25th Bcs Preliminary MCQ Question Solve With Explanation

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xy Bs rae Choose the correct alternative and mark its}% The man died — overeating. letter on your answer sheet. @by @of ti © for ® from » gs are ae tt Or: SFR xen TAT Uo oefPe RecA XA died from over © short eating. die of ET GHA FAI) died by wer eam a IMT: Stockings HICH Gone a Brag deft SIDE Up ois me erst | 188 Sea @ & Many students will now be starting to —— about their exams result. @wory @ reflect @ inquire © comment WNT: were BT OreTA aera weTIEM Fier were fSat se GAT Worry 3A BIT, reflect WH afeetre =z, inquire XH STO FA Le Comment MA XTT *z1 | © TEhe coribi’ scars “ea en a1 | ATOR TEs Ba @ % She told me his name after he ——. @lett @ had left @ has left has been leaving UT Past Perfect «st frmmrgerh Os Bees hen co Past Indefinite @ 97098 Past perfect 1 <= Ores =z MOUTH RE ATH AICO | OR H AEB Past Indefinite FE ZZ AC oH BATE Perfect RA | SET had left TF 8 Climate is a — of the environment. @ state @ situation @ rank @ size WIT: Climate *Tee wd BATE) Weather aa waTEH KAT Climate . Climate 20m corm ate wey HOFER] ‘SSH FTE! State WF FTE! Situation wee] MRS atm, Mea LOMMT TRH FOES AWTS BH! rank We FI WH) Size A OTA) oA OME HA IY SMM State Tae ForH | He FaA@ @ I finally killed the fly — a rolled up newspaper. @ty @with © through © from ‘Ure: With 4% by Preposition Abra Waena rary onees| SR! HHT Preposition-8 WH COTA Gea COA FTE Frome wae ombr Face | fey by welB cram marae wba Tare HF With WI CF tool AY FNS! costes PRET FE Tay ATRT RT CHB FATE LAT With a rolled up newspaper &4 | COA :I finally killed the fly by hitting it. FY ace | finaly Killed the fly with a roled up newspaper (#871 by WA 7). through "aba wd core FORT GE MM COLE AT ACH) TA from eH RO | TOM ates For @ % We must look pleased or else he'll be —. @ dissatisfied @ cross © happy © delighted aren: ve SATE AYE OM SHM BACT AI Of AT WA CF FF WAY BACT! GACT dissatisfied GAR qayfoa wee HOT! cross Wea FETE! happy 4A delighted WTR, STH FANN ALATA eT WY positive SBF else GT Nad GEE Negative Ut) Hie Soa @ TRE Tal ART die for MICA COT wee Bem CTT CCE wr 8s FA] * He advised me —— smoking. @ giving up @ to give up © = giving up © from giving up Wer te ene up’ phrase Wx of Cor FOE ON eT) A ES ESA to give up smoking X41 we Bo > The expression ‘after one's own heart’ means @ Tobe is low spit QTocnes ows king __ ©To be in high spirit PR gone oan EA AE ER de. "The day of my sister's marriage is drawing near’. The underilned word is a/an— @ adjective Over © preposition adverb WT: AAICF near WA time T FHT TUM) TA COT MBAR TA ae crf Adverd Which of correct one? © My father was in hospital during six weeks in summer. © In summer during six weeks my father was in hospital. © My father was in a hospital during six weeks in summer. @© My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. THT: Structure SAAN Teyha CBTE Subject TA | Past perfect SB WU Sinceljor FAA Re CRM TA TA | EAT @ CR ». the following sentences is the wae 38 He intends to —— in the country for two months. @ live @ stay @ stop @ halt UIT: CF GOO FRAPH IRA | Live WET Hare ANETH H aT FA! Stay Wer PERGICT FT AFT | Stop T hold TH AP ones were | Be