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Moatez Behary o1118865884

Unit one
How we feel
Lesson 1 & 2
Study dialogues :

A- Are you happy?

B- yes, I’m .
A- Is he sad ?
B- No, he isn’t .

Score Lemonade

Water sandwich

Pizza Feeling

Happy Sad

Hot Cold

Hungry thirsty

Sick Tired

Bored excited

Choose the correct answer :

1- the 3-2 to the red team .

( soccer - score - scare )
2- I have a .........that Omar likes his class mates .
( score - feeling - feel )
3- she has a .......for lunch .
( cat - lemonade - pizza )
4- I’m thirsty , i want to drink ..........

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
( pizza - coffee - water )
5- she is eating a ............
( water - lemonade - sandwich)
7- they ........happy.
( fall-fill - feel )
8- I’m not ......... I’m happy .
(sad - hot - cold )

9- It’s sunny. I feel ..................

( cold - hungry - hot )
10 - It’s ......... It’s not hot
( cold - hot - big )
11- I’m ........... I want a sandwich .
( hungry - thirsty - hot )
12- she is .............. She wants to drink .
( sad - thirsty - hot )
13 - I want to sleep , I’m ..........
( excited - happy - tired )

Supply the missing letters :

t------- b-
----- t---

c----- h
----- s

Re-arrange :

1- feel - They - happy


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2- sunny- It’s - feel - I - hot .


3- hungry - I’m - want- I - sandwich - a .


4- feels - sick - He .

5- want- tired - I - sleep - to - I’m .


Verb to (be) :

1- Affirmative :

Long form short form

Ali he
Mona she
The kids - boys they
The cat it
Ahmed and I we
Ahmed and Heba

Choose :

1 - I ( am- is - are ) thirsty .

2- ( I - He - They ) is hot .

3- We ( am - is - are ) hungry .

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

4 - It ( am - is - are ) bored .

5- the boys ( am - is - are ) excited .

6- Mona ( am - is - are ) cold .

7- Ali and Ahmed ( am - is - are ) happy .

Negative :

Long form short form

Choose :

1- ( I not - not - I’m not )

sad .

2- (he - we - they ) isn’t

thirsty .

3- They ( isn’t - am not - aren’t ) hungry .

4- Ahmed ( isn’t - aren’t - are ) happy .

5- the children ( isn’t - is - aren’t ) bored .

6- I ( isn’t - am not - are ) hot , I’m cold .

Interrogative :

Question positive negative

Am I ...........? Yes, I’m No, I’m not

Is he\ she \ it ........? Yes , he is No , he isn’t

.......? Yes , I’m4
Behary 01118865884 No, I’m not

Are they \ we .......? Yes, they \ we are No , they\we aren’t

Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

Choose :

1- Are you hot ? Yes, ( my - I’m - I’m not )

2- Are you sad ? No, I ( don’t - ‘m not - can’t )

3- Are ( he - she - you ) happy ?

4- ( Is he - he is - he’s ) hungry ?

5- Is she hot ? Yes , she ( isn’t - not - is)

Do as shown :

1-I ( is ) .............happy . ( correct )

2- They are hungry . (ask)


3- He is thirsty . (we)

4-Are you thirsty ? ( answer)


5-I’m not sad , I’m ............. ( complete)

6- yes, he is hungry . (Is)

7- They are cold . (he)

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

Fill in the spaces with words from the list :

I’m - tired - is - isn’t - I’m - Are

1- bored ?

2- Is she sick ? No, she.....................

3- I’m not ............. I’m bored.

4- Is he happy ? yes,he ............

5- Are you excited? Yes, .........................

Translate into Arabic :

1-I’m thirsty . I’m not hungry .


2- she is happy . She isn’t sad .


Lesson 3&4
Hand Leg Finger

Bird Dog Pen

Bus Flower Bread

Ball Car Doll

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
Kite Juice Ice-cream

See Hear Smell

Taste Touch Hurt

Can Drink eat


Conversation :
A- What’s wrong?
B- Ouch! My leg hurts .

A- Are you okay ?

B- I think so , thanks.

A - What can you see ?

