Chem Science

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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence

Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

LESSON OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES (include timing)

Engage Science List objects and their Kahoot quiz will be Motivation: What is the state iPads
Understanding: properties used as a diagnostic At the front of the classroom have a Mess Scene with the and properties of
Changes to tool to identify any following items: the material? Padlet
materials can be State changes which class knowledge or  Partially dissolved salt and salt container
reversible or may have occurred misunderstandings  Melted and burnt chocolates What can you Mess Scene items:
irreversible from previous years  Icey-poles melting observe?  Salt
(ACSSU095)  glass of bubbles from sodium bicarbonate and tartaric  Chocolate
acid reacting together in water, with a packet of sodium What changes may (melted burnt)
bicarbonate and tartaric acid next to it have occurred?  Water
 frozen milk  Icey-poles
 a lit candle  Sodium
 open vinegar bottle bicarbonate
 water with a fizzing tablet  Tartaric acid
Individuals are invited up to share what they see on the table.  Milk
The teacher revises states of matter when looking at the  Candle
different objects.  Match
 Vinegar
Body:  Fizzing tablet
In Groups students come forward and take photos of the scene  Glasses/Bottles
on their iPads. With the photo/s they have just taken they must
discuss the following for each item: Kahoot
 Name each object and list its state
 What can you observe about each example?
 What properties do these objects/materials have?
 What changes have occurred to the original objects and
 Do you think the changes can be reversed? Why?
How? Why not?
Each group is given one of the objects to share their information
with on Padlet.
As a class each object is discussed, the responses on Padlet are
referred to. While discussing the teacher briefly revises states of

Teacher will run a Kahoot covering previous Chemical Science

content, including states and properties of matter.

Safety Considerations
 Students must not touch any of the objects, they are to
only look and take photos.
 Teacher must be aware of any allergies the students
may have to any of the materials.
 Students must be careful when using iPads around
 Students must be aware of hot objects

Explore Science Define the terms The students will Motivation: What is meant by iPads
Understanding: ‘Reversible and write a hypothesis Review the previous lesson. Teacher says that we will be testing the term reaction?
Changes to ‘Irreversible’ and define reversible out and exploring some of the reactions we saw in the previous Pear Deck
materials can be and irreversible on lesson. What do the terms
reversible or Write a hypothesis to their observation ‘reversible’ and Observation Sheets
irreversible experiments based on sheet. This will be Body: ‘irreversible’ mean? (attached)
(ACSSU095) previous knowledge recorded on a The Class will discuss the following questions. The teacher will
and experiences. checklist. use Pear Deck to elicit student responses. Were the reactions Experiment
Questioning and  What is meant by the term reaction? you observed Procedure
Predicting: Conduct a fair test of Observations will be  List some reactions you know. reversible or (attached)
With guidance, an experiment by made on how the  What do the terms ‘reversible’ and ‘irreversible’ mean? irreversible?
pose clarifying following safety students conduct the  Are the reactions you listed reversible or irreversible? Materials for
questions and make procedures. experiments. After discussing student responses, the teacher will explicitly experiment (Lists
predictions about define the terms reaction, reversible and irreversible. on attached
scientific procedures)
investigations The students will be placed into small groups and assigned the
(ACSIS232) following roles:
 Director – Reads instructions and makes sure they are
 Recorder – Records group discussions.
 Safety Officer – Makes sure the experiment is going
ahead safely.
 Equipment Manager – Responsible for equipment.
 Reporter – Reports to and communicates with the


Each group will work will work at a station to complete an

experiment. After 10 minutes the groups will rotate to the next
station. Will completing the experiment the students must:
 Hypothesise what will happen
 Record observations (iPad camera can assist)
 Define reversible and irreversible
 Is it reversible or irreversible?
Prior to rotating the students must ensure each station is tidy.

The students share their observations and results on Pear Deck.
The class discusses:
 What was the hypothesis? Was it correct?
 What did we observe?
 Was the reaction reversible or irreversible?
Teacher defines the terms reversible and irreversible.

Safety Considerations
 Report any spillage of liquid to the teacher
 Consider allergies to materials
 Ensure students do not consume the materials (milk &
 ICT: ensure iPad is used away from liquid or materials.
 When using the kettle, students need to be careful of
burning water and steam.

