expectation of this event? 2 Thess. 2:1-3.

6. What predicted events would clearly identitY that the time

was due for the proclamation of this message? Daniel 12:4.

7. In what vision did John see the fulfilment of the prediction in

Daniel 12:4? !lev. 10: 1-2.
8. When was this message to be expected? Rev. 10:5-7.

9. What was John instructed to do WitIl the "little book" handed

to him by the angel? Rev. 10:8-10.

NOTE: The "little book" here brought to out attention is without

doubt the prophecy of Daniel, referred to in Daniel 12:4, as a book
which was sealed "to the time of the end." Now the book is seen
by John to be open and therefore the important prophecies relating
to the last phase of the proclamation of the gospel were to be

10. When the "little book" presented to John was eaten and
assimilated, what commission was given to him? Rev. 10:11.

NOTF: To John were revealed the special messages constituting

this phase of the "everlasting gospel," and the time when they
could be expected.

Lesson No.2 - Sabbath, January 8, 1955

The First Angel's M,essage

1. In what manner was the last gospel message presented to

Jolm? Rev. 14:6.

2. Who does this symbolic angel represent?

NOTE: "This message is declared to be a part of the 'evfflasting

go·spel.' The work of preaching the gospel has not been committed
to angels, but has been intrusted to men. Holy angels have been
employed in directing this work, they have in charge the great
movements for the salvation of men; but the actual proclamation
of the gospel is performed by the servants of Christ upon the
earth." Great Controversy, p. 312.

3. What special atIDOUncement and warning is given to the

world by the first angel? Rev. 14:7.

4. Who was the chief instrumentality used by God for the pro-
clamation of this message?

NOTE: "To William Miller and his co--Iaborers it was given to

preach the warning in America. This country became the center
of the great Advent Movement. It was here that the prophecy of
the first angel's message had its most direct fulfilment. The
writings of l\'1iller and his associates were carried to distant
lands. Wherever missionaries had penetrated in all the world,
were sent the glad tidings of Christ's speedy return. Far and
wide spread the message of the everlasting gospel, 'Fear God,
and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come,' "
Great Controversy, p. 3GB.

Ii. How are we able to definitelY locate the time for the pro-
clamation of this message~

NOTE: "The message itself sheds ligllt as to the time when

this movement is to take place. It is declared to be a part of
the 'everlasting gospel;' and it announces the opening of the
judgment. The message of salvation has been preached in all
ages; but this message is a part of the gospel which could be
proclaimed only in the last days, for only then would it be true
that the hour of judgment had come," Great Controversy, pp.

6. With which prophecy of Daniel did William Miller connect

this judgment hour message? Daniel 8:14.

NOTE: "The prophecy which seemed most clearly to reveal the

time of the second advent was that of Dan. 8: 14•••• Following
his rule of making Scripture its own interpreter, Miller learned
that a' day in symbolic prophecy represents a year; he saw that
the period of 2300 prophetic days, or literal years, would extend
far beyond the close of the Jewish dispensation, ••• If, then,
the correct starting-point could be found for the 2300 days, he
concluded that the time of the second advent co uld be readily
ascertained," Great Controversy, pp. 324-325.

7. According to the calculations of William Miller, what year

was set for the second advent? How was this message

NOTE: "The testimony of the prophecies which seemed to

point to the coming of Christ in the spring of 1844, took deep
hold of the minds of the people. As the message went from State
to State, there was everywhere awakened wide-spread interest.
Many were convinced that the arguments from the prophetic
periods were correct, and sacrificing their pride of opinion, they
joyfully received the truth. Some ministers laid aside their
sectarian views and feelings, left their salaries and their churches,
and united in proclaiming the coming of Jesus." Great Controversy,

8. What hindered William Miller from clearlY understanding the

meaning of the cleansing of the sanctuary?

NOTE: "Like the first disciples, William Miller and his associ-
ates did not, themselves, fully comprehend the import of the
message which th ey bore. Errors that had been long established
in the church prevented them from arriving at a correct interpre-
tation of an important point in the prophecy. Therefore, ·though
they proclaimed the message which God had committed to them
to be given to the. world, yet thmugh a misapprehension of its
meaning, they suffered disappointment.
"In explaining Dan. 8: 14, 'Unto two thousand and three hundred
days, then shall the sanctuary be cleans€d,'- Miller, as has been
stated, adopted the generally received view that the earth is the
sanctuary. and he believed that the cleansing of the sanctuary
represented the purification of the earth by fire at the coming of
the Lord. When, therefore, he found that the close of the 2300
days was definitely foretold, he concluded that this revealed the
time of the s",cond advent. His error resulted from accepting the
popular view as to what constitutes the sanctuary.' Great
Controversy, pp. 351-352.

9. In what year did William Miller begin to preach publiclY?

With what church was he officially connected?

NOTE: "In 1033 Miller received a license to preach, from the

Baptist Church, of which he was a member. A large number of
the ministers of his denomination also approved his work, and
it was with their fornlal sanction that he continued his labors."
Great Controversy, p. 332.

10. What celestial phenomena happening at this time gave a

great impew3 to the advent movement?

NOTE: "In Hl33, two years after Miller began to present in

public the evidence of Christ's soon corning, the last of the
signs appeared which were promised by the Saviour as tokens of
His second advent. Said Jesus, 'The -stars shall fall from
heaven.' Matt. 24:29. And John in the Revelation declared, as
he beheld in vision the scenes that should herald the day of
God, 'The stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig-tr€e
casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.'
Rev. G: 13. This prophecy received a striking and impressive
fulfilment in the great meteoric shower of November 13, Hl33."
Great Controversy, p. 333,

Lesson No.3 :- Sabbath, January 15, 1955
The First Angel's Message (continued)

1. What class of people most readily received the Advent Mes-

sage'? 1\1att. 11:25.

NOTE: "The movement was chiefly among the lower class, and
it was in the humble dwellings of the laborers that the people
assembled to hear the warning." Great Controversy, p. 3GG.

2. How was the message of the second advent first received

by the churches '?

NOTE: "They had sought to awaken professors to the true hope

of the church,. and to their need of a deeper Christian experience.

"As his work tended to build up the churches, it was for a time
regarded with favor." Great Controversy, pp. 375, 37G.

3. As the movement began to awaken the people, what change

was seen in the attitude of churches toward the message'?
What excuse was made for this change'?

NOTE: "nut the churches generally did not accept the warning.
Their ministers, who, as 'watchmen unto the house of Israel,'
should have' been the first to discern the tokens of Jesus' coming,
had failed to learn the truth, ei th er from th e testimony of the
prophets or from the signs of the "times. As worldly hopes and
.ambitions filled the heart, love for God and faith in His word
had grown cold; and when the advent doctrine was presented, it
only aroused their prejudice and unbelief. The fact ·that the
message was, to a great extent, preached by laymen, was urged
as an argument against it. As of old, the plain testimony of
God's word was met with the inquiry, 'Have any of the rulers or
of the Pharisees beljeved?'" Great Controversy, p. 3lJO.

4. Why was the heavenly message sent'? . 'Yhat was revealed?

NOTE: "The message which God had sent for the testing and
purification of the church, revealed all too surely how great was
the number who had set their affections on this world rather than
upon Christ•. Th e ties which bound them to earth were stron ger
than the attractions heaven-ward. They chose to listen to the
voice of worldly wisdom, and turned away from the heart-searching
message of' truth." Great Controversy, p. 3lJO.

