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l Sabbath School Lesson l
~ Third' Quart~r, I94J· '; l
~ SEVE tI { . • I T'.EFORr; ilO EMEr 1 ,
~ (" l. t> flREN":E L
~ 3031 Ftif., I I yO. - PH. 4S14?~!j ~
~ SACHA.<1l,'11 U, CALIF. 95818 U.:' A. ~

lChrist's Teaching l
~ Through. Para~les
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Religious Liberty Publishing Association
42 Prospect Road, Summer Hill,
~ N.S.W., Australia. (L
~+++++++'I"I'I'I '1"1"1' 1"1'1"101' I '1"1"1' Ill' l,l 1 'I''''I''I''I'++++++~
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Lesson No. I-Sabbath, July 7, 1945.

1hR44US; QAOTfi7n!"",e QUESTIONS • ~
. ,. ".""".,8tJ.t /c •
1. In what manner did Jesus speak to toe people? Matt.
13:34. By what principle was He led?
ANSWER: "In Christ's parable-teaching
w;iltcinle is se~s-ill ~ mission t.o tlliLWJld.
l .a8!llil-

That we ~t become acquainted~with His divine charac-

ter ang life, Christ took our nature, and dwelt among us.
DLvinity was revj:laled in humanit~x the invisible glory in
tne ~~ hui'i1'a'l'i form. "Men cou d le,ijrn <J.4 the ~nown
through t e known; u,e.ijx-eilJY:JUmoVZ were revealeJ rough
tI1e ...eL\rlhI¥; Goir.""was made manifest in the likeness of
men. ~o • It was in Christ's teaching: ~he unk~o;fnt"WA~
illusJirated by the kno~; divine truth.s Sy
"e~rl ly t mgs
wIth wliich' ffie people were most faml1iar."-C.O.L., p. 17.
2. What prophecy did Christ thus 'fulfi1? Matt. 13 :35;
(Ps. 78d:) What means did Jesus employ in His teach-
ing, and for what purpose? John 15:1-6.
NOTE: ~tural thin~ were the medium for the'
spiritual; theTings 07" na];W! and the Ijfe:.r;rerien~lt of
His hearers W'e'reconneeted ·;ith the trtitlls 0 €Yle writ-
ten word. Leading thus from the natural to the spiritual
kingdQm, Christ's parables are links in the c\ain of truth
that unites man with God, and earth with heaven,"-C.O.L.,
pp. 17, 18.
3. Who was the Creator of·aIl of which Jesus spoke?
Provo 8 :22'·'30. ;.t/MrE~r.
4. Of whom does the whoLe creation bear witness? Ps_
• 19:1-3; Rom. 1:19, 20.~
, NOTE: "The earth is now marred and defiled by sin.
Yet even in its blighted state, much that is beautiful re-
mains. God's object-lessons are not obliterated; -tigl$JJ,¥
..~nde:stpo~, nature speaks of her Creator."-C.O.L., p. 18.
5. From the teaching of parables, what knowledge were
the peop,le to receive? John 17:3. Or 1"/-/£1 7'f('u~ ~C4
6. When alienated from God, what vain worsh!,p was fol-
lowed? Rom. 1 :25. C~~lI7"vRE "'IJ-t'J)W,I:'
7, From what places did JesuS' give ~is tes ons of

nature? Matt. 13:1.3; Mark 6:1, 2; 32-34; Matt:-5:1, 2,.
8, What truths fmm the' p'arables' of "Jesus should be
im"'anted in our hearts? Gen., chaPte~l.
.-n!M· k~ '.' -r/./£ -~pI~ 'Rep" ~ ..,(;b,
NOTE: "So thiougb the creatIOn we are to, become
. acquainted with the Creator, The book of na.tuI£ i!La
great l~on-lfook, which in connection withtlie Scrip1ures
~reKo"'use""ill teaching others of His character, and
'guiding lost sheep back to the fold of God,"-G.O.L., p.
9. What does a true' knowledge of the Creator e:mbrace?
ro>..2~~~~~4;,:'x,1'~?~~~:'-::~ W.':""# "flI~ ,!..AlAI .4"; ~o/J.
' NOTE: "Christ's r se' arable-teachin was in
direct line with the urpose of t e a at, Go gaveto
\ i'f'ell'tlie memona 0 IS crea lYe power, that they might
discern Him in the works of His hand. The, Sabbat bids
us behold in His created works the glory of the Creator,
And it was because He desired us to do this that Jesus
...."'", bound, up His precious lessons with the beauty of natural
things, On the holy rest-day, above all other days, we
should study "the messages that God has written for us
in nature,"-C.O.L., pp. 25, 26.

