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Sabbath School Lesson

Second Quarter, I94J.
SEVU I O"'¥ J, c 1ST hEFOHM M04l; IE r
+ 3031 FRA •. '" u. - PH. 451 4'>5~
SACRA, I I U. ,f. 95818· U.. .:\.

Soul Winning

I .................................................


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t Religious Liberty Publishing Association 1+
+ 42 Prospect Road, Summer Hill,
t N.S.W., Australia.

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GC Archive

Lesson No. I-Sabbath, April 7, 1945.

1. What became of the state of man as a result of sin?
Gen. 3 :2'4, Rom. 6 :23.
l>-o-v;.r/ Y> 2. Was man now hopelessly lost? Isa 5 .;§. John 1:29.
NOTE: "The Son of God, heavens' glorious Comman-
der, was touched with pity for the fallen race. . . . Christ
would take upon Himself the guilt and shame of ~in-sin
so offensi,ve to holy God that it must. separate the Father
and His Son. Christ would reach to the ~ of misery
GO rescue the ruined race."-P.P., p. 63."..

3. What was the motive for the great plan of redemption?

JQhn 3:16
NOTE: "The heart of God yearns over his earthly
children with a love s . n er than death. In giving up
His Son, He has poure out to us a I neave
i, one gift."
-S.C., p. 24. '- ~ ~-.
4. 'Yho be$':':me the centre of our salvation? John 14 :6.
!>. "" .
NOTE: "It was tQ redeem us that Jesus lived and
suffered and died. He became a 'Man' of sorrows,' that
we might be made partakers of everlasting joy. God per-
mitted His beloved Son, full of grace and truth, to come
from a world of indescribable glory, to a world marred
, and blighted with sin, darkened with the shadow of death
and the curse. He permitted Him to leave the bosom of
His love, the adoration of the angels, to suffer shame,
insult, humiliation. hatred, and death:'-S.C., p. 14.
5. With what was the plan of salvation connec~? }sa.
NOTE: "Man had become so degraded by sin that it
was impossible for him, in himself, to come into harmony
with lIlm whose nature is purity and goodness."-P.P., p.
6. Is it possible for man in his own str~ngth tol save
himself? Job 14:4; Jer. 13:23.. ' -0/"
7. What must the sinner do in 9rdel" to find salvation?
Reb. 11:6
8. To what elevated position is the faithful believer
exalted? 1 John 3:1.
NOTE: "Through transgression, ,the sons of man be-
come subjects of Satan. Through fa.ith in the atoning
sacrifice of Christ, the sons of Adam may become the sons
of God. By assuming human nature, Christ elevated
humanity. FaIlen men arE! placed where, through connec-
tion with Christ, they may indeed become worthy of the
name 'sons of God.' Such love is without a parallel.
Children of the heavenly King! Precious promise! Theme
for the most profound' meditation! The matchless love of
God for a world 'that did not love Him! The thought has
a subduing power upon the soul, and brings the mind into
captivity to the will of God. The more we study the
divine character in the light of the cross, the more we see
mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness blended with equity
and justice, and the more clearly we discern innumerable .,
evidences of a love that is infinite, and a tender pity sur-
passing a mother's yearning symp.athy for her wayward
child."-S.C., pp. 17, 18. d
9. What will the love of G d caUi~e fis to do? 1 John
4:19. / ~. -f'

10. Wherein will this divine love, also manifest itself?

John 14:21;. 15:8~/;;t-. .s ~ ",K: , ") _

NOTE: "When the principle of love is implant€d in

the heart, when man is renewed after the image of Him
that created him, the new-covenant promise is fulfilled, 'I
will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds
.will 1 write them.' "-S.C.,· p. 65.

Lesson No.2-Sabbath, April 14, 1945

1. After the fall, into how m.any classes were men
divided? Reb. 11 :4.
NOTE: "Cain and Abel l'epresent two classes that wil'l
exist in the world till the close of time."-P.P., p. 72.
2. What did those who were obedient to God do? Gen.
NOTE: "While Adam was created sinless in the like-
ness of God, Seth, like Cain, inherited the fallen nature
of his parents. But he received also the knowledge of the
Redeemer, and instruction in righteousnes~. By divine
grace he served and honoured God: and he labored. as
Abel would have done, had he lived, to turn the minds of
sinful men to revere and obey their Creatol'."-P.P., p. 80.
3. What great messenger 'did G<ld ci:oose to proclaim
the message of truth in the ,early generation? Gen.
NOTE: "Enoch 'became 'a preacher of righteousness,
making known to the people what God hag revealed to
him. Those who feared God sought out this holy' man, to
. share his instruction and his prayers. He labored pub-
licly also. bearing God's messages to all who would hear
the words of warning."-P.P., p. 86.
4. What was the main theme of his message? Jude 14,
5. How great was the apostasy in the days of Noah?
Gen. 6 :5, 11-13. '
6. What did God command Noah to do? Gen. 6:14-22.
, NOTE: "While Noah was giving his warning message
to the world, his works testified of his sincerity. It wag
thus that his faith was perfected and made evident. He
gave the world an example of believin~ just what God
says. All that he possessed. he invested in the ark. As-
he began to construct that immense boat on dry ground,
multitudes came from every direction to see the strange
sight,. and to hear the earnest fervent· words of the singu-
lar preacher. Every blow struck upon the ark was a.
witness to the people."-P.P., p. 95.
7. What was the result of Noah's preaching? 1 Peter
NOTE: "Of the vast population of the earth before
the flood, only eight souls believed and obeyed God's word
through Noah. For a hundred and twenty years the
preacher of righteousness warned the world of the coming
destruction; but his message was rejected and despised.
So it will be now.-P.P., p. 102.
8. Was. Noah's .small success sufficient reason for him to
become discouraged? Luke 15:10.
9. What significance does the time and the message of
Noah have for Our days? Matt. 24:37.39; Luk'e 18:8.
NOTE: "As the time of their probation was closing,
the antediluvians gave themselves up to exciting amuse-
ments and festivities. Those who possessed influence and
power were bent on keeping the minds of the people
engrossed with mirth and pleasure, lest any should be
impressed by the last solemn warning. Do we not see
the same repeated in our day? WhiJ.e God's servants are
giving the message that the end of all things is at hand,
, the world is absorbed in a:nusements and pleasure-seek-
ing. There is a constant 'round of excitement that causes
indifference to God, and prevents the people from 'being
impressed by the truths which alone can save them from
the coming destruction."-P.P., p. 103.
10.' Through his message for himself and his family, what
did Noah accomplish?' Reb. 11:7.

