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AIA A-94-2768



E.J. Fuller and C.E. Smith

CFD Research Corporation
Huntsville, AL


Propulsion Conference
June 27-29, 1994 / Indianapolis, IN
For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024
E.J. Fuller'
C.E. Smith"
CFD Reseatch Corporation
Huntsville, AL

3-D, curvilinear, multi-block CFD modeling is a Development of new gas turbine combustor
valuable tool in gas turbine combustor design. One of designs is a formidable and costly task, typically
the most imponant, but often neglected, aspects of requiring years of testing to meet desired goals. The
c o m b u s t o r modeling is boundary condition principal reason for high burner development costs is
specification. This paper focuses on the critical the complexity and lack of understanding of the flow
treatment of fuel nozzle/swirler boundary conditions and patterns a n d physical mechanisms in advanced
fuel spray specification. An ambicnt-pressure research combustors, especially the combustor primary zone.
combustor, using an advanced dual-spray airblast fuel Airflow enters the primary zone through many different
nozzle, was analyzed at three flow conditions types of openings, e.g. fuel nozzles, dome swirlers,
rcprescnting full power, idle, and start-up. Nozzle cooling slots, and primary holes. Liquid hydrocarbon
boundary conditions for the 3-D simulations wcre fuel (c.g. JP8) is typically introduced into the primary
determined using 2-D multi-block CFD analysis of the zone through airblast or piloted airblast fuel nozzles.
internal fuel nozzle passages. Verification of the 2-D As atomization occurs, the fuel is broken into a wide
fuel nozzle modeling methodology was achieved range of drop sizes followed by evaporation into
through a comparison of predicted and measured nozzle gaseous fuel(s), and reaction with air through a series of
exit velocitics and spray trajcctories, and good complex chemical reactions.
engineering agreement found. 3 - D combustor
simulations were then performed and the results were An advanced annular high-temperature rise
qualitatively compared to experimental long-exposure combustor design is shown in Fig. 1 . This combustor
- flame photographs. Computed flame patterns showed design attempts to increase turndown fuel-air ratio
good overall agreement with the flame photographs, without the complexity of air staging (e.g. variable
thus providing confidence in the overall C F D geometry) or fuel staging (e.g. double annular
combustor modeling approach. cornbustor). Instead of treating the primary zone as one
lumped zone, the two recirculation zones in the
Nomenclature combustor primary zone are treated as two independent
and separately fueled reaction zones. A Central
P - pressure Recirculation Zone (CRZ) is created along each nozzle's
x - axial distance centerline, and Dome Recirculation Zones (DRZ) are
r - radialdistance caused by the sudden expansion of the nozzle airflow
u - axial velocity discharging into the combustor. The intent of this
V - radial velocity design is to control the fuel-air distribution in each
w - tangcntial velocity reaction zone to increase turndown fuel-air ratio
0 - equivalencentio compared to conventional design.

* Project Engineer
Member AIAA

Vice Presidenfingineering
Mcmbcr AIAA

C o p y r i g h t 0 1994 by t h e American Institutc of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved

Combustor designers havc realized that CFD 3. non-orthogonal curvilinwr coordinatcs;

