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Written by Goth / Apology with help from Promise ♥ 

This guide should be able to explain anything you may have questions about from 
beginning to end. ​Please follow the outline to the left to navigate through the guide. If 
you cannot see the outline, press “View” then “Show Document Outline.” 

The method for leveling up has changed since the introduction of V3 beta. 
Thank you Kani for the updated leveling guide! 

Upon creating a character, you will ​automatically b

​ e level 24! 

First of all, for the classes that start in ​Prairie Town/Ironwood Village ​(Warrior, 
Archer, Assassin, Kali)​, you will finish the tutorial at level 2
​ 9​. For the classes that start 
in ​Mana Ridge (​ Sorceress, Cleric, Tinkerer)​, you finish the tutorial at approx. level 4 ​ 9​. 

Lv. 29​ - Run L

​ ost Tunnels​ on A
​ byss​, choosing the left path at the fork. From here 
you will take the hidden path. You will be approx. level 49 once completed. Run this 
again until you hit level 60. 

Lv. 49​ - Run ​Dying City Gates​ on ​Abyss​, however, don’t go through the finishing 
portal (go back to town). You will be approx. level 60. 

Lv. 60​ - Keep running ​Dying City Gates​ on ​Abyss​. You will reach level cap quickly 
running this.
And now you’re capped. “What should I do now?” is a common question asked. 
From here on, it’s a bit of a grind and you have to be willing to commit. It’s 
recommended you join a guild at this point if you haven’t already. Guilds are 
extremely helpful for people who are just starting out! 
Gearing Up 
Your first priority will be to grind A ​ stral Coven Laboratory​ for gold. Every run drops 
at least one ​Dimensional Key​. You want to click the bunny at the end of the 
dungeon for the ​Dimensional Fragments​. You will need to sell these to an NPC 
(Belin or Melin). You can make about 4,000 gold in an hour of running ACL. 
Alternatively, you can run L ​ ost Tunnels​ on A​ byss​. Following the same method you 
took when leveling, you can get around 100+ gold per run plus the Dimensional 
Depending on the guild you’re in, you can probably buy S ​ pring and Autumn 
crystals​ from their storage. If not, the Trading House is another viable option. You 
can also farm this yourself using the s ​ olo modes​ of M​ ist Nest​ and G
​ uardian Nest​. It 
will take approx. 4 ​ ​ runs of ​Mist Nest​ to get all A
​ utumn Crystals​ that you need, 
approx. 3​ 3​ runs of ​Guardian Nest​ for the S ​ pring Crystals​. These will make your level 
70 equipment. 

Secondly, you want to farm Saint’s Haven Defense (SHD). This “nest” drops M ​ esos 
and G
​ oddess Laments​ or G ​ oddess Teardrops​. Mesos can be used for I​ nfinity 
Vouchers​ or G​ eodes​ to +10 your level 70 weapons. It is recommended you use the 
Mesos for Infinity Vouchers until you finish gathering Quality jades. 

Third, you can grind ​Golden Grasslands​ on Abyss or Chaos (Saint’s Haven East Gate 
> Arendel). The Dimensional Fragment method for gold applies here as well. This 
dungeon will drop ​Average and Crude talismans​ to help gear you. You could also 
extract these talismans and sell the C​ lear talisman pieces​ for the current going 
price at the Trading House. There’s also the benefit of possibly finding a G ​ old Bunny​. 
The Golden Bunny will drop a ​Fortuitous talisman​ which greatly increases the 
dropped items you get from GN or MN. (​ Tali is currently NOT working as of V3 
Alternatively, you can run V
​ alley of the Eclipse​ on ​Master o
​ r ​Abyss​. This dungeon 
will give you ​400g per run​ at the completion. If running on ​Abyss​, you can follow the 
Dimensional Fragment method as well. 

Finally, you should consider doing the d ​ aily dungeons​ from M​ elin​, A
​ lessa​ and Q
​ uiet 
Cam​ in Saint’s Haven. Melin’s daily quests give a total of 5
​ Goddess Laments​, 
equivalent to 2​ 0 Eternal Orbs​. These will be level 70 dungeons in Arendel. Alessa 
and Quiet Cam quests give a total of ​6 Goddess Teardrops​ from doing level 50 
dungeons (minus Quiet Cam’s; his is Arendel) ​every day​. This is useful in the 
beginning of your gearing. 
From here, you should have a complete set of New/Full Moon gears. At this point 
you will want to enhance and start getting gems on. 

