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The Solemn
Message to the

First and
I949 Published by
The General Conference of the
Seventh Day Adventist Reform

This pamphlet for the six months ending June 30,

1949, is of great value to our Movement and to all mem-
bers and friends who are seeking for the truth. Teachers
and readers here will be given a wide field for medita-
tion. The last events of the world's lii'story are outlined;
especially those connected with the La'0dicean period.
All those who receive this solemn message will have
a new conception regarding their Christian experience,
their manner of living and their relation to the Second
Coming of Christ. Nothing is: more precious to us than
to hear the voice of the True Witness speaking to His
In reviewing this, it snould be clearly understood
what precious truths were hidden by those who are repre-
sented by the symbolic, angel of Laodicea. The truths
involved in this subject will have a great effect in mind;
and life on those who are looking for the soon coming of
the Son of God. A great burden will rest upon those who
receive this knowledge and light given for our present
time, and they will be constrained by the love of God,
to bring this message to the knowledge of others. This
message is not only restricted to those of us who believe
in it, but it should have its final effect on any denomina-
tion which professes to believe in the Bible and in the
second coming of Jesus. We desire God's blessing to rest
upon each soul who studies these lessons.
The Committee.
..................................,.. " WJ'a•••••••" ".
Lesson No. l-Slabbath, January 1, 1949.
1. How many symoolic churches were presented to John
in vision? What is the meaning of the' number seven?
Rev. 1:20.
ANSWER: Seven repr{lsent.s completeness. in. either
perfection or imperfection.
2 In reality how many churches are represented in the
NeW] Testament? Wltat is the right meaning of
seven churches, Rev. 12:1. Rev. 17:1-5.
ANSWER: The seven churches are symbolic and
characterize the seven periods of time in whieh seven
phases of christian progress were developed, and which
represent the Christians who receive the education of the
GQspel Message. The faithful ones throughout all genera-
tions in the Old and New Testaments represent one p.ure
church of Christ. All other forms of false religions, or
heathenism, belong to the corrupted church under the
dominion of the prince of darkness. Only two classes exist
in the world. The worshipper of the living God and the
worshipper of the dragon, which is Satan, the author of
false religions and the origin of evil.
3. How many epistles were written? Why is Laodicea
called the Il"emnant church? Rev. 1 :11.
NOTE: Laodicea is the remnant because she is the
last of the seven churches and is entitled to this name.
The seven epistles identify seven special messages to the
seven churches. These are not merely simple letters to
be passed over without any consideration, but they are
predictions and a revelation of facts, vouched for, by the
One who knows the end from the beginning.
4. In what manner did the first Chllistian church rood
the instructions given by the apostles? Col. 4 :16.
5. What description did the Spirit of Prophecy apply to
the church of Laodicea?
ANSWER: "It was represented to me that the rem-
nant followed Jesus into the most holy place and beheld the
ark and the mercy seat, and were captivated with their
glory." E.W. 255:1. .
61. What work was to be done for the remnant of Phila-
NOTE: "I saw that the remnant were not prepared
for what is coming upon the earth. Stupidity, like
lethargy, seemed to hang upon the minds of most of those
who profess to believe that we are having the last mes-
sage. My accompanying angel cried out with awful
solemnity, 'Get ready! get ready! get ready! for the fierce
anger of the Lord is soon to come. His wrath is to be
poured out, unmixed with mercy, and ye are not ready.
Rend the heart, and not the garment. A great work must
be done for the r-emnant.''' . E.W. 119:l.
7. What cam.ElI into existence n'ear the close of each of
the p-eriods of the six previous churches? What should
the sincell'e souls expect to come into existence in the
Laodicean period? Rom. 9:27.
8. If each p~od of the seven churches! was predicted
to. end in apostasy, how many remnanta should we
have? What is the only hope of those who live ill'
Laodicea? Isa. 1 :9.
9. Whlo is the husband of each of the seven churches.'?
Wjh1at has brouglJ.t each church into e'Xistence? Isa.
54:5. Isa. 58:12;-i~" Rom. 7:4.
10 What has the Lord promised that He will preserve
for Himsel'f? Zeph. 3:12·13.
NOTE: During the years that were to follow the
rending of the kingdom, Elijah and Elisha were to live'
and labor, and the tender appeals of Hosea' and Amos and
Obadiah were to be heard in the land. Never was the
kingdom of Israel to be left without noble witnesses to the
mighty power of God to save from sin. Even in the
darkest hours, some would remain true to their divine
Ruler, and in the midst of idolatry would live blameless in
the sight of a holy God. These faithful ones were num-
bered among the g{)odly remnant through whom the ete.r-
nal purpose of Jehovah was finally to be fulfilled." P. & K.
108 :l.
11. What is predicted regarding the remlllant of the Lao-
dicean Church? Rev. 12:17.
LessQn NO'. 2-Sabbath, January 8, 1949
1. What is the meaning of the name "Laodicea"? Rev.
1:11. d...
NOTE: One of the capital cities in Asia called Lao-
dicea, was the centre of great business enterprises. There
was the court judgment from which the name was. derived.
History tells us that this city was destroyed by war and
earthquake. The word "Laodicea" means "judging the
people"-the people who live in the time of the 'investi-
gative judgment since 1844.
2. Do the €leven ep,istles of the True Witness refer to the
seven cities of Asia only? Mark 13:37. Rev. 1:3.
~ --..tot IW./ -Q4o;r ~ ~ - ucn..-t4:,
3. When did the Laodicean period commence according
to prophecy? Daa 8 :14.
4. To which church was this message aplplied, by some
of the pioneers in the past? Wlha,t was their belief
conoorning the Laodicean Chuirch?
,7 ANSWER: "Laodicea represents the last phase of
~l.' a ostacy in the church. It is the waxing cold of a part
t of the remnant church, ,because of abounding iniquity. Matt.
'>\ 24:12; II. Tim. 3:1-5. It represents a large holding of
theory and fact, but without the living truth. God has
not one good thing to say of those in Laodicea. Their case
is wretched indeed." "The Seven Churches and the Seven
Seals," by G. WHcox. .
5. What is said regarding Laodicea by one of the early
NOTE: "Here the figure is still further carried out,
and the rejection of the lukewarm expressed by the nauseat-
ing -effects of £epid water. This denotes a finaJAection,
an utter separation from His church." D. & R. 3j4:2.
6. Why could they not s~e, at the beginning, that this
message referred to the AdvelJ.tist Church.? Acts .
13 :41. ~ Jf, , ~I\ ,--.l<. "-04 ,"'.,,{,. ' /.....JI-4 u,~ _ "'-* NH-<P
~ ,-~~" f"....:t;,.~~/· 4<
NOTE: The pioneers ofi the Advent I ovement ex-
plained this prophecy correctly, but at the beginning they
~ould not see clearly how "this messa'ge could apply to the
Advent church during the early stage of her development.
Time was needed so that the character of the Church of
Laodicea would be revealed. Some applied this condition
to the Protestant chu'l.'ches, but had not full light on this.
subject. The light was given progressively.
'1. What does the name of LaodiClea represent for us as
a people? Rev. 14:7. A..1)~(fi~'
8. To whom does the message directly llpply? What
announ~ent was made in the year 1859?

ANSWER: "I was shown that the testimony to the

Laodiceans applies to God's people at the present time.
and the reason it has not accomplished a greater work is
(1..' because of the hardness of their hearts." 01. 1:186-1.
9. What was said in 1873 in regard to the application
of the meslSi3ge to the Laodiceans?
ANSWER: "The message to the church of the Lao-
diceans is a startl1ng ,denunciation, :and is appl,icable to'
the people of 'God at the present time." 01 3 :252: 1.
10. If'the message was .applicable to the Advent church
in '1873, how were the people kept; in ignorance of
this vital prophecy' till the present time?
ANSWER: "The rebuke of "the Lord will rest upon who :would ear the way, that clearer light shall not
com,e to the people. . . , Let no one run the risk of
inte osing betwe.eJ+-4;h eople and the message of Heaven.
"'his mess will Lto lie eople; and if there were no
, voice among men t
C:1t." G.W. 304 .
iYe it, the very stones would cry
- - ~ Jo£,~

Lesson No.3-Sabbath, JanU!ary 15, 1949

]. What message was given 2,700 years ag'<Jo in reference
to the last church? Isa. 60 :1-2.
2. What is the dJangeo- that has always confronted the'
people of God? Through whom is such a condition
brought about? H03Jea 4 :6. Isa. 9 :IG.
3. What message was gi",en to the Advent people In
the earl,y days? What position did they occupy regard-
ing the 'appeal made'? Is their r.esistance to the meso
sa,ge regarded as sin? lsa. 22 :12-!J.4-.
4. What :was the ldePOJ'tment ~f the shepherds toward
the sheeop? What was t~ei~ main object? Ezell:. . n ),
'34:1~3. I ~ ~ 3 A"""";;"c'(j _ .....~~.L hi "')~ ~
5. What promIse W'as given ~y God to the oppresSed :tl
sheep? Who was to take charge of them? Ezek·
6. Wlhat ':was :the condition of the Jews at the lfirst ad·
vent? What warning was given by Jesus to the dis-
ciple'S? Matt. 10:6; 16-20. /~,uvr-''' -v'_" ,,<it . I /

7. How was the prophecy of Ezek. 34 ltel'ally fU'i'-~

filled in Christ's mission? What eX/ample did he give,
in Himself, as the 11rue Shepherd? fuhn 10 :1-5,
7·9., 11.HiL t..l . '.. ~ fJ4 .... ::;
8. What wa,rning was given by Christ against the false
shepherds? Under what pretext do they enter? Matt.
9.. How have these been identified by the Spirit of Pro-
phecy among God's people? will such a people
stand and what is their chief object? Isa. 56:11.
NOTE: "Many will stand in our pulpits with the torch
of false prophecy in their hands, kindled from the hellish
torch of Satan." T.M. 409:3.
10. Into what condition were the people of the Laodicean
An church led? What pmphecy will We see fulfilled in ~r~ ,
1~ day? Isa. 42:'21-22.~ (t7~UV~
~ NOTE: "Never WM there a 'lime when the Lord would
manifest His great grace unto His chosen ones more fully
than in these last days when His law is made void. . . .
These are prophecies that will be fulfilled." T.M. 96.1.
11. Wha,t condition will exist among the people of the
church l>f Laodicea? Why 'can they not See the great
light of this m('\Ssage of Reformation?
NOTE: "The days are fast approaching when there
will be great perplexity and confusion. Satan, clothed in
angel robes, wi!'l decei:ve, if p e very elect. There
will b~ gods many. and lords many. Every wind of doc-
trine will be blowing. T.hose who have rendered supreme
homage to 'science fa1sely so-called,' will not be the lead-
ers then. Those who have trusted to intellect, genius, or
talent, will not then stand at the head of rank and file.
They did not keep pace with the light. Those who have
proved themselves unfaithful will not then be entrusted
with the flock." Vol. 5 :80-1.