5. What was the effect of this message on a few of the most
earnest ministers? Upm what class of people did the burden
of proclailJ1ing it largely rest?

NOTE: "Ministers were convinced of the correctness of the

positions taken on the prophetic periods, and some renounced
their pride, and left their salaries and their churches to go forth
from place to place to give the message. But as the message from
heaven could find a place in the hearts of but few of the professed
ministers of Christ, the work was laid upon many who were not
preachers. Some left their fields to sound the message, while
others were.called from their shops and their merchandise. And
even some professional men were compelled to leave their pro-
fessions to engage in the unpopular work of giving the first
angel's message." Early Writings, p. 232.

6. Who were the most bitter in their opposition to this message?

NOTE: "Ministers who would not accept this saving message

themselves hindered those who would have received it. The
blood of souls is upon them. Preachers and people joined to
oppose this message from heaven, and to persecute William
Miller and those who united with him in the work. Falsehoods
were circulated to injure his influence; and at different times
after he had plainly declared the counsel of God, applying cutting
truths to the hearts of his hearers, great rage was kindled against
him, and as he left the place of meeting, some waylaid him in
order to take his life. But angels of God were sent to protect
him, and they led him safely away from the angry mob." Early
Writings, p. 234.

7. What loss was sustained by the churches in rejecting this

light from heaven? Who were still under the special care
of God?
NOTE: "Angels of God were watching with the deepest interest
the result of the warning. When there was ~ general rejection of
the message by the churches, angels turned ·away in sadness.
But there were many who had not yet been tested in regard to the
advent truth. Many were misled by husbands, wives, parents, or
children, and were made to believe it a sin even to listen to such
heresies as were taught by the Adventists. Angels were bidden
to keep faithful watch over these souls; for anotIler light was
yet to shine upon them fron the throne of God." Great Controversy,

8. How did the churches treat those who stood steadfast to the
NOTE: "Those who dared not withhold from others the light
which God had given them, were shut out of the churches; but
Jesus was with them, and they were joyful in the light of His
countenance. They were prepared to receive the message of the
second angel." Early Writings, p. 237.

9. With what precious prolT'ise were the believers at this time

comforted? Isaiah 66:5.

10. Woat lesson is there in the experience of the early Advent

believers for the remnant people of God today?

NOTE: "Wherever the cause exists, the same results will follow.
He who deliberately stifles his convictions of duty because it
interferes with his inclinations, will finally lose the power to
distinguish between truth and error. The understanding becomes
darkened, the conscience callous, the heart hardened, and the
soul is separated from God. Where the message .of divine truth
is spurned or slighted, there the church will be enshrouded in
darkness; faith and love grow cold, and estrangement and dis-
sension enter. Church-members center their interests and energies
in worldly pursuits, and sinners become hardened in their impeni-
tence." Great Controversy, pp. 378-379.

Lesson No.4 - Sabbath, January 22, 1955

The Sec 0 n dAn g e l' s M e s s a.g e

1. Which angel follows the first angel and what is the burden
of his message? Rev. 14:8.

2. In what positiou did the churches place themselves when

theY rejected the first angel's message?

NOTE: "As the churches refused to receive the first angel's

message, they rejected the light from heaven, and fell from the
favor of God. They trusted to their own strength, and by opposing
the first message placed themselves where they could not see
the of the second angel's message." Early Writings,

3. Wllllt does lhe term Babylon mean? In Ulis instance, w/'om

does it represent?

I\'OTE: "Dabylon is said to be 'the mother of harlots.' By her

daughters must be symbolized churches that cling to her doctrines
and traditions, and follow her example 0 f sacri He in g the tru th
and the approval of God, in order to form an unlawful alliance
with the world. The message of nevelation 14, announcing the
fall of Babylon, must apply to religious bodies that were once
pure and have become corrupt••••
"Many of thp. Protestant churches are following nome's example
of iniquitous connection with 'the kings of the earth' - the state
churches, by their relation to secular governments; and other
denominations, by seeking the favor of the world. And the term
'Babylon' - confusion - may be appropriately applied to these
bodies, all professing to derive their doctrines from the Bible,
yet divided into almost innumerable sects, with widely con-
flicting creeds and theories," Great Controversy, pp. 3fl2,383.

4. Which gospel principle was William Miller unable to· under,

stand? 2 Cor. 6 :17-18.

NOTE: I I 'In' all my labors,' said Miller, 'I never had the desire
or thought to establish any separate interest from that of existing
denominations, or to benefit one at the expense of another. I
thought to benefit all. Supposing that all Christians would reo
joice in the prospect of Christ's coming, and that those who.
could not see. as I did would not love any the less those who
should embrace this doctrine, I did not conceive there would
ever be any necessity for separate meetings. • • .'" Great
Controversy, p. 375.

5. Who were the first to receive and proclaim the message of

the second angel?

NOTE: "This work did not stand in the wisdom and learning of
men, but in the power of God, and His saints who heard the cry
could not resist it. The most spiritual received this message
first, and those who had formerly led in the work were the last to
receive and help swell the cry, 'Hehold, the Bridegroom cometh;
go ye out to meet Him"" Early Writings, p. 23fl.

6. What difficulties were encountered by the advent believers

in the popula.r churches? r ow was tllCir e:\llerience illus-
trated to the servant of the Lord?

NOTE: "Some of those who were in darkness received the light

and rejoiced •. Others resisted the light from heaven, saying that
it was sent to lead them astray. The lig,ht passed away from
them, and they were left in darkness• • • • As they raised this
cry, I saw those who were in darkness thrusting them with side
and with shoulder. Then many who cherished the sacred light,
broke the cords which confined them, and stood out separated
from those companies. As they were doing this, men belonging
to the different companies and revered by them passed through
some with pleasing words, and others with wrathful looks and
threateninf! gestures, and fastened the cords which were weaken-
ing. These men were constantly saying, 'God is with us. We
stand in the light. We have the truth.' I inquired who these
men were, and was told that they were ministers and leading
men who had 'rejected the light themselves, and were unwilling
that others should receive it." Early Writings, pp. 240-241.

7. What parable had a partial fulfilment in the second angel's

message? What awakened the sleeping virgins? Matt. 25:1-13.

NOTE: "The hand of the Lord was removed from the figures,
and the mistake was explained. They saw that the prop'hetic
periods reached to 1844, and that the same evidence which they
h ad presented to show that the prophetic periods closed in llJ43,
proved that they would terminate in llJ44. Light from the word
of God shone upon their position, and they discovered a tarrying
time - 'If the vision tarry, wait for it.''' Early Writings, p. 23G.

8. When was the second angel's message first preached and

when did tile "midnight cry" unite with it?

NOTF.: "The second angel's message of nevelation was first

preached in the summer of Hl44." Great Controversy, p. 398.
"Near the close of the second angel's message, I saw a great
light from heaven shining upon the people of God. The rays of
this light seemed bright as the sun. And I heard the voices of
angels crying, 'Uehold, the Uridegroom cometh; go ye out to
meet Him!' " Early Writings, p. 238.

9. What course were the believers in the advent message finally

compelled to talle?

NOTE: "Thus the helievers found themselves in a position of

great trial· and perplexity. They loved their churches, and were
loath to separate from them; but as they saw the testimony of
God's word suppressed, and their right to investigate the pro-
phecies denied, they felt that loyal.ty to God forbade them to
submit. Those who sought to shut out the testimony of God's
word, they could not regard as constituting the church of Christ,
'the pillar and ground of the' truth.' IleneI' they felt themselves
justified in separating from their former connection. In the
summer of 1844 about fifty thousand withdrew from the churches."
Great Controversy, p. 37G.
10. With what zeal was the "midnight cry" proclaimed, and who
were really prepared to heed the call?

