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1. As a friar, how did juan de placensia describe the religious belief of early filipinos?

Juan de placensia describe the religious beliefs of early filipinos. He was also the author of
numerous religious books such as the Doctrina Christiana, the first book printed in the philippines, and
the other works that would eventually preserve early Filipino cultural traditions such as Las
costumbres de los Tagalos en Filipinas and Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala. The Relation of the
Worship of the Tagalogs, Their Gods, and their Burials and Superstitions is the second part of his
costumbres de los Tagalos (1589).

2. How did Morga describe the religious beliefs or early Filipinos?

Morga describe the religious or early Filipinos, he was the best known as the author of sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas ( Events in the Philippine Island ), one of most comprehensive accounts of sixteenth
century spanish colonization of the archipelago in the excerpt of the sucesos below, Morga talks about
the " ignorance" and " stubborness" of the non-christian Filipinos.

3. How did Loarca describe the religious beliefs of the Pintados ?

Loarca describe the religious beliefs of the pintados, this excerpt from his Relacion talk about the
beliefs of the people fom panay or the called Pintados. Pintados was the term used by the spaniards to
refer to the tattooed settlers of the Visayan region. The Tattoos could symbolized bravery and
experience in war among men.

4. Was Chirinos observation of early Filipinos religion influenced by being a friar?

Chirino's observation of early Filipinos influenced by being a friar, the Baybayin is the ancient
philippine script used by early filipinos. The script was well documented by the friars and it was even
used in the Doctrina Christiana.

5. How similar or different the descriptions of chirino from Placencia's account of early filipino
religious beliefs?

The similarity between the discriptions of chirino from placencias account of early filipinos
religious belief, chirinos chronicle is important of the early colonization period, it focusing on the
spiritual transformation of the colony based on his experience in the laborious evangelical missions of
the jesuit. The reading is an excerpt from chapter 21 of this 82 chapter book which narrates the " false
religion of the pagans" and superstitions of the filipino. While the costumbres placencias account of
the traditions, society, marraige, laws, dowries, and spiritual beliefs of the tagalogs.

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