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Selected Indicators of 15 Major States

Fertiliser Statistics 2005-06 -The

Fertiliser Association of India,
New Delhi.

Statistical Abstract of India, 2006

CSO, Government of India, New Delhi. Andhra Pradesh
R.B.I. Bulletin, March 2007, Bombay.
Economy in Brief

Directorate of Economics & Statistics

Government of Andhra Pradesh
Post Offices Bank Bran-
Sl.No. Major States per lakh ches per No.
Popn. lakh Popn. —————————————————————
————————————————————— 1. Demography 1-2
2003-04 March’.2007 2. State Economy 3-6
1. Andhra Pradesh 21 7 3. Public Finance 7
2. Assam 14 4
3. Bihar 10 4 4. Economic Services
4. Gujarat 17 7 4.1 Agriculture and Allied activites
5. Haryana 12 8
6. Karnataka 18 9 4.1 a Rainfall 8
7. Kerala 15 11
4.1 b Agriculture 9-14
8. Madhya Pradesh 13 5
9. Maharashtra 13 6 4.1 c Census of Land Holdings 15
10. Orissa 21 6
11. Punjab 15 10 4.1 d Veterinary Services 16
12. Rajasthan 17 6 4.1 e Livestock Census 16-17
13. Tamilnadu 19 8
14. Uttar Pradesh 11 5 4.1 f Fisheries 18
15. West Bengal 11 5
4.1 g Forests 18
All India 14 6

Sl. Major States Consumption
No. of Fertilizers per
Hec.of cropped Abbreviations
area (Kgs.)
————————————————————— Sq.Kms. - Square Kilometres
————————————————————— Kgs - Kilograms
1. Andhra Pradesh 206.4
2. Assam 50.0 Tonne - Metric Tonne
3. Bihar 116.6 M.W - Mega W atts
4. Gujarat 113.2
5. Haryana 176.7 M K W H - Million Kilo W att Hours
6. Karnataka 133.2 R.E. - Revised Estimates
7. Kerala 68.5
8. Madhya Pradesh 47.5 B.E. - Budget Estimates
9. Maharashtra 88.7
Q.E - Quick Estimates
10. Orissa 45.7
11. Punjab 212.7 F.C.E. - Forecast Estimates
12. Rajasthan 40.7
P.E - Provisional Estimates
13. Tamilnadu 206.8
14. Uttar Pradesh 134.4 R.E - Revised Estimates
15. West Bengal 127.7 U.A.E - Updated Advance Estimates
All India 106.7 G .A - Geographical Area

Sl.No. Major StatesYield per Hectare References
(in quintals.)
——————————— Commissioner of Transport
Total Groundnut
Food grains Chief Engineer(P.W.D., R&B, National High
————————————————————— Ways and Panchayat Raj)
2004-05 2004-05 Chief Postmaster General, A.P.
1. Andhra Pradesh 21.4 8.9 Chief General Manager Telecom
2. Assam 14.0 --- Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai
3. Bihar 11.9 4.0
4. Gujarat 14.1 9.4 Social Services
5. Haryana 30.9 7.1 Director of Medical Education, A.P. Vaidya
6. Karnataka 13.9 7.7 Vidhana Parishad and Insurance and Medical Services
7. Kerala 22.7 7.4 Director of School Education
8. Madhya Pradesh 11.3 11.6 Director of Employment and Training
9. Maharashtra 8.4 11.2 Chief Commissioner of Land Administration
10. Orissa 13.0 12.3
11. Punjab 40.4 9.1 Price Statistics
12. Rajasthan 10.1 15.5 Directorate of Economics and Statistics
13. Tamilnadu 18.7 16.3
14. Uttar Pradesh 19.6 8.1 Planning
15. West Bengal 24.8 16.1 Planning Department, A.P. Secretariat
All India 16.5 10.2

Sl.No. Major States Yield Per Hec. Per capita
Sugarcane Production of (A) Population (2001 Census) :
(in quintals) Food grains —————————————————————
————————————————————— Unit A.P. All India
2004-05 2004-05 —————————————————————
————————————————————— i. Area : (‘000 275 3287
1. Andhra Pradesh 749.5 168.5 ii. Population (Crores) 7.62 102.86
2. Assam 368.3 128.7 iii. Males ( %) 50.55 51.73
3. Bihar 395.4 86.9 iv. Females ( “ ) 49.45 48.27
4. Gujarat 739.6 97.7 v. Females
5. Haryana 620.0 577.3 per 1000 males (No.) 978 933
6. Karnataka 802.0 189.7
vi. Urban Population ( %) 27.30 27.82
7. Kerala 832.4 20.4
vii. Density of
8. Madhya Pradesh 405.3 217.9
9. Maharashtra 631.9 102.8 Population (per 277 313
10. Orissa 589.0 179.8 viii. Scheduled Castes ( %) 16.19 16.20
11. Punjab 601.2 1003.3 ix. Scheduled Tribes ( “ ) 6.59 8.20
12. Rajasthan 477.6 200.3 x. Literacy Rate ( “ ) 60.47 64.84
13. Tamilnadu 1008.4 95.9 (a) Male ( “ ) 70.32 75.26
14. Uttar Pradesh 607.2 212.1 (b) Female ( “ ) 50.43 53.67
15. West Bengal 645.6 191.4 xi. No.of Households (‘000) 17004 193580
————————————————————— (a) Rural ( “ ) 12607 137747
All India 647.5 182.2 (b) Urban ( “ ) 4397 55833