NOTE: "At the call, 'The Dridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet

Him,' the waiting ones 'arose and trimmed their lamps;' they
studied the word of God with an intensity, of interest before ull-
known. Angels were sent from heaven to arouse those who had
become discouraged, and prepare them to receive the message.
The work did not stand in th e wisdom and learning of men, but
in the power of God. It was not the most talented, but the most
humble and devoted, who were the first to hear and obey the call.
Farmers left their crops standing in the fields, mechanics laid
down their tools, and with tears and rejoicing went out to give
the warning. Those who had formerly led in the cause were among
the last to join in this movement. The churches in general closed
their doors against this message, and a large company of those
who received it withdrew from their connection. In the providence
of God, this proclamation united with the second angel's message,
and gave power to that work." Great Controversy, p. 402.

11. Were the believers again to be disappointed in their expecta-

tion of the Lord's return in 1844? Rev. 10:10.

NOTF: "Jesus did not come to the earth as the waiting, joyful
company expected, to cleanse the sanctuary by purifying the
earth by fire. I saw that they were correct in their reckoning of
the prophetic periods; prophetic time closed in lQ44, and Jesus
entered the most holy place to cleanse the sanctuary at the eliding
of the days." Early Wri~ings, p. 243.

Lesson No.5 - Sabbath, January 29, 1955

The Third Angel's Message

1. Which message follows that of the first and second angels?

Rev. 14:9-12.

2. After the great disappointment in 1844, in what state were

the believers found? What attitude d-id William Miller and
other leading men take to the third angel's message?'

NOTF: "l\1y attention was then called to William Miller. He

looked perplexed, and was bowed with anxiety and distress for
for his people. The company who had been united and loving
in llJ44 were losing their love, opposing one another, and falling
into a cold, backslidden state. As he behe"ld this, grief wasted
his strength. I saw leading men watching him, and fearing lest
he should receive the third angel's message and the command-
ments of God. And as he would lean toward the light from heaven,
these men would lay some plan to draw his mind away. A human
influence was exerted to keep him in darkness, and to retain his
influence among those who opposed the truth. At length William
Miller raised his voice against the light from heaven." Early
Writings, p. 257.

3. To what length will lJlen go in their blindness when they

fail to accept the light?

NOTE: "Many who had led in the first and second messages
now denied them, and there was division and confusion through-
out the body." Early Writings, p. 257.

4. How many at first were willing to receive the light of the

third angel's message?

NOTE: "They joined in the work of the third angel, and raised
their voices to proclaim the solemn warning. But few at first
received it, ret the faithful continued with energy to proclaim
the message.' Early Writings, p. 25G.

5. What change of ministration took place in the heavenly

sanctuary in 1844? What order went forth from the Most
Holy Place?

NOTE: "As the ministration of Jesus closed in the holy place,

and He passed into the holiest, and stood b"efore the ark con-
taining the law of God, He sent another mighty angel with a
third message to the world. A parchment was placed in the
angel's hand, and as he descended to the earth in power and
majesty, he proclaimed a fearful warning, with the most terrible
threatening ever borne to man." Early Writings, p. 254.

6. What promise was fulfilled to the faithful ones in Phila-

delphia in the year 1844? Rev. 3:7-8.
7. What assurance of divine help was given to those who fol-
lowed the light at that time? Does it apply to the faithful
remnant today? Rev. 3:10.

8. What special promise was given to those who formed the

last church? What name do they carry with them into the
Laodicean period? Rev. 3:12.
NOTE: "And as we were about to enter the holy temple, Jesus
-13 -
raised his lovely voice and said, 'Only the 144,000 enter' this
place.'" Early Writings, p. 19.
The claim made by the pioneers at the beginning of the seventh
period is presented here by Joseph Bates:
"The true church is found among those who endeavor to ov~r­
come and who can overcome, whose names, with those of their
relatives are represented on the breastplate of the high priest,
who entered IIpon the Philadelphian condition in tire autumn of
If.l44 and who beearne members at this time."
Concerning the majority of Adventist believers who had rejected
the Sabbath tru th, he writes:
"Thus they organized the Laodicean Church. And by thei;
false teaching, have drawn thousands of Philadelphians away
with them into the Laodicean state. Jesus has sent a gracious
message for all the honest one.s in this state, saying, 'As many
as I love, I rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore and repent.
We thank the Lord that a goodly number have taken heed to this
message and are now in the Philadelphian Church, believing and
proclaiming the third angel's message." Review and Herald,
August 19, 1851.

Lesson No.6 - Sabbath, February 5, 1955

The Third Angel's Message (continued)

1. What wonderful discovery was made by the faithful remnant

who after the disappointment in 1844 continued to follow the
light? Rev. 11:19.

NOTE: "After Jesus opened the door of the most holy, the light
of the Sabbath was seen, and the people of God were tested, as
the children of Israel were tested anciently, to see if they would
keep God's law.•••
"It was represented to me that the remnant followed Jesus into
the most holy place, and beheld the ark and the mercy-seat, and
were captivated with their glory." Early Writings, p. 254-255.

2. What prophecy now began to be fulfilled? Isaiah 58:12.

3. What distinguishing mark was given by God to identity His

people from the rest of the world? Ex. 31:12-17.
4. What special warning is given by the third angel? Rev. 14:
NOTE: "John was called to behold a people distinct from those
who worship the beast or his image by keeping the first day of
the week. The observance of this day is the mark of the beast."
Testimonies to Ministers, p. 133.
"What are you doing, brethren, in the great work of preparation?
Those who are uniting with the world, are receiving the worldly
mold, and preparing for the mark of the beast." Testimonies,
Vol; 5, p. 216.

5. In which of the ten commandments is the Author of the law


NOTE: "The Lord commands by the same prophet, 'Bind up the

testimony, seal the law among My disciples.' The seal of God's
law is found in the fourth commandment. This only, of all the
ten, brings to view both the name and the title of the Law-giver.
It declares Him to be the Creator of the heavens and the earth,
and thus shows His claim to reverence and worship above all
others. Aside from this precept, there is nothing in the decalogue
to show by whose authority the law is given." Great Controversy,
6. By what characteristics can Ute trlle people of God be identi-
fied in the last days? Rev. 14:12.

7. What is represented by the third angel? Did the leadership

of the first and second angel's me!;sages join in with that of
the third? .

NOTE: "The third angel, £lying in the midst of heaven, and

heralding the commandments' of God and testimony of Jesus
represents our work." Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 303.
The third angel's message represents the work intrusted to the
Seventh-day Adventist denomination. The leadership of the first
and second angel's messages did not join in with that of the
thoird, but the two messages as had been proclaimed were part of
present truth and therefore united with the third angel's message.

8. To what are the three angels' messages compared? Why

should the right understanding of these messages be con-
sidered so important? •

NOTE: "I saw a company who stood well guarded and firm,
giving no countenance to those who would unsettle the established
faith of the body. God looked upon th em with approbation. I was
shown three steps, - the first, second, and third angels' mes-
sages. Said my accompanying angel, 'Woe to him who shall move
a block or stir a pin of these messages. The true understanding
of these messal'"es is of vital importance. The destiny of souls
hanfts upon the manner in which they are received.' ••• God had
led them along step by step, until He had placed them upon a
solid, immovable platform. I saw individuals approach the plat-
form and examine the foundation. Some with- rejoicing immediately
stepped upon it. Others commenced to find fault with the founda-
tion. They wished improvements made, and then the platform
would be more perfect, and the people much happier. Some
stepped off the platform ·to examine it, and declared it to be laid
wrong." Early Writings, p p. 25U-259.