Lesson No. 4-Sabba'th. January 2,2, 1949

'"'l '.
I f!. J-
1. Who is the author of this prediction? What should
we understand before .wje enter into the details of
the prophecy concerning the Laodicean church? Rev.
2:1; 1:2.
2. Wlhat do the ScriptUOf'eS say regarding. witnesses?
What should -they witness? 1 John 1 :1-5.
3. Who are identified as witnesses 'before the world?
Rev. 11:3.
4. Ho,w many witneSlSitlS, at least, are necessary in order
to establish statements? II. Cor. 13:1. .
S. What command was given by M'oses to the peopfe?
D~t. 19:15.

6. How dOleS God consider His f.aithful people and each

member of His church? Isa. 43:10. ~~

7. What ha~pens to the witnesses who do not ten the

truth? Pro,y. 19 :9.
8. If we accept the testimony of two men as truth, why
then shoulQ we not belIeve the testimony of one who
is' callied the True Witness? Rev. 3 :14.
~. What testimony did Jesus give foJ;' IIlimself and for
His work? Why have the Jews of yesterday, and
those of to-day, ,disbelieved? John 5:361-138.
10. What is th,eJ right name of Him who speaks to the
anger of Laodicea? Isa. 9 :6. Rev. 3 :14.
Lesson No.5-Sabbath, January 29, 1949,
1. To whom was - the last prophetic letter addres~ed?
Rev. 3:14.
2. Ho-w was! Johll\ the Baptist, considered by Malachi,
the prophet? Mal. 3:1.
3. How are thosle' who proclaim the three angels>' mes-
sages, symbOlized?
ANSWER: "The three angels of Revelation 14 are
represented as flying in the midst of heaven. symboliz-
ing the work of those who proclaim the first, second and
third angels' messages. All are linked together." Vol.
6,. 17:4.
4. Thiroogh what figures were William Miller and his
co-labourers sym~lized? Rev. 10:1-2'. For further
study see G.C. 368 :1.
5. How was the gospel message proclaimed? Were the
messages sent to the churches: direct by angels or
human instrumentalities?
ANSWER: "This message is declared to be a part of
the 'everlasting gospel.' The work of preawing the gos-
pel has not b€en committed to ·angels, but has been in-
trusted to men. Holy angels have been employed in direct-
ing this work, they have in charge the great movements for
the salvation of men; but the actual proclamation of the
gospel is performed by the servants of Christ upon th'e
€arth." G.C. 312:1. - -
For further study see L.S. 429 :1, also D. & R. 364-2.
- 6. To whom was the letter addressed, and who had the
right t:o open and tell what was written in it? Rev.
7. Who is responsible for not making known the con-
tents of the letter?
ANSWER: The letter was addressed to the Angel.
He was the first to become familiar with the contents of
the letter. If the members of the Laodicean Church to
whom the rebuke of the Master referred to in the first
line, were not properly info!med in the past, the n:embers
can judge this for themselves. As a result of this cover-
ing, the angel proved unfaithful to his trust and we now
see the terrible results. Such was the attitude of the
Jewish leaders toward the book of Daniel. If the people
had studied the book, they would have been able to choose
between the prophecy and the leaders.
For further study see Vol. 8 :250 :2.
8. Who is the only one that knows our work and the-
motives by which we are actuated? Rev. 3 :15.
9. Wbat testimony can be stronger than that of actions
and words?
ANSWER: "Brethren, if this ministl'Y .w-ould take this
commission to their hearts, and every man break loose
from the ties that bind' him J;R . earthine\,!s, -we could do
a work that would stir the world! But we can never do>
it as long as time goes on unless there comes a mighty
change in our ministry. You may not see it that way,
but I want to tell you, my friends, we are not attend-
ing to the business that the great Master has given us·
Weare living in luxury, we are living in selfishness, we
are living with each other in things of this world. Our
progress is hampered by earthly, material things; by com-
mercialism in our work; and we are lacking in spiritual
power to rise up in strength of this message and warn
the world. Where does the weakness lie? Not in the
laity, but in our ministry. Not in the church members,
who are givihg of their means to promote the kingdom
of God as no other people ever gave in the history of
the world, but in us leaders-in our ministry, which has
become so absorbed with activities and material things
that they have almost forgotten their change. I telI
you, brethren, it is up to this denomination to change the
trend of our ministry and to spiritualize its service. If
this is not done, we shall be swept down, as all other
denominations that have gone before us, under the high
tide of worldliness and commercialism. The day has come
w)len we should lift up the standard, spiritualize our
w-ork, and so move men that they will rally to the call,
and give their strength and lives to the preaching of sal-
vation to this lost, perishing world." (The Ministry of
Reconciliation. No.3, General Conference, of S.D.A.)
10. What should the servants of the Lord not try to be in
this world? What lessons should OUr ministers and
workerS! learn?
ANSWER: "Special instruction has been given me in
regard to our ministers. It is not God's will that they
should seek to be rich. They should not engage in worldly
enterprises; for this disqualifies them for giving their best
powers to spiritual things." G.W. 271:1.

Lesson No. 6--Sahbath, February 5, 1949

1. Who is ther th~ symb,?lic ange'l and of
the members of Laodicea? ']{ev. 3:14.
2. What are the results of th . examinatio~ ¥d in what
condition were th1)Se fOllhd who were le(l by this
angel? ReJV. 3 :15.
aTE: It is easy to understand that the angel of
the :Laodiceans i~SymbOl of the leadership and its.
ministry. W~ c deny the fact that ministers and
members of the c ch are si~:f$l,. but this does not ex-
cuse them to support a wrelt\he condition.. In this case,
!;loth nartners are equally guilty when they reject this
solemn message. This is not a question of holy angels.
of being guilty of this accusation. They are perfect in
all their movements. ·
3. In what condition are the angels and the church found
to-day? What is the preference of the True Witness?
Rev. 3:15.
. NOTE: The figure ~s a description of the first
zeat and love when a ~fullY converted to the mes-
sage. This is the first class which is recognized as the
faithfl!mlJ~q~d. The second class is the multitude
of the uIre_.2la.P!L tate for which the True Witness has "
no pre erence. e third class is those who have fallen c::-DI'h
into sin, but regret an7t reahze their condition. They a r e -
like the prodigal son who decided to return to the first
love without any claim. This is the class which the True
Witness prefers.
4. What llJttitude is taken by the True Witness to this
condition? R . .e...v...._3...:_16. /ht.y t"J4.J.;r:';w.
5. What is the .real meaning of the "spewing-out" of' the
mc.uth of the T;rue Witness?
ANSWER: "To those who are indifferent at this time
Christ's warnIng is, 'Because thou art lukewarm, and
neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth.'
Rev. 3:16. The figure of spewing out of His mouth means
that He cannot offer up your prayers or your expressions
of love to God. He cannot endorse your teaching of His
word or your spiritual work in any wise. He cannot pre-
.."" .. 6#
sent your religious exercises with the request that grace
be given you." Vol. 6:408-=-2:~ '-J L ...
K~ "'I)~ l. ~ _, ",n_
6. How does t'6& Lord wnsider those who make a high
pil"ofl:ssion of HiS! name by mouth? Matj. l 15 :8-9.
IOI<JO IW"$' 81 <.....otv~y'n-' "etJ ~Y
7. What evidence will be 'brougHt by a specIal class of
pwple? When will many realise that they have fallen
short Qf the king,dom ?~att. 7 :22-23. - ':t
trd(" ~"T Sl-~'''f - ~" ..,.c..v'l" VV '" .,
8. To what class of Christians dq~"!r-\the Lord refer In
the previous question? Were t~ people Adventists, ~~
or does this predil:ti'mr-n!fer to the nominal churches?
ANSWER: "Then I was shown a comp:r~3lo "mil mea'e
howling in agony. On their garments was written in
large characters, 'Thou art weighed in the balance, and
found wanting.' I asked who this company were. The
angel said, 'The.s e are they who have once kept the Sab-
bath and have given it up.' I heard them cry with a loud
voice, 'We have believed' in Thy coming, and taught it
with energy.' And while ~ere speaking, their eyes
would fall 'upon their gar~~nd see the writing, and
then they would wail aloud.-r-saw that they had drunk
of the deep waters, and fouled the residue with their feet
-trodde~ the ~abbath underfoot-aJ¥l t~at w~s y<.hy they
were weighed m the balance and fOltnd wantln(l E.W.
9. What answer did the angel of the church give to the
statement made by the True Witness? Rev. 3:17.