Lesson No 3-Sabbath, April 21, 19~5

1. What plan was deV'eloped by some of the descendants
of Noah? What did they build? Geri. 11:1·9.
2. In the midst of this great confusion, whom did the
Lord choose to carryon Ris wor!{? Gen. 12:1-3.
3. In what way was Abraham already a faithful mis·
sionary Gen. 12:7·8.
NOTE: "'And there builded he an altar unto the Lord,
who appeared unto him.' Still a wayfarer, he soon re-
moved to a spot near Bethel, and again erected an altar,
and called upon the name of the Lord. Abraham, 'the
friend of God,' set us a worthy example_His was a
life of prayer. Wherever he pitched his tent, close beside
it was set up his altar. calling all within his Jencampment
to the morning and the evening sacrifice. When his tent
was removed, thg altar remained. In following years,
there were those among the roving Canaanites who re-
ceived instruction from Abraham. and wheneveJ; one of
these came to that altar, he knew who had been there
before him; and when he had pitched his tent, he repaired
the altar, and there worshipped the living God."-P.P., p.
4. Whom did God choose to bring the children of Israel
out of Egypt? Ex 3:7-11.
5.: What message did Moses proclaim to Israel? Ex.
(;. \Vitl1what Willi this goreat work of deliverance con_
nected? Ex. 10:28; 14:9, 10, 13, 14.
, 7. What was the condition of Israel in the days of Elijah?
1 King 19 :10:
NOTE: "Alas, how had the glory of Israel departed!
N ever before had the chosen people of God fallen so low
into apostasy. Of 'the prophets 0 Baal' t ere were tfour
hundred and fifty,' besides four hundred 'prophets of the
groves.' Nothing short of the miracle.-working power of
God could preserve the nation from utter destruction.
Israel had voluntarily separated herself from Jehovah; yet
the Lord in compassion still yearned after those who had
been led into sin, and He was about to send to them one
of the mfghtiest of His prophets. through whom many
were to be led back to allegiance to the God of their
, fathers."-P K., p. 116. .
8 What message did Elijah bear? 1 King 18:21.
NOTE: "What astonishing deception and fearful
blindness had, like a dark cloud. covered Israel! This
blindness and apostasy. had not clo.sed about, them sud-
.denly; it had come upon them gradually, as they 'had not
heeded the word of reproof and warning which the Lord
had sent to them because of their pride and their sins.
And now, in this fearful crisis, in· the presence of the
idolatrous priests and the apostate king, they remained
neutral. If God abhors one sin above another, of which
His people are guilty, it is doing nothing in case of an
emergency. Indifference and neutrality in a religious crisis
is regarded of God as a grievous crime, and equal to the
-very worst type of hostility against God."-Vol. 3, p. 280.
9. What does tbe prophet Isaiah say concerning those
who labor for the salvation of soul's? Isa 52 :7. .
10. Of what time does he speak in many lYf his pro-
phecies? Iss. chapter 24.
I!. Wha ~ me~sa:re is to be proclaimed €-l';pecially in the
last days? Isa. 56:1·8; 58:12-14.
NOTE: "I canot too strongly urge all our church-
members, all who are true missionaries, all who believe the
third angel's message. all who turn away their feet from
the Sabbath, to consider the message of the fifty-eighth
chapter of Isaiah. The work of beneficence enjoined in
this chapter is the work that God requires His people to
do at this time. It is a work of His own appointment. We not left in doubt as to where the message applies, and
the time of its marked fulfilment. . . . God's memorial, the
seventh-day Sabbath, the sign of His work in creating the
world, has been displaced by the man of sin God's people
have a special work to do in repairing the breach that has
been made in His law."-Vol. 6, p. 265.