B- I can see a flower.
Study this :
Have got = ‘ve got ‫يمتلك \ لديه للجمع‬
Has got = ‘s got ‫يمتللك \ لديه للمفرد‬

Choose :

1- I’ve got two

( mouths - heads -
hands )

2- My ( leg - kite -
dog) hurts.

3- A ( dog - bird -

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bread) can fly .

4- I’ve got five ( toes- arms - fingers ) in each hand.

5- I can fly a ( car - kite - dog )

6- My sister plays with her ( juice - bread - doll )

7- they drink ( ice cream - juice - bread)

8- A ( car - ball - turtle )

9- I can see a ( flower - fingers - ice cream)

10- He goes to school by ( leg - bus - hands )

11- My leg ( hears - thanks - hurts )

12- I can ( see - touch - hear ) with my eyes .

13- this flower ( tastes - smells - hears )

14- this juice ( sees _ hears _ tastes)

15- I can ( see- touch - taste ) my eyes .

16- we ( are - have - can )

17- how does the fish ( taste - hear - hurt ) ? It’s nice .

What can he \ she see ?

He \ She can see a flower .

Match :

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1- what’s wrong ? A) I can see a bird .

2- Are you okay ? B) ice cream .
3- what can you see ? C) a turtle
4- I can taste d) I think so ,thanks.
E)My leg hurts

Choose :

1-( what - where - when ) can you taste ? I can taste ice cream .
2-What ( are - can - have ) you see ?
3- what can ( he - you - i ) touch? I can touch a car .
4- I can ( hear - smell ) a flower .
5- I can ( taste - hear ) ice cream .
6- I can ( touch - hear ) a bird .
7- I can ( smell - see ) a car .
8- I can ( touch - taste ) my eyes .

Rearrange :
1- see - What - you - can ?
2- ok- you - Are?
3- hurts - eyes - My .
4- a bird - see - can -She .
Read and mark or
At night the yellow moon shines in the black sky . Stars shine between
the trees . The gray owl sets on a branch . At night my cat walks in the
garden . I can see two green eyes . At night a little mouse comes to the
garden.the owl sees the mouse. The cat sees the mouse . The cat is hungry .

1- I can see two green eyes . ( )

2- The brown owl sets on the branch . ( )
3- A little mouse comes to the garden . ( )
4-the cat isn’t hungry . ( )

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

Unit two
In town
Lesson 1&2
Nurse Teacher
Cook Student
Pilot Police officer
Fire fighter Bus driver
Soccer player Doctor

Choose :

1- A ( doctor - pilot - teacher ) works in a hospital.

2- A ( teacher - cook - nurse ) helps the doctor .

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
3- A( police officer - bus driver - teacher ) works in a school .

4- A ( bus driver - police officer - pilot ) flies a plane .

5- A ( soccer player - pilot - student ) goes to school .

6- A ( pilot -cook - nurse ) makes food .

7- My father is a (bus - soccer - police ) officer .

8- A ( soccer player - bus driver - police officer ) drives a bus .

9- A ( soccer player - police officer - fire fighter ) plays soccer .

10- A ( soccer player - fire fighter - police officer ) fights fire .


He’s \ she’s a doctor .

He \ she isn’t a nurse .
Is he \ she a nurse ?
Yes, he\ she is .
No, he \ she isn’t .

They are police officers .

They aren’t fire fighters .
Are they police
Choose : officer ?
Yes, they are .
No , 1-
they aren’t
( He . - His ) a cook . He isn’t a pilot .
- He’s

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2- ( She’s - She - Her ) a nurse . She isn’t a doctor .

3- He is (a student - students - student ) . He isn’t a teacher .

4- She’s( a nurse - nurses - nurse ) . She isn’t a doctor .

5- He is a police officer . ( He isn’t - She is - It isn’t ) a fire fighter.

6- He is a taxi driver . He isn’t ( bus drivers - a bus driver - bus driver ).

7- ( H’s - Is he - can he ) a bus driver .

8- Is she ( doctor - a doctor - doctors )?

9- Is he a soccer player ? Yes , ( is he - he is - he’s ).

10- Is she a nurse ? Yes , ( she isn’t - she’s - she is ) .

11- ( is he - Are they - Is she ) nurses ?

12- Are they ( a fire fighter - fire fighter - fire fighters ) .

13- Are they pilots ? Yes, ( he is - she is - they are ) .

