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In Alice,
which of Mark for Review
the (1) Points
could be
with a
(Choose all correct answers)
Procedure name


Duration (*)

Distance (*)

Object name

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.

2. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard
statement? <br>Cat rolls to the left. Mark for Review
(1) Points
Cat roll Right 1

this.Cat roll Left 1.0 (*)

roll Left 1

Cat roll Left 1

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.

3. It is important to save often while debugging your program. True or false?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


4. The delay procedure in Alice halts an object's motion before the next motion
begins. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


5. The comments you enter in Alice should describe the sequence of actions that
take place in the code segment. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

6. In Alice,
different Mark for Review
programming (1) Points
is not required
for different
because all
objects move
the same
way. True or

False (*)

7. In Alice, a computer program requires functions to tell it how to perform the
procedure. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

8. After objects are positioned in the scene, it is wise to save multiple versions
of the project, giving each version the same name. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.

9. In Alice, declaring a new procedure to shorten code and make it easier to
read is a procedural abstraction technique. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

10. Which of the following is a reason why procedural abstraction may be used
in programming an animation? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
The code is difficult to read. (*)

The programmer wants to save the animation.

The code is too long. (*)

The programmer wants to reuse the code. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.
11. A textual
storyboard Mark for Review
helps the (1) Points
the actions
that will
take place
during the
True or
True (*)


12. Which of the following is not an example of a one-shot procedure?
Mark for Review
(1) Points


Spin (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

13. Rings will appear around a sub-part indicating how you can reposition it.
True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


14. From your Alice lessons, built-in functions provide precise property details for
the following areas: Mark for Review
(1) Points
Proximity, size, spatial relation, and point of view. (*)

Distance to and nesting.

Proximity and size.

Proximity and point of view.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 7.

15. In Alice, when using the getDistanceTo function what menu option would you
use to subtract a set value from the distance? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Math (*)
Whole to decimal number

Custom DecimalNumber


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 7.

1. From your
Alice Mark for Review
lessons, (1) Points
what does
Each class inherits the methods and properties of all classes available in
Each subclass inherits the methods and properties of its superclass. (*)

Each class has its own methods and properties that are non-transferable
to any other class.
Each superclass inherits the methods and properties of its subclass.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

2. In Alice, which of the following are benefits of separating out motions into their
own procedures? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
It simplifies code and makes it easier to read. (*)

It makes the animation easier to run.

It makes the scene easier to view.

It allows many objects of a class to use the same procedure. (*)

It can allow subclasses of a superclass to use a procedure. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

3. From your Alice lessons, inheritance means that the superclass inherits its traits
from the subclass. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

4. In Alice, which procedure is used to assign one object as the vehicle of
another? Mark for Review
(1) Points
setVehicle (*)



Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 6.
5. In Alice, Do In Order and Do Together:
Mark for Review
(1) Points
Are move statements

Are control statements (*)

Are complex statements

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 6.

6. In Alice, when
using the Mark for Review
getDistanceTo (1) Points
function what
menu option
would you use
to subtract a
set value from
the distance?
Math (*)

Whole to decimal number

Custom DecimalNumber


7. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the
following movement: A turtle moves forward half the distance to the flower. Mark for Review
(1) Points
this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 2.0
this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 1.0

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 0.5

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower * 2

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 7.

8. The say procedure in Alice plays an audio file. True or false?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

9. After each execution of your Alice animation, what element or elements
could be adjusted in your code? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Control statements


All of the above (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

10. Which of the following is not a reason for why comments are helpful in an
Alice program? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Comments change the functionality of the program. (*)

Comments describe the intention of the programming instructions.

Comments can outline the programming instructions.

Comments help during debugging and testing so the tester knows how
the programming statements are supposed to work.
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.
11. In Alice,
where are Mark for Review
objects (1) Points
added and
in the
The Code editor

The gallery

The template

The Scene editor (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

12. From your Alice lessons, where on an object do an object's axes intersect?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
At the object's bottom

At the object's center point (*)

At the object's chest

At the object's head

13. Which option copies a programming instruction to the clipboard?
Mark for Review
(1) Points


Is Enabled

Copy to Clipboard (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.
14. In Alice, which of the following arguments could be replaced with a random
number? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
Distance (*)


Object name

Procedure name

Duration (*)

15. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard
statement? <br>Cat rolls to the left. Mark for Review
(1) Points
Cat roll Right 1

this.Cat roll Left 1.0 (*)

roll Left 1

Cat roll Left 1

1. In Alice,
control Mark for Review
statements (1) Points
into the
editor. True
or false?
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.

2. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard
statement? <br><br>Cat turns to face mouse. Mark for Review
(1) Points
cat TurnTo mouse

mouse turnTo cat turnToFace this.mouse (*)

this.mouse turnToFace

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.

3. All objects in Alice have three dimensional coordinates on which axes?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
x (*)

y (*)

z (*)

All of the above

4. Only acting objects have one-shot procedures. True or false?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

5. From your Alice lessons, a flowchart could be created in a software program, or
documented in a journal. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

6. A textual
storyboard Mark for Review
helps the (1) Points
the actions
that will
take place
during the
True or
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

7. In Alice, you could identify when new procedures need to be declared by
reviewing the textual storyboard for the animation. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


8. In Alice, the setVehicle procedure will associate one object to another. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 6.

9. In Alice, Do In Order and Do Together:
Mark for Review
(1) Points
Are move statements

Are control statements (*)

Are complex statements

None of the above

10. When is an instance created in Alice?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
After the folder is selected in the gallery.

After the code is created.

After the scenario is saved.

After the class icon is dragged into the scene. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.

11. From your
Alice lessons, Mark for Review
which (1) Points
the following
movement: A
forward the
distance to
the table,
minus the
depth of the
this.Person move Forward this.Person getDistanceTo this.Table +
this.Person getDepth
this.Person move Forward this.Person getDistanceTo this.Table -
this.Person getDepth (*)
this.Table move Forward this.Person getDistanceTo this.Table -
this.Table getDepth
this.Person move Forward this.Person getDistanceTo this.Table -
this.Table getDepth
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 7.
12. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the
following movement: A turtle moves forward half the distance to the flower. Mark for Review
(1) Points
this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower * 2

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 1.0

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 2.0

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 0.5

13. Which of the following procedures turns an object to face another object?
Mark for Review
(1) Points


turnToFace (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

14. When you disable a programming instruction, it is still executed when you
run the Alice animation. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

15. It is important to save often while debugging your program. True or false?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


1. When
something is Mark for Review
broken or (1) Points
work as
intended in
a software
program, it
is referred
to as a


Bug (*)

2. In Alice, Do In Order and Do Together:
Mark for Review
(1) Points
Are move statements

Are control statements (*)

Are complex statements

None of the above

3. In Alice, the procedures' arguments allow the programmer to adjust the
object, motion, distance amount, and time duration. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


4. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the
following movement: A turtle moves forward half the distance to the flower. Mark for Review
(1) Points
this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 1.0

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 2.0 (*)

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower * 2

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 0.5

5. Functions answer questions about an object, such as its height, width, depth
and even distance to another object. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


6. The
comments Mark for Review
you enter (1) Points
in Alice
of actions
that take
place in
the code
True or
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

7. In an Alice program, which code is executed when the Run button is clicked?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
The code entered in myMethod in the Code editor.

