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International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

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Incorporating polarity of relationships in ISM and TISM for theory building T

in information and organization management
Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Vishwakarma Bhawan, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi 110016, India


Keywords: Some mapping methods are used for the conceptualization of theories in information and organization man-
Information and organization management agement which may help in modeling both feedback and hierarchical structures. Total Interpretive Structural
ISM Modelling (TISM) is an enhancement of interpretive structural modeling (ISM) to explore hierarchical models
Polarity that aid in theory building in information and organization management. It is based on pair comparison method
Problem structuring
to generate a hierarchical digraph, which is then translated into the interpretive model by interpreting both
nodes and links in the digraph. The relationships in both ISM and TISM could be binary or fuzzy. However, a
Theory building missing dimension of these structural models is the polarity or direction of relationships. A relationship between
a pair of elements could be having positive or negative polarity. This aspect has been widely used in the feedback
structures as causal influence diagrams (CIDs) in system dynamics methodology. This paper is using the learning
from CIDs to introduce polarity of relationships in ISM and TISM. The polarity of relationships will further refine
ISM/TISM as a more explanatory model for theory building. This enhanced model not only provides hypothesis
formulation simply as a driver-dependence relationship but also addresses whether the driving variable(s) will
influence the dependent variable positively or negatively. The paper illustrates modified TISM process in-
corporating polarity with an example in the context of information and organizational change management and
discusses the nuances of such an enhanced model.

1. Introduction whether the independent variable(s) is/are influencing the dependent

variable positively or negatively (Eisenhardt, 1989). Such positive and
Theory building in information and organization management re- negative relationships are extensively used in theory building in the
quires mapping of mental models and hypothesized relationships. This context of information and organization management.
mapping has been aided by a range of methods such as cognitive Even though the application of both ISM and TISM is in vogue, the
mapping (Eden, 1988), system dynamics (Forrester, 1968), and ISM/ literature on these modeling methods is almost silent on the concept of
TISM. Both Interpretive Structural modeling (ISM) (Warfield, 1974) polarity in relationships, which is integral to the process of con-
and Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM) (Sushil, 2012, 2016) ceptualization and theory building. This concept of polarity is ex-
are interpretive methods to crystallize ill-structured mental models into tensively used in the context of System Dynamics (SD) methodology
well-articulated hierarchically structured conceptual models. Both re- that portrays feedback structures in the form of causal influence dia-
searchers and practitioners have used these as enabling aids in con- grams (Forrester, 1975; Sterman, 2000). The learning and significance
ceptualization and theory building. The fundamental questions in of polarity in system dynamics are reflected to examine and define the
theory building such as ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’, as given by Whetten polarity of relationships in ISM and TISM to make them far more
(1989), are addressed by these interpretive methods. ISM effectively powerful by portraying the direction of relationships in a more ex-
addresses the first two questions, i.e. ‘what’ and ‘how’ regarding ele- planatory manner. Hypotheses conceptualizing positive and negative
ments and their hierarchical (driver-dependence) relationships, relationships have been developed by some researchers in information
whereas TISM further addresses the question ‘why’ and brings more and organizational management. For example, Lane, Salk, and Lyles
explanatory power in the context of theory building. There is yet an- (2001) hypothesized that absorptive capacity and learning relate posi-
other dimension in theory building and formulation of a hypothesis, tively to joint venture performance. Whereas Morris and Cadogan
i.e., the polarity of relationships. This dimension explains the direction (2001) related partners conflict with quality of joint venture marketing
of the relationship between independent and dependent variables, i.e., strategy both positively (functional) and negatively (dysfunctional).