Supply :


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C.......... F.........f........ S........ P...........


Rearrange :

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
1- bus -they - drivers - Are ?

2- teacher - a -isn’t -She .


3- cook - a - ‘s - He .
4- soccer - Is - player - he - a ?

Fill in the spaces with words from list :

“ isn’t - Is - Are - aren’t - Yes “

1- ....................they are .
2- No,they ..............
3- ...............they students ?
4- No,she..........................


1- A bus driver a- he’s a cook

2- A nurse b- He flies a plane
3- He makes food c- helps a doctor
4- He is a pilot d- drives a bus
E- goes to school

Lesson 3&4
Vocabulary :
Phone hospital

School Pen

Marker Home

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Restaurant Thanks

Borrow Look at

like Where’s

Choose :

1- I don’t know your ( pen - marker - phone ) number .

2- A doctor works in ( a hospital - a restaurant - a school )
3- A teacher works in a ( school - hospital - restaurant )
4- she isn’t at the school . She’s at ( phone - marker- home )
5- where’s the cook ? He’s at the ( hospital - restaurant - home )
6- May I ( look -borrow - like ) your pen ?
7- (like - Borrow - Look) at me . I like soccer.
8- I (borrow - look - like ) trees .

Phrases :
Be careful
Excuse me . May I .............?
Thanks !
You’re welcome !
Please, May I borrow your phone ?
Sure ! Here you are .


1- Ali , be ( sorry - careful - please )!

2-May I borrow your book ? Sure .( Oh no ! - Be careful - Here you are )
3- (sure - Excuse me - thanks ), may I borrow your phone ?
4- please , (may I - I’m - Is she ) borrow your phone ?
5- (I’m -I can - I like ) sorry, Mom.

Match :

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1-excuse me . A- mom
2- sure , b- May I borrow your pen ?
3-Thanks. C- Here you are .
4- I’m sorry , d- you’re welcome
E- ouch

Find the odd word out :

1- hospital - school - doctor - home

2- restaurant - teacher - cook - student
3- marker - pen - mom - phone


Where’s the doctor ?

He’s \ she’s at the hospital

Choose :
1- ( who - what’s - where’s ) Ali ? He’s at home .
2- ( where - where’s - what’s 0 Soha ?
3- Where’s ( the teacher - teacher - teachers )?
4- where’s the doctor ? ( I’m - you’re - He’s )at the hospital .
5- where’s Sarah ? (He’s - She’s - It’s ) at home .
6- Where’s Kareem ? (I’m - He’s - She’s )
7- Where’s the teacher ? He’s ( in- on - at ) school .
8- Where’s she ? She’s at ( a school - the school - school )

Rearrange :

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
1- phone - your - may - borrow - I - me , -Excuse ?

2- are - you - here - Sure , .


3- ‘m - Mom - I - sorry, .

4- cook - ‘s - the - where ?


5- hospital - the - at - ‘s - she .


Translate into Arabic :

1- Where’s the doctor ?

2- I’m sorry , Mom .

Read and mark or :

Aya and Toka are twin sisters . They are eight years old . Aya is fat and
short ; she has long hair and brown eyes . Toka is thin and tall , she has short
hair and blue eyes .
1- Aya and Toka are friends . (....)
2- Aya and Toka are short . (....)
3- Toka has short hair . (....)
4- Aya has long hair . (....)

Mid term Exam

1-Choose :

1 - I ( am- is - are ) thirsty .

2- ( I - He - They ) is hot .

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
3- We ( am - is - are ) hungry .
4- A ( bus driver - police officer - pilot ) flies a plane .
5- A ( soccer player - pilot - student ) goes to school .
6- A ( pilot -cook - nurse ) makes food .
7- I can ( smell - see ) a car .
8-( what - where - when ) can you taste ? I can taste ice cream .
9- He is a police officer . ( He isn’t - She is - It isn’t ) a fire fighter.
10- He is a taxi driver . He isn’t ( bus drivers - a bus driver - bus driver ).

2- Re-arrange :

1- feel - They - happy .


2- sunny- It’s - feel - I - hot .


3- hungry - I’m - want- I - sandwich - a .


4- phone - your - may - borrow - I - me , -Excuse ?


5- are - you - here - Sure , .


6- ‘m - Mom - I - sorry, .