The one-shot procedures selected in the Scene editor.

The code entered in myFirstMethod in the Code editor. (*)

The code entered in the class's procedure in the procedures tab.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

8. Which of the following instructions turns the clown fish left 5 revolutions?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
this.clownFish turn Left 5

this.Fish turn Left 5

this.clownFish turn Left 0.5

this.clownFish turn Left 5.0 (*)

9. Alice objects move relative to the orientation of the person viewing the
animation. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

10. In Alice, where does an instance's axes intersect?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
At the instance's feet.

At the instance's head.

At the instance's center point. (*)

At the world's center point.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

11. A flowchart is a
useful way to Mark for Review
illustrate how (1) Points
your Alice
characters will
look. True or

False (*)

12. Which Alice tool
is used to Mark for Review
demonstrate the (1) Points
process flow of
an animation?

Pie chart

Refer to
Section 2
Lesson 5.
13. An animation
gives the Mark for Review
scenario a (1) Points
purpose. True or

False (*)

14. In Alice, which
of the following Mark for Review
arguments could (1) Points
be replaced with
a random
(Choose all
correct answers)
15. From your Alice
lessons, which Mark for Review
of the following (1) Points
are reasons why
numbers would
be used by a
(Choose all
correct answers)
For opening
a project.
For creating
Refer to
Section 2
Lesson 4
1. All objects in Alice have three dimensional coordinates on which axes? Mark for
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

x (*)

y (*)

z (*)

All of the above

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

2. In Alice, where are objects added and positioned in the scene? Mark for
(1) Points

The Scene editor (*)

The Code editor

The gallery

The template

[Correct] Correct

3. In Alice, how would you get the length of a fish object? Mark for Review
(1) Points

getDepth (*)




[Correct] Correct

4. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the following
movement: A turtle moves forward half the distance to the flower. Mark for Review
(1) Points

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 1.0

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 0.5

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower * 2

this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 2.0 (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 7.

5. Before you can begin to develop the animation storyboard, what must be
defined? Mark for Review
(1) Points

The debugging process

The scenario (*)

The control statements

The code

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

6. In Alice, objects inherit the characteristics of their: Mark for Review
(1) Points



Class (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

7. From your Alice lessons, which of the following is a tool to show the logic of an
animation? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Pie chart

Class chart

Visual storyboard

Scene editor

Flowchart (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

8. From your Alice lessons, what does the Count control statement do? Mark for
(1) Points

Executes statements a random number of times.

Executes statements a specific number of times. (*)

Executes statements simultaneously.

Executes statements while a condition is true.

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.

9. In Alice, control statements are dragged into the Code editor. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

10. When is an instance created in Alice? Mark for Review

(1) Points

After the folder is selected in the gallery.

After the code is created.

After the scenario is saved.

After the class icon is dragged into the scene. (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.

11. Which of the following is a reason why you might disable programming
statements in your Alice code? Mark for Review
(1) Points

To make an object move forward.

To make an object turn and move simultaneously.

To help isolate portions of code during testing. (*)

To disable the entire program.

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

12. Debugging and testing is the process of running the animation one time, and
adjusting the control statements, procedures, and arguments. Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

13. It is important to save often while debugging your program. True or

false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

14. In Alice, which of the following is not a control statement? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Do In Order

Move (*)


[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 6.

15. In Alice, the procedures' arguments allow the programmer to adjust the object,
motion, distance amount, and time duration. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

1. Which of the following statements about methods is false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

The order in which methods are listed within the class is not important.

Java does not permit nesting one method definition within another method's definition.

Classes must be defined directly within a method definition. (*)

Methods whose return type is not void are required to include a return statement
specifying what to return.

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 14.

2. Consider the following: You want to use the BufferedReader and

InputStreamReader classes to get user input from the command line. Which one of the
following import statements must you use? Mark for Review
(1) Points

import java.buffer.*;

import java.awt.*;


import*; (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 14.

3. The list below displays valid primitive types in Java, except which one? Mark
for Review
(1) Points




String (*)


[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 13.

4. Which of the following does not describe variables? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Has a type associated with it.

Has a unique name.

A place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored for later retrieval and use.

Arranged in rows and columns. (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 13.

5. Which of the following are examples of elements you would test in your Alice
animation? Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Event listeners trigger the correct responses. (*)

All of the procedures display in alphabetical order in the Procedures tab.

Math expressions calculate as expected. (*)

Objects move with smooth timing. (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 12.

6. In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario? Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

A person to help.

A problem to solve. (*)

A task to perform. (*)

A system to start.

A section of code to write.

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 12.

7. From your Alice lessons, if you examined a science process that had many steps,
which of the following is a way that you could apply functional decomposition to this
process? Mark for Review
(1) Points

1. Identify the high level steps for the science concept.

2. Further refine and define the tasks needed for each high level step.
3. Present the problem as an animation. (*)

Present the problem as an animation.

1. Present the problem as an animation.

2. Further refine and define the tasks needed for each high level step.
3. Identify the high level steps for the science concept.

1. Identify the detailed steps for the science concept.

2. Present the problem as an animation.

[Correct] Correct

8. In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Using math operators. (*)

Downloading the Alice 3 collision detector app.

Slowing movements down.

Using object detection.

[Correct] Correct

9. Alice uses built-in math operators. They are: Mark for Review
(1) Points





All of the above (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 9.

10. An event is any action initiated by the user that is designed to influence the
program?s execution during play. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

11. When creating an event based on a keypress which event handler would
you use? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Scene Activation/Time



Keyboard (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 11.

12. A variable is a named location inside the computer's memory; once there, the
information can be retrieved and changed. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

13. From your Alice lessons, variables are fixed and cannot be changed. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 10.