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Received 14 May 2018; Received in revised form 22 June 2018; Accepted 22 June 2018
0268-4012/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Dhir and Sushil (2017) related constructs from transaction cost and digital government trustworthiness (Janssen, Rana, Slade, & Dwivedi,
social exchange paradigms with modification and termination flex- 2018), among other applications. It has also been applied to supplier
ibilities of cross-border joint ventures both positively and negatively. development enablers (Dalvi & Kant, 2017), lean, green and resilient
The main objectives of this paper are: supply chain management (Cherrafi, Elfezazi, Garza-Reyes, Benhida, &
Mokhlis, 2017; Ruiz-Benitez, López, & Real, 2017), and so on.
(i) To propose an enhanced methodology of ISM/TISM incorporating However, it was observed that despite extensive application of ISM
polarity of relationships to aid theory building in information and in a variety of areas these models (developed by ISM) are partly in-
organization management. terpreted. ISM is a graph-based method (a graph consists of nodes as
(ii) To refine the classification of variables in the conceptual frame- well as links), but it has been interpreting only nodes and partly in-
work as driver, linkage, autonomous and dependent variables with terpreting links by defining the contextual relationship. The total in-
a positive or negative orientation. terpretation of both nodes and links has been attempted in the form of
(iii) To identify the positive and negative paths from driver variables to Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM) by Sushil (2012). After
dependent variables, via linkage or intermediate variables in the the advent of this enhancement of ISM, it has been applied in some
management of information and organizational change. areas such as drug selling (Wasuja, Sagar, & Sushil, 2012), sustainable
manufacturing (Dubey, Gunasekaran, Sushil, & Singh, 2015), organi-
The paper first gives a selective review of evolution and application zational excellence (Agarwal & Vrat, 2015), and strategic performance
of ISM/TISM methodology. It also briefly reviews system dynamics management (Yadav, Sushil, & Sagar, 2015). Some other areas of ap-
methodology to bring out the significance of polarity of relationships. plication of TISM are green supply chain management (Shibin et al.,
The methodology of incorporating polarity of relationships in modified 2016), workplace flexibility (Yadav, Rangnekar, & Bamel, 2016), inland
ISM/TISM process with simultaneous transitivity checks (Sushil, 2017a) waterborne transport (Kumar, Haleem, Qamar, & Khan, 2017), agile
is elaborated. It then gives an illustrative example in the context of performance in healthcare (Patri & Suresh, 2017), sustainable supply
information and organizational change management to develop a TISM chain performance (Sandeepa & Chand, 2018; Shibin, Gunasekaran, &
model of criteria for evaluating change propositions with the polarity of Dubey, 2017), and so on.
their relationships. Finally, it provides a discussion of its implications Further, it is noted that a good number of applications of both ISM
and concludes with limitations and directions for further research. and TISM that have been published had technical errors. The correct-
ness of these models can be checked by following the guidelines pro-
2. Literature review vided by Sushil (2016). It has also been realized that the key challenges
in the application of both ISM and TISM are a large number of pair-
A selective review of evolution and application of ISM/TISM is first comparisons to be made by experts and cumbersome multi-order
provided, which is supported by an overview of SD methodology to transitivity checks are to be carried out. These challenges can be ob-
highlight the significance of polarity of relationships. This review has viated by a modified ISM/TISM method that has been developed to
led to the identification of a gap area of the polarity of relationships carry out transitivity checks along with the direct pair comparisons
which has not yet been effectively addressed in the ISM/TISM process. (Sushil, 2017a). This modified method provides a substantial reduction
in direct pair-comparisons by eliminating redundant comparisons that
2.1. Evolution and application of ISM/TISM can be easily derived by the transitivity logic.
Apart from the development of TISM and other recent improve-
The paired comparison method for unearthing the hierarchical ments in the ISM/TISM method, attempts had been made to obtain the
structure among a set of elements/variables was introduced by Warfield strength of each pair relationship using fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965).
(1974). He effectively utilized the paired relationships in a directional An early initiative in this direction was taken by Saxena et al. (1992) to
frame of reference using a contextual relationship to portray the hier- provide a framework of fuzzy ISM. Recently, Khatwani, Singh, Trivedi,
archical structure among them in the form of a digraph. This abstract and Chauhan (2015) provided the methodology of fuzzy TISM, which
digraph is interpreted regarding elements and their directional re- has been applied in some cases (Mohanty & Shankar, 2017). In addition
lationships as Interpretive Structural Model. The paired comparisons to methodological advancements, innovations in implementation of
are used to minimize cognitive overload but require a system en- ISM and TISM have been made in terms of empirical validation
gineering approach to synthesize them in the form of a reachability (Anbarasan & Sushil, 2018; Bishwas & Sushil, 2016; Srivastava & Sushil,
matrix with transitivity checks. The reachability matrix indicates the 2015), factor analysis to derive the elements for ISM/TISM (Chatterjee,
reachability of one element to the other elements in the set. The tran- Kar, & Gupta, 2017), anecdotal evidence in verifying the model in real
sitivity implies that if element i reaches element j and element j reaches life (Singh & Sushil, 2017), and so on. One recent advancement has
element k, then element i transitively reaches element k. The algorithms been made to use TISM as a basis for deriving weights of criteria in
for transitivity checks and hierarchical partitioning have been pre- MCDM methods by taking their driving power as the basis and used it in
sented in Warfield (1990). Some early applications of ISM are reported conjunction with Interpretive Ranking Process (Sushil, 2009) in the
by Jedlicka and Meyer (1980), Malone (1975), Mandal and Deshmukh form of the TISM-IRP process by Sushil (2017b, 2018). Despite these
(1994), Saxena, Sushil, and Vrat (1990, 1992), and Sharma, Gupta, and developments, it is noticed that almost none of the past works on ISM/
Sushil (1995). The indirect relationships have been analyzed by using TISM has taken into consideration the polarity of relationships, which
MICMAC method by Saxena et al. (1990). A large number of applica- has been used in developing causal influence diagrams (CIDs) as a
tions of ISM and MICMAC have been made in the extant literature. The conceptualization tool in system dynamics methodology. A brief review
applications of ISM have largely been made in the context of operations of the same is given in the next section to provide a basis and in-
and information management. Some recent applications of ISM are spiration for considering the issue of the polarity of relationships in the
related to IT enablers (Thakkar, Kanda, & Deshmukh, 2008), world- ISM/TISM process.
class manufacturing (Haleem, Sushil, Qadri, & Kumar, 2012), supply
chain risk (Venkatesh, Rathi, & Patwa, 2015), and supply chain resi- 2.2. Polarity of relationships in system dynamics
lience (Jain, Kumar, Soni, & Chandra, 2017). In the context of in-
formation management, it has been applied to study factors of in- System Dynamics (SD) methodology is a dynamic simulation
formation systems project failure (Hughes, Dwivedi, Rana, & Simintiras, method to test the dynamic hypothesis in any system. The dynamic
2016; Hughes, Dwivedi, & NP, 2017); hierarchy of factors related to hypothesis is portrayed in the form of causal influence diagrams (CIDs)
innovation using big open linked data (Dwivedi et al., 2017), and to present the feedback structure logically. The SD methodology was