Baz © 38, What are you so angry —? @ about Oa ©with © for over: cory afta Bote aE REA angry withlan AACA Re CO Fag Fen aimfee wa angry about FACE! angry 8 for wor ar He Bee 1 38. The parents became extremely —— when their son had not returned by eleven O'clock. @ angry @ annoyed @ disturbed © anxious ‘TPEEEN © x@ °©@ #*@ © 6® 1H +O 9O ~® %® ~D SD RO © With complete devotion UIST: 23018 ew Cem ae ot Fewem wer a Shay we M1) BWreT: were fe wT TROP ger oe TICE OH S0C anxious WF Bz | annoyed WF ATE | disturbed TORRE angry MATTE PRAT AO | 3@. "I —— remember the holiday I spent in your home', she said. @ever © hardly © usually aways ONT: a1 THIS Positive A URES ee EM) ER, CoTaTa| sige whee He ae ae TE ETa mE) ever oat] 30, PUR aera Srgcen co cafbceR a? omnfe hardly ERTS Negative STC OeES UTS Usually | seme) 73¢ 82 8 He knew it was a very — operation, but he) UW: YH" sasre dea ae rails" cerbrcera after oficas was determined to carry it out. @ difficult ® dangerous O risky © troublesome a1 CoAT OTT cerborces after ‘fre’ | ‘carer Bra's wires wtcae arm Toa! “wereP OA cert ree aftr wea et, areT; Serer) efead Fy orate FOF wees we xo sees ey WORSE WANT COT BAAN BATH difficult ¥ dangerous BW 7, risky Bs evs On aera Troublesome Wer wewen | wwe He Sea © ome Onn em 2s. Misanthropist means ——, WI: Ses eee he sexe waeY ora BaaIET | AIEEE © One who flins with ladies @A person of narrow views @A hater of mankind © One who believe that God is in everything UM: Misanthropist Wer RR CAR care WaT MINCE YT Bea} ee weres Seema aS FEA 9 Serr HOA BAT mR qaee s wie mre wafeena) “aca Be wie oe TE we aT Sa Seeceg a BomPETE | 8@.PraAR ea cos wns TT? ee caf Bon 3 2 © Ot Som %. First language means the — language. ther ee a Bee Soar ir — © important @ main Sra) A aew seer eerie eH 3308 mE 1 Te © natural © official memerers afer seem ieee oT Sieacarare WE Fis lagiege 39 Pree cee OT me RN wh ee NA Cn ctd FAR ATED, 3% Shaheen would never have taken the job i what great demand it would make on his time, @he knew © he had been knowing @ he had known @ he was knowing ‘WINM: Conditional Sentence @ 184 SZWH 977 Would have Fw iF Past Perfect R41 He Bax@ Se, She has —— her hair a beautiful shade of brown. @ colored © given @aried @ dyed UND: dyed-WeH We WH | dried Wea CFIA | SD. Men aifecers een BSA ay Ce WAL FGA? Sram Bao STONE FrTagT rerT WCITR | @ SATIRE Sem FR ita EO caIEAT @ Prema | CICAm coPmy ATR mT, citer Breen 1 Serie arco aie cata Aeneas spt. ST, FH o Tea TOC Karas waceT SxaTIPE | Re. Ten ares AD maT eres Ce? @ Re TE Fe © wie orga © oT OF © cater sepa ure: Bertin excaira fires Beta “Toc BFF CoAT (Petrach) wena Serre) waar 8 wef ae owls farre FORO Ua BTCT OER IMO OTF BEA BRIA ATS HO CIC mB TOBA wl Rca fire wat ea | sien afer cnanfte Hisee meta aay wa TRA apr Fe) artis onaraene Orr, cuftema veaHTA, ee me, wise drga ae Sree AE BrATTATH MEET OA OF © Ferg oF RH AR | © &. 