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·Sabbath School Le~son ~

QUARTERLY,.·, ';'.
Third and Fourth Quarter 1947

The Perfect Characteristics

of Jesus Christ

::lr.\!I;.N IH DAY A;~R£FURM MOV~MlN

3031 FRA~KLI~ t:$LVD. - PH. 457·4~~8
SACRAMEI'HOyCALIF.. 95818 U.. S.. &
Published Quarterly by
Religious Liberty Publishing Association
42 Prospect Road, Summer Hill,
N.S.W., Australia.
I , ,. t
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Lesson~No. I-Sabbath, July 5, 1947


1. What did Christ become in order to be a perfect example

for mankind? John-l:14; Phil. 2:7..
.I )
2, How did Jesus come into the world? Luke 2:7; 2 Cor. 8 :9.

NOTE: "The story of Bethlehem an exhaustless

theme. In it is hidden 'the depth of the riches both of the
wisdom and knowledge of God.' We marvel at the Saviour's
sacrifice in exchanging the throne of heaven for .the manger,
and the companionship of adoring angels for the beast of the
stall. Human pride and self-sufficiency stand rebuked in
His' presence." -"The Desire of Ages," p. 48.
3. How was Christ already typified under the old covenant?
Ex. 12:5; Lev. 22 :17-21.

NOTE: "The offerings presented. to the Lord were to

be without blemish. These offerings represented Christ, and
from this it is evident that Jesus Himself was free from
physical deformity. He was the 'lamb without blemish and
without spot.' His physical structure was not marred by any
defect; His body was strong and healthy. And throughout
His lifetime He lived in conformity to nature's laws. Physi-
cally as well as spiritually, He was an example of what God
de.signed all humanity to be through obedience to His law."-
'''The Desire of Ages," p. 50.
4. With what names was Jesus to be called according to the
prophecy of Isaiah given 700 years before the birth of
Christ? Isa. 9~.
~ I . I 'I ' .
\;). What power was given unto Christ? Isa. 11 :1,2.

6.' What position did Christ take towarcf His earthly parents,
and toward' His heavenly Father? Luke 2:51; Ps. 40"8;
Luke 22:42.

7.' With what was He well acquainted, and how did He ask
and answer questions? Luke 2 :47; 10 :26; Matt. 4 :7,10.

8. What graceful invitation did He gin to all men? Mati..

11 :28,29. 7#!' -?.:<.2/

. I
\ ' GCArchive
NOTE: "Christ recognized no distinction of imtionality
or rank or creed. The scribes and Pharisees., desired ,to make
a .ocal and a national benefit of the gifts of heaven, and
to exclude the,-rest .of God's family. in the world. But· Christ
came to break down every wall of partition.... He saw the
needs of men and women,- children. and youth, and to all He
gave the invitation, 'Come unto Me'."-"Gospel Workers,"
p~ 46~3. ,
9. What did Christ do for the sick? Matt. 9:12:

NOTE: "During' His ministry, Jesus devoted -more time

t healing the sick than to prea,ching. His miracles testified
to the trutfi of His woras, that He came not to destroy, but
to save."-=-"Gospel Workers," p. 43.
~. ' ; l'
10. ·What did He become for all men? Matt. 20:28. ,

NOTE: "All day He ministeFed ·to those Who 'ca1Tfe

to Him; in the- evening e gave ·attention to such as through
the day must toil .to earn a pittance for the suPPort-o( their
families,"-"Gospel Workers," p. 42.
11. Through what act did Christ become our per!ect- ex-
ample? Phil. 2.:8; Rom. 5 :6-8. J

Lesson No.2-Sabbath, July 12, 1947

1 II

1. Where alone can men find the truth?' Jo~n 17:17.

NOTE: "We have a BibJe full of the most precious.

truth. It contains the alp a and:the omega of knowledge."-
"Gospel Workers," p. 309. - , .
\ '(
2. Who is the embodiment of truth? John 14 :6.
-..... .
. , -

3. Who alone was able to reveal perfect truth in the true

light? John 1:17. 1.. < fl

earth, and to bring men under his power. A sower from a
higher world, Christ came to sow the seeds of truth. He who
had stood in the councils of God, who had dwelt in the inner-
most sanctuary of the Eternal" could bring to men the pure
principles of truth. Ever since the fall of man, Christ had
been the Revealer of truth to the world,"-"Christ's Object
Lessons," pp, 37,38. "
,4. What did Christ make the center of His teaching? Luke·
10 :25-28; Ps. 119 :142. (f (, ~ '1 .

5. What is not found in those who do not keep the com-

mandments? 1 John 2 :4. . I~

;r. ''\, ><. 6. Who is the energizing power behind the truth, and into
wha t will this power lead us? 1 J ohl\ 5 :6, last pa~t;
I, John 16:13.

:> '
L ><
7. Who alone can be a' true"representative of the truth, and
what will the truth do for him? John 8 :31, 32.
( ( ) C,.,
8. In 'what only can true sanctification be obtained? John
17.:17. '\'7
x . c '

9. at will the Lord give to His faithful children who live

p to the light already given? What will they not say? ,
Rev.\ 3 : 1 7 . ' . '., .
NOTE:, "We must not for a moment think that there
is no more light, no more fruth, to be given us. We are in
danger 6f becoming careless, by our indifference. losing the
sanctifyilng power of truth, and ,composing ourselves with the
thought, 'I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need.
of nothing.' While we must hold fast to the truths which
W!l have already received, we must not look with suspicion
upon an' new light that Golhnay send."-Gospel Workers,"
p, 310. ,-.•
10. What will happen to t)lOs,e who. aye not received the
love of the truth? 2 Thess. 2 :10. ' R '-'

11. What wond~rful promise i~. given to those who have

stood firmly for the tr·iJth? Rev. 2 :10.

NOTE: "Jesus raised His mighty, glorious arm, laid

hold of the pearly gate, swung it back on its glittering
hinges, and said to us, 'You have washed your robes in My
- 5"--'..
blood, stood stiffly for My truth, enter in'."-""Early
Writings," p. 17. '.' .\ ) .

Lesson No.3-Sabbath, July 19, 1947 .

1. What is faith? Heb. 11:1.

. NOTE: "Faith is not feeling. 'Faith is the_suhsta of

tnings hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.' ue
faith is in no sense allied to resumption. Only he who has
true faith is secure against presumption~ for presumption is
Satan's counterfeit of faith.;':-HGospel 'Y.orkers," p. 2?0.
2. Upon what is faith established? John 5:39; 7:38; Rom.