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

first introduced by Forrester (1958) in studying the dynamic behavior in the context of information and organizational change.
of industrial systems in the form of Industrial Dynamics. Later this was
applied to study urban dynamics and world dynamics (Forrester, 1969, 3. Enhanced TISM methodology with polarity of relationships
1971). The comprehensive details of SD can be seen in some past works
(Coyle, 1983; Gottschalk, 1983; Morecroft, 1988; Richardson & Pugh, As TISM is an extension of ISM the enhanced methodology is pro-
1981; Sushil, 1993; Sterman, 2000; Wolstenholme & Coyle, 1983; vided for TISM as a more comprehensive method; the same at a reduced
Wolstenholme, 1988). The aim here is not to review SD and its wide- level can also be applied for ISM applications as ISM-P (ISM with the
spread applications, but to highlight the issue of the polarity of re- polarity of relationships). The modified ISM/TISM method with si-
lationships in CIDs. The start point of any CID is the basic variables (as multaneous transitivity checks (Sushil, 2017a) is taken as a basis to
taken in ISM/TISM) which may be qualitative, but need to be quantified describe the steps of this enhanced methodology with the polarity of
later as stock and flow variables in the simulation model. The next step relationships. The major steps of this enhanced TISM methodology with
is to establish a causal relationship between a pair of two variables the polarity of relationships are summarized diagrammatically in Fig. 1.
defining its polarity, which could be either +ve or −ve in nature. By It may be noted that steps II, III, IV, VI, VII, and VIII are different
linking together many such causal relationships a feedback loop can be than the existing process due to the introduction of polarity and steps
derived, which could again be +ve or −ve in nature. Senge (1990) has IX–XI are additional in the enhanced process. Only steps I and V are
effectively used the +ve or reinforcing causal loops and −ve or bal- similar to the existing process. All the steps of the enhanced TISM
ancing loops to portray different generic structures to study the dy- process are elaborated as follows:
namic behavior of systems such as limits to growth, shifting the burden, Step I: Define Elements, Contextual Relationship, and Interpretation
fixes that backfire, and so on. The +ve feedback loop exhibits ex- As per the existing TISM process, first, the elements (to be hier-
ponential behavior, whereas the −ve feedback loop generates goal archically arranged) are identified with the contextual relationship
seeking asymptotic behavior. A fuzzy simulation of causal loop dia- used to pair-compare the elements, which is also to be qualified with
grams is exemplified by Pankaj, Seth, and Sushil (1992). The system the associated interpretation.
dynamics methodology, incorporating +ve and –ve feedbacks, has Step II: Develop Successive Comparison Questionnaire with
been effectively used in information and organization management. Transitivity Checks and Polarity of Relationships
Georgantzas and Katsamakas (2008) sketched the use of system dy- The elements need to be pair-compared in a successive manner as
namics in information system (IS) research linking the effects of IS on described in Sushil (2017a). Minimum first two comparisons (1, 2 and
people, organization, and markets. They have also given directions for 2, 3) are to be carried out by experts to check transitivity of the re-
IS research with SD regarding the criteria and themes to be considered lationship (1, 3) further. With each pair comparison, the direction of the
for this kind of research. Another critical review by Tako and Robinson relationship is to be established as forward (i–j), backward (j–i), both
(2012) captures the use of both discrete event simulation and SD as ways (i = j), and no relationship (0). If there is a relationship between a
decision support systems for logistics and supply chain management. pair of elements i and j, then its polarity also need to be specified, i.e.,
An SD model is developed by Nazareth and Choi (2015) to examine +ve or −ve. While making the transitivity check, the polarity of the
information security management strategies and concludes that higher transitive link(s) is to be derived. For example, if i → j is +ve and j → k
payoff can be attributed to security detection tools in comparison to is −ve, then i → k is −ve.
deterrence investment. There are many more areas in information and Step III: Obtain Pair-Comparisons with Simultaneous Transitivity
organization management that can be conceptualized regarding dy- Checks
namic hypotheses and its validation using SD methodology. The direct pair-comparisons in the questionnaire are to be made by
The fundamental basis of the feedback structure is a causal re- experts and transitivity checks on specified questions to be done by the
lationship with +ve or −ve polarity. This insight about the polarity of researcher/facilitator or the computerized system. If the transitivity of a
the relationship between a pair of variables has acted as inspiration for relationship is ‘No’, then expert comparison for that pair is to be made.
examining its use in ISM/TISM process. A brief review of the evolution In both the direct and transitive comparisons, the polarity of relation-
of ISM/TISM and polarity of relationships in SD modeling indicates a ship (+ve or −ve) is to be specified.
gap in ISM/TISM methodology. Both ISM and TISM are applied as Step IV: Development of Successive Comparison Digraph and
conceptualization and theory building methods. In theory building and Transitive Reachability Matrix with Polarity and Convert it into
hypothesis formulation in information and organization management, Reachability Matrix (without polarity)
the polarity of driver-dependence relationships is invariably utilized The direct pair-comparisons and transitivity checks with polarity
and empirically tested, which is the main justification for the en- can be visualized by successive comparison digraph and transitive
hancement of methodology presented in this paper. This justification is reachability matrix with polarity. All comparisons marked in the
supported by select studies in information and organization manage- questionnaire are marked on the digraph (in a step-by-step manner) and
ment reported in the extant literature. For example, Thomas and entered as +1, −1 or 0 in the transitive reachability matrix with po-
McDaniel (1990) while interpreting the strategic issues using CEOs’ larity as given below:
responses tested the polarity of relationships between strategy and in-
formation processing structure related with top-level teams. The impact • i-j with +ve polarity : +1 in ij cell and 0 in ji cell
of IT acceptance on individual performance has been analyzed in the • i-j with -ve polarity : - with −ve polarity : −1 in ij cell and 0 in ji cell
context of Singapore by Igbaria and Tan (1997) using the hypotheses • j-i with +ve polarity : +1 in ji cell and 0 in ij cell
that indicate the polarity of relationships. Lee, Park, and Han (2008) • j-i with -ve polarity : - with −ve polarity : −1 in ji cell and 0 in ij cell
investigated the effects of online customer reviews on product attitude • i = j with +ve polarity : +1 in both ij and ji cells
using polarity of relationships from an information processing per- • i = j with −ve polarity : −1 in both ij and ji cells
spective. The positive and negative relationships among factors influ- • 0 (no relationship) : 0 in both ij and ji cells
encing information sharing and inter-organizational relationships in the
context of the supply chain have been empirically tested among the top The reachability matrix with +1, −1 and 0 entries is to be con-
Taiwanese firms by Cheng (2011). Many such studies indicate the po- verted into binary reachability matrix with 1 and 0 entries (+1 and −1
larity of relationships among factors in theory building, whereas ISM are entered as 1) with transitive relationships marked.
and TISM as theory building methods have not captured it in the past. Step V: Carry Out Hierarchical Partitioning of the Reachability
This gap area of the polarity of relationships is addressed in this paper, Matrix
and an enhanced methodology of ISM/TISM is provided and illustrated The original algorithm using reachability set, antecedent set and