analysis hclps to rcduce many of the costs associatcd 4. multi-block grid topology;
with burner dcvclopmenr by providing improved 5. upwind, central (with damping), second
-_ undcrstanding, and can be uscd to scrccn candidatc order upwind and Osher-Chakravarthy
designs in a qualitative manner. O n c of the most differcncing scbemcs;
important aspccts in C F D combustor modcling is 6. standard and extended K-E turbulence
boundary condition specification. Fuel nozzlc/swirlcr models, the two-scale turbulence model2o.
boundary conditions arc vcry difficult to spccify. The and the low-Reynolds number K-E modci;
fucl nozzlc/swirlcr has complex flow fcaturcs at its' I. instantaneous, one-step, and four-step hcat
discharge planc, such as highly swirled airflow and a release combustion models and a post-
wide rangc of fucl spray droplcts and vclocitics. processed prescribed pdf Zeldovich NO,
Rclativcly small changes in the nozzle/swirlcr design model:
h a v c becn shown to significantly changc thc 8. modificd form of Stone's strongly implicit
acrodynamic flow pattern in combustor primary zoncs. solver and conjugate gradient solver;
Likcwisc, C F D simulations havc shown extreme 9. prcssurc-bascd solution algorithms
scnsitivity to fucl nozzle/swirler boundary condition including SIMPLE and a variant of
spccification.' To improvc our undcrsmnding of fucl SIMF'LEC;
nozzlc/swirlcr boundary condition specification, this 10 Lagrangian spray tracking and vaporization
paper focuses on a methodology to obtain bctrer CFD with turbulent-dispersion model; and
analysis of combustor primary zones. This paper first I1 conjugatc hcat transfer including radiation.
discusses the mcthodology of modcling the internal
passagcs of airblast-typc fucl nozzlcs. Comparison CFD-ACE has undergone a considerable amount
bctwccn predictcd 2-Daxisymmctric CFD analysis and of sysrematic quantitative validation for both
cxpcrimcntal fucl nozzle measurements will be shown incompressible and compressible flows.
to verify thc mcthodology. Ncxt, 3-D CFD analysis of
an ambicnt-pressure research combustor will be of FII&JQE&
. .
presented at thrce distinctly different flow conditions. To verify our 2-D CFD fuel nozzle methodology,
Qualiwtivc comparisons of predictcd flamc pattcrns and a validation fuel nozzle case was performed. McVey,
expcrimcntal photographs w i l l be prcscntcd. et. al.7- performed and documented a series of
-~ experiments directed at gathering information on the
Euel Noz.rle AMIY&S operation of large-scale airblast fuel nozzles under
isothermal conditions. Their intent was to closely
Thc specification of the fuel nozzle boundary simulatc thc flow bchavior in a combustor in which a
conditions, for the 3-D research combustor simulation, strong interaction of a swirling airstream with liquid
were obtaincd using a scparatc 2-D axisymmctric C F D spray occurs. Thrce instrumentation tcchniques were
analysis of thc internal passages of the dual-spray cmploycd in the study: a high-resolution patternator to
airblast fucl nozzlc. To gain confidcncc in the nozzle cstablish the spray mass flux distribution; a single-
predictions, a validation fuel n o u l c case was performed component phase-Doppler particlc analyzer (PDPA) to
and comparcd to a documcnted airblast fucl nozzle determine the spatial distribution of mean droplet size as
experiment.2 well as axial components of velocity of both phases;
and a two-component laser-Doppler velocimeter (LDV)
W e r i c a l Cadn for documenting thc three components of gas flow
Numerical simulations wcrc pcrformcd using the vclocity in the absence of spray.
cornmcrcially available C F D code CFD-ACE. T h e
basic capabilitics/mcthodologics in CFD-ACE includc: The cxperimcntal configuration, shown
schcmatically in Fig. 2, contains inner and outcr co-
1. co-locatcd, fully implicit and strongly rotating air swirlers. The vane angles of the outer and
conscrvativc finite volume formulation; inner air swirlers wcrc 40' and 45",respectively. All
2. solution of two- and threc-dimensional testing was performed under unconfined, atmospheric
Navier-Stokcs equations for prcssurc conditions at ambient temperature, and water
incomprcssiblc and compressiblc flows; was uscd as thc injcctant. The air-side pressure drop