NOTE: HIt is not faith that claims the favor of Heaven

without complying with the conditions on which mercy is to
be granted. Genuine faith has its-foundation in theyromises
and provisions of the Scriptures."-"Gospel Workers," p. 260.
3. Upon whom should God's children constantly fix their
eyes? Heb. 12 :2.
NOTE: "If they keep Jesus. before them, they will be-
come changed into His image. All who by faith have Christ
abiding in them, carry a power into their labor which makes
them successful."-"Testimonies," Vol. 5, pp. 574,575.
4. 'Through what fruit of the Spirit should our faith be
active? What must acc~mpany faith? Gal. 5:6; James
2:17-22. • /
L .. /
v ' ,( .


5. With what is faith closely united? Matt. 21 :22.

NOTE: "By study, contemplation, and p,ra e, God's

people will be elevated above cOJ!lmon," earth y thought anq
feelings, and will be brought into harmony with Christ."'-:·
"Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. 575.

6. How must our faith be found when trials pass over us?
1 Peter 1:5-9. "1'" ---- 't"'. ~ . (.
V YJ( --" ~
7. What will the righteous 'do at all times? Hab. 2:4; Rom.
1:17. /l J l ><..
4F . ( . ,_
S: Through what alone can we overcome the' world? 1 John
5:4.), "'"
NOTE: "t is faith that enables us to look beyol1d the
p-resent, with its burdens and cares, to the great hereafter,
where all that now perplexes us shal J5e made plain. 'aith
sees Jesus standing as our Mediator at the right liand of
Goa. Faitn J5eholtl.s the' mansions that Christ has gone to
prepare for those who love Him. Faith sees the rob~ and
crown prepared for the overcomer, and hears the song of the
redeemed."-"Gospel Workers," pp. 259,260. \
9. What is manifested by the 144,000? Rev. 14:12.. ~
- ..: .. ~.,
Lesson No.4-Sabbath, July 26, 1947
,t. LOVE
, ~ 'r." 1. is the fountain of love? John 3:16; 1 John 4:19.
... e~ ~ • r ( C L -- .
2. WIl'ln6>as'love tilly diElplayed? I!yke 23 :34.

NOTE: "With amazement the angels beheld the infinite

love of Jesus, who, suffering the most intense agony of mind
and body, thought only of others, and encouraged the penitent
soul to believe. In His humiliation He as a 1'0 et had ad-
dressed the daughters of Jerusalem; as ri st and advocate
He had pleaded with the Father to for Jve Hi mur erers;
as a lovin Sa\dour He had forgi n _ . . n onne p~1tttent
Ie ."-. e eSlre 0 g~~" ..751. - -.
3. Whereupon must the life of faith of God's children be
.~built;" Luke. 10 :25-27; 1 John 5 :3. I I

4. Whic;h" commandments, will be cheerfully -kept by those

who love God with all their heart? Ex. 20 :2-11.

5. Which commandments will he keep who loves his neighbor

.::> as himself? Ex. 20 :12-17; 1 Johh 5 :2. -

6. Through what parable is the love toward our neighbor
beautifully illustrated? Luke 10 :30-37.

God and

love his brother?

9. ur hearts? 1 John 3:16;

V "
10. What should be the motivating power in all our actioi\s
in our Christian life? What is the highel)t._gift a man
may possess? 1 ·Cor. 13 :1-7,13... co p:]. lr

11. What admonition is· given to. God'Sf children '! Rev, 2 :4.
'-L.~.6 ..

Lesson No.5-Sabbath, August 2, 1947 .. " ,~

. ~~. /
1. Upon what is the life of 'true Christian
Heb. 6:18,19: 1 Peter 1:3' Ps. 46:5.""
, ,."
) . ' )< ,. ".-0 ~ eo •
v /_'
/ "' yo
2. What will happen to the hope of the ~icked? :Job. 8:13,14.
,.... '- f .
~ , v .
.3. Who alone
, can give us complete hope? Rom. .15 :13.
4. What will a faithful Christian ~till have when he; loses
his loved ones through death? 1 Thess. 4 :1;1,. .,
1 , (
., I \

It. )
5. What should we always be able to do? 1 Peter 3 :15.
'- '-"<'

life of faith?- 1 Cor. 9 :10.


6. In what W~y ;ho~ld we accomplish :Il our work-s in the

7.. What are God's obedient children counseled to do'? 1 P~ter

1:1a,14; 2 Thess. 2:16. V" y \ )
ll. What will· he do who desires to be like Christ? 1 John
.. 3:2,3. I \'

n. What great event is the hope of all the children of God?

Rev. 1:7; John 14:1-3; Rom. 5:2. r

NOTE: "From the day when t e first pair turned their

sorrowing steps from Eden, the children of faith have waited
he comi f the Promis dOne 'e the des roy-er's
lower and bring tliem again-to the lost Para ise. 0 y men
o or oOKed forward to the advent of the Messiah in glory,
as the consummation of their hope.... The 'coming qf Cnrist
to usher in the reign of righteousness" has inspire'a. fh-e most
sublime and impassioned utterances of the sacred writers.
The poets and prophets of the Bible have dwelt upon it in
words glowing with celestial fire."-"The Great Contro-
versy," pp. 299, 300. .

Lesson No.6-Sabbath, August 9, 1947

/ '". , r Ii

l:~ 1. How did the gospel come into the world? Luke 2:~O-14.

2. What did Christ as a little child bdng 0 Simeon and

Anna? L\lk~ 2:28-38. 'st. ,../:. -;-
Co) . _ ~. (0 " "
3. What sh'ould be our joy day by day? Jer. 15 :16. )
'" r-~

4. How should we serve the Lord? Ps. 100 :2. c &...r.


a. What will our work for God bring to us? Luke 10 :17;
Pa. 126:5. ~ /~
fr. : Who: ol\lycan iiupart perfect joy to others? John 15 :11;
'" Ps; 37~4; :'" " "
'. I ... • " • .
, 'NOTE:' "God desired to bring, all peoples, under His
merciful rule. e desi' d that the earth should be filled v"ith
~and peace. e create an or applliess; and e ongs
forill mt"man hearts with the peace of heaven. He desires
that the families below shalT1le a symbol Of tli:e 'kreat family
above.,":-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 290."
,7.' What'should we :do in order to ~btain' this joy? ,John
16:24:,L ~~ ~ ,c ,<,~ ,/... , ~Jr '

8. What is concealed in the joy of our Lord? Neh; 8 :10,11.

91' In what should the Christian a!§p rejoice? ' Acts 5 :40-42;
,', 16:25; James 1:2. ( f. ...............• _ "'::'1~ ...
• • lo"'" • ~'. • ;I/'

10. What does Paul tell the believers to do? Phil. 4

. . . - ',' ';{"~,

11. What should be our greatest joy? Luke 10:20. ,,/ ~...-::
.. "j
.. ,~)lr

Lesson No. 7-Sabbath, A~'gust 16, 1947

1. What thoughts does God have toward men? Jer. 29 :11.

2. What should the announcement of the" birtIl of Christ

bring to the world? Luke 2,:1-:1.