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Fig. 1. Broad Steps of Total Interpretive Structural Modelling with Polarity of Relationships (TISM-P).

intersection set for all the elements is used for hierarchical partitioning. The experts may be contacted back with the direct interaction ma-
The elements having same reachability and intersection sets are taken trix to interpret the links mentioned in it. Wherever there is +1 or −1
at the highest level, and the process is repeated after iteratively re- entry in the matrix, interpretation is to be provided to get the inter-
moving these elements till all the elements are classified into different pretive matrix (Sushil, 2005) with polarity.
levels of hierarchy. Step VIII: Obtain TISM with Polarity (TISM-P)
Step VI: Prepare Hierarchical Digraph and Direct Interaction Matrix Both the nodes and links in the digraph need to be interpreted. The
with Polarity of Relationships nodes are interpreted by the elements identified in Step I and inter-
Arrange the elements in hierarchical levels and link them with di- pretation of respective links (from Step VII) is superimposed from the
rect as well as select transitive links as per reachability matrix with interpretive matrix. The interpretation of both nodes and links gives
polarity. Specify polarity of all links in the digraph as well as in the TISM with the polarity of relationships.
interaction matrix. Step IX: Classification of Elements
Step VII: Prepare Interpretive Matrix with Polarity The sum of rows(s) in the reachability matrix (in Step IV) gives the

