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The SA Army’s mandate centres on the provisioning of combat-ready forces and the leading role it has to
play in the development of the Army component of the landward defence capability. The SA Army, its members
one in spirit, has the commanding presence and the power of a pride of lions, forever professional and ready,
making a difference in serving South Africa, no matter where and under what circumstances.



The MSD programme is a two-year voluntary service system with the long-term goal of enhancing the SA National
Defence Force’s deployment capability. Recruits are required to sign up for a period of two years, during which they will
receive military training and further functional training in their first year of service. During the second year of service,
depending on the duration of their functional orientation, they will be deployed where needed and given the opportunity
to apply their knowledge and develop their skills.

This MSD programme serves as an introduction to the military way of life for all members who are joining the SA Army
for the first time. Towards the end of the second year, the member will be offered the opportunity for further service in the
SA Army or leave the Army. The opportunity for further service will mainly depend on the member’s performance over
the two years and the availability of posts in the relevant functional field and whether or not he or she has been
recommended for further service. Members who are not recommended for, or who are not interested in continuing with
their service in the Regular Force, will be required to serve in the Reserve Force after completion of the initial two-year
period. This entails 30 days service per annum over a 5 year period.


South African citizen

Age between 18 and 22 (Graduates up to the age of 26)
Currently in Grade 12 or completed
Not area bound
No record of a criminal offence
Preferably single
Comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment in the SANDF
Be prepared to Basic Military Training, Functional Training and to serve in uniform


Applications will be divided into three groups:

Applicants in possession of a recognized University Degree/ 3 -year Diploma (MSD Graduates)

The nature of the degree will be evaluated against the need of the Army for such skills at the given time. Applicants
will be informed as to whether they will be invited for further selection. These applicants will be earmarked for leadership
development and or non-leadergroup training. Leadership potential will be assessed as part of the selection process.

Applicants with above average school grades and leadership potential A(MSD Applicants)

These applicants will be earmarked for training that will focus primarily on developing their leadership potential
during the first year of training. After successful completion of these training courses, the members can be selected for
studies at the Military Academy, or receive further training and fill leadership positions in one of the many functional fields
in the Army. Only candidates with Grade 12 exemption can be considered for studies at the Military Academy.

Applicants with Grade 12 (MSD Applicants)

Applications will be screened according to a CV, focussing on educational performance, participation in sport and
community involvement. Further selection will mainly focus on cognitive ability, motivation and determination to join the
SA Army. After successful completion of Basic Military Training, members will be earmarked for further training, the
nature of which will mainly depend on the Army's need for those services at the given time. The member's preference
will also be taken into account where possible. The bulk of the members will receive further training in Combat-
orientated divisions, although some members will receive training in the support branches such as Personnel, Catering
and Ordinance support services, etc.


Our Motto “Ubique” Latin for Everywhere.Military Engineering is as old as war itself. Throughout centuries sappers, or
Military Engineers as they are commonly known, had to make paths, build bridges, erect and breach obstacles during
the conduct of war. Engineers help the Army to move, to fight and to survive. The SA Army Engineer Corps system
consists of the Combat Engineer, Engineer Intelligence (which includes terrain intelligence, surveying, cartography and
printing), operational construction as well as engineer logistics components. The corps is responsible for Engineer
support to all types of forces during all types of operations and under all circumstances.

This corps have various duties. They build bridges, demolish bridges and structures, lay and lift mines , build roads and
airfields, produce maps, etc. Candidates must be in possession of Grade 12 Mathematics. Subjects such as Geography
and or Physical Science are preferable.


The infantry is the nucleus of any army and as a result it is the largest fighting corps in the SA Army. The infantry is
expected to attack the enemy under any conditions; this requires courage, fitness and initiative. In order to attack the
enemy with confidence, weapon training and field craft is the most important part of training. An infantry member is
usually a foot soldier, although it is not uncommon to fight from infantry combat vehicles. Infantry soldiers can also be
transported by helicopter, aircraft, parachute, and a multitude of other methods. Versatility is an important characteristic
of the infantry.


The aim of the SA Army Intelligence Corps is to prepare and provide combat ready intelligence functionaries and user
systems for deployment, and to forecast what the enemy is planning, where and how they execute their task, at what
time or period and with what strengths they can accomplish this.

Intelligence is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of all
available information regarding the enemy and its environment. The information obtained is immediately or potentially
significant for military planning and operations .

The collection of information is mainly conducted by means of battlefield surveillance which is the continued and
systematic guarding of the battlefield to gather information timeously for tactical ground actions against the enemy,
targets and for the conquering of terrain.

Battlefield surveillance is conducted by well-trained surveillance teams that deploy close to the enemy positions by
means of specialist skills.


Dedicated well-trained crews in tanks and armoured cars form the Iron Fist of South Africa. Members are trained in a
variety of areas such as Mobile Long Range Anti-Tank weapons, Olifant Tank, Rooikat armoured car crew members)
as well as truck drivers and administrative personnel.

The main equipment of the armoured corps is the tank. The armoured car is usually used for reconnaissance. Crew
members must be technically inclined, display innovative thinking and action as well as fast, yet aggressive reaction.
The armoured corps offers various opportunities and challenges to persons with an interest in heavy weaponry and
technologically advanced equipment.

The aim of the Air Defence Artillery Corps is to provide combat ready Air Defence Artillery forces for the SA Army, whilst
playing the leading role in sustaining credible, cohesive, joint landward defence capability. The Air Defence Artillery is
responsible to protect our troops, supplies and important installations like airports, power plants and dams from attack
by enemy aircraft.

Experience the adrenaline rush while firing a 35mm gun at 1050 rounds/m with an effective range of 4000m, while
making use of the most advanced radar system in the world, or fire a Starstreak Missile moving at a speed of Mach 3.
Candidates who have passed Mathematics and or Physical Science are preferable.


It is the role of the artillery to destroy the enemy, preferably prior to contact with own Infantry and Armour, by means of
firepower. Successful candidates will be employed in a digital and technologically advanced environment.
Employment in leader and non-leader group posts will give the member access to state of the art training and personal
development. Non-leader group members can look forward to be trained as Drivers of Artillery Specialist vehicles,
Rocket, Mortar, G5 and G6 gun crew members, Artillery Surveying Assistants and Artillery Regimental Signalers.
Members selected as leaders can be employed as Rocket, Mortar, G5 and G6 gun commanders, Artillery Surveying
Assistants, Artillery Fire Control Officers, Artillery Observation Officers and Instructors of artillery specialized equipment.
Members with cognitive as well as physical perseverance may apply for employment.