7- cook - ‘s - the - where ?


8- hospital - the - at - ‘s - she .


3-Find the odd word out :

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1- hospital - school - doctor - home
2- restaurant - teacher - cook - student
3- marker - pen - mom - phone
4- police officer - soccer player - pen - fire fighter .
5- cold - juice - happy - hot
6- hand - finger - leg - water

Match :
1- what’s wrong ? A) I can see a bird .
2- Are you okay ? B) ice cream .
3- what can you see ? C) a turtle
4- I can taste d) I think so ,thanks.
E)My leg hurts

Match :
1-excuse me . A- mom
2- sure , b- May I borrow your pen ?
3-Thanks. C- Here you are .
4- I’m sorry , d- you’re welcome
E- ouch
Fill in the spaces with words from list :

“ isn’t - Is - Are - aren’t - Yes “

1- ....................they are .
2- No,they ..............
3- ...............they students ?
4- No,she..........................

Do as shown :

1-I ( is ) .............happy . ( correct )

2- They are hungry . (ask)


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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

3- He is thirsty . (we)

4-Are you thirsty ? ( answer)


5-I’m not sad , I’m ............. ( complete)

6- yes, he is hungry . (Is)

7- They are cold . (he)
Read and mark or
At night the yellow moon shines in the black sky . Stars shine between
the trees . The gray owl sets on a branch . At night my cat walks in the
garden . I can see two green eyes . At night a little mouse comes to the
garden.the owl sees the mouse. The cat sees the mouse . The cat is hungry .

1- I can see two green eyes . ( )

2- The brown owl sets on the branch . ( )
3- A little mouse comes to the garden . ( )
4-the cat isn’t hungry . ( )

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

Unit 3
Things to eat
Lesson 1 & 2

Food Soup

Salad French fries

Steak Eggs

Apples Bananas

Oranges Spaghetti

Fruits Peaches

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
Eat Want

1- Spaghetti is a nice ( fruit - food - drink )

2- I like ( salad - school - home ) with my food .

3- I like to have ( steak - eggs - soup )before eating .

4- Do you have french ( salad - fries - egg ) ?

5- She has ( stick - sick - steak ) for lunch .

6- I have ( eggs - begs - legs ) for breakfast

7- I like ( fruit - egg - steak ) salad .

8- (Apples - French fries - Egg ) are fruit .

9- I want to drink (salad - soup - orange )

10- (Beaches - Peaches - Dishes ) are fruit .

Supply :


F....... F.......

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Present simple tense :

( want \ have )

Form :
1- positive :

She wants \ has + noun

He wants a car .

You want \ have + noun

They have apples .

2- Negative :

She doesn’t want \ have + noun

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

He doesn’t want spaghetti

You don’t want \ have + noun

They don’t have bananas .

3- Wh. Questions :

What does she want \ have ? He wants bananas .

What do we want \ have ? They want peaches .

4- Yes \ No Question :

Does she want \ have + noun ? Yes ,he does. \No,he doesn’t.

Does he want apples ?

Yes , he does .

Do we want \ have + noun ? Yes, they do .\ No , they don’t.

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Do you want peaches ?

No, I don’t .

Choose :
1- I ( want - wants - wanting ) apples .
2- (He -She - I ) want soup .
3-He ( want - wants - wanting ) peaches .
4-She ( don’t - doesn’t - isn’t ) want soup .
5- ( I - you - she ) wants salad .
6- ( I - you - he ) wants fruit .
7- She doesn’t ( wants - want - wanting ) french fries .
8- (why - what - where ) do you want ?
9- what ( does - do - are ) you want ?
10- what do ( he -she - you ) want ?
11- what do you (wants - want - wanting ?
12- what do you want ? ( I want - he wants - she wants )steak .
13- ( Are - Does -Do ) you have apples ?
14- Do (he - she - you ) have bananas ?
15- (Do - Does - is ) she have oranges ?

Answer :

1-What does he want ?

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He ................... ............................

2- what do you want ?


3-What does she

want ?


4- Does he want
spaghetti ?


5- Do you have
oranges ?

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

6- Do I have apples ?


7- what do you
want ?


8- Does she have

peaches ?


9- What do they
want ?

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10- what does she

want ?