53 1
Sl.No. Major StatesYield per Hectare (A) Gross State Domestic Product by Industry
(inquintals) of Origin at Current (1999-2000) Prices
Total Total (Rs. in Crores)
Cereals Pulses —————————————————————
————————————————————— Sl. Sector 2005-06 2006-07
————————————————————— No. (QE) (UAE)
1. Andhra Pradesh 27.7 5.6 —————————————————————
1. Agriculture, Forestry
2. Assam 14.4 5.6
& Fishing
3. Bihar 12.5 7.1
1.1 Agriculture 34558 35011
4. Gujarat 15.9 6.7
1.2 Livestock 17144 19601
5. Haryana 32.0 7.9
1.3 Forestry 1727 1864
6. Karnataka 17.8 3.8
1.4 Fishing 6769 7247
7. Kerala 23.0 10.0
2. Mining & Quarrying 7075 8982
8. Madhya Pradesh 13.4 7.6
9. Maharashtra 9.6 4.9
Sub-total-Primary sector 67273 72705
10. Orissa 14.3 3.9 —————————————————————
11. Punjab 40.6 8.0 3. Manufacturing
12. Rajasthan 12.7 3.7 3.1 Registered 20495 23592
13. Tamilnadu 22.0 4.1 3.2 Un-registered 8108 9235
14. Uttar Pradesh 21.5 8.5 4. Electricity, Gas and 5635 6397
15. West Bengal 25.4 7.4 Water Supply
5. Construction 14963 18061
All India 19.0 5.8 —————————————————————
Sub-total-Secondary sector 49201 57285

51 3
(C) Gross Fixed Capital Formation as a
Sl. Major States Per Capita Percentage to GSDP at Current Prices
No Income at in Andhra Pradesh
current —————————————————————
Prices(Rs.) Sl. Sector 2003-04 2004-05
————————————————————— No.
2005-06 (Q.E.) —————————————————————
————————————————————— 1. Agriculture 9.65 14.72
1. Andhra Pradesh 26211 2. Livestock 4.57 5.41
2. Assam 18598 3. Forestry and Logging 13.94 9.71
3. Bihar 7713 4. Fishing 29.24 29.27
4. Gujarat 34157 5. Mining and Quarrying 2.82 4.62
5. Haryana 38832 6. Manufacturing 38.42 42.97
6. Karnataka 27101 7. Construction 19.92 16.05
7. Kerala 32852 8. Electricity, Gas, &
8. Madhya Pradesh 15853 water supply 89.44 69.35
9. Transport, storage and 58.71 60.37
9. Maharashtra 37081
10. Orissa 17299
10. Trade, Hotels&Restaurants 5.36 5.96
11. Punjab 34929 11. Banking and 3.29 3.52
12. Rajasthan 17863 Insurance
13. Tamilnadu 29924 12. Real estate, Ownership of 44.39 52.58
14. Uttar Pradesh 13262 dwellings & business services
15. West Bengal 25156 13. Public Administration 17.49 15.97
————————————————————— 14. Other services 11.16 10.99
All India 25716 —————————————————————
Total 22.52 24.18

46 6
Sl.No. Major States
Birth Death
Rate Rate
( per 1000 persons) —————————————————————
————————————————————— 4.1a. RAINFALL Unit 2006-07
2005 2005 —————————————————————
————————————————————— i. Actual (mm) 858
1. Andhra Pradesh 19.1 7.3 ii. Normal (“) 940
2. Assam 25.0 8.7 Season-wise Rainfall: ( in mm)
3. Bihar 30.4 8.1 Normal 2006-07
4. Gujarat 23.7 7.1 South-West Monsoon 624 627
5. Haryana 24.3 6.7 (June to Sept.)
6. Karnataka 20.6 7.1 North-East Monsoon 224 168
7. Kerala 15.0 6.4 (Oct. to Dec.)
8. Madhya Pradesh 29.4 9.0 Winter Period 14 5
(Jan. to Feb.)
9. Maharashtra 19.0 6.7
Hot Weather Period 78 58
10. Orissa 22.3 9.5
(March to May)
11. Punjab 18.1 6.7 Region-wise Rainfall: ( in mm)
12. Rajasthan 28.6 7.0 Normal 2006-07
13. Tamilnadu 16.5 7.4 Coastal Andhra 1078 1012
14. Uttar Pradesh 30.4 8.7 Rayalaseema 715 957
15. West Bengal 18.8 6.4 Telangana 907 840
All India 23.8 7.6

44 8
Literacy Rate( Percentage) 2006-07
Sl.No. Major States ——————————— —————————————————————
xi. Gross Cropped area (Lakh Hects) 128.1
As per 2001 Census
xii. Net area irrigated (“) 44.5
————————————————————— xiii. Gross area irrigated (“) 60.7
Male Female Total xiv. Gross irrigated area to
————————————————————— total cropped area (% ) 47.4
1. Andhra Pradesh 70.32 50.43 60.47 xv. Gross cropped area to (% ) 46.6
2. Assam 71.28 54.62 63.25 total Geographical area
3. Bihar 59.68 33.11 47.00 —————————————————————
Agriculture Area under different crops
4. Gujarat 79.66 57.79 69.14
(in ‘000 Hectares): 2006-07
5. Haryana 78.50 55.72 67.91 —————————————————————
6. Karnataka 76.10 56.87 66.74 (A) Cereals & Millets 5290
7. Kerala 94.24 87.72 90.87 i. Rice 3978
8. Madhya Pradesh 76.06 50.29 63.74 ii. Wheat 10
9. Maharashtra 85.97 67.03 76.87 iii. Jowar 422
10. Orissa 75.35 50.52 63.08 iv. Bajra 61
v. Maize 726
11. Punjab 75.23 63.37 69.65
vi. Others 93
12. Rajasthan 75.70 43.85 60.41 —————————————————————
13. Tamilnadu 82.42 64.43 73.45 (B) Pulses 1984
14. Uttar Pradesh 68.82 42.22 56.27 i. Bengalgram 602
15. West Bengal 77.02 59.61 68.64 ii. Redgram 401
————————————————————— iii. Greengram 394
iv. Blackgram 498
All India 75.26 53.67 64.84
v. Others 89
————————————————————— —————————————————————
Total Area under Foodgrains (A+B) 7274