Leader group candidates must have passed Mathematics and or Physical Science in Grade 12.


The primary role of the OSC is the effective acquisition, receipt, storing, safekeeping, preservation, maintenance,
accounting, distribution and disposal of clothing, accommodation, ammunition, vehicles, fuel and spares within the SA
Army. The OSC also delivers specialized services to the SA Army, which includes computer services, Air Supply and
Nature Conservation.

The OSC keeps the forces moving!


The Technical Service Corps (TSC) provides technical support in the SA Army, that includes integrated technical
maintenance, eg mechanical, electrical and electronical repair, as well as the recovery of vehicle casualties to ensure a
specified state of combat readiness. The TSC consists of learners, qualified Artisans and Officers, each specialized in a
specific mustering. Learners must be at least in possession of a Grade 12/N3 certificate and must have passed


The role and function of the SA Ammu C is to ensure that only safe and effective ammunition is supplied to the DOD and
other users. Their functions includes participation in research and development, quality assurance, unit inspection,
maintenance and disposal of ammunition. Candidates must have a sound psychological profile exhibiting a high degree
of intelligence, steadiness and an aptitude or innovative technical thinking. Learners must be in possession of a Grade
12/N3 certificate and must have passed Mathematics and Physical Science.


The SA Cat C is there to assist the SANDF operationally regarding hospitality services. They are also responsible to
improve the management and control of hospitality functions in the SA Army. A high standard in the preparation of food
is set, with the emphasis on nutrition. Candidates must be medically fit with a basic knowledge of cooking skills as well
as a keen interest to work with people on all levels.


This corps is primarily concerned with all aspects relating to personnel administration and support. This includes
career planning, promotions, transfers, pay, leave etc.
All posts are advertised in the main Sunday newspapers
For further enquiries, contact your nearest Recruiting Office:
Pretoria Tel (012) 339 5395 Fax (012) 339 5727
Cape Town Tel (021) 787 1144 Fax (021) 787 1288
Bloemfontein Tel (051) 402 1128 Fax (051) 402 1147
Durban Tel (031) 369 1203 Fax (031) 369 1105
Kimberley Tel (053) 830 3204 Fax (053) 830 3206
Port Elizabeth Tel (041) 505 1268 Fax (041) 505 1272
Potchefstroom Tel (018) 289 3322 Fax (018) 289 3555
Makhado Tel (015) 577 2017 Fax (015) 577 2009
Polokwane Tel (015) 299 1121 Fax (015) 299 1209

!K E
E: /K

the South African

Department of Defence

Directorate Personnel Acquisition

Private Bag X281
South Africa

w w w. d o d . m i l . z a
MSD Application Coupon - SA ARMY
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)
Please complete the following: Combat Support Technical
Biographical information MSD Graduate/Diploma

First names: ............................................................... ........................................................

Surname: ............................................................... ............................................................
ID Number : ............................................... Citizenship: ....................................................

Tel (H): ....................................................... Tel (W): ..........................................................

Your cell no: ............................................... Parent’s cell no: .............................................

Any other contact no: ................................. I will be .............. years of age on 1 January
Postal address: ............................................................... ...................................................
............................................................ ................................................................ ..............
Code: ........................................................ Nearest major city: ........................................

Province, gender and race (for statistical purposes, please mark with an X)
Gauteng W Cape N Cape
Mpumalanga Free State KZN
E Cape North West Limpopo
Gender Male Female
Race Afr ican Indian Coloured White

Grade 12: Busy with Completed Year of completion

My grade: 11 12 Technikon University

My subjects, symbols and levels are as follows:

Subject Symbol Le vel

Have you completed / will be completing a 3-year diploma or degree? yes no

If yes, please specify: _______________________________________________

This coupon serves as a document for pre-selection and is not for sale. Only candidates who
will be between the ages of 18 and 22 when commencing Basic Military Training may apply.
Successful applicants will be required to serve in uniform and undergo military training. Incomplete
application forms will not be considered. Only candidates who are busy with or have passed
Grade 12 may apply, or who have passed or are in their final year of completing a recognised 3- year
tertiary qualification. Certified copies of your ID document, Senior Certificate, Tertiary Qualifications
(If applicable) or latest available results (if currently completing Grade 12) and a short CV must
accompany this application form and sent to: SANDF Recruiting, Private Bag X281, Pretoria, 0001
Signature (Applicant): ________________________________________ Date___________________

Parent (Legal Guardian): ______________________________________ Date___________________

* Reserve unit indicator (for official use only) _____________________________________________
The South African Air Force is mainly responsible for protecting South African citizens by securing and protecting our air
space. The arrival of recently acquired state-of-the-art aircraft and weapon systems have boosted confidence in the SA
Air Force’s capability to safeguard our nation and provide humanitarian support. In order to effectively carry out its
mandate, the SA Air Force relies heavily on the skills and dedication of all serving personnel.



The MSD programme is a two-year voluntary service system. Recruits are required to sign up for a period of two years,
during which they will receive military training and further functional training. Further functional training include a wide
variety of options varying from specialized musterings such as Engineering to general support musterings such as
Material Support Clerks.

The MSD system allows the member to adapt to the military way of life. Towards the end of the second year, (unless
otherwise indicated) the member will be given the opportunity to indicate whether he or she would like to extend the
contract or leave the Air Force. An extension of the contract will mainly depend on the member’s performance over the
two years and the availability of posts in the relevant functional field.

Members who do not extend their two year service contract, will serve in the Reserve Force (part-time) after
completion of the initial two-year period.


South African citizen

Age between 18 and 22
Currently in Grade 12 or completed (minimum qualification)
Preferably single
Not area bound
No record of a serious criminal offence or offences
Comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment in the SANDF
Comply with all the prescribed requirements for appointment in the SANDF

Apart from these general requirements, additional requirements might have to be met, depending on the specific
training demands of some of the more specialized occupations.