was sclcctcd to prtxlucc an air vclocity typical of cngine respectively. Comparisons arc madc close to the nozzlc
full power conditions, and the injcctant flow was choscn cxit planc (x = 0.114 cm), and two downstream
to prcscrvc thc liquid-to-gas momcntiim ratio. Tablc 1 stations, (x = 1.270 cm and 2.540 cm). At the nozzlc
-. prcscnts thc rclevant test conditions. Rcfcrcnce 2 exit plane, the existence of a central vortex corc region
rcportcd spray droplct s i x s ranging from 10 to 300 of low axial velocity can be secn in both the
microns, with a SMD of 76 microns a t thc first axial cxperimcntal and numcrical rcsults. Howevcr, the
mcasurcmcnt station of x = 2.840 cm. calculation did not prcdict as low a vclocity on the
nozzle centerline. Both the numerical and expcrimcntal
A 2 - D axisymmctric, multi-block grid of the results show a distinct axial vclocity shouldcr at r =
cxpcrimcntal configuration was gcncratcd with exactly 11.0 cm, thc exit radius of the nozzle. Thc numerical
10,000 cells (Fig. 3). Total prcssurc boundary rcsults can he seen to over-prcdict the peak axial
conditions wilh flow anglcs cqual to the vane angles vclocity by approximately 10%. At suhscqucnt
wcrc spccificd at thc trailing cdgcs o l thc air-swirl downstream stations, overall good agrcement bctwccn
vancs. T h c ovcrall pressure drop across thc fuel nomle Ihc expcrimcntal and computational rcsults can be seen.
was ninc pcrccnt, hut a two percent pressurc drop was In both cases, the central core can be obscrvcd to slowly
assumed across the vanes. The two pcrccnt was sprcad radially outward with the numerical rcsults
determined from a straight vane prcssurc loss corrclation sprcading slightly faster. The computations continue to
of Rcfcrcncc 3. T w o numcrical simulations wcrc slightly over-predict the peak velocities by ncarly 10%.
pcrformcd, the first being an air-only simulation and thc CFD-ACE did prcdict the ncgativc axial velocity rcgion
sccond with watcr injcction. along the ccnterline found at thc second axial station in
the experiments. Integration of the computationally
In thc numerical watcr injection casc, a Rosin- prcdicted axial velocity curve gives a massflow rate or
Raminlcr droplct distribution was irscd with 1 1 sizcs 0.0267 kgis, whcreas McVcy's intcgration of his axial
ranging from 10 to 300 microns. Thc SMD was vclocity curves yicldcd a massflow rate of 0.028 kg/s.
spccificd to hc 76 microns. Water droplcts wcrc The numerical over-prcdiction of nearly eight percent
introduced into the flowficld at the radial and axial indicated that perhaps fhc swirl vane losscs were grcatcr
location of thc fucl slot cxit, (Fig. 4). Thc droplcts than the estimates made using Reference 3.
wcrc inscrtcd a t thrcc different axial locations: leading
-~ cdgc, middlc, and trailing cdgc of fucl slot. Note that The anti-symmetric tangential vclocity pattern,
the intcrnal fucl flow passage was not modclcd. The seen in Fig. 6, is thc expected profile for axisymmetric
initial vclocitics of the droplets wcrc paramcuically swirling flow. At the nozzle exit plane, the
varied, as discussed in thc following scction, to experimcntal rcsults show a very stecp vclocity gradicnt
asccrtain thc clfccts of thc initial conditions on thc in the vortex core, a double peaked smcture in the high
spray uajcctories. vclocity region, and an apparcnt swirl reversal in rhc
outer low-velocity region. As was thc case for thc axial
leal Detorls velocity predictions, the computations compared well in
T h c numcrical details of thc 2-D nozzlc thc overall shape of the expcrimcntal curve. Thc
calculations arc: computations did not predict as steep a velocity gradicnt
as found in the experiments, nor the swirl reversal found
1. wholc-ficld solution of u-momentum, v- in the outer low-velocity region. At the latcr
momcntum, prcssurc corrcction, turbulcnt d o w n s t r c a m stations, t h e computations and
kinctic cncrgy k, and dissipation ratc 6 experimcntal rcsults gcnerally agree in shape and
2. upwind diflercncing for all variablcs; magnitude, however the expcriments continue to show a
3. standard k-& modcl with wall functions; stccpcr velocity gradient than thc numcrical prcdictions.
and Ovcrall, the comparisons between thc computations 'and
4. turbulcnt Prandtl number of 0.9. experiments wcre good in an engineering scnsc.

Fuel Nozzle Val-

. . Comparison of predicted and measured spray
Rcsultq from thc "air-only'' casc arc illustratcd in rcsults arc shown in Fig. 7. Experimental points, in
Fig. 5 and 6, which comparc the cxpcrimcntal and Fig. 7, depict thc Sautcr mcan droplct rizc at each radial
numcrical prcdictcd axial and tangcntial vclocitics, mcasurcmcnt station. The largcr d r o p l e ~arc
~ ccnuirugcd