14. In Alice, the If control structure can process one true and one false response.
True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

15. Which of the following IF control structures command the blue tang fish to roll
and simultaneously move down if it collides with a shark, or move forward if it does not
collide with a shark? Mark for Review
(1) Points


[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 8.

1. In Alice, which control statement is used to invoke simultaneous
movement? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Do In Order
Do Together (*)

2. In Alice, a computer program requires functions to tell it how to perform the

procedure. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

3. Manually manipulating an Alice object with your cursor is a way to precisely position
an object. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

4. Only acting objects have one-shot procedures. True or false? Mark for
(1) Points
False (*)

5. In Alice, where are objects added and positioned in the scene? Mark for Review
(1) Points
The template
The Scene editor (*)
The Code editor
The gallery

6. Before you can begin to develop the animation storyboard, what must be
defined? Mark for Review
(1) Points
The debugging process
The control statements
The code
The scenario (*)

7. In Alice, which of the following are benefits of separating out motions into their own
procedures? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
It makes the scene easier to view.
It can allow subclasses of a superclass to use a procedure. (*)
It simplifies code and makes it easier to read. (*)
It makes the animation easier to run.
It allows many objects of a class to use the same procedure. (*)

8. Which Alice tool is used to demonstrate the process flow of an animation? Mark for
(1) Points
Pie chart
Textual storyboard
Visual storyboard
Flowchart (*)

9. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard statement?

Cat turns to face mouse. Mark for Review

(1) Points
mouse turnTo cat turnToFace this.mouse (*)
this.mouse turnToFace
cat TurnTo mouse

10. From your Alice lessons, which control statement executes instructions
simultaneously? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Do in order
Do together (*)

11. From your Alice lessons, built-in functions provide precise property details for the
following areas: Mark for Review
(1) Points
Proximity and point of view.
Distance to and nesting.
Proximity and size.
Proximity, size, spatial relation, and point of view. (*)

12. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the following
movement: A turtle moves forward half the distance to the flower. Mark for Review
(1) Points
this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower * 2
this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 1.0
this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 0.5
this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 2.0 (*)

13. What is the purpose of a function in Alice? Mark for Review

(1) Points
To position the object in the Scene editor.
To save the project.
To compute and answer a question about an object. (*)
To define how the object should execute a task.

14. The comments you enter in Alice should describe the sequence of actions that take
place in the code segment. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

15. Which of the following is a reason why you might disable programming statements
in your Alice code? Mark for Review
(1) Points
To disable the entire program.
To make an object move forward.
To make an object turn and move simultaneously.
To help isolate portions of code during testing. (*)

1. From your Alice lessons, where on an object do an object's axes intersect? Mark for
(1) Points
At the object's center point (*)
At the object's head
At the object's chest
At the object's bottom

2. Only acting objects have one-shot procedures. True or false? Mark for
(1) Points
False (*)

3. In Alice, which of the following is not a control statement? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Move (*)
Do In Order

4. In Alice, a computer program requires functions to tell it how to perform the

procedure. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

5. When is an instance created in Alice? Mark for Review

(1) Points
After the scenario is saved.
After the folder is selected in the gallery.
After the class icon is dragged into the scene. (*)
After the code is created.

6. Which of the following is an example of nesting in an Alice program? Mark for

(1) Points
Five Do Together statements are nested inside of a Do In Order statement. (*)
A move procedure is nested inside of a turn procedure.
Distance, duration, and direction arguments are nested inside of a procedure.
Text is nested inside of a comments tile.

7. Which Alice control statement executes a set of procedures

simultaneously? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Do in order
Do together (*)

8. Programming comments do not affect the functionality of your Alice animation. True
or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

9. What is the first step to entering comments in an Alice program? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Select the instance from the instance menu.
Drag and drop the comments tile below a code segment.
Type comments that describe the sequence of actions in the code segment.
Drag and drop the comments tile above a code segment. (*)

10. In Alice the Functions tab will display the pre-defined functions for the selected
instance. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

11. In Alice, what function would you use to get a wholenumber from the
user? Mark for Review
(1) Points
getIntegerFromUser (*)

12. In Alice, there is no way of reordering the function list in the function tab. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

13. Defining the scenario, and the Alice animation to represent the scenario, is the first
step to programming your animation. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

14. In Alice, declaring a new procedure to shorten code and make it easier to read is a
procedural abstraction technique. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

15. In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
A problem to solve. (*)
A task to perform. (*)
A person to help.
A system to start.
A section of code to write.

1. Before you can begin to develop the animation storyboard, what must be
defined? Mark for Review
(1) Points
The debugging process
The control statements
The scenario (*)
The code

2. In Alice, declaring a new procedure to shorten code and make it easier to read is a
procedural abstraction technique. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

3. A scenario gives the Alice animation a purpose. True or false? Mark for
(1) Points
True (*)

4. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the following
movement: A cat moves forward double (or twice) the distance to the tree. Mark for
(1) Points
this.Cat move Forward this.Cat getDistanceTo this.tree / 2.0
this.Cat move Forward this.Cat getDistanceTo this.tree - 2.0
this.Cat move Forward this.Cat getDistanceTo this.tree * 2.0 (*)
this.Cat move forward this.Cat getDistanceTo this.tree + 2.0

5. In Alice, where you would you get access to the specific joints of an object that are
not available through the object drop down menu? Mark for Review
(1) Points
scene editor
procedures tab
functions tab (*)
code editor

6. Only acting objects have one-shot procedures. True or false? Mark for
(1) Points
False (*)

7. From your Alice lessons, where on an object do an object's axes intersect? Mark for
(1) Points
At the object's bottom
At the object's chest
At the object's head
At the object's center point (*)

8. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard statement?

Cat turns to face mouse. Mark for Review

(1) Points turnToFace this.mouse (*)
mouse turnTo cat
cat TurnTo mouse
this.mouse turnToFace

9. In Alice, the computer specifies the low and high range values for the range of
numbers from which to pull a randomized number. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

10. When something is broken or doesn't work as intended in a software program, it is

referred to as a _________? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Bug (*)

11. Debugging and testing is the process of running the animation one time, and
adjusting the control statements, procedures, and arguments. Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

12. In Alice the Functions tab will display the pre-defined functions for the selected
instance. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

13. What is the first step to programming an object to turn left in Alice? Mark for
(1) Points
Select the object to program from the instance menu. (*)
Drag the turn procedure into the Code editor.
Select the duration for the object to turn.
Select the distance to turn.
14. In Alice, the procedures' arguments allow the programmer to adjust the object,
motion, distance amount, and time duration. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

15. Which of the following actions would require a control statement to control animation
timing? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
A biped object walking. (*)
A rock object turning.
A bird flying. (*)
A fish swimming. (*)

1. Define the value of the variable LapCount based on the following math calculation:
LapCount + 10 = 15 Mark for Review
(1) Points
5 (*)

2. Which of the following is not an Alice variable value type? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Whole Number
Decimal Number
Function (*)

3. In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario? Mark for Review

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
A problem to solve. (*)
A person to help.
A task to perform. (*)
A section of code to write.
A system to start.