9. Is there· provision made for another message to follow that

of the third angel? Rev. 18:1.

NOTE: "We are to throw aside our narrow, selfish plans, remem-
bering that we have a work of the largest magnitude and highest
importance. In doing this work we·are sounding the first, second,
and third angels' messages, and are thus being prepared for the
coming of that other angel from heaven who is to lighten the
earth with his glory." Testimonies, Vol. G, p. 40G.

10. What prolllise is made to those who have died in the faith
of tile third angel's message? Rev. 14:13.

Lesson No.7 - Sabbath, February 12; 1955

The Close of Probation

1. What is God's message to all the world before the close of

probation? Zeph. 2 :1-3.

2. After the. close of probation, what will be the fate of the

nations who have refused the invitation of mer<;Y? Isa. 34:1-2.

3. Will the wicked inhabitants of the earth know when probation


NOTE: "The righteous and the wicked will still be living upon
the earth in their mortal state - men will be planting and building
eating and drinking, all unconscious that the final, irrevocable
decision has been pronounced in the sanctuary above." Great
Controversy, p. 491.

4. By what sign will the faithful children of God know when

the hour of probation is closed? Isa. 13:10; Joel 3:15.
NOTE: "When He leaves the sanctuary,. darkness covers the
inhabitants of the earth." Great Controversy, p. (j 14.
"A darkness will cover the inhabitants of the earth when Jesus
moves out of the heavenly sanctuary such as enveloped the earth
at the time of the crucifixion. This will be evidence to those who
have known the truth that probatio~'s hour is past, and the eternal
destiny of every soul is sealed beyond recall," Ellen G. White,
Review and Herald, June 1004. '
"As Jesus moved out of the most holy place, I heard the
tinkling of the bells upon His garment; and as He left, a cloud
of darkness covered the inhabitants.of the earth." Early Writings,
(As this sign of the close of probation has been officially denied
in the periodical, The Ministry, we have quoted this undeniable
llvidence to prove its correctness,)

5. What report is brought to the heavenlY sanctuary immediately

before the hour of human probation ends? Eze. 9:11.

NOTE: "I saw angels hurrying to and fro in heaven. An angel

with a writer's inkhorn by his side returned from the earth, and
reported to Jesus that his work was done, and the saints were
numbered and sealed," Early Writings, p. 279.

6. What glorious sight did John behold after the last of the
plagues had been poured out? Rev. 14:14.

NOTE: In d~scribing the coming of Christ, many figures are

used. At one time he is represented as a glorious king riding
upon a white horse with a sharp sword in His mouth, followed
by a mighty army. This prophecy of nevelation 14: 14 pictures
Him coming in the clouds of heaven, bearing a sharp sickle in
His hand. These various representations are symbolic of the
work He is to·do. In the first instance, He comes to war against
His enemies; in this, however, he comes as a reaper to-gather
in the earth's harvest. Now comes the time when the tares are
completely separated from the wheat and are bound into bundles
to be burned, while the wheat is gathered in for the heavenly

7. What announcement is made by an angel from the temple

after the close of probation? Rev. 14:15.
NOTE: This angel could not refer to Christ, because he con-
verses with Christ declaring that earth's harvest is ready to reap.
He must be the same mighty angel responsible for impressing
the mark of deliverance upon the saints, therefore it is he who
declares that h is work is ended aud the earth's harvest is ready
to reap. Christ does not leave the sanctuary until the last soul
has received the immortal insignia.

8. What was Christ's response to this message from the sanctu-

arY? Hev. 14:16.

9. After the first harvest has been completed, what further

representation is made to John? Rev. 14:17-19.

NOTE: Many are of the opinion that this "reaping" performed

by the 'angel will not take- place until after the close of the
thousand years, but there is no clear evidence to prove that
this is the case. One thing is certain, however, that "the clus-
ters of grapes" are thrown into the great winepress of the wrath
of God. This seems to be a parallel description 0 f the destruction
of the wicked symbolized by "tares." The "winepress of God's
wrath" is a figure used to describe the destruction of the wicked
in the seven last plagues, and portrays the shedding of blood
throughout the whole earth and especially where the great military
forces are gathered at Armageddon. In the destruction of the
wicked, after the thousand years, there is nothing that could be
compared to a "winepress." At that time, they will be thrown
into the lake of fire and will be utterly consumed.

10. What fearful scene of carnage is presented to the prophet?

Rev. 14:20.

NOTE: This is a similar description to that given in Ezekiel 38

and 39, and Joel 3:9-12. It no doubt refers to the battlefield where
Armageddon is to be fought. The "city" would then mean, not
the New Jerusalem, or the symbolic city 9f Dabylon, but Old Jeru-
salem in the environs of which the battle will be fought. - A furlong
is one-eigh th of a mile, hence this distance would be about 200
miles. This would give at least some indication of the great
area occupied by the armies of the earth.

Le~on No.8 - Sabbath, February 19, 1955

Closing Work in the Sanctuary
Preparation for the Seven Last Plagues
1. To what new series of events was the attention of ,John
brought? What caused him to look on in wondennent? Rev.
NOTE: With the opening of Chapter 15, we are brought to the
time when the mercy of God ceases and gives place to wrath.
When Christ leaves the sanctuary. the wicked world is left
without an intercessor. The mercy and love of God has been
abused until now it is forever' withdrawn. Martial law is pro-
claimed from the sanctuary and the army of angels stand ready
to take the field. John marvelled at the weapons prepared for
the destruction 0 f the rebellious world, far more lethal and terri-
fying than anything the mind of man could devise.

2. What feeling of remorse will come upon many who have known
the truth, but have· failed to take their stand for it? Amos

3. What lesson will be learned by all nations when it is too

late? Jeremiah 10:10.

4. To what scene is John now transported? Rev. 15:2-3.

NOTE: Here is described a scene beyond the second coming of

Christ, and portrays the victorious company who overcame the
beast, his mark and his image. From the content of verses 2-4,
it would seem th at some mistake was made in the arrangement
of the manuscript and these verses should come immediately after
verse 20 of chapter 14, where was described the total destruction
of the wicked, yet no mention was made of the righteous living
and the resurrected ones. The context of Rev. 15: 1 fits perfectly
with Rev. 15:5.

5. What testimony is given by the redeemed throng on the sea

of glass? Rev. 15:4.

NOTE: Here is stated that "all nations shall come and worship
before thee." It is true that the redeemed company will consti-
tute the' 'holy nation," but here is mentioned "all nations" and
this could not be said until after the thousand years, when "all
nations" that eVer lived upon the earth will be called to life.
See Matthew 25: 31-3 2.
"With all the facts of the great controversy in view, the whole
universe, both loyal and rebellious, with one accord declare,
'Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of s~ints.''' Great Con-
trover sy, p. G71.

6. What further report did John give concerning the sanctuary.?

Rev. 15:5,6.

NOTE: John .sel'}s the sanctuary still open, not for intercession,
but in preparation for th~ execution of the order that has gone
forth to punish the wicked world.

7. From where did the seven angels receive their commission

and weapons of destruction? Rev. 15:7.

