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The English language as a means of effective international communication.

Nowadays in terms of ever-increasing and unremitting development of science and

technology, industrialization, political and economic relationships the necessity of an
effective means of international communication is important. Evidently, the study of
foreign languages acquires special significance.

LSP – a language for specific purposes - is a branch of applied linguistic which deals
with a variety of language used by members of a particular subject or field,
concentrating on its genres, stylistic features and technical skills. This is a very
precise and complete definition of the LSP. Why does it exist? Is it the same ‘thing’ as
the (General) English language? LSP exists to meet requirements of scientific
communication and to facilitate this communication for scientists of different fields of
activity all over the world. It is necessary to single out some features that characterize
this one variety as features for the LSP for chemists, linguists, biologists etc. may differ on
the phonetic, lexical, morphological and syntactic levels. The analyses of LSP texts are
conducted mainly on these levels. Why? The answer is simple and evident – in so far
as LSP is a variety of