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3031 ~~~_~~~~~~~~~g~g~
. SACRAMENTO. CAllE. 95818
Lesson No. I-Sabbath, January 4, 1947
1. When was the plan of l"edemption laid? Rev. 13:8.

NOTE: "The plan of salvation had been laid before the

creation of the earth; for Christ is 'the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world;' yet it was a struggle, even with
the King of the universe, to yield up His Son to die for the
guilty race."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 63.
2. In what sad state toward God was man brought as are·
sult of sin? Col. 1 :21; Rom. 5 :10.

3. What divine ministry was established by God in order

that harmony between Him and man might be restored?
2 Cor. 5:18.

4. Who proclaimed first the gospel of reconciliation?

Through which act .was this demonstrated? Gen. 3:15,21.

5. Who·had a part in the plan of redemption? Rev. 5:13.

NOTE: "The plan by which alone man's salvation could

be secured, involved all heaven in its infinite sacrifice ..•
The angels were to have a part. to act in the plan of re-
demption."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," pp. 64, 65.
6. What filled alP heaven when Jesus finished the plan of
• redemption? John 19:30.

NOTE: "Christ did not yield up His life till He had

accomplished the work which He came to do, and with His
parting breath He exclaimed, 'It is finished.' The battle had
been won.. His right hand and His holy arm had gotten
Him the victory. As a Conquerer He planted His banner
on the eternal heights. Was there not joy among the
angels? All heaven triumphed in the Saviour's victory.
Satan was defeated, and knew that his kingdom was lost."--
"The Desire of Ages," p. 758.
7. What was abolished through the death of Christ and
what was again established? Eph. 2:13-16.

8. What wonderful relaHonship between man and God was

made possible through the plan of redemption? Rom.
8:15; Eph. 3:14, 15. .

9. Upon what firm foundation is the plan of redemption

built? John 3:15; 2 Tim. 2:19.

Lesson No. 2-Saliliath, January 11, 1947

1. What day did God Himself appoint for divine worshtp7
To what place caJIDe the family of Adam for worship?
Gen. 2:1-3.

NOTE: "At the cherubim-guarded gate of Paradise the

divine glory was revealed. Hither came Adam and his sons
to worship God. Here they renewed their vows of obedi-
ence to that law the transgression of which had banished
them from Eden."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 62.

2. What difference in worship was manifested in the sons

of Adam? Gen. 4:3-5.

NOTE: "The two brothers erected their altars alike,

and each brought an offering. Abel presented a sacrifice
from the flock, in accordance with the Lord's directions.
'And the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering.' Fire
flashed from heaven, and consumed the sacrifice. But Cain,
disregarding the Lord's direct and explicit command, pre-
sented only an offering of fruit. There was no token from
heaven to show that it was accepted."-"Patriarchs and
Prophets," p. 71.
3. As a result of his unaccepted sacrifice, what spirit dio
Cain manifest toward his brother Abel? Gen. 4:6-8.
000 000 012 648
NOTE: "But instead of acknowledging his sin, Cain
continued to complain of the injustice of God, and to
cherish jealousy and hatred of Abel . . . Reason and con-
scfence told him that Abel was in the right; but he was
enraged that one W110 had been wont to heed his counsel
should now presume to disagree with him, and that he
could gain no sympathy in his rebellion. In the fury of'his
passion, he slew his brother."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
p. 74.
4. From whose presence did Cain and his posterity turn
away as a result of his false worship? Gen. 4:16-24.

5. As .a result of Abel's faithfulness, what. did the true

worshipers do? Gen. 4 :25, 26.

6. Who remained after 15 centuries of the creation a true

representative of divine worship? Gen. 6 :9.

7. What conditio.n came about as men fell away from GOO?

Gen. 6:1-5.
8. What did God say He would do with the worshipers of
idols and unbelievers? Gen. 6:7.

NOTE: "The divine sentence cutting short a career

of unbridled iniquity, and freeing the world from the in-
fluence of those who had become hardened in rebellion, was
a blessing rather than a curse."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
p. 78.
9. In what way did Noah continue in the service of true
worship? Gen. 8 :20, 2l.