NOTE: This verse discloses that the command for the destruction
of the wicked world comes directly from the throne of God. This
"beast" is not to be understood in the ordinary sense of the word,
but refers to the intelligent creatures about the throne of God as
was described in nevelation 4. They are a special order of the
heavenly host entrusted to this high office.

8. In what state does the heavenly sanctuary appear to John

after the angels have left? Rev. 15:8.

NOTE: Durin!!" the time of investigative judgment, Daniel reports

that he had seen myriads of the angelic host engaged in the ser-
vice of the sanctuary. "Thousand, thousands ministered unto
Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him."
Now the scene has changed, and "no man was able to enter into
the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were ful-

9. What factors deterrr.ine the time when the door of mercy shall
be shut for all impenitent world? What particular sign on
earth will show that transgression has reached its limit?

NOTE: "God keeps a reckoning with th e nations. Through

every century of this world's history, evil-workers have been
treasurin~ up wrath against the day of wrath; and when the time
fully comes that iniquity shall have reached the stated boundary
of God's mercy, his forbearance will cease. When the accumu-
lated figures in heaven's record books shall mark the sum of
transgression complete, wrath will come, unmixed with mercy,
and then it will be seen what a: tremendous thing it is to have
worn out the divine patience. This crisis will be reached when
the nations shall unite in making void God's law." Testimonies,
Vol. 5, p. 524. .

10. What provisiop is made for the people of God during this
terrible time? What account is carefully chronicled in the
in the record books? Isaiah 26:20-21.

NOTE: "Men who claim to be Christians may now defraud and

oppress the poor; they may rob the widow and the fatherless;
they may indulge their Satanic hatred because they cannot con-
trol the consciences of God's people; but for all this God will
bring them into judgment. They 'shall have judgment without
mercy' that have 'showed no mercy.' James 2: 13. Not long hence
they will stand before the Judge of all the earth, to render an
account for tlie pain they ha~e caused to the bodies and souls of
His heritage. They may now indulge in false accusations, they
may deride those whom God has appointed to do !lis work, they
may consign His believing ones to prison, to the chain-gang, to
banishment, to death; but for every pang of anguish, every tear
shed, they must answer. God will reward them double for their
sins." Christ's Object Lessons, pp. 17lJ-179.

Lesson N.o. 9 - sabbath, February 26, 1955

The Seven Last Plagues

1. What ·order from the sanctuary was given to the seven angels?
Rev. 16:1.

2. wm the seven last plagues be universal?

NOTE: "These plagues are not universal, or the inhabitants of

the earth would be wholly cut off. Yet they will be the most
awful scourges that have ever been known to mortals." Great
Controversy, p. G2lJ.
God does nothing haphazardly and even in His dealing with
the wicked He works aC'cording to a definite program. He does
not destroy them all at once. Although His -judgments reach
every part of the inhabited globe and all the wicked will suffer
in one way or another, yet some classes of people will be pre-
served to fulfil a certain appointed mission before their final
destruction. Some are destroyed instantly, while others are
scourged and endure untold agony, longing for death to bring an
end to their suffering. Certain localities are destined to feel
more than others the full force of specially mentIoned plagues.
Through all this terrible manifestation of God's wrath, lTlany of
the wicked will still remain alive to see the glorious coming of
Christ, and to be consumed by the "brightness of His coming."

3. What tenn is used by the prophet Isaiah in describing God's

destruCtive judgments upon the wicked? Isaiah 28:21.

4. Upon which class of people wm the first plague be poured

out? What will be its effect? Rev. 16:2. .
NOTE: It would be reasonable to believe that the prophet here
makes reference to a certain class who have been foremost in
their rejection of the light of the Sabbath truth. If all who had
refused to accept the truth were to suffer this ,plague at once,
there would be little chance 0 f organizing for the battle of Arma-

5. What was the effect of the pouring out of the second vial?
Rev. 16:3.

6. Where will the third plague have its effect? Rev. 16:4.

7. What announcement made from the sanctuary vindicates the

justice of God? Rev. 16:5-7.

NOTE: "God's judgments will be visited upon those who are

seeking to oppress and destroy His people. His long forbearance
with the wicked emboldens men in transgression, but their punish-
ment is none the less certain and terrible because it, is long
delayed." Great Controversy, p,' G27.

8. What sure judgment will come to all who persist in doing

wickedly? Eccl. 8:11-13.

9. What was the nature of the fourth plague? How widespread

was its effect? Rev. 16:8-9.

NOTE: "In the plague that follows, power is given to the sun
'to scorch men with fire. And men- were scorched with great
heat.' Rev. IG:2-G,U,9. The prophets thus describe the cen-
dition of the earth at this fearful time: 'The land mourneth; •••
because the harvest 0 f the field is perished.' 'All the trees of
the field are withered: because joy is 'withered away from the
. sons of men.' 'The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners
are laid desolate.' 'How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle
are perplexed, because they have no pasture•••• The rivers of
waters are dried up, and the fire hath devoured the pastures of
the wilderness.' 'The songs of the temple shall be howlings in
that day, saith the Lord God: there shall be many dead bodies
in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.' Joel
1: 10-12; 17-20; Amos U:3," Great Controversy, p. G2U.

10. What great ecclesiastical system and headquarters finally

becomes the special subject of God's wrath in the fifth
plague? Rev. 16:10-11.

NOTE: In the tenth verse we have evidence that those who suf-
fered under the first plague are still "gnawing their tongues for
pain" when the fifth plague is poured out. The seat of the beast
is today, and will no doubt continue to be, nome. "His kingdom"
probably embraces the ecclesiastical subjects of the Pope wher-
-ever they may be. All the glory which' for ages has enshrouded
this great apostate power is torn away. Da~kness and ~hame
cover her kingdom. She thought to be a queen forev3r, but now
she comes to an unexpected end. All her subjects now know that
they have been deceived, that hers was a false religion as the
god of nome has no power to protect her in the day of calamity.

Lesson No. 10 - Sabbath, March 5, 1955,

The Sixth and Seventh Plagues - Armageddon

1. According to the plan of God, where was the sixth plague

to be poured out? To which particular nation does this verse
refer? Rev. 16:12; 9:14,15.

NOTE: In his account of the plagues, the prophet did not in all
cases use symbolic language. In the second plague it must be
the literal "sea" that is referred to. In the third plague the
"rivers and fountains of waters" apply to natural rivers and
water'supplies. In the fourth it was the actual sun that scorched
the wicked. However, in the fifth plague the prophet uses sym-
bolic language to identify the power which is to be the subject
of God's wrath. The drying up of the River Euphrates cannot
have reference to the literal drying up of its waters, for the mere
waters of this river would present no difficulty to a modern army.
The prophet used this River Euphrates to symbolize the Turkish
nation, as was explained in Rev. 9: 14, where the four angels
bound to the niver Euphrates symbolized the four sultans of the
Moslem empire.

2. What is understood by "the kings of the east" - the literal'

eastern nations or, Christ and His angelic host at His second
coming? Joel 3:11.

NOTE: It is contended by many that "the kings of the east"

here mentioned have reference to the second coming of Christ.
This cannot be, for the prophet connects this scene with the
sixth plague, and Christ does not come until after the seventh
plague is over. The day and hour of Jesus' coming has not been
announced to God's people yet. Revelation 16: 12 directly refers
to the literal nations situated to the' east of Palestine, as was
taught in the early days by the pioneers of the Advent message.
3. What significent move will be made by Turl;ey when pro-
bation closes? Daniel 11:45.

NOTE: This prediction concerning Turkey at the time of its

fulfilment reveals that her government is in exile and there is
no longer a great nation able to sustain or protect her as in the
past. Each one is then fighting for its own very existence.