3. Who is the great Prince of 'peace? 'Isa: 9 :5.

NOTE: "Christ is 'the Prince of' pEhuee," afifl it ii,? His

mission etA. rl(store to earth and heaven..tlie..wa.ce..t~ siiJ.f has
bro!fen. 'BeIng justified by faith, we have peace wft.h, God
"through 06r Lord Jesus Christ'."-"The Mount of' Blessmg,"
4. What did this Prin~e ~f peace"tea'l'h? Zech.. 9 :9, '10..

5. 'With what words of gneting did, Jesus send 'His, dis~lplcs

into the world'! Luke 10 :5, 6. . . . ,,,
NOTE: "Christ's followers are sent into the world with
the message ~ petree. Wfioev"er, by the quiet, unconscious
influencer of a holy life, shall reveal the love of Christ; who-
ever, by word 'or
'deed, shall lead another to renounce sin
and yiel~ h~~ heart to God,.i§ a ~ea¥emak~/'-,-"The Mount
of Blessmg, p. 46. . . "
6. Through what may we obtain peace with God? Rom. 5:1.

NOTE: "Whoever consents to renounce sin, "and open

his heart to the love of Christ, becomes a partaker of this
heavenly peace."-"The Mount of Blessing," p. 46.
7. What wonderful promises has Christ given to His
children? John 14 :27; 16 :33.
8. With what W01'ds of greeting did Jesus address His dis-
ctples after His resurrection? What did He show them?
John 20 :19-21, 26.
9. With whom should God's children also have peace? Rom.
12 :18; Heb. 12 :14.
10. What is one characteristic of the wisdom that cometh
from above? James 3:17.
11. What does Jesus say about the peacemakers? Matt. 5 :9..

12. Into what city will those enter who have had the peace
of God ill their h~arts? Rev. 21 :1-3; Isa. 32 :18.

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, August 23, 1947

1. What characteristic is concealed in the name of God?
Ex. 34:6.
,, (
2. What good counsel is given us? Lam. 3 :26." I, ("

3. What man of God became prominent and was richly

blessed because of his patience? Job 1 :20-22; 42 :10.
( ~ ;j.
4. W 0
,has left us a perfect examp! patience?
Isa. 53:7;
Matt. 27 :27-30.
5. How only can we bring forth the fnlits of the Sl)irit?
Luke 8 :15.).

NOTE: "So the Christian is to_wAll with patie~ce for

the fruition, in his life, of the word of God. Often when we
pray for the graces of the Spirit, God works to answer OUT
prayers by .placing us in circumstances to develoJi! these
fruits; but we do not understand His purpose, and wonder,
and are dismayed. Yet none can develop these graces except
through the process of growth and fruit-be,aring. Our part
is to receive God's ivor<!...and to hold it fast, yielding our-
selves fully to its control, and its purpose in us will be ac-
complished."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 61.
6. When should th~ believer especially reveal patience?
Rom. 12:12. V" '" ,'" .
'• •J

.NOTE: "None who r'eceive God's word arEl exempt from

difficulty and trial; but when affliction comes, the true
Christian does not become restless, distrustful, or despondent.
Though we can not see the definite outcome of affair&, or
discern the purpose of God's providences, we are not to cast
away our confidence. Remembering the tender mercies of
the Lord, we should cast .our care upon Him, and with;.
patience wait for His salvationt-"Christ's Object Lessons,"
pp. 60, 61. .\,
7. What was John able to say on the isle of Patmos? Rev.
8. What good admonition is given us by th'e apostle Paul?
Why? Heb. 10:35-37.

9. What is said about those who have taken up the struggle

with the anti,Christ? Rev. 13 :10. (I ,. . ~ 01 •
10. What is said of the 144,000? Rev. 14(2.. ,- .' • J

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, August 30, l!J47

1. How did the Lord come nigh unto us while we were yet
His enemies? Tit. 3:3, 4.

J. > , t'( .
o J, t'

2. How is the Lord in His· character? Ps. 106:1; 1 Peter 2 :3,

3. Wha. is prophesi~d concerning- the lips of Christ? Ps.

45: . ~ ~). \,. ":) '<

NOTE: "What. Christ was on this earth, the Christian

worker should strive to be. He is our example, not only in
His spotless purity, but in His patience, gentleness, and win-
someness 0.( disposition. His life is an illustration of true
courtesy. He had ever a kind look and a word of comfort
for the needy and the oppressed. His. presence brought a
pu-rer atmosphere into the home.,,-,lGospel Workers," p. 121.
, "4. What admonition does Paul g"ive us concerning our
.. speech? Col. 4:6; Eph. 4 :29. C • ~
>. c .(,
~ >( 5. How are the words of gentle l}eople? Provo 16:24; 12:25.v

6. What is one of the fruits of the Spirit? Gal. 6 :22. LV 7' It

7. What· should WI;! PJlt on? Col. ~:12. -"

8. In what manner should we admonish the erring? Ps.

141:5; Gal. 6:1. r-.... ~

NOTE: "While very sensitive to the least blame in

regard to their own course, many are too severe in dealing
·\\·ith those whom they suppose to be in error. No one was
ever reclaimed from a wrong position by ~re and re-
pr9ach; but many are thui:\ driven further from the rIg
path, ana led to harden their hearts against conviction. A
spirit of kindness, a courteous, forbearing deportment, may
save the erring, and hrae a multi u e of sins."-"Patriarchs
and Prophets," pp. 20. - -
9. How was the' prodigal son received by his father? Luke
. 15 :22-24. c/' . )(
10. Of manne.r is the heavenl langUag-~?Zech. 1 :13.
, 1,/ '7'
~ ~ ~ /f ."".1'.(.." ~ ~
,,~ a .r ~ ~2'-'
Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, September 6, 1947 T
. MERC~m) J. . ~ f.
1.. What is§L word that follows the name of God?
Ex. 34:6; Ps:-fO:r:8. C,
,NOTE: "God is Himself the source of all mercy. His
'name is 'merciful ana graCious.... e oes not treat "us~
o' t our desert. He does not ask if we are worthy
of His love, ut -e pours upon us the riches of His love,
t a k e u wo -th .He ,is not vindictive. He seeks> not to
punis, ut 0 redeem."-"The Mount of Blessing," 'p. 39.'
(' . 2...What did Jesus say to His h~arers? Luke '6:36..~ ...-1~ 'l(

3. Through what para~le is !Jte grace of mercy' illustrated?

Luke 10 :30-35. _ 'rV'J"
. ..~," . \.
4. 'What is said about those who deny heir neighbor mercy?
Job. 6:14; Provo 11:17. If) , )

) 5. What is promi~ed to the merciful? Matt...5:7; Ps. 41 :1, 2. <.