NOTE: "His first act after leaving the ark was to build
an altar, and offer from every kind of clean beast and
fowl a sacrifice, thus manifesting his gratitude to God for
deliverance, and his faith in Christ, the great ·sacrifice.
This offering was pleasing to the Lord; and a blessing
resulted, not only to the patriarch and his family, but to
all who should live upon the earth." - "Patriarchs and
Prophets," pp. 105, 106.
10. What else happened .according to Biblical history, as a
result of false worshill? Gen. 11 :1-9.

NOTE: "The schemes of the Babel-builders ended· in

shame and defeat. The monument to their pride became the
memorial of their folly. Yet men are continually pursuing
the same course-depending upon self, and rejecting God's
law. It is the principle that Satan tried to carry out in
heaven; the same that governed Gain in presenting his
offering."-Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 123.

Lesson No.3-Sabbath, January 18, 1947

1. Whom did God call out of the midst of apostasy and
idol worship? Gen. 12 :1-3.

2. What did Abraham do on his journey to Canaan? Gen.

NOTE: "Abraham, 'the friend of God,' set us a worthy
example. His was a life of prayer. Wherever he pitched
his tent, close beside it was Iset up his altar, calling all
within his encampment to the morning and evening sacri-
fice."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 128.
3. Of what else beside the saor'ificial offerings did true
worship consist in the family of Abraham? Gen. 18 :19,
4. What high standard of faithfulness was developed in
Abraham? Gen. 22 :9-12.

NOTE: "The sacrifice required of Abraham was not

alone for his own good, nor solely for the benefit of suc-
ceeding generations; but it was also for the instruction of
the sinless intelligences of heaven and of other worlds . . .
God desired to prove the loyalty of His servant before
all heaven, to demonstrate that nothing less than perfect
obedience can be accepted, and to open more fully before
them the plan of salvation."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
pp. 154, 155.
5. What did Abraham prove through his act of faith? 1
John 5:4.
6. What must always accompany true worship? Beb. 11 :6.

7. What fI'UitS will living faith and true worship bring'

forth? James 2:17-22; John 8:39.
8. What did Abrallam become because of his faathfulness't
James 2:23. .
9. What were God's children oftelll required to do in order
to. live out their faith? 2 Cor. 6 :17. Was this also reo
1'/, .
quired of Abraham? Gen. 12:1.
. '

Lesson No. <1-Sabbath, January 25, 1941

1. In what situation do we find the descendants of Abraham
after 400 years? Ex. 2 :23-25.
2. What was the special reason why Israel should be de-
livered from Egypt? What message did the Lord com-
mand Moses to deliver to Pharaoh? Ex. 3 :12, 18; 5:1.

3. On what specific command did Moses and Aaron hold

firmly? Ex. 8:25-29; 9:1; !10:8-11, 24-27.

4. What wonderful act of worship was instituted with the

deliverance of Israel from bondage? Ex. 12:1-28.

5. What did the king of Egypt command Moses and Aaron

to do after the tenth plague? Ex. 12 :29.-32.
6. Of what did the first praise service ill the wilderness
consist? Ex. 15 :1-18.
7. But what had preceded this divine service? Reb. 11:29.

8. For whom is this divine ser'Vice an examl>le? Rev. 15: 2,

3; Ps. 126; Isa. 12.

NOTE: "This song and the great deliverance which it

commemorates, made an impression never to be effaced
from the memory of the Hebrew people. From age to age
it was echoed by the prophets and singers of Israel, testify-
ing that Jehovah is the strength and deliverance of those
who trust in Him. That song does not belong to the
Jewish nation alone. It points forward to the destruction
of all the foes of righteousness, and the final victory of
the Israel of God."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 289.
9. What should be the keynote of all true worship? pi;.
50:23; 115:1; 146:2.

10. Did the Egyptians have an opportunity to become ac-

qainted with the true God?