Lesson No.4-Sabbath, April 28. 1945-

1. What prophec reveals t e great work of Jesus to us?'
Matt. 1:21. /' ~ •
2. When did Christ Irea y be~:';~ mission on earth r
Luke 2:41-49.. • /:tl 7T
NOTE: "In all things He brought His wishes into·
strict abeyance to His mission. He glorified His life by
making everything subordinate to the will of His Father.
When in His youth, His mother, finding Him in the school
of the rabbis, said, 'Son. why: hast Thou thus dealt with
us?' He answered-and His answer is the key-note of
His life work-'How is it that ye sought Me? wist ye not
that r must be about My Father's business?' "-G.W., p.
3. What wonderful message did Jesus, bring to those
who te e longin for eace in their heart? Matt. 11:
28·30. ~~ CI~ ~ 11~. ,
4. What was th ain heme in the message of Jesus?
Matt. 4:17.
5. Into how man esus di .ded 1.:
_•.latt. 4:23-
'~. ~7~
NOTE: ,eDuring His ministry, Jesus devoted more time
-to hearing the sick than to prea!=hing. His miracles tes-
tified to the truth of His words, that He came not to des-
-troy, but to save. Wherever He went, the tidings of His
mercy preceded Him. Where He' had passed, the objects
of His compassion were rejoicing in health and making
-trial of their new-found power. Orowds were collecting-
.around them to hear from their lips the works that the
Lord had wrought. His voice was the first sound that
many had ever heard, His name was the first word they
bad ever spoken. His face the first they had ever looked
upon. Why should they not love Jesus, and sound H;s
-praise? As He passed through the towns and cities. He
was like a vital current, diffusin8' life and joy."-G W.,
-p. 43.
6. Among what class of peo.J?!.L'Yas ~i~ work the most
successful? . Matt. 11 :5. J1'IfZ'JT. -SM.
NOTE: "Christ might have occupied the highest plac:'!
.among the teachers oi the Jewish nation, but He preferred
rather to take the gospel to the poor. He went from
-place to place, that those in the highways and byways
might hear the words of truth. By the sea. on the moun-
tainside, in the streets of tl1€ .city, in the synagogue, His
-voice was heard explaining the Scriptures. Often He
taught in the outer court of the temple, that the Gentiles
might hear His words."-G.W., pp. 43, 44.
7. In whom did Jesus also show a special interest? Matt.
19 :13-15.
NOTE: "Even little children were attracted to Him.
They loved to cmnb upon His knees, and gaze into the
-pensive face, benignant with love,"-S.C., p. '13.
S. What did Jesus see in every man? Whom did He seek
to save? Luke 19 :10.
NOTE: '~s~~was. ~QU~.,i~Jii,s. ~. While
He ever bore Hlmscl wlthalVme thgmty, He bowed with
the tenderest regard to ~~'v..~ of the family of
(;?d .. ~l,I.... ~ He saw allen souls whom it was ~
SSlOn to a . -S.C., p. 13.

9. Toward whom did .Jesus~~p i II}; ~nlf~ His love?

Luke 19:41. 42; 23:34. ~ ~/·

10. When did .Jesus even remem er Hi;;/great work or

salvation? Luke 23 :42, 43. . 7J(1' ~f
A!erJF~ 5~6'!.
1~ - : .).~/ ~t'",,)1{~ :
11. What will be th .. T('ward of J ~ His work of
saving soull!l! Is•. 53:11, 12~T'~

Lesson No. (i-Sabbath, May 5, 1945

1. Who often gathered around the Saviour? What was
the attitude of the Pharisees and Scribes because of
this? Luke 1"5 :1, 2.
NOTE: "As the 'publ~cans and sinners' gathered about
Christ. the rabbis expressed. their displeasure. 'This man
receiv~th sinners,' they said, 'and eateth with them.' By
this accusation they insinuated that Christ liked to asso-
ciate with the sinful and vile, and was insensible to their
wickedness. The rabbis had een disappointed in' Jesus.
Why was it tha one who c aimed so lofty a c arac er,
did not mingle with them, and follow their methods of
teaching? Why did He go about so unpretendin~l:v
working among all classes? If He were a true prophet,
they said, Ile ,would barmo i· . enl. and would treat
the publicans and sinners with the indifference they
deserved."-C.O.L., p. 185.
2. What means did Jesus emploY that His work of sal.
vation might be easily understood? Luke 15:3.
3 What parable illustrates this? Luke 15':4.7. How
many sheep had gone astray? Verse 4
NOTE: "In the parable the shepherd goes out to
search for one sheep-the very least that can be num-
bered. So if there had been but one lost soul, Christ.
would have died for that one."-C.O.L., p. 187.
.{. Was the lost sheep able to find its way back to the
fold alone? Did the sheep know its lost condition?
ANSWER: "The sheep that has strayed from the fold
is the most helpless of all Cll atures. It must be sought
for by the shepherd, for it can not find its way back. So
with the soul that has wandered away from God; he is as
helpless as th~. lost .sheep, and unless divine love Come
to his rescue, he could never find his way back to God.
. The lost sheep knows that it is lost. It has left
the shepherd and the flock, and it can not recover itself.
It re resents those who realize that they are se arated
from 0 , an who are m a cloud of er lexity, mum! ia-
tion, and sorel tern ted."-C.O.L., pp. ,193.
5. What does the shepherd do with the 99 sheep? What
is his attitude toward the lost sheep? Luke 15:4; Eze.
6. Is the work of searching rewarded? Luke 15:5-7.
NOTE: "When the straying sheep is at last brought
home, the shepherd's gratitude finds expression in melodi-
ous songs of rejoicing. He calls upon his friends and
neighbours, saying unto them, 'Rejoice with me; for I have
found my sheep which was lost,' .So when a wanderer
is found by the great Shepherd of the sheep, heaven and
earth unite in thanksgiving and rejoicing."-C.O.L., p. 189.
7. Who is also represented by the lost sheep?
NOTE: "By the lost sheep Christ represents not only
the individual sinner, but the one world that has apos-
tatized, and has been ruined by sin. . . . Christ the loved
Commander in the heavenly courts, stooped from His high
estate, laid aside the glory that 'He had with the Father,
in order to save the one lost world."-C.O.L., p. 190.
8. What other parable illustrates the love of Jesus for
lost souls? Luke 15:8.· 9.
9. Where was the piece of silver lost? "'hat was neces-
sary to find it again? Luke 15:8 last part.
10. Does the lost coin know its condition?
ANSWER: "The lost coin represents those who are
t in trespasses an sms, ut who have no sense of
the' dition. They are. (!stranged from Goa, Gut they
k 1 0 . . . . They are to be sought for, that they
may e rought back to God."-C.O.L, pp. 193, 194.
11 Is it worth while to search for the lost piece of silver?
Luk'e 15:9.