Explain Science Define chemical, The teacher will Motivation: What are the iPads
Understanding: physical, reversible and record if the students Review the previous lessons. different types of
Changes to irreversible changes have defined and changes? Spiderscribe
materials can be given an example of As a class play the online game: Reversible or Irreversible.
reversible or List examples of each type of change. Discuss what is known and why particular choices are made in What are examples Reversible or
irreversible chemical, physical, the game. of each change? Irreversible Game:
(ACSSU095) reversible and http://www.sciencek
irreversible changes Body:
Communicating: The teacher defines and discusses the terms chemical change vities/reversiblecha
Communicate Display organised and physical change. nges.html
ideas, explanations information in a mind
and processes using map In groups, students research different types of changes using
scientific their iPads. Students can use a variety of resources from the
representations in a internet or library.
variety of ways,  Chemical changes

including multi-  Physical changes
modal texts  Reversible changes
(ACSIS110)  Irreversible changes
Students create a mind map using Spider Scribe with definitions
and examples (can include picture or videos) of each of the
 Chemical changes
 Physical changes
 Reversible changes
 Irreversible changes
The changes covered in the previous two lessons should also be
covered in their mind map.

The groups present their research to their class. They explain
their definitions and how they have categorised different types
of changes.

Elaborate Science Plan and conduct a safe The students will Motivation: What will happen iPads
Understanding: and valid investigation receive a 1-3 rating Teacher poses the question: to salt water as the
Changes to for each of the What will happen to salt water as the temperature is changed? temperature is Experiment Hand
materials can be Discuss and propose answers in the Class discusses and shares answers. changed? out (attached)
reversible or valid ideas based on discussion question.
irreversible investigation This is recorded on a Body: What happened and Materials for
(ACSSU095) observations class list. Teacher outlines investigation why? experiment (Listed
on attached sheet)
Planning and Observations will be Prior to conducting the experiment, the students must write the What did you find
Conducting: made on how the following: out?
Identify, plan and students conduct the  Hypothesis – What do you think will happen?
apply the elements experiments.  Controlled – What will you keep the same? Would you change
of scientific  Dependent – What is measured? the experiment?
investigations to  Independent – What is changed?
answer questions Did you have any
and solve problems The teacher reads through the steps and outlines the safety difficulties?
using equipment considerations (below).
and materials safely What else would
and identifying The students will be placed into small groups and assigned the you like to know?
potential risks following roles:
(ACSIS103)  Director – Reads instructions and makes sure they are
 Recorder – Records group discussions.
 Safety Officer – Makes sure the experiment is going
ahead safely.
 Equipment Manager – Responsible for equipment.

 Reporter – Reports to and communicates with the

The students complete the investigation (Steps attached).

Record observations during the experiment, students can film or
take photos.

Students must draw a diagram/s showing the experiment

Write discussion:
 What happened and why?
 Was your hypothesis correct?
 What did you find out?
 Would you change the experiment?
 Did you have any difficulties?
 What else would you like to know?

The class discusses the investigation, addressing the key

questions in the written discussion section.

Safety Considerations
 Clean up and avoid all spillages
 Students must not consume water
 Operate chosen heating device safely
 Water will be hot
 ICT: ensure iPad is used away from liquid or materials

Evaluate Science Define and give Socrative provides Motivation: What are the iPads/Computers
Understanding: examples for chemical, students’ quiz scores Students complete a short individual quiz on Socrative on the different types of
Changes to physical, reversible and and shows overall content of the unit. The quiz will address the different types of changes? Projector
materials can be irreversible changes performance for each changes covered in the unit.
reversible or question. How do the Socrative
irreversible Plan and present a 5- Body: changes differ?
(ACSSU095) minute slide show The presentation will Students are to prepare a 5-minute presentation in groups on
presentation in small be marked on a rubric what they have learnt through this unit of work. Students can
Communicating: groups with the following choose to use PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides are any What are examples
Communicate criteria: appropriate program. Students must address the following: of each change?
ideas, explanations  Quality of  Define physical, chemical, reversible and irreversible
and processes using definitions of changes
scientific changes  How the changes differ
representations in a  States how the  Examples of different types of changes
variety of ways, changes differ
including multi-  Quality and The students present to the class. The students watching provide
modal texts accuracy of verbal feedback.
(ACSIS110) examples of
 Oral presentation Conclusion:
skills Students write an individual reflection on the unit of work
 Quality of addressing the following:
slideshow  What I learnt
Additional  What I enjoyed
observations may be  What I am not sure about
made.  What I want to know more about
 Any additional thoughts
Students are given the opportunity to share and discuss any
thoughts they may have on the unit.

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