ANSWER: "During all the years of servitude in Egypt,

there had been among the Israelites some who adhered to
the worship of Jehovah . . . They did not conceal their
faith, but declared to the Egyptians that the object of
their worship was the Maker of heaven and earth, the only
true and living God. They reheal'sed the evidences of His
existence and power, from creation down to the days of
Jacob. The Egyptians thus had an opportunity to become
acquainted with the religion of the Hebrews."-"Patriarchs
and Prophets," p. 259.

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Lesson No.5-Sabbath, February 1, 1947
1. What special request did God malte of His people? Ex.
29:8, 9.
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Names of the Tabernacle
(a) Sanctuary. Ex. 20 :8. Sanctuary signifies a place ex-
clusively set apart for divine service.
(b) Tabernacle. Ex. 25:9. The word "tabernacle" means
that God the King dwells among His people.
(c) Tabernade of witness. Num. 18:2. Witness: The·
law of God, the pot of manna and the green rod of
2. Who were to have an active part in the construction of
the sanctuary? Ex. 35:20-29.. ~ ~ - •
" )I

3. In how many parts was the tabernacle d;vided? What

furniture was placed in the tabernacle? Heb. 9:1-5. ,It
4. What furniture was placed in the outer court? How
was the sanctuary inclosed? Ex. 27:9-19; 30:17-21; 38:8.
NOTE: "The outer court was a holy lace which sur-
rounded the sanctuary. On the east side was a door which
because of colorful hangings could readily be seen from
far off. These hangings were composed of blue, purple,
scarlet and fine-twined linen.
Across the entrance of the court stood the altar of
burnt offering, the largest piece of furniture in the sanctu-
ary. The laver of brass stood between the altar of incense
and the entrance of the sanctuary so that the priests had
to pass by each time they entered the holy place. In the
looking-glasses of the laver the priests saw every particle
of impurity and they were required to wash their hands
and feet before they went into the holy place.
5. In what design was the furniture in the outer court
and the sanduary placed?
ANSWER: The furniture was placed in the form of
a cross. On the lower end stood the altar of burnt offering,
• on the way to the tabernacle the laver of brass, and in the
holy place to the right the table of showbread. To the
left was the golden candlestick. In the middle before the
veil that led to the most holy place stood the altar of
incense, and in the most holy place stood the ark of the
covenant which represented the upper end of the cross.
6. Who was appointed to the service of the sanctuary?
Deut. 10 :8. ,\ )(
7. Wbo was set aside for the priesthood? 'Vho was chosen
for the highest office in the service of God? Ex. 28 :1.

I 8. Wbat specific directions were given regarding the attire

of the priests and the high priest? Ex. 28:2-43.

9. Of what c nsistid the daily service of the priests? Ex.

29 :38, 39. - , . I..... r;--...., - ~ ,.
10. Wbat was symbolized through the difl'erent sacrifices
brought by Israel?
ANSWER: The different sacrifices by Israel pointed
to the great sacrifice of J,esus Christ on the cross of
11. What meaning does the lesson of atonement in the
eal'thly sanctuary contain for very true Christian?
Reb. 8:1. (,/ <.. ',,( ~ ~6'ly' L \I
12. What wonderful example is g'iven us in the measure-
ments of the sanctuary, the fO'Urfold curta,ins combining
the roof and the five connecting bal's? Ex. ch3lpter 26.