The following occupational directions are available :


Air and Ground Load Master: Responsible for loading of freight onboard aircraft and on the ground. Grade 12
Mathematics and flight medical fitness is essential.
Catering: Preparation and serving of daily meals at Air Force messes and assist with the control over food supplies
and the planning of functions and menus. Must be prepared to work long irregular hours.
Fire Fighter: Render professional crash and structural fire fighting services at all Air Force bases. Grade 12
Mathematics is a prerequisite. Should not suffer from a fear of heights, claustrophobia or colour blindness.
Language Practitioners: Deliver a language support service in respect of documentation and publications in any one
of the eleven official languages. A 3 year recognised tertiary qualification is essential, although post graduate studies will
be preferred.
Military Intelligence: Collection, interpretation and distribution of information. Counter-intelligence is used to
neutralize the enemy's intelligence capabilities. It also involves public relations and requires good communication skills.
Material Support Clerk (Supply): Concerns the acquisition, storing ,issuing, withdrawal and disposal of all
equipment (supplies) used by the Air Force. Computer experience and a love for figures are essential.
Material Support Clerk (Admin): Involves the management and coordination of all road transport needs, reports and
administration of all vehicle accidents and maintenance of trip books, service cards and work journals.
Musicians: Responsible for providing music at military parades, functions and military funerals. Grade III Theory
(Unisa) and Grade VI Practical are minimum requirements.
Nature Conservation: Perform nature conservation-related tasks at Air Force bases. A recognised 3 year National
diploma or degree is essential.
Protection Services: The protection of Air Force bases, units and personnel. Sub-divisions include dog handling,
VIP protection, task force, dog handling, entry control and X-ray operation, regimental instruction and sentry duty
Personnel: Attend to all personnel matters, eg recruitment, career advancement, transfer of members and other
personnel matters. Computer literacy and good communication and interpersonal skills are essential.
Sport Officers: Planning and management of general fitness, sport activities and sport facilities at Air Force bases.
A recognised 3 year Degree or Diploma in Human Movement or Sport Management is essential.

Airspace Controller: Involved in the day to day operations of all air space control activities. Requires adapting to
different work situations. Gr 12 Mathematics and a high level of concentration are essential skills.
Telecommunications: Handling of modern communication equipment. Entails the acceptance, preparation,
distribution and administration of all signals at a unit. Mathematics and computer literacy are essential skills.
(Applicants for Air Space Control and Telecommunications must have passed Mathematics and Physical Science)


Construction Machine Operator: The handling of all construction machinery and vehicles used during base and
runway maintenance. Must be prepared to travel and work irregular hours.
Bowser Driver Operator: Drive heavy bowser vehicles, handle refuelling apparatus during the refuelling of aircraft.
Grade 12 with at least Grade 10 Mathematics and a sense of responsibility with regard to safety aspects are essential.
Material Support Clerk (Technical): Monitor the servicing of aircraft according to laid down methods at the right
time and that a complete service record is kept. Administrative abilities, a technical feeling, computer literacy and
Grade 12 Mathematics are essential skills.


The maintenance and development of sophisticated avionic equipment are ongoing processes that demand
uncompromising dedication and professionalism.

The Air Force does not offer bursaries and learnerships (apprenticeship) as do organizations in the private
sector. Instead, selected candidates are required to join the SANDF on a contract basis. This necessitates the
successful completion of military courses during the first year of the contract, followed by studies and/or
learnerships at selected universities or technical colleges and continued service in the SANDF for the remainder
of the contract period.

Qualified Engineers may direct enquiries to any of the Recruiting Offices.


After successful completion of Basic Military Training, Basic Technical Training, Officer Formative Training (which
focuses primarily on leadership development) and university pre-study during the first year, the initial two-year MSD
contract will be extended to 9 years. Members will commence studies at either the University of Pretoria or Stellenbosch
in one of the following directions:

Mechanical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Industrial Engineering


Completed Grade 12 with full matriculation exemption, with Mathematics and Physical Science minimum HG C symbols
(On completion of their academic studies, these members will be given the opportunity to apply their skills in the avionic
environment for the remainder of their contract).


Following the completion of Basic Military Training (13 weeks), members will receive Basic Technical Training,
including a School Block (18 weeks) and a Workshop Phase (12 weeks).Trade workers will only then be selected for
further Trade Training based on their performance thus far. This will imply an extension of the original 2-year MSD
contract. Trade workers who have successfully completed the first year of development and who are not selected for
Trade Training will be utilised as Technical Assistants during the second year of their contract.

Trade Training includes Trade Theory, Trade Practicals and exposure to the avionic environment at a depot or a base.
Trade Training is offered in a Mechanical, Electronic, Electrical or General Avionic support field. On completion of Trade
Training, members will be given the opportunity to apply their skills in the military avionic environment for the remainder
of the contract.


Grade 12 with Mathematics and Physical Science as a passed subject or N3 with two languages on Grade 12 level as
passed subjects.
Persons who have passed or completed N4/N5/N6 (Technical Trades) between 22 to 26 can apply.
MSD Application Coupon - SA AIR FORCE
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)
Please complete the following:
I would like to be considered for one of the following occupations in the SA Air Force (Mark with an x):

Catering Language Practitioner Material Support Clerk (Admin/Supply)
Fireman Military Intelligence Musician
Sport Officer Nature Conservation Protection Services
Personnel Air and Ground Load Master


Air Space Control Operator Telecommunications


Construction Machine Operator Bowser Driver Operator Material Support Clerk (Technical)


Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Electronic Electrical General Support Trade


Biographical information

First names: ............................................................... ........................................................


Surname: ............................................................... ............................................................

ID Number : ............................................... Citizenship: ....................................................
Tel (H): ....................................................... Tel (W): ..........................................................
Your cell no ...............................................
: Parent’s cell no :.............................................
Any other contact no .................................
: I will be .............. years of age on 1 January

Postal address: ............................................................... ...................................................

............................................................ ................................................................ ..............
Code: ........................................................ Nearest major city: ........................................