42 10
Sl.No. Major States % of % of % of Production of Different Crops
SC pop. S.T Pop. workers (‘000 Tonnes) 2006-07
to total to total to total —————————————————————
Pop. Pop. Pop. (A) Cereals & Millets 14882
————————————————————— i. Rice 11872
2001 2001 2001 ii. Wheat 9
————————————————————— iii. Jowar 411
1. Andhra Pradesh 16.2 6.6 45.79 iv. Bajra 47
2. Assam 6.9 12.4 35.78 v. Maize 2462
3. Bihar 15.7 0.9 33.70 vi. Others 81
4. Gujarat 7.1 14.8 41.95 (B) Pulses 1347
5. Haryana 19.3 - 39.62 i. Bengalgram 653
6. Karnataka 16.2 6.6 44.53 ii. Redgram 161
7. Kerala 9.8 1.1 32.30 iii. Greengram 144
8. Madhya Pradesh 15.2 20.3 42.74 iv. Blackgram 350
9. Maharashtra 10.2 8.9 42.50 v. Others 39
10. Orissa 16.5 22.1 38.79 —————————————————————
11. Punjab 28.9 - 37.47 Total Foodgrains(A+B) 16229
12. Rajasthan 17.2 12.6 42.06
(C) Oil Seeds 1722
13. Tamilnadu 19.0 1.0 44.67
i. Groundnut 743
14. Uttar Pradesh 21.1 0.1 32.48
ii. Sunflower 329
15. West Bengal 23.0 5.5 36.77
iii. Sesamum 29
iv. Castor 87
All India 16.2 8.2 39.10
v. Others 534

40 12
Sl.No. Major States Geogra- Population 4.1 d Veterinary Services
phical Area (in lakhs) —————————————————————
(in lakh sq.kms)
————————————————————— Sl. Item Unit 2006-07
2001 2001 No.
————————————————————— —————————————————————
i. No. of Veterinary (No) 5195
1. Andhra Pradesh 2.75 762.10
2. Assam 0.78 266.56 ii. No. of cases (‘000) 106483
3. Bihar 0.94 829.99 treated
4. Gujarat 1.96 506.71 iii. No. of castrations (“) 980
5. Haryana 0.44 211.45 done
6. Karnataka 1.92 528.51 iv. No. of vaccinations (“) 80094
7. Kerala 0.39 318.41
v. No. of artificial (No) 4905
8. Madhya Pradesh 3.08 603.48 insemination centres
9. Maharashtra 3.08 968.79 vi. No. of artificial (‘000) 3595
10. Orissa 1.56 368.05 inseminations done
11. Punjab 0.50 243.59 vii. No. of calves born(‘000) 3070
12. Rajasthan 3.42 565.07 —————————————————————
13. Tamilnadu 1.30 624.06 4.1 e A. Livestock Census - 2003
14. Uttar Pradesh 2.41 1661.98 —————————————————————
15. West Bengal 0.89 801.76
i. Cattle (Lakh Nos.) 94.24
ii. Buffaloes (“) 107.68
All India 32.87 10286.10
iii. Sheep (“) 210.15

36 16
8. PLANNING 4.1 f Fisheries :
State Plan Expenditure by Heads of (Production in ‘000 Tonnes)2006-07
Development (Rs.Lakhs) —————————————————————
————————————————————— i. Inland Fish
Sl. Sector 2006-07 % to Total (a) Prawns 58
No. Budget (b) Fish 604
————————————————————— ii. Marine Fish
i. Agriculture & Allied (a) Prawns 33
Programmes 70224 3.93 (b) Fish 208
ii. Rural Development 158737 8.88
iii. Special Area —————————————————————
Development 42862 2.39 4.1 g Forests : Unit 2006-07
iv. Irrigation & Flood —————————————————————
Control 882230 49.35 Amount realised on sale (Rs. in
v. Energy 16765 0.94 of Forest products Lakhs) 6647
vi. Industry & Minerals 20389 1.14 i. Timber (Percent) 39.96
vii. Transport 121295 6.78
ii. Fire wood & (“) 0.50
viii. Science, Technology
& Environment 97 0.01 Charcoal
ix. General Economic iii.Bamboos (“) 15.68
Services 14257 0.80 iv.Beedi Leaves (“) 0.53
x. Social Services 418709 23.42 v. Miscellaneous (“) 43.33
xi. General Services 42253 2.36
Total 1787818 100.00

35 18
(B) Index Numbers for Urban
Non-Manual Employees (B). Index of Industrial Production
(Base :1984-85=100) 2006-07 Base : 1993-94=100
Sl. Month 2006-07 % vari-
i. Hyderabad 526
No. (P) ation
ii. Kurnool 482
iii. Vijayawada 539
i. April 180.2 4.4
iv. Visakhapatnam 493
v. Warangal 518 ii. May 190.4 3.5
————————————————————— iii. June 193.6 9.1
(C) Index Numbers of Agricultural iv. July 205.1 19.7
Labour in Andhra Pradesh v. August 198.0 11.2
(Base :1986-87=100) vi. September 196.4 10.9
Group 2006-07
vii. October 200.1 11.0
i. Food Index 399
ii. General Index 393 viii. November 208.4 21.5
————————————————————— ix. December 216.9 6.2
(D) Index Numbers for Wholesale Prices x. January 220.6 8.6
of Agricultural Commodities xi. February 260.3 33.7
(Base :1981-82=100) 2006-07
xii. March 406.3 62.1
i. Cereals 555
ii. Pulses 1023
Cumulative (April - March) 223.0 18.2
iii. Condiments & spices 629
iv. Fruits 752