4. What three symbolic powers are seen to bring the world to

its final rebellion against God? What do they repre!)ent?
Rev. 16:1:1,14.

NaTE:: "Kings, and rulers, and governors have placed upon

themselves the brand of antichrist, and are represented as the
dragon who goes to make war with the saints." T,estimonies
to Ministers, p. 39.
The "beast" here mentioned is the same beast 'of nev. 13,
which received the deadly ,wound - the Papacy. The "false
prophet" symbolizes a confederacy of Protestantism. The "evil
spirits like frogs" represent false pastors and teachers who
pervert the Word of God and bring the nations to Armageddon
and the day of God's wrath. We can expect miracles to be
wrought by the power of these evil spirits to deceive the multi-
tudes of the world.

5. What announcement does Christ make concerning His coming?

Rev. 16:15.

NOTE: This phase of Christ's coming refers to the decree of

the sanctuary, which announces that the hour of probation is
closed. The wicked are unaware of this and thus the coming of
Christ will take them by surprise "as a thief," Those who
"keep their garments lest they walk naked" are those who have
been clothed in the garments of Christ's fiighteousness, and
thus they are justified when the solemn edict of the sanctua~
goes forth. Others will at that time find themselves "naked'
and beyond the boundary of hope. Verse 15 comes as a warning
to all today that they be not taken unawares.

6. To which place will tIle might of the nations be gathered?

Rev. II1:H;.

NOTE: This subject has attracted much attention lately and a

new theory has been evolved which denies an actual battle of
Armageddon in which military forces will be engaged. It is con-
tended that Armageddon will be merely a spiritual conflict be-
tween the forces of good an.d the forces of evil. SUC!l a theory
if adopted generally by the Seventh-day Adventists will lead
the people into a greater deception than they are at present and
they will find themselves involved in the battle of Armageddon
after probation has closed. With such a conception of Armageddon,
no danger is seen in the present policy of training soldiers for
the army.

7. What testimony does the prophet Isaiah give of a literal

battle of Annageddon? Isaiah 13:3-6; 34:1,2.

8. Does the prophet Joel predict a spiritual or a literal battle?

Joel 3:9-14.

9. According to the prOj)het Ezekiel, who will provoke the

battle of Annageddon, and where will it be fought? Fze.

10. With what event does the seventh plague commence? Rev.
16:17,18,20; Eze. 38:19·20.

NOTE: "That voice shakes the heavens and the earth. There
is a mighty earthquake, 'such as was not since men were upon
the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.' The firmament
appears to open and shut. The glory from the throne of God
seems flashing through. The mountains shake like a reed in the
wind, and ragged rocks are scattered on every side. There is a
roar as of a coming tempest. The sea is lashed into fury. There
is heard the shriek of the hurricane, like the voice of demons
upon a mission of destruction. The whole earth heaves and
swells like the waves of the sea. Its surface is breaking up.
Its very foundations seem to be giving way. Mountain chains are
sinking. Inhabited islands disappear. The seaports that have
become like Sodom for wickedness, are swallowed up by the
angry waters." Great Controversy, p. 1)37.

11. During this plague what fate befalls "great Babylon"?

Rev. 16:19.

NOTE: The great confederacy of the three powers before men-

tioned is now divided. At the tower of Babel the Lord confused
the tongues of the workmen, thus forcing them to scatter to all
parts of the world. This time He again in tervenes, but instead
of confusing the tongues, He confuses the minds of the people
and they all begin to fight one another.

12. What secret weapon has the Lord preserved for this last
plague? Rev. 16:21; ,Tob 38:22,23.

Lesson No. 11 - Sabbath, March 12, 1955
1\'lystery, Babylon the Great

1. After viewing the destruction of the "great Babylon" in

Chapter 16, to what is the attention of John drawn'? Where
is the seat of this wicked power established'? Rev. 17:1.

NaTE: That John might be able to fully iden tify this wicked
power forming "great Dabylon" and more especially that Cod's
people living in the last days should have sufficient enlightment
concerning this great system of apostate religion, a further
revelation was deemed necessary. This power is here symbolized
by a "whore", a corrupted woman, and she sits upon many waters,
representing "nations, and tongues and peoples."

2. Why is this power called a "whore"'? What corrupting influ-

ence has she had upon the nations'?' Rev. 17:2.

NOTE: A man under the influence of intoxicants is easily led

astray. So by the introduction of false and poisonous doctrines
of the Papacy, the nations of the earth have "been made drunk-
en." and kept under the Papal power. Her "fornication with the
kings of the earth" represents her political and commercial rela-
tionship with the great nations of the earth. Through these means
she becomes rich and powerful.

3. What furUler description is given to John of this apostate

system of religion'? Rev. 17:3,4.

4. What peculiar sign is seen upon the forehead of this woman'?

Rev. 17:5.

NOTE: In this significant name, the characteristics of the Papal

system of religion are clearly identified. Although the book of
nevelation is an open book and contains sufficient evidence to
fully expose the Papacy, still to many it remains a mystery.
"This prophecy is more definite than others applicable to the
noman power in that it distinguishes between church and state.
We here have. the woman, the church, seated upon a scarlet-
colored beast, the civil power, by which she is upheld, and
which she controls and guides to her own ends, as a rider con-
trols the animal upon which he is seated." Daniel and Revelation,
5. What was the inevitable result of this combination of church
and state'? Rev. 17:6.
- 20-
NOT~: There is little necessity of describing here how Home
culed for 1,2GO years over the nations, and the terrible massacre
of the children of God during this dark period of history. Since
then the Homan Catholic church has made many outward changes,
but she has not changed in character. The only reason she does
not persecute today is because she has no power to do so.

6. What n;ystery is now explained to <Tohn? Rev. 17:7.

NOTE: To John was now revealed the origin and development

of this wicked power. The beast with "seven heads" and "ten
horns" which carried the woman represents Pagan nome. The
woman, Papal ilome, succeeded Pagan Home and inherited its
characteristics. Although Pagan Home ceased to ex ist after
47G A.D., the ten horns of the beast remained. The same tyrannic
power exercised by the iron monarchy of pagan Home, was exer-
cised by the Papacy over the ten nations of Furope, only that
she did it under the cloak of Christianity.

7. How did the angel begin to reveal to John the hi8torical

facts concerning this power? Rev. 17:8.

NOTE: "Home in Three Phases.- The beast of which the angel

here speaks is evidently the scarlet-colored beast. A wild
beast, like the one thus introduced, is the symbol of an oppres-
sive and persecuting power. While the Homan power as a nation
had a long, uninterrupted existence, it passed through certain
phases during which this symbol would not be applicabl e to it,
and during which time the beast, in such prophecies as the present
might be said not to be, or not to exist. Thus Rome in its pagan
form was a persecu ting power in its relation to the people of God,
during which time it constituted the beast that was. Out when
the empire was nominally converted to Christianity, there was a
transition from paganism to another phase of religion falsely
called Christian. During a brief period, while this transition was
going on, it lost its ferocious and persecuting character, and then
it could be said o~ the beast that it was not. As time passed,
it developed into the papacy, and again assumed its bloodthirsty
and oppressive character." Vaniel and Revelation, p. 700.
8. Only what class will be able to understand this prophecy?
To which special characteristic of this beast is our attention
brought? Rev. 17:9.