, ~ No. 2-Sabbatb. July 14, 1945


1.1..,"';2.4 ~,HfHE SOWER AND HIS SEED ~:~4~i 1..:~. ~~J. QUESTIONS"
1. What truth is iIlustratJed in this parable'? Matt. 13 :3-8;
GaL 6:7, 8.
NOTE: "From the natll'ral seed cast into the soil
Christ deires to lead o,ur minds to the gospel seed, the
sowing of which results in bringing man back to His
loyalty to God. He who gave the parable of the tiny seed
is the Sovereign of heaven, and the same laws that govern
earthly seed-sowing "govern the sowing of the seeds of
truth."-C.O.L" p. 33.
2. Where was Jesus when He related this parable? Matt.
13:2. What could be observed from the ship? , .
ANSWER: "Beside the sea lay the beautiful plain of
Gennesaret, beyond rose the hills, and upon hillside and
plain both sowers and reapers were busy, the one casting
seed, and the other harvesting the early grain."-C.O.L.,
p. 34.' ,
3. On what .places did the seed fall? Matt. 13 :5-8.
4. What is the spiritual ~1iing of this par~ble? Matt.
13:37. At......D.
-;1.1 1; .... k I t (.M6<,I..
NOTE: "Chril'lt had come, not as a king, but as a sower;

'not for the overthrow of kingdoms, but fOl' the scatter-
ing of seed; net to point Hjs followers to earthly triumphs
and national greatness, but to a harvest to be gathered after
patient toil, and through losses and disappointments."-
C.O.L., p. 35.
5. What is the field, and what is represented by the good
seed? Matt. 13 :38.
6. What divine attributes, does the seed scattered by
Christ, possess? John 6:63; Isa. 40:8. last part.
7. UndeI"' what circumstances did Christ often sow the
seed of truth? Luke 19:41, 42; Matt. 23:37.
NOTE: "He left His home of security and peace, left
the glory that He had with the Father befe·re the world.
was, left His position upon the throne of the universe.
He went forth, a suffering, tempt'ed man; <went forth in
solitude, to, sow in tears, to water with His blood, the
seed of life for a world lost."-C.O.L., p. 36.
8. Who also shouild sow the good seed and must it b.
sown? Ps. 126:5, 6.
NOTE: "His servants in like manner must go forth to
sow."-C.O.L., p. 36.
9. Who also, were commissioned to sow? Acts 22:21;
Gen. 12:1-3.
10. What did Christ admonish everyone to do? John
11. In the days of Christ, what great mistake did the-
Jewis~ leaders make? What seed did they sow? John
NOTE: "The teachers of Israel were not sowing the
seed of the word of God. Christ's work as a teacher of
truth' was in marked contrast to that of the rabbis of His
time. They dwelt upon traditions, upon human theories and
speculati?ns."-C.O.L., p. 38.
12. What will all scattered' seed bring forth" and' what
should we therefore' do? Gal. 6:7-9.

Lesson No.3-Sabbath, July 21, 1945

1. What great differell1ces 'Were sean in the soil upon
which the seed fell? Matt. 13 :4-8.
2. What effect did the soil hav,e upon the seed?

Matt. 13 :13-

by the wayside? Matt. 13:19;

5:. What are always ready to take away the seed sown
by the wayside? _. Matt. 13:4. Who is represented by
the fowls?
7 ... -!.~ l
ANSWER: "As the birds are ready to catch up the
see~s from the wayside, so Satan is ready to 'catch the
seeds of divine truth from the soul. He fears that the
-word of God may awaken the careless, and take effect
upon the hardened heart. Satan a,nd his angels are in
-the assemblies where the gospel is preached. While'
angels of heaven endeavour to impress hearts with the
-word of God, the enemy is on the alert to make the word
.of no effect. With an earnestness equalled only by his
malice, he tries to thwart the work of .the spirit of
·God."-C.O.L., p. 44.
6 .. What class is represented by the stony ground? Matt.
13:20·. What is lacking here? Matt. 13:5.
NOTE: "The seed sown upon stony ground finds little
<depth of, soil. The plant springs up quickly, but the root
cannot penetrate the rock to find nutriment to sustain
its growth, and it soon perishes."-C.O.L., p. 46.
7. What hinders the development of the seed in the stony
ground? Matt. 13 :21.
NOTE: "Many who make a profession of religion are
stony-ground hearers. Like the rock underlying the layer
{)f earth, the selfishness of the natural heart underlies the
soil of their good desires and aspirations. The love of
self is. not subdued. . . . This class may be easily con-
vinced. and appear to be bright converts, but they have
only a superficial reli,gi<e:·-C.O.L., p. 46.
8. For what should a true di$ciple of Christ always D2
prepared? Heb. 11:25, 26; 13:13.
NOTE: "While life moves smoothly with them, they
may appear to be consistent Christians. But they faint
beneath the fierwe-At of temptation. They cannot bear
l'eeroa£h for \}hnst's sake."-C.O.L., p. 47.
9. As He taught them the truth, what was said and done
by some of Christ's fqllowers? John 6:60, 66.
10. What was the 'Only hope for these souls? John 3:3,
7. What was specially lacking in them? 1 John
5 :1-4.
Lesson No.4-Sabbath, July 28, 1945
7:,' /Y~. -,9<~-~c;.A.~,6.,-0~'
9~O.l..YN~-#:::a,dl~ (m/e".rl~)
, 1. In what other places did a portion of th·e seed fall r
Matt. 13:7. What is' the spiritual meaning of this?
Matt. 13:22.
NOTE: "The gospel seed often falls among thorns
and noxious weeds; and if there is not a moral trans-
formation in the human heart, if old habits and practises
and the former life of sin are not· left behind, if the
attributes of Satan are not expelled from the soul, the
wheat crop will be choked. The thorns will come to be
the crop, and will kill out the wheat."-C.O.L., p. 50.
2. What is represented by the thorns?
ANSWER: "The thorns of sin will grow in any soil;
they need no cultivation; but grace must be carefully cul-
tivated. The briars and thorns are always ready to spring
up, and the work of purification must advance continually."
-C.O.L., p. 50.
3. What is the result of livjng in sin? Luke 21 :34 t
1 Tim. 6:9. .
4. What" thorns are also dangerous for the good seed?
Against what does the apostle warn us? 1 John 2:15"'
5. Who often encourages the rapid growth of thorns in
the hearts of children?
ANSWER: "Many parents seek to promote the hap-
piness of their children by gratifying their love of amuse-
ment. They allow them to engage in ,sports, and to attend
parties of pleasure, and provide them with money .to use
freely in display and self-gratification. The more the
desire for pleasure is indulged, the stronger it becomes."
---'C.O.L., p. 54.
6. What should we do that the seed may bring forth
fruit? Jer. 4 :3, 4; Hos. 10 :12.
7. What should the sower also do?
ANSWER: "The sowers of the seed have a work to
do in preparing hearts to receive the gospel. . There
is need of personal labor, for tHe sauls of the lost,"-
C.O.L:, p, 57.
8. Will the sower always be disappointed? What did
Jesus say concerning the good ground? How much
fruit did it yield? Matt. 13 :8, 23.
'9, What did Pa~l ·say concerning the souls in whose
hearts the seed' sprung up? 1 Thess. 2:13, 14.
NOTE: "Only' he who receives the Scriptures as the
voice of God speaking to himself is a true learner, He
trembles at the word; for to him it is a living reality."
-C.O.L., p. 59.
10. What should the followers of ellrist endeavour to do?
Ps. 40 :8 ; John 5 :30.
11. What fruits does God 'want to see in liS? Gal. 5:22.
12. What other characteristicS' will the obedient and iJe,.
Heving heart reveal? Rev. 14:12; James 5:7·10.

