Test de Evaluare Initala

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Anul scolar 2012-2013

Limba engleză
Clasa a V- a L1

Numele si prenumele elevului:

Data sustinerii testului:

 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se
acordă 90 de puncte.
 Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I (60 puncte)

1. Fill in the gaps using the following words:

rooms, the, lives, living-room, mirror, her, favourite, mother, large, nice

My friend 1)____________________in a 2)_________________flat. There are

three 3)___________________________in her flat: two bedrooms and a
5).________kitchen isn’t very 6)_________________, but her 7)_________likes it.
There is a big 8)_______________in the bathroom. My friend’s 9)_____________
room is 10)______________bedroom.

2. Underline the correct form of the verbs(Present Simple or Present Continuous)

1. lives\is living He___________in Cluj now.
2. goes\is going She ____________to school in the afternoon.
3. eats/is eating Mary ____________apples every day.
4. listen\ are listening The children____________to a story now.
5. write\ are writing We_____________an exercise now.
6. swim\ are swimming The girls__________in the lake now.
7. sings\ is singing Listen! Mary ______________now.
8.dont’t play \isn’t playing The boys ________________football every day.
9. lives\ is living The Queen _______________in a palace.
10. rains\ is raining Look! It_______________.

3. Write the corret plural:
One lion- three…… A hunter- two………
A policeman-five ……. A woman- two……
A glass-two…….. A mouse-two…..
A monkey-four….. A watch- five…….
A box- two…… A baby-six……….
4. Fill in when, where, who, what, why, how much, how many.
1.________________does he like most to school? Games
2.________________is his birthday? On the 5th of October.
3,________________do they ask so many questions? They want to know.
4.___________does he go on Saturday afternoons? To the swimming-pool.
5. _____________brings presents to children at Christmas? Santa Clause.
6. _______________do you live? In London
7. __________________do you get up in the morning? At 7 o’clock.
8._____________is your best friend? Paul
9. _____________sister have you got? Two sisters.
10._________________money have you got?$3


5. Fill in the blanks with must\ mustn’t, can\can’t.

1. The clown is very funny. He ________________do fantastic tricks.
2. Children______________ play in the street.
3. Mrs. Smith always tells us that we ______________pay attention.
4. I am not good at sports. I_____________jump or run fast.
5. It’s late. We _____________hurry.
6. My father makes good soup. He _____________cook anything.
7. it’s maria’s birthday. We __________buy a present for her.
8. You _________watch Tv. all day. It’s bad for your eyes.
9. It’s a rainy day. I______________take an umbrella.
10. Unfortunately, she_________________play the piano.

Describe your best friend.
Follow this plan:
1. write his\her name and age.
2. write what he\she looks like
3. write what he\she likes
4. Write what he / she doesn’t like.
5. write what he\she usually wears
6. write what you usually do together.

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