33 20
5.1. Source-Wise Irrigation : (B)Value of Principal Minerals:
————————————————————— —————————————————————
(A) Gross Area irrigated
(in ‘000 hects) 2006-07 % to Total Fuel Minerals Unit 2006-07
i. Canals 2298 37.87 —————————————————————
ii. Tanks 696 11.47
iii. Tube wells 2020 33.28
iv. Other wells 871 14.35 Coal (Rs. crores) 3991
v. Other Sources 184 3.03
————————————————————— Metallic Minerals:
Total 6069 100.00
(B) Net Area Irrigated i. Iron ore (Rs. lakhs) 7294
(in ‘000 hects) 2006-07 % to Total ii. Manganese ore (“) 587
i. Canals 1622 36.43
ii. Tanks 602 13.52
iii. Tube wells 1420 31.90 Non-Metallic Minerals
iv. Other wells 653 14.67
v. Other Sources 155 3.48
————————————————————— i. Asbestos (Rs. lakhs) 137
Total 4452 100.00 ii. Barytes (Rs. crores) 47
————————————————————— iii. Dolamite (“) 30
(C) Minor Irrigation Census :
Unit 2000-01 iv. Limestone (“) 313
i. Dug wells (Lakh 11.85 v. Mica (crude) (Rs.lakhs) 2160
ii. Tube wells (“) 7.44
iii. Lift Irrigation (“) 0.24
iv. Flow Irrigation (“) 0.83
Total 20.36

23 22
6.2. Medical Facilities ( P):
————————————————————— 5.6. Commercial Banks Unit March’2007
(Allopathic) Unit 2006-07
————————————————————— —————————————————————
i. Hospitals (No.) 253 i. Rural (No.) 2253
ii. Hospitals for Special ii. Semi urban (“) 1336
Treatment (“) 46 iii.Urban (“) 2027
iii. Dispensaries (“) 1842 iv. Average population
(including PHCs) per bank office (‘000) 15
iv. Beds (“) 36124
v. Govt.Doctors (“) 7802 6. SOCIAL SERVICES
6.3 Labour and Employment : 6.1 Education : Unit 2006-07
————————————————————— —————————————————————
(As on 31st December) Unit 2006 (A) Recognised Institutions:
————————————————————— i. Primary Schools (No.) 62162
A. Employment ii. Upper-Primary Schools ( “ ) 17823
i. No.of Employment iii.High Schools & Higher
Exchanges (No.) 42 Secondary Schools (“) 16292
ii. Registrations
(B) Enrolment:
during the year (‘000) 262
iii. Placements (No. ) 1397 i. Primary Schools (in ‘000) 5513
iv. Applicants on ii. Upper-Primary Schools ( “ ) 3246
Live register (‘000 ) 2323 iii.High Schools & Higher
Secondary Schools (“) 5092

30 27
2006-07 5.4 Roads (length in kilometres) 2006-07
vii. No.of Weaker Section —————————————————————
Housing Colonies Electrified 27957 P.W.D. 63864
viii. No.of Dalitwadas National Highways 4648
Electrified 54042 Panchayat Raj 123280
————————————————————— 5.5 Communications:
5.3 Transport (On Road) :Unit 2006-07 —————————————————————
————————————————————— Post Offices : Unit 2006-07
i. Head Offices (No.) 98
i. Stage carriages(‘000 No.) 21.37 ii. Mukhya Dak Ghar (“) -
ii. Goods Vehicles (“) 394.48 iii. Sub-offices (“) 2343
iii. Tractors/Trailers iv. Extra departmental
(Commercial & Agrl.)( “ ) 186.47 sub-offices (“) 27
iv. Contract carriages (“) 52.43 v. Branch offices (“) 13754
v. Taxi cabs (“) 172.93 Total 16222
vi. Auto Rickshaws (“) 408.05 —————————————————————
vii. Four wheelers Telecommunications: Unit 2006-07
(Cars & Jeeps) (“) 488.95
viii. Two wheelers (“) 4814.39 —————————————————————
ix. Others (“) 304.92 i. Telegraph offices (No.) 80
————————————————————— ii. Telephone exchs. (“) 3677
Total vehicles (ii to ix) 6822.62 iii. Telephone connecs(‘000 No.) 2931
iv. Public call offices (“) 271*
*excluding cell phones

25 26
Unit 2006-07
F) Dropout Rate -ALL :
(C) Girls Enrolment Per 100 boys in :
i. I-V 27.04
i. Primary Schools (No.) 97
ii. I-VII 43.22
ii. Upper-Primary Schools ( “ ) 94
iii. I-X 64.13
iii. High Schools & Higher
Secondary Schools (“) 90
G) Dropout Rate -SC :
(D) Teachers:
i. I-V 27.86
i. Primary Schools (No.) 167723
ii. I-VII 48.00
ii. Upper-Primary Schools ( “ ) 112388
iii. I-X 69.82
iii. High Schools & Higher
Secondary Schools ( “ ) 158044
G) Dropout Rate -ST :
(E) Teacher - Pupil Ratio :
i. I-V 51.39
i. Primary Schools (No.) 33
ii. I-VII 67.87
ii. Upper-Primary Schools (“) 29
iii. I-X 81.96
iii. High Schools & Higher
Secondary Schools (“) 32