Lesson No.6-Sabbath, May 12, 1945.
1'. Whom did Jesus choose as co-workers in the work of
savin~ souls? Mark 3:13-15.
NOTE: "For the carrying on of His work, Christ did
not choose the learning or eloquence of the Jewish San-
hedrin or the power of Rome. Passing by the self·
righteous Jewish teachers, the Master-w:Orker chose
humble, unlearned men to proclaim the truths that were
to move the world."-A.A., p. 17.
2. What is necessary on the part of those who want to
follow Jesus and become co-workers with Him? Luke
9:23, 24.
NOTE: "The people of God are to come close to
Christ in self~denial and sacrifice, their one aim being to
give the message of mercy to all the world."-Vol. 9, p.
3. Before Jesus left His disciples what great commission
did Ue give them? Matt. 28 :18, .19.
4. What was His promise to them, and to all ,vh ork
for the salvation of souls? Matt 28 :20.
NOTE: '.'To us also the promise of Christ's abiding
presence is given. The lapse of time has wrought no
change in His parting promise. He is with us to-day as
truly as He was with the disciples, and He will be with
us 'even unto the end.' " -Vo]. 8, p. 17.
5. To make tbeir work more successful, what power was
promised to the apostles? Acts 1 :8.
<6. How great was the harves,t of souls after they had
received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? A~ts 2:41;
NOTE: "What was the result of the outpouring of
the Spirit on the day of Pentecost? The glad tidings of
a risen Saviour were carried to the uttermost parts of the
inhabited world. As the disciples proclaimed the message
of redeeming grace, hearts yielded to the power of the
message. The church beheld converts flocking to her
from a!l directions. Backsliders were reconverted. Sin-
ners united with believers in seeking the pearl of great
price. Some who had been the bitterest opponents of the
'gospel became its champions."-A.A., p. 48.
7. What name was uplif'ted before the world? Acts
4:12. r . • . •'"

8. Was it possible for tlie enemy to )tinder the work

through difficulties aIid trials?' ~ Acts 4:17-19; 5:17, 18,
9. What, was the testimony of those who witnessed for
Jesus? What did they do? Acts 4:20; 5:41, 42.
10. Which apostle is a bright .example for us in the work
of saving souls? Rom. 1:1.
11. What was Paul called upon- to endure in the work
for the Lord? 2 Cor. 4 :8-11.
12. How great a burden did Paul have for those who
were lost? Acts 20 :31.
13. 'What meaning does the history of the apostles have
for us to-day? Acts 2 :39.
NOTE: "As Christ sent forth His disciples, so to-day
HInds forth the members of His church. The same
p that the apostles had is for them. If they will
m God their strength, He will work with them, and
t e shall not labor in vain. Let them realize that the
work in which they are engaged is one upon which the
Lord has placed His signet."-A.A., p. 599.

Lesson No 7-Sabbath, May 19, 1945

1. In what C~;;~is the world at the present· .time?
Isa. 60 :2.~ ~s:: I~ R-
2. What is therefore necessary? John' 1 :r4r .
3.· Whom has the Lord chos_ey to.; bt.:. the light of this
World? Matt. 5:14-16.N..r ~ ~ .
NOTE: "As the· sun goes forth on its errand of love,
.dispelling the shades of night, Ilnd awakening the world
to life, so the followers of Christ are to go forth on their
mission, diffusing the light of heaven upon those who are
in the darkness of error ana sin."-M.B., p. 63·
4. What admonition is ~iv,en ~he church of God to-
day? Isa. 60:1. O#/JtI'/.r.".,_.
5. How far should the Jight of t~e.lchurch of God shine?
Mark 16:15l2-'/?'I1f_ t'cIc~d;
NOTE: "The light of truth is to shine to the ends of
the earth. Greater and still greater light is beaming
with celestial brightness from the Redeemer's face upon
His representatives, to be diffused through the darkness of
a benighted world."-Vol. 8, p. 40.