to the pcriphcry of the spray in both the prediction and n of the V A l r b l a s t Fuel
measurements. McVcy's results indicate that droplets iwLiik
on the ofdcr 01 10-10-40 microns tend to stay in the A schematic of the dual-spray fuel nozzle
inrcrior of the flow for all axial stations, with larger concept4 is prescnted in Fig. 8. The dual-spray airblast
droplets being slung to the outer flow rcgions. The atomizer consists of two fuel passages (designated pilot
spccification of the initial vclocitics of the spray and main) and three air passages (designated inner, mid,
droplets is very difficult to dcterminc. In an airblast and outer). Pilot fuel is discharged between the inncr
fucl nozzle, fuel is supplied at low pressure ( i s . low and mid airstreams, while main fuel is discharged
velocity) to a filming surface whcrc the shearing action bctwecn the mid and outer airstreams. The high
of a high velocity swirling airstream acts to atomizc the velocity airstreams shcar and atomize the liquid shects
fuel. Thc. liquid film is broken into ligaments and then into a fine mist. The airstreams arc swirlcd by curvcd
into many sizes of droplcts. Droplct-droplet interaction axial vanes, and all streams are co-rotating. Such a fuel
has bccn found to be important in the initial breakage nozzle is designed to pass all of thc dome airflow except
region where coalescence as well as secondary cooling flow, and providcs improved atomization at low
atomization occurs. Without a spray breakup model, it fucl flows and low air pressure drops compared to a
is not possible to capturc these effects. From an conventional airblast atomizers. The C R Z of the
engineering pcrspcclivc, thc modclcr can only specify research combustor, maintained at an equivalence ratio
total mass-flow, drop sizes, and initial vclocitics. near 1.0, is fueled by the pilot atomizer, and used for
Atomization modcling is an area ofnecdcd rcscarch. combustion stability. The main atomizer fuels the
To assess the effect of initial droplet velocity,
three numcrical cases were performed in which the The multi-block feature of CFD-ACE was used
initial velocities of the spray droplets set to be: 1) equal to model the complcx intcrnal airflow passages of the
to the local air velocity (Case I), 2) cqual to 1/2 the dual-spray nozzle (Fig. 9). T h e calculation domain
local air velocity (Case 2), and 3) cqual to 114 the local started just downstream of the swirl vanes in each air
air velocity (Case 3). A l l fuel droplets were rcleascd passage, and extended into a dump combustor. Air AP's
into the flow at the fuel passage exit (Fig. 4), at at ambient conditions of 3%, representing full powcr
idcntical velocities. Fig. 7 illustrates the effects of the and idle, and 0.36, representing light-off conditions,
droplet initial conditions. As was the case for thc were numerically simulated. The total pressure and
experiments, the larger droplets wcre centrifuged farther flow direction were specified at each airflow inlet, and a
outward than the smaller droplets. The numerical loss coefficient was assumed using Reference 3 to
simulations show that the droplcls arc slung farther into account for the swirl vane pressure loss. The inner and
the periphery as the droplet initial velocity incrcascs. mid air passages each contained a 45" swirler and thc
Initial vclocity effects can be sccn to become morc outer air passage containcd a 60" swirler.
significant further downstream. At thc axial plane of x
= 2.54 cm, there is approximately a 20% diffcrencc in w o r a v N- and Discussion
radial location between Casc 1 and 3, whereas nearly a Fig. 10 presents the streamline pattern of the
70% difference in radial locations is found at thc last dual-spray nozzle at full powcr conditions dctcrmincd
axial station of x = 5.08 cm. The numerical from a 2-D axisymmetric analysis. One can see a
simulations show a ncarly hyperbolic distribution Central Recirculation Zone (CRZ) and a Dome
which does not accuratcly reflect the "bucket" found in Recirculation Zonc (DRZ) created by the fuel nozzle.
the cxperimcntal results. Expcrimcntally, the proccss From the CFD analysis, thc nozzle ACd was dctcrmined
o f liquid film to ligaments to droplets would create non- to bc 0.085 in2, which compared very well with the
uniformity of droplet initial velocities and the data from expcrimcntally measured value of 0.086 in'.
Reference 2 suggests that the initial droplet velocities
differ significantly For droplets less than approximately Expcrimen(ally, a single-component Acrometrics
50 microns, than those greatcr than 50 microns. From Phase Dopplcr Particle Analyzcr (PDPA) was used to
the numerical simulations performed, the best initial dctcrminc an area-averaged S M D of the spray 2.54 cm
conditions for the spray was found to be Casc 3 in downstream of the nozzle cxit. The area-avcngcd SMD
which the droplcts wcrc injcctcd at 1/4 thc local air or the nozzlc configuration was determined to be:



Figure 1. Fuel and Airflow Patterns in Advanced High Temperature RISE Combustor Primary

