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Holzforschung 2018; aop

Marcelo F. da Silveira*, Fernando N. Gouveia, Alessandro C.O. Moreira, José Roberto V. Oliveira,
Anna Sofya V.S. Silva, Getúlio F. Almeida and Alexandre F. Costa

Natural resistance of eight Brazilian wood species

from the region Caatinga determined by an
accelerated laboratory decay test against four fungi
Received March 20, 2018; accepted July 24, 2018; previously
­published online xx
The Forest Products Laboratory (LPF) of the Brazilian
Abstract: Natural resistance of eight wood species from Forest  Service (SFB) investigated the properties of hard-
Caatinga, an exclusive Brazilian biome, was evaluated wood species from the unique Brazilian biome, the Caat-
according to [ASTM Standard (2005) D 2017-05. Standard inga. This vegetation is a xerophyte, deciduous plant
test method of accelerated laboratory test of natural decay formation that occupies more than 50% of northeast-
resistance of woods.]. Samples were exposed to white rot ern Brazil. This biome has a high biological and cultural
(WR) and brown rot (BR) fungi, namely to Trametes ver- diversity, including several endemic species of plants and
sicolor (WR), Pycnoporus sanguineus (WR), Gloeophyllum animals (Araújo et al. 2007). Unfortunately, the Caatinga is
trabeum (BR) and Gloeophyllum striatum (BR). Weight not only one of the most endangered biomes in Brazil, but
loss, specific gravity and extractive content of each wood also the least studied one (Ibama 2011). Despite its great
species were evaluated. Diptychandra aurantiaca, Ptero- diversity, the region’s inhabitants generally use their wood
don abruptus and Terminalia fagifolia were classified as resource for firewood or to build primitive structures, like
“highly resistant”, while T. fagifolia was “resistant” to fences and shelters. A value-added external utilization
T. versicolor only. Machaerium acutifolium was resistant to would be beneficial (Benevides et  al. 2007) especially of
all fungi. Aspidosperma multiflorum was resistant to WR those with higher natural resistance against biodegrada-
fungi and Combretum glaucocarpum to a BR fungus. The tion, such as against fungi, bacteria, insects and marine
species Pityrocarpa moniliformis and Swartzia psilonema borers (Dix and Webster 1995; Ramage et al. 2017).
were moderately resistant. Determining decay resistance is still not a trivial
matter because of the numerous parameters influencing
Keywords: brown rot fungi, Caatinga wood species,
it, mainly due to the large variability within and among
extractive content, natural resistance, specific gravity,
trees, across sites, genetic origins and tree age (Gierlinger
weight loss, white rot fungi
et  al. 2003; Wong et  al. 2005; Nascimento et  al. 2013;
­Sundararaj et al. 2015; Råberg et al. 2017). The expectation
is that the determination of the natural decay resistance of
Caatinga wood species in laboratory tests may contribute
to their value-added utilization.

*Corresponding author: Marcelo F. da Silveira, Department of

Biodeterioration and Preservation, Forest Products Laboratory,
Brazilian Forest Service, 70818-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil, Materials and methods
0003-3620-7508 Wood species and sampling: Five trees of the following wood species
Fernando N. Gouveia, José Roberto V. Oliveira, Anna Sofya V.S. were evaluated: Aspidosperma multiflorum A.DC. (Pequiá cascudo),
Silva and Getúlio F. Almeida: Department of Biodeterioration and Combretum glaucocarpum Mart. (Sipaúba), Diptychandra auranti-
Preservation, Forest Products Laboratory, Brazilian Forest Service, aca Tul. (Birro branco), Machaerium acutifolium Vogel (Coração-
70818-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil. de-negro), Pityrocarpa moniliformis (Benth.) Luckow & R.W. Jobson
205X (F.N. Gouveia) (Rama-de-bezerro), Pterodon abruptus (Moric.) Benth. (Amarelo),
Alessandro C.O. Moreira: Department of Chemistry, Forest Products Swartzia psilonema Harms (Jacarandá-sangue) and Terminalia fagi-
Laboratory, Brazilian Forest Service, 70818-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil folia Mart. (Chapada). The material was collected in the municipality
Alexandre F. Costa: Department of Forest Engineering, University of of Lagoa do Sítio, the central-northern region of the state of Piauí/
Brasília, 70910-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil Brazil, in an area belonging to the Caatinga-type forest cover.

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2      M.F. da Silveira et al.: Decay resistance of Brazilian wood species

