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Unit Present perfect and past 2

14 (I have done and I did)

Do no r use the present perfect /I have done) when you talk about a finished time (for exam ple.
yesterday I tcn minutes ago I in 1999 I when I was a child ). Use a past tense:
o It was very cold yesterday. (n ot has been)
o Paul and Lucy a rrived Icn minutes ago. (not ha ve arrived)
o Did you eat a lot of sweets when you were a child ? (1101 have you eaten)
o I got home late lasl night. I was very tired and went straight to bed.
Use the past to ask When ... ? o r What time ... ?:
o When did you r friends arrive? (n ot have ... a rrived)
o What lime did you fini sh work?
Compa re:
Present perfect Past simple
o Tom has losl his key. He can '[ get into D To m lost his key ~' cs t crday . He couldn'T
the house. get into the house.
D Is Ca rla here or has she left ? D Whcn did Ca rla lca \'c:

Com pare:
Preseflt /Jcrfect (have done) Pa st siml,le tdid )
a I've done a lot of work today. o I did a lot of work yestcrday.
We lise the present perfect fo r a period of We use the past sim ple for a {illished rime in
time that continues IIlItil /IOIll, For example: t he past. For exa mple:
today 1 this week 1 since 1985, yesterday I las( week I from 1995 (0200 1.

r {i llislu!d-,

I yesterday I
past /lOll ' past /lOIll

D It hasn't rained this week. :: It didn't rain last week .

D H ave you seen Anna this morning ? e Did you sec An na this morning:
(il is still mo rn ing) (ir is now afternoon or e\'ening)
D Have you seen Tim recently ? c Did you see Tim o n Sunday ?
D I don't know where Lisa is. I haven't C ,>": Was Lisa ar the parry o n Sunday ?
seen her. (= I haven't seen her recently ) R: I don't th in k so, I didn't see her,
D We've been waiti ng fo r an hour. (we e \X'e wa ited (or were wai ting) for an
are still waiting no w) hour. {we arc no lo nger wai ting)
o Ia n lives inLondo n. He has li\'cd there :: Ian li\'ed in $calland for ten years,
for seven yea rs. ~ow he lin:s in London.
o I have never played golf. (in my life ) =I didn't play golf last summer.
D It s tile last day of your halMa)'. YOII :: After YOll come b ..,Ck (rom holidllY yOIi
say: h 's been a rea lly good holiday. say: II was a rea lly good holiday, I
I' ve really enjoyed it. really enjoyed iI,

28 Past simple .... Uni t 5 Present perfect - Un its 7- 8 Present perfect and past 1 .... Uni t 13
Exercises Unit 14
14.1 Are the ynderlined pa rts of th ese sentences rig ht or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
1\ '( lost my key. I can', find it :lnywhere. _Q.~___ ... ~. ___ .... _.............. __ ...... _____ ._._. __
1 Ha ve yo u eaten a lo t o f sweets when you were a child ? __Q!4._ ~__ ~ .... ___ .. __ .... __ ._.. ___ _
3 I've bough! a ne\\' C.l f. You mUSt come and see it. ._. __ ....
H ..... _ _ • _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ .... _ _

-l e ve bQu~hl a ne\\' caT laSt week. _______ ._....... _... __ ........... _

5 \X' here ba\'c \'O y tx-en yeS te rd 3 ~' e\"(~ning?
6 Lucy bas lef! school in 1999.
- I'm looking fo r ,\I ike. Has, "o y seen him ?
S ' Have rO Y been 10 Paris: ' -Yes. many times.'
9 I'm "cry hungry. I bil \'CO" eaten much today.
10 W'hcn has this book been publi shed :