Lesson No.5-Sabbath, August 4, 1945

1. To what does Jesus liken the kingdom of heav~.
What did the m~9 w,ho found tl1fs treasure do?' 'Mati.
13 :44. (.J;/d all ~ A..e ~ed!) .
NOTE: '''This parable illustrates the value of the
ll.ea.venly treasure, and the effort that should be made to
-secure it. The finder of the treasure in the field was
read4:)o 12art with all that he had, r~dY to put fortb-JAn-
firlng labor, in orde.r to secure Uie traen nches. So the
'fmtrer oMeavenly treasure will count no labor too great
and.].O-. ~~crJflc.e. too .dsar, ""in order to gam iIieJfijsu[es
,of truthJ -c-:D:t., p. I~4.
2. What did Jesus say concerning earthly treasure, and
of what value is it compared with one soul? Matt.
16:26. '&7~~ /~}~
~~.r",S c',.~~-' 0//4 ~oc-u;t?W .<> ~ """/ •
,/ " o~ S't:JVr.
II 3. Where do we find the true treasure?
., I~ ANSWER: "In the para'ble the field containing the
\ \.!.l treasure represents th.e Holy Scr'ptures. And the gos~el
\-\; is the trli.asure. Th~lirtfi Itself IS not so interlacea Wifft
\. -gotten veins""'and filled with precious things as is the word.
of God."-C.O.L., p. 104.
4. From who r is/this treasur~ hidd' ? -kWh? 2 Cor..
4:3, 4.1JSt' ~-~ ~h.;, ~.n~.
Why did the Jews not acknowledge in' Jesus the-
greatest gift of- heaven? Why were some of the
"rulers" that believed on Him, unwilling to' con-'
(,.Q'&I"'«~ • fess this? John 12:42, 43.
fJlIlHJ P f''.9 ~ In order to find the good' treasure, what must we do?'
Provo 2:1-9.. ~~. -.f'~a:.- fJld)EA'S"mN.(){;. IO/$-~.
7. How do we need to und rstand the word of d? 1
" ,,.' Co ~:1 - 5; Provo 3:5, 6. "LI",oH NCr (1,(/ t"II )vE W
.- II., IN ~b ~. (; I>FRl'I'I1N/>/liC"
NOTE: I< 11 the sa in s of hrist have a u' eo.
ond t ir unpre en mg appearance. m s that are
qUlC ened by e 0 y pirl WI iscern- the value of
these sayings. They will discern the precious ·<!ew.s.~of
truth, though these may be buried treasures,"-'O.L.', p.
110. -
~,~ J~ 8. }Yhat will God cause to shin~ upon they who search'
,~~ rr~""r~arn-estly? 2 Cor. 4:6·. 7. When only, will we receive
W-,tb"1'..- anything~r9m J}:1e Lord? John 14:13, 14.
.c:<:7/e»o«t· tllm WN.l.
, NOTE:' aith i'n Christ as the world's Redeemer calls
for an acknowledgment of the enlightened intellect, con-
'trolled by a heart that can dIscern and appreCIate the
heavenly treasu%. Th!s faith IS msepara6Ie from r,epan-
tance and transformatIOn of character. To Ihave Hn~ft
means to Rna and accept the gospel treasure, ,with all obli-
. ,.g,atio.ns which it imposes."-C.O,L., p. 112.
•6,1(.11 :J~r. 9. What will such knowledge bring to us? John 17 :3.
NOTE: I<~l' s~vati.on ~ QJl a kn~wle.9~e of.
the truth coritlune.d m the SCr.m,t,uJ, It is God's will
triat we shOUld possess this. Search, 0 seaI'ch the preciouR>
Bible with hungry hearts."-C.O.L., p. 111.
10. At what great cost has this treasure-life eternal-
been purchased for us? 1 Peter 1:18. 19; 1 Cor.
\.:. Lesson, No.6-Sabbath, August 11, 1945
1. What fr'equent practise of' JesUSi impressed the dis-
ciples very much, and what dW- thl}y ask of Him? Luke
11:1. "......"'() r~~(,Ir,r_ #/.~ ,"
NOTE: "Christ's disciples were much impressed by
His prayers and by His hauit of communion with God.
One day after ~rr a6sence from their LOra, they
found Him absorbed in supplication. Seeming unconscious
of their . presence, He continued praying aloud. The
hearts of the disciples were deeply moved. As He ceased
praying, they exclaimed, 'Lord, teach us to pray.' " -
C.O.L., p. 140. - •
2. What prayer did Jesus tc-ach them? Luke 11:2~4. In
what way did He teach them an important lesson also?
ANSWER: "In answer, Chl:ist Wxated the
prayer, as He had given it in the sermon on the
Then in a arable He illustrated the les 0
eac e!!!. - . . " p.
3. What did Christ illustrate through this parable? Luke
11 :5-8. For whom does the friend· make the petition?
ANSWER: "Here Christ represents the petitioner as