NOTE: The seven heads of .the scarlet colored beast should

not be applied to heathen Home, but to th e Vatican City, and
her seat of government, surrounded by the seven natural hills.
9. To what point in history is Jot'.l1 now brought bad,? Rev.
NOTE: ] ohn now clarifies in the mind of the reader the very
stage of development of Pagan nome at the time he was given the
vision. Five of the kings (forms of government) had already
passed into history, the sixth form of government was then in
in existence, while there was still yet another system to come,
a semi-christian form. of government which was developed fully
in the time of Constantine.

10. What conclusion is then made concerning this wicked lJOwer'?

Rev. 17:11.

NOTF: Here the previous explanation is reviewed and analyzed.

This beast of which John says "was and is not" had seven
heads representing seven kings. Now John sees an eighth head,
but it was explained that "this is of the seven," and it was so
in the sense that Papacy (or the eighth) had all the characteristics
of the previous forms of Pagan f!overnment.

Lesson :\'0. 12 - Sabbath, March 19, 1955

The Ten Kings of Europe in Prophecy

1. What further explanation was given to Joim concerning thc

European nations? Rev. 17:12 <first part).

NOTE: When the vision was given to John, Pagan flo me was in
existence, and there was no division. The future disintegration
of nome and its division into ten kingdoms is here foretold.

2. Whcn would these I,ings reccive IJOWer? Rev. 17:12 (last


NOTE: The phrase "one hour" in the original refers to an

indefinite space of time, and should read "in the same era or
in the same period." This could be applied to the rising of the
Papacy in 538 A.D. as at the same time the ten barbarian nations,
divided from Pagan nome, now set up their own form of govern-
ments and it could be truly said that they received power as
kings "at the same time" as the Papacy.

3. At which time in history could the following prediction be

fully applied? Rev. 17:13.

NOTE: Although for a long period of time Papacy ruled over

the kings of Europe, it could not be truly said, "These have one
mind," as we well remember the severe conflict Papacy had with
three of these powers in order to subdue them. During the dark
ages the crowned monarchs of Europe maintained their position
and power largely at the pleasure of the Papacy. As this pro-
phecy has not been fulfilled in the past, we must expect the
event there predicted to take place in this last generation. We
eQuId not say as yet that all the ten nations "have one mind,"
but we must expect this to be fulfilled in the near future. They
will voluntarily give their allegiance and their strength to the

4. Why was it necessary for this beast to be strengthened?

Rev. 13:3 <first part).

NOTE: The prophecy concerning this beast of nevelation 17 has

a close relationship to the similarly described beast in Chapter
13. The third verse of Chapter 13 represents the Papacy as one
of the seven heads of the Pagan noman beast. From 10hn's
account of the seven kings, we understand that when the one
that had not yet come at the time he was writing should appear
on the scene, it would seem to be an eighth head, though in
reality it is of the seven, in the sense that it absorbed and
exercised their power. Thus the prophecy of Chapter 13 fore-
tells the wounding of the seventh head, representing the tyran-
nic power of Papal nome. The French nevolution degraded the
power of the Papacy and she thus lost her supremacy of the
European nations. Now th e prophecy under consideration reveals
that these nations will again restore the power which was once
hers. From the time of the French nevolution until 1929, there
was no evidence of any "healing of the deadly wound." Now
it could be said that the wound is almost healed. Never in the
history of the world has the Papacy had such political sway
with 'the nations of the world as at the present time, and this
will grow until she will again be considered the head of the
Christian world. And before this can take place, there will have
to be a unity among the nations of Europe so they can give their
full support to the Catholic church.

1J. When the nations reach this state of unity. what will be
their next move? Rev. 17:14 (first part).

NOTE: This war with the '~Lamb" refers to the persecution of

the faithful remnant people of God by the combined powers of
apostate Protestantism and the Papacy.

6. Against whom will the dragon make war in this closing work?
Rev. 12:17 (Iastpart).

NOTE: The dragon, though wroth against the woman, goes to

- 29-
make war with th e faithful remnant. This should find its complete
fulfilment in our time. The "dragon" here referred to is not
Pagan nome but is another power very little known to the people
as a persecuting power. The question for us to understand is.
What is referred to by "the church." and "the remnant of her
seed." It might be thought that "the woman" here symbolized
is in the past and that the "remnant" refers to the Laodicean
churGh. In the time of John, the official Jewish church was still
in existence and the nomans hated this church; but it was against
the apostolic church. "the remnant of her seed," that their anger
was let loose in bitter persecution. This prophecy must have a
literal fulfilment in our day. There should be an official church
represented by "the woman" upon which "the dragon" or civil
governments look with wrath and suspicion, but because of her
compromise. the "powers that be" are pacified. There must be
"a remnant of her seed" however. against whom the dragon makes

7. Which power wiII in our day "speak like a dragon"? Rev.


NOTE: This beast with two horns refers to Protestant America,

and it will soon "speak like a dragon" and prove to be a perse-
cuting power of the saints. The dragon represents governments
of the different nations of the world (see Testimonies to Minis-
ters. p. 39). Many are loo~ing to the time of final test for the
fulfilment of this prophecy. Today the "dragon" is not wroth
because we pray to Cod and read the Bible, or even because
we keel-' the Sabbath. but he is wroth because the faithful remnant
will not share in the spirit of nationalism or take part in warfare.
This is the present test which proves our loyalty to the third
angel's message and to prepare us'for that time when the dragon
shall make war.
8. Who will- be the conquerors in the final struggle? What will
be the sao end of those who today fail to stand in defense
of tmth? Rev. 17:14 (last part).

NOTE: "In the final victory God will have no use for those
persons who are nowhere to be found in time of peril and danger.
when the strength. courage. and influence of all are required to
make a charge upon the enemy. Those who stand like faithful
soldiers to battle ag~inst wrong. and to vindicate the right,
warring against principalities and powers, against the rulers of
the darkness of this world. against spiritual wickedness in high
places. will each receive the commen~ation from the Master.
'Well done. good and faithful servant. enter thou into the joy of
thy Lord ... • Testimonies. Vol. 3. p. 327.
9. By what figure is the power of Papacy upon the nations of
the world represented? Rev. 17:15.

10. During the seven last plagues, what will the nations do to
this false religious power that has for so long deceived
them? Rev. 17:16,17.

11. What other symbol is now introduced to identifY the Papacy?

Rev. 17:18. I

NOTE: Here the great city, spiritual Dabylon, is again brought

to view: It is made plain just how 'great will be the power she
will exercise, evp.n exceeding that of the Dark Ages.

Lesson No. 13 - Sabbath, March 26, 1955

The Message of Revelation 18:1

, 1. To what chain of prophecy does this chapter bring us?

Rev. 18:1 (first part).

NOTE: The expression "after these things" connects the mes-

sage of this angel with the first, second, and third angels' mes-
sages of fievelation 14. The messages of all these angels con-
stitute the last message of mercy.

2. How many messages were intrusted to the Seventh-day

Adventist Church?

NOTE: "The three angels of fievelation 14 are represented as

flying in the midst of heaven, symbolizing the work of those who
proclaim the first, second, and third angels' messages. All are
linked together." Testimonies, Vol. G, p. 17.

3. What solemn obligation rested upon tho~ entrusted with the

proclamation of these.three messages?

NOTE: "We are to throw aside our narrow, selfish plans, remem-
bering that we have a work of the largest magnitude and highest
importance. In doing this work we are sounding the first, second,
and third angels' messages, and are thus being prepared for the
coming of that other angel from heaven who is to lighten the
earth with his glory." Testimonies, Vol. G, p. 40G.
4. What ,was to be the result if this work was neglected?