,~ " ..... ..,/,; ,7 l "
6~ Which experiences testify to the truthfulness of these
words? Josh, 2:12; 6:23-25; Jer. 38:7-13; 39:15-18; Acts.
9 :39-41.
.A ,,4'>"'"0 X
-;-YJ.; C7. W a will be the fate of the unmerciful? James 2:13.

8. What will decide by our heavenly ~ather the fate of aU

men" Matt. 25 :31-46.'" o? J '1 . ,. '-1 X

9. What spiritual blessing will the grace of mercy :bring to oP· ~

us? Isa. 58 :6-12.

NOTE: "There is sweet peace for the compassionate

spirit, a blessed satisfaction in the life of self-forgetful
service for the good of others. The Holy Spirit that abides
in the soul, and is manifest in the life, will soften hard
hearts, and awaken sympathy and tenderness. You will reap
that which you sow."-"The Mount of Blessing," p. 4.1.

Lesson No. 11-Sabbath, September 13, 1947

t' ~/ p~ ( TEMPERANCE
1. What are the desires of a carnal man" Isa. 22 :13. -IS:
2. With what were' the people of the antediluvian world oc-
cupied? What is the condition of the people in our day?
Matt. 24 :37, 38; Luke 21 :34.

3. What'_ is necess~ry to the development of a Christian

. character? 2 Peter 1 :6. ~)l
f X/L:-.."
4. What should every Christian know? 1 COl'. 6 :19. / ". • '\ ,,~

NOTE: ""All should have an intelligent knowledge of

the human frame, that they may keep their bodies in the
.condition necessary to do the work of the Lord. The physical
life is to be carefully preserved and developed, that through
humanity the divine nature may be revealed in its fulness."-
"Christ's 9bj~ct J;.essons," p. 348.
, 5. Of what"does true worship consist? Rom. 12:1.
,\v \.~~.\'
k NOTE: "Health is a blessang of which few appreciate
·,the value; yet upon'it the efficiency of our mental and physi-
cal powers largely depends. Our impulses and passions have
their seat in the body, and it must be kept in the best condi-
tion .physically, and under the most spiritual influences, in
order that our talents may be put to the highest use."-
Christ's' Object Lessons," p. 346. :,
6. What should be sanctified in us, and in what harmonious
/' .. ;;- . rel~i; body, soul, and spirit? 1 Thess. 5 :23.

NOTE: "All should place themselves in the best possible

relation to life and health. Our habits should be brought
/'l, under the control of a mind that is itself under the control
I).,r. of God."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 348.
~., ·7: What did Jeslls do at the beginning of His ministry in
order to make the plan of redemption a success? Matt.
4:1-4; John 14:30. '.,
~.. G .l ~~With Christ, as with the holy pair in Eden,
- Up petite was the ground of the first great temptation. Just
where the ruin began, the work of our redemption must be-
gin. As by the indulgence of appetite Adam fell, so.Qy.-1l,w
denial of appetite Christ must overcome. 'And 'when He had
astM~ or y a an 01 y mg s, e was' afterward an
hungered. And when the tempter came to Him, he said, If
Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made
bread. But ){e answered and said, It is written, Man shall
not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth
but of the mouth of God'."-HThe Desire' of Ages," p. 117.

)(.,;:1' I
)/ \ ~y
8. What should be our position in regard to temperance? .1
Thess. 5 :6, 8; 1 Peter 4:7; 5 :8.

NOTE; "When those who advocate hygienic reform

canoy the matter to extremes, people are not to blame if they
become disgusted. . . . Narrow ideas, and overstraining of
small points, have been a great injury to the cause of
hygiene."-"Counsels on Health," pp. 153, 155.
9·. What should we always·re·member? 1 Cor. 10:31.

/' Jr.} ./1

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Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, September 20, 1947

.J 4 ( 0)< ' t ~: QUESTIONS
1.' What does Christ say. we must do in or,der to be s~ved?
Luke 13 :23, 24. .

2. How'does Paul describe the battle of faith? 1 Cor. 9 :24.

, )I' . I' .
3. What will he do who at any price desires to obtahi the
crown of life? 1 Cor. 9 :25.
, I, I{
4. Wh t wa Paul a Ie to say concerning himself? 1 Cor.
9:26, 27.
NOTE: "The' apostle compared himself to a man run-
ning in a race, straining every nerve to win the prize. 'I
therefpre so run,' he says, 'not as uncertainly; so fight 1,
lfot as .pne that beateth the air;· but 1 keepJ\mder my body,
and bring it into subjection: lest that by any Ineans, when
J have preached to others, 1 myself should be a castaway.'
That he might not run Jlll.certainLy or at ranQQll in the
Christian race, Paul subjec eO. himself to--severe xainin.
The word, 'I keep under my body,' litera y mean beat
back by severe discipliIW the desires, impulses, and passions."
·-"The Acts of the Apostles," p. 314.
5. With, what should our mind be occupied? Phil. 4:8.

NOTE: "The apostle sought to teach the believers how

important it is to keep the mind from wandering to forbidden
themes, or from spending its energies on trifling subjects.
Those who would :not fall a prey . to Satan".s devices, 'l11\lst
guard well the avenues of. the soul;· they must aV;o~d_reading,
seeing, or hearmg at which will suggest impure thought."
_'IThe Acts of the ,Apostles," p. 518.
':6", Who is·1i wonderful example for us in· social purity? Gen.
~ > ;3~.:9··f . .... .. ........~ .',:'- ., . "
7. What great milll fell a- prey to fleshly lusts? 'l"JUng
l(> U:8, 9. ~' : \ -6'--<...
OTE: ,rSolorJon was ~ndued with wonderful wisdom;
but the world drew him away from'God. Men to-day
stronger than he; they are as prone to yield to the influences
that caused his downfall. As God warned Solomon of his
danger, so td:day He warns His children 110l to imperil' their
souls by ffinity with the world."-"Prophets and Kings,"
p. 59. . .
8. What admonition does Paul' ;nd Pete; give us? .•Rom.
6:12, 13; 1 Peter 2:11. /:----.0 ,.. -,-. . .1
". . ·_'
. '4 .r ~~

"9. What 'shoula alsl) our prayer? Ps'. 51: 10.

