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Liquid Penetrant Inspection 35 Question Quiz

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Generally, there is no harm in using a longer penetrant dwell time as long as

1 the penetrant:
Is not allowed to dry
Stays viscous
Does not form clumps on the surface of the part
Is mixed with emulsifier

When removing excess penetrant with water, the wash time should be:
2 As long as the specifications allow
Based on the temperature of the part
As long as necessary to decrease the background to an acceptable level
Longer if the water temperature increases

Wet developers are applied:

3 After the part has been dryed
Immediately after the excess penetrant has been removed from the parts surface
After the emulsifer dwell time
After the part has been dipped in cleaner/remover

When fluorescent penetrant inspection is performed, the penetrant materials

4 are formulated to glow brightly and to give off light at a wavelength:
Close to infrared light
Close to the wavelength of x-rays
That the eye is most sensitive to under dim lighting conditions
In the red spectrum

The total time that the penetrant is in contact with the part surface is called
5 the:
Soak time
Baking time
Dwell time
Immersion time

Which of the following is a disadvantage of LPI?

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Liquid Penetrant Inspection 35 Question Quiz Page 2 of 6

6 Only surface breaking flaws can be detected

Surface finish and roughness can affect inspection sensitivity
Post cleaning is required
All of the above

Which method of penetrant removal is post emulsified, lipophilic?

7 Method A
Method B
Method C
Method D

Application of the emulsifier should not be performed with a:

8 Spray
Both A and B

Developers come in a variety of forms and can be applied by:

9 Dusting
All of the above

Developer times are usually in the range of:

10 10 minutes
10 seconds
20-30 minutes
5-60 minutes

Which method of penetrant removal is solvent removable?

11 Method A
Method B
Method C
Method D

Which of the following is an advantage to LPI?

12 Large areas can be inspected
Parts with complex shapes can be inspected
It is portable
All of the above is an advantage

Penetrant can be applied by:

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All of the above

Which method of penetrant removal is post emulsified, hydrophilic?

14 Method A
Method B
Method C
Method D

Most specifications limit water contamination to around:

15 1 percent
2 percent
5 percent
10 percent

Which penetrant method is easiest to use in the field?

16 Fluorescent, post-emulsifiable
Visible dye, water washable
Visible dye, solvent removable
Fluorescent, water washable

A good cleaning procedure will:

17 Remove all contamination from the part and not leave any reside that may
interfere with the inspection process
Remove a small amount of metal from the surface of the part
Should leave the part slightly flourescent in order to identify any discontinuities
Should etch the part slightly only if it is made from 4041 aluminum

White light intensity at the surface of the part when using fluorescent penetrant
18 should be:
A minimum of 100 foot-candles
A maximum of 100 foot-candles
A minimum of 50 foot-candles
A maximum of 2 foot-candles

How often should the UV light intensity be performed?

19 When a new bulb is installed
At startup of inspection cycle
Every 8 hours
All of the above

Which of the following should be removed in order to obtain a good penetrant

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20 Varnish
All of the above

Large defects can be hidden under a paint surface because:

21 The paint will fill in the cracks and change the fluorescence of the penetrant
Paint is more elastic than metal and will not fracture
The penetrant will adhere to the paint resulting in maximum fluorescence
All of the above apply

Dry developer should be checked ______ in order to ensure it is fluffy and not
22 caked:
Every 500 parts run through it

The pentrants that are used to detect the smallest defects:

23 Should only be used on aerospace parts
Will also produce the largest amount of irrelevant indications
Can only be used on small parts less than 10 inches in surface area
Should not be used in the field

Which emulsifier system is oil based?

24 Hydrophilic emulsifier
Lipophilic emulsifier
Solvent removable emulsifier
All of the above have an oil base

The advantage that liquid penetrant testing has over an unaided visual
25 inspection is that:
The actual size of the discontinuity can be measured
The depth of the defect can be measured
The cause of the impact can be seen
It makes defects easier to see for the inspector

Which type of penetrant is a fluorescent penetrant?

26 Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV

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Liquid Penetrant Inspection 35 Question Quiz Page 5 of 6
When solvent removable penetant is used:
27 Care must be taken when removing the penetrant from the surface of the part
It should be washed off the surface of the part at an angle of 45 degrees
A low impact emulsifier should always be used
A solvent removable emulsifier should also be used

Which level of penetrant is the most sensitive?

28 Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV

Raising the temperature will:

29 Raise the speed of evaporation of penetrants
Reduce the emulsifier time
Increase the developer time
Require the need of a post emulsified penetrant

Which developer form is used for water suspendible developer?

30 Form a
Form b
Form c
Form d

When using a fluorescent penetrant, the brighness comparison is performed to:

31 ASTM 410
API 410
ASTM E 1417

The threshold of visual acuity for a person with 20/20 vision is about:
32 0.003 inches
0.03 inches
0.03 mm

Water based, water washable penetrant are checked with a:

33 Centrifuge
Centrifuge scope
Crack block

White light intensity at the surface of the part when using a visible dye
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34 penetrant should be:

A minimum of 50 foot-candles
A maximum of 50 foot-candles
A maximum of 100 foot-candles
A minimum of 100 foot-candles

Which developer form is used for nonaqueous Type I developer?

35 Form a
Form b
Form c
Form d

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