4. From your Alice lessons, animations should be tested by the programmer before
they are considered complete. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

5. From your Alice lessons, when testing your animation, you should test that
comments were added below each sequence of instructions in the code. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

6. In Java, a function is a method that must return a value. True or false? Mark for
(1) Points
False (*)

7. Which of the following does not describe methods? Mark for Review
(1) Points
A subprogram that acts on data and often returns a value.
A set of code that is referred to by name.
Is associated with an instance variable. (*)
Can be called at any point in a program simply by utilizing its name.

8. In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Downloading the Alice 3 collision detector app.
Using object detection.
Using math operators. (*)
Slowing movements down.

9. Alice uses built-in math operators; they are: Mark for Review
(1) Points
Add and subtract
Multiply and divide
All of the above (*)
None of the above

10. In Alice, what tab would you choose to start a new animation with a pre-populated
world? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Blank Slate
Starters (*)
My Projects

11. In Alice, when is the sceneActivationListener executed? Mark for Review

(1) Points
When the user clicks on on object
At the end of the animation
At the beginning of the animation (*)
When an object appears on screen

12. A data type defines the type of procedures a variable can store. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

13. If a value has been assigned to (is stored in) a variable, that value will be overwritten
when another value is assigned to the variable using the assignment "=" operator. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

14. In Alice, the use of conditional control structures allows what two types of loops?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
conditional (*)

15. In Alice, which one of the following is not a pre-defined control structure? Mark for
(1) Points
do in order
do together
do while (*)

1. In Java, which symbol is used to assign one value to another? Mark for Review
(1) Points
= (*)

2. What is the output produced by the following code?

Mark for Review
(1) Points

j is 10
j is 5
k is 5

j is 5
k is 5 (*)

j is 10
k is 10
j is 15
k is 15

3. When you want specific code to be executed only if certain conditions are met, what
type of Java construct would you use? Mark for Review
(1) Points
if (*)
while loop

4. If you need to repeat a group of Java statements many times, which Java construct
should you use? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
while loop (*)
do while loop (*)

5. In Alice it is not possible to transfer a class from one animation to another. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

6. You want an event to happen when an object collides with another object, which
category of event handler would you choose? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Scene Activation/time
Position/Orientation (*)

7. Which of the following is not an Alice variable value type? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Decimal Number
Function (*)
Whole Number

8. The initializer of a variable with a TextString value type could be (select all that
apply): Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
"Greetings" (*)
"Howdy" (*)
"4" (*)
None of the above.

9. Which of the following WHILE control structures commands the fish to move forward
repeatedly 0.5 meters at a time, but stop if it collides with the shark? Mark for Review
(1) Points


10. In Alice, we use the WHILE control statement to implement the conditional loop. True
or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

11. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the butterfly forward,
double the distance to the tree? Mark for Review
(1) Points
this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree / 2}
this.Butterfly move backward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2}
this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2} (*)
this.Butterfly move backward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree / 2}

12. An example of an expression is: Mark for Review

(1) Points
If or Where
3*3=9 (*)
Move forward 1 meter
"I feel happy."

13. From your Alice lessons, a textual storyboard provides a detailed, ordered list of the
actions each object performs in each scene of the animation. True or false? Mark for
(1) Points
True (*)

14. From your Alice lessons, when testing your animation, you should test that comments
were added below each sequence of instructions in the code. True or false? Mark for
(1) Points
False (*)

15. What can be used as a guideline to ensure your Alice animation fulfills animation
principles? Mark for Review
(1) Points
An animation checklist (*)
Other programmers
The Internet
A close friend

1. An event is any action initiated by the user that is designed to influence the
program?s execution during play. Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

2. In Alice, what tab would you choose to start a new animation with a pre-populated
world? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Starters (*)
My Projects
Blank Slate

3. Which of the following is not a valid arithmetic operator in Java? Mark for Review
(1) Points
$ (*)
None of the above

4. If a value has been assigned to (is stored in) a variable, that value will be overwritten
when another value is assigned to the variable using the assignment "=" operator. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

5. In Java, a function is a method that must return a value. True or false? Mark for
(1) Points
False (*)

6. The list below contains method descriptions. All are correct except which
one? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
Is associated with an instance variable.
A subprogram that acts on data and often returns a value. (*)
A set of code that is referred to by name. (*)
Can be called at any point in a program simply by utilizing its name.
7. In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Downloading the Alice 3 collision detector app.
Using math operators. (*)
Using object detection.
Slowing movements down.

8. Alice uses built-in math operators; they are: Mark for Review
(1) Points
Add and subtract
Multiply and divide
All of the above (*)
None of the above

9. Define the value of the variable LapCount based on the following math calculation:
LapCount + 10 = 15 Mark for Review
(1) Points
5 (*)

10. The initializer of a variable with a TextString value type could be (select all that
apply): Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
"Greetings" (*)
"Howdy" (*)
"4" (*)
None of the above.

6. The list below contains method descriptions. All are correct except which
one? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
Is associated with an instance variable.
A subprogram that acts on data and often returns a value. (*)
A set of code that is referred to by name. (*)
Can be called at any point in a program simply by utilizing its name.

7. In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Downloading the Alice 3 collision detector app.
Using math operators. (*)
Using object detection.
Slowing movements down.
8. Alice uses built-in math operators; they are: Mark for Review
(1) Points
Add and subtract
Multiply and divide
All of the above (*)
None of the above

9. Define the value of the variable LapCount based on the following math calculation:
LapCount + 10 = 15 Mark for Review
(1) Points
5 (*)

10. The initializer of a variable with a TextString value type could be (select all that
apply): Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
"Greetings" (*)
"Howdy" (*)
"4" (*)
None of the above.