29 28
4.3 MINERALS (A).Consumer Price Index Numbers
————————————————————— for Industrial Workers
(A) Production of Minerals —————————————————————
2006-07 Sl. Annual Average for: (Base :2001=100)
————————————————————— No. April’06 - March’07
Fuel Minerals : Unit
Central Series
Coal ( ‘000 Tonnes ) 38430 i. Hyderabad 118
Metallic Minerals: ii. Guntur 122
iii.Visakhapatnam 121
i. Iron ore ( ‘000 Tonnes ) 5624
iv.Warangal 126
ii. Manganese ore (“) 62 v. Vijayawada 121
vi.Godavarikhani 128
Non-Metallic Minerals: State Series :
i. Asbestos (Tonnes) 359 i. Vizianagaram &Chittivalasa 127
ii. Barytes (‘000 Tonnes ) 1016 ii. Kakinada & Rajahmundry 131
iii.Jaggaiahpet & Miryalaguda 130
iii. Dolomite (“) 1374 iv.Tirupathi & Renigunta 126
iv. Limestone (“) 34624 v. Kothagudem & Palwancha 126
v. Mica (crude) (Tonnes) 7428 vi.Nizamabad & Bodhan 132
Andhra Pradesh 125
All India 125

21 32
4.2 Industries : Index Numbers for Wholesale Prices
of Agricultural Commodities (Contd..)
(A) Annual Survey of Industries
(Base :1981-82=100) 2006-07
Sl.No. Item Unit 2004-05
v. Vegetables 515
vi. Sugarcane 669
i. Factories (No.) 15568 vii. Fibres 503
viii. Oil seeds 748
ii. Fixed Capital (Rs. Crores) 35267
ix. Drugs & Narcotics 429
iii. W orking Capital (“ ) 9259 —————————————————————
General Index 610
iv. W orkers (‘000) 784 —————————————————————
v. Total Employees (“) 933 (E) Index Numbers of Daily
Agricultural wages (July to June)
vi. Total Input (Rs. Crores) 82658 (Base :1980-81=100) 2006-07
vii. Total Output (“) 102365 —————————————————————
i. Carpenter 969
viii. Net Value Added (“) 15974 ii. Blacksmith 876
ix. Depreciation (“) 3732 iii. Cobbler 810
iv. Field labour(Men) 1140
x. Gross Value Added (“) 19707 v. Herdsman(Men) 985
vi. Other Agri.Labour 1138

19 34
iv. Goats (Lakh Nos.) 64.27
v. Other Livestock (“) 5.86
(without dogs)
vi. Total Poultry (“) 1005.80
vii. Production of Milk (‘000 Tonnes) 7935
viii.Production of Meat (‘000 Kgs.) 483749
ix. Production of Eggs (Lakhs) 159411
B. Agricultural Machinery SELECTED INDICATORS
and Implements 2003
1. Ploughs (‘000) 2647
2. Irrigation Pumpsets (“) 1467
3. Tractors (“) 92384
4. Fishing gears (No.) 489976
5. Mechanised boats (“) 7412
(including Beach
Landing Crafts)
6. Non-mechanised boats ( “ ) 40111

4.1 c Census of Land Holding 2005-06
————————————————————— Sl.No. Major StatesDensity of No.of
Size Class No. % to Average Population households
(in ‘000 total size of (per sq. km) (in’000)
holdings holding —————————————————————
————————————————————— 2001 2001
Marginal 7417 61.58 0.44
Small 2639 21.91 1.41
1. Andhra Pradesh 277 17004
Medium 1932 16.04 3.41
2. Assam 340 4915
(incl.Semi Medium)
3. Bihar 881 13744
Large 56 0.47 15.66
————————————————————— 4. Gujarat 258 9691
Total 12044 100.00 1.20 5. Haryana 478 3712
————————————————————— 6. Karnataka 276 10402
Size Class Area % to total 7. Kerala 819 6726
(in ‘000 Area 8. Madhya Pradesh 196 10912
hectares) 9. Maharashtra 315 19577
————————————————————— 10. Orissa 236 7738
Marginal 3287 22.69 11. Punjab 484 4349
Small 3730 25.74
12. Rajasthan 165 9318
Medium 6594 45.51
13. Tamilnadu 480 14666
(incl.Semi Medium)
————————————————————— 14. Uttar Pradesh 690 25758
Large 878 6.06 15. West Bengal 903 15872
————————————————————— —————————————————————
Total 14489 100.00 All India 313 193580

15 37
(D) Others 2006-07 Inter State Indicators - 2001 Census
i. Chillies 766 Sl.No. Major States Decennial Sex
ii. Sugarcane(Gur) 2367 Growth rate Ratio
iii. Cotton Lint * 2182 of Popn.(%) (per 1000
iv. Tobacco (Cured leaf) 182 males)
*: Bales of 170 kgs. —————————————————————
2001 2001
Fruits and Vegetables : —————————————————————
————————————————————— 1. Andhra Pradesh 14.59 978
(A) Area (in ‘000 hectares) 2006-07 2. Assam 18.92 935
————————————————————— 3. Bihar 28.62 919
i. Mango 335 4. Gujarat 22.66 920
ii. Lemon 36 5. Haryana 28.43 861
iii. Batavia 70 6. Karnataka 17.51 965
iv. Banana 73 7. Kerala 9.43 1058
v. Guava 8 8. Madhya Pradesh 24.26 919
vi. Cashewnut 145 9. Maharashtra 22.73 922
vii. Coconut 105 10. Orissa 16.25 972
viii. Tomato 67 11. Punjab 20.10 876
ix. Onion 31 12. Rajasthan 28.41 921
x. Turmeric 65 13. Tamilnadu 11.72 987
xi. Bhendi 17 14. Uttar Pradesh 25.85 898
xii. Brinjal 23 15. West Bengal 17.77 934
All India 21.54 933