thc thrce-nozzlc start-up condition cxpcriments. A dissipation rate E , total enthalpy, and
singlc large ycllow flamc can bc seen at each fucl nozzlc mixture fraction:
location, indicating vcry rich combustion, and no DRZ 2. upwind differencing for all variables;
- tlamc is visiblc. Distinct "licks" of flames can be 3. variable fluid properties;
obscrvcd on thc flamc fringcs illustrating the time 4. adiabatic walls:
dcpcndcnt naturc of thc problcm. Figurc 16 shows thc 5. standard k-E model with wall functions;
results from the thrce-nozzle simulated idle condition. 6. turbulent Prandtl number of 0.9;
The whitish color of the CRZ flame dcmonstratcs that 7. onc-stcp reaction kinetics modcl of
slightly rich combustion is taking placc in this rcgion. Wcstbrook and Dryer; and
Surrounding cach of the CRZ flames is a halo of blue 8. solution of spray trajectories and
flame indicating that lcan combustion is taking placc in vaporization.
thc DRZ's.
3-D numcrical reacting simulations wcrc
Grid GeucaLim performed for the simulated full power, simulated idlc,
A grid gcneration packagc called ICEM-CFD5,G and start-up conditions. Boundary conditions for thc
was uscd to gcncratc the 3-D single-block grid of the primary holes were determined by the air pressurc drop
rcsearch combustor. ICEM-CFD couples thc Computcr across the liners, rcsulting in a jet velocity of
Aidcd Dcsign (CAD) tool of ICEM DDN to an approximatcly 72 m/s at full powcr and idlc, and 22.9
algebraic volume mcsh generation system, ICEM m/s a t start-up conditions. Cooling slot initial
MULCAD and ICEM Padamm. A singlc-nozzle sector vclocitics were calculated from the measured liner
grid, starting at the fucl nozzle exit plane was gcneratcd pressure drop and effective flow areas, yielding an
with approximatcly 80,000 cells (Fig. 17). Thc grid upstream cooling slot vclocity of 23.2 mls, and a
was heavily conccntratcd in the primary zone region. downsueam cooling slot velocity of 9.2 mls for the full
Since thc tlow-field is rcctangular in shape, thc multi- power and idle simulations. For the start-up conditions,
block capabilitics of CFD-ACE wcrc not ncccssary. thc downstream and upsueam cooling slot vclocitics
Cyclic boundaries on the plancs bctwecn nozzles were wcrc detcrmined to b e 2.9 m/s and 7.3 mls,
specifid. Thc fucl nozzlc cxit was modclcd to thc cxact rcspcctivcly. As previously discussed, thc initial
geomctric dimcnsion, and thc diameter of thc primary conditions for the fuel nozzle were taken from 2-D fuel
holcs were calculated from the known massflow and an nozzle C F D simulations. In the full power simulation,
assumed ACd of 0.8. With thc fully Body Fitted the primary and main fuel droplet initial sizes ranged
Coordinate (BFC) gridding technique used, skewed cells from 15 to 60 microns with an SMD of 30 microns.
are created in the "corncrs" of thc circles uscd to Primary fuel SMD was set to be 30 microns in the idlc
rcpresent the fucl nozzle and primary holcs. Howevcr, simulation, and 45 microns in the start-up numerical
axially downstrcam of the dome face, the grid cclls computation. Results of the 2-D analysis were uscd to
hecamc progrcssivcly morc cartcsian thus eliminating determinc thc radial location a t which the spray exited
the cell skcwncss. 100 cclls were uscd to modcl the the fuel nozzle. Analysis of the 2-D dud-spray nozzle
nozzlc cxit and 9 cclls were used to modcl cach primary simulation showed that a no-slip condition between the
holc. In ordcr to model the liner cooling slots, grid droplets and air existed a t the nozzle exit. Thcreforc,
lines werc placcd such that thc outer boundaries of the spray droplets were given initial velocities equal to the
louvcrs wcre modeled. Cells inside the louver outcr local air velocities.
boundarics were blocked to thc flow, essentially wasting
approximatcly 3000 cclls. and Dlscu~slon
Fig. 18-20 present the velocity results along thc
and Roundarv(.ondltlons .. plane through the nozzle ccntcrlinc for the full powcr,
Thc numcrical dctails of lhc 3-D combustor rig idlc powcr and star-up conditions, respcctivcly. The
calculations arc: prcdictcd CRZ's for the full powcr and idle conditions
arc vcry similar in size and shapc. The airflow from thc
1. wholc-ficld solution of u-momentum, v- primary jets can be seen to penetrate fully across the
momcntum, w-momentum, pressure combustor, impinging on the opposite lincr. Very
corrcclion, turbulcnt kinetic cncrgy k , little primary air penetrates upstream into thc primary
zone. Duc to increascd fucl and heat release in thc domc