NOTE: The sanctuary-the tabernacle itself-was made

from boards of shittim wood. On each long side are twenty
boards, each board being one and one-half cubit wide, mak-
ing a total of thirty cubits. On the rear side are six
boards with two corner boards, also eight boards making
ll. total of twelve cubits. Each board is ten cubits long.
The boards were held together by five bars. The tabernacle
was to be covered with four curtains.
The entire construction of the tabernacle gives us the
following picture:
2x30-60, 12x60-720, 10x720-7200, 5x7200-36,OOO,
4x36,OOO-144,OOO. •
The boards represent the individual believer who will
be measured by the ten commandments.
The fourfold curtains made of four different colors
represent Jesus as coming down from heaven, the perfect
man, the suffering High Priest and the triumphant King.
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Lesson No 6-Sabbath, February 8, 1947
1. Whom does the tahernacle in its completeness represent?
John 1:14.
2. 'whiit is represented by the white linen of the outer
court and the four colored door of entrance? Rev. 19:"8.
NOTE: Looking at the tabernacle from the outside,
the white hangings remind us of the holiness, purity and
righteousness of Jesus Christ. The one door of entrance
tells us that Jesus is the only door through which men can
enter into the presence of God. John 10':9.
This door, beautified with the different colors of the
sanctuary, invites all to come, Matt. 11 :28.
The colors of the sanctuary: Purple blue, purple red,
scarlet red, white and gold. Purple blue: He is from above.
John 8:23. Purple red: Color of the kingly robe which
He justly wears. John 19:2, 3. Scarlet red: Color of the
blood through which Jesus redeemed the human race.
Rev. 19:13; Isa. 63:1, 2. White represent purity,. righte-
ousness, light and truth. 1 Tim. 6:16. Gold: Symbol of
3. What is symbolized by the altar of burnt offerings with
the four honls, and the sacrifizes brought thereon? Heb.
9:13, 14, 22; 10:12; 1 Peter 3:18; Ep'h. 1:7.
NOTE:' Upon the altar of burnt offerings the sacrifices
were wholly or partly consumed. The blood of the sin offer-
ing was sprinkled upon the horns of the altar, and the re-
maining blood was poured at the foot of the altar. This
picture is fulfilled on the cross of Christ where Jesus
gave His life and blood for us.
4. What lesson is to be found in the la\>-er of brass? Acts;
22:16; John 13:10. .
NOTE: The laver of brass is for those who have come
to the altar and through repentance have found forgive-
ness. They are then ready for baptism and can have a part
in the ordinance of foot washing. They are cleansed daily
through the water of the word of God. Tit. 3:5.
5. What picture is held before us by the outside and the
inside of the tabernacle? Isa,. 53 :2, 3; Phil. 2:7; John
1:14; Col. 2:9.
NOTE: From the outside the tabernacle which was
covered with a covering of badgers' skins looks like a
wilderness. But no language can describe the glory of the
scene presented within the sanctuary. So in Christ "dwelleth
all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." Col. 2:9.
6. What is represented by the table of show-bread in the
tabernacle of the Lord? John 6 :35, 48, 50, 51.

NOTE: "The· show-bread was kept ever before the

Lord as a perpetual offering . . . It was an acknowledg-
ment of man's dependence upon God for both temporal and
spiritual food, and that it is received only through the
meditation of Christ . . . Both the manna and the show-
bread pointed to Christ, the living bread, who is ever in
the presence of God for us."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
p. 354.
7. Who is represented by the only light of the seven-
branched candlestick? John 1:9; 8:12.
NOTE: We' do not need only life but also light. Jesus is
both light and life. The seven-branched candlestick made
from pure gold gave the only light for the sanctuary. Jesus
is the light of the world which "lighteth every man." -
8. What symbol do we find in the' altar of incense? Heb.
7:25; 1 John 2:1; Reb. 13:15.
NOTE: The altar of incense provided sweet air. In
order to sustain life we need bread and light, but also air,
and God: takes care of all. The incense which burned on
the altar is a symbol of Christ's intercession for us with
the Father.
9. What is represented by the glorious foul' colored veil
with the cherubims? Ex. 26:31; Reb. 10:19-21.
NOTE The building was divided into two apartments

I by a l'ich and beautiful veil. Only once a year could the

high priest enter into the most holy place. Through His
sacrifice on Calvary Jesus has opened the way to God.
The veil in the temple was "rent in twain from the top
to the bottom" by the hand of the Lord. Matt. 27:50, 51.
10. Of what is the ark of the covenant with its contents
and the mercy-seat a: perfect example? Heb. 9:3-5;
Ps. 40:7, 8.
NOTE: "The law of God, enshrined within the ark,
was the great rule of righteousness and judgment. That law
pronounced death upon the transgressor; but above the
law was the mercy-seat, upon which the presence of God
was revealed, and from which, by virtue of the atonement,
pardon wa<: granted to the repentant sinner. Thus in the
work of Christ for our redemption, symbolized by the sanc-
tuary service, 'mercy and truth are met together; righte-
ousness and peace have kissed each other.' "-"Patriarchs
and Prophets," p. 349.
11. Of whom was the high priest of the earthly sanctuary
with his beautiful attire a symbol? Beb. 7 :26.