15. The Alice If control structure requires the false statement to be populated. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)
Section 1

1. To access the Alice Code editor from the Scene editor, which button do you click?
Access Code Editor
Code Editor
Edit Code (*)

2. The Alice Scene editor contains tools to rotate the camera view. True or false?
True (*)

3. In Alice the Functions tab will display the pre-defined functions for the selected instance.
True or false?
True (*)

4. The Procedures tab and the Functions tab are the two tabs available in the Alice methods
panel. True or false?
True (*)

5. Which of the following instructions turns the clown fish left 5 meters?
this.clownFish turn Left 5.0 (*)
this.clownFish turn Left 0.5
this.clownFish turn Left 5
this.Fish turn Left 5

6. Which of the following procedures turns an object to face another object?

turnToFace (*)

7. Which of the following is the default control statement in myFirstMethod?

Do Together
Do In Order (*)

8. To add a procedure to myFirstMethod, right-click on the procedure you wish to add and
select the Add button.
False (*)

9. The Alice move procedure contains which arguments?

Direction (*)
Amount (*)

10. An argument is a value that the procedure uses to complete its task. True or false?
True (*)

11. Programming comments do not affect the functionality of your Alice animation. True or
True (*)

12. What is the first step to entering comments in an Alice program?

Type comments that describe the sequence of actions in the code segment.
Drag and drop the comments tile above a code segment. (*)
Drag and drop the comments tile below a code segment.
Select the instance from the instance menu.

13. Which of the following ways can you alter a procedure in Alice?
Copy (*)
Disable (*)
Reorder (*)

14. When you disable a programming instruction, it is still executed when you run the Alice
animation. True or false?
False (*)

15. After each execution of your Alice animation, what element or elements could be
adjusted in your code?
Control statements
All of the above (*)

16. It is important to save often while debugging your program. True or false?
True (*)

Prueba: Add Rotation and Randomization: Quiz

Section 1

1. Which Alice control statement executes a set of procedures simultaneously?

Do together (*)
Do in order

2. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard statement? Cat
rolls to the left.
roll Left 1
this.Cat roll Left 1.0 (*)
Cat roll Left 1
Cat roll Right 1

3. In Alice, control statements are dragged into the Code editor. True or false?
True (*)

4. In Alice, the while control statement executes a set of procedures a specific number of
times. True or false?
False (*)

5.In Alice, the computer specifies the low and high range values for the range of numbers
from which to pull a randomized number. True or false?
False (*)

6.In Alice, which of the following arguments could be replaced with a random number?
Distance (*)
Object name
Duration (*)
Procedure name

Prueba: Declare Procedures: Quiz

Section 1

1. In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario?

A section of code to write.
A problem to solve. (*)
A task to perform. (*)
A person to help.
A system to start.

2. An animation gives the scenario a purpose. True or false?

False (*)

3. Breaking down a problem or process into smaller parts makes it easier to manage. True
or false?
True (*)

4. A textual storyboard helps the reader understand the actions that will take place during
the animation. True or false?
True (*)

5. Which Alice tool is used to demonstrate the process flow of an animation?

Visual storyboard
Textual storyboard
Flowchart (*)
Pie chart

6. A flowchart is a useful way to illustrate how your Alice animation’s characters will look.
True or false?
False (*)

7. From your Alice lessons, what does inheritance mean?

Each class inherits the methods and properties of all classes available in Alice.
Each superclass inherits the methods and properties of its
Each subclass inherits the methods and properties of its superclass. (*)
Each class has its own methods and properties that are nontransferable to any other class.

8. Which of the following would a clown fish object in Alice inherit from its class?
Two eyes
All of the above (*)

9. Procedural abstraction may need to be implemented if an object in Alice needs to

perform an action, but there isn’t an inherited procedure that accomplishes that action. True
or false?
True (*)

10.Which of the following is a reason why procedural abstraction may be used in

programming an animation?
The code is too long. (*)
The programmer wants to save the animation.
The code is difficult to read. (*)
The programmer wants to reuse the code. (*)

11.In Alice, new procedures are declared in the Scene editor. True or false?
False (*)

12.In Alice, you could identify when new procedures need to be declared by reviewing the
textual storyboard for the animation. True or false?
True (*)

13.In Alice, which of the following situations could benefit from declaring a new procedure?
An object needs to move forward, then move up 10 meters.
An object needs to say three statements.
An object does not have a default procedure for a motion, such as swimming. (*)
Multiple objects need to use a motion, such as bunnies hopping. (*)
A single motion, such as walking, takes up a lot of room in myFirstMethod. (*)

14.In Alice, if only objects that walk on four legs need to use a procedure, in which
superclass would the procedure be declared?
Quadruped (*)
Prueba: Use Control Statements: Quiz

Section 1

1.In Alice, which of the following is not a control statement?

Do In Order
Move (*)

2.In Alice, which control statement is used to invoke simultaneous movement?

Do Together (*)
Do In Order

3.In Alice, a walking motion for a bipedal object can be achieved without the Do Together
control statement. True or false?
False (*)

4.In Alice, different programming is not required for different objects, because all objects
move the same way. True or false?
False (*)

5.In Alice, when two objects are synchronized and move together, this means that one
object is:
A vehicle of another (*)
A class of another
An object of another
An instance of another

6.In Alice, which procedure is used to assign one object as the vehicle of another?
setVehicle (*)
1. Saved Alice projects can be opened and edited. True or false?


2. Which of the following are ways to open an existing Alice project file after launching
Alice? (Choose all correct answers)

Click and drag the file from your computer into Alice 3.
Select the project from the My Projects tab.*
Browse for the project using the File System tab.*
Double-click on the project file name in the folder it is stored in on your computer.

3. In Alice, where are objects added and positioned in the scene?

The Code editor

The gallery
The Scene editor*
The template

4. In Alice, there is a limit of 10 objects per scene. True or false?


5. In Alice, what does the resize handle style do?

Simple rotation and movement

Rotate about the x, y, and z axes
Change size of the object and stretch it along the x, y, and z axes*
Move along the x, y, and z axes

6. Manually manipulating an Alice object with your cursor is a way to precisely position an
object. True or false?

7. Which of the following is not an example of a one-shot procedure?


8. Only acting objects have one-shot procedures. True or false?


9. When you edit an object’s properties in the Scene editor, the changes do not take effect
until the Run button is clicked. True or false?


10. One type of object property is an object’s position in the scene. True or false?


11. Which of the following is not one of the positioning axes used in Alice 3?


12. In Alice, where does an instance’s axes intersect?

At the instance’s head.

At the instance’s feet.
At the instance’s center point.*
At the world’s center point.