rccirculation zoncs, thc DRZ's in the full powcr rendering is that a more complete overvicw of a
simulation are largcr than in the idlc casc. Results from particular model is generatcd, since all of the data
thc start-up simulation show that the primary air jcts contribute to the picture, rathcr than just those cclls
-. penctratc lcss across thc combustor than idlc or full which arc intersected by some surface. To do this, the
powcr cascs. Thus, for thc start-up casc, thc primary jct data values in cach cell have to be mapped to an
airflow is turncd downstrcam to impinge on tlic opacity, as wcll as to a color. There are two major
opposite lincr at a furthcr disoncc from the dome facc. types of volume rendering: raycasting7.8, and direct
Again, no primary air is found to pcnctratc upsueam volume rcndcring9-'*, Raycasting a volume entails
into the primary zonc. generating a light ray through the volume, and is
typically slow for this type application. Direct volume
Fig. 21-21 prcscnt contours of thc vaporized rcndcring works by traversing the grid, and rendering a
(gascous) cquivalcncc ratios for each of thc numerical littlc polygon in cach grid cell. It takes advantage of
simulations. In thc full power simulation (Fig. 21), the fact that most current graphics workstations
the main fuel can bc sccn to penetrate into the DRZ's, incorporate Gourand shading with interpolation of
and thc primary fucl into the CRZ. The exucmcly fucl- alpha, in addition to red, grccn, and bluc.
rich regions in thc combustor arc, of course, undcsirablc
a t actual cngine full powcr conditions. In this CFD-VIEW allows mapping of scalar data values
simulation, thc cxtrcmcly rich rcgions arc an artifact of to color as well as opacity. Hence, a limited form of
thc ambient temperature flow conditions. Notc that thc direct volume rcndcring is possible, by stacking a
cquivalcncc ratio is Icss than onc (fucl-lean) downstream number of planes through the grid, and drawing these
of the primary zonc. Fig. 22 prcscnts thc cquivalcnce planes in the back-to-front order. Due to thc namrc of
ratio results from thc idlc computation. As was digital compositing, however, f u l l 24 bit color
observed in the cxperimenu, little-to-no fucl is found rcsolution is required to prevent loss of accuracy. An
bctwccn thc fucl nozzlcs. Thc nozzlc centcrlinc planc, extension currently being contcmplated for CFDVIEW,
Fig. 22c, again shows that fuel-lean conditions exist is a marc accuratc direct volume rendering method:
downstrcam of thc primary jcts, with a vcry rich CRZ, entailing both more freedom in the viewing angles, a s
and small pockets of fucl in the dome recirculation wcll as morc faithful mapping and compositing of the
zoncs. RCSUIL?from thc start-up simulation, (Fig. 2 3 , data. One of the as yet unresolvcd issucs is that of thc
shows a vcry largc and fucl-rich CRZ which actually rendering order12.13.
cxtends to thc lincr walls by an axial location of 2.8
cm. With the low pressure drop of the start-up Flame color was determined from the local
condition, thc CRZ dominates thc flow-ficld causing thc stoichiomcuy in cach cell. As a prcliminary model, the
D R Z s to be quite small in size. Equivalcncc ratios following colors were assumed:
along thc nozzlc centcrline, Fig. 23c, dcmonstratcs that
littlc fucl from the pilot enters the DRZ's. Fuel for 0.6 < @ < 1.0 (lean combustion), flame color
droplets werc not able to pcnctratc across the mid- is a shade of blue due to the OH species emitting
passagc air and outcr-passage air before complete radiation in thc low wavelcngth visible spectra:
evaporation. Thc large C R Z found in the numcrical
simulation matchcs wcll with thc visual observations of for 1.0 < 0 < 1.5 (rich combustion), flame color
the start-up experiments. is near white from fucl minor spccies radiation at
high temperature; and

To qualitatively compare computed results with for 1.5 < 0 < 3.0 (vcry rich combustion), flamc
llamc photographs, a simple dircct volume rcndcring color is a shade of yellow duc to soot radiation.
rncthodology was devclopcd to gcncratc flame picturcs
from thc numerical calculations. A commercially Thc results in this paper should be considered
availablc flow visualization package callcd CFD-VIEW prcliminary, in that morc effort is nceded to improve thc
was uscd to dcmonsuatc the mcthodology. volume rendcring as well as to improve thc flamc color
model (e& include other effects besides equivalencc
Volumc rcndcring is thc technique of visualizing ratio).
volumcs. rather than surfaccs. Thc benefit of volumc

