Este Assessment-Activity

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Assessment task – Bush Shelter Requirements

Year level 6
Learning area Technologies / Science
Subject Design and Technology
Title of task List essential requirements for bush shelter

Description of task Open Forum Questions

Type of assessment Diagnostic
Purpose of To assess students’ understanding of key elements of the bush.
Assessment strategy Observation and written representations

Content from the Knowledge and understanding

Western Australian How weather (e.g. rainfall, temperature, sunshine, wind) and seasons vary between
Curriculum places, and the terms used to describe them
Questioning and research
Pose questions about the familiar and unfamiliar
Communicating and reflecting
Reflect on learning and respond to findings
Key concepts Place, Change

Task preparation
Prior learning  In previous lessons, students have been taught about the elements of the
bush, what you need in the bush to survive (food, water, shelter).
Assessment Enable: provision of assistance for students who require spelling and grammar support,
differentiation students can peer/buddy with a classmate for assistance.
Extend: students can research different types of shelters around the world.
Assessment task
Assessment In class.
Resources This assessment and stationary.

Marking key

Description Marks
Task – Describe factors of weather that help to define the wet and dry season in Broome, Western Australia
Identifies and clearly describes essential requirements to make an effective shelter
Clearly describes why an effective shelter is required in the bush
Works collaboratively in small group discussions

Humanities and Social Sciences | School Curriculum and Standards Authority Template – Marking key 1

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