~ ~- ...... --...........-
NOTE: "In all ages the 'Spirit of Ch 'st which was in
them.' has made God's true children th light of the
people of tbeir generation. Jose h was a ight-bearer in
. Egypt. In his purity and benevo ence and lial love, he
represented Christ in the midst of a nation of idolators.
While the Israelites were on their way from pt to the
promised land, the true-hearted among them we a light
to the surrounding na IOns. hrough them God as re-
vealed to the world. From Daniel and his compam 'n
Babylon, and from Mordecai In Persia, bright bean f
light shone out amid e . ness of the kingly court
like I!lanner the disci les of Christ are 'set as light-be
on the way 0 eaven, ~ . ., p. 67.
. ,
7. Is the lIght of truth ~o be proclaimed only by minis-
ters and missionaries? Mark 5:19, 20.
NOTE: "God calls upon ever church-member to enter
His service. . . . E¥ery one mus earn 0 work. and to
stand in his place as a burden-bearer. ve a it' to
the chtJrch should be one mOl'e a~n£y_for the carr in out
o e rea an 0 re em £ion. -Vol_ .8, p. .
8. In ~ha~ w~ can we also help to .. spread the gospel
meS{lage? ~
, ANSWER. "You, my brother, my sister, may not be
able to go into the Lord's .vineyard yourself, but you may
furnish the means to send oth-ers. . . . If you work with
self-denial, doing what you can to. further the a vance-
ment of the cause in new fields, the Lord will help and
strengthen and bless you. . . . Do all for the love of
Jesus and tlie precious souls fur whom He has died."-VoL
8, p. 33:
9. What spe~ial message of light is to be given in th-e-
last days! Rev. 14:6-12.
10. In what way will the work of God close on earth? Rev.
11. What will the Lord do if we ~ not let our light 8hin~
before the world? Rev. 2:5.r(~..~ •
Lesson No.8-Sabbath, May 26, 1945
~ ~-
1. What has the Lord 'entrusted to everyone of His fol-
lowers? Matt. 25 :14, 15·
NOTE: "To His servants Christ ebmmits 'His 0 ds'-
'n e se for Him. He gives 'to. every
man his work.' Each has his place in the eternal plan of
heaven. Each is to work in co-operation with Christ for
the salvation of souls. Not more surely is the place pre-
pared for us in heavenly mansions than is the s ecial
place d.esignated .on earth where we are to work for od."
-C.O.L., pp. 326. 327.
2 What are we called to be? What has God entrusted to
His church? 1 Cor. 4:l.
NOTE: "We are s e rds, entrusted by our absent
Lord with the care of His household and His interests,
which He came to this world to serve. He has returned· to
heaven, leaving us in charge, and He expects us to watch
and wait for His appearing. Let us be faithful to our
trust, lest coming suddenly He finds us sleeping."-Vol. 8,
p. 37.
3. What is ,every true member or God's<' church called
upon tQ be? What church was a worthy example for
us in this respect? 1 Thes. 1 :6-8.

all This
16 -I
is the work that must be done before.' Chaist shall come
in power and great glory."-Vol. 6, p: 438.
Ih'r 4. Will tlte Lord also lise women to be channels of light
on earth? John 4:28.30.InMAIV tJF ./'/Wf,4R14 -.ry~,c
NOTE: "Discreet and humble women can do a good
work in explaining the truth to the people in their homes.
The word of God thus explained will do its leavening
work, and through its iJ].fluence whole families will be
converted."-Vol. 9, pi>. 128, 129.
5. the Lord also \ccept tlte s.ervice of children? Ps.
Matt. 21 :15, 16. IIM"fNH,I/••
NOTE: "Parents, your children should be your help·
ing hand, increasing your power and ability to work for
the Master. Children are the younger members of the
Lord's family. They should be led to consecrate them-
selves to God, whose they are by creation and by redemp-
-tion. They should be taught that all their powers of body,
mind, and soul are His. They should be trained to help in
various lines of unselfish service."-Vol. 7, p. 63.
6. What precious age-qcy has the Lord given to His
church to be. a blessing in the work of saving souls?
ANSWIER: "Let all who labor effectually in the can-
vassing. field feel in their hear s a they are omg e
work 01 e Lord in ministering to souls who know not
the truth for this time. They are sounding the note of
warning in the highways and byways to prepare a people
for the grellt day of the Lord, which is so soon to break
upon the world. We have no time to lose. We must en·
courage this work. Who will go forth now with our pub-
1icatWons ?"-Vol. 6, p. 333. , , •
7. What wonderful ·ptomise is given to those who labor
faithfully in the canvassing field? Isa. 55 :10'.12.
NOTE: "I saw that all the light they had received in
'some places had come from the. paper; that souls had reo
ceived the truta in this way. and l' t thers;
and that now in places where there severa, they had
been raised up by this sileo e th '. 1
reacher."-E.W., p. 96.
8'.' How should we 1\0 the work of service for the Lord 1
Jud&,es 5:9. wi/I./A/t;"(

· 17
9. What will be the re\nrd of those! who have been faith-
ful servants in the cause of God? Matt. 25 :2.1.
10. What will be the fate of thos-;-who ha,"e put. th~~t
of truth under a bushel ~ Matt. 25 :3~~ •..