I3a.m V-si
. . understanding of the physical flow features in the
Fig. 21-26 presents computcd flame pattcrns combustor primary zone.
generatcd from the CFD calculations. Fig. 24 presents
thc simulatcd full power condition from two diffcrcnt The study prescnted in this papcr showed
anglcs. Evcn with the crudcness of the flamc
visualization proccdurc, one can see stiking similarities 1. 2-D axisymmevic analysis of a fuel nozzle
bctwccn thc numcrical simulation and the experimcntal can be used to specify the initial boundary
photographs of Figurc 4. The computations show a conditions in a 3-D numerical combustor
ball of flamc in the CRZ, and flames in thc DRZ on the simulation.
top and bottom walls. The side view picture of thc
numerical full-power case is also similar to the 2. In the 2-D axisymmetric fucl nozzle
cxperimcntal rcsults, in that one can obscrvc thc balls analysis, the assumption of initial droplet
of ycllow flame in thc CRZ and DRZ's indicating fucl velocities equal to 1/4 the local air
rich combustion. Note that in thc numerical prediction, velocity was found to be a fairly good
thc CRZ flame does not extcnd as far downstrcam as assumption, yielding reasonable spray
obscrvcd in the cxperimcntal photographs. droplet paths. However, advances in the
accurate modeling o f the air-fuel
Fig. 26 shows the numcrical flame rcsults for the interactions a t the filming lip in an
idlc simulation. In both cases, a large ball of nearly airblast fuel nozzle are ncccssary to bettcr
whilc flame is ohservcd in the CRZ, indicating fucl-rich prcdict the spray droplet uajectorics.
combustion. Thc C R Z flamc is surrounded by blue
flamcs on the top and bottom walls, indicating fuel-lean 3. Flame visualization, using just the local
combustion in thcsc regions. No flamc is obscrvcd equivalence ratio, was found to give good
betwecn thc fucl nozzles in both the numerical qualitative agrecmcnt betwecn numcrical
prcdictions and expcrimcntal results, confirming thc simulations and experimental results.
apparcnt lack of fucl pcnctration bctwcen fuel nozzles. Such techniques could b e used by engine
Fig. 25 presents the numcrical flame photographs for designers as a means of non-intrusively
the start-up conditions and can be compared to the visualizing the internal flow characteristics
cxpcrimcntal results shown in Figurc 15. A single of gas turbine combustors.
large ball of ycllow flame can be seen in the
computational predictions, indicating vcry fuel-rich 4. An overall CFD combustor methodology
combustion, and high Icvels of soot formation. Unlike for the prediction of primary zone
the experimental photograph, which is a timc instant performance has been qualitatively
visualization o f the flame, thc numerical results arc a validated.
timc averaged (stcady state) rcsult, thus no "licks" of
flame are found due to the timc averaging. From the Acknowledgements
thrcc cnginc condition simulations, ovcrall flame
structures werc found to compare well with The authors would like to thank the NASA
expcrimcntal photognphs. Lewis Research Center for funding p a n of this work
under SBIR Contract Number NAS3-26616. T h e
contract monitor is Ms. Yolanda Hicks. Our thanks arc
also cxtendcd lo Mr. Lee Mekkes and Mr. Joel Sheldon,
3-D, curvilinear, singlc-block CFD simulations of Dclavan Inc., for their valuable assistance during thc
havc bccn pcrformed on a rcscarch combustor primary fuel nozzlc design and experiments. The authors would
zone at thrcc diffcrcnt flow conditions. The critical likc to cxprcss their appreciation to the US. Army
spccification of iucl nozzle boundary conditions was Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, U.S. Army
dctcrmincd using scparate 2-D, multi-block, C F D Aviation and Troop Command, Fort Eustis, Virginia
analysis of the internal passagcs of the fucl nozzle. for their funding of the fuel nozzlc development under
Distinctly diffcrcnt flamc pattcrns could bc qualiratively Contract DAAJ02-92-C-0031, and to Mr. Gary Butlcr,
capturcd in thc CFD analysis, providing improvcd Army Technical Monitor. Many thanks are exprcsscd
to Dr. Jcroen Van Der Zijp o f CFDRC for his