Your enhancement for equipment is safe until +8, then you need jellies. Your best 
bet is to +8 all of your armor and +9 or +10 your weapons. ​MAKE SURE YOU USE 
JELLIES.​ Your equipment w ​ ill break ​without jelly above +8. You can now use H
​ igh 
Grade Enhancement Jellies​ for your gear and is suggested for +10 and above. This 
will prevent your gear from decreasing in enhancement value. 

Another option is to use your Mesos from SHD to buy a +10 geode for both of your 
weapons. This is an automatic +10 enhancement without the cost of enhancing. 

In addition to equipments, you can also enhance your accessories. This will require 
Garnets​,​ Life-giving Essence ​and lots of patience. At +3, your accessories can break, 
so you will want jellies for this. Your best bet is to use ​High Grade Enhancement 
Jelly​ for your accessories so that they don’t decrease in enhancement value, 
however, regular jellies work just fine as long as you have a good supply available. 
Accessories can be enhanced to ​+5 at maximum​.  

Crests, Rare Talismans, and Quality Jades 

Infinity Talismans as well! These are your most important for gearing. 
At the beginning, it’s easiest to buy ​enhancement crests​ off of the TH. However, 
Guardian Nest drops one plate per run. You can also use Rare (Quality) plates until 
you can get Epics (Superb). Rare plates drop in dungeons like Golden Grasslands 
Abyss. Your staple plates every class will need are as follows: H ​ ealth​, L
​ ife-Giving​, 
Windswept​, ​Ultimate​. Depending on your class there are other crests you will need 
such as: M
​ ystical​, D
​ estructive​, B ​ dorned​. 
​ rutal​, ​Wise​, ​Sturdy​,​ Fierce​, A

In addition to this, you should use E​ ternal Orbs​ at the ​DWC NPC​ for your skill crests. 
Each crest costs ​3 EO​. Every class will have a set of skill crests that benefit them the 

Rare Talismans​ can be crafted using extraction method of Quality, Average, and 
Crude talismans from your ​Golden Grasslands​ grind. You need ​50 C​ lear​ Talisman 
Pieces​ and ​5 Clear Talisman Essence​ to create a Rare Talisman. You can 
alternatively buy them from other players for around 40k gold each. 
Quality Jades​ are probably the most “complicated” to obtain. You need to have 
Infinity Vouchers​ for level 70 Quality jades, you cannot craft them. To obtain ​Infinity 
Vouchers​ there are three methods; trading ​7 Scrolls of Infinity​ at P
​ ania​ N
​ PC​ for 1 
Voucher, trading ​4 Mesos​ at ​Gunther NPC​ for 1 Voucher, or buy them off of other 

Infinity Talismans​ are Unique grade talismans that are just ​a step above​ Quality. You 
can purchase these using​ Infinity Vouchers​ at ​Elena NPC​. Your choice of talismans 
include: M​ ystical​, D
​ estructive​, F
​ ire​, I​ ce​, D
​ ark​, L ​ ltimate​. 
​ ight​, U

Extreme Nests & Alteum Infused Coins 

Extreme nests​, also called ​DQs​, are ​Minotaur​, ​Cerberus​, M
​ anticore​, and ​Apocalypse 
nests respectively. The first two are 4-man, while the last two are duo only; meaning 
only 2 players can enter these nests. The minimum requirement for Extreme nests 
would be Full Moon/New Moon +8 armors and +10 weapons. You will need all of your 
quality jades, crests and quality talismans to run these. You can also replace your 
crests if necessary from the ones that drop in the nests. Extremes drop either n ​ o 
plates up to five​. 

In addition to the four nests, there’s the ​Vault​. Here, you have 1​ 0 seconds to open as 
many chests as possible​ for gold, Scrolls of Infinity, and different lustres including 
Garnets​. You can do this for as many passes as you have as there is no entry limit. 
This “nest” does not give any Alteum Coins. ​(As of V3 Beta, the Abundant Talisman 
does not work in Vault.) 

The extreme nests have some difficult mechanics that can o ​ ne-shot you​. For 
example, the charging fluffalos from Mino nest. They will erase your hp before you 
have time to react. There’s also a handful of other mechanics that will not one-shot 
but do a very hefty amount of damage. These nests are best done with one 
support/healer class until you are supremely confident.