Lesson No.7-Sabbath, February 15, 1947

1. Of what was the earthly sanctuary a figure, and what
was the work of atonement for Israel? Beb. 8:5; Col. 2:17.

2. When one of the people had sinned, what was required

of him? Lev. chapter 4.
3. What was done with the blood of the sin-offering?
ANSWER: "The most important part of the daily
ministration was the service performed in behalf of in-
dividuals. The repentant sinner brought his offering to
the door of the tabernacle, and placing his hand upon the
victim's head, confessed his sin, thus in figure transferring
. them from himself to the innocent sacrifice. .By his own
hand the animal was then slain, and the blood was carried
by the priest into the holy place and sprinkled before the
vail, behind which was the ark containing the law that
the sinner had transgressed. By this ceremony the sin was,
through the blood, transferred in figure to the sanctuary.
In some cases the blood was not taken into the holy place;
but the flesh was .then to be eaten by the priest, as Moses
directed the sons of Aaron, saying, 'God hath given it you
to bear the iniquity of the congregation.' Both ceremonies
alike symbolized the transfer of the sin from the penitent
to the sanctuary."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," pp. 354, 355.
4. To what place are the sins transferred under the new
covenant? 1 John 2:1, 2.

5. Wlmt great day came mIce a year for Israel? How was
the approaching of this day made lmown? Lev. 23 :27, 24.

6. Who officiated on this day in the most holy place, and

what did he do first? Lev. 16 :6, 11-14.

7. What command was given t(} Israel and what were they
required to bring t(} the sanctuary? Lev. 16:5, 7-9, 15-17.

NOTE: The goat upon which the Lord's lot fell was
sacrified as a sin-offering for Israel, and he is a symbol
of Christ who bears the sins of the world.
8. What was done with the live goat? Of whom is this
goat a symbol? Lev. 16 :10, 20-22.

9. Whatl did the high priest do after his work of atone-

ment was completed? Lev. 16 :23.

10. Have God's people of today likewise a day of atone-

ment? Da,n. 8:14; 7:13, 14; Heb. 9:26.

11. What is done with the sins of the believers? Who

makes atonement for them and with what? Heb. 7:26;
12. What will our great High Priest do when the work of
atonement is completed in the heavenly sanctuary? Rev.
22:11; Heb. 9 :28.
13. Upon whom will aU sins then be placed? Rev. 20:1-3.

14. What is and shall l'emain for all mankind the only
mea,ns for atonement and forgiveness'f Heb. 9:22.

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, February 22, 1947

1. What is the unchangeable feast of the Lord? What
should be doue on this day throughout eternity? Lev.
23 :1-3; Isa. 66 :23.

2. How many times during the year were all the males of
Israel required to ,a,ppear before the Lord for special serv-
ices? Deut. 16 :16. 1

3. What special feast ushered in the beginning' of feasts

in the springtime? Lev. 23 :4-14.

4. When and how were the following feasts fulfilled under

the new covenant: The Passover, the feast of unleavened
bread and the bringing of the wave-sheaf? 1 Cor. 5:7;
NOTE: "The slaying of the Passover lamb was a
shadow of '~he death of Christ . . . The sheaf of first-fruits,
which at tlle time of the Passover was waved before the
Lord, was typical of the resurrection of Christ . . . Like
the wave-sheaf, which was the first ripe grain gathered
before the harvest, Christ is the first-fruits of that im-
mortal harvest of redeemed ones that at the future resur-
rection shall be gathered into the garner of God."-"The
Great Conti'oversy," p. 399.
"When the Saviour yielded up His life on Calvary, the
significance of the Passover ceased, and the ordinance of
the Lord's Supper was instituted as a memorial of the same
event of which the Passov,er had been a type."-"Patriarchs
and Prophets," p. 539.
5. What feast brought the spring harvest to a close? When
and how did this feast find its fulfillment iIll. antitype?
Lev. 23 :15-22; Acts 2 :1-8, 37-41.