Lesson No. 9'-:'Sabbath, June 2, 194.5

1. For what purpose did Christ come ~~ this world?
What seed did He sow? Matt. 13:37t~ d. .re...
NOTE: "Christ had come, not as a king, but as a-
sowerj not for the overthrow of kingdoms, but for the
scaHerin of seed; not to point His followers to earthly'
triumpns an national greatne~s, but to a harvest to be
gathered after patient toil, and through losses and disap-
pointments."-C:O.L., p. 35.
2. What kind of seed does the enemy sow? Matt. 13 :25·
NOTE: "Ever since the fall of man, Satan has been
sowing the seeds of error. It was by a lie that he first
gained contro over men, and thus he still works to over-
throw God's kingdom in the earth, and to bring men under
his power."-C.O.L., pp. 37, 38. J'1J1II"'A'..~/HAl-O~/NV
~ l'IN ~,lVQ;.
3. What are God's children called upon to dO. J<.;c. 11 :6.
4. How must w'e sow the seed of precious truth? Ec. 11 :4.
NOTE: "The work of the sower is a work
The mystery of the germination and gro-w.o.;.;t~o~~-e';:;':;:=·:;'
he call'l1ot understand. But he lias confidence in
agencies by which God causes vegetation to flourish. In
casting his seed into the ground he is apparently throw-
ing away the precious grain that might furnish bread for'
his family. But he is only giving up a present good for
a larger return. He casts the seeds away, expecting to
gather it many-fold in an abundant harvest. So Christ's
servants are to labor, ex ectin a harvest from the seed
they sow."-C.O.L., pp. 6 ,
5. Under what circumstances must we often sow the pre-
cious gospel seed? Ps. 126 :5, 6:
'>"UI /~ l?4,f1S'. R~A'p /A' #'.
"6. Will the seed of God's word be succe,ssful and bring
forth fruit? 181l. 55:10, 11./TJAlNL 1'#4J'NIP.
. NOTE: "The good seed may for a time lie unnoticed
:in.. .a-.. cold~
selfish, worldly heart, giving no evidence that it
has taken root, but afte~'ward, as the Spirit of God
breathes on the soul, the hidden seed springs up, and at
last bears fruit to the glory of God. . . . Weare to do
-our work, and leave the results with God."-C.O.L., p. 65.
7. Upon whom wes tlte biesiiing in all our labors depend?
1 Cor. 3:7. tI~ 9"~ /,J'/{1r
NOTE: "Those who plant and those who water, do not
cause the growth of the seed; they: work under' God, as
His appointed agencies, co-operating WIth im in His work.
'To the Master-worker belongs tne nonor and glory that
comes WI success.' A.A., p. 274.
8. In what time are we living to-day? John: 4:35.#.I,qa::r.r
9. What is therefore necessary? What is the desire of
the Lord? Lqke 10:2..i, Matt. 20:6.J"4b/?1i'f4
N."'7e ...e /IJP!". _
NOTE: "It is the privilege of every Christian, not only
to look for, but to hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ. - Were all who profess His name bearing fruit to
His glory, how quickly the whole world would be sown with
the seed of the gospel. Quickly the last great harvest would
be ripened, find Christ would come to gather the precious
grain."-C.O.L., p. 69.
10. What will take place when all the seed has been sown
and the harvest oL14l: •wgJ;ld i~ r}p'e? Rev. 14 :14-16.
P#FV. 1fC1$ I~ ~AN~r"; -,fF"fd'.
11. What solemn words should w,a always remember? Gal.
6:7. N"/~St>~. -~,fj....'.

Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, June 9,' 1945

1. What prophecy was given already in the beginning?
Gen. 3:15.
2. How great is the work of the deceiver? Who are his
helpers? Rev. 12 :9.
3. Against whom must every member of G'd's church
fight? Eph. 6:12.
NOTE: "~rrible is the struggle that takes place be-
tween the forces of good and of evil in important centres
where the messengers of truth are called upon to labor.
. . . Till the close of time, there will be a conflict be-
tween the church of God and those who are under the
control of evil angels."-A.A., p. 219.
4. What ar·e we therefore admonished to put on? Eph..
5. When Jesus sent out His disciples what did' He tell
them? Matt. 10 :16.18.
6. What price did Jesus and nearly alf of His apostles
pay for the sake or truth t ... Ma~t. 120 :18; John 15 :20.
7. Against whom is Satan especially making war in this
time of the end? Rev. 12:17.
NOTE: "The remnant church' will be brought into
,great .tri1l1 ~and ..;distress. Those who keep the command-
ments. of God and· t~e faith. of .Jesus, will feel the ire of
the dragon and his hosts. ; . . If he could blot them from
the earth, his triumph would be complete."-Vol. 9, p. 231.
8. But how will Satan be overcome? Rev. 12:11.
9. Who is co·operating with the childl"en of God in the
work of saving souls?
ANSWER: "In this work all the angels of heaven
are ready to co-operate. All the resources of heaven are
at the command of those who are seeking to save the lost."
-C.O.L., p. 197.
10. What wonderful encouragement does Jesus give to
thos'e who are willing t{) suffer for the sake of truth r
Matt. 5:11; 10:28.
NOTE: "In all ages Satan has' persecuted the people
of God. He has tortured them and put them to death;
but in dying they became conquerors. ·They revealed in
their steadfast faith a mightier. One than Satan. Satan
could torture and kill the body, but he could not touch
the life that was hid with Christ in God. He could incar-
cerate in prison walls, but he could not bind the sp.irit.
They could· .look beyond the gloom to the glory, saymg:
'I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not
worthy to "be compared with the glory which shall be re-
vealed in us."-M.B., pp. 50, 5l.
11. What should we do if we are called upon to suffer for
the truth? 1 Peter 4 :12, 13.