Lesson No. 7-Sabbatlt, February 12, 1949

1. What application has the parable of the ten virgins?

r AJ:jS.W~ ~'l;n ~q ~'J;~l~ al.lAth~ ,. ~n virgins went

out to meet the 'bridegroom. All had lamps, and vessels
of oil. For a time there was seen no difference between
them. So with the church that lives just before Christ's
second coming. All have a knowledge of the Scriptures.
All have heard the message of Christ's near approach,
and confidently expect His appearing. But as in the par-
able, .so it is now. A time of waitinE jntervenes, faith is
tried; and when the cry is heard, 'Behold, the Bridegroom
cometh; go ye out to meet Him,' many are unready. They
have no oil in their vessels with their lamps. They are
destitute of the Holy Spirit." ·C.O'.L. 408:2.
For further study see G.C. 399-408.
2. Which church is waiting for the teturn 0 tile biIue-
ANSWER: "As Christ sat looking upon the party
that waited for the bridegroom, He told His disciples the
story of the ten virgins, by their experience illustrating
the experie?ce"of the ~hurchJ.shall live just before H,is
second commg. C.OL. 406:jlt .
For further study see C.O.L. 412 :2.
3. To which time does ,the Master make refe:rence here?
. Matt. 25:1.
_" • ~Q':ti: ~T!lJ', two classes of watchers represent the
two cla's~es who· profess-to· o-e waiting :mr their Lord.
They are called virgins because they profess a pure faith.
By the lamps is represented the word of God.'-' C.O.L.
For further study see C.O.L...j.J2;1
4. Of how many groups js _the-chw:ch-eom .osed )!Ud.
what name does the Mast~r give them? Matt. 25:21-
For further study see C.O.L. 411:1.
5. Where was theliiit mistake made by tlie foolish vir-
gins? What was e ame-rence between them and the
wise virgins? Matt:' 25 :3-4.
For further study see C.O:L. 411:2.
6. W'hat took place with these ten virgins ht the time
of waiting? Matt. 25 :5. .......-
7. What awakened ,the virgins from their slumber? Matt.
25:5. :1Iid .... a,.~".&~ ~ w...-1
NOTE: "I saw these angels receive great power and
light from Jesus and fly quickly to earth to fulfil tl1eir
commission to aid the second angel in his work. A great
light shone upon the people of God as the angels cried,
'Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go to meet Him!'" E.W.
As it was in 1844, so it is now. The virgins who
are looking for the coming of the Lord have slumbered.
They know not from which side the test will come. The
faith of all is tested at the moment when the call comes.
In the time of crisis the character is revealed. The same
experIenCe appHe.'5 'to the proclamation of the message in
Rev. 18. It is a repetition of the experience through
which the believers passed in 1844. The difference now
is that this will be a reality and the Lord will surely
8. What was the first work of the virgins after they
were awakened? What mistake did they find? What
appeal was made to the wise ones? Matt. 25:7-8. ,
9. What was the answer? Why? Matt. 25:9.
10. What was the reason for the separa.1ion. of the v~· fJ
. gins? W i!i> it a matter of faith? .NIwA-.!wi" .• ...,4
ANSWER: "This is the class that in time of peril
are found crying, Peace and safety. They lull their hearts
into security, and dream not of danger. When startled
from their lethargy, they discern their destitution, and
entreat others to SUpply -their lack; but in s~iritual things
• man can m other' deficie c. The grace' of
Go as een reely' offere to every soul. The message
of the gospel has been heralded, 'Let him that is athirst
come.'" C.O.L. 411 :2.

(wisdom)? Matt. 25:10. 7>tJI

11. What tr.anspired in the meantime when the foolish
virgins returned. to the mer~ljan& to ~-
/' .

12. After the foolish ones received oil, did they know
the road that leads to the marriage feast? What
was their final surprise? Matt. 25 :11-13.
13. What particular actio'n characterizes those represented
by the foolish virgins?
NOTE: "But indolence and carelessnes$ and frivolity
separate the soul from, and Satan comes m to work
his will with the poor worldly subject. We have a great
truth; but through careless indifference the truth has
lost its force upon us~ Satan has come in with his specious
temptations, and has led the professed foll{)wers of Christ
away from their Leader, clas.~;ing them with the foolish
virgins."-T.M. 130:1.

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, February 19, 1949

1. What warning was given by the apostles regarding
false teachers? II. Pet. 2 :1-2.
2. How did Paul warn the church which is a symbof of
our Church? Acts 20 :28-30.
.3. Jesus ,the True Witness has left for us a warning and
what significance does it hold for our chulrch? Matt.
4. What parable did Jesus give to cover all the history
of HiS! church right to the end of the world? Matt.
5. How many classes of people, in the light of this
parable, are living on the earth?
ANSWER: Throughout the history of the Scriptures
there are two classes. God created the people perfect,
but Satan originated the tares. All his followers are sym-
bolized as the tares.
6. How does the false teacher explain the parable of
the "Wheat and Tares"? What is' intended by thisJ?
....... .J. .'. . .' ~
~~S~R). 'the nomirllil religious bodies and the Lao-
dicean teachers adopt a similar application. They teach
that error in organization and doctrine and open sin,
13hould ;be treated as tares-among the wheat. They
are not taught the truth, even the necessity to stand
alone when principles are concerned. Ex. 23 :1-3.
7. How long shoul'd the tares remain among the wheat?
What does the harvest mean? ~ho are the reap-
ers entrusted to separate tllewneii" from the tares?
Matt. 13 :38-41.
NOTE: In the-first- InS ance t1le world is the field
and' the righteous are the wheat, who were created by
God in the beginning. The false religions and unbe-
lieving multitude are the tares. As long as sin and sin-
ners remain on this earth, so long will the tares be among
the wheat, i.e., until the harvest, which is the end of
the world. The angels of the Lord (not men) .are en-
trusted t-o destroy the tares.
8. Whllt is symbolized by the field where the good seed
was sewn and al'so by the tares? Could you ten at
what stage of development the tares are noticed?
When will the harvest be in this instance, the end of
the world? Matt. 13 :26-'28.
NOTE: The church of God is the field where God is
w.orking for the salvation of mankind. It was not His
intention to plant in the world a church mixed with
tares. But because the trusting people have slept, the
enemy of souls had a free hand to put his seed among
the wheat. Notice the point that the wheat was sown
first. In the process of .development, the wheat and the
tares were not yet distinguishable. The servants of the
Lord noticed trem ('nly at the time when the fruit ap-
peared. The harvest of the church is always when new
souls are tai:c:l into church fellowship. The wheat is:
ready and ripe when the. fruits of the tares appear.
Then is the only time for the servants of the Lord to'
pluck out the tares from the church of God.
9. What is the responsibility of God and what is man's
responsibility? What are the things God has left f(l·r
us to do.. and what are the things left for Him to'
do? Deut. 29 :29.
NOTE: "Christ has plainly taught that
:persist in open sin must be separated from the who "
but he has not committed to us the work of judging
.character and motive." C.O.L. 71:3.
10. Are the servants of the Lord guilty in His sight
when they overlook open sin? For what reason will
God hold the church responsibk as a body? Psa·
NOTE: "If wrongs are apparent among his people,
and if the servants of God pass on indifferent to them,
they virtually sustain and justify the sinner, and are
.alike guilty, and will just as surely receive the displea-
:sure of God; for they will be made responsible for the
sins of the 'guilty. In vision I have .been pointed to many
instances the displeasure of God has been incurred
by a neglect on the part of his servants to deal with the
'Wrongs and sins existing among, them." Vol. 3:266:0.
"'God holds his people, as 'a body, responsible for
the sins existing in individuals among them. If the lead-
ers of the church neglect to diligently search out the sins
'Which bring the displeasure of God upon the body, they
become responsible for these sins." Vol. 3. 269 :2.
11. What did Christ say regarding the Jewish church in
His ,time? What position did the apostles take to-
ward open sin and error? Matt. 11:25. 1. Cor. 11:19,
NOTE: Judas was a tare in the sight of Jesus, but
ior the disciples he appeared to be wheat. He was
tolerated among the wheat until the harvest. When was
bis harvest-when his fruits were revealed. Open sin and
ial.'3e teaching in the church should be immediately dealt

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, February 26~ 1949

1. What was said many centuries ago of the message
tJo Laodicea? Rev. 3:17.
2. Into what critical position were the people led? How
long should they remain on this dangerous ground?
I. Kings 18 :21.

NOTE: "What astonishing deception and fearful

blindness had, like a dark cloud, covered Israel! This
blindness and .apostasy had not closed about them sud-
denly; it had come upon them gradually, as they had
not heeded the word of reproof and warning which the
Lord had sent to them because of their pride and their
sins. And now, in this fearful crisis, in the presence of
the id<Jlatrous priests and the apostate king, they re-
mained neutral. If God abhors one sin above another,
of which his people are guilty, it is doing nothing in case
of an emergency. ndifference and neutralit i a reli··
ious crisis is regal' ed 0 0 as a gl'levous cnme~
equa 0 every wors ype 0 os 1 1 Y a mst GQ.!l. r
Vol. 3. 280 :3.
3. What is the only hope of the faithful one in such a
crisis? Zeph. 3:U.
NOTE: "Thank God, all will not be rocked to sleep
in the cradle <Jf c~rnal security. There will be faithful
ones who will discern the signs of the, times. While a
large number profe.ssing present truth will deny their
faith by their works, there will be some who will endure
unto the end." Vol. 5. 10:1.
4. What significance has the word "wretched"?
ANSWER: Deeply afflicted. In this instance
"wretched" is equal with the lowest state of affairs.
There is a great difference between imagination and facts,
such a one does not know his real condition, therefore,
has no desire to come out of it.
5. To what condition does the angel of the True Witness
direct the mind when he says "miserable\'? Titus 1:16.
6. What other condition does the True. Witness bring'
forth regarding the position of the self-sufficient?
What is promised to those who realize their own
need? Matt. 5 :3. J.-""';" .s-Jo~-
ANSWER: Christ does not here refer that they are
poor in worldly knowledge and riches, but he refers to'
the spiritually poor wJ10 are longing for a better life,
for a higher standard, and this is the class which receives
the blessing.
7. Furthermore, how far does the True Witness go to
show the rear ignorance in which a "luke-wa)fm" man
is found? John 9:3~-41.
NOTE: "We must get out of a luke-warm condition
and experience a true conversion, or we shall fail of
heaven." Yo!. 4. 89:1.
8. What title was given to the prophets in the Old
Testament? I. Sam. 9 :9. ~•