13. Which handle style would be used to rotate an object’s sub-part about the x, y, and z


14. Rings will appear around a sub-part indicating how you can reposition it. True or false?

1. Alice provides pre-populated worlds through which new menu tab?
• Starters (*)
• Blank Slates
• File System - saved Alice projects can be opened and edited
• Recent

2. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the alien backward the
distance to the asteroid, minus 2 meters?
• this.Alien move backward {this.Alien getDistanceTo this.Asteroid -2} (*)
• this.Alien move backward {this.Alien getDistanceTo this.Asteroid * 2}
• this.Asteroid move backward {this.Alien getDistanceTo this.Asteorid / 2}
• this.Alien move forward {this.Asteroid getDistanceTo this.Alien / 2}

3. What is the first step to entering comments in an Alice program?

• Type comments that describe the sequence of actions in the code segment.
• Drag and drop the comments tile above a code segment. (*)
• Drag and drop the comments tile below a code segment.
• Select the instance from the instance menu.

4. Which of the following are examples of elements you would test in your Alice
• All of the procedures display in alphabetical order in the Procedures tab.
• Math expressions calculate as expected. (*)
• Objects move with smooth timing. (*)
• Event listeners trigger the correct responses. (*)
• Comments were added below each sequence of instructions in the code.

5. You want an event to happen when an object collides with another object, which category
of event handler would you choose?
• Mouse
• Keyboard
• Scene Activation/time
• Position/Orientation (*)

6. Main is an example of what in the following code?

public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println{"Hello World!");
• A method (*)
• A class
• A variable

7. Which of the following does not describe methods?

• A subprogram that acts on data and often returns a value.
• A set of code that is referred to by name.
• Can be called at any point in a program simply by utilizing its name.
• Is associated with an instance variable. (*)

8. Which of the following is not an Alice variable value type?

• Color
• Decimal Number
• Whole Number
• Function (*)

9. In Java code the { } brackets are used to represent what statements?

• for
• end (*)
• while
• begin (*)

10. In Alice, if only objects that walk on four legs need to use a procedure, in which
superclass would the procedure be declared? When a new procedure is declared, all
subclasses of the superclass will inherit the procedure.
• Quadruped (*)
• Biped
• Swimmer
• Prop
11. In Alice, which of the following is not a control statement?
• Do In Order
• While
• Count
• Move (*)
• Do Together

12. If a value has been assigned to (is stored in) a variable, that value will be overwritten
when another value is assigned to the variable using the assignment "=" operator. - True

13. Which of the following is an incorrectly written programming statement?

• move(): (*)
• move(2);
• turn(25);
14. From your Greenfoot lessons, what can methods belong to?
• Galleries
• Classes (*)
• Scenarios
• Objects (*)

15. In Greenfoot, the turn method expects what type of information in its parameters?
• Degrees to turn (*)
• True or false response
• String statement
• Integer of steps to move forward
• Parameter void

16. In Greenfoot, the move method expects what type of information in its parameters?
• Degrees to turn
• True or false response
• String statement
• Integer of steps to move forward (*)

17. In the Greenfoot IDE, an instance's position is on the x and y coordinates. True or
• True (*)

18. From your Greenfoot lessons, what are the ways that you can view a class's
• In the scenario
• In the class's documentation (*)
• By right-clicking on an instance (*)
• In the Greenfoot gallery

19. Which class holds the method that ends a Greenfoot game?
• Greenfoot (*)
• Class
• GreenfootImage
• Actor

20. In the following Greenfoot array, what statement would you write to access the "a" key?
Keynames = {"a", "b", "c", "d"};
• keynames[2]
• keynames["a"]
• keynames[0] (*)
• keynames["a" key]

21. In Greenfoot, what is a common letter used for the loop variable?
• A
• I (*)
• X
• Y

22. In Greenfoot you can interact with the scenario using a mouse.
• True (*)
• False

23. Which of the following demonstrates a Greenfoot subclass/superclass relationship?

• A dog is a subclass of the cat superclass.
• A rose is a subclass of the flower superclass. (*)
• A computer is a subclass of a video game superclass.
• A single person is a superclass of the human subclass.

24. To execute a method in your Greenfoot game, where is it called from?

• The world
• The act method (*)
• The actor class
• The gallery
1. Which of the following does not describe methods? Is associated with an instance
variable. (*)
2. Review the code below.

Select the result from the following statements about what happens when the loopVal >= 5.
The condition loopVal < 5 is tested before executing anything further in the program. (*)
3. Event listeners look for and resopnd to the interactivity of the computer. True or false?
False (*)
4. Which one of the following event listener types is not available at the top-level of the
addEvent drop down list in Alice? Collision (*)
5. Which of the following programming instructions commands the fish to continuously
move forward a random speed between 0.5 and 1.0 meters, minus 0.25 meters, until it
collides with the shark?