Lesson No. 11-Sabbath, June 16, 1945

1. In what condition must the last church be found before-
the work of God will cl.~ln earth? Eph. 5 :27; Solo-
mon's SQng 4:7 /iN!I(IMrr
2. What should therefore not be negleeted in the church?
Col. 3:1Z·14.'
3. What should we always bear in mind in the work for, It
souls? Col. 1:28; 1 Cor. 9:27. "'~'k1""~ ..d41'/.", ""t"
/~"",....., ... SI' ~"K
4. What is also necessary In the work of saving souls?
Gal. 6:1~ James 5:19, 20.
NOTE: "God has done His part of the work for the'
Salvation of men, and now He calls for th«;~-Q,Beratio.u.
of the....~l]lt. . . . Often have you needed t e forgive-
ness of ~sus. You have been constantly dependent upon
His compassion and love. Yet have you not failed to-
manifest towards others the spirit )Vhich Christ has exer-.
cised toward you? Have you felt'f a burden for the one
whom you saw venturing into forbidaen paths Y Have you.
kindly admonished him? Have you wept for him, and
prayed with him and for him? Have you shown by words
of tenderness and kindly acts that you love him, and
desire to save him ?"-Vol. 5, p. 610.
5. What spirit will be manifested in the last church?
Matt. 24 :14.
NOTE: ::I.b~~SiR.!llWl~8.Pixit needs to be revived ill.
our churches. very member of the church should study
how to help forward the work of God, both in home mis-
sions and in foreign countries."-Vol. 6. p. 29.
6. In what way must~the l~ me~~ be given? Joel
2:1; 1 COl:. 14:8.J/ifE 7N(J~
7. How will the work of God close? Zech. 4:6.~,{' Nt Nff
8. What must the little company of f<lithful believers do?
What must be their desire? Neh. 6':3.
NOTE: "If the lay'members of the church will arouse
to do the work that they can do, going on a warfare at
their own charges, each seeing how much he can accom-
plish in winning 'souls to Jesus, we shall see many leaving
the ranks of Satan to stand under the banner of Christ."
. '''; ,"The work of God in this earth can never be finished
untiJVthe men and women comprising our church member-
ship , thlL~OrJ.s. and unitf their efforts with those of
ministers and'diurch officers.'LVol. 8, p, 246; "Gospel
Workers," p. 352.
9. What experience will be' r-el}eated in the finishing
work? Acts 2:1-4. J,Art"t'I( R'htI.
NOTE: "The work will be similar to that of the day
of Pentecost. As the 'former rain' was given, in the out-
pouring of the -Holy Spirit at the opening of the gospel,
to cause the~rin-1iing of the m:eciQus .s~ so the 'lat-
ter l'ain' will e given at its close, for..Q1e l'iReDi.D~ ~
thee. !l.arv~..§1. . . . The great, work of the gospel IS not 'CO
close wIth less manifestation of the power of God than
marked its opening. . . . Servants of God, with their faces
lighted up and shining with holy consecration. will hasten
from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven.
By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning
will be given. Miracles will be w~'ought, the sick will be
healed, and signs and wonders will follow the believers,
. . . The message will be carried not so much by argu-
ment as by the deep conviction of the Spirit of God. The
arguments have been presented. The seed has been sown,
and now it will spring up and bear fruit."-G.C., pp. 611,
10. What prophecy will then have met its fulfilment? Rev.
18:1. -
Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, June 23, 1945
h·;.."· ..\ . •

1. What announcement will be made wben Christ has
finished His work in the heavenly sanctuary? Rev.
2. What will many then say? Jer. 8:20.
3. What blessings will those receive who have been faith-
ful in the work of the l1ord's vineyard? Matt. 20:8;
4. What will Jesus bring with Him when He comes? Rev.
5. What wonderful promise, comfort, and encour~gement
is given to those who work for Christ? Dan. 12:3.
NOTE: "The ;'~r~h' or'a ~o'ul can not be fully esti-
mated by finite minds. How gratefully will the ransomed
and gloritied ones remember those who were instrumental
in their salvation! No one will then regret his self-deny-
ing efforts and persevering labors, his patience, forbearance,
and earnest heart--yearnings for souls that might have
been lost had he neglected his duty or become weary in
well-doing. . '. . How much more precious is heaven to
those who have been faithful in the work of saving souls!"
-Vol. 5, pp. 620, 621.
6. How did Paul compare the sufferings of this life with
the joy of the life to come? Rom. 8 :18.
7. What harvest is promis-ed to those who have sown the
gospel seed in tears? Ps. 126:5, 6; Re,v. 2-1:4..
NOTE: "What rejoicing there will be as these re-
deemed ones meet and greet those who have had a burden
in their behalf! And those who have lived, not to please
themselves, but to be a blessing to the unfortunate who
have so few blessings-how their hearts will thrill' with
satisfaction! They will realize the pl:omise, "Thou shalt
be .blessed; for they cannot recompense thee; for thou shalt
be recompensed ljIt the resurrection of the just: "-Vol 6,