9. Wihat has God given to the Laodicean Church? Rev.

10. What other pathetic condition is attributed to Lao-
dicea ? Rev. 3 :18.
11. What d~ ¥.s)Y' intend his church 'to be? Matt.
5 :14-16. ~'/""'l,(.
12. What position did the Jews take after they had re-
jected the advice of the message? What slhould we
not follow? Matt. 23 :1~ 5 :14.l.,..:J lad- /It.:-.J
gr.-+~ .~ ~~e..{ ",. -~-l
. 1';j-u~lIC-
Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, March 5, 1949
1. What pe~sonal obl'igation has each one of us before
God? II. Cor. 13:5.
2. Which is one of the important gifts with which we
are endowed? Matt. 6:i22'-23.
3. How has God decided to bring His people back to
Him? Zeph. 1 :12.
4. What means haSi the True Witness offered to vindi-
cate His church of her disease? What significance has
"the gold tried in th'el fire"? Rev. 3 :18.
ANSWER: "Faith and love are golden treasures, ele-
ments that are "'greatly wanting' among God's people."
Vol. 3. 255 :2. , i
5. What' are the true riches that each one should pos-
sess? What is ,the main object of the Laodiceans at
the ptr'esent time? I. Tim. 6:6-7, 9-10. For further
study Vol. 4. 88:1.
6. What is the great need of thoDe who are in the Lao-
dicean church? Wh,at message only can save them
from this condition? Rev. 3:18, 19:8.
NOTE: "There is not one in one hundred who under-
stands for himself the Bible truth on this subject (jus-
tification by faith) that is so necessary to our present
and eternal welfare.!'!, • C.O.R. 106:3.
7. What are the means by which the blindness of Lao-
dicea may be healed? Rev. 3 :18.
NOTE: "The eye-salve is that wisdom and grace
which enables us to discern between the evil and the good,
and to detect sin under any guise." Vol. 4. 88:2.
8. What does th'e True Wit~~~' requ~s£ 'from each one
who accepts this message? Rev. 3:19:
NOTE: The J;eformation call is interwoven with the
''lnessage of· the'. rue WItness
. ~,. 1#'"
' .-- ~ • . ~


NOTE: "No repentance is genuine that does not work

reformation. The righteousness of Christ is not a cloak
to cover unconfessed and un£orsaken sin; it is a prin-
ciple of life that transforms the character and controls
the conduct. Holiness is wholeness for God; it is the
,entire sU?l'ender of heart and life to the indwelling of the
principles of heaven." D.A. 555 :6.
9. What are they not ready to do? Therefore what can
they not obtain? I. John 1:7-9. Provo 28:13. .
10. To what determination should the earnest people of
God come?
ANSWER: "The only hope for the Laodiceans is a
dear view of their standing before God, a knowledge of
the nature of their disease." Vol. 4. 87:2.
"I was shown that the pointed testimony must live in
the ChUl·ch. This alone will answer to the message to the
Laodiceans." Vol. 3. 260-1-:- ..
11. What blessing is pronounc'ed upon those who make true
l'epentance and when should their sins' be confessed?
Ps. 32:1, 2, 5, 6; 38:18.

Lesson No. ll-Sabbath, March 12, 1949

1. How did the message to Laodicea begin and to whom
is His last appeal extended? Rev. 3:20.
NOTE: The message commences with those who are
in His hands as instruments, then it goes to the church
a.s a body, to stir them from their lethargy, and finally
to each individual; "If any man hear my voice:' As long
as the invitation is sounding, the repentant sinner is
accepted. -
2. What promise is given to those w,ho 'have decided
to open the door of their hearts? John 14:123.
3. How does Solomon describe the condition of the Lao-
dicean church? S. S'olomon 5 :2.
4. What excuse did the church (the bride) bring to the'
bridel';rO'om, when he knocked at the 'door? Cha,pter
5. What did th~ bridegroom try to do with the door?
What position did the bride (the church) take at
last? Chapter 5 :4, 5.
6. When did the church realise she should open the
door? What was the surprise? Chapter 5 :6.
7. What did the watchmen do to the bride? Chapter
NOTE: T~is is a wonderful description which many
,have wrongly lllterpreted. After his repentance Solomon
was inspired to describe the experience and the history
of the Jewish church and Christ. The Jewish nation are
w.aiting for Messiah even to-day through their ritual ser-
VIces, but they cannot find nim? Such is the experience
of tl:e cl:urch new waiting 101' the second coming of the
Lord. One day she will realize and will open the door,
but this will be too late. Jesus will have passed by.
8. What important op,portunity did the Jewish leaders
together with the people miss? W:hat lesson of warn·
ing is here given to the Laodiceans? Luke 19:41, 42.
See also G.C. 315 :4.
9. What is the duty of the watchman of Zion-of the
faithful servants of God? Isa. 62:6, 7.
10. What is the reason that rp.any are no,t ready to open
the door to the appeal of Jesus through His servants?
I. John 2:15·17.
11. How should we meet our Lord, and what will be the
shout at - the day of His ,appearing? Isa. 26:7, 8;
. 25:9.

Lesson No. 12-Sabba'th, March 19, 1949

1. In which period of time is the world found to-day?
Which is the church of God in this period?
ANSWER: The period of Laodicea cov~rs the whole
world which is living in this. time ()f Investigative Judg-
ment. They have great privileges, more than any other
generation of receiving the Gospel message, but they are
not to be considered the church of Laodicea. The church
of Laodicea is the church of God, which has had the com-
mission of becoming the light of the world and the salt
of the earth. God has a special message for His church.
2. What obligation rests upon each member of the church
when a message sent from God is brought to him?
Matt. 10:40. Fu,rther study, T.S.S. 65:1. Vol. 5. 293:1.
3. Why are the people of God suffering to-day? Mal.
4. What message can also be applied to the church of
Laodicea? Eph. 5 :14.
5. What solemn message was given to us as Advent
people in June 2.7, 1850?
ANSWER: "Said the angel, 'Get read~ get ready, get
ready. Ye . have to die a greater death to the world
than ye have ever JTe saw that· there was a
grea wor 0 0 or , and but little time in which
to do it." E.W. 64:1.
6. In what year was the Message to Laodicea applied
to the Advent people and what was the result?
ANSWER: It was in the y~r 1852, "As I have of
late looked around to find the humble followers of the
meek and lowly Jesus, my mind has been much exercised.
Ma~y who profess to be looking for the speedy coming
of Christ are becoming conformed to this world and seek
more earnestly the applause of those around them than
the approbation of God." E.W. 107:1.
.7. What was presented in vision four years after 18527
What was the real cause?
ANSWER: "The church was presented .before me in
vision. Said the angel to the church, 'Jesus speaks to
thee, "Be zealous and repent/" This work, I saw, Sh<lUld.
be taken hold of in earnest. There is something to re-l
pent of. ~orldly-mindedness, selfishness, and covetousness
have been eatmg out the Spll'ltUauty and life of God's
people.". Vol. 1, 141:1.
8. What was the principal interest of those who accepted
,the Third Angel's Message?
ANSWER: "The danger of God's people for a few
years past has been the love of the world. Out of this
have sprung the sins of selfishness and covetousness." Yol.
1. 141:2.
9. Who was afso tempted with the riches of this world?
Matt. 4:8, 9. II. Cor. 8:9.
10. Which is the only safe way of escape for ,those who
have fallen into sin?
ANSWER: "I saw that those who are thus pros-
pered, can thwart the design of Satan if they will over-
·come their selfish covetousness by laying all their pos-
sessions upon the altar of God. And when they see where'
means are needed to advance the cause of truth and to
help the widow, the fatherles!" and afflicted, they should
give cheerfully, and thus lay up treasure in Heaven." VoIr
1. 142:2.

Lesson No. 13-Sa,bbath, March 26, 1949

1. Who carne to_ the SavioUir once? What question did',
he ask him? When did he begin t.o think about his,
future? Matt. 19 :16-21.
2. What message was given in the early days to theo
Adventist people?
ANSWER: "I saw that the message, 'Sell that ye'
have, and give alms,' has not been given, boy some, in its
clear light, and the object of the words of our Saviour'
has not been clearly presented." E.W. 57:2.
3. What instruction did Paul give to those who were'
rich in worldly goods? I. Tim. 6:17-19.
4. How only was sin forgiven in the Old Testament and!
I how have-- we f,org,iV'eness n..Q.W? lIeb_ 9 :22.

NOTE: "I saw that the brethren who havtl posses-

sions have a work to do to tear away from thes~~earthIY
treasures, and to overcome their love of' the world. Many
of them love this world, love tfielr treasure, but are not
willing to see it. They must be zealous and repent of'
their selfish cgyetousness, that the love of the truth may
swallow up everYfl1ingelse."- Vol. 1. 142:4. "
5. 'Yhat are t"'l evidences of true consecration? Which
are the people in Laodicea that especially need the-
eye-foalr!'? ps. 119:18.