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

driving power, and the sum of column(s) gives the dependence of re- Table 1
spective elements. These can be mapped to a driving power v/s de- Elements, Contextual Relationship and Interpretation.
pendence graph (as per MICMAC analysis) and classified as driver, Element No. Elements (Change Contextual Interpretation
linkage, autonomous and dependent elements. These can be further Criteria) Relationship
qualified as elements with +ve or −ve orientation based on +ve/−ve
1 Impact Change criterion A How or in what way
driving power and +ve/−ve dependence as obtained through
2 Proliferation will influence change criterion A
Reachability Matrix with polarity. 3 Cost to be incurred change criterion B will influence change
Step X: Grouping of Elements on TISM Model 4 Difficulty and (positively or criterion B?
The driver, linkage, autonomous and dependent elements with +ve complexity level negatively)
or −ve orientation can be placed in groups on the TISM model for 5 Acceptability
6 Awareness
better comprehension.
7 Preparedness
Step XI: Identify Paths with Polarity 8 Timeframe for
The paths from driver elements to dependent elements via linkage/ implementation
intermediate elements can be identified and their polarity to be ex-
All the above steps have been illustrated with the help of an ex- by the researcher/facilitator, and in case of transitivity, polarity has
ample in the context of information and organizational change man- also been derived logically using the polarity of previous relationships.
agement in the next section. If any transitivity check depicts ‘No’, then the concerned pair is subject
to expert opinion.
4. Illustration: information and organizational change Step III: The pair comparisons are obtained from a select group of
experts from the organizations undergoing information and organiza-
The proposed enhanced methodology for TISM with the polarity of tional change and transitivity checks are done as depicted in Appendix
relationships (as given in the previous section) is illustrated with an A. For transitivity checks; the successive comparison digraph is pre-
example of criteria to be used for evaluation of informational change pared as given in the next step.
initiatives in organizations. For example, an organizational change may Step IV: The successive comparison digraph is prepared along with
be in the form of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), which may require the answering of the questionnaire to have a visualization of the re-
integration of information systems (IS) during the post-M&A integration lationships and facilitating transitivity checks with polarity as por-
process. Such business and information technology (IT) alignment has trayed in Fig. 2. Side-by-side the relationships are entered as ‘+1’, ‘−1’
been analyzed by Baker and Niederman (2014) using multiple case or 0 in the Reachability Matrix with polarity as shown in Fig. 3. A color
design. The post-merger challenges in the case of IS implementation coding is done both in the digraph and reachability matrix to visualize
project has been examined concerning organizational identity by Vieru direct and transitive relationships with +ve or −ve polarity. The
and Rivard (2014) using an interpretive approach. Another aspect of reachability matrix with polarity is converted into reachability matrix
the change management of IT implementation projects is related to (without polarity) by replacing entries with ‘+1’ and ‘−1’ by ‘1’ entry
team learning (Akgün, Lynn, Keskin, & Dogan, 2014). The selection of as exhibited in Fig. 4.
an information delivery model to find the best user for the information Step V: The reachability matrix shown in Fig. 4 is the fully transitive
from business analytics is taken up by Martin, Lakshmi, and Venkatesan reachability matrix. This matrix is used as a base for hierarchical par-
(2014) using fuzzy MCDM technique. The business-IT alignment re- titioning; different iterations of the same are illustrated in Appendix B
quires different types of models for successful change; a framework (Table B1), and the level-wise placement of all the eight information
considering different criteria has been tested on such models by El- change criteria is summarized in Table 2. It can be observed from
Mekawy, Rusu, and Perjons (2015). There are many such information Table 2 that the change criteria ‘Impact’ and ‘Proliferation’ are at level I
linked organizational change considerations that have been studied in (highest level) and ‘Difficulty and complexity level’ and ‘Awareness’ are
the past using empirical analysis, case research, and interpretive at level V (lowest level).
methods. Usually, management first identifies multiple information Step VI: The elements (information change criteria) ‘1’ to ‘8’ are
integrated change initiatives which can be subsequently ranked by arranged level-wise as per the hierarchical partitioning and connected
using relevant change criteria. The step-by-step development of TISM to each other with links depicting the polarity (+ve/−ve) as portrayed
with polarity (TISM-P) for these criteria is described in the following in Fig. 5. Select transitive links (having distinct influence) are retained
steps. and rest other transitive links are dropped while preparing the hier-
Step I: By going through the literature on information and organi- archical digraph. The final digraph is translated first into binary in-
zational change management and discussion with experts, eight change teraction matrix with polarity (Fig. 6(a)). It is interesting to note that
criteria have been identified. These criteria include impact created by the direct links in the successive comparison digraph may appear as
the information change initiative, its proliferation in other areas, the transitive links in the hierarchical digraph or vice versa, as the hier-
cost to be incurred for implementing change, and level of difficulty and archy was not known while making the successive comparisons. For
complexity of the information and organizational change programme. example 6 → 5 is appearing as a direct link in successive comparison
Further, it is important to consider the acceptability of information digraph (Fig. 2), whereas the same is appearing as a transitive link in
change to various stakeholders (employees, partners, etc.), awareness the hierarchical digraph (Fig. 5). Similar is the case with link 4 → 5.
of change among stakeholders, level of preparedness of information Step VII: The experts’ knowledge is used to convert all the +1/−1
change regarding required training, etc., and required time frame for entries in the binary interaction matrix into the interpretive matrix
the information change implementation project. These criteria are (Fig. 6(b)) giving an interpretation of each link. For example, element 1
summarized in Table 1. The contextual relationship is regarding “in- (Impact) creates ‘motivation in other areas’ to influence element 2
fluence” (+ve or −ve), and the interpretation is about how or in what (Proliferation). Similarly, interpretation of all the links in interaction
way one criterion influences the other as given in Table 1. matrix is provided.
Step II: A questionnaire for successive pair-comparisons with the Step VIII: The nodes in the hierarchical digraph (Fig. 5) are inter-
polarity of relationships is shown in Appendix A. In this questionnaire, preted as elements (as given in Table 2) and links are interpreted from
the direct successive comparisons 1,2; 2,3; 3,4; ….; 7,8 are to be ob- the interpretive matrix (Fig. 6(b)). The interpretation of the nodes and
tained from experts dealing with information linked organizational links gives the final total interpretive structural model of information
change. The transitive comparisons in between have been carried out change criteria with the polarity of relationships (Fig. 7). In this case,