8. With whom shall we then forever be united?
17 :24; Heb. 12 :22, 23.
9. To whom alone will the church triumphant give honor
, •
and glory throughout eternity? Rev. 7 :10-12.
NOTE: "They stand before the throne clad in richer
robes than the most honored of the earth have ever worn.
=! X
cr _
They are crowned with diadems more glorious than were •
ever placed upO!1 the brow of earthly ,monarchs. The days....
of pain and weeping are forever ended. The King of glory~ 0
has wiped the' tears from all faces; every cause of grie~
has been removed. Amid the waving of palm-branchelf-l
they pour forth a song of praise, clear, sweet, and hal',,,
monious; every voice takes up the strain, until the anthen""
swells through the vault of heaven, 'Salvation to our God
which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.' And
all the inhabitants of heaven respond in the scription,
'Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving,
and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever
and ever.' "-G.C., pp. 65lt, 651.

Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, June 30, 1945

J;J'l1lr.../~~ -7 ')-
. 'QUESTIONS 1'f(.,&JJ/t/;..,-J. . 'f., fI.P.
1. How great is the rewal'(~h~God has proJll~.A0)f.
the faithful? 1 Cor. 2:9~.. ~ [~)
NOTE: "Human language is inadequate to describe thel

reward of the righteous. It will be known' only to those
who behold it. No finite mind can comprehend the glory
of. the Paradise of God."-G.C., p. 675.
2 .. -1'0 whom did God ...g:ive the earth ]~/the bt!ginning?
111'i :16. "/A/!.' C.4U~"'5If/ d;t:'-rEN.

3. Through wha w~ this do_J!1lnio.n lost? Rom. 5:12; 6:23.

.,' ~9#'J' C7' .1/#.
NOTE: '~o~~ butj;h,.e Ilarth had ~ come
under the power O:f the wickeaone,and-was to be restored
by the plan of redemption. At his creation, Adam was
placed in dominion over the earth. But by yielding to
temptation, he was brought under the power of
whom a man is ove~~f the sam~ is he broughI.2
bondage! When man became Satan's captive, the dominion
\vfikfl ne held, passed to his conqueror. Thus Satan be-
came 'the god of this world.' He had usurped that
dominion over the earth which had been originally given to
Adal'l\."--p",-r.~ p. 67· ..' .

4. What will happen with the earl~J)vhen. the Lord ap-

pears? 2 Peter 3 :10. e~ ,Pv>{'ft'G.b.
G. What will the Lord then do? 2 Peter. 3:13; Isa. 65:17;
Rev. 21 :1.!lJ:v/.&11lJJ/.
6. What peaceful com!itio.!! }Vi]l prevail on the ea,th made
new? Isa. 65 :25. ;:V.£J'Y to/YInf/!/f O/,q/f/tiE/?
7. ;fiV~j).")V:ij.1 inhel~i,~new CJ1.tl1t? Rev. 21:7; Ml!.tt, 5:5.
telt'. if ... 'd"~M'5: --- #~~.I1-tJ17~/:.wr
8. what con Ition will the redeemed praise~ _
through'out eternity? Rev. 21:4. What will be thj'!ir
. ,,_ Q,ccu#ion? ll)/l. 65 :21-2iU -...,. A ...... LV./. /J]/?"'.
11J,.".L> ., tIfln'O '/~hTjV OCc.ujV/-v. .)I'~~U ---'
('lIPS" ~-~. NOTE: ~~.Q. ti
nn..9t, _exist in the atmosphere of
-~ -heave'n. There wIll be nomore tears, no funeral trains,
/l.iA!. II!: 1" no badges of mourning. There shall be no morc death,
. / 't.' neither sorrow, nor crying . . . for the former things are
.. #. passed a,vay."-G.C., p. 676.
9. How often will the child of God meet tOl?;.et.hCTJ lor' .-
~wor§.hjp.ln Go«rs holy te~e? isa. 66:~~! 23'~/~""J~ .•
.I'.{/e~ SI9:Y89r.¥.}' '!£CMJ. m~'i!J~f: ~.
/ 10. How far reaching will rist's dominion over the earth-
be? Ps. 72:8.~

V l> edbs 0"(7.71£ FRN7"1;,! :'"
.PU'~".2- J. ~~ , y~ __;/i'_ / .
";;I"#~ ,. a" /,,:.. _ ean//

Published QllarN~rly by

Religious Liberty Publishing Association
42 Prospect Road, Summer Hill, N.S.W.,

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