NO'l'E: "Fifty days from the offering of first-fruits,

came the Pentecost, called also the feast of harvest and the
feast of weeks. As an expression of gratitude for the grain
prepared as food, two loaves baked with leaven were pre-
sented before God. The Pentecost occupied but one day,
which was devoted to religious service."-"Patriarchs and
Prophets," p. 540.
6. What special feast was to usher in the fall feasts and
at the same time the great day of atonement? In what
solemn way was this feast conducted? Lev. 23 :24, 25.

NOTE: On the first day' of the seventh month (New

Year) the trumpets. were blown calling the people to re-
pentance before the great day of atonement.
7. Which feast among Israel was the most important and
of the greatest significance? Why? Lev. 23 :26-32.

8. How did this feast find its fulfillment in antitype and

when did it begin? Dan. 8:14; 7:13.

NOTE: "For eighteen centuries this work of ministra-

tion continued in the first apartment of the san'ctuary. The
blood of Christ, pleaded in behalf of penitent believers,
secured their pardon and acceptance with the Father, yet
their sins still remained upon the books of record. As in
the typical service there was a work of atonement at the
close of the year, so before Christ's work for redemption
of men is completed, there is a work of atonement for the
removal of sin from the sanctuary. This is the' service
which began when the 2300 days ended. At that time, as
foretold by Daniel the prophet, our High Priest entered
the most holy, to perform the last division of His solemn
work-to cleanse the sanctuary."-"The Great Controversy,"
p. 42l.
9. What feast closed the round of feasts among Israel?
Lev. 23 :33-43.
NOTE: "Like the Passover, the Feast of Tabernacles
was commemorative. In memory of their .pilgrim life in
the wilderness, the people were now to leave their houses,
and dwell in booths, or arbors, formed from the green
branches."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 540.
10. When will the Feast of Tabernacles find its fulfill·
ment in reality? Isa. 51 :11.
NOTE: "But when the ransomed of the Lord shall
have been safely gathered into the heavenly Canaan-for-
ever delivered from the bondage of the curse, under which
'the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together
until now'-they will rejoice with joy unspeakable and full
of glory. Christ's great work of atonement for men will
then have been completed, and their sins will have been for-
ever blotted out."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 542:

Lesslm No.9-Sabbath, March 1, 1947,

1. What stands in the center and is an evidence of all
true worship? Ex. 20:1-17.
NOTE: "Ten precepts, brief, comprehensive and au-
thoritative, cover the duty of man to God and to his
fellowman; and all based upon the great fundamental
principle of love."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 305.
2. Which COmmallllments are especially designated fot
true worship of God? Ex. 20:1-11.
3. What plain instructions were earnestly placed beforo
Israel? Deut. 6 :4-9; 10 :12-14.
4. What day has been set aside for divine worship? Why?
Ex. 20:8-11; Gen. 2:3.

5. What is still the marl, of distinction between God and

His people today? Ex. 31:16,17.

NOTE: "The Sabbath is a sign of the relationship ex-

isting between God and His people, a sign that they honor
His law. It distinguishes between His loyal subjects and
transgressors."-"Testimonies," Vol. 6, p. 350.
"Had the Sabbath' always been sacredly observed, there
could never have been an atheist or an idolator."-"Patri-
archs and Prophets," p. 336.
6. In what glorious relationship did God bring His people
through the' law? Deut. 5:1-3.

7. What does it indicate when men forsake the law of

God? 1 Kings 19 :10, Mal. 2 :8.

8. On what occasion did Satan show his enmity against

God's law and true wo,rship? Ex. 32:1-5.

9. Which of the commandments does Satan hate most?

Ex. 20:4-6, 8-11.

100. Which false worship carne about through the trans-

gression of the sixth commandments? Ex. 20 :13; Jer.
NOTE: "Satan was 'a murderer from the beginning;'
and as soon as he had obtained power over the human
race, he not only prompted them to hate and slay one an-
other, but, the more boldly to defy the authority of God, he
made the violation of the sixth commandment a part of
their religion. By perverted conceptions of divine attriibutes,
heathen nations were led to believe human sacrifices neces..
sary to secure the favor of their deites; and the most
horrible cruelties have been perpetrated under the various
forms of idolatry. Among these was the practice of caus-
ing their children to pass through the fire before their
idols."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 337.
Lesson No. 10<-Sabbath, March 8, 1947
J.; • t/~) r'L, , I . ', ... QUEt'TIONS
• 1.