Every extreme nest drops​ 1 Alteum Infused Coin​ per run. These are used for 
Crescent Moon​ gear. This is the F
​ inal Damage​ version of Full and New moon 
equipment. You need 1​ 0 Alteum Coins​ to make 1 Crescent Moon piece. 

Typhoon Krag Extreme Nest (TKN Extremes) 
Will be updated to include information once it has opened back up. Thank you for 
your patience! 

Pania Equipment 
Panias are considered the “end game” costume accessories. These are the 
Legendary​ grade Wings, Tails, Decals and Weapons. 

These can be obtained by p ​ urchasing XC​ and exchanging for CC coupons in the 
Community tab of the Vault, by s ​ aving/buying​ E
​ ternal Orbs​, or from obtaining 
Fragments of Infinity​ from Infinity Boxes or from other players. You need to visit the 
Pania NPC to exchange F ​ ragments of Infinity​ for ​Phantom Shards​; this is the item 
you use to purchase Panias. 

Item Index 

​Eternal Orb​ - Used for a multitude of things. Can be exchanged for CC at 
Pania or Delilah NPC, traded with players for items/gold, purchase skill plates, etc. 
Obtained via ​login event​ or from ​other players​. 

​Spring & Autumn Crystals​ - Used for lvl 70 equips. Dropped in 
level 70 nests (Guardian’s & Mist). 
​Meso​ - Dropped in Saint’s Haven Defense. You can collect up to 4 of these 
in SHD. 4
​ mesos = 1 Infinity voucher ​| 2
​ 0 mesos = 1 +10 Weapon Geode 

​Goddess Lament​ - Dropped in Saint’s Haven Defense. Has a 50% chance 

of dropping. Can also be collected by doing daily quests from Melin NPC. These can 
be exchanged for ​4 EO per Lament​ at Gunther NPC. 

Goddess Teardrop​ - Used for Scrolls of Infinity, and other various items. 
NPCs Delilah and Rosalinde both have Teardrop stores with items. Most notable: 
Clear Talisman Essence (Rare grade), Deep Dragon Gem Core. 

​Fortuitous Talisman​ - Increases drop rate for items in Guardian’s Nest 

and Mist Nest. Obtained using 2
​ 0 Meso​ or from G
​ old Bunny​. 

​+10 Weapon Geode​ - Automatically enhances your off-hand or 

mainhand weapon to +10. Obtained using ​20 Meso​. 

​Infinity Voucher ​- Used for Quality jades and Infinity talismans. Every 
jade i​ s ​2 Infinity Vouchers​. The ​Mattk/Pattk​ talismans are 2
​ 0 Infinity Vouchers 
each, E ​ lement ​talismans are 5 ​ 0 Infinity Vouchers​ each, and the ​Ultimate t​ alisman 
is 1​ 00 Infinity Vouchers​. 
​Scroll of Infinity​ - Dropped in Guardian’s Nest and traded for with 
Goddess Teardrops. 2 ​ Teardrops = 1 Scroll of Infinity.​ It is undetermined how many 
scrolls will drop in Guardian’s Nest. 

​Item Protection Jelly​ - Prevents your equipment from breaking past +8. 

Garnet​ - Lustre used to enhance accessories. 

Life-giving Essence -​ Material used to enhance accessories past +3.

Alteum Infused Coin​ - Dropped in extreme nests, used to craft Crescent 

Moon equips. 

Fragment of Infinity​ - Cash shop item. Used to make Phantom Shards. 

Phantom Shard​ - Cash shop item. Used to redeem Legendary costume 

equipment AKA Panias. 

Angery Coin - D
​ ropped from TKN Extreme, exchangeable to Rosalinde for 
Expedition Crests.  
Frequently Asked Questions 
Q: How do I specialize as my class? 
You may specialize normally (​through quests​) or you can to speak to the D ​ elilah 
NPC​. She is located in I​ ronwood Village/Prairie Town​ and S ​ aint’s Haven​. You need 
to fit the level requirements for specialization just like in the official server. 

Q: I’m level 70, what now? 

Read the guide and figure it out! Join a guild and seek help from others. There’s 
plenty of content available to you to run as long as you put in some work yourself. 

Q: What do you get from voting? How do you redeem? 

You receive CC (Community Cores) from voting on the website, and to redeem these 
points is currently unavailable.  

Q: How do I get a pet? 

You receive free pets on your ​first character ​only​. If you decide to make another 
character, you must either purchase one with XC or with Goddess Teardrops. 

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