6. Variable values can be changed as often as you like. True or false? True (*)
7. Which of the following is not a relational operator? // (*)
8. Which of the following does not describe variables? Arranged in rows and columns. (*)
9. In Alice, we use the WHILE control statement to implement the conditional loop. True or
false? True (*)
10. A conditional loop is a loop that will continue forever. True or false? False (*)
11. Alice uses built-in math operators. They are: All of the above (*)
12. From your Alice lessons, the "Checklist for Animation Completion" does not ask
questions about the scenario and storyboards, because these are not valid parts of the
animation creation process. True or false? False (*)
13. Which of the following are examples of elements you would test in your Alice
animation? (Choose all correct answers): Objects move with smooth timing. (*), Math
expressions calculate as expected. (*), dan Event listeners trigger the correct responses. (*)
14. From your Alice lessons, animations should be tested by the programmer before they
are considered complete. True or false? True (*)
15. When you edit an object's properties in the Scene editor, the changes do not take
effect until the Run button is clicked. True or false? False (*)
16. In Alice, where does an instance's axes intersect? At the instance's center point. (*)
17. In Alice, functions are dragged into the control statement, not the procedure. True or
false? False (*)
18. In Alice, when using the getDistanceTo function what menu option would you use to
subtract a set value from the distance? Math (*)
19. In Alice, once an instance is added to the scene, it cannot be deleted. True or false?
False (*)
20. Which of the following actions would require a control statement to control animation
timing? (Choose all correct answers): A bird flying. (*), A fish swimming. (*), dan A biped
object walking. (*)
21. In Alice, Do In Order and Do Together: Are control statements (*)
22. Which of the following would not be an argument in an Alice programming instruction
that commands a person object to move forward 2 meters? Person's height (*)
23. The Alice move procedure contains which arguments? Direction (*) dan Amount (*)
24. Which of the following instructions turns the clown fish left 5 meters? this.clownFish
turn Left 5.0 (*)
25. In Alice, which of the following is the most likely situation where procedural abstraction
could be used? Five dogs all need to bark and run at the same time. (*)
26. An animation gives the scenario a purpose. True or false? False (*)
27. In Alice, when a new procedure is declared, all subclasses of the superclass will
inherit the procedure. True or false? True (*)
28. From your Alice lessons, which of the following are reasons why random numbers
would be used by a computer? For security. (*) dan For simulation. (*)
29. In Alice, which of the following arguments could be replaced with a random number?
Distance (*) dan Duration (*)
30. In Alice, different programming is not required for different objects, because all objects
move the same way. True or false? False (*)
31. In Alice, which procedure is used to assign one object as the vehicle of another?
setVehicle (*)
32. Copying programming instructions saves time when programming your Alice project.
True or false? True (*)
33. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard statement?
<br><br>Cat turns to face mouse. turnToFace this.mouse (*)
34. From your Alice lessons, which of the following are reasons why random numbers
would be used by a computer? For security. (*) dan For simulation. (*)
35. Which of the following is not one of the positioning axes used in Alice 3? w (*)
36. Which of the following is not an example of a one-shot procedure? Spin (*)
37. From your Alice lessons, which of the following is a tool to show the logic of an
animation? Flowchart (*)
38. In Alice, declaring a new procedure to shorten code and make it easier to read is a
procedural abstraction technique. True or false? True (*)
39. In Alice, which of the following are benefits of separating out motions into their own
procedures? (Choose all correct answers): It simplifies code and makes it easier to read.
(*),It allows many objects of a class to use the same procedure. (*), dan It can allow
subclasses of a superclass to use a procedure. (*)
40. Which of the following ways can you modify the code in the code editor window?
(Choose all correct answers): Copy & paste (*),Disable (*), Drag to reorder (*)
41. The Procedures tab and the Functions tab are the two tabs available in the Alice
methods panel. True or false? True (*)
42. In Alice the Functions tab will display the pre-defined functions for the selected
instance. True or false? True (*)
43. In Alice, which function is used to move an object directly to the center point of
another object? getDistance (*)
44. In Alice, you can use a function to get the current color of the object. True or false?
True (*)
45. From your Alice lessons, what is a one-shot procedural method? A procedure that is
used to make a scene adjustment. (*)
46. To add a procedure to myFirstMethod, right-click on the procedure you wish to add
and select the Add button. True or false? False (*)
47. After each execution of your Alice animation, what element or elements could be
adjusted in your code? All of the above (*)
48. The move procedure in Alice moves an object in how many different possible
directions? 6 (*)
49. Procedural abstraction may need to be implemented if an object in Alice needs to
perform an action, but there isn't an inherited procedure that accomplishes that action. True
or false? True (*)
50. In Alice, a walking motion for a bipedal object can be achieved without the Do
Together control statement. True or false? False (*)
51. In Alice, a computer program requires functions to tell it how to perform the procedure.
True or false? False (*)
52. From your Alice lessons, random numbers are set in the distance and duration
arguments in a procedure. True or false? True (*)
53. Debugging is the process of finding bugs in a software program. True or false? True
54. In Alice, what function would you use to get a wholenumber from the user?
getIntegerFromUser (*)
55. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the following
movement: A turtle moves forward half the distance to the flower. this.Turtle move Forward
this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 2.0 (*)
56. Functions answer questions about an object, such as its height, width, depth and even
distance to another object. True or false? True (*)
57. From your Alice lessons, built-in functions provide precise property details for the
following areas: Proximity, size, spatial relation, and point of view. (*)
58. In Alice, when two objects are synchronized and move together, this means that one
object is: A vehicle of another (*)
59. In Alice, the setVehicle procedure will associate one object to another. True or false?
True (*)
60. In Alice, which of the following situations could benefit from declaring a new
procedure? (Choose all correct answers): Multiple objects need to use a motion, such as
bunnies hopping. (*), An object does not have a default procedure for a motion, such as
swimming. (*), An object does not have a default procedure for a motion, such as
swimming. (*)
61. A scenario gives the Alice animation a purpose. True or false? True (*)
62. In Alice, if a procedure is declared for a clownFish class, which classes can use the
procedure? ClownFish class (*)
63. Which button is selected in the Alice file menu to save a different version of an
animation? Save As... (*)
64. In Alice, there is a limit of 10 objects per scene. True or false? False (*)
65. One type of object property is an object's position in the scene. True or false? True (*)
66. Which of the following is an example of nesting in an Alice program? Five Do
Together statements are nested inside of a Do In Order statement. (*)
67. What is the first step to programming an object to turn left in Alice? Select the object
to program from the instance menu. (*)
68. The delay procedure in Alice halts an object's motion before the next motion begins.
True or false? True (*)
69. When you edit an object's properties in the Scene editor, the changes do not take
effect until the Run button is clicked. True or false? False (*)
70. From your Alice lessons, the Do In Order control statement is also referred to by what
other name? Sequential control (*)
71. In Alice, what function would you use to get a wholenumber from the user?
getIntegerFromUser (*)
72. In Alice, how would you get the length of a fish object? getDepth (*)
73. Alice 3 will periodically remind you to save your project. True or false? False (*)
74. Before you can begin to develop the animation storyboard, what must be defined?
The scenario (*)
75. From your Alice lessons, inheritance means that the superclass inherits its traits from
the subclass. True or false? False (*)
76. In Alice, you could identify when new procedures need to be declared by reviewing
the textual storyboard for the animation. True or false? True (*)
77. What is the first step to entering comments in an Alice program? Drag and drop the
comments tile above a code segment. (*)
78. In an Alice program, which code is executed when the Run button is clicked? The
code entered in myFirstMethod in the Code editor. (*)
79. In Alice, each class has a set of pre-defined procedures and functions. True or false?
True (*)
80. When you import a class from another file you have to import the entire class. True or
false? False (*)
81. Which of the following is not a type of event listener in Alice? Cursor (*)
82. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the butterfly forward,
double the distance to the tree? this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo
this.Tree * 2} (*)
83. An example of an expression is: 3*3=9 (*)
84. When presenting your Alice animation, ensure that your presentation is thoroughly
tested and complete. True or false? True (*)
85. In Alice, it is not possible to upload the animation directly to YouTube. False (*)
86. In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario? A problem to solve. (*), A task to perform.
87. A typical application uses various values and these values continuously change while
the program is running. True or false? True (*)
1. Which
handle Mark for Review
style (1) Points
used to
the x,
y, and
z axes?



Rotation (*)

2. Alice objects move relative to the orientation of the person viewing the animation.
True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

3. In Alice, which function is used to move an object directly to the center point of
another object? Mark for Review
(1) Points



getDistance (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 7.

4. From your Alice lessons, built-in functions provide precise property details for the
following areas: Mark for Review
(1) Points
Proximity, size, spatial relation, and point of view. (*)

Proximity and size.

