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Nova Escolta, a Forgotten Kingdom

In the heart of river valley lies a small land, though many are rather unaware of it, a promise of a
new future, of rebirth: the kingdom of Nova Escoltia. A rather obscure land, it co-existed vis-à-vis the
common politics and culture of that time, though at times, it manifests itself alive. It conquered most of
the land, though short-lived. Its patrimony and culture now forgotten even by its founders and the
whole populace, though one of them stands among the rest to resurrect that failed kingdom.

The History of Nova Escolta

Nova Escolta, or Nueva Escoltia which means “New Guard”, was founded in the year 1995 by the
Animus Cousins, in the heart of the Valley of the black river. Its foundation was preceded by a petty
battle against the Jacobus Clan to the North, in which there was a standstill. In order to win the battles,
the Animus clan connived and formed an alliance. In the end, the Animus clan neither won the said
battle, nor did the Jacobi.

Much of the history of Nova Escolta is tied with the existence and pre-eminence of its Cathedral
Palace, founded and built a year after. The Animus Cousins decided to erect a Chapel in honor of the
Holy Cross, as well as to signify the alliances built among the different factions of the Animus clan. That
same year, in 1996, the first liturgical services were held in that chapel.

Several renovations were done in the chapel. Its orientation, as well as ornamentation was
changed, depending on the materials available. In the year 1999, however, a major change was seen:
the chapel is elevated to a collegiate Church and symbol of the infant government of the Animus
Alliance. In the year 2000, the Collegiate Church was rededicated under the patronage of the
Immaculate Conception. The roof was changed into a metal dome, with decorations, and a new wooden
belfry was installed. In the year 2001, the festivities were held and is attended for the first time by the
delegates from the Hyacintus Alliance, to the south of the Collegiate Church. During the festivities, it was
declared and acclaimed that the alliance is now a Principality.

It was also during this year that the Jacobus clan planned for another attack against the now-
principality of Nova Escolta. The council quickly decided that for it to remain the sovereign power in the
region, the principality needs to build its army once again, and formally elect a figurehead: The
Monarch. Among the council members, it was Her Serene Highness Chiara of the Alliance of Animus
who was elected. The following week, in a majestic ceremony held at the collegiate church, Her Serene
Highness was crowned and swore the oath to protect the principality from invaders. After the formal
reception and acclamation of the populace, the council resumed its sessions and planned for an attack
against the Jacobi. And thus, in the May of 2002, the Jacobi were decisively defeated in the war. Peace
resumed, and after the truce has been sealed, the Jacobi patrimony became a province under the
principality of Nova Escolta.

The year 2002 saw many improvements in terms of trade and commerce among the different
provinces now under the principality. The Hyacintus alliance formed an agreement with the principality,
and thus, establishing an embassy there, south of the Principality’s Collegiate Church. For the first time
in the history of the principality, the December 8 festivities were held in the Hyacintus Province,
preceded by a major celebration and services in the Principality’s Church. A makeshift Church, the future
site of a new Collegiate church in the Hyacintus province, was erected. In the afternoon, a great
procession was on its way outside the makeshift church when a fire broke out in the fields of the
Hyacintus province. On the preliminary investigation it turns out the arson was intended, as to disturb
the growing alliance among the Hyacintus and the Escoltan representatives and officials. Arguments led
to a brawl, and it was thus decided by the principality’s officials to cut the diplomatic ties and alliance
with the Hyacintus, evacuating the whole diplomatic corps, as well as vacating the makeshift church and
the embassy, in order to prevent another set of fighting that might lead to war. After almost a week,
despite all the negotiations and exhausting all diplomatic niceties, the council decided to declare war
against the Hyacintus faction. Preparations were made, spies were sent to Hyacintus, as well as
gathering of forces.

In the January of 2003, the hostilities ceased, though, partly due to the resume of series of talks
and negotiations between the two. Thus in March of 2003, diplomatic connections were thus
established once again, and in the 7th of December, the annual feast of the principality’s patron was
celebrated in the Hyacintus province with much pomp and circumstance, a celebration never seen
before in the history of the principality. All goes well, and it was thus declared and ratified by both
councils, that the former Hyacintus province is now the Principality of Hyacintus, encompassing the
nearby dioceses and protectorates south of Nova Escolta.