I . c. \' '
10. lit" our battle with the flesh whom should we constantly
~~ep before us? 1 Peter 4:1.' .,) .

11. What should every warrior against sin always remember,

and of ,what. may. e,:~ry vietor be sure? Rev. 21:7.

Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, September 27, 1947
V\. ".. ~ " SELF-DENIAL I ~ ~ X
1. W~ai. COl\dition doe~ Christ place before those who want
- to 'follow
Him? Luke 9 :23•

NOTE: "Jesus now explained to His disciples that His.

own .life of self-abnegation was an example of what theirs
should be. Calling about Him, with the disciples, the people
who .had been lingering near, He said, 'If any man will come
,after Me, let' e '. If and take up his cross daily,
. and follow Me.' The cross was associated with the power of
Rome. It was the instrument of the most cruel and humiliat-
ing form of death. The lowest criminals were required to
bear the cross to the place of execution; and often as it was
about to be laid upon their shoulders, they resisted with
desperate violence, until they were ovprpowered, an!!. the
instrument of torture was bound upon tnem. But Jesus }jade
His followers tak up the cross and bear it after Him. To
the disciples Ells words, though dimly comprehended, pointed
to:-t-hei.r. submission to the most bitter humiliation~su!;lmis­
sion even un tleat for the sake of Christ,"-"The Desire
of Ages," pp. 416, 417.
-2. What i safd about those who love themseIYes? John
12:25. • ( \ 'll.
3. Whl(t did the disciples do when they ~l:re called to follow
Christ? Matt..4;:19.22. (, l l •. J _.1 '. v....:~. '
4. What is promised to those who for the sake of Christl")
have forsaken all? Matt. 19:27-29..... " '\'!:::/ "·v
'5. W at did Jesus do for our sake? 2 Cor. 8:9; Phil. 2:7.
II ~::I .....
NOTE: "Jesus did not count heaven a place to be de-
sired while we were lost. He left the heav.enlY courts for a
life 0 reproac ana insult, and a death of shame. He ~vho
was rich in heaven's priceless treasure, became poor, .that
through His poverty we might be rich. We are to follow in
the path He trod."-"The Desire of Ages," 'p. 417. - ..'
What mind should therefore also be in us? Phil. 2:5-7.

7. What was the apostle Paul able to say with al3surance

after a life of self-denial? 2 Tim. 4:7, 8.
8. Where will those finally stand who have denied them-
selves and were partakers of the sufferings of Christ?
Rev. 14:4, 1. .
NOTE: "Christ's true disciples follow Him through sore
conflicts, enduring self-denial and experiencing bitter dis-
appointment; but this teaches them the guilt and woe of sin,
and they are led to look upon it with abhorrence. Partakers
of Christ's sufferings, they are destined to be partakers of
His glory."-"The Acts of the Apostles," p. 590...

Study Your . Lesson Daily

Lesson No. 14-Sabbath, October 4, 1947
1. ~or what purpose did Jesus cJtoose His disciples? Acts
2. What should the church of God be in this world? Matt.
i 5:14.
3. What are God's servants called to be for Christ? 2 Cor.
5:20. . )
4.- What important call should be willingly answered by
many who J a e " ~f God's family on earth? Isa.
6:8. '.1 '!. ~ .

NOTE. "Who will go for;th now with our publications?

The ~ord imparts a fitness for the work to every man and
woman who will co.:'operate with divine power. All the requi-
-it~ alent,. courage, per.severance, faith, and tact will come
as they put he armor on. A great work is to oe none in our
wotld, and human agencies will surely respond to 'the deinand.
The world must hear the warning. When the call comes,
'Whom shall I send, and who will go..for ,us ?'. s.end back
the answer clear and distinct, 'Here am Ii send me'."-
"Testimonies," Vol. 6, p. 333.
5. Who is called upon to share' in carrying the 'burden of
the cause? Matt. 20 :6, 7.
NOTE: -'''The work of God in this earth can never be
finished until the men and women comprising our church-
l11.embership rally to the work, and unite their ~ffor:ts with
ose of ministers and church officers."~"Testimdnies,"Vol.
9, p. 117. .--/ (t'
_/' 6. What admonition is given us concerning the preaching
v . of the word God? 2 Tim. 4 :2-5.
.p 7. What parable is given for the encouragement of those
" (, J .who have a burden for souls? Luke 15 :3-7.
8. What will the Lord once require of His children for
the truth which He had entrusted to them? Matt. 25 :19;
Luke 19 :11-13, 15.
9. What encouragement has jesus given to those who have
entered His service? Matt. 28 :18-20.
HI. What is promised to those who have had a burden for
souls? Dan. 12 :3. C

Lesson No. 15-Sabbath, October 11, 1947

7 1. -.l
How is the Lord in His character? Ex, 34:6; Rev. 19:11.
i, ,
I C:. It 2. What does the Lord desire of His children? Luke 12 :42.

NOTE: "I~ is the faithfulness, the loyalty ~o God, the

loving service, that wins the divine approval. Every impulse
of the Holy Spirit leading men to goodness' and to God, is
noted in the books of heaven, and in the day of God the
workers through whom He has wrought will be commended."
--:'Christ's Object Lessons," p. 361. -
3. What great men of faith were especially found faithful'?
Reb. 3:5; Dan.,~:5. f
, ;-
/' ( _.'
• .

. "Acts 5: 29 i Rev. 2:10; 12:11. l

4. When especially should we show our faithfulness to God?
f)' . I I·"
5. In what else does the Lord prove our faithfulness? Mal.
N9TE:, v;"AII s~lOuld remel1)ber that God's claims upon
us underlie every other claim. Y'He gives us bountifully, and
the contraet,vhicn e asmade with man is that a tenth
of his possessions shall be returned to God. The Lord gra-
ciously entrusts to His stewards His treasures, but of the
tenth He says, This is Mine. Just in proportion as God has
given His proP&ty to man, so man is to return to God a
faithful tithe of all his substance. This distinct arrangement
was made by Jesus Christ Himself."-"Testimonies," Vol. 6,
p. 384.
6. In what does God require our faithfulness? Luke 16:10.
NOTE: v.:
Only by faithfulness i the lit Ie hings can
the soul e trained to act with fidelity under larger responsi-
bilities. God brought Daniel and his fel-lows into connection
with the great men of Babylon, that these heathen men

