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Aberilla BSBA-1 July 15, 2018

Ms. Riza Fortuna

1. As a Friar How did Juan De Plasencia describe the religious belief of early


He describe that there’s no temples consecrated to performing of sacrifices for the

adorations of their idols. They celebrate a festival which called "pandot" or worship
which they celebrated in the large house of a chief. He also describe that they brought
many drums, large and small to beat for their feast lasted. He also describe that the
belief of the early Filipino is that the whole barangay united and joined in the worship
called nag-aanitos.

2. How did Morga describe the religious beliefs of early Filipinos?


He describe the beliefs of early that the worship animals and other powerful being. They
also worship the sun and the moon and drunken revels at the conjunction of the bodies.
Some worship a yellow-colored bird that dwells in their woods called bathala.

3. How did Loarca describe the religious belief of pintados?


He describe that the Pintados was the term used by the Spaniards to refer to the
tattooed settlers of the visayan region. The tattoos could symbolize bravery and
experienced in war among men.

4. Was Chirino observation of early Filipinos regions influenced by being a friar?


No, Chirino just simply describe what he seen in the native Filipino beliefs and its
doesn’taffect him as a friar.
5. How similar or different the description of Chirino from Plasencias account of
early filipino religious belief.


Chirino differ from plasencia because Chirino describe that they recognize invisible spirit
and another life also demon, the enemies of men of whom they were in abject fear from
the evils and dread which these caused them While Plasencia describe that more
Filipinos are united and worshiping to their idols which isbathala.

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