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Exp: aan Exp: we Exp: I have not heard from him— @ long since @ for a long time @ since long © for long At first take my compliments. I have not heard from you for long. 025 for long eTOFRT Wa, TH SH | for a long time Tre AAP et nae Rett #H! since long Com ween TH 7H) we a abe Bee) Honey is — sweet. @ very @ too much © much too O excessive Very $ too much aay Sowa scat safes aH ae) ET ESHER TOT GIN ORICA very-CE SCAT CFT ERE | much 100 GA GAGS Te Bs excessive RR Adjective WH 9d GOVE TH WIE sensence-CE TAT Hea BMA) TE (#) HS BoA) Your conduct admits — no excuse, Gro @ for Oo @a 2 Admit of SE STS Ter, FEM ATT) of TH wets od em ee Se eae IT eR OTe FT Bae BREMYETE FF) admit 10 SE Reu/ea CHEM wees He had a — headache. @ strong © serious @ acute bad : headache 9F se7-wa7 1 “fe (strong) Wee A A acute FHT ARAM STE an FACT; SALE (serious) mera wenn aire aera Reaheee FB) bad hageacle Sy (7H 7H) wreT-TeT we TIES A (8) 1 I shall not — the examination this year. @xive © appear at @sit @ go for Appear augo in forsa for Abert TEM TE ceca eae Bar BY REACH), (9) 9 (8) 31 ‘They travelled to Savar— @on foo @ by walking © on their feet © by foot . on foot wt mm far: by walking SE omen CREB Frew walk (AEH CB vaI/TOR) verb CAS ACTE! walk GR on foot SAR TR WH A | woe Korea () ETT | He said that he — be unable come. @will @ shall @ should © would GMI speech-G9 C#CH tense BNET FT ACAI FA RMR! Reporting verb, past tense-9 ME Indirect speech Reported SOIT SFB (corresponding) past tense-@ "ATED FATE LA) GTA shall/will C tense oitating Rarae Seem FCGAA would FA RATE! qulifiedforthe job. Neither Rini noi are @is Qvere © had TY CorategR “core AY ORT CARTES neither Nor FEE BW) GCA verb ALE AE subject TRA | Rake 8 O OO WH NO VO BOD VS VO NP WO VO w~O@ WO AUX® X¥@ >| He said that he — the previous day. @ has come © had come @cam © arived Exp: Reported speech-<® Present Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Tense REE) SER Rasteave come WAUCT WH had come EE 01 He watched the beat — dows the river. @ to foot © feating © was floating © had floating Exp: & subject R78 Os TS Principle vero TE | (SF vers SEM T SORS participle HO) SE I awl the bird flying in the sky. 891 ‘Sky’ is to ‘bird’ as ‘water’ is to— ire acme ee ts ae) SRST TT SE, ST Oe = Tas rT, aOR eras one ¢ sre ome erecm rare HF wrerar oo, ocewce Tee THT TE, UTE ATE EY Exp: 21 ‘Good? is to ‘bad’ as ‘white’ is to— @ dark @ black @egrey @ ebony Exp: a91c%, opposite word oH ferece mamma are on RHR | 981 ‘Botany’ is to ‘plants’ as ‘Zoology’ is to— @ flowers © tees Ocear @ animals Exp: sere fica erceneat FAI, Botany 99 ae aR GFT zoology BF FA, animal FE! 81 The badnews struck himlike a bolt from the— @sky @ heavers © firmament © blue Exp: a bolt from the blue 3¢ fer cre Tyee) abr aebT e071 et! When one is ‘pragmatic’ he is being— @ wasteful © productive © practical © fussy Exp: Pragmatic “wa @¢ ere arette, arcaite, seearil Ronit) wren (9) ae Bea wa) 981 “Into the—of death rode the six hundred”. @city @ turnnel @ road © valley Exp: 401 Sefe, O18 (@) 6 (x) Gere fora Hse Ae] MTF BS | road 4 IC into THA) 41 “To be or not to be, that is the” @ meaning © question @ answer issue Exp: 4b] William Shakespeare-@4 Hamlet aebr bret Sqft a shige ava wed (4) ate 1 “T have a — that one day this nation will live out the true meaning of its creed that all men are created equal.” @ desire @ hope © dream © wish Reake © D oO oO RO we a@® 8 s@® 88@ oe ee Exp: 81 aah 801 881 ae oat Ty OE CT. Who wrote the two famous novels. ‘David Copperfield’ and ‘The Tale of two Cities’? @ Thomas Hardy @ Jane Austen @ George Eliot © Charles Dickens : RAH CAVE Charles Dickens Sit Weyeera eA wemeey cAre David Copperfield wae salu Berar are Sr 38 ara fais sepia are itr Sore aT RMR! Sit The Tale of Two Cities Sratate PMY FRE ICG] OHI-CETA | AN CATE (ate wre feasam) aeefeia os oftee: Se wary Seacay Bea KR A christmas card, the Beale of Life ¢3f61 Who wrote the plays, ‘The Tempest’ and “The Mid Summer Night’s Dream’? @ Bea Jonson ‘@ Christopher Marlowe © Jobe Dryden © William Shakespeare CHUTE The Tempest Pa fACefRIT 3u30-3 HUH | 2 OER PH SEE RTT ANE GOH TEA) A Mid summer Night's Dream Cratareaa o@f frre veri, a aie meals 2ea8—seas EAT MAT! GB wee crafrare fsre sores arbre Can cae rent wcafRcery | wret freer Fe ar afefos aI © 9983 ae 2 oret Frafenrrm 187 3920-08 GAT 3923 FTE OTT frifegrn afette ms a7 cores aria oF mH e333 Bere OTeT AeaPRTTEAA we ORF BITCH fers cm aie) > gerece Frafenrern fram feo on TB) Terre waft arf FReafearTee weME? @ sa @ reir Ovot © cob 3 wearer cnet mares frefenrem esl 1 9hore arag ore wftrga wemre fray @ erate feefearern 1 RRS HAH STATE TER COTTE Cw ARCATA? Ont ae © FE exert © me wera © mE wBTETIA mo araty ay et mreniice TET Sedd CATH Id00 ATT rts ormoacda 89a cormrER RIM | doe MCT TASH sao arate react Nc er 1 weer ora eH amt ae wrafera a Frersce seed Gf HAF “Divide and Rule’ Policy Reema sfetee wafer) a a7ohF warerer feefemrmane scorer fee ‘rererets HAS RG fee CHAT? © oR @7ren O year © rare 2 OTE EAP ICG TH BNO ace > Recents err rca erat Fei, ACTIN OTIC CHC RTE ava G4 or afta sorters) Gab coeare we 60 Reerfiore an SAS) aI ooo wen ed CORT ob) Gere sme a Reem) af ol eemrrtie Bhar on ermecT a aemremors Bao BATT) BO £Q ©O A® FQ BOQ w@©

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