,r-• ~, .
. might become acquainted with the principles of true religion.
In the midst of a nation of idolaters, Daniel was to represent
the character of God. How-did he become fitted for a posi-
tion of so great trust and honor? It was his faithfulness
in the little things that gave complexion to his whole life.
He honored God in the smallest duties, and the Lord co-
operated with him."-"Christ's Object Lessons/! p. 356.
I. What is Christ for His children? Heb. 2 :i7~ . V .\-"1
8. As what does Jesus present Himself? Rev. 3:14.. ' \.. ,. ')
9. What is promised to the faithful believer? Matt. 25.21.
/ t (. i. .. 1','" ~. I •
~ '"" ---;"'-"~-_rl~'l~~'t"JL \. t",' ,

Lessol No. 16-Sabbath, October 18, 1947

~ ~.~;...;--~. !"IBERALITY c. F X
1. What does God do for all ankind? Matt. 5 :45; Ps.
145 :15, 16. I ~ -2.:. .' ')
"";1'. -
2. What great sacrifice did our ,heavenly Father bring for
us? John 3 :16. .,. .
NOTE: "The s irit of liberalit is the s irit of heaven.
T s . 't finds 1 s 1 e manl eS'a IOn III rls s
sacnfice on the cross. In our behalf, the Father gave His
only begotten Son; and Christ, having given up & t4at
He had, then gave Himself, that"man might be saved. The
cross of Calvary should appeal to the benevolence of every
follower of the Saviour. T e inci Ie there illustrated is
to give, give."-"Acts of t e Apost es,' p. 339. .":'. . eae
3. What plan of systematic benevolence has the Lord given
to the church? 1 Cor. 9 :11, 14; Heb. 7 :4-8. . (-' () \,. V~ ">t
NOTE: "The apostle here referred to the Lord's plan fJr
the maintenance of the priests who ministered in the temple.
Those who were set apart to this holy office were supported
by their brethren, to whom they ministered spiritual bless-
ings."-"Acts of the Apostles," p. 336. ,<.

4. How did' the Lord establish among His people a system

of welfare for the poor?
ANSWER: "The payment of tithe0a~~""",&J!,;;:~"';~
God's pl~ for the support of His service.
and offerings were divinely specified. Under 'the Jewish
systen;, the people were taught to cherish a spirit of liber-
alitY,Vboth in sustaining the cause of God and in supplying
the wants of the needy. For special occasions there were
freewill-offerings. At the hjl.rvest and the vintage, the first-
fl'uits of the field-=-Corn, wine, and oil-were consecrated as
an offering to the- Lord. The gleanings and the corners of
the field were reserved tJthe poor." - "Acts of the
Apostles," pp. 336, 337. v'~. t ) . ' • ')C
5. What does the Lord say Qf those 0 rob Him in tithes
and offerings? Mal. 3 :8, 9. .: ~;<
6. What p,romise can wetlaim if we faithfully give God
His own? Mal. 3:10. \. ' 'I.~ ~ )(
7. What parable should even enCOUl'age the poor in ;the spirit
_. X of giving? Mark 12 :41-44. "t....
8. What should we all remember? Lul,e 6:38. _ ><

.. Lesson No. 17-Sabbath, October 25, 1947

'. ,
l (> .,......,/ , - / ttx" QUESTIONS
1. To whom belong a,ll things, and what are all people in
"Ahe sight of God?, ,Lev. 25 :23.
2. ~hat"di~) God's true children througllout the ages con-
fess? Heb. 11 :13. ~ V tg
~ ~ x.

3. Who is a special example to. us in hospitality? Gen.

18:1.5.~ )<. .U " .... '.

4. To whom did Abra~m's example prove a great blessing?

Gen. 19 :12, 15-17. - >'
NOTE: "But there was one man who manifested kindly
attention toward the strangers, and invited them to his
home. Lot did not know their true chara~ter,Vbu.t.Y9ljteness
and Ii were habitual with him jC they were part of
his rel*on-Iessons that he had learned from the exl1'fiT1l1e
O1"'Xbraam. Had he not cultivated a spirit of courtesy, he
might have been left to perish with the rest of Sodom. Many
a household, in closing ~ doors against a s~ranger, {has
shut out God's messenger, who. wouJ,d have brought blessing'
and hope and peace."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 158.
5. What was Job able to say? Job. 31 :32.
6. What Christian duty does Paul speak of? Rom. 12: 3. , .
7. Of what should we not be foi'getful? Heb. 13:2."
8. How should we! show our I)ospitality? 1 Peter, 4 :9. (~ ~

9. What will be the deciding factor in the judgment? Matt.

25:34-39. "/ / L - of 'V-,? l. -'-1")<
10. What should we always keep before our eyes? Matt.
25:40, 45. .

Lesson No. 18-Sabbath, November 1, 1947

1. What shoulq th~.•f91101Ver of Jesus learn of Him? Matt.
11:28, 29.
2. In what way did the Lord l>resent Himself to Elijah?
1 Kings 19 :12.
3. Who was to be the successor of Elijah? Wh t request.
did He make of ~lijah? 2 Kings 2 :9.( I ..... l '" .
NOTE: "Of a meek and gentle spirit, Elisha possessed
also energy and steadfastness. He cherished the love and
fear of God, and in the humble round of daily toil he gained
strength of purpose and nobleness of' character, growing in
divine grace and knowledge. While co-operating with his
father in the home duties, he was learning' to co-operate
with God."-"Education," p. 58.
4. What should we seek after? 1 Tim. 6 :11.< C' ><
5. How di? .J:esus/ou~ ~in~ c. me to His people? Zech. 9 :9.
~ ............. >f ., )
6. What will a meek spirit accomplish? .2 Tjm. 2 :25; Prov...... i-
15 :1.
7. In what manner should we give a reason for our faith
whenever it is required of us? 1 Peter 3 :15, 16.
8. What is also·a fruit of the .Spirit? Gal. 5.:22.
NOTE: "The Christian who is such in his private life,
in the daily surrender of self, in sincerity of purpose and
purity of thought, in meekness under provocation, ·in faith
ana piety, in fidelity in that which is least, the one who in
the home life represents the character pf Christ-such a one
may in the sight of God be more precious than even the
world-renowned missionary or martyr."-"Christ's Object
Lessons," p. 403.
9. What is promised to' the meek? Matt. 5 :5.