Make Question :

1-Yes, I want spaghetti . ( Do )


2- She wants bananas . ( What )


3- they want peaches . ( what )


4- No, they don’t have oranges . ( Do )


5- Yes , she has soup . ( Does )


6- she wants french fries . ( what )


Match :

1- I a- yes, I do .
2- she b- No,he doesn’t .
3- what do you want ? C- have oranges .

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4 -Does he have apples ? D- has peaches .
E- I want steak .

Rearrange :

1- soup - want - don’t - I .


2- steak - wants - He .

3- fruits - doesn’t - She - want .


4- apples - have - you - Do ?


5- bananas - have - she - Does ?


Translate into Arabic :

1- What does he want ?


2- they have spaghetti .


3- Does she want peaches ?


4- No, you don’t have oranges .

Lesson 3 &4
Vocabulary :
Dairy products Cheese

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
Butter Milk

Yogurt Like

Choose :
1- I want to drink ( butter - milk - yogurt )
2- Mom cooks with ( cheese - yogurt - butter )
3- she has a ( milk - cheese - product ) sandwich for breakfast .
4- Milk and ( steak - spaghetti - yogurt ) are dairy products .
5- Butter and cheese are ( daily - dairy - dairy )products .

Do you like +noun ?

Yes , I do .
No, I don’t .

Do you like milk ?

Yes , I do

Choose :

1- ( Are - Can - Do ) you like milk ?

2- Do (he - she - you ) like cheese ?
3- Do you ( liked - likes - like ) yogurt ?
4- Do you like apples ? Yes, I ( am - can - do )
5- Do you like butter ? No, I ( ‘m not - don’t - doesn’t )

Rearrange :
1- a - Do - want - you - banana ?

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2- you - thank - No, .

3- cheese - you - Do - like ?


4- want - Does - orange - she - an ?


Read and mark or :

This is my uncle’s farm . There’re two cows . They give a lot of milk
. My uncle makes a lot of dairy products . He makes cheese and yogurt . He
also makes butter .

1- My uncle has got a barn . ( ... )

2- He has got two cows . ( .... )
3- My uncle makes cake . ( .... )
4- He makes yogurt . ( .... )

Unit 4
Things to wear
Lesson 1&2
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Vocabulary :

Classmate Clothes

Skirt Shirt

Pants Socks

Shoes Dress

Cap T-shirt

Shorts Sneakers

Friend Wear

Colors Red

Gray Yellow

Green Blue

Orange Pink

Choose :
1- A dress and T-shirt are ( colors - things - clothes )
2- Soha is wearing a red ( skirt - pants - shoes )
3- sara is wearing a pink ( sock - shoes - dress )
4- these are gray ( shirt - skirt - socks )
5- She’s wearing black ( shoes - sock - a cap )
6- they are blue ( dress - shirt - pants )
7- It’s a white (socks - pants - T-shirt )
8- these are my brown (cap - sneakers - skirt )
9- They are my (cap - T-shirt - shorts )
10- Omar is my (cap - friend - girl )
11- Milk is ( orange - red - white )
12- I like ( red - blue- black ) apples
13- the sky is ( blue - orange - green )
14- she wears an ( white - black - orange ) shirt

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15- I’m wearing a ( orange - pink - sneakers ) dress .

Supply :




Find the odd

word out :

1- skirt - shoes -
shirt - T-shirt

2- skirt - sneakers
- dress - pants

3- gray - brown - cap - pink

Fill in the spaces with words from the list :

“ what - ‘m - ‘re - is - and “

1- she is wearing a blue skirt ........... White shirt .

2- He .............wearing gray socks .

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3- I .............wearing brown sneakers .
4- ............’s he wearing ?
5- We .............wearing new clothes .

Unscramble :

1- rde ( ................)

2- agry (.................)

3- elub (------------)

4- ergen (---------)

5- kpni (----------)

Present continuous tense :
Usage :
To express things that happen during the time of the speech and take a
period of time to take place .

Form :

1- Positive :

I am
He - She - It \ singular subject is + verb + ing
We - you - They \ plural subject are

He is eating a sandwich . ‫هو يأكل ساندوتش‬

I’m drinking juice . ‫أنا أشرب عصير‬
They are reading a book ‫ هم يقرأون كتاب‬.