ANSWER: "I saw these men while striving for the'

[ossessions of earth; what zeal they manifested, what
earnestness, what energy to obtain an earthly treasure
t~at must soon pass away." Vol. 1. 143:1.
6. What further evidences show that ',a christian has:
accepted Christ?
ANSWER: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.
If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come
in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." 1.
saw that many have so much rubbish p-iled up at the door
of their heart that they cannot get the door opeu," Vol. 1-
7. What does the Lord require from a repentant sinner?'
Isa. 55:7.
NOTE: "Oh, how previous was this promise, as it
was shown to me in vision! 'I will come in to him, and
will sup with him, and he with me.' Oh, the love, the,
wondrous love of God! After all our lukewarmness and
sins he says, 'Return unto me, and I will return unto
thee, and wilt heal all thy backslidings." Vol. 1. 143 :3.
8. What will be 'revealed in the life of ,t.hose who accept
Jesus and his teachings? John 1:12.
9. What testimony did Paul give after he accepted
Christ? Phil. 4:13.

Lesson No<. I-Sabbath, April 2, 1949
1. What is said about those who will receive this mes-
sage? What will the other class do?
ANSWER: "Some, I saw, would gladly return. Others
will not let this message to tlie Laodicean church have
its weight upon them. They will glide along, much after
the same manner as before, and will be spewed out of
the mouth of the Lord. Those only who zealously repent
will have favor with God." Vol. 1. 144:1.
2. Wherein is hidden the secret of those who receive the-
ANSWER: "'To him that overcometh, will I grant
to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and
am set down with my Father in his throne.' We can

3. w;hat privilege is offered to the church and what has

she lost?
ANSWER: "It is our privilege to have faith and sal-
-fation. The power of God has not decreased. His power,
saw, would be just as freely bestowed now as formerly.
It is the church of God that have lost their. faith to claim,
"their energy to wrestle, as did Jacob, cryIng, 't will not
let thee go except thou bless me.''' Vol. 1. 144:3.
4. What commission did the church receive from the
Master? H'ow should each member in the church be
instructed? Matt. 5:13; John 15:8, 16.
5. What moved the fiTst Christians to be witnesses for
the Lord? What was ·the result of their labor? 1.
Thess. 1 :4-9.
6. In which year was the message to the Laodicean
chu["Ch identified?
ANSWER: It was in the year 1859. "I was shown that
the testimony to the Laodiceans applies to God's people
.at the present tjme, and the reason it has not accomplished
! a greater wor~ is because of the hardness of their hearts.
Eut God has given the message time to do its work." Vol.
1. 186:1.
7. To whom does the message addressed to the angel
also re1'er?
ANSWER: "It is des~ned to arouse the people of
-God, to discover to them t eir backslidings, and to lead to
zealous repentance, that they may be favoured with the
presence of Jesus, and...,be fitted for the loud cry of the
third angel." Vol. 1. 186:1.
8. How does the Lord proceed with His people?
ANSWER: "God leads his people on, step by step. He
brings them up to different points calculated to manifest
'what is in the heart. Some endure at one point, but fall
off at the next. At every advanced point the heart is
·tested and tried a little closer. If the professed people of
) God find their hearts oppose.!i to this straight work, it
..should convince them that they have a work to- do to
<Jvercome, if they would not be spewed out of the mouth
<Jf the Lord." Vol. 1. 187:1.
9. What impression was made upon the minds of the
people when the message was proclaimed for the first
ANSWER: "Nearly all believe,d that this message
would end in the loud cry of the Third Angel. But as
they failed to' see the powerful work accompli.shed in a
short time, many lost the effect of the message. I saw
-tllllL_lliis m~ssage would not accomplish its work in al"ew
.s1iort~' Vol. 1. 186:1. ~.
~hich class is identified as overcome~ and what will
be theil' main object? What will be the result of
their labor?
ANSWER: "Those w~h~o=~~:-7e~~~~~,:;,:,:::-·
will receive the
lation." Vol. 1.

Lesson No.2-Sabbath, April 9, 1949

1. What was the caU!ie of apostasy in Israel befod'e their
entry into the land of Canaan? Num. ~5 :1-3.
:2. What punishment was inflicted upon those who were
found in open sin? Can you tell what was the pur-
pose of this severe punishment? Num. 25:4-5.
3. How does the worldfy fashion affect the church?
ANSWER: "I was shown that the people of God
should not imitate the fashions of the world. Some have
<lone this, and are fast losing the eculiar holy charac-
ter which should distinguish .them as GOd e peop e.' Vol.
i. 88:3.
4. Wha,t message has Isaiah for the last church? 18a.
NOTE: "The prophecy of Isaiah 3 was presented.
before me, as applying to these last days, and the re-
proofs are given to the daughters of Zion who have-
thought only of appe~ance and display." Vol. 1. 270:1.
5. What was the result of adopting worldly fashion?
Wlhat fate 'shall befall the man? Isa, 3 :24-25.
NOTE: "1 was shown that this scripture will be-
strictly fulfilled. Young men and women professing to
be Christians, yet having no Christian experience, and.
having borne no burdens and felt no individual responsi-
bility, are to be proved. They will be brought low iIL
the dust, and will long for an experience in the things.
of God, which they have failed to obtain." Vol. 1. 270:1.
6. How is the church affected by these corrupt fashions.
and what ar~ the results?
ANSWER: "Fashion is deteriorating the intellect and
eating .out the spirituality of our people. Obedience to
fashion is pervading our Seventh-day AdventIst c urc es,
an J§ doing more than any other power to separate our'
people from God." Vol. 4. 647:2.
7. What message was given in the early days against.
this evil? Did the leaders rise up against it?
ANSWER: "There is a terrible sin upon us as a·
people, that we have permitted our church members to
dress in a manner inconsistent with their faith. We must,
arise at once, and close the door against the allurements
of fashion. Unless we do this, our churches will become
demoralized." Vol. 4. 648:1. .
8. What should be done with those who disobey this
ANSWER: "1 have been shown that Our church rules.
are very deficient. All exhibitions of pride in dress, which
is forbidden in the word of God, should be sufficient reason
for church disci line." Vol. 4. 647:2.
9. What is the only safety for God's people and especially
for our si&ters?
ANSWER: "Our only safety is to stand as God's.
peculiar people. W'f3 must not yield one inch to the cus-
toms and fashions of this degenel'a e age, ut stand in
moral independence, making no compromise with its cor-
rupt and idolatrous practices." Vol. 5. 78 :2.
10. What is the res'ult, and how fill'
will this fashion af-
fect the church as a whole?
ANSWER: "If in defiance of God's arrangements the
'world be allowed to influence our decisions or our actions,
the purpose of God is defeated. However specious the
'pretext, if the church waver here~ there is written
against her in the books of heaven a betrayal of the most
sacred trusts, and treachery to the kingdom of Christ."
'T.M. 16:2.
,"n. Upon what ground should our sisters build their faith,
/ and who should be taken as an example? 1. Pet.
,I 3:1-5.

Lesson No.3-Sabbath. April 16, 1949

1. What was the p!rineip·al cause for the captivity of
of Israel? Jer. 17:24-27.
2. What cause brought the church of Laodicea to a
downfall and into spiritual captivity? James 4:4.
NOTE: "I have been shown that the spirit of the
'World is fast leavening the church. You are following.
the same path as did ancient Israel. There is the same
'falling away from your holy calling as God's peculiar
people." Vol. 5. 75 :3.
3. What step of retreat has the church taken?
ANSWER: "The church has turned back from follow-
ing Christ her Leader, and is steadily retreating toward
'Egypt." Vol. 5. 217:2.
4. What divine instructions were given for preparilltion
of the Sabbath? Ex. 16:23-27.
NOTE: Many have departed from keeping holy the
'sacred day-Sabbath. Friday is the day of preparation.
All cooking should be done' before sunset. No food of
~ny kind should ooked on Sabbat. The on Y Justi-
fia e wor is to warm the room where needed and the
food that has been cooked on Friday. The modern sys-
-tem of making fires, influences the mind of many to
transgress the divine instruction. God will hold Minis-
ters, Workers and Officers who tolerate this evil, respon-
sible. No business discussion/... worldly conversation, plea-
sure seeking, or unnecessary travelling should be indulged
5. How should the Sabbath keepers sanctify the! day in.
order to please ~d?
NOTE: "None should feel at liberty to spend sancti-
fied time in an unprofitable manner. It is displeasing to·
God for Sabbath-keepers to sleep during much of the
Sabbath. They dishonor their Creator in so doing, and,
by their example, say that the six days are too precious
for them to spend in resting. They must make money,
altI,ough it be by- robbing themselves of needed sleep.
which they make up by sleeping a a hoI ime. They
then excuse themmrlves by saying, 'Tlie a-bbath was·
given for a day of rest. I will not deprive myself of'
rest to attend .meeting, for I need rest.' Such make a
wrong use of the sanctified day." Vol. 2. 704:2'.
6. Do we really realize the meaning of the definite in-
struction in Isaiah regarding our deportment o~ the'
Holy Sabbath day? Can we help one another in
right doing? Isa. 58:13.
NOTE: "There is need of a Sabbath reform among
us, who profess to observe God's holy rest day. Some
. discuss their business matters and lay plans on the Sab-·
bath, and God looks upon this in the sam€ light as though
they engaged in the actual transaction of business.
"Others who are well acquainted with the Bible evi-
dence that the seventh day is the Sabbath, enter into
partnership with men who have no respect for God's holy
day. A Sabbath-keeper cannot allow men in his employ,
paid by his money, to work on the Sabbath. If, for the
sake of gain, he allows the business in which he has an
interest to be carried on the Sabbath by his unbelieving
partner, he is equally guilty with the unbeliever; and it·
is his duty to dissolve the relatioIl, however much he may
lose by so doing." Evangelism 245:1-2.
7. What command was given to Israel and is also ap··
plica-ble for us in the last days? Ex. 31:14-17.
8. Can a man satisfy the demands of two masters at
the same time? Matt. 6:24.
9. w;hat call was made for- a proper keeping of the
ANSWER: "Far more sacredness is attached to the
Sabbath than is given it by many professed Sabbath-
keepers. The Lord has been greatly dishonored by those-
who have not kept the Sabbath according to the com-
mandment, either in the letter or in the spirit. He calls
for a reform in the ob.servance of the Sabbath." Vol. 6...
353:2. -
10. How should men and women be in regard to their
deportment and conversation?
ANSWER: "Will men and women professing the most.
solemn truths ever borne to mortals, be true to prin-
ciple? If they would have an influence to lead the world
to serious reflection, they must be; their dress and con-
versation must be in strict accordance with their peculiar
faith." Vol. 5. 128:3.