Lesson No. 19-5abbath, November 8, 1947

C. r
1. In whom will the Lord dwell? Isa. 57 :15.
2. Which humility will Jesus teach His children? Matt.
11:29. 1 '.1.
NOTE: "God would have you individually seek for the
perfection of love and humility in your own hearts. Bestow
your chief care upon yourselves, cultivate those excellencies
of character which will fit you for the society of the pure
and the holy."-"Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. 51.
3. What earnest admonition is given by the prophet Micah'?
Micah 6:8. L ,C

4. What did David acknowledge? 2 Sam. 2¥:36; Ps. 18:36.

(' {)v
5. What is true humility? Phil. 2 :3. / "
NOTE: "The spirit of the slothful servant we are often
fain to call humility. But true humility is widely different.
:To be clothed with humility. does not mean that. we are
to be dwarfs in intellect, deficie1!t in aspiration, and coward-
ly in our lives, shunning burdens lest we fail to carry them
successfully. eal humility fulfils God's purposes by dep6llld-
ing upon His sfrengtl1."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 363.
;; I'
6. Th.·ough what act did Jesus show true humility? John
13 :1-5.
7. Who was especially a faithful and· humble apostle? Acts
20 :18, 19. t ' I" v

8. On what should God's children hold firmly? Why? 1

Peter 5:5.

Matt. 23:12;.Prov. 29:23) _J~.~ <.. . . . . . . , .

9. What wonderful reward i~ promised. to th~ humble,?

Lesson No. 20-Sabbath, November 15, 1947
1. What is necessar in order to develop a perfect character?
2 Peter 1 :5-8. .' I
NOT~: "Having received the faith of the gospel, the
next work.~f the believer is to add to his character virtue,
and thus cleanse the heart and prepare the mind for the
reception of the kn,owle e of God. This knowledge is the
foundation of a trITe e cation and of all true service. t
is the only real afe-¥ua'ra' against 'temptation; 'lind it is this
alone that can make one like God'in character.' Through the
knowledge of God- and qf' His Son, Jesus Christ, are given
to the believer' ·'all things that pertain unto life and godli-
ness'."-"Acts of the Apostles," pp. 530, 531.
2. For what di~, §olomon pray the Lord? 2 Chron. 1 :10.
3. After what should every Christ-ian seek? -Provo 2 :5, 6.
4. What is necessary before we can hav~ true knowledge of
God? Provo 1:7.
5. What blessed assurance will true knowledge of God and
Jesus Christ bring to us? John 17:3.
NOTE: "The knowledge of God as revealed in Christ is
the -knowledge that all who'· are saved must have. This is
the knowledge that works transformation of character. Re-
ceived into the life, it will re-create the soul in the image
of Christ. This is the knowledge that God invites His
children to receive, beside which all else is vanity and noth-
ingness."-"Acts of the Apostles," p. 475.
6. In whom are hid all the treasures of knowledge? Col.
7. How. can every Christian increase his knowledge? 2
Peter 3:18.

NOTE: "'He who begins with a little knowledge, in a
humble ",w.ay, and tells what he knows, while seeking dili-
gently 101' further knowledge, will find the whole heavenly
• treasure awaiting his demand. The more he seeks to impart
•... /" ~xplairjlthe"d
light, the l1'1.l&. light he will receive. The more one tries to
of God to others, with a love for souls, the
,'. p.1Sl~~er it becomes to himself. The more we use our knowledge
and exercise our powers, the more knowledge and power
we shall receive."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 354.
8. What did th~ Jews not know in the days of Christ? Luke
19 :41-44. ,i ") " -f.
. .

Lesson No. 21-Sabbath, November 22, 1947

1. What is also a fruitof the Spirit? Eph. 5:9; ,Gal. 5 :22.
,2. Who is rich in goodness, and what should the goodness
t-,~. of God accomplish in us? Rom. 2:4; Joel 2:13.
3. What should we never. forget? Ps. 103 :2.
4. What dwells i~ the heart of a natural man'? Rom. 7:18,
9; 3:12.
5. Who must accomplish the good work within us? Phil. 1 :6.
6.1 What must a true Christian be able to d.!s«;ern? Heb.
5:14; Phil. 1:10; Rom. 16:19.
What is promised to those who seek to do good unto
others? Rom. 2:7,10.
8. With wha should we overcome evil? Rom. 12 :20,21.
9. What admonition is given us? James 4:17.
10. What is promised to those who have done good? John
11. Who represents goodness? Matt. 11 :4,5.

Lesson No. 22-Sabbath, November 29, 1947

~. ;/'-/.2,/4, .;t'..,*.~~117,'f.
1. What wonderful service was instituted unrler the old----
covenant? Neh. 12:8.

~~.,,2. For what should we expecially praise the Lord? Ps. 57 :9,10.
~f \~

\.,. • 3il What is a further reason for our thankfulness? Ps. 67 :4,5.
4. What should we do on the holy Sabba~ day? Ps. 92.
Note: Learn to memorize this Psalm.\. ~ ..;0
. . p' c..' r
5. For what gift should we praise God the most? Rom. 8 :32.
J V ..... - ~l(
6. What'secret."is concealed in "thankfulness? 2 Chron. 20 :20-
~ 22. '
7. What do those who ll1'aise God with their whole heart?,
:-, Ps. '50.23.
Note: "The praise and thanksgiving from gl'ateful hearts
will'ascend to,God as a sweet oblation. The Lord desires us,
to make mention of His goodness and tell. of His power. He
is honored by the expression of praiSe and thanksgiving . . .
To Pl'aise God in fulness and sincerity. p'f heart. ·s~uch..a
d .41"'p~y. r. We, are to show the wor d and to all the
heavenly intelligences that we appreciate the wonderful love
of God for fallen humanity and that we are expecting larger
al1d yet larger blessings from His infinite fulness. Far more
than we do, we need to speak of the precious chapters in our
experience. After a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, our
joy in the Lord and our efficiency in His service would be
greatly increased by recounting His goodness and His won-
derful works in behalf of His children."-"Chris't's Object
Lessons," pp. 298, 299, 300.