3Re Mage © Sepa HTT ans” aftrara stern ares cw FT? meseronnfRewerticoan tiem ex “erre oem)“ Sas ee Se vawey Frere 20 (99) 1 ent RR mem Page Bear aH AHH @ tiene ree © one aa RGIS, PM ROR ABO AT ORE 1A oy 7 aR PTS BI RUA PRLS, RII, TH ARCH BETA Wa TTT, BRUT aR RET ARCA ETN (010) EATER, commer 88. GR eC weae way are Ae Src ‘whiten’ sy ‘fafre ex? © feed © Bris oon © srcmer © FornaeA aT orem: ered’ fen are ARES fear S692 Ae ate ITH PONTE (Sror-s098) #8 af gen erie wa) Bit TeTes TeM STH 8 TCT, Reorae ae seme Sc sam sieraTy | afte sree me TO Oe aR gar ea afebrE oe CE oy mT afte rhe on FE @ war ore Recice aeaTy Ite TTT Bea) aPeROT HA he ONCE OTN HE ay meAy' Ak ore sey rae we) ‘REGEN %@ ONO YO BO VO VOT RO WO VO VO WO B® Se, GAD OH GATT RH TEA? © Brn Reqs © site orreg © wtT aga © seins RAEeER| WMT: “WRT VERT OTM GAIN TS (3d08-Idb9) ABT) orice Serna aff q'aco sere GH) geT Ye 3398 0a FEET WO S99 TCH AMET weED) care srPTE eT ‘aren ore Sega" axe Teme Sabre srer4 feer| yer ~olqaren werawer Mie @ TNS are | Re OFT Keefe eg eH mR SaRISE Sue tei eterae REALE Ob RRR BA oR ee core, rem BAY ate Ka aE aT? @ at ais © ame WO: & ee eB es 40 TT oF 1 amis MAS TAF re ETT SY Tees TW USE ath ae 7 fy TT Wr) BeBe are Fem wt aay wa - Oo AEF wee es 88 ce ae creme’ - of? wate Ter) @ Seah sifere @ mre © 7am Oat eon TE SRR fences Great de" — wearer UNI: e38' eee wep wom safer FE CHE Sra] on va ser? crores) a sex emtre wm ‘eran’ wfaeTs 3003 owt © ore oH wrices ares TEA Fett werer fevers | OFS ror wea after we sen Bray TTA (9924)| WES | HITE rove THE sereTO fren ‘reer Frcorerarer srdyasc% rr ne | wo), RE ROME TER Te! ae weTE ET - @ Frere Ore own © foes SIT: TB Roma Wore Ua" ace om Bary mT BH TER) FieTe we Greer a Sars wary ace Tar FB ee AER Feren aoe ger OR UTC hom ROTTS ae aE OTe TATE TATE oe a — eran @ 308 hem aa © Fea aa © fe mar INT: IC AT ARTRTOS ae ANG TERT ATT TEE, wre ore fo Tay a BH) CATT: FO aCe AATeTE — Were) OF APT AIM OT AUCH aera TATA TOT Set MrT ace) Som 0 Br we BETO sERT aT Re ae BLAH FA GH, AA: CY BY TH RTT | Cl TCH PAT ATH ROCA Ceratea we a afecE| 7 cor Bin i AT AC TOM ONE TAR HTH Te ORT: nice cx ae - drm 1 cor sn oxy @ ver sent © wren Ser sonny @ em Sher zen © wren Stee FeTTER MT: eR Fens Te cace “nernyt Fiera ~eP8| score 1 eared of rere Se emg rer a feagd Babs ae sfromereaty serie zz) ‘ate oer, Bee Fe cate — aR TRS Bee oe aT Trace cory frefea Sarees? @rane @ Frees eh © sires 5 @ reer 5 VAT: ewe eH ea eC} fava aN wea wTCe eeree aH | Soe arr ee aypaToe wh aT TO wh) OvH eS or Wer SEs SS rises THe BTA IES ovr eres aes ES) FRCP ve ae ae AL BROT, SESE Ft Eee 2022 Girwa as er Fas 4 wat 7 & Seer? esr om lieu Oum rer ter wy ee cere - Tes, ee ’ 2st ee xe She oe Per 8 ces wae esr Fee) rays eT IT Spr a8 Atore > or, yrs py 4 hag TOT Hh BREESE PERS ores Ore aera SH MTT) TM, Fores, Saree, Soh, ad age evel wwrqcer aed were eps re oer ae ofrares eae ae REE) AEE SEAM ARTTTO CAE ORR OAT CCH UTA re) Ry RATA TTT GTRATTOT AIT aOR CCR sete ere 7, afte ormae Ve SfTarNAG 98 TTT BIT =< saSe, ser 6 Dr core aha BoA? om Orn om Ou wren agers sure aie Soa) come gat Srgaitre ce Bory ese sratereve owns renee 8. earerfare FETT Fire afew wre ae, Hire © Ory a FF eéarn BA, versa aE 82. ects ‘agar’ corere safc? ane oom OmMrT OTT: ROBIE MTHHNCG MeCN HTN FRR A TSA eereore erat | see Hee aghir aT sreeTeSTETA wear reeNgE MeNACHITE ase qaaTTT TIO HAT WENN RTCA TS aT) PAPAS Be Prete cate fe afte en sat were ctterm wa fee wafer one ater Aer Mca saree BFTATE fe %@ HO KR@ YO BO oO HD AO OO BO KO HO a@ &©® 2@

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