13 39
(in 000’ hect.) 2006-07 Sl.No. Major States % of Agrl. Work Parti-
(C) Oil Seeds 2361 Workers to cipation
————————————————————— total Rate(%)
i. Groundnut 1334
ii. Sunflower 446 workers Male Female
iii. Sesamum 114 —————————————————————
iv. Castor 202 2001 2001
v. Others 265 —————————————————————
(D) Others 1. Andhra Pradesh 62.16 56.23 35.11
i. Chillies 214 2. Assam 52.36 49.87 20.71
ii. Sugarcane(Gur) 264 3. Bihar 77.25 47.37 18.84
iii. Cotton 972 4. Gujarat 51.58 54.87 27.91
iv. Tobacco (Cured leaf) 127 5. Haryana 51.29 50.30 27.22
Yields of Principal Crops 6. Karnataka 55.71 56.64 31.98
(in kgs per hectare) 2006-07 7. Kerala 22.80 50.20 15.38
i. Rice 2984 8. Madhya Pradesh 71.49 51.50 33.21
ii. Wheat 878 9. Maharashtra 54.96 53.28 30.81
iii. Bajra 771 10. Orissa 64.77 52.53 24.66
iv. Jowar 966 11. Punjab 38.95 53.06 19.05
v. Maize 3391
vi. Groundnut 557 12. Rajasthan 65.91 49.95 33.49
vii. Cotton (Lint) 381 13. Tamilnadu 49.33 57.64 31.54
viii. Sugar cane (Gur) 8957 14. Uttar Pradesh 65.89 46.80 16.54
ix. Bengalgram 1087 15. West Bengal 44.15 53.99 18.32
x. Redgram 401 —————————————————————
xi. Greengram 364 All India 58.20 51.68 25.63
xii. Blackgram 703

11 41
————————————————————— Sl.No. Major States
Life Expectancy At Birth
Land Utilisation 2006-07 % to (2001-06)
(Lakh Hects) Total G.A (Years)
————————————————————— —————————————————————
i. Forests 62.1 22.6 Males Females
ii. Barren &Un-culturable —————————————————————
Land 21.0 7.6 1. Andhra Pradesh 62.8 65.0
iii. Land put to non-agri- 2. Assam 59.0 60.9
cultural uses 25.9 9.4 3. Bihar 65.7 64.8
iv. Culturable Waste 6.9 2.5 4. Gujarat 63.1 64.1
v. Permanent Pastures and 5. Haryana 64.6 69.3
Other grazing lands 6.0 2.2 6. Karnataka 62.4 66.4
vi. Land under Misc.tree 7. Kerala 71.7 75.0
crops and groves not 3.2 1.2 8. Madhya Pradesh 59.2 58.0
included in net area sown
9. Maharashtra 66.8 69.8
vii. Current fallows 31.7 11.5
viii. Other fallow lands 15.8 5.8 10. Orissa 60.1 59.7
ix. Net area sown 102.4 37.2 11. Punjab 69.8 72.0
(including fish ponds area) 12. Rajasthan 62.2 62.8
————————————————————— 13. Tamilnadu 67.0 69.8
Total Geographical area 275.0 100.0 14. Uttar Pradesh 63.5 64.1
————————————————————— 15. West Bengal 66.1 69.3
All India 63.9 66.9

9 43
Sl. Sector 2005-06 2006-07 Sl.No. Major States Yield per Hectare
No. (QE) (UAE)
————————————————————— (in quintals.)
6. Trade, Hotels & ———————————
Restaurants 31306 36256 Cotton Chillies
7. Transport, storage and —————————————————————
7.1 Railways 3319 3867 2004-05
7.2 Transport by other means 11213 12888 —————————————————————
and storage 1. Andhra Pradesh 3.2 31.6
7.3 Communications 4635 5613 2. Assam 1.7 6.4
8. Financing, Insurance, 3. Bihar - 5.9
Real estate and Banking
services 4. Gujarat 4.2 10.0
8.1 Banking & Insurance 11105 12700 5. Haryana 5.7 10.0
8.2 Real estate, Ownership of 20862 24788 6. Karnataka 2.2 13.6
dwellings & business services 7. Kerala 2.1 10.0
9. Community, Social & 8. Madhya Pradesh 1.8 8.7
Personal services
9.1 Public Administration 10532 11913 9. Maharashtra 1.8 4.9
9.2 Other services 22884 26213 10. Orissa 4.1 8.3
————————————————————— 11. Punjab 7.0 13.3
Sub-total: Tertiary sector 115856 134238 12. Rajasthan 3.0 11.9
Total Gross State Domestic 232331 264230 13. Tamilnadu 2.6 6.7
Product 14. Uttar Pradesh 1.7 7.6
————————————————————— 15. West Bengal 2.6 11.7
Total Net State Domestic 210657 229399 —————————————————————
Product All India 3.2 16.1
Per capita Income (Rupees) 26211 29498

4 50
(B) V ital Statistics 2005
i. Birth rate(per 1000 A.P. All India
Combined 19.1 23.8
Rural 20.1 25.6
Urban 16.7 19.1
ii. Death rate(per 1000
Combined 7.3 7.6
Rural 7.9 8.1
Urban 5.9 6.0
iii.Infant Mortality Rate
( per 1000 live births)
Combined 57 58
Rural 63 64
Urban 39 40
iv.Expectation of life at birth
(2001-06) (in years)
Male 62.8 63.9
Female 65.0 66.9

Infant % of persons
Sl. Major States Mortality Rate below
No. ‘000 Live Births poverty line
2005 2004-05
1. Andhra Pradesh 57 11.1
2. Assam 68 15.0
3. Bihar 61 32.5
4. Gujarat 54 12.5
5. Haryana 60 9.9
6. Karnataka 50 17.4
7. Kerala 14 11.4
8. Madhya Pradesh 76 32.4
9. Maharashtra 36 25.2
10. Orissa 75 39.9
11. Punjab 44 5.2
12. Rajasthan 68 17.5
13. Tamilnadu 37 17.8
14. Uttar Pradesh 73 25.5
15. West Bengal 38 20.6
All India 58 21.8


Directorate of Census Operations, A.P.
S.R.S. Bulletin, October 2006.

