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Bullying is a type of bullying that occurs in the school environment, who proboca are

the same students either men and women, their attacks are intimidating blows,

threats, jeers or insults for which society and aggressors sees it as normal or

something attractive.

These aggressions can cause low self-esteem, anger, fear, insecurity and is usually

more serious and harmful. the reasons are because the victim is defenseless

insecure and the aggressors believe more than they and are considered apt to attack

and bullying what they do not notice in the damage they cause to others or imagine

the pain and triztesa they feel to be offended and assaulted without knowing any

reason or fault.

In schools we should conduct a campaign against bullying because although many

do not take it as an important issue if it is and more for those who suffer from it, the

aggressors do not know what they are going through and sometimes their parents

have not. occurred cases where the victims have tried suicide to not suffer but think

that with doing so their problems will end but there is another way out, which is talking

and asking for help and knowing that they are not alone.

social networks, with the specific name of cyber bullying. Statistically, the dominant

type of violence is emotional and it occurs mostly in the classroom and in school

playgrounds. The protagonists of cases of bullying are usually boys and girls in the

process of entering adolescence. The percentage of girls in the profile of victims is

slightl higher. Bullying is a characteristic and extreme form of school violence.

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