2- Negative :

I am not

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He - She - It isn’t - is not + verb + ing
We - you - they aren’t - are not

I’m walking . I’m not running ‫ أنا ل أجرى‬. ‫أنا أمشى‬

He isn’t eating . He is drinking . ‫ هو يشرب‬. ‫هو ل يأكل‬

3- WH - Question :

am + I
What is + he - she - it + verb + ing ?
are + they - we - you

What is he reading ? ‫ماذا هو يقرأ ؟‬

He is reading a story . ‫هو يقرأ قصة‬

What am I doing ? ‫ماذا أنا أفعل ؟‬

You are jumping . ‫ أنت تقفز‬.

4- yes or No question :

Am I yes,I’m \ No , I’m not

Is he - she - It + verb + ing ? Yes, he is .\ No, he
Are we - you - they yes,they are \ No,they aren’t

Are you wearing a pink shirt ?

Yes , I’m .

Is he reading a book ?

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No, he isn’t .

Choose :

1- ( He - He’s - His ) wearing a T-shirt .

2- She’s (wear - wears - wearing ) sneakers .

3- He ( wearing - is wearing - wear ) shorts and a T-shirt .

4- What ( is he - he is - he’s ) wearing ?

5- (what - what’s - which ) she wearing ?

6- what’s he ( wears - wear - wearing ) ?

7- He’s wearing a ( shirt white - white - white shirt )

8- she’s wearing a red cap ( but -and - so ) blue skirt .

9- ( I - ‘m - I’m ) wearing green shorts .

10- ( we - He - I ) ‘re wearing sneakers .

11- ( we -we’re - Are we ) wearing pants .

12- ( what - what are - what’s ) you wearing ?

13- what are ( he - I - you ) wearing ?

14- what are you wearing ? ( we’re - we - He’s ) wearing black shoes .

15- what are you wearing ? ( she’s - He’s - I’m ) wearing black socks .

Do as shown :
1-He’s is wearing a t-shirt . ( they )
2- I’m ( wear ) .....a red cap . ( correct )

Mr Moatez Behary 01118865884
Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
3-I’m wearing a blue skirt . ( what )
4- yes , we’re wearing a green pants . ( Are )
5- Is she wearing a gray hat ? ( No )
6- I’m wearing a red shorts . ( Neg)

Lesson 3&4
Words :

Phone number Mother

Hat Coat

Sweater Boots

Find Ring

What’s wrong Where ...?

Choose :
1- What’s your ( phone - coat- hat ) number ?

2- she’s wearing red ( phone - hat - boots ) .

3- I’m wearing a ( socks - boots - coat )

4- She’s wearing a ( sneakers - pants - sweater )

5- they’re my ( shoe - dress - boots )

6- I can’t ( ring - find - say ) my bag .

7- ( what’s - who’s - where’s ) my pen ?

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
8- the phone is ( finding - ringing - singing )

9- ( what - what’s - How’s ) wrong ?

Rearrange :

1- number - phone - your - what’s ?


2- wrong - ‘s - what ?

3- mother - find - can’t - I .


4- wearing - a pink - she’s - shirt .


5- a hat - a coat - He’s - and - wearing .


Choose :
1- ( Am - Is - Are ) he wearing a coat ?

2- ( Is - Are - Am ) she wearing a hat ?

3- Is ( I - you - he ) wearing boots ?

4- Is she ( wear - wears - wearing ) a sneakers ?

5- ( Is he - He is - He’s ) wearing pants ?

6- Is she wearing a coat ? Yes, ( she isn’t - she is - she’s )

Match :

1- My phone number a- a hat

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884
2- He is wearing b- No, he isn’t
3- it’s cold c- is 22211548
4- Is he wearing boots ? D- wear your coat .
E- ride a bike

Read and mark or :

Salem is six years old . He eats a lot of food . He likes cheese ,

peaches , oranges and ice cream . He doesn’t like steak , salad or eggs .

1- Salem is seven years old . ( )

2- Salem likes eggs . ( )
3- He doesn’t like steak . ( )
4- He likes cheese . ( )


Supply the word :




d ----------

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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884



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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

b--- d---------




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Mr. Moatez Behary o1118865884

T- ---------


Mr Moatez Behary 01118865884

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