Province, gender and race (for statistical purposes, please mark with an X)

Gauteng W Cape N Cape

Mpumalanga Free State KZN
E Cape North West Limpopo

Gender Male Female

Race Afr ican Indian Coloured White

Grade 12: Busy with Completed Year of completion

My grade: 11 12 Technikon University

See overleaf
MSD Application Coupon - SA AIR FORCE
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)
Please complete the following:

My subjects, symbols and levels are as follows:

Subject Symbol Le vel

My aggregate is:

This coupon serves as a document for pre-selection and is not for sale. Only candidates who will be
between the ages of 18 and 22 when commencing Basic Military Training may apply. Successful
applicants will be required to serve in uniform and undergo military training. Incomplete application
forms will not be considered. Only candidates who are busy with or have passed Grade 12 or have
completed N3 with two languages may apply. Certified copies of your ID document, Senior
Certificate, Tertiary Qualifications (if applicable) or latest available results (if currently completing
Grade 12) and a short CV must accompany this application form and be sent to: SANDF Recruiting,
Private Bag X281, Pretoria, 0001

Signature (Applicant): _____________________________________Date:___________________

Parent (Legal Guardian): __________________________________D ate:___________________


In the absence of any significant external military threat against South Africa, the main aim of the SA Air Force
is still to keep our air space safe. It remains, therefore, crucial to have a well-trained flying corps to be able to
react to potential threatening situations. At this stage, Pilots and Navigators are mainly utilised for humanitarian



South African citizen

Age between 18 and 24 (Graduate applicants the maximum age of 26 years)
Currently busy with Grade 11/12 or successfully completed Grade 12 with full matriculation exemption, of which
they have passed English plus a second language on HG
Passed Mathematics and Physical Science with minimum HG D symbol or SG C symbol
Candidates with N4 Mathematics and Physical Science must have passed 60% or higher
Candidates with N5/N6 or first-year University or Technikon Mathematics and Physical Science must have passed
with 50% or higher
Comply with medical fitness requirements for pilot training in the SA Air Force
No record of a serious criminal offense
6/6 eye vision without correction (thus no spectacles, laser correction or contact lenses)
Body weight from 55 kg to 110 kg
Buttock-heel length 1035 mm to 1343 mm
Sitting eye height 730 mm to 896 mm, Sitting knee height 490mm to 653mm
Preferably single male or female


Candidates who comply with the minimum requirements for application may apply throughout the year and may be
earmarked for further selection. This will mainly depend on the need to train new Pilots at the time. Candidates will
be invited to take part in the pre-selection process in Pretoria and this entails the following:

Psycho-metric Evaluation: All applicants will be required to undergo aptitude and general cognitive ability
assessments. Only candidates who perform above the norm will be allowed to
proceed to the next selection phase.
Psycho-motoric assessment: A hand-eye co-ordination test must be passed in order to proceed to the next
selection phase.
Formal Selection Board: Candidates will then be interviewed by a Selection panel comprising of senior
military personnel from the Air Force and other staff divisions. Taking into
account the candidate's performance thus far, the following additional variables
will serve as criteria for evaluation during the interview:
motivation, perseverance, purposefulness, creativity, officer potential,
knowledge, adaptability, analytical ability.
Medical Examination: Candidates who are recommended for Pilot or Navigator training by the above-
mentioned selection panel, will then be subjected to a thorough medical
examination at the Institute for Aviation Medicine.

An offer of employment will be extended to the most successful candidates, taking into consideration equal opportunity
and affirmative action programmes within the Department of Defence.


Basic Military Training (BMT): will be presented over an 8 week period by the Air Force Gymnasium situated in
Valhalla in Pretoria.
Officers Forming Course: On the completion of Basic Military Training, Pupil Pilots and Learner Navigators will be
transferred to the SA Air Force College, Thaba Tshwane, Pretoria for a period of 17 weeks in order to complete the
Officers Forming Course.
Survival Training: Subjects currently presented by 80 Air Navigation School at Air Force Base Ysterplaat include
Basic Parachute Course (does not include jumps), First Aid Course, Land Survival Training and Sea Survival Training.
Preparatory Phase: Members who are recommended for preparatory training will be transferred to the Military
Academy on the West Coast for their preparatory phase which lasts approximately 6 months. Subjects currently
presented include Geography, Science, Mathematics, English.

Military Certificate Course: All pupil pilots and learner navigators will complete a Military Certificate before
commencing flying training. This course is offered at the Military Academy in Saldanha and includes all Flying Theory On
completion of the course the student will be credited with the equivalent of first year tertiary studies.

Ground School and Flying Phase: On successful completion of the survival, preparatory training phases
(if recommended) and the Military Certificate Course, learner navigators will be transferred to 80 Air Navigator School in
Cape Town and pupil pilots will commence their flying training at Central Flying School Langebaanweg.

Learner Navigators

Learner navigators will be stationed in Cape Town for their flying training, but will from time to time receive training
at various squadrons in the Air Force, if required and subject to aircraft availability. The subjects offered and type of
aircraft used for the duration of these phases are as follows:

Subjects: Navigation, Maps and Plotting, Flight Planning, Avionics, Crew Cooperation, Electronic Warfare.

Aircraft: Astra (PC7 Pilatus), Cessna Caravan, C47 TP Dakota.

Approximately 2 years and 7 months after completing Basic Military Training and after approximately 220 flying
hours, learner navigators will qualify and receive their wings at the same time as the pupil pilots at the Central Flying
School. They will then be transferred to various squadrons for utilisation.

Pupil Pilots

Pupil pilots will be stationed at the Central Flying School Langebaanweg for the Basic Flying Phase (ab initio phase).
The following subjects will be presented:

Ground Phase: Air Dynamics, Plotting on Maps, Navigation, Electronic Warfare.

Flying Phase: Pupil pilots will be required to master the Astra, Pilatus PC7 trainer, including :

Simulation Exercises , General Flying, Formations, Instrument Flying, Navigational Flying, Night Flying.

Pupil pilots qualify after a period of approximately 2 years and 7 months training and approximately 210 flying hours.
They will receive their wings at a wings parade at the Central Flying School Langebaanweg.


On successful completion of the pilot/navigator course members will be offered a contract and compelled to fulfill their
contractual obligations.


On completion of the flying phase, a selection board will be convened to determine in which line function a pilot will
be utilised, namely:

Fighter line, Helicopter line (including maritime) or Transport line (including maritime)

Criteria used for the allocation of pilots to various line functions:

• Need of the Air Force • Results and achievements on course

• Own preference • Recommendation by flying instructor

Pilots will be transferred to one of the following Air Force institutions for further training in their line function, before
being utilised at the various squadrons of the SA Air Force:

Fighter line - 85 Combat Flying School

Transport line - 41 Squadron
Helicopter line - 87 Helicopter Flying School.
MSD Application Coupon - SA AIR FORCE
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)
Please provide the following information:

First names: ............................................................... ........................................................