asking that he may give again. He must obtain the bread,
else he can not supply the necessities of a weary, j>E).;
lated wa1;arer. Though his neighbour is unwimng to be
£roulJlea: e will not desist his pleading; his friend must
be relieved; and at last his importunity is rewarded; his
wants are supplied:'-C.O.L., p. 140.
4. What· should His disciples learn from this?
ANSWER: "In like manner. th'e disciples were to seek
blessings from' God. . .'. T_hev were t.o ..,give· the -ID'~d
of life to. the peoDle. . . . ~uls that were hungeringor
"the bread of life would come to them, and they would
feel themselves to be destitute and helpless. The~ must
receive s iritual food r the would have ~ *ti
Impar . u ey were no to urn one sou away u
~.L., pp. 140, 141.
5. In regard to asking and praying, how did Chdst en-
courage them? Luke 11:9-12. How may we addrt'lss
L ~ur gr.~a~and Cl'eator? L u 4e 1\:13.
O.rdp~r~. .
4~t:44" ~/?A. ;HS'~,",. 7~i;.yf,~
6. For what reason .only did the neighbour fulfil the
petition of his friend? Luke 11 :8. Does th'is neigh-
bor represent the character of God? Luke 11 :13.
NOTE: "But the selfish neighbor in the parable does
not represent the character of God. The lesson is drawn,
!!ot.~ comj;!arisJID, but b:l contr~ A selfish man will
van an urgent request, in order to l'id himself of one
who disturbs his rest. But God delights to give. He is
full of compassion, and He .longs to grant the requests
of those who come unto Him in faith. He gives to us
that we may minister to others, and thus become, like
Himseli,"-c.O.L~, Yo 141. ~ • .£,.. . ' / ,
~ #t: c• .lett 1104' a w~ _ .r6a>J_ 'i A\4 _t~
7. For what p pose did Jesus use the strength and ~is­
dom which He received from His Father? Isa. 50:4.
8. For whom did H~abour",and live? Mark 10 :45.
7Og<'c,eA?,k- caA'.......,...~ .M'AW..r.
NOTE: "Not f I' Himself, fO'i:£Q1;J1Ws, He lived
and thought and prayed. From ours
spent with God He
came forth morning by morJ,ling, to bring the light of
heaven to men. Daily He received a fresh baptism of the
Holy Spirit."-C.O.L., p. 139.
9. What is' our duty in t!}is/resJ>Jct? Phil. 2:15; 1 Peter
II 4:10, 11. W..,., ~ h~e .6/ca..,~ ,.
# 4v4If'I"1HN AlM1'/ /?~e,,',pWJ,$"II ..,,/;,/~
Lesson No.7-Sabbath, August 18, 1945
• ~ I J
(Spiritual Gifts and Qualifications)
1. Who is likened unto a..JDa!'- L travelling into a far
country? Matt. 25:14.(~~)
NOTE: "The man travelling into a far countrY•.re£.re-
sents Christ, who, when speaking this parable, was soon
to 'm!pari from this earth to heaven."-C.O.L., pp. 325, 326.
2. What did he give to hi~ servants? Did he give to
each one eq_~~lly? Matt. 25 :15. Who are these ser-
vants? (C),yN':;
ANSWEk! "It is those who profess to have accepted
Christ's service, who in the parable are represented as His
own servants."-C.O.L., p. 326.
3. What is represented by the talents? 1 Cor. 12:7-11.
NOTE: "The talents that Christ entrusts to His
church represent es eciall the ifts and blessin s im arted
by the 0 y. pm - . . ., p.
4. What has the Lord prom,ised to His disciples? John
20:2'2: ..Ep~.4,:7, 8. s ~tmr!!9iat,j_d rot should
be? 7~r/.Nt' /...-r'~1t Y'........,.
ANSWER: 'IThe promise of the Spirit is not appre-
ciated as it should be. Its fulfilment is not realised as
it might be. It is the absence of the Spirit that makes the
.gospel ministry so powerless."-C.O.L., p. 328.
5. According to what P9nciple did the Lord divi~ j!Jl\
talents? 2 Cor. 8:1~cae:c,,~_, 0". • . . - . - ~:J
6. How did the servants utilize the talents? Matt. 25:16,
17. What must be done with the talents?rJl-S":
ANSWER: "The talents, however few,' are to be ·put
to use. The question that most concerns us is not, How
much have I received? but, What am I ~doing_·wit.t..t~t
............ ..
which I have?"-C.O.L., p. 329':' .... . -
7. What must be the goal o~orker of Christ?
Matt. 5:48: 1 Cor. 12:31.Y"- ...