How long did the children of Israel serve the Lord?
Judges 2:6, 7.
2. Which false gods did Israel serve after the death of
Joshua and the elders? Judges 2:10·13.
.3. What were the results of this idol worship? Judges
2 :14, 15. ).... '
• 'W
4. Despite the' ostasy from true worship what did God
have among Israel? Judges 2:18.' w
NOTE: "There was ever a remnant who were true to
Jehovah; and from time to time the Lord raised up faith-
ful and valiant men to put down idolatry and to deliver the
Israelites from their enemies."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
p. 545.
5. What terrible condition of apostasy existed among Israel
in the days of Elijah? What method did God employ
to bring His p'eople back to true worship? 1 Kings 17:1,
18:1,2.' ( :
/' " " " )4
NOTE: "As lijah saw Israel going deeper and deeper
into idolatry, his soul was distressed and his indignation
aroused. God had done great things for His people . . .
Unbelief was fast separating the chosen nation from the
Source of their strength. Viewing this apostasy from his
mountain retreat, Elijah was overwhelmed with sorrow.
In anguish of soul he besought God to arrest the once
favored people in their wicked course, to visit them with
judgments, if need be, that they might be led to see in
its true light their departure from Heaven. He longed to
see them brought to repentance before they should go to
such lengths in evil-doing as to provoke the Lord to de-
stroy them utterly."-"Prophets and Kings," pp. 119, 120.
6. Through what act of faith did Elijah bri~lg about a
deci~ion among Israel to worship either God or Baal? /I~~
ng~18:17•.. ,to _L" •
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7. Wllat abominable idol worship was instituted among
Judah and in Jerusalem? Jer. ;19:4, 5.

8. Which commandment was trampled under foot through

Jhe worship of Baal? Jer, 17:19-23. " )<

~ 9.. hat terrible results came about because of the :wor-

" .. 0( sli p of idols by Judah? 2 Chron. 36:19-21; Jer. 19:6-9.
10. Has 'God's word concerning the Jewish people been ful-
filled to this very hour? Lev. 26 :30-36; Deut. 28 :62-68.
',~ ( /l
" ....t,..b

Lesson No. ll-Sabbath, Marcil /15, 1947

1. WItat test did Daniel and his thl'ee friends undergo
while captives in Babylon? Dan. 1:5-17.
2. WItat did the king Nebuchadnezzar command to be set
up for worship? Dan. 3 :1-7;
3. But who did not bow down before this idol image de-
spite the announced death penalty. Dan. 3:8-15.
4. WItat answer did these true worshipers of God give
unto the ldng? Dan. 3 :16-18.
5. What was the result of their faithfulness to God? Dan.
6. ,Because of Daniel's faitlifulness to God, what plot did
Satan instigate to destroy him? Dan. 6 :4-9 •
7. Whati position did Daniel take on the side of the King
of all ldngs against the strict command of king Darius?
Dan. 6:10-18.
8. What resulted on account of Daniel's faithfulness?
Dan. 6:19-28.
9. What did Mordecai do when all the servants of the
king from Persia bowed down before Haman? Esther
10. What were all the Jews in tIte land commanded to do,
and who did intel"Pose in their behalf? E.ither.4:1-7,
11. In what wonderful way did God save MordeCai and all
the Jews in Persia? Esther 7:3-10.