Surname: ............................................................... ............................................................
ID Number : ............................................... Citizenship: ....................................................
Tel (H): ....................................................... Tel (W): ..........................................................
Your cell no :............................................... Parent’s cell no : .............................................
Any other contact no .................................
: I will be .............. years of age on 1 January
Postal address: ............................................................... ...................................................
............................................................ ................................................................ ..............

Code: ........................................................ Nearest major city: ........................................

Do you wear prescription glasses/contact lenses? yes no
Have you had any eye surgery? yes no

Province, gender and race (for statistical purposes, please mark with an X)
Gauteng W Cape N Cape
Mpumalanga Free State KZN
E Cape North West Limpopo

Gender Male Female

Race Afr ican Indian Coloured White

Grade 12: Busy with Completed Year of completion

My grade: 11 12 Technikon University
My subjects, symbols and levels are as follows:
Subject Symbol Le vel


This coupon serves as a document for pre-selection and is not for sale. Only candidates who will be between the ages of 18 and

24 when commencing Basic Military Training may apply. Successful applicants will be required to serve in uniform and undergo
military training. Incomplete application forms will not be considered. Only candidates who are busy with or have passed Grade
11/12 may apply. A certified copy of your ID document, Senior Certificate, Tertiary Qualifications (if applicable) or latest available
results (if currently completing Grade 11/12) and a short CV must accompany this application form and be sent to: SANDF
Recruiting, Private Bag X281, Pretoria, 0001
Signature (Applicant): _______________________________________________________________ Date___________________

Parent (Legal Guardian): _____________________________________________________________ Date___________________

All posts are advertised in the main Sunday newspapers
For further enquiries, contact your nearest Recruiting Office:
Pretoria Tel (012) 339 5395 Fax (012) 339 5727
Cape Town Tel (021) 787 1144 Fax (021) 787 1288
Bloemfontein Tel (051) 402 1128 Fax (051) 402 1147
Durban Tel (031) 369 1203 Fax (031) 369 1105
Kimberley Tel (053) 830 3204 Fax (053) 830 3206
Port Elizabeth Tel (041) 505 1268 Fax (041) 505 1272
Potchefstroom Tel (018) 289 3322 Fax (018) 289 3555
Makhado Tel (015) 577 2017 Fax (015) 577 2009
Polokwane Tel (015) 299 1121 Fax (015) 299 1209

!K E
E: /K

the South African

Department of Defence

Directorate Personnel Acquisition

Private Bag X281
South Africa

w w w. d o d . m i l . z a
The South African Navy is a modern, balanced and credible Navy of which the people of South Africa are proud, which
commands international respect and which contributes to the safety, security and welfare of South Africa in times of
peace and war.

In order to meet the challenge, the SA Navy relies heavily on the expertise of all serving Naval Officers and ratings.
Discipline, dedication, hard work and a keen interest in the maritime environment will contribute to a successful career
with infinite challenges and opportunities.



The MSD programme is a two-year voluntary service system. Recruits are required to sign up for a period of two years,
during which they will receive military training and further functional training in a specific field, eg Combat Operators,
Support services, Submarine operators etc in their first year of service. During the second year of service, depending on
the duration of their functional orientation, they will be deployed where needed and given the opportunity to apply their
knowledge and develop their skills.


South African citizen

Age between 18 and 22
Currently in Grade 12 or completed
Mathematics and Physical Science will benefit your application
Preferably single
Not area bound
No record of a serious criminal offence or offences
Comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment in the SANDF

The MSD system allows the member to adapt to the military way of life. Towards the end of the second year, the member
will be given the opportunity to indicate whether he or she would like to extend the contract by signing up in the Regular
Force (Phase 2). An extension of the contract will mainly depend on the member’s performance over the two years and
the availability of posts in the relevant functional field.

Members who could not be accommodated or who are not interested in further service in the Regular Force, will be
required to serve in the Reserve Force after completion of the initial two-year period (30 days per annum over a 5 year


Combat Officers are responsible for executing the Navy’s main function – maritime warfare. These Officers run the
Navy’s ships and lead the Navy’s combat element. Naturally they are highly motivated, well-trained leaders with the
necessary expertise in putting complex computerized weaponry to effective use. Although this career makes high
personal demands, it is unique and very stimulating. The peak of many a Combat Officer’s career is taking command of a


South African citizen

Age between 18 and 22
Completed Grade 12 with exemption, or busy with Grade 12, offering Mathematics and Physical Science with Higher
Grade D or Standard Grade C symbols
Preferably single
Not area bound
Comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment in the SANDF

The acquisition of new ships and modern weapon systems provide an exciting and dynamic career for SA Naval
Engineers. This branch renders important support to the combat element by means of maintaining operational ships and
equipment in a continued state of readiness. This is achieved through maintenance and modernization of existing
weapons, electronic and propulsion systems and the design and development of new systems.


South African citizen

Age between 18 and 22
Completed Grade 12 with exemption, or busy with Grade 12, offering Mathematics and Physical Science with Higher
Grade B symbols for both subjects
Preferably single
Not area bound
Comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment in the SANDF

After completion of Military and Officers training in the first year, Student Engineers will commence studies at the
University of Stellenbosch or University of Cape Town in Mechanical, Electronic or Electrical Engineering.


Naval Technical Officers work closely with Naval Engineering Officers. The acquisition of new vessels and modern
armament and electronic systems provide a dynamic career for Naval Technical Officers.


South African citizen

Age between 18 and 22
Completed Grade 12 with exemption, or busy with Grade 12, offering Mathematics and Physical Science Higher Grade
D or Standard Grade C symbols
Preferably single
Not area bound
Comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment in the SANDF

After completion of Military and Officers training in the first year, Student Technical Officers will commence studies at the
Cape Technikon in Mechanical or Electronic engineering.


The SA Navy offers adventurous young people excellent training and a life of challenge and excitement as a Navy Diver.

To be considered, an applicant must be:

Proficient in English
Between 18 and 22 years
Be in possession of a Grade 12 or N3 with Mathematics as passed subjects. Functional Mathematics will not be
Due to the requirements of this occupation, applicants must have no physical disabilities and not suffer from
claustrophobia or a fear of heights. Applicants should be strong swimmers with a flair for general water activities.