8. What.lffiY..! ~~~~~'0;~~rea~
ANS~'Remember th";?'you will ~r reach a
higher standard than you yourself set. Then set your
mark high, and step by step, even though it be by pain-
ful effort, by self-denial and sacrifice, ascend the whole
length of the ladder of progress."-C.O.L., pp. 331, 322.
9. In order to be able to 'accomplish anything, with whom
. must we be united? John 15:5, """" I, ~)?' / ~ 'l('
10. What faculties should especially be developed?
ANSWER: "God requires the training of the mental
faculties. He designs that His servants shall possess more
'iiiteIngence and clearer discernment than the worldling,
and He is displeased with those who are too careless or
too indolent to become efficient~ell-informed workers."-
.e.O.L., p. 333.

Lesson No, S.-Sabbath, August 25, 1945
( Continued)
(Our .S!!~, ~, and~)
1. For what special pqrpoJ*! should/ the gift of §lpeech be- .r:1
used? Neh 8:8. Iha:/~' ",~e A~<lr w)U I/IV4rAJ·,'AN!.>,
'. ~ ,.t'ad/,.;.y.
NOTE: "The power of speepfi is a talent that should
be diligently cultivated. Of all the gifts we have received
from God, none is capable of being a greater blessing
than this. With the voice· we convince and persuade;
with it we offer prayer and praise to. God, and with it we
tell others of the Redeemer's love. How important, then,
that .it. b~ so trained as to be most effective for good."-
C.O.L., p. 335.
2. Wh?..;;)tould es ecia}ly st~i e for: pe,rfect s;u.eeeh? 12 ~it. . /
2:1]h.os-c w ~ d"'l7 / 11''' S; 4;- )""/..... r' a/\..·
NOTE: "Especially is this true of~~e WhQ are calle.d
to Ruolic serv~. . Every minister and every teacher should
Bear in mind that he is giving to the people a message
that involves eternal interests. . . . Then let the word be
so spoken that it will ap eal to the understanding and
impress the ea , ~ , IS mc y, an s emn:t: s ould
it be spoken, yet Wlth-aIr tl'ie earnestness WTircli its impor-
tance demands."-C.O.L., p. 336.
,3. What should always characterize our conversation?
Col. 4 :6. Against what ~lJ! we especially ",a ed. E PlY. •
4:29; 1 Peter 3:10.1V'7'~ yr~He. -/Nd~., ('~ h~.
4. To whom should we be an examp e regarding the cor-
rect manner of speech?
ANSWER: "It is the work of to train their
children to proper habits of speech. Vel' best school
for this culture is the home life. From t e ear les years
tne clUldren shourn 6e taug~to speak respectfully and
lovingly to their parents and to one another. They should
be taught that only words of gentleness, truth and purity
must pass their lip.s. Let the parents themselves be daily-
learners in the school of Christ."-C.O.L., pp. 337, 338.
'.~I..v' ~~ r ov'~
tcJ~7 I'9W~~/:..v .fedtlln7. a/CA/.,...,.£- /.

~t!/#11 ~J c/u ;?~~ a//;;;;.

5. For what did Jesus use the gift of speech? Isla. 50 :4.
For what should we use it? Matt. '28:19, 20.
6. How should we improve our time? Rom. 12:11; Eccl.
9:10; Col. 3:23.