State Economy:
Directorate of Economics and Statistics

Public Finance:
Budget in Brief, Finance Department

Economic Services:
Directorate of Economics and Statistics
Directorate of Horticulture
Directorate of Animal Husbandry
Directorate of Fisheries
Chief Conservator of Forests
Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur

Infrastructure Services:
Directorate of Economics and Statistics
A.P. Transco
Sl.No. Major States% of groas Net Area
————————————————————— irrigated area sown per
4.2 Industries 19-20 to gross cultivator
4.3 Mineral Production 21-22 cropped area (Hectares)
5. Infrastructure Services 2003-04 2003-04
5.1 Irrigation 23 —————————————————————
5.2 Energy 24-25 1. Andhra Pradesh 38.7 1.3
5.3 Transport 25 2. Assam 5.4 0.7
5.4 Roads 26 3. Bihar 57.9 0.7
5.5 Communications 26 4. Gujarat 36.9 1.7
5.6 Commercial Banks 27 5. Haryana 83.6 1.2
6. Social Services 6. Karnataka 23.6 1.4
7. Kerala 14.4 3.0
6.1 Education 27-29
8. Madhya Pradesh 29.2 1.4
6.2 Medical Facilities 30
9. Maharashtra 17.3 1.5
6.3 Labour & Employment 30-31 10. Orissa 29.2 1.4
6.4 Assignment of Govt. Lands 31 11. Punjab 96.6 2.1
7. Price Statistics 32-34 12. Rajasthan 29.5 1.3
8. Planning 35 13. Tamilnadu 46.6 0.9
9. SELECTED INDICATORS OF 14. Uttar Pradesh 69.5 0.8
15 MAJOR STATES / All INDIA 36-58 15. West Bengal 51.0 1.0
All India 40.3 1.1

Sl.No. Major States Credit Annual Per Capita Sl.No. Major States Per capita Per capita
Deposits consumption of Bank Deposits Bank Credit
Ratio (%) Electricity (Rs.) (Rs.)
(In KWH) —————————————————————
—————————————————————-- March’2007 March ‘2007
March’2007 2004-05
1. Andhra Pradesh 17408 15243
2. Assam 8866 3839
1. Andhra Pradesh 87.57 543.14
3. Bihar 6173 1861
2. Assam 43.30 85.27
4. Gujarat 21363 13782
3. Bihar 30.14 44.56
5. Haryana 25552 14721
4. Gujarat 64.51 908.12
6. Karnataka 30206 23402
5. Haryana 57.61 658.00
7. Kerala 28413 18075
6. Karnataka 77.47 504.69
8. Madhya Pradesh 9693 6029
7. Kerala 63.62 296.07
9. Maharashtra 61606 60362
8. Madhya Pradesh 62.20 308.40
10. Orissa 10601 6785
9. Maharashtra 97.98 585.35
11. Punjab 32064 20011
10. Orissa 64.00 394.89
12. Rajasthan 9301 7673
11. Punjab 62.41 907.30
13. Tamilnadu 24862 27909
12. Rajasthan 82.51 328.09
14. Uttar Pradesh 9692 4375
13. Tamilnadu 112.25 713.26
15. West Bengal 17464 10931
14. Uttar Pradesh 45.14 202.03
15. West Bengal 62.59 247.54
All India 18819 17275
All India 75.02 411.04

58 57
Sl.No. Major States % of State % of State
A strong database enumerating the levels and Urban Popn. Popn.toAll
trends of a nation’s material and social resources to State India Popn.
has always been a requisite for the formulation of
government policies. India has a long tradition of total Popn.
both data collection and dissemination, made even —————————————————————
more extensive by the requirements of planned 2001 2001
economic development. Sound statistics lead to —————————————————————
informed decision-making and effective 1. Andhra Pradesh 27.30 7.41
formulation and monitoring of public policies. 2. Assam 12.90 2.59
Being the nodal agency for statistical system in 3. Bihar 10.46 8.07
the State and keeping in view of needs of users, 4. Gujarat 37.36 4.93
the Directorate of Economics and Statistics is 5. Haryana 28.92 2.06
bringing out a publication on “Andhra Pradesh
Economy in Brief” every year covering various 6. Karnataka 33.99 5.14
aspects of the economy. This publication brings 7. Kerala 25.96 3.10
out selected indicators for different sectors of 8. Madhya Pradesh 26.46 5.87
economy to have a bird’s eye-view over the levels 9. Maharashtra 42.43 9.42
of development in the state. 10. Orissa 14.99 3.58
11. Punjab 33.92 2.37
I hope the information contained in this
publication will enhance the knowledge of the 12. Rajasthan 23.39 5.49
reader in assessing the Socio-Economic Scenario 13. Tamilnadu 44.04 6.07
of the State. Suggestions in the coverage, or scope 14. Uttar Pradesh 20.78 16.16
for improvement in this publication is always 15. West Bengal 27.97 7.79
welcomed. —————————————————————
All India 27.82
HYDERABAD, Dr.Saroja Rama Rao
Date: 26-12-2007. DIRECTOR