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Fig. 2. Successive Comparison Digraph with Direct and Transitive Links and Polarity of Links.

Fig. 3. Reachability Matrix with Polarity of Relationships.

Fig. 4. Transitive Reachability Matrix.

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Table 2 variables in the fourth quadrant (low driving power - low dependence)
List of Elements (Information Change Criteria) and their Levels in TISM. in this case. Further, the orientation of these criteria (+ve/−ve) is
Element No. Elements (Information Change Criteria) Level in TISM obtained by +ve/−ve driving power and +ve/−ve dependence from
reachability matrix with polarity (Fig. 3). The criterion 6 (Awareness)
1 Impact I has higher +ve driving power (4) in comparison to −ve driving power
2 Proliferation I
(2) and thus treated as a +ve driver. Whereas, criteria 3, 4 and 8 having
3 Cost to be incurred IV
4 Difficulty and complexity level V
higher −ve driving power (4 each) in comparison to the +ve driving
5 Acceptability III power (1, 2 and 1 respectively) considered as −ve drivers. The linkage
6 Awareness V criteria also have higher +ve driving power and considered as +ve
7 Preparedness II linkage criteria. The outcome criteria 1 and 2 have higher +ve de-
8 Timeframe for implementation IV
pendence (4 each) in comparison to −ve dependence (3 each) and are
treated as +ve outcomes. Further, it is observed that −ve dependence
the ‘Awareness’ criterion negatively influences the ‘cost' and 'time is coming through −ve drivers, thereby indicating the +ve orientation
frame' of the change initiative, and it affects ‘Acceptability’ in a positive of the outcome variables. It may be noted from Fig. 8 that the criterion
manner. With higher ‘Acceptability’ people accept the training on new 6 (Awareness) is the only +ve driver and the other three driver criteria
information systems (IS), thereby increasing the ‘Preparedness’ is a 3, 4 and 8 (i.e., cost, difficulty/complexity, and time frame, respec-
positive direction. Thus, the change initiative will have higher ‘Impact’ tively) are of −ve orientation. All the linkage criteria and dependent
with better training and information infrastructure. Higher ‘Impact’ criteria or outcomes are of +ve orientation in this example.
gives more motivation, and better ‘Preparedness’ gives more accept- Step X: This classification, as obtained in Fig. 8, is superimposed on
ability in other areas so that the 'Proliferation' of change would take TISM as shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 9 gives the classification of variables with
place. This TISM model with polarity (TISM-P) is more explanatory their +ve/−ve orientation and interrelationships with polarity in one
both regarding the interpretation of relationships and their polarity diagram. This kind of representation gives insight into theory building.
than ISM. For example, −ve drivers influence the linkage criteria negatively,
Step IX: The information change criteria are classified by placing which in turn influence the outcomes positively. Similarly, +ve driver
them on driving power-dependence graph. The driving power and de- influences the linkage criteria positively, which further influence the
pendence are obtained from the reachability matrix (Fig. 4). In this outcome positively. The TISM with polarity will thus help in the for-
manner, the criteria are classified as driver criteria (high driving power mulation of both the positive and negative hypotheses, with mediation
- low dependence), linkage criteria (medium driving power - medium effect through linkages.
dependence), and dependent criteria or outcomes (low driving power- Step XI: The four driver criteria (three −ve and one +ve) are taken
high dependence) as depicted in Fig. 8. There are no autonomous as the start point to trace the paths of their influence on outcomes
through intermediate variables directly influenced by them as shown in

Fig. 5. Digraph after Hierarchical Partitioning with Polarity of Links.