NOTE: "God also entrusts men with means. He gives

them power to get ·wealth. He waters the earth with the
dews of heaven, and with the showers of refreshing rain.
He gives the sunlight, which warms the earth, awakening
to life the things of nature, and causing them to flourish
and bear fruit. And He asks for a return of His own."
-C,O.L., p. 351.
10. Is thrill enco~aged in the word of God? John 6:12.
tfoW4'.70tNa~ .
Lesson No.9-Sabbath, September 1, 1945
• (Used and Unused Talents)
;f,11/. ~ UJvRy - QUESTIONS::'W .. 1~.
1. What did the first two servants do ,with their talents?
How many had they ~ceived? Matt. 25:15-17.
2. What did the third servant do with hiS' talent? Matt.
25 :18. What did he reveal b! ~hi~ ,Jct?
.:.~ d . ~ JI" Il·JJ~...4.
,I}-' ~ If~ 1.,;r/~:~.z.~~LGIIAA. ~ ~.:I
lu_.U:J'~d, .
ANSWER: "It was the one with the smallest gift
who left his talent unimproved. In this is given a warn-
jng to all who feel that the. smallness of their endowments
excuses them from service for Christ. . . .; The man who
neglected to improve his talent proved himself an un~
faithful servant."-C.O.L., p. 355. V
3. What does God's 'word say conoerning those who are !.
faithful in the least? Luke 16:10. V;r/1'0/~:" ~ .
.4. How did the Lord reward the faithfulness of D~Vitl)" J.I'
and' his· com.panions in BaBylon? Dap. 1.:17-19'. (/~,. : """
- - .. - j:,-{,. ~.
5. What does God ultim:ately require of all servants?
:"I" ..Matt. 25:19. vTo what does this point refer?v
.ANSW,K,R: "In the great Judgment-dax. those who
bavenot worked for Christ," those who have drifted
along, carrying no responsibility, thinking of themselves,
:pleasing themselves, will be placed by the Judge of all the
earth with those who did evil. They receive the same con-
.demnation."-C.O.L., p. 365.
6'lwhat excuse did the unfaithful servant offer? Matt~
25~• ..n What did the Lord answer him? Matt. -I .
25:~.:v Iltcu Atotra-w .&-I~.H"'::1"6:-/<'.27. f'$,)' 6b:.•.
7. What wasl done with this unused talent, and. to whom
was it given? Matt. 25 :28, 29. What sentence was
passed upon the unprofitable servant(' Ml}tt. 25:30~CN1'f1\'.
Go..(J,II./ ~p. /)IQIVI#EST.
g. Does God require too much of man, and from' whom
have lY! r~eived aU thin~sl? l.fhron. 29:11-14; James
1:17. 5·0.l.. J'):~ ... ~P'';qI-iIQifl!.'' -
9. How much only does God require? Luke 12 :4,8.
NOTE: "Our Heavenly Father requires no more nor
less than He has given us ability to do. He lays upon
His servants no burdens that they are not able to bear."
-C.O.L., p. 362.
10. What report were the faithful servan,ts able to give
concerning their stewardship? . Matt. 25:20-22.~~ .rA.-.

11. With what words' does the /,Lord ac~~~_l.e~e

thei,k- /.p-
faithfulness? Matt. 25 :34.• ~ r ~4~:::'.
NOTE: "It is the faithfulness, the loyalty to' Got{,
the loving service, tIiat wins the divine approval. Every
\ .
impulse of the Holy Spirit leading men to goodness ana
to God, is noted in the books of heaven, and in the day
of God the workers through whom He has wrought wilT
be commended."-C.O.L., p. 361.

Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, September" 8, 1945

1. Where was Jesus when He gave this parable? Luke-
14:1. Did He accept invitations from the rich as well
as the poor?
ANSWER: "The Saviour was a guest at the fea of
a Pharisee. He accepted invitations rom the rich as weli
as the poor, and, according to His custom, He linked the
scene before Him with His lesson of truth."-C.O.L., p.
219. "
2. What did He notice in some of the guests'? Luke
14:7. What "lesson did He give them? Luke 14:8·11.
3. What did Jesus say to the man who had invited Him
when He saw that only the wealthy were present?
Luke "14:12.
4. Whom should he "have "invited? Luke 14 :13; Dent.
14:29. What reward would he then have? Luke
-14:14. Were the Pharisees pleased with this admoni-"
tion, and in what false expectation did they live?
ANSWER: "Christ's words were a rebuke to their
selfishness. To the Pharisees His words were distaste-
ful. Hoping to turn the conversation into another chan_
nel, one of them, with a sanctimonious air, exclaimed,
'Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of
God?' This man spoke with great assurance, as if he
himself were certain of a place in the kingdom."-C.O.L.,
5. What parable was now given by Jesus? Luke 14 :16.
What message were the servants to deliver to those
who were bidden? Luke 14:17.
6. What did they do and what excuses did they offerT
Luke 14:16-20.
7. What is illustrated by the invitation to this great sup..
per? Rom. 1 :16.
NOTE: "By the great supper, Christ represents the
blessings offered through the gospel. The provision is 110-
thing less than Christ Himself. He is the bread that
·comes down from heaven; and from Him the streams of
.salvation flow."-C.O.L., p. 222.
8,. Who also was unwilling to spare time for heavenly
things? Acts 2l! :25.
9. What excuses do many offer in refusing to answer the
call of God?
ANSWER: "The man who said, 'I have married a
-wife, and therefore I cannot come,' represents a large
class. Many there are who allow theil.· wives or their
nusbands to prevent them from heeding the. call of God.
The children's hearts are impressed. They desire to
come. But they love their father and mother, and since
these do not heed the gospel call, the children think that
they cannot be expected to come. They, too, say, 'Have
me excused.' "----,.C.O.L., pp. 224, 225.
1.0. What people received aplecial blessings from God?
In what words did the apostle Paul reveal his sorrow
for their ingratitude? Rom. 9 :1·5.
11. How'did the Lord look upon their indifference? Acts
13:14; Luke 14.21, first part.
NOTE: "The Master of the 'feast regards their flimsy
excuses as showing contempt for His invitation."-C.O.L.,
.. ,
:p. 224.