14.2 Make senten ces from th e words in brackets. Use t he presen t perfect or past si mp le.
!i t / not I rain / this week ) It _.. n~n.'J.....f.~_~ ....!J.:ll§...~.~ ,............ _.............
1 (the weat her I be I ..:old / recentl y) The weather .........................
3 (it I cold I last week I It .... _ ............ _._____._.. _
4 11/ not I read 1 3 newspaper yesterday) I
5 11 1 not I read 1 3 newspa per tod a~' ) ..........__ .. _...... __
6 IEmily I earn l a lor o f money I t his year ) .. _.... _... __
- Uhe I nOt I earn I so much I la st ~'ea r ) _ ...... __ ._.. _...... _.. _.................... _..................... ____ .. _.......... _.. _.... _..................... __._
8 (you I ha\'e l a holida y recemly? ) .... __ .__ ........... _... __.___........ _................. _______ ... ____ ._......... _... _... _ ...... _

14.3 Put the verb into the correct form , present perfect or past simple.
I do n't know w here Li sa is. _._~.'f..;._.H~_~.m'! ..... (you I sec) her:
1 \X'hen J _ .______ (get ) home last nigh!. J ______ ....H. ___ .. __ ._._. __ (be ) very
fi red and I _ _ _______ " (g O) straight to bed.
3 .-\: ________ .. _ _ ___ (you I fi nish ) paiming rhe bedroom ?
B: :",:ot yet. I' ll fini sh it tomorrow.
4 George __._____ (not I be ) \'ery well last week.
S ~ I r Clark . ". ______ ...... ____ (work ) in a ban k for 15 years. Then he g.1 ve it up.
6 ~ l o ll ~' li \'es in Dublin. She ._... _.. __ ... _......... _.... _.. __ ... _........ _............ (li\'e ) there all her life .
. \: .................. _ ........ _.... (yo u I gal to the cinema last night ?
1\: Yes. but it _. .. ................. !be) a mistake. The fi lm ... _._ ........... _.. .. ................... (be ) aw fu l.
S ~ I y grandfather ........ ___... (die ) befo re I was born . [
......... (ne\'er I meet ) him.
9 J don't kn ow Caro l's husband. I .. _.................. _..... _ ........... _._._ (never I meet ) him .
10 .-\: Is ~l.lrtin here? B: ~ o , he ...... _._ ........ ~ .... _........ _..... ...... _ (go ) our .
\X'hen ex a c tl ~· .... ......... __ ...... _.... __ .............. (he I gO ) our? B: About ten minutes ago .
II .-\: Where do ~'o u Ih'c? B: In Bosron.
How long . _. __ ...... _..... _.. _. __ ... _.. (you I th'e) there? B: Five yea rs.
.-\: Where ...... ____ ... _._..__ (you I live ) befo re that? R: In Chic.:ago .
.-\: And how lo ng ._ __ .___ ~.~ ___._._. (you I li\'e) in Chicago ? 8: Two years.

14.4 Writ e sentences about yo urself usi ng t he ideas in brackets.

(something you ha\'en'[ done [od'IY) _LI1O"~_e.!'I~L~.':}... JY'l~.~.~~_~'- ___._______.__ _
1 (something ~'o u ha\'en'( done toda y) .. _________ .___ .__ ... ~. __ ...... ___ ... ~. _____ ... _...... ~. __ .__ .__ _

3 (So mething ~' o u d idn '[ do yesterda y) .. __ .. _ ....~ ... __ .. ____.___ .. _... ~_ ........... _~.~.~. ___ ... _. __ ... _....... _.. __._
4 (something ~'O U did ~' est c rda~' ('\'eni ng) .__ ._... _. ____.__ .. _._ ...... _...... ~ .. _..... _... ___ .......... _... _.... ~ ........ __ .......... _........ _
5 (someth ing ~'o u ha \,en't done recently) __._.. _.. _ .. _. __ ... ~ ... ___ .. __._. __ ._._............... _........ ___._______ ".. _.
6 lsomerhing yo u· \·{' done a lor recen tl rl ..... _._ ....... ~_ .............. _...... _.. _..... _ ................ __.___ ..... __ ....... _._._ ... __..... ~

....,. Additional exercises 2- 4 (pages 303-04), 14- 15 (pages 310-11 ) 29

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