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Hendy Setiono, Another College Drop Out Success Story

Surabaya has one more young people carve a great achievement. He is Hendy Setiono, the
chairman of "Kebab Turki Baba Rafi". His achievements are recognized not only
domestically, but also in foreign countries. Why?
He's still look like very young people. That afternoon, he was brown batik shirt black pants.
Pretty simple. Not reflected in the look of a boss of the company,which reach more than Rp 1
billion per month.
That is the daily appearance Hendy Setiono, president Kebab Turki Baba Rafi Surabaya.
By the end of the 2006 edition of Tempo magazine, he was named one of ten leaders assessed
the options to change Indonesia. Of course, a recognition that pride for Hendy. Moreover, the
business that he struggled quite a business that is not familiar. His age was still 23 years old
when he get the achievement. Wow, very young for a boss who has 100 outlets in 16 cities in
Indonesia.Now,he is 29 years old.
Hendy Setiono was born in Surabaya, March 30, 1983, was ushered into his office Java Post
in commercial Manyar Garden Inn, the Nginden Semolo. "Usually I come to work late in the
morning. But, because today there is an appointment with you, I want to go on time, "said
Hendy started the conversation.
At that time, the needle was pointing at 11.00 hours. For Hendy, at 11.00 am as it is still
fairly new to his office over at 12.00.
He then tells the beginning of the business that he did with kebabs. Kebab is the traditional
foods Middle East (Middle East) made of roast beef, blended with fresh vegetables, and
seasoned mayonnaise, then rolled up in tortillas. Actually, the kebabs are circulating in Qatar
and other Middle East countries.
However, Hendy said, most delicious kebab is from Istanbul, Turkey. Because of this, he
uses the "trade mark" (turki) Turkey to attract potential customers.
Hendy recounts, in May 2003, he visited his father who served in the oil company in Qatar.
During the successful carrying out of the new nation's Asian Games, he met many of kebab
local shop . Because of curiosity, Hendy was then tried the food is delicious when eaten in
these conditions is still hot. "Apparently, it was very tasty. I did not expect it like that, "said
the eldest of two brothers pair H Ir Bambang Sudiono and Endah Setijowati it.
Not just a full stomach, when it dawned on the minds of Hendy direct the mind to open a
kebab business in Indonesia. The reason, besides not many such efforts, in Indonesia there
are citizens of Middle East descent are spread in various cities.
"Indonesia is also has a lot of people are on a pilgrimage, or umrah. Usually, they never felt
the kebab in Mecca or Medina. Well, they can eat kebab enough as they memorize the
experience in my outlet, "he explained.
"Hence, while in Qatar, I also used the time to hunt kebab recipe. I look at the most crowded
kebab shop patrons, "said the wife Nilamsari Hendy, 23, and now have two children, Rafi
Darmawan, and Reva Zahifa Audrey.
Upon arriving back in Surabaya, he went on business strategy. The first do is find a partner.
He did not want his business at random. He then met Hasan Baraja, business friend who
happened to be the culinary fun. Initially, they deliberately do trial and error to explore
business opportunities and market share.
"Apparently, kebab recipe from Qatar to taste cardamom and cloves are strong enough not
preferred by consumers. Size is too large. Hence, we modify the flavor and the right size to
be more familiar with Indonesian citizen, "he said.
September 2003, carts selling kebabs first began operations. Precisely at one corner Nginden
Semolo Road, adjacent to the campus and residence area.
Why the cart? Hendy has a reason. "Making the cart cheaper than making a permanent stall.
Do not need much capital. Carts also flexible, can be moved, "he said.
Baba Rafi about the name of her stall, he was inspired by the name of her first child, Rafi
Darmawan. "Given the name of Mr Hendy Kebab not really commercial," he said and
chuckled.It was then that came to mind the name of the eldest son, Rafi. "If you think about
it, use the name of Baba Rafi, it's funny. Baba means father's, so Baba means father Rafi.
"Starting a business is not easy. Moreover, to achieve success as now. Joy and sadness was
felt that the prospective father of three children. "For example, selling money taken away
employees. Many employees are out. Just a few weeks work has been asked out, "he said.
In fact, once a day, because it does not have its own staff, Hendy and his wife sell. It was a
chance of rain. Not many people buy kebab. Hence, too little income. "The money from
selling that day used to buy food in shops is not enough seafood. Well, it's bitter experience
that we will always remember, "he said.
Do not want half-measures in running a business, a graduate of SMA 5 Surabaya was
ultimately decided to drop out of college in the second year. "I dropped out from my college.
But, I do not regret leaving school to build a business, "said Hendy who had studied at the
Faculty of Information Engineering ITS.
Left college to start a small business are not many young people do. It takes courage and
calculation in doing so. However, this is done by way of a Hendy Setiono.
He had received his knowledge in the Department of Informatics Institute of Technology in
Surabaya November. Left college because of the time he saw prospects for Middle Eastern
food business, the kebab. "I was a hobby for a culinary tour, culinary tour to include foods
that are called kebabs. Happened some time ago, I got a chance for a trip to Qatar. There
were many food vendors selling traditional Turkish kebab commonly called along the way I
went through. From what I see and I felt, after I tried to taste it in there,I got the idea of trying
to popularize this food in Indonesia, "
Remarkably, Hendy business success did not take long. Only in 3-4 years, he successfully
developed his wings everywhere. In fact, until the end of 2006, the young entrepreneur has
had 100 outlets noted Kebab Turki Baba Rafi are spread across 16 cities in Indonesia. Not
only in Java, but also in Bali, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan.
Looking ahead, Hendy's plans to expand its business overseas. Two of the targeted countries
are Malaysia and Thailand. "BBC London TV and magazine Business Week International
business I've covered it. After that, there are people who offered me to open outlets in
Trinidad & Tobago as well as Cambodia, "he explained.
Hendy kebab franchise business success also produces a variety of awards, both from within
and outside the country. Among other things, ISMBEA (Indonesian Small Medium Business
Entrepreneur Award) 2006 provided the minister of cooperatives and SMEs. Hendy is also
ordained as ASIA's Best Entrepreneurs Under 25 by the magazine Business Week
International, 2006. To achieve the award, she competed with 20 other candidates
businessmen from various countries in Asia.
The man calmly was also awarded Outstanding Entrepreneur Citra Indonesia 21st Century
Profession granted by Indonesia. Then, the Enterprise 50 award from SWA for 50 growing
companies in the past year. And, at the end of 2006, Tempo magazine named Hendy became
one of the ten leaders who change the choice of Indonesia.
What will be done Hendy than expand its business to other countries? Apparently, he wanted
to be like the king of the computer, Bill Gates. "I learn from successful entrepreneurs. One of
them, Bill Gates. He can set up the Microsoft empire, though he was not finished school. So,
essentially, to be successful, it doesn't must have an academic degree and high grade point ,
"he said and laughed.

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