12. wm those, who were unappreciative of their great

privileges, be permitted to enter heaven? Luk'e 14:24,
Lesson No. 11-Sabbath, September 15, 1945.
QUESTIONS £.01.1.d-- .[.26.
1. What was the result when the guests refuse,d to ac-
cept the invitation of the Lord?
Wh~'ere now

,/YhrY. It~.t. ,~~ .. ....---!...

NOTE: "The host turned from those who e"SP ised
bis bounty, and invited a class who were not f 11, who
Luke 14:21, last part.. sm~~ r~L t'f..l....:..__

were not in possession of housesand lands. He invited
those who were~ and hun~rb' and who would appre-
. ..?,. h .I"'.
ciate the bounties provide~- . .L., pp. 225, 226/ . L
A--- ~.
Fu,t/,· ~J 2. Who did Christ ;;a'f 'would enter heaven before thoS'e
~ 4_,/t. who were sel satisfied and rich? Matt. 21-31.
3.. After th poor and the crippled had beeln invfted,
, what ilia
the servant report? Luke 14 :22:'iht'A's )1' .,,~I- R. -.
~~~- 4~ was the servant then bidden to invite? Luke
~"'f;114:23. What was the spiritual fulfilment? ,Acts
-~:".1"6. ~ .13:45-48. ,
5. What was the main theme of the message of Christ's
disciples? Acts 2 :3'2-40; 4 :12.
6. What divine invitation is given to the people to-dayl?
Rev. 14:6,' 7. What will follow this message?
ANSWER: "In the prophecy this warning of the
Judgment, with its connected messages, is followed by the
coming of the Son of man in the clouds of heaven. The
proclamation of the Judgment iSI an annou;ncement of
Christ's second coming is at hand. And this proclamation 1~
is called the everlasting gospel."-C.O.L., p. 227. r) -lJ.-.
7. To whom; is this message llirected? Rev. 14:6, last
part, 1 Tim~ 2 :4.
NOTE: "The last mesi:?age of warning and mercy is
to lighten the whole earth with its glory. It is to reach
all classes of men, rich and poor, high and low."-C.O.L.,
p. 228.
8. In the days of Christ, who were particularly dis-
inclined to accept Him as their Saviour? John 1:11.
To whom Wlere God's servants directed to go first?'
Matt. 10 :5, 6.
9. What message are. God's servants required -to bring-
to fallen Laodicea? Rev. 3:14-19. What invitation h~­
given to all men? Rev. 3:20.
NOTE: "Our Redeemer sends His messengers to bear
a testimony to His eo~e. He says, 'Beh(}ld, I stand at
the door. . . .' The Holy Spirit waits to soften and
subdue hearts, but they are not willing to open the door
and Ie the Saviour in, for fear that He will require
somethhilg of them. And so Jesus of Nazareth passes
by. He lo,ngs to bestow on them the rich blessings of His
- grace, but they refuse to accept them."-Vol. 6, p. 262.
10. What is the result if hearts are hardened to the
invitation of Christ?
ANSWER: "If the love of Jesus does not subdue the
heart, there are no means by which we can be reached."-
C.O.L., p. 237.
11. What great sorrow was caused Jesus by those who
would not accept His invitation? Luke 19:41; 13:34,

Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, September 22:, 1945

1. In this parable, what did the king notice as he care-
fully surveyed his guests? Matt. 22 :11, 1'2.
2. What garment has been worn- since the fall of man?
Isa. 64:5, 6. What garment did our first parents :wear
before their fall?
ANSWER: "The white robe of innocence. was worn
by our first parents when they were placed by God in holy
Eden. They lived in perfect conformity to the will of
God.'·-e.O.L., p. 310.
3. How may all receive a wedding garment? 2 Cor. 5:17;
Eph. 4:22-24; 1 Cor. 1:30. What ~oes the wedding
garment represent?
ANSWER: "'£he parable of the wedding garment opens
before us a lesson of the highest consequence. B~ the
~rria e is re resented the union of humanity with
jJ~WH{y; t e we din"g garm>!! ~I1I.esents t e chCU'act~
w IC alI_muJt ..;}ossess who sliallbe accounted.§.t .,guests
tor the weddmg.: -C.O.L., p. 307.
4. Who only can take away our sins, and under ~vhat con·
ditions? 1 John 3:4, 5; 1:9.
5). How is this garment also described'? Rev. 19:8. What
must those who desire to wear this robe do? Isa.
56:1, 2; 1 John 3:24.
NOTE: "Righteousness is right-doing, and it i,s by
their deeds that all will be judged. ,Our char.acters M~
reveale.d bv wl!atOlOwe d2. f The works sIiow wliether the
faith is genu1ne." CO.L., p. 312.. '

6. Upon what must the church firmly stand if her mem-

bers are to receive this ,garment? 1 Tim. 3 :15; 21 Tim.