assistance in thc numcrical flamc visualization efforts, 12. Williams, P.L., "Visibility Ordering Mcshcd
and to Ms. Mami Kent for her accuratc preparation of Polyhedra," ACM Trans. on Graphics, Val. 11,
the typescript. No. 2, pp. 103-126, April 1992.
- 13. Williams, P.L., "Issues in Inreractivc Direct
References Projection Volume Rendering of Nonrcctilincar
Meshed Data Sets," Center for Supcrcomputing
1. Fuller, E.J. and Smith, C.E., "Integratcd CFD Research and Devclopment, Report No. 1059,
Modcling of Gas Turbinc Combustors," AIAA- University ol Illinois at Urbana, Dec. 1990.
93-2196, AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE 29th Joint
Propulsion Confcrcnce, Junc 1993.
2. McVey, J.B, Kennedy, J.B., and Russell, S.,
"Application of Advanced Diagnostics to Airblast
Injcctor Flows," Journal of Engineering for Gas
Turbincs and Power, Vol. 111, January 1989,
pp. 53-62.
3. Lafebvre, A.H, Gas Turbine Combustion,
Hcmispherc Publishing C o p , NY, 1983. Tablc 1. McVey2 Test Conditions
4. Smith, C.E., Fuller, E.J., Crockcr, D.S., "Dual-
Spray Airblast Fucl Nozzle for Advanced Small
Gas Turbine Combustors," AIAA-93-2336, Injcctant Flow Rate 71.4 kg/h
AIAAISAEIASMEIASEE 29th Joint Propulsion Swirlcr Pressure Drop 70 mm Hg
Confcrcnce, June 1993. Droplet Size Range 10-300ym
5. lCEM Product Specification, Control Data, Characteristic Wocity 125 m/s
6. Bcrtin, D., Lordon, J. and Moreaux, V., "A New
Automatic Grid Gcneration Environmcnt for
CFD Applications," Aerospariale, 1992.
7. Lcvoy, M., "Display of Surfaces from Voluinc
Data," IEEE Computcr Graphics and
Applications, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 29-37,
May 1988. Table 2. Research Combustor Test Conditions
8. Schlusselberg, D.S., and Smith, W.K., "Thrcc-
Dimensional Display of Mcdical Image
Volumes," Proc. NCGA 86, Nail. Computer
Graphics Association Fairfax Virginia, Vol. 111,
pp. 114-123, May 1986.
I F ~ IPower
I I 12.5
9. Laur, D., and Hanrahan, P., "Hierarchical start-up 1.25 0
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for Volume Rendering," Porc. Siggraph 1991,
Computer Graphics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 285-
288, July 1991.
IO. Wcstovcr, L., "Footprint Evaluation for Volume
Rcndering," Computer Graphics, Vol. 24, No. 4,
pp. 367-376, August 1990.
11. Wilhclms, J., and van Gcldcr, A,, "A Coherent
Projection Approach for Direct Volume
Rcndcring," Proc. Siggraph 1991, Computcr
Graphics, Vol. 25, No. 4 , pp. 275-284,
July 1991.



Figure 1. Fuel and Airflow Patterns in Advanced High Temperature RISE Combustor Primary



1 .o

Figure 2. Airblast Fuel Nozzle2



Figure 3. McVey Fuel Nozzle Multi-Block Grid

Figure 4. McVey Fuel Nozzle Spray Trajectories

(a)X - 0.1 an
(a.) X - 0.1 a n



-0 0.0

z$ .SO.@
20.0 5

.3.0 .2.0 .1.D 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 .1so.o

d.0 -2.0 .l.O 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

R.dl.1 Los.Llon (em) Radial Padtlon (cm)

(b.) X - 1.27 cm (b.) X - 1.27 cm

Radlmi Locallon (cm)

(C)X - 2.54 an



.3.0 -2.0 .?.O 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

Rd1.l Losdon (em)

Radld Locmli~n(em)

Figure 5. Axial Velocity Comparisons Figure 6. Tangential Velocity Comparisons

(1.) X - 0.1 an


.6.0 .4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0

Radial PoaHlon (crn)

(c.) X - 2.54 cm
* 0.25

/ * a .

100.0 _..............:................. 1.................;..............

......... j ................. I..............
.. ::
!. . j:. . .
,o.o _ .............. ................. ............ .......... .....................


. / . .)

.......... ......... ..... ................
. :
j .

. j

1 : .

). f
-8.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 0.0
Radial Position (cm)

Figure 7. Spray Radial Position Comparison


--t- I
m I

-/ / /

Figure 8. Schematic of Dual-Spray Airblast Fuel Nozzle

Figure 9. Dud-Spray Nozzle Grid

Figure 10. Dual-Spray Airblast Fuel Nozzle Streamlines

Figure 11. Dual-Spray Airblast Fuel Nozzle Spray Trajectories

Downstream slots - 0.063 Dia.

f - -Nozzle Centerline

Upstream slots - 0.100 Dia.

10 holes/Nozzle
c-2 1

Side View
All Cooling
Slots Similar

Figure 12a. Combustor Rig Side View

(all Dimensions in inches)

.I)------ o'
1.75 :
-T I


Nozzle Centerline

Upper Liner

Lower Liner-
Top View

Figure 12b. Combustor Rig Top View

Fuel Nozzle


Plenum b
Figure 1 2 . Combustor Rig Schematic

Primary Holes
I 1
Linermome Cooling Liner Cooling
13.8% 5.5%

NOE: 13.7% Available for

17.5% Downstream Liner

13.8% 5.5%

Figure 13. Combustor Rig Airflow Splits

(b) x = 2.54 cm
Figure 24 (h). Simulated Full Power

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