12. In what way is the experience of' Esther and Mordecai

an example for God's remnant people in these last days?
Rev. 13 :15-18.
NOTE: "The decree which is to go forth against the
people of God will be very similar to that issued by
Ahasuerus against the Jews in the time of Esther. The
Persian edict sprung from the malice of Haman toward
Mordecai. Not that Mordecai had done him harm, but he
had refused to show him reverence which belongs only to
God . . . Satan instigated the scheme, in order to rid
the earth of those who preserved the lrnowledge of the
true God. But his plots were defeated by a counter-power
that reIgns among the children of men. Angels that excel
in strength were commissioned to protect the people of
God, and the plots of their adversaries returned upon theil'
own heads. The Protestant world today see in the little
company keeping the Sa.bbath a Mordecai in the gate.
His character and conduct, expressing reverence for the
law of God, are a constant rebuke to those who have cast
off the fear of the Lord, and are trampling upon His
Sabbath; the unwelcome intruder .must by some means
be put out of the way."-"Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. 450.

Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, Marich 22, 1947

1. While i.n captivity in Babylon, what were the Jews
ever to keep in their mind and heart? Jer. 51:50•.
(7 y; <'-0"
, r, 1,.. .
2. What should J0Tusaiem again become for the Jews who
returned from captivity? Zech. 8:3; Ps. chapter 122.

,~- 6' ( , • What was re-established in the seventh month after' the
walls 'of Jerusalem were built again? Neh. chapter 8.
4. What were the results of these solemnities? Neh. 9:1-4.
5. What did all Israel promise under oa,th? Neh.l0:29-32.
,l 6. What was necessary in order that true worship might
be established again, and what did N hemiah petition
(.' ";" ,.J~" the Lord? Neh. 13:15-22'. • .~ I \ . ~"
" 7. What did Ezra confess before the Lord? Ezra 9:14,15.
'. r c..'
(C 8._What ,ear e f admonition! had to be given by the last
. - V"Prophet under the old covenant? Mal. 1:6-10,
9. Against whom especially is the accusation of the Lord
directed? Mal. 2:1-8., ....
H). What will the Lord do with those who despise His
law and His grace? Mal. 2:9-12. { ~ ~ -:.

11. The fulfillment of what promise can only bring de-

\.:- )iverance in the future to those who are honest? Mal 3:1.
12. What comforting promise is given to the faithful among
God's people? Mal. 3:16-18; 4:1,2.
\ ('

Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, Mar 29,947 ""

" /.~ QUESTIONS .., (. , • l(

1. What is said c'oncerning the pa ents of John he Baptist? •

Luk. 1:5,6. . '". C"( c.,r h " ,. . ~ '- ~
2. What wonderful prophecy' was given. by achariahs con-
cerning his son? Luke 1 :76-79. . . ~ ~ v
NOTE: '''John was to go forth as Jehovah's messenger,
to bring to men the light of God. He must give a new
direction to their thoughts. He must impress them with the

holiness of God's requirements, and their need for His
perfect righteousness."-"The Desire of Ages," p. 100.
3. Where did John the Baptist found his school? Luke
NOTE: "John found in the wilderness his school and
his sanctuary. Like Moses amid the mountains of Midian,
he was shut in by God's presence, and surrounded by the
evidences of His power . . . With awe yet exultant spirit
he searched in the prophetic scrolls the revelations of the
Messiah's coming."-"The Desire of Ages," pp. 102, 103.
4. What earnest message did John the Ba'ptist proclaim 7
Matt. 3 :1,2.
5. Whom especially dKl this preacher of r,epentance have
, to show the right way? 'Matt. 3 :6-1(). '1 oJ!

....., ~~ "'-- "

'6. IDat answer id e give when he w s questioned con-
cerning himself? John 1:19-23. ~, Y",
• What was the great mission of this voice cryiug in the
wilderness? Matt. 3:3; Isa. 40 :3, 4.

8. What holy ordinance beCiame through Johu the Baptist

an esnnstiSl\e prmclple of faith? John 1 :25,26.

9. Even whom was John permitted to baptize? Who ac·

knowledged this solemn ordinance? Matt. 3:12·17; Luke
. NOTE: "Jesus did not receive baptism as a confes-
sion of guilt on His own account. He identified Himself
with sinners, taking the steps that we are to take, and doing
tile work that we must do. His life of suffering and
patient endurance after His baptism was also an ex-
ample to us."-"The Desire of Ages," p. 111.
10. To whom does John point to all men as the center of
worship? John 1 :29.
, ,/

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