Having two principalities at hand, the great council now placed its eyes on another forming
alliance: the Henrian Faction, to the northwest of Nova Escolta. After a brief war against some of the
factions of the alliance, the Henrian Council decided to implore the great council of Escolta-Hyacintus to
make them part of the Alliance. It was thus decided, after much hearing in the Escoltan Court, that the
Henrian Alliance will be granted their own Council and government, provided they are subject to the
central Escoltan Government and the Great Council of Escolta-Hyacintus, its precepts and laws.

Having formed a tripartite principalities, upon the initiative of His Highness, the great council of
Lords and Ladies decided to elevate once more the principality in order to provide more services and
rule effectively; and thus, the principality is now elevated into a Kingdom. The then reigning Monarch,
His Serene Highness Octavius of the Alliance of Animus, Prince of Nova Escolta, Jacobi and Hyacintus,
became His Majesty Octavius, by the Grace of God King of the Union of Nova Escolta, Jacobi,
Hyacintus and Henria, Prince of Torreamus and All-Orientalis, and Lord of all the territories therein.
Great celebration preceded the coronation, and with that, the council declared the Collegiate Church a
Cathedral and the Crown Church of all the Kingdom.

The newly-minted Kingdom is now in full swing. Trade among the principalities and territories
normalized and flourished, as well as exchanges of ideas. Each principality has its own palace and council
headed by their respective princes, reigning in the name of His Majesty. Cathedrals for each
principalities were erected, each having its own canons, archpriests and bishops, all answerable to the
Archbishop, the Metropolitan of Nova Escolta.

In May of 2007, disaster struck, however: the central government of Escolta, the Capital of
Concepcion, became bankrupt, and ceased to operate, affecting the other principalities in the process.
In the wake of the collapse, the different councils of principalities decided to implore His Majesty to
consider a cost-cutting device: breaking the union. Reluctantly, the King agreed. The Capital,
Concepcion, vacated the palace and the cathedral, and all the records of the kingdom was given to the
Chief High Steward, the archivist. Soon, having no central government and barely able to sustain itself,
the other principalities followed suit. They also dismantled the government, though after many months
of trying to sustain their own economies and day-to-day operations. The last one to dismantle itself is
the Principality of Henria, which unlike the Principality of Hyacintus, has a stronger bureaucracy, given
the fact that they were self-governing even before the dawn of the integration by Escolta. Hyacintus, on
the other hand, was very dependent on Escolta in terms of government and day-to-day operations.

The Kingdom of the Union of Nova Escolta, Jacobi, Hyacintus and Henria, and the Protectorates
of Torreamus and All-Orientalis ceased to exist on December of 2007, through the Act of Dismantlement
by the Supreme Council. It lasted for almost twelve years, from 1995 to 2007.

Nova Escolta Today

Numerous attempts were made to revive the old kingdom, but to no avail. The former principal
government of Hyacintus is now in ruins, many magistrates have left the area many years ago; the
current people residing there, the so-called ‘country people’ have the least interest in rebuilding their
principality. The territories beyond the capital of Hyacintus have gone their way.

The former principality of Henria, on the other hand, is on its feet once again. Rising from the
remnants of the former kingdom, one faction, the Ricus, have established a makeshift government in
the 10’s. Led by the said faction, the former principal palace and cathedral was abandoned, transferred
the capital to their native territory, encompassing the fields and marshes northwest of the former
capital, Central Henria. Trade and business flourished once again in their new principality.

As with the former capital of the kingdom, Concepcion, nothing has changed this past decade.
With the former Metropolitan and Crown Cathedral totally demolished, the regalia of the kingdom
missing since the 10’s, the open border between the capital and the Jacobi principality was sealed with
finality. The former occupied territory and colony gained its independence from the kingdom. The other
territories north and northeast of the kingdom, the Erwinnes faction, broke away from the Jacobi
principality as soon as the kingdom disintegrated. Adding to that, the Animus alliance itself, the
founders of the principality that became a kingdom, broke, due to personal issues of the former
ministers against each other.

What was left of the former glory and power of the Escoltan Kingdom are the stories of its past
splendor, its trade with other principalities, in addition to its military prowess and ability to subjugate
other provinces in the region.

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