Ii h.W6 7. kCr-.
, , j. Q '" \ ~ •
8. For what else should we praise the Lord? Isa. 12:1.
9. hat has a prominent part in the worship in heaven?
ev. 4 :9-11.
10. What is said about the heavenly choir that sings before
lthe Lamb? Rev. 5 :8-14.
.....'1 ••

Lesson No. 23-Sabbath, December 6, 1947

---,,:":" <:: DILIGENCE

1. Who is pointed out as an exampI~ for us in diligence?
2. Through what parable is diligel1ce in the church iIlush'a-
ted? Matt. 25 :14-30.
NOTE: "Christ on the Mount of Olives had spoken to
His disciples of His second advent to the world . , . Then
He showed what it means to watch for His coming. \ The
time is to be spent, not in idle waiting, but in diligent work-
ing. This lesson He taught in" the parable-of the talents."
-"Clll'ist's Object Lessons," p. 325.
3. What did the first two servants do with their talents? Matt.
NOTE: "But Christ has given us no assurance that to
attain perfection of character is an easy matter. . obfe a11-
round is not inherited. It does not come to us y
accident. A noble character is earned by: individual -effoJt
through the merits and grace of Christ." the' talents,
the powers of the Inind; we form the character. It is formed.
by hard, stern battles -!wit sel.· Conflict after conflict' must
be waged agajnst -he:r:editary tendencie&.• We ·shalI·,·hlwe to
critize ourselves closely, and allow not- one unfavorable trait
to remain uncorrected."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. -331.
4. Was the diligence of the faithful servants ~'ewarded?
Matt. 25 :20-23.
5. What did the servant do who had received only one talent?
Matt. 25 :18.
6. What fate befell him after Ife was 'requi~ed to g,ve an
account? Matt. 25 :24.
,; i!T
\ -
7. According to what standard will the Lord judge us? Luke
12:48. '
NOTE: "We shall individually be held responsible' for
doing one jot less than we have ability to do. Th'e Lord
measures with exactness' every p'ossibilit'y for service. The
unused capabilities are as much brought into account as
are those that are improved. For all that we might become
through the right use of our talents God holds us responsible.
We shall be judged according to what we ought to have done
but did not aecomplish because we did not use our powers
to glorify God."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 363.
8. What terrible sentence was pronounced over the slothful
servant? Matt. 25 :30. ..
9. In what should we also be diligent? What will be the
blessed reward? 'Rev-. 3:19,21.

Lesson No. 24-Sabbath, December 13, 1947

1. How is the name of the Lord? Ps. 111:9; Isa. 6 :3.
.. I 14. ,

2: What should <;'od's people know? Lev. 19:2; 1 Peter

:15-16., c--: y' l
, .,:;-.,~
3. HdW"-should we use the name 'of the Lord? What will
happen when we blaspheme the name of the Lord? Ex.
20:7; Lev: 0-16. '
NOTE: "I saw that' God;;;- holy name should be used
with I' er:ence an a, . The words God. Almighty are coup-
led together and used by som~ 'In..prayer, 'in.a careless,
thoughtless manner, which is displeasing" to Him;'Sllch have
no rereiiZing sense of God or the truth, or they would not
sp.eak so. 'lTeverently'" of the great and dreadful God, who is
soon to judge them in the last day."-"Early Writings," p. 122
4. How often did Jesus say the name of His Father in
prayer? Matt. 6 :9-13. ev'';'' x
5. What did Jesus sayabout tlie name of His Father?
Matt. 6{9. .4
NOTE: "We are never in any manner to treat lightly
the titles or appellations of the Deity. In prayer we enter
the audience-chamber of the Most High; and we should come
before Him with ~oly awe."-"The Mount of Blessing," p.157.
6. What should be our- motive when we go to the house
o~. 9od? Eccl. 5:1.

7. How should we conduct ourselves "in the house of wor·

ship? Ps. 93:5; 26 :8.
8. How should we dress w en we go to the house of wor-
ship? 1 Peter 3:3, 4. 6 -." ,
NOTE: "In ~he minds of m<lny,'there are no more sacred
thoughts connected with the house of God than with the'most
corrunon place. Some will enter the place of worship with
their hats on, in soiled, dirty clothes. Such do not realize that
they- are to meet with~ and holy a n r . . . Because of
the irreverence in attItude, dress, an eportment, and lack
of a worshipful frame of.. mind, God has .often turned His
face. away from those assemqled for His worship."-"Testi-
monies," Vol. 5, p. 499:
9. 'What should be the condition of om heart? -Ps. 30:4; 1
Peter 3 :15.
10. How is the worship in heaven conducted? Rev. ch . 4.

Lesson No. 25-Sabbath, December 20, 1947

"on Q1'JESTIONS . v, .. ~-,)(-
1. Unto what should the Christian grow? Eph. "4:13.
2. With what should our thoughts be occupied?' Isa. 26 :13;
Ps. 63 :6. '- 21- " 'r,. ~ r>-
>< _
3. Who dwells in the heart of the believer? Eph. 3:17;
John 14:23; Heb.10:16.

4. What mind sh~uld be revealed in our life? Phil. 2 :5. '4 ~ ".
5. In what ma·nner wiil the follower of Christ use his L .... ' v
voice to the glory of God? Col. 3:16 4:6; Isa. 52:8.
6. Upon what should our eyes be directed? Phil. 2:4.
7.. To what voice will the ears listen? Rev. 3 :20.
8. What will our hands do? Eph. 4:28; Acts 9:36,39.
9. Where will our feet g'o? Isa. 52 :7; Je1'. (; :16.
10. Ho~ is the spiritual rna:clothed? Eph. 4 :24. ~- x-
U. How is he armed for the battle of faith? EI>h. 6 :13-18.

Lesson No. 26-Saobath, December 27, 1947

1. Who is pel'feet ? Matt. 5 :48; .Heb. 7 :28.
2. By what standard will all men be judged? James 1:25;
NOTE: "God requires perfection of His children. His
law is a transcript of His own character, and it is the
standard of all character. This infinite standard is presented
to all that there may be no mistakes in regard to the kind
of people whom God will have to compose His Kingdom, The
life of Christ on earth was a perfect expression of God's
law, and when those who claim to be children of God become
Christlike in character; they will be obedient to God's com-
mandments."-"Christ's Object Lesson," p. 315.
3. What will he do who strives for perfection of character?
Josh. 1:8, 2 Tim. 3:16, 17.
4. Wherein is the perfect will of God revealed? Rom.
5. What has the Lord placed into the church'in order that
we may attain unto perfection? Eph.4:11-13.
6. Through what should our faith be made perfect? James
7. What wonderful' image will God's chiblren reflect? John
1::22, 23.
NOTE: "When men are bound together, not by force 01'
self-interest, but by love, they show the working of an in-
fluence that is above every human influence. Where this
oneness exists, it is evidence that the image of God is being
restored in humanity, that a new principle orlife has been
implanted."-"The Desire of Ages," p. 678.
8. Who has made his abode in a truly converted heart?
Eph. 3 :17-21. \
NOTE: "When Christ reigns in the soul, there is purity,
freedom from sin. The glory, the fulness, the completeness
of the gospel plan is fulfilled in the life. The acceptance of
the Saviour brings a glow of perrect peace, perfect love,
perfect assurance. The beauty and fragrance of the char-
acter of Christ, revealed in the life, testifies that God has
indeed sent His Son into the world to be its Saviour."-
"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 420.
9. What rejoicing wilL be in heaven when the church of
God has put on the perfect character of Christ? Rev.

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s. .A. .M .

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