'2:19. .
7. What does the Lord say concerning Laodicea and what
admonition does He give her? Matt. 24:12; Rev. 3:17,
NOTE: "The professed followers of Christ are no
longer a separate and peculiar people. The line of demar-
cation is indistinct. The people are subordinating them-
selves to the world, to its practise!?, its customs, its selfish-
ness. The church has gone over to the world in trans-
gression of the law, when .the world should have come
over to the church in obedience to the law. Daily the
church is being converted to the wOl'ld."-C.O.L., pp. 315,
8. What Il'romise is given to those who ar'e found with
a wedding garment? Rev. 21:7.
9. What is represented by the examination of the guests?
Dan. 7:9, 10; 1 Peter 4:17, 18. .

10. How will the church come forth from this judgment?
Hos. '21:20, 21; Eph. 5:26, 27.
11. What must be the character of every member at that .
time? Col. 1:28; Rev. 7:14.
NOTE: "God requires perfection of His children. His
law is a transcript of His own character, and it is the
standard gf all character."-C.O'.L., p. 315.

Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, September 29', 1945.

1 What did the Lord illustrate in the parable of the
vineyard? Matt. 2~ :33.~..! WCIlfll ~ -r#e C!llI RC#.
NOTE: "The parable of the two sons was followed by
the pa!:able of the vineyard. In the one, Christ had set
before the Jewish teachers the importance of obedience .
• In the other, He pointed to the rich blessings bestowed
upon Israel, and in these showed God's elaim to their
obedienfe. He set before them. the glory of God's pur.
pose, which through obedience they 'might have fulfilled.
Withdrawing the veil from the future, He showed how, by
failure to fulfil His purpose, the whole nation was for-
feiting His' 'blessing, and bringing ruin up!Jn itself."-
C.O.L., p. 284.
21. How is the vineyard further described? Isa. 5 :'1, 2.
,.,;-; Who represents the vineyard? Isa, 5:7.7#£ !/d".I'C ()tt
,.,.~ /S'RMJ..
". 3. For what purpose had God ordained the J,.ewish peopleU:i9~
Ex 19'6" Deut 28'13' 4·a...s. #O.£V flI/4r/~A(n' (-V' I ]
.' ., . . , !oQ/<d}.ocNj I!J~ 1'1I7~~n:. I.MMf1Il£
4. What did the Lord expect of His vmeyard? What did
it bring forth instead? Isa. 5 :3, 4. WIll> ~PEs;,
5. Who were especially responsible for ·the failure of the
vineyard to produ~ fruit? Matt. 21 :34.36; 23 :13.
. ,,..11 #IMJI~J),tI)L,q.
6.· Whom did the lord of the vineyard finally send, and
what did he expect WOllld be ,given h~ son? Matt.
21:37.39. #c. f l ' # r #~r tI~l~.r./iA()
7. What question did Jesus' ask His listeners, as He reo
lated to them this parable? Matt.2i:40. What answer
did He recehne? Matt. 21 :41. What had the'y 'pro-
nounced upon themselves? •
( J)t.t./fr C"H,(JIPJIV;tI'r/t1M~ . '
ANSWER: "Unwittingly M had pronounced_ their'
~wn d9.ow,. , Jesus looked upon tli'em,"atfa unoer ms searcll-
mg gaze they knew that He read the secrets of their hearts.
His divinity flashed out before tEem with unmistakable
power. They saw in the husbandmen a picture of them-
selves, and they involuntarily exclaimed, 'God forbid.' "-
,C.O.L., P. 295.
'8. How was their doom confirmed by Jesus? Matt. 21:4~,
43.71/1 ~D~ .'-«.IJ.m'No' 4E~hf p~ VO,r!.
NOTE: "As a people the Jews had failed of fulfilling
God's purpose, and the vineyard was taken from them
The privileges they had abused, the work they had slighted,
was entrusted to others."-C.O.L., p. 296.
9. To whom does this parable of the vineyard also apply?
What lesson for us is contained therein? 1 Peter 2:9;
John 15 :8. #J..r 'p/?"1UI'1fI /) CA'f4VCM
NOTE: "The parable of the vineyard applies not alone
to the Jewish nation. ~ has a Ies§on _for us, The church
in this generation has tieen eit<roweCl"'SY' '<'iod with great
{ privileges and blessings, and l1e expects corresponding re-
turns."-C.O,L., p. 296. ,
r. ).,.0".1Q. Who is l'esp'onsible for the sad},tJf Laodicea?
_ "T,'
...OJ.~ Isa. 9:16. 7'14 ~IJI"~ J!!'!A'R.
~"7/MrfJ"~'t CfbJI'I!!"1'NE#} 71
11. What was the result of this apostasy, and what did He
give to the remnant? Isa. 1 :24-28.
-;~r fWAr" rt'R.rAN,1! ~ "'CA'/) J'#A1.« .(JL! ('1I,ySt.J~"J.

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Religious Liberty PUbliSh :i5:iA:!Ru~. Hill, N,S,W•



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