In addition to the above mentioned MSD Careers and information provided, applicants in possession of a
recognised University Degree/or a 3 Year Diploma (up to the age of 26) are welcome to apply.
MSD Application Coupon - SA NAVY
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)
Please complete the following:
I would like to be considered for one of the following occupations in the SA Navy (Mark with an x):
Military Skills Development (General Training) Navy Diver Graduate/Diploma
Biographical information

First names: ............................................................... ........................................................

Surname: ............................................................... ............................................................
ID Number : ............................................... Citizenship: ....................................................

Tel (H): ....................................................... Tel (W): ..........................................................
Your cell no :............................................... Parent’s cell no : .............................................

Any other contact no .................................
: I will be .............. years of age on 1 January
Postal address: ............................................................... ...................................................
............................................................ ................................................................ ..............
Code: ........................................................ Nearest major city: ........................................

Province, gender and race (for statistical purposes, please mark with an X)
Gauteng W Cape N Cape
Mpumalanga Free State KZN
E Cape North West Limpopo
Gender Male Female
Race Afr ican Indian Coloured White

Grade 12: Busy with Completed Year of completion


My grade: 11 12 Technikon University

My subjects, symbols and levels are as follows:
Subject Symbol Le vel

My aggregate is:

This coupon serves as a document for pre-selection and is not for sale. Only candidates who
will be between the ages of 18 and 22 when commencing Basic Military Training may apply.
Successful applicants will be required to serve in uniform and undergo military training. Incomplete
application forms will not be considered. Only candidates who are busy with or have passed
Grade 12 may apply. Certified copies of your ID document, Senior Certificate, Tertiary Qualifications
(if applicable) or latest available results (if currently completing Grade 12) and a short CV must
accompany this application form and be sent to: SANDF Recruiting, Private Bag X281, Pretoria, 0001
Signature (Applicant): ______________________________________ Date___________________

Parent (Legal Guardian): _____________________________________Date___________________

All posts are advertised in the main Sunday newspapers
For further enquiries, contact your nearest Recruiting Office:
Pretoria Tel (012) 339 5395 Fax (012) 339 5727
Cape Town Tel (021) 787 1144 Fax (021) 787 1288
Bloemfontein Tel (051) 402 1128 Fax (051) 402 1147
Durban Tel (031) 369 1203 Fax (031) 369 1105
Kimberley Tel (053) 830 3204 Fax (053) 830 3206
Port Elizabeth Tel (041) 505 1268 Fax (041) 505 1272
Potchefstroom Tel (018) 289 3322 Fax (018) 289 3555
Makhado Tel (015) 577 2017 Fax (015) 577 2009
Polokwane Tel (015) 299 1121 Fax (015) 299 1209

!K E
E: /K

the South African

Department of Defence

Directorate Personnel Acquisition

Private Bag X281
South Africa

w w w. d o d . m i l . z a
Excellent career opportunities await dynamic individuals with a keen interest in pursuing a career in the military health
environment. Prospective applicants may consider joining one of the following service systems:


The Department of Defence is proud to offer this service system to South African youth with the main purpose of
promoting and enhancing the concept of nation building. We are also serving national interests by encouraging our
youth to develop a common South African identity through exposure to military norms and customs. The emphasis
will mainly be on discipline development, empowerment and global competitiveness.

After completion of Basic Military Training, members may be earmarked for training in one of the following occupational

Intelligence, Logistics, Musician, Operational Emergency Care Practitioner, Human Resources, Protection, Physical
Training Instructor, Military Instructor, Patient Administration to name but a few.

Please note that training in any one of these fields can not be guaranteed and will be subject to availability and further
selection criteria. Successful applicants will be required to serve for a minimum period of two years. The aim of the
system is to enhance the deployment capability of the SANDF.

The following requirements apply:

South African citizenship is compulsory

Grade 12 or equivalent (or will be obtained by the end of the year of application)
Must comply with health assessment requirements for appointment in the SANDF
Be at least 18 years of age but not older than 22 on the 1st of January following the year in which you applied
Have no record of a serious criminal offence
Must be willing to undergo Basic Military Training, further Functional Training and serve in uniform, within the RSA and
Must be willing to ascribe to the Military Code of Conduct

At the end of the two years, members will have the following options:

- Re- Apply and be selected for an extension of the contract (2 to 8 years)

- Serve in the Reserve Force components (30 days per year for 5 years)
- Discontinuation of service

The SA Military Health Service does not offer "bursaries" as do companies in the private sector. Instead selected
candidates are required to join the SANDF on a contract basis. This necessitates the successful completion of
prescribed military courses during the first year of the contract, whereafter the contract will be extended if selected,
followed by studies at selected tertiary institutions and continued service in the SANDF for the remainder of the contract

Study Direction Academic requirements* Academic Institution

MBChB Grade 12 with University exemption Mathematics and Physical University of Pretoria
Science HG C symbol and a 1st Language HG C symbol Medunsa

Bachelor of Physiotherapy Grade 12 with University exemption Mathematics and Physical University of Pretoria
Science HG C symbol 1st Language HG C symbol

Bachelor Occupational Grade 12 with University exemption Physical Science and University of Pretoria
Therapy Biology HG C symbol 1st Language HG C symbol

Human Movement Science: Grade 12 with University exemption

BA Degree Afrikaans, English HG + Univ exemption Univ of North West

BSc Degree Grade 12 with University exemption

Afrikaans, English HG, Mathematics, Physical Science Univ of North West
HG D Symbol

Speech Therapist Grade 12 with University exemption

Mathematics, Physical Science and Biology, Univ of Pretoria
Gr. 12

Radiography Grade 12 with University exemption preferably have

(Bachelor/Diploma) Mathematics, Physical Science and Biology Univ of Pretoria

Nursing Diploma (Four year) Grade 12, 6 subjects of which at least 2 on HG, the rest SAMHS Nursing
either HG or SG. Biology and English are compulsory Academy

Pupil Enrolled Nurse Grade 12, minimum of 6 subjects (no LG subjects) SAMHS Nursing
(Two years) English a definite prerequisite Academy
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)

Please complete the following:

I would like to be considered for one of the following occupations in the SAMHS (mark with an X):
Military Skills Development: Study Scheme
MBCHB Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy

Radiography Nursing Diploma Human Movement Science (BA)

Speech Therapy Pupil Enrolled Nurse Human Movement Science (Bsc)

Military Skills Development: General Training

Intelligence Logistics Musician

Human Resources Operational Emergency Care Practitioner

Protection Physical Training Instructor

Patient Administration

Biographical information

First Names: ..........................................................................................................................