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Fig. 6. Interaction Matrix (a) Binary Matrix with Polarity (b) Interpretive Matrix.

Table 3. It is interesting to observe from Table 3 that there are seven controlled to improve the success of the information linked change
−ve paths and three +ve paths in this case example. The sole +ve programme. This kind of analysis needs to be reflected in the evaluation
driver criterion is ‘Awareness’ which gives a positive influence on the of any information and organizational change programme and devel-
outcome criteria via cost, time frame, and acceptability variables. The opment of the theory of its evaluation.
+ve driver needs to be strengthened and −ve drivers need to be

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Fig. 7. Total Interpretive Structural Model with Polarity (TISM-P) for Information Change Criteria Relationships.

Fig. 8. Classification of Information Change Criteria.

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Fig. 9. Total Interpretive Structural Model with Polarity for Information Change Criteria Relationships and Classification of Variables.

Table 3 incorporate polarity of relationships from questionnaire design, data

Nature of Paths. collection, transitivity checks, reachability matrix with polarity, di-
Driver Variables Path through the Variables Polarity of Path
graph, interaction matrix and TISM with polarity. The second en-
hancement is to integrate additional steps on the classification of
Difficulty & Complexity Cost −ve variables (based on MICMAC) with +ve/−ve orientation, super-
Time Frame −ve imposing the grouping of variables on TISM, and tracing paths from
Acceptability −ve
driver variables to dependent variables with their polarity. The en-
Cost Time Frame −ve
Acceptability −ve hanced and additional steps with the polarity of relationships provide
Time Frame Cost −ve more explanatory power to TISM-P in contrast to ISM and TISM. The
Acceptability −ve additional insights by incorporating polarity of relationships (similar to
Awareness Cost +ve
SD methodology - Forrester, 1975; Sterman, 2000) would be helpful for
Time Frame +ve
Acceptability +ve enriched theory building as well as more effective practical applications
of these methods to information and organization management.
In the example of information and organizational change, there are
5. Discussion more −ve drivers, i.e., difficulty and complexity of change, and asso-
ciated cost and time. The sole +ve driver is awareness created about
The paper gives an enhanced version of TISM as TISM-P (applicable change. All the paths to outcomes from –ve drivers are –ve paths and
to ISM also as ISM-P) that incorporates polarity of relationships along the paths emanating from the +ve driver are +ve ones. The accept-
with their explanatory interpretation. It may be noted from the pro- ability of change and preparedness for change serve as mediating
posed methodology (as exhibited in Fig. 1) that the identification of variables between the drivers and outcomes. These relationships con-
elements, contextual relationship and hierarchical partitioning of the ceptualizing a theory of information and organizational change as per
reachability matrix are similar to the original ISM process as given by the TISM-P model can be validated in empirical settings.
Warfield (1974, 1990). The interpretation of elements and retaining
select transitive links (with interpretation) in digraph and TISM are
similar to the TISM methodology as given by Sushil (2012). The si- 5.1. Implications for research
multaneous transitivity checks along with the direct pair-comparisons
are similar to the modified ISM/TISM process as per Sushil (2017a). The The researchers will find this enhanced version (TISM-P) useful on
difference is created in this enhanced version on two fronts. First, to multiple fronts such as:

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

• Developing driver-dependence relationships in hypothesis formula- oriented variables and relationships which can be unearthed by this
tion with positive or negative influence as used in information and enhanced version (TISM-P) and will be valuable in practice in identi-
organization management research design. The TISM-P model will fying positive and negative nerve centers for enhancing organizational
facilitate in hypothesis formulation such as variables of information performance. The proposed method needs to be examined in multiple
technology acceptance related positively or negatively to individual case situations to be refined further for its effective use in practice.
performance (Igbaria & Tan, 1997).
• Classification of variables with a +ve/−ve orientation that further 6. Conclusion
facilitate hypothesis building with mediation effects and its positive
or negative influence on the outcome variable(s). For example, Both ISM and TISM are mixed-methods with a healthy mix of both
conceptualizing effect of +ve/−ve online customer reviews. qualitative and quantitative components. The comparison of variables
• Tracing +ve/−ve paths from the driver variables to the dependent in pairs is qualitative, whereas the transitivity check and hierarchical
variables to find out in how many ways driver variables may affect partitioning are quantitative. TISM takes the qualitative component to
the dependent variable(s) positively or negatively to focus on crucial the next higher level by interpretations of links. The proposed enhanced
paths for effective information and organization research. The im- method is this paper (TISM-P) is adding another dimension of the
pact of paths can be traced by fuzzy simulation based on fuzzy rules qualitative-quantitative mix by way of the polarity of relationships. The
for all the relationships (Pankaj et al., 1992). expert opinion on polarity is qualitative by examining the intrinsic
nature of the relationship, whereas the polarity of transitive relation-
However, for realizing the real benefits of TISM-P, a sizeable ship is established by quantitative logic.
number of problems in information and organization management need Further, the +ve/−ve driving power or dependence and thereby
to be solved and compared with the original models based on ISM/ classification of variables with +ve /−ve orientation is again quanti-
TISM. tative. The proposed enhanced method would reflect the relationships
and their theoretical and practical implications. However, the limita-
5.2. Implications for practice tion of the method lies at two levels: one in data collection that requires
greater involvement of experts to define the polarity between any pair
In practice, this enhanced version of interpretive modeling may be and the other in the enhancement of computational complexity in de-
useful in many group-based strategic level problems such as clarifying riving transitive relations with polarity. Another limitation is regarding
strategic intent, policy structuring, strategic information system archi- the polarity assumption in case of ‘both ways’ relationship, according to
tecture, designing performance systems, etc. In many of these applica- which both way linkages are either +ve or −ve. This assumption needs
tions, the polarity of relationships plays an important role. For example, to be examined in some case illustrations in information and organi-
in clarifying strategic intent, it would be meaningful to not only know zation management to assess the validity of this assumption.
the driving objectives and the dependent ones but also their +ve/−ve Though the paper provides a sound base for incorporating polarity
orientation. Similarly, in policy structuring and strategic IS architecture in the ISM/TISM models, it needs to be further examined on multiple
+ve/−ve linkages will be of great value to assess the positive or ne- fronts. Some prominent future research areas to make the proposed
gative impacts of the policy under consideration. In case of performance method more effective are as follows:
management, the leading and lagging variables are to be identified in
the form of driver and dependent variables. But it gives more clarity i To validate the assumption of the same polarity on both links of a
about the +ve/−ve orientations of these variables as well. For ex- two-way relationship and the developing a process to incorporate
ample, cost and risk are variables with a negative orientation that need different polarity (+ve in one direction and −ve on the other) in
to be contained. The +ve and –ve paths from the driver variables to strongly connected elements.
outcomes will give the insight to manage them effectively in practice. ii To develop algorithms to derive polarity of multi-order transitive
In the case example taken in the context of information and orga- relationships.
nizational change management, it is noticed that there are more −ve iii To Interpret multiple paths with +ve/−ve polarity.
drivers and more −ve paths then the +ve driver and +ve paths. The iv To transform TISM-P into SD models as both consider polarity of
practitioners have to enhance the positive drivers and contain the ne- relationships.
gative ones for the higher success of the information change pro- v To make use of big-data in establishing polarity of relationships.
grammes. vi To convert TISM-P model into hypotheses indicating positive and
Similarly, a large number of problem areas can be identified at the negative relationships for theory building in information and or-
operational as well as strategic levels that may be better managed with ganization management.
a clear understanding of +ve/−ve polarity of relationships. For ex- vii To empirically validate the hypotheses based on TISM-P model
ample critical success factors of information systems (some +ve, some using structural equation modeling (SEM).
−ve), information flexibility with +ve/−ve impacts, and so on. viii To cross-validate the empirically tested theory in case situations in
Almost in all problem areas, there are both positive and negative information and organization management.

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Appendix A

Exhibit I.1: Filled-in Questionnaire with Transitivity Checks for the Illustrative Example

Sushil International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 38–51

Appendix B

Table B1
Hierarchical Partitioning of Reachability Matrix for the Illustrative Example.
Elements (Change Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection set Level

1 1, 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2 I
7, 8
2 1, 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2 I
7, 8
3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 3, 4, 6, 8 3, 8
4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 4 4
5 1, 2, 5, 7 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 5
6 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 6 6
7 1, 2, 7 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 7
8 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 3, 4, 6, 8 3, 8

3 3, 5, 7, 8 3, 4, 6, 8 3, 8
4 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 4 4
5 5, 7 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 5
6 5, 6, 7, 8 6 6
7 7 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 7 II
8 3, 5, 7, 8 3, 4, 6, 8 3, 8

3 3, 5, 8 3, 4, 6, 8 3, 8
4 3, 4, 5, 8 4 4
5 5 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 5 III
6 5, 6, 8 6 6
8 3, 5, 8 3, 4, 6, 8 3, 8

3 3, 8 3, 4, 6, 8 3, 8 IV
4 3, 4, 8 4 4
6 6, 8 6 6
8 3, 8 3, 4, 6, 8 3, 8 IV

4 4 4 4 V
6 6 6 6 V

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