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Frida Arias Rivera

Keely: Asking the Right Questions
1. What according to Keeley are 2 benefits of asking the right questions and how might
these benefits apply to the study of religion?
According to Keeley, asking the right questions will help you “form an argument” and
“write an essay beyond the reading assignment.” These are important when it comes to
studying religion because can help you stay curious and provoke thinking to help
understand people’s perspectives and backgrounds.
2. With suitable examples distinguish between panning for gold and sponging’s as
alternative ways of thinking, which of these styles would be more applicable for you in
this class and why?
The sponge method if thinking is absorbing the all content that you receive by
memorization and understanding. The information retained from the sponge method can
can later be used it for more complex ideas later in life. It can be “quick and easy”
learning ut it has its disadvantages such as not providing a way to “[decide] which
information and opinions to believe.” People who follow the sponge method can become
a “mental puppet” to what they hear. There is importance in choosing what you absorb.
The “panning for gold” involves “active participation.” It is thought of as “the writer . . .
speak[ing] to you, and you . . . try[ing] to talk back to him, even though he is not present”
With this method, listeners decide what is worth the read or listen. Panning for gold
involves “interaction” whereas sponge is “acquisition.”
The panning for gold method would be more applicable for me in this class because as a
Catholic, I should be able to question the teachings of my own faith and be able to
compare it to others without taking offence. Panning for gold will get me more involved
in the in class discussions and will help me gain new perspective on religions.
3. What do the authors mean by the notion of “myth of the right answer” and how is this
notion relevant for RSOC 9 in your view?
“Myth of the right answer” means that it is difficult to have the right answer for
somethings because human behavior is different for everyone. People come up with
different answers to questions that do not have a set number based experience and beliefs.
It is also important to note that the right answer may not be the best answer to you.
Because of this, it is important to keep an open mind when listening to responses in class.
Remember that what may be right to you will not be right to everyone else but sometimes
there is no perfect answer.
4. What distinction do the authors make between thinking and feeling and what, if any, is
the role of emotions in critical thinking, even critical thinking about religion?
Emotions play heavy roles in the decisions we make everyday. The authors point out that
we should only let these emotions impact us after hearing both sides of the argument. In
other words, we should have strong emotions after doing the research. Emotions play a
heavy role in critical thinking and religion. The authors point out that critical thinkers are
not robots, therefore they will have emotions but they will only express the emotions
once they fully understand the topic.
5. What distinction do they make between weak sense and strong sense critical thinking?
A weak-sense of critical thinking is “the use of critical thinking to defend your current
beliefs.” This form of critical thinking is unconcerned with truth and virtue; this form of
thinking is for personal gain rather than understanding. Strong-sense “requires us to apply
critical questions to all claims, including our own.” These are important ideas to think
about while participating in class.
6. How do they define an argument and what clues do they offer for accessing the central
argument in texts (oral or written)?
An argument is defined a conclusion and reasons that support the conclusion. The authors
identify an a central arguments, both written and oral, by asking what the author is
responding to or what question is being answered and then research the author or speaker.
There is a direct link between what question is being answered and what the central
argument is.

Livingston: Chapter 1
1. Identify and explain 3 of the “popular definitions of Religion that he discusses and
indicate the strengthens and weaknesses of each of the definitions you identify?
“Religion is the be the belief in an ever-living God, that is, in a Divine Mind and Will
ruling the Universe and holding moral relations with mankind.” -James Martineau. This
definition, as the texts book points out, leaves out religions that have multiple god or
powerful beings as well as the religions with no higher being. However, most religions
hold moral relations with mankind, or in other words a standard on how to behave.
“Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis.” -Sigmund Freud. I found this
definitions a little fun but to some it can be offensive. It is not accurate to me but it does
relate to my childhood. I never enjoyed going to church or Sunday school because I did
not have a full understanding of what was happening; all I knew was I did not like it.
However, many people see religion as the opposite, a source of joy and comfort. This
definition is an opinion.
“Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies
all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of
the meaning of our life.” - John Hick. I think this is strongest definition of religion. All
religions I know fall within this definition but I am also aware that I am not familiar with
all the world's religions. I feel that this definition comes from a secular perspective so to
someone more religious, it would be wrong.
2. What 3 reasons does he give as to why is it important to study religion?
The first reason given is to understand. Because spirituality is such a big part of human
existence, it is important to understand ourselves and the impact it has on us. The second
reason is to comprehend our culture. Again, religion and spirituality are such a big part in
our existence; it is important to understand our roots and what impact religion has on our
daily lives and how it affects others. Many early cultures that still have major influence to
societies were heavily dependent on religion. It is important to study what influences
from religion affect our daily lives. Finally, we study religion to achieve a global
perspective. Many societies today still have a heavy influence from religion or have a
background with religion. Not studying it would leave many in ignorance to the
fundamentals of global societies.

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