NOTE: "I know that a work must be done for the people, or
many will not be prepared to receive the light of the angel sent
down from heaven to lighten the whole earth with his glory. Do
not think you will be found as vessels unto honor in the time of
the latter rain, to receive the glory of God, if you are lifting up
your souls unto vanity, speaking perverse things, in secret cher-
ishing roots of bitterness." Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 460-

5. Ifow was the message of Revelation 18:1 received when

presented at the Minneapolis Conference in 1888?

NOTE: "What is the 'message to be -given at this time? It is

the third angel's message. But that light which is to fill the
whole earth with its glory has been despised by some who claim
to believe the present truth. Be careful how you treat it. Take
off the shoes from off your feet; for you are on holy ground.
Beware how you indulge the attributes of Satan, and pour con-
tempt upon the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. I know not but
some have even now gone too far to return and to repent." Testi-
monies to Ministers, pp. 09-90.
"The message was not received alike by all who attended the
Conference; in fact, there was serious difference of opinion con-
cerning it among the leaders." Christ Our Righteousness, p. 56
<old edition).

6. What testimony did A. G. Daniells give in 1926 of the un-

fortunate Minneapolis experience? What hope did he express
for the future?

NOTE: "Careful study of the instruction given by the Spirit of

prophecy leads to the deep conviction that the coming of the
message of Righteousness by Faith at the Minneapolis Confer-
ence, was a signal providence of God, - a providence designated
to initiate the beginning of a new era in the finishing of His
"It would be far more agreeable to eliminate some of the state-
ments given by the Spirit of prophecy regarding the attitude of
some of the leaders toward the message and the messengers.
But this cannot be done without giving only a partial presentation
of the situation which develored at the Conference, thus leaving
the question in more or less 0 mystery ••••
"But through the intervening years there has been steadily
developing the desire and hope - yes, the" belief - that some day
the message of Righteousness by· Faith would shine forth in all
its inherent worth, glory, and power, and receive full recognition."
Christ' Our Righteousness, pp. 72,59,50 <old edition)
7. What alanning statement was made concerning the message
brought to the church in 1888?

NOTE: "'The time of test is just upon us, for the loud cry of
tne third angel has already begun in the revelation of the right-
eousness of Christ, the sin-pardoning Redeemer. This is the
beginning of the light of the angel whose glory shall fill the
whole earth.' - Review and Herald, Nov. 22, Hl92." Christ
Our Righteousness, p. 72 {old edition}.

8. At that time what was the most urgent need of the church
and leadership?

NOTE: "God's people will not endure the test unless there is
a revival and a reformation. The Lord will not admit into the
mansions He is preparing for the righteous, one soul who is
self-sufficient." Testimonies, Vol. 7, p. 205.
The reformation called for has never taken place in the follow-
ing years. Some of the leaders have tried to give the impression
that the reformation came with the moving of the headquarters
from Battle Creek to Washington, D.C., after the calamity came
upon the Review and Herald Publishing House, the Sanitarium
and later the Tabernacle. This change, though it was necessary,
did not bring about the called for reformation, otherwise there
would have been no need for the further calls to be made in the
years that followed. .

9. What effect would a true refonnation bring into the life of

the leaders and the'people?
NOTE: "God calls for a spiritual revival and a spiritual reforma-
tion. Unless this takes place, those who are lukewarm will con-
tinue to grow more abhorrent to the Lord, until He will refuse to
acknowledge them as His children.
"A revival and a reformation must take place under the minis-
tration of the Holy Spirit. Revival and reformation are two differ-
ent thjngs. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quicken-
ing of the powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from spiritual
death. Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas, .
and theories, habits and practices. Reformation will not bring
forth the good fruit of righteousness unless it is connected with
the revival of the Spirit. Revival and reformation are to do their
appointed work, and in doing this work they must blend." Christ
Our Righteousness, pp. 154-155 {old editiDn}.
10. What call came to the Church in the year 1913?

NOTE: "I see a crisis before us, and the Lord calls for His •
laborers to come into line. Every soul should now stand in a
position of deeper, truer consecration to God than' during the
years that have passed ••.• " Testimonies to Ministers, p. 514.
The following statement was omitted from Testimonies to
Ministers, but is reproduced from the General Conference Bulletin:
"During the General Conference of 1909, a work should have
been done in the hearts of those in attendance that was not, done.
Hours should have been given up to heart-searching that would
have led to the breaking up of the fallow ground of heafts of
those who were at the meeting. This would have given them in-
sight to understand the work so essential to be ,done in repent-
ance and confession. But though opportunities were given for
confession of sin, for heartfelt repentance, and for a decided
work of reformation, thorough work was not done."

11. What step into apostasY was taken by the Church leaders
when the great crisis came in 1914? What guilt was thus
brought upon the church?

NOTE: The following sentence is taken from a resolution of

the General Conference 0 f the Seven th-d ay Adventists' in HlGS,
in which was expressed the attitude of the church to war: "We
are compelled to decline all participation in acts of war and
bloodshed as being inconsistent with the duties enjoined upon
us by our divine Master toward 'our enemies and toward all man-
By changing only a few word's, the whole movement shifted
from its original stand. uN on-participation" was changed to
"participation"; "conscientious objectors to war" became
"conscientious cooperators in war."
"His authority should be kept distinct and plain before the
world; and no laws are to be acknowledged that come in collision
with the laws of Jehovah. If in defiance of God's arrangements
the world be allowed to influence our decisions or our actions,
the purpose of God is defeated. However specious the pretext,
if the church waver here, there is written against her in the books
of heaven a betrayal of the most sacred trusts, and treachery to
the kingdom of Christ." Testimonies to Ministers, pp. Iv-l7.

12. How did the prophesied Reformation begin?

NOTF: "We do not know what great interests may be at stake

in the proving of God. There is no safety except in strict obedi-
ence to the word of God. All his promises are made upon con-
dition of faith and obedience, and a failure to comply with his
• commands cuts off the fulfillment to us of the rich provisions
of the Scriptures. We should not follow impulse, nor rely on
the judgment of men; we should look to the revealed will of God,
and walk according to his definite commandment, no matter what
circumstances may surround us. God will take care of the re-
sults; by faithfulness to his word we may in time of trial prove
before men and angels that the Lord can trust us in difficult
places to carry out his will. honor his name, and bless his
people." Patriarchs and Prophets, pro 021-022.
Without the knowledge of the called-for refonnation in the
Spirit of prophecy, or of the original position of non-participation
taken by the pioneers, and without any intimation of the message
which was rejected at Minneapolis in HlOO, our brethren in Europe
in 1914 when the great crisis came, were led by the spirit of
God and their study of the Bible to reject the position taken by
the church to participate in war and to transgress the Sabbath.
As a result of their stand many were disfellowshipped from the
church, and were bitterly persecuted by the leaders of the church
and fellow church members. Throu gh this bitter experience
the Lord led the pioneer brethren of the Reform Movement to find
from the Dible alone the call for a reformation among the Seventh-
day Adventists, the Message to Laorlicea, Christ Our Highteous-
ness, Health Reform, and many other precious truths. This
brought a great joy to us at the time, but our joy was unbounded
when we were able to obtain the writings of the Spirit of prophecy
and see the wonderful harmony between the light revealed to us
and the message given by the servant of the Lord. All efforts
made that ·the apostasy be corrected and unity restored proved
to be in vain. After the war ceased, it was found that believers
had had a similar experience in some sixteen countries of Europe.

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