Surname: ..............................................................................................................................

ID Number: ................................................. Citizenship: .....................................................

Tel (H): ......................................................... Tel (W): ...........................................................

Your cell no: ................................................. Parent’s cell no: ..............................................

Any other contact no: ................................... I will be ................ Years of age on 1 January

Postal Address:......................................................................................................................


Code: ............................................................ Nearest major city: ........................................

Province, gender and race (for statistical purposes, please mark with an X)

Gauteng Western Cape N Cape

Mpumalanga Free State KZN

E Cape North West Limpopo

Gender Male Female

Race African Asian Coloured White

See overleaf
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)

Please complete the following:

Grade 12: Busy with Completed Year of completion

My grade: 11 12 Technikon University
My subjects, symbols and levels are as follows:
Subject Symbol Le vel

My aggregate is:

This coupon serves as a document for pre-selection and is not for sale. Only candidates who
will be between the ages of 18 and 22 when commencing Basic Military Training may apply.
Successful applicants will be required to serve in uniform and undergo military training. Incomplete
application forms will not be considered. Only candidates who are busy with or have passed
Grade 12 may apply. Certified copies of your ID document, Senior Certificate, Tertiary Qualifications
(if applicable) or latest available results (if currently completing Grade 12) and a short CV must
accompany this application form and be sent to: SANDF Recruiting, Private Bag X281, Pretoria, 0001

Signature (Applicant): _______________________________ Date:__________________________

Parent (Legal Guardian): _____________________________Date:__________________________

All posts are advertised in the main Sunday newspapers
For further enquiries, contact your nearest Recruiting Office:
Pretoria Tel (012) 339 5395 Fax (012) 339 5727
Cape Town Tel (021) 787 1144 Fax (021) 787 1288
Bloemfontein Tel (051) 402 1128 Fax (051) 402 1147
Durban Tel (031) 369 1203 Fax (031) 369 1105
Kimberley Tel (053) 830 3204 Fax (053) 830 3206
Port Elizabeth Tel (041) 505 1268 Fax (041) 505 1272
Potchefstroom Tel (018) 289 3322 Fax (018) 289 3555
Makhado Tel (015) 577 2017 Fax (015) 577 2009
Polokwane Tel (015) 299 1121 Fax (015) 299 1209

!K E
E: /K

the South African

Department of Defence

Directorate Personnel Acquisition

Private Bag X281
South Africa

w w w. d o d . m i l . z a
What is Youth Foundation Training?

Youth Foundation Training is a programme aimed at the development of South African youth from previously
disadvantaged communities. The programme focuses on the improvement of matriculation results by providing a
positive and stimulating learning environment where learners can reach their full potential.

Why is the Department of Defence (DOD) involved?

The DOD acknowledges the challenges set by Parliament and civil society to transform. Part of this transformation is to
ensure that all race and gender groups within our borders are represented in the respective ranks and functions within
the DOD. The Youth Foundation Training Programme is an effort by the DOD to identify youth with the necessary
academic potential, to develop that potential and to prepare them for a career in the Department and further tertiary

Where and when will the programme be offered?

The one year academic programme will commence in January at a training facility in Gauteng (Ekhurhuleni College).
Accommodation, meals, study aids, stationary and pocket money will be provided to the learners.

What happens at the end of the year?

Learners will be required to re-write the relevant Grade 12 subjects. Learners who have successfully completed the
programme will be considered for a career in the DOD. Learners who are not considered will be given the opportunity
to explore other options in the open labour market.

Who can apply?

In order for you to be considered for the DOD Youth Foundation Training Programme, you must comply with the
following requirements:

South African citizens only

Must at least be 18 years of age but not older than 21 on the 1st of January
Must have completed Grade 12 or busy with Grade 12
Must have passed at least two subjects on HG, of which one must be English excluding Mathematics and Physical
Science (In order to obtain Matriculation Exemption at the end of your Youth Foundation Training Year)
Must have passed Mathematics and Physical Science on Standard or Higher Grade with at least an E symbol
Must have passed Mathematics and Accounting on Standard or Higher Grade with at least an E symbol, if interested in
pursuing a commercial- related career
Must comply with the requirements for medical fitness as laid down by the Surgeon General
No record of a serious criminal offence
Must be recommended by a Military Selection Board
Must not be area bound
Must preferably be single without dependants

Career options in the Department of Defence

Should your results improve satisfactorily after re-writing the relevant Grade 12 subjects, you may be considered for a
career in the DOD in one of the following Services or the Finance Division:

SA Army
SA Air Force
SA Navy
SA Military Health Services
Finance Division

These excellent career opportunities include military training and study opportunities at approved Universities and/or
Universities of Technology.
All posts are advertised in the main Sunday newspapers
For further enquiries, contact your nearest Recruiting Office:
Pretoria Tel (012) 339 5395 Fax (012) 339 5727
Cape Town Tel (021) 787 1144 Fax (021) 787 1288
Bloemfontein Tel (051) 402 1128 Fax (051) 402 1147
Durban Tel (031) 369 1203 Fax (031) 369 1105
Kimberley Tel (053) 830 3204 Fax (053) 830 3206
Port Elizabeth Tel (041) 505 1268 Fax (041) 505 1272
Potchefstroom Tel (018) 289 3322 Fax (018) 289 3555
Makhado Tel (015) 577 2017 Fax (015) 577 2009
Polokwane Tel (015) 299 1121 Fax (015) 299 1209

!K E
E: /K

the South African

Department of Defence

Directorate Personnel Acquisition

Private Bag X281
South Africa

w w w. d o d . m i l . z a
Application Coupon - FOUNDATION TRAINING
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)
Please complete the following:
I would like to partake in the above-mentioned Foundation Training Programme and on completion thereof
be considered for one of the following occupations in the DOD (mark with an X):

SA Army

SA Air Force

SA Navy

SA Military Health Service

Finance Division

Biographical information

First Names: ..........................................................................................................................

Surname: ..............................................................................................................................

