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Background of the Area and Needs Justification:

District Tharparkar ranks the lowest in the Human Development Index calculations for the nation’s
districts and facing extreme drought situation. Arid areas of the world are always prone to famines
whenever the average annual rainfall is less than 250mm. The Tharparkar region of Sindh, which has
climatic and ecological conditions similar to the Indian state of Rajasthan’s portion of Thar, faces severe
droughts for two to three years in every 10-year cycle. But droughts and famines are not new for the
people of the region. Old-timers in the area are witness to the misery and death wrought by the droughts
and famines of 1951, 1968, 1969, 1987 and 1988. Similarly, the destruction and death in the famines of
1899 and 1939 are also remembered in Thar and Rajasthan, when there was not a single drop of rain
throughout the years. These areas have been witnessing famine-like conditions for ages. The average
annual rainfall is less than 250mm, which is usually uneven and erratic. The sandy arid area with high wind
velocity has indeed a fragile ecosystem. If its vegetative cover is overexploited and marginal lands on the
slopes of sandy dunes are brought under cultivation, the area will turn into a barren desert. During the
last couple of years, more than 2400 children died due to malnutrition in the district Tharparkar.

Due to above situation people buying position is so week and they only take food 1 time most villages,
this is a special time when Muslims around the world take a step back from their daily routines and focus
on community, charity, fasting and prayer.
According to The Holy Quran “Those who spend their wealth by night and day, in secret and in public,
shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” (Al-Quran 2:274)

Rural Development Association – RDA Tharparkar Planning to provide food packages to most vulnerable
families of Tharparkar i.e. widows, orphans and poor families of drought affected areas of Tharparkar.

KARWAN Zakat fund intervention:

With the financial support from KARWAN Development Foundation -KDF zakat fund intervention RDA
team distributed food packages among 38 most vulnerable families @ village Taj Mohammad Bajeer
Mithi, District Tharparkar in Oct 2018. Total 232 beneficiaries reported of this food package project in

Food package items details are given below:

Material of food package per family

S# Food items name Kg
1 Flour (Atta) 40
2 Rice (Banaspatti) 5
3 Cooking Oil (Sofia) 5

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A pictorial view of food package distribution @ village Taj Mohammad Bajeer paro Tharparkar

Food package ready for distribution at village Taj Muhammad Bajeer paro Mithi Tharparkar

Widows collecting food package from distribution point at village Taj Muhammad Bajeer paro Thar

Beneficiaries collecting food package from distribution point at village Taj Mohammad Bajeer Thar.

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