Lesson No. 4-Sabbath, ~April 231, 1949

1. What service does God require from his followers.?
Jer. 29 ;11-14.
2. Whose property are we and what is requested from
each one of us to do? I. Pet. 1:18-19; Rom. 12:1.
3. What other request is made in the message to'
ANSWER: "The plan of systematic benevolence i
pleasing to God. I was pointed back to the days of the
apostles, and saw that God laid the plan by the descen
of his Holy Spirit, and that by the gift of prophecy he
counselled his people in regard to a system of benevo-
lence." Vol. 1. 190:1.
4. What solemn day is before those who are waiting for
the coming of the Lord? With what is the message
of Laodicea compared? Mal. 3:2.
5. What work of purification is soon to take place and
with whom will it begin first? Mal. 3 :3.
NOTE: The work of purification should begin with
the ministry of God. The God of heaven is just as par-
ticular to-day as always. Those who are working for the
..salvation of others should have the Holy Spirit and the
truth abiding in their hearts and reflecting in their lives.
Tihey should be .purified and refined by the message they
bring to the world. This work can be done only when
they are fully. dedicated to their holy duty.
6. What was requested of the Ministers of God in 190'2~
1903, 1909,. and 1913? Zeph. 2:3; Joel 1-:13-15, 2 :12-19.
(See "History of the Adventist Church," pp. 13-20.)
NOIl'E: Solemn meetings. were wanting. The solemnity
. -of· the word was not understood. Golden opportunities
were missed. Let us remember the time in which we
ape living and the mes.sage which we love and preach to
7. What will take place if the members truly repent and
unite with the converted Ministers? Mal. 3 :4.
8. With what will the Lo·rd appear to those who have
put away the message of purification, from the people?
What are the sins mentioned in this chapter? Mal.
9. Which is one of the great sins which brought Israel
into disfavour with God? What are the sins of which
the lukew.arm are guilty? Josh. 7:10-11; MaL 3:3-9.
NOTE: How can God bless His church when grievous
sins are tolerated among His people? The sin of covetous-
ness committed by a single man defeated the whole
of Israel. Is it not the same sin which hinders the
work of God; the fact that they withhold the things that
belong unto God? God requests that the tithes and offer-
ings be paid faithfully to the treasurer.
There are many who will their property to unbe-
lievers or to such who could do without, instead of dedi-
eating it to the cause of God. In this way many have
robbed the Lord not only during their lifetime, but when
they pass away also. Let us be wise and serve the Lord
faith:flully always. All that we sacrifice for the Lord, and
His cause, will be restored to us in the heavenly kingdom.
10. What blessings will be received if we fulfill the con·
ditions? Mal. 3 :10-12.
Lesson No.5-Sabbath, April 30, 1949
1. To whom shoul«' the ministers look? Heb. 12:2.
2. What is recorded about Moses? Heb. 3:2.
3. What is expected of those who have responsdbilities
in various ways in the service of God? What" is re-
quired of each one of us? I. Cor. 4:1-2.
4. What thougbt should be specially given when select-
ing men for the service of the Lord? Ex. 18:21. Deut.
16 :18-19. I. Tim. 5 :211-23.
5. Wlliat should the servants of the Lord be for the
flock? How should the members regard them? I. Pet.
5:1-4; I. Tim. 5:17.
6. What should be the principal duty of the ministers?
In whll't things should they not engage? II. Tim.
NOTE: "Special instruction lias been given me in re-
gard to our ministers. It is not God's will that they
should seek to be rich. They should not engage in worldly
enterprises; for this disqualifies them for giving their best
powers to spiritual things." G.W. 271:1.
7. What is requested of the watchman? Ezek. 33:1-9.
For further study, Vol. 5. 252:2.
8. In what dues our sanctification consist? I. Thes.
.9. What great subject was presented by Christ and the
apostles? Rom. 13:11-14. john. 17:17.
NOTE: "Holiness of heart and purity of life was the
great subject of the teachings of Christ. . . . Perfection,
holiness, nothing short of this, would give them success
in carrying out the principles he had given them. With-
out this holiness, the human heart is selfish, sinful, and
vicious." Vol. 2. 445:1.
10. What should we always remember, to do? Heb.
11. How should ,the r.ervants of the Lord use their time i
ANSWER: "Now is our time to labour for the sal-
vation of our fellow-men. . . Every moment is freighted
-with eternal consequences. Weare to stand as minute
men, ready for service at a moment's notice." C.O.L.

Lesson No.6-Sabbath, May 7, 1949

1. What message applied to God's people in 1859? What
was the result of .this?
ANSWER: "I was shown that the testimony to Lao-
.diceans applies to God's people at the present time, and
the reas'on it has not accomplished a greater work is be-
<cause of the hardness of their hearts." Vol. 1. 186-1.
2. What was the chief work of the people of God when
this message was presented for the fi.rst time?
ANSWER: "The people of God must move uiIder-
:standingly. They should not be satisfied until every known
sin is confessed; then it is their privilege and duty to
believe that Jesus accepts them. They must not wait
for <lthers to pre-ss through the darkness and obtain the
victory for them to enjoy. Such enjoyment will last only
till the meeting closes. ut God must be served from
rinci Ie instead of from feelin ." Vo. . 1
3. What solemn declaration was made by the true wit-
ness and what will take place when the message is L
accepted ill the Church? '7
ANSWER: "Dear friends, do not deceive yourselves
-concerning your condition. You cannot deceive God. Says
the True Witness, 'I know thy works.' The third angel
is leading up a, people, step by step, higher and higher.
At every step they will be tested." Vol. 1. 190 :0.
4. What message wa.s repeated in 1873?
ANSWER: "The Message to the church of the Lao-
odiceans is a startling denunciation, and is applicable to
-the people of God at the present time." Vol. 3. 252:1.
5. What was thE! reason of reviewing this message?
Should this be taken as from the hand of God? Reb.
~. Who was tHe first to give this solemn message?
What is the character of this message?
ANSWER: "The Lord here shows us that the mes-
.sage to be borne to I people by' ministers whom he has
.called to warn the people, is 0 a peace-and-sa e y mes-
.sage." Vol. 3. 252 :3.
7. In which way was the message to be considered?
Against what dangerous conditions is this warning,
ANSWmR: "It is not merely theoretical, but ract'-
-cal in every particular. The people of God are repre-
:se'iited' in the message to the Laodiceans a.s in a position
o()f carnal security." Vol. 3. 252:3.
8. What confidence may be built in the minds of the
people because of an appar~nt success in the work?
ANSWER: "What greater dJception can come upon
.human minds than a confidence tEat, ey are right, when
they are all wrong! The message of the True Witness
nnds the people ,ot God in a sad deception et' II! s in
that dece tion. They know not that their condition is
ep orable in the sight of God." Vol. 3. 252:4.
9. Into what deception are men of.ten plunged? How
do they appear in their own eyes?

ANSWER: "They are at ease, believing themselves

to be in an exalted c ition of spiritua a tainments." V<>l.
2. 252:3.
10. In what condition does the message find the people of
God? How should this testimony be considered?
ANSWER: "While those addressed are flattering them-
:selves that they are in an exalted spiritual condition,
the message ,of the True Witness breaks their security by
the startling denunciation of their true condition of spiri-
tual blindness, poverty, an wretc edness. he testi-
mony. so cutting and severe, cannot be a mistake, for it
is the True Witness who speaks and his testimony must
'be correct." Vol. 3. 253.
Lesson No.7-Sabbath, May 14, U49
1. How does God deal with His p~ople? What simile
is used to portray the life of a Christian?
ANSWER: "God leads his people on step by step. The
Christian life is a constant battle and a march. There
is no rest from the wa are. It is by constant, unceasing ef-
fort at we maintain the victory over the temptations
of Satan." Vol. :2.
2. For what are the people as a whole wanting?
ANSWER: "As a people, we are triumphing in the
clearness and strength of the truth. We are fully sus-
tained in our positionG by an overwhelming amount of
plain Scriptural testimony. But we are very much want-
ing in Bible humility, patience, faith. love, self-denial.
watchfulness, and the spirit of sacrifice." Vol. 3. 253 :2.
3. What is the solemn duty of the messenger of God?
What methods weaken their message?
ANSWER: "Ministers who a're preaching present
truth should not neglect the solemn message to the Lao-
diceans. The testimony of the True Witness is not a
smooth message. The Lord does not say to them, You
are about right; you have borne chastisement and reproof
that you never deserved; you have been unnecessarily dis-
couraged by severity, you are not guilty of the wrongs
and sins for which you have been reproved." Vol. 3.
4. What should the ministers not do? Who is s'peaking
to their hearts?
NOTE: "Those who are reproved by the Spirit of
God should not rise up against the humble instrument. It
is God, and not an erring mortal, who has spoken to save
them from ruin. Those who despise the warning will be
left in blindness to become self-deceived." Vol. 3. 257:1.
5. Which is the prescribed way for ministers and people
to open the door for their Saviour? Which will be
their stand toward the testimonies?
ANSWER: "But those who heed it, and zealously go
about the work of separating their sins from them in
order to have the needed graces, will be opening the door
of their hearts that the dear Saviour may come in and
dwell with them. This class you will ever find in per-
fect harmony with the testimony of the Spirit of God.
Vol. 3. 257:1.
·6. What,.. was prevailing amongst the people when the
message carne? What is stated about the message?
ANSWER: "Sin prevaim among the people of God.
'The plain message of rebuke to the Laodiceans is not re-
.ceived. Many cling to their doubts and their darling
:sins, while they al'e in so great a deception as to talk and
:feel that they are in need of nothing." Vol. 3. 253:2.
7· Is .profession enough for us? What is our obligation? 1
ANSWER: "It is not enough to merely profess to be-
1ieve the truth. All the soldiers of the cross of Christ
'virtually obligate themselves to enter the crusade against
the adversary of souls, to condemn wron a stain
:righteousness." Vol. 3. 2'54:1-
8. What was shown in the vision? In what condition has
the message found the people of God?
ANSWER: "In my last vision, I was shown that even
this decided message of the True Witness had not aceom-
'plished the design of God. The people slumber on in
their sins. They continue to declare themselves rich, and
'having need {)f nothing. Many ·inquire, Why are all these
-reproofs given? Why do the Testimonies continually
·charge us with backsliding, anil with grievous sins. Vol. 3.
9. What is one of the reasons why the people reject this
ANSWER: "I have been shown that the greatest rea-
son why the people of God are now found in this state
of spiritual blindness, is that they will not receive cor-
-rection." Vol. 3. 254:3.
l 110' I"