Proximity and point of view.

Distance to and nesting.

5. In Alice, Do In Order and Do Together:
Mark for Review
(1) Points
Are move statements

Are control statements (*)

Are complex statements

None of the above

6. Which of
the Mark for Review
following (1) Points
require a
to control
(Choose all correct answers)
A rock object turning.

A biped object walking. (*)

A fish swimming. (*)

A bird flying. (*)

7. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard statement?
<br><br>Cat turns to face mouse. Mark for Review
(1) Points
mouse turnTo cat turnToFace this.mouse (*)

this.mouse turnToFace

cat TurnTo mouse

8. A complete Alice instruction includes which of the following components?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Procedure (*)
Direction (*)


Amount (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.

9. From your Alice lessons, which of the following are types of storyboards?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)


Visual (*)


Textual (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

10. In Alice, when a new procedure is declared, all subclasses of the superclass will
inherit the procedure. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


11. Which of the
following is a Mark for Review
reason why (1) Points
may be used
(Choose all correct answers)
The programmer wants to save the animation.

The code is difficult to read. (*)

The programmer wants to reuse the code. (*)

The code is too long. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

12. Debugging is the process of finding bugs in a software program. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)

13. The say procedure in Alice plays an audio file. True or false?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

14. The comments you enter in Alice should describe the sequence of actions
that take place in the code segment. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


15. The delay procedure in Alice halts an object's motion before the next motion
begins. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)



88. Which of the following programming instructions commands the fish to continuously
move forward a random speed between 0.5 and 1.0 meters, minus 0.25 meters, until it
collides with the shark?

decimalnumber fishspeed <- nextrandomreal 05,10

while not bluetang iscolliding with shark is true
bluetang move foward fishspeed 0,25

89. A variable is a place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored for later
retrieval and use by your program. True (*)
90. If you need to repeat a group of Java statements many times, which Java construct
should you use? (Choose all correct answers) do while loop (*), while loop (*)
91. If you want one message to display if a user is below the age of 18 and a different
message to display if the user is 18 or older, what type of construct would you use? if (*)

92. In Alice, the use of conditional control structures allows what two types of loops?
(Choose all correct answers) conditional (*)
93. In Alice, which one of the following is not a pre-defined control structure? do while (*)
94. Which of the following is not a valid arithmetic operator in Java? *
95. In Alice, control statements are dragged into the Code editor. True or false? True (*)
96. The first step to using a top-down approach to programming is to create a table to
align the storyboard steps to the programming instructions. True or false? False (*)
97. In Alice, how is a one-shot procedure different from procedures in the Code editor? A
one-shot procedure executes only one time to re-position the object, while procedures in the
Code editor execute every time the Run button is clicked. (*)
98. Alice objects move relative to the orientation of the person viewing the animation. True
or false? False (*)
99. In Alice, you can define your own procedures for a class, but not your own functions.
True or false? False (*)
100. In Alice, there is no way of reordering the function list in the function tab. True or
false? False (*)
101. Which Alice tool is used to demonstrate the process flow of an animation?
Flowchart (*)
102. From your Alice lessons, which of the following are types of storyboards? (Choose all
correct answers) Visual (*), Textual (*)
103. In Alice, which of the following is not a control statement? Move (*)

104. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the fish forward, the
distance to the rock, minus the depth of the rock? this.Fish move forward {this.Fish
getDistanceTo this.Rock - this.Rock getDepth} (*)

105. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the alien backward
the distance to the asteroid, minus 2 meters? this.Alien move backward {this.Alien
getDistanceTo this.Asteroid -2} (*)

106. In Alice it is not possible to transfer a class from one animation to another. True or
false? False (*)

107. In Alice, when using a while loop you can only execute a single line of code within it.
True or false? False (*)

108. In Alice, you can access the Java on the side option through which menu option?
Window (*)
109. A variable is a place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored for later
retrieval and use by your program True (*)
110. Each parameter is listed with its name first, then its data type. True or false? False
111. What do lines 9 and 11 do in the following code?

Accept user input and store them in the variables num1 and num2. (*)
112. Each parameter is listed with its name first, then its data type. True or false? False
113. What can be used as a guideline to ensure your Alice animation fulfills animation
principles? An animation checklist (*)
114. The Alice animation should be tested throughout development, not just at the end of
the animation's development. True or false? True (*)
115. Expressions with relational operators produce true and false values. True or false?
1. In Alice,
functions Mark for Review
ask (1) Points
about an
True or

False (*)

2. In Alice, there is no way of reordering the function list in the function tab. True or
false? Mark for Review
(1) Points

False (*)

3. In Alice, which procedure is used to assign one object as the vehicle of another?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
setVehicle (*)




4. In Alice, the procedures' arguments allow the programmer to adjust the object,
motion, distance amount, and time duration. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


5. From your Alice lessons, what is the purpose of nesting?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
To add random movements to your program.

To add visual structure to your program. (*)

To add more procedures to your program.

To add text to your program that tells the viewer what the code does.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.

6. In Alice,
the Mark for Review
computer (1) Points
the low
and high
values for
the range
of numbers
from which
to pull a
True or

False (*)

7. In Alice, which of the following is the most likely situation where procedural
abstraction could be used? Mark for Review
(1) Points
Two fish say something to each other.

Five dogs all need to bark and run at the same time. (*)

One fish needs to swim forward 1 meter.

One person moves up 10 meters.

8. A textual storyboard helps the reader understand the actions that will take
place during the animation. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


9. In Alice, if only objects that walk on four legs need to use a procedure, in
which superclass would the procedure be declared? Mark for Review
(1) Points


Quadruped (*)


10. Copying programming instructions saves time when programming your Alice
project. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)


11. From your
Alice Mark for Review
lessons, (1) Points
what is a
A procedure that is dragged into the Code editor.

A procedure that is used to make a scene adjustment. (*)

A procedure that is used to launch the program.

A procedure that is invoked when the Run button is clicked.

12. All objects in Alice have three dimensional coordinates on which axes?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
x (*)

y (*)

z (*)

All of the above

13. Which of the following is a reason why you might disable programming
statements in your Alice code? Mark for Review
(1) Points
To make an object move forward.

To help isolate portions of code during testing. (*)

To disable the entire program.

To make an object turn and move simultaneously.

14. Which of the following is the default control statement in myFirstMethod?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
Do In Order (*)

Do Together


15. What is the purpose of a function in Alice?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
To compute and answer a question about an object. (*)

To position the object in the Scene editor.

To save the project.

To define how the object should execute a task.


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