Accelerated laboratory test: In the review by Van Acker et al. (1999), Specific gravity and extractive content: Some of the boards were
the evaluation of natural durability using different methods is dis- cut into samples with dimensions of 2 × 2 × 100  mm3 (R × T × L) for
cussed. The authors conclude that wood can be well characterized and determination of specific gravity according to COPANT Standard 461
predicted in laboratory and accelerated tests. The accelerated labo- (1972). For this test, 15  samples were evaluated per species, three
ratory test according to ASTM D 2017 (2005) was applied with some from each indicated tree. The extractive content was determined in
adaptations at the LPF/SFB. The trees were cut into boards, air dried triplicate samples according to TAPPI Standard T 204 CM-07 (2007)
and sawed into blocks with dimensions of 25 × 25 × 9 mm3 in the radial, using toluene-ethanol (Dinâmica, Química Contemporânea LTDA.,
tangencial and longitudinal sections (R × T × L). In total, 120 inner Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil) mixture (2:1) in Soxhlet extraction (Nova
heartwood blocks were randomly selected from each wood species, i.e. Ética, Vargem Grande do Sul, SP, Brazil). Five tree disks from each
30 samples per fungus. The specimens were conditioned to a constant wood species were cut down at breast height. One wedge of each
weight at 12% moisture content at 22 ± 2°C and 63 ± 2% relative humid- disk was chopped and turned into sawdust in a Knife Mill (Splabor,
ity (RH), before and after fungi attack. ­Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil) to obtain the extractive content.
Glass bottles (250  ml) were filled with 130 g of sieved B hori-
zon soil, prepared in accordance with ASTM D 1413-99 (1999). The Statistical analysis: The Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test was
soil pH level was adjusted to 6 by the addition of limestone. The soil used for statistical analysis based on two treatments per fungi and
was moistened to reach about 130% of its moisture holding capac- wood species at the 5% significance level. The non-parametric post
ity. A feeder strip of Cecropia sp. or Pinus sp. (3 × 29 × 35  mm3) was hoc analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of the extractive
placed on the soil for exposure to white rot (WR) and brown rot (BR) content on natural decay resistance. All data analyses were executed
fungi, respectively. The WR fungi Trametes versicolor (Mad 697) and by means of SPSS v. 21 (IBM, New York, NY, USA).
Pycnoporus sanguineus (FP-103380) and the BR fungi Gloeophyllum
trabeum (Mad 617) and Gloeophyllum striatum (BKW 003) were pre-
pared in a malt extract solution. The solution was shaken at 150 rpm
at room temperature for 5 days, and then incubated at 25 ± 1°C and
73 ± 2% RH for 4 weeks before being blended in a mixer.
Results and discussion
The bottles with the feeder strips were steam sterilized (121°C for
30 min) and cooled. Each bottle was inoculated with 3 ml of liquid No correlation was found between the specific gravity
culture and incubated at 25 ± 1°C and 73 ± 2% RH for another 4 weeks, and the weight loss (WL) data. Concerning the extractive
until the feeder strips were covered by fungus. Wood samples were content, there was a slight correlation with the WL data.
placed into the bottles and incubated at 25 ± 1°C and 73 ± 2% RH WL can be influenced by anatomical properties and the
for up to 16  weeks. After exposure, the fungal mycelia were gently
chemical nature of the extractives (Reyes-Chilpa et  al.
removed and conditioned at 22 ± 2°C and 63 ± 2% RH to a constant
weight (difference less than 1% between weightings). The durability 1998; Celimene et al. 1999; Schwarze 2007; Carneiro et al.
classification is based on the difference between the initial and final 2009; Donoso-Fierro et al. 2009; Paes et al. 2015). Shortly,
weight after fungal attack according to ASTM D 2017 (2005). both morphology and biochemistry of the decay fungi

Table 1: Average specific gravity, extractive content, weight loss and natural decay resistance classification of eight Caatinga wood species.

Weight loss (%)

Spec. gravity Extr.
Wood species (g cm − 3) yield (%)b T. versicolor P. sanguineus G. trabeum G. striatum

Aspidosperma multiflorum 0.64 A

3.09 A
11.57a 14.96a 31.68b 28.13b
Combretum glaucocarpum 0.73B 3.53A 44.86b 38.73b 22.62a 21.15a
Diptychandra aurantiaca 0.80C 7.38B 2.49a 4.58b 3.77b 4.72b
Machaerium acutifolium 0.90D 874BC 17.44a 14.41a 16.18a 12.41a
Pityrocarpa moniliformis 0.70B 3.61A 35.14ab 33.76ab 37.60b 29.94a
Pterodon abruptus 0.75B 9.31C 5.90ab 7.63b 5.54a 8.83b
Swartzia psilonema 0.81C 4.00A 33.95b 28.19a 28.25a 31.81ab
Terminalia fagifolia 0.96E 13.54D 10.82b 5.20a 4.55a 3.99a

The same letter in weight loss rows indicates that they do not differ statistically from each other by the peer comparison test at the 5% probability
level. The same letter in specific gravity and extractive content indicates that they do not differ statistically from each other by the peer
comparison test at the 5% probability level. HR, Highly resistant; R, resistant; MR, moderate resistance; NR, not resistant (ASTM D 2017, 2005).

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M.F. da Silveira et al.: Decay resistance of Brazilian wood species      3

may affect the WLs (Eaton and Hale 1993; Carlile et  al. In general, species with higher extractive content showed
2001). better decay resistance. As expected, specific gravity did
not influence the natural wood resistance against BR and
WR fungi.
Laboratory decay tests
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to all
In Table 1, specific gravity, extractive content, WLs and researchers and technicians involved in this project, as
the classification concerning natural decay resistance are well as Daniel Silva Barcellos for the English revision of
presented. According to the laboratory decay tests, the this manuscript. We would like to thank the Brazilian
most resistant species are D. aurantiaca and P. abruptus. Forest Service (SFB) for the opportunity to study these
Their WL values are below 10%, either for WR and BR species.
fungi. These good results are due to the synergistic effect
of the extractive content and specific gravity. Terminalia Author contributions: All the authors have accepted
fagifolia could also be classified as highly resistant due to responsibility for the entire content of this submitted
its average WL <10%. It is highly resistant to BR fungi, but manuscript and approved submission.
when exposed to the WR fungus T. versicolor, the WL was Research funding: None declared.
14.1%, which permits the classification as resistant. The Employment or leadership: None declared.
genus Terminalia is known to have secondary metabolites Honorarium: None declared.
with antifungal properties (Garcez et al. 2003, 2006; Ayres
and Chaves 2010). Despite its high specific gravity and
high extractive content (8.7%), M. acutifolium could only
be classified as resistant to BR and WR fungi. Its extrac-
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