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, May 21, 1949
1. What precious appeal does the Lord make to His:·
peo.ple? What is request~d. of -them? Jer. 3:12-14.
2. What assurance is given to the tr'ansgt"essor? What
will be' achieved by obedience? What will be the re-
sul't of refusal? Isa. 1 :18-20.
3. What is the object of ,the True WiitneSs in talking to,

the lAngeI and the church? Ex. 20:20. Isa. 4i1:10.
NOTE: This conversation is one of the greatest evi-
dences of the importance of the message. The Chief"
Prince himself! exercises His authority and influence to
convince the Angel and the church of their deplorable-
4. What is said about the message itself?
ANSWER: "What dispo[!ition will these make of the-
message of the' True Witness to the Laodiceans? There
can be no deception here." Vol. 3. .,-259: 1.
5, What will God still do for the church by His chosen-
ANSWER: "This message must be borne to a luke-
warm church by 's se ants. It must arouse his
people from their security and dangerous deception in re-
gard to their real standing before God. This testimony,.
if received, will arouse to action, and lead to self-abase-·
\ ment and confession of sins." Vol. 3. 259:1.
6. What will be the result, if the Righteousness of Christ
is droppeil from the experience of God's people? Where'
will those be found who are indifferent?
ANSWlER: "Unless divine power is brought into the-
experience of the people of God, false theorie er-
roneous ideas will take minds cap ive, CrIst and His
rIg eousness will be dropped out of the experience of
many, and their faith will be without power or life. Such
will not have a d'l 'y.' experience of the love of
God in the heart; and if they do not zealously repent,
they will be among those who are represented by the Lao-
diceans, who win be spewed out of the mouth of God."
C.O.R. 108:2.
~What was requested of the people of God in the day
of atonement? Lev. 23:28-29.
8. At what time should confession of' sin bel made by
the people of God?
ANSWER: "Confessions of sin made at."....~~
o relieve the eOI!le God, will be accepted of him. But
there are thos-e among us who will make confessions, as
did Achan, too late to save themselves. God may prove
them and give them -:another trial for the sake of evidenc··
ing to his people that they will not 'endure one test, one
proving of God. They are not in harmony with right.
They despise the straight testimony that reaches the heart,
and would rejoice to see anyone silenced who gives re-
proof." .Vol. 3, 272:2.
9. What great promise is given to the repentant sinner
bY, the message to Laodicea? Micah 7 :18-19.

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, May 28, 1949-

1. When did this important message appear for the first
NOTE: In 1852. "As I have {)f late looked around
to find the humble followers of the meek and lowly Jesus,
my mind has been much exercised. Many who profess
to be looking for the speedy coming of Christ are becom-
ing conformed to this world and seek more earnestly the
applause of those around them than the approbation of
God. They are cold and formal, like the nominal churches
from which they but a short time since :;;eparated. The
words addressed to the Laodicean church describe their'
present condition perfectly." E.W. 107:1.
2. When was ,the message presented the second time?
ANSWER: Four years later-in 1856. "Some, I saw,
would gladly return. Others will not let this message
to the Laodicean church have its weight upon them.
They '?[ill Elid al-on much after the same manner as
before, ana-will be spewed out of the mouth of the Lord.
Those only who zealously repent will have favour with
-God." Vol. 1. 144:1.
3. W.hen was it presented for the third time, in a more
definite way? OS
ANSWER: In 1859. ClThe message to the Laodiceans
nas not accomplished that zealous repentance am-ong God's
people which I expected to see, and my perplexity of
:mind has been great." Vol. 1. 185:1.
4. What denunciation was made after fourteen years of
ANSWER: This message came in a more definite way
in 1873. "The m€ssage to the church of the Laodiceans
is a startling denunciation. and is applicable to the people
-of God at the present time." Vol. 3. 252':1.
Many years have elapsed, but the leaders entrusted
with the sacred message, proved to be unfaithful to their
trust. Since that time until 1914, the message has not
been given due consideration. God has raised the Refor-
mation, which, by investigating the Scriptures, has re-
'vealed this important message, At the beginning many
-of the ministers declared this application referred to the
Advent people as false. But we thank God for the result
of this message, and there still remains a great work to
be done among the remnant people of God,
5. Do the precious souls in the Adventist Church know
the meaning of this message ,and its work?
ANSWER: Many are kept in ignorance regarding
this solemn message upon which the salvation of souls
.depends. It is our holy duty to proclaim this message in
the humble spirit -of Christ.
6. What should those who accept this message always
express? Ps,. 116:12'.14.
7. When was the message again brought to view by the
Spirit of Prophecy?
ANSWER: In 1876. "The Laodicean Message applies
1;0the people of God who profess to believe present truth."
Vol. 4. 87:1.
8. How were the believers of the third angel's message
considered at that time? What men did God want to
have in the he~rt of flte work (General Conference)?
ANSW-;ER: The greater part are lukewarm professors,
:having a name but no zeal. God signified that he wanted
men at the great heart of the work to correct the state
.()f things existing there, and to stand like faitRfuI sen-
-tinels at their post of duty." Vol. 4. 87:1.
9. Did the Angel reveal to the church the imp'ortance of
the message, and what attitude did she take to-
waJ;d it?
ANSWER: "She refused the counsel of the True
Witness, because she was not willing to confess her sins
;about the apostasy for which she was responsible." For
further study, G.W:. 310:3.
10. What was the True Witness determined to do when
He saw ,the unfaithfulness of His chosen servants?
Matt. 21 :43.
11. What is the only hope fo~ the Laodiceans?
ANSWER: "The only hope for the Laodiceans is a
dear view of their standing before God, a kn,,owledge of
the nature of their disease." Vol. 4. 87:2.

Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, June 4, 1949

1. What did Jesus say to Peter and to all followers
throughout the ages? Luke 22:31-32.
21. Wlten other measures have failed what m,eans did
God use to purify His people? Ezek. 22:19-20.
"3. What was the cause of the great shaking which took
place early in the advent message?
ANSWER: "The mighty shaking has commenced and
will go on, and all will be shaken out who are not will-
ing to take a hold and unyielding, stand for the truth and
to sacrifice '101' God and His cause." E·W~ 50:3.
4. What other- shaking is to come to each individual?
ANSWER: "Soon the battle will be waged fiercely
between those who serve God and those who serve Him
not. Soon everything that can be shaken wiU be sbaken.
that those things that cannot 'be shaken may remain." Vol~
<9. 16:5.
5. How will another shaking be permitted if these meanS;
ANSWER: ·'God will arouse His people, if other means.
fail, heresies wUl come in amang them, which w.iU sift.
them, separating the chaff from the wheat." G.W. 299.1-

go? Rev. '14:4. "'Ii

6. In whose footsteps should the followers of the Lamb>
NOTE: T.o the professed ;people af God many precious.
truths are still hidden. They look upon every ray at'
light with prejudice. They are not following the Lamb.
The moving sieve among men is doing its strange work.,
They are ignorant of the fact that the church as a whole,.
is swept away into apostasy.
7. Why has the church turned her back fmm following
the Lamb? What will be the result of this?
ANSWER: "Unless they shall become Christians in-·
deed, they will go from weakness to weakness., divisions.
will increase, and many souls will be led to perdition.'"
Va!. 6. 93:2. I

"The church has turned back from following Christ

her Leader, and is steadily retreating toward Egypt. Yet
few are alarmed or astonished at their want of spiritual
power. Doubt, and even ~belief of the testimonies af
the Spirit of God. is le~ our churches everywhere."
Vo!. 5. 217 :2.
8. For what light will God hold the church accountable?
ANSWER: "The church not measure herself
t41e wor~L. hy the 0 ini en nor ~ w a she
~e ~ Her faith and her pesi IOn I the worraa'5-
iJieY""llow- are, must be compared with what they would
have been if her course had been continually onward and
upward. The church will be weighed in the balances of
the sanctuary. If her moral character and spiritual state
do not correspond with the benefits and blessings God has
conferred upon her, she will be fQund wanting. The light
has been shining clear and definite upon 'her pathway, and
the light ·of 1882 calls her to an account." Vol. 5. 83 :2.
- - - - (i"If.(.... ·~ ff~2
~f1'i.."'-J.1 ~'-y lIt
9. 'W:bat efforts .are required of a faithful ·standard-bearer
when the majority retreats? Should he obey the cap·
tain who deserts his duty,?
ANSWER: "By aggressivewarlare, in the midst of
'opposition, peril, loss, and human suffering, the work of
soul-saving is to be carried forward. At a certain battle,
~hen one of the regiments of the attacking force was
being beaten baCk by the hordes of the enemy, the ensign
in front stooel his ground as the troops retreated. The
captain shouted to him to bring back the colors, but the
reply of the ensign was, 'Bring the men up to the
colors!'" Vol. 9. 45:4.
10. Wl:tat prophecy was fulfilled and will continue to the
ANSWER: "In this time, the gold will be separated
f~··om . thedross in the church. True godliness will be
clearly distinguished from the appearance and tinsel of
it. Many a star that we have admired for its brilliancy
.will then go out in darkness. Chaff like a cloud will be
borne away on the wind, .even from places where we see
only floors of rich wheat. All who assume the ornaments
of the sa-nctuary, but are not clothed with Christ's righ-
teousness, will appear in the shame of their own na'ked-
ness." Vol. 5:81:1.