IID Number: ................................................. Citizenship: .....................................................

Tel (H): ......................................................... Tel (W): ...........................................................

Your cell no: ................................................. Parent’s cell no: ..............................................

Any other contact no: ................................... I will be ................ Years of age on 1 January

Postal Address:......................................................................................................................


Code: ............................................................ Nearest major city: ........................................

Province, gender and race (for statistical purposes, please mark with an X)

Gauteng Western Cape N Cape

Mpumalanga Free State KZN

E Cape North West Limpopo

Gender Male Female

Race African Asian Coloured

See overleaf
Application Coupon
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)

Please complete the following:

Grade 12: Busy with Completed Year of completion

My grade: 11 12 Technikon University
My subjects, symbols and levels are as follows:
Subject Symbol Le vel

My aggregate is:

This coupon serves as a document for pre-selection and is not for sale. Only candidates who are
at least 17 but will not be older than 21 when commencing Foundation Training next year in January
may apply. Incomplete application forms will not be considered. Only candidates who are busy with
or have passed Grade 12 may apply. Certified copies of your RSA ID document, Senior Certificate,
Tertiary Qualifications (if applicable) or latest available results (if currently completing Grade 12) and
a short CV must accompany this application form and be sent to: SANDF Recruiting, Private Bag X281,
Pretoria, 0001

Have you recently applied for any other training opportunities in the Department of Defence?

If yes, please specify: ________________________________________________________

Signature (Applicant): _______________________________ Date:___________________

Parent (Legal Guardian): _____________________________Date:___________________

Special Forces Brigade, as a strategic force, carries out special operations, independently or in co-operation with other
State Departments or Services, to achieve national objectives, internally or externally, in peace or war. Comprising
landward, airborne and waterborne capabilities. Special Forces Brigade is an affordable, dynamic and effective force,
which boasts specially trained personnel, and is equipped with specialist equipment. International recognition of the
Special Forces capabilities, makes the Special Forces a credible force, which must be reckoned with.
The MSD programme is a two-year voluntary service system with the long-term goal of enhancing the SA National Defence
Force’s deployment capability. Recruits are required to sign up for a period of two years, during which they will receive Basic and
Functional Military Training in their first year of service. Recruits wishing to join the Special Forces can complete any of the other
Services' MSD programmes during the first year. During the second year of service potential candidates will attend the Special
Forces Basic Training Cycle.
South African citizen
Age between 18 and 22 (graduates 26)
Currently in Grade 12 or completed
Not area bound
No record of serious criminal offence or offences
Preferably single
Comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment in the SANDF
One-year military service (first year MSD)
Proficient in reading, writing and speaking English
Successful completion of the Special Forces Entry Test
40 push-ups without breaking rhythm
67 sit-ups within two minutes
175-metre fireman’s-lift run within 65 seconds
5-kilometre run within 24 minutes
40 six-metre shuttle-runs within 95 seconds
Water training test
Psychometric test, achieve an above-average score
Personal interview


This is the ultimate military experience. Upon completion of this 51-week cycle; successful recruits will receive the coveted Special Forces
Operators Badge and a Diploma in Special Forces Operations. The Special Forces Basic Training Cycle consists of the following courses:
Special Forces Individual Phase 1
Special Forces Selection
Medical Level 1 - 4
Special Forces Individual Phase 2
Special Forces Basic Demolitions
Basic Static Line Parachuting
Special Forces Air Operations
Small Boat Coxswain
Bush craft, tracking and survival
Minor Tactics Rural
Minor Tactics Urban
Clandestine Operations
After successfully completing the Special Forces Basic Training Cycle, Operators can continue with any of the following specialist fields:
Bush Craft, Tracking and Survival
Urban Reconnaissance
Rural Reconnaissance
Climbing Techniques
Urban Operations
Operational Emergency Care Practitioner
Heavy Weapons
Seaborne Training
Attack Diving
All posts are advertised in the main Sunday newspapers
For further enquiries, contact your nearest Recruiting Office:
Pretoria Tel (012) 339 5395 Fax (012) 339 5727
Cape Town Tel (021) 787 1144 Fax (021) 787 1288
Bloemfontein Tel (051) 402 1128 Fax (051) 402 1147
Durban Tel (031) 369 1203 Fax (031) 369 1105
Kimberley Tel (053) 830 3204 Fax (053) 830 3206
Port Elizabeth Tel (041) 505 1268 Fax (041) 505 1272
Potchefstroom Tel (018) 289 3322 Fax (018) 289 3555
Makhado Tel (015) 577 2017 Fax (015) 577 2009
Polokwane Tel (015) 299 1121 Fax (015) 299 1209

!K E
E: /K

the South African

Department of Defence

Directorate Personnel Acquisition

Private Bag X281
South Africa

w w w. d o d . m i l . z a
MSD Application Coupon - SA Special Forces
(The Department of Defence reserves the right to employment)
Please complete the following:
Biographical information

First names: ............................................................... ........................................................

Surname: ............................................................... ............................................................
ID Number : ............................................... Citizenship: ....................................................

Tel (H): ....................................................... Tel (W): ..........................................................
Your cell no :............................................... Parent’s cell no : .............................................

Any other contact no :................................. I will be .............. years of age on 1 January
Postal address: ............................................................... ...................................................
............................................................ ................................................................ ..............
Code: ........................................................ Nearest major city: ........................................

Province, gender and race (for statistical purposes, please mark with an X)
Gauteng W Cape N Cape
Mpumalanga Free State KZN
E Cape North West Limpopo

Gender Male Female

Race Afr ican Asian Coloured White

Grade 12: Busy with Completed Year of completion

My grade: 11 12 Technikon University

My subjects, symbols and le vels are as follows:

Subject Symbol Le vel

My aggregate is:

This coupon serves as a document for pre-selection and is not for sale. Only candidates who
will be between the ages of 18 and 22 on 1 January may apply. Successful applicants
will be required to serve in uniform and undergo military training. Incomplete application forms
will not be considered. Only candidates who are busy with or have passed Grade 12 may apply.
Certified copies of your RSA ID document, Matric Certificate or latest results and a comprehensive
CV must accompany this application form and send to: SANDF Recruiting, Private Bag X281,
Pretoria, 0001

Signature (Applicant): _______________________________Date:___________________

Parent (Legal Guardian): _____________________________Date:___________________

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