(B) Production (in ‘000 tonnes) 2006-07
3. PUBLIC FINANCE : (Rs.crores) —————————————————————
————————————————————— i. Mango 1822
State Govt. Revenue 2007-08(B.E) ii. Lemon 201
————————————————————— iii. Batavia 1276
Receipts and Expenditure iv. Banana 1224
(A) Revenue Receipts v. Guava 140
vi. Cashewnut 37
i. Tax Receipts 40590 vii. Coconut (‘000 nuts) 1326398
ii. Non-tax Receipts 6858 viii. Tomato 796
ix. Onion 579
iii. Grant in aid & x. Turmeric 401
Contribution 7502 xi. Bhendi 96
————————————————————— xii. Brinjal 221
Total Receipts 54950 —————————————————————
————————————————————— Floriculture : 2005-06(p)
(B) Expenditure —————————————————————
(A) Area (in ‘000 hectares)
i. Developmental 35857 i. Rose 1.4
Expenditure ii. Jasmine 4.5
iii. Marigold 4.3
ii. Non-developmental 18848 iv. Crossondra 4.0
Expenditure —————————————————————
iii. Grant in aid & 281 (B) Production
i. Rose (lakh flowers) 60.70
Contribution ii. Jasmine (in ‘000 Tonnes) 18.30
————————————————————— iii. Marigold (“) 23.70
Total Expenditure 54986 iv. Crossandra (“) 12.80

7 14
B) Gross Fixed Capital Formation by Sl.No. Major StatesYield per Hectare
Industry of use at Current Prices (in quintals.)
in Andhra Pradesh (Rs. in Crores) ———————————
————————————————————— Bajra Maize
Sl. Sector 2003-04 2004-05 —————————————————————
No. 2004-05
————————————————————— —————————————————————
1. Agriculture 5573 7426 1. Andhra Pradesh 8.6 31.4
2. Livestock 636 843
2. Assam - 7.4
3. Forestry and Logging 218 161
3. Bihar 14.0 23.9
4. Fishing 1893 1872
5. Mining and Quarrying 155 281 4. Gujarat 11.7 9.0
6. Manufacturing 8816 10980 5. Haryana 13.2 25.0
7. Construction 2311 2088 6. Karnataka 6.0 29.6
8. Electricity, Gas, & 7. Kerala - -
water supply 4404 3679 8. Madhya Pradesh 13.7 14.0
9. Transport, storage and 9025 10282 9. Maharashtra 7.4 17.6
communications 10. Orissa 5.2 16.3
10. Trade, Hotels&Restaurants 1380 1669 11. Punjab 10.0 27.4
11. Banking and 7720 10118 12. Rajasthan 6.6 12.1
Insurance 13. Tamilnadu 12.7 15.5
12. Real estate, Ownership of 7404 9771
14. Uttar Pradesh 15.3 17.1
dwellings & business services
13. Public Administration 1543 1544 15. West Bengal 6.7 29.8
14. Other services 2058 2256 —————————————————————
————————————————————— All India 8.6 19.1
Total 42986 50322

5 49
5.2 Energy : Unit 2006-07 Sl.No. Major States
Yield per Hectare
————————————————————— (in quintals.)
i. Installed Capacity (M.W) 1196.31 2004-05
ii. Electricity generated Rice Wheat
(a) Thermal (MKWH) 19994.07 —————————————————————
(b) Hydro (“) 9246.63 1. Andhra Pradesh 31.1 5.6
(c) Others (“) 28829.76 2. Assam 14.6 10.6
3. Bihar 7.9 16.1
iii. Power Consumption
4. Gujarat 18.0 24.8
(A) Low Tension 5. Haryana 29.4 39.0
(a) Domestic (Percent) 20.46 6. Karnataka 27.1 7.4
(b) Commercial (“) 5.12 7. Kerala 23.0 -
(c) Industrial (“) 5.32 8. Madhya Pradesh 7.2 17.4
(d)Agriculture (“) 34.64 9. Maharashtra 14.2 13.4
10. Orissa 14.5 12.5
(e) Others (“) 3.06
11. Punjab 39.4 42.2
(B) High Tension (“) 31.40 12. Rajasthan 15.0 28.4
iv. Percapita Consumption 13. Tamilnadu 27.0 -
including captive 14. Uttar Pradesh 17.9 25.0
generation (kwh) 673 15. West Bengal 25.7 21.1
v. Agricultural pumpsets 2528 —————————————————————
energized (‘000 No’s) All India 19.8 26.0
vi. No.of Villages electrified 26613

24 47
Sl.No. Major States Yield per Hectare Industrial Disputes-2005 and 2006
(in quintals.) 2005
Ragi Jowar —————————————————————
————————————————————— i. Number of Disputes No. 11
2004-05 ii Number of Workers
————————————————————— involved in strike “ 12770
1. Andhra Pradesh 12.6 10.3 iii Number of Mandays lost “ 684307
2. Assam - -
3. Bihar 6.7 10.0
4. Gujarat 10.8 11.6
i. Number of Disputes No. 11
5. Haryana - 2.7
6. Karnataka 19.4 8.6 ii Number of Workers
7. Kerala 7.9 0 involved in strike “ 16086
8. Madhya Pradesh 2.0 9.6 iii Number of Mandays lost “ 2225399
9. Maharashtra 10.0 7.6 —————————————————————
10. Orissa 5.7 6.4 6.4 Assignment of Govt. Lands:
11. Punjab - - (House sites) 2004-06
12. Rajasthan - 4.6 —————————————————————
13. Tamilnadu 14.1 6.7 Beneficiaries No. Extent (Hect.)
14. Uttar Pradesh 14.3 10.2 i Scheduled Castes 225532 1988
15. West Bengal 12.5 3.0 ii Scheduled Tribes 65124 691
————————————————————— iiiBackward Classes 312042 2638
All India 15.7 8.0 iv Others 175833 1385
v Total 778531 6702

48 31

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