Lesson No. l1-Sabbath, June 11, 194!l

What pointed testimonies were given in refeJrences t()
the church?
ANSWER: "I knew that iil;pcrisi!lJ.llust come. God has
given this people plain and pomted testimonies to prevent
this state of things. Had the obeyed the voice of the
Holy Spirit in warning, amnse, an entreaty they would
now enjoy unity and peace. But these testimonies have
n,?t been he~ded by those who professed to believe them,
and as a result there has been a wide departure from God,
and the withdrawal of his l'lessing." Vol. 5. 46:2.
2. In what way will God carryon His plan?
ANSWER: "God will work in our day that but few
:anticipate. He will raise up and exalt. among us those
who are taught rather by the unction of his Spirit, than
by the {mtward training of scientific institutions. These
facilities are not to be despised or condemned; they are
ordained of God, but they can furnish only the exterior
.qualifications. God will that it is not dependent
,on learned, self-important mortals." Vol. 5. 82 :4.
3. What shaking process is here predicted?
ANSWER: "Soon God's eo Ie will be tested by fiery
-trials, and the great propor lon of those who now appear
to be genuine and true will prov.e to be base metal. In-
stead of being strengthened' and confirmed by opposition.
-threats, and abuse, they will cowardly take the side of
-the opposers. The promise is, 'Th h hono r
Fill honor.''' Vol. 5. 136:1.
4. In what condition were both classes presented in
ANSWER: "As the praying ones continued their
.earnest cries, at times a ray of light from Jesus came to
them, to encourage their hearts and light up their coun-
tenances. . Some, I saw, did not participate in this work
of agonizing and pleading. he seemed indiffere and
arele~s. They were not resisting the darkness around
em, and it shut them in like a thick cloud. The angels
of God left these and went to the aid of the earnest,
praying ones. I saw angels of God hasten to the assis-
-tance of all who were stJ;'ugglin all their ower to
resist the evil angels an I m to tliemselve.s 'Y
·ca mg u ~od with ,:Jer.severance.. But His angels left
those w 0 made no effort to help themselves, and I lost
;sight of them." E.W. 270:1.
5. What question and answer have we in reference to the
s'haking? .
ANSWER: "I asked the meaning of the shaking I
bad seen and was shown that it would be caused by the
straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the
True Witness to the Laodiceans." E .. 270:2.
6. What effect will the message have upon those who
accept it and those who Oppose it?
ANSWER: "This will have its effect upon the heart
of the receiver. and will lead him to exalt the standard
and pour forth the straight truth. Some will not beal"
this straight testimony. They will rise up against it, and
this is what will cause a shaking among God's people:'
7. What command will the faithful ones obey, and what
a~sur,ance is given to them? II. Cor. 6:17-18'/1 ':''''1Tdf>i/1 1
8. Ha!l the message of Isaiah any bearing on those whO'

-..J eli <1-" '11"- '*
were ca t out from the aooicean chur h?
a. 66 '5.
t is t e promise t the ov reo er at Lao .IC aT
iJ " , n
Rev. 3:21. Isa. 61:10. "1..Jr
~~ ,(liA7&~ ~~

Lesson No. 12--Sabbath, June 18, 1949

1. What relation exists between' the Laodicean Mess~ge'
and the finishing of the work?
NOTE: "Many had been bound; some wives by their
husbands, and some children by their parents. The honest·
wh{) haa been prevented from hearing the truth noW
eagerly laid hold upon it. All fear of their relatives was
gone, and the truth alone was exfllted to them. They had
been hungering and thirsting for truth; it was dearer and
more precious than life." E.W. 271 :2.
2. How is the path of a Christian described? Provo 4 :18.
3. What period does the shaking time cover? When will
the final test of loyalty and shaking come?
ANSWER: The period of shaking is from the begin-
ning of the third angel's message. The shaking, caused
by the message to Laodicea, continues wherever this mes-
sage is fully preached and applied. The final development
of the m€ssage to Laodicea is still in the near future.
when it will culminate in the loud cry of the third angel's
message. The final test will be the Sabbath, when the
mark of the beast will be set up.
4. What is the attitude of the luke-warm ones in
ANSWER: "I saw that the testimony of the True
Witness has not been half heeded. The solemn testimony
upon which the destiny of the church hangs has been
lightly esteemed, if not entirely disregarded. This testi'-
mony must work deep repentance; all who truly receive it

.' .
-will obey it and be purified." E.W. 2.70 :3.
5. How many messages of the True Witness to the
seven churches are applicable to Laodicea? Rev.
2:1-5. ~v. 3:1-3. Rev. 3:14-21. For further study
.see Vol. . 10~·106~ .• r
6. 'I:h.rou'gh what"crisis will' those wllo receive the meso
sage pass?
ANSWER: "The numbers of this company had les-
sened. Some had been shaken out and left by the way.
The careless and indifferent, who did not join with those
-who prized victory and salvation enough to perseveringly
:plead and agonize for it, did not obtain it, and they- were
left behind in darkness, and their places were imme-
diately filled by others taking hold of the truth and com-
ing into the ranks. Evil ang.eJ.\; still pressed around them,
but could have no power over them." E.W. 271:1.
7. What might have been if the' message had been ac-
cepted in 1903? How was it in reality?
ANSWER: "We must confess our sins and humble our
bearts before God." . .' . "There was rejQicing such as
never before had been heard in the Tabernacle." Vol.
"Then I aroused from my unconsciousness, and for a
-While could not think where I was. My pen was stilI in
my hand. The words were spoken to me: 'This might
have been. All this the Lord was waiting to (10 for His
:people. All heaven was waiting to be gracious.' I thought
-of where we might have been had thorough work been
·done at the last General Conferencej and an agony of
disappointment came over me as I realized that what I
bad witnessed was not a reality." Vol. 8. 105.5.
8. What will be the experience in the life of those who
accept this important message when trials come? Rom.
8:35-39. '
9. What burden will those who receive this message
_"bear? To whom also should this. message g"O? Isa.
ANSWER: "The warning for the .last church also must
be proclaimed to all who claim to be Christians." V 0:1·
16. 77:2.
10 ~ For what other elass of people should a great work
be done?
ANSWER: "We have a work to do for the ministers
of other churcl'les. God wants them to' be saved." Vol. 6.

Lesson No. 13-Sabbatl\, June 25, 1949

1. What is the difference between the last church and
the other six? I. Cor. 10:11·12.
:2. What oth'er remarkable differences exist? Matt.
.3.- By what still greater difference was the Laodicean
church favoured? Rev. 12:17.
4. What trust and commission was given to this church?
Rev. 14:9-12-.
5. H'ow many remnants should we expect from the seven
1 churches?
ANSWER: One remnant from each church. Laodicea
" is the last period Qf evangelism. The church in this period
-of Laodicea is a remnant of Philadelphia. We thank God
-that from this last church He also is calling a remnant.
6. What false theories are brought forth in the church
of Laodicea as a whole?
ANSWER: "While the individual is thll.'l left to work
~ut his own salvati-on with fear and trembling, the caSe

I .
of the Laodicean church, as a church, is different. The-
.gates of hell shall not prevail against it. The .last church.
will not be spued out; it will not be rejected; it will go·
through triumphantly. We have already stated that there
is no eighth church.· The Laodicean church here brought
to view as being in need of everything, is the same church
that will ain h 'ctor 0 • eve mw, an sand.
.at as on the sea of glass, victorious over even the beast
and his image." Review & Herald, 12th December, 1939,
by· M. E. Kern.
7. How does anc>ther writer describe Laodicea contrary·
to the above writer?
NOTE: "Laodicea represents the last phase of apos-
tasy in the church. It is the waxing cold of a part of·
the remnant church, because of the abounding iniquity. It.
represents a large holding of theory and fact, but with-
out the living truth. God has not Qne good thin to say
o those in Laodicea. ell' case IS wre c e In ee ." <lTTie,
even hurc es and the Seven Seals" (page ,9), by G.
8. What does the Spirit of Prophecy tell us tfthose who-
do not See or feel any alarm for the Lao 'cean church?
NOTE: "To be without the graces of the Spirit of God
is sad indeed; but it is a more terrible c, ndition to be·
thus destitute of spirituality and of Christ, and yet try to
justify ourselves by telling those who are alarmed for us
that we need not their fears and pity. LFearful is the·
power of self-deception on the human mincl! What blind-
ness! setting light for darkness and darkness for light!"·
Vol. 4. 88 :2.
9. What lesson can we learn from this message of
mercy? Of what sh·ould we be sure? Rev. 3:20.
10. What is the last invitation .to those whQ have studied
this message? What is the only hope fOT the Lao-
diceans? Rev. 22:17. Eph. 4:26, 27.
NOTE: May the Lord preserve each one who has made
good use of the living water given freely to all. May He·
grant that these studies become a living experience and
not a dead theory which leads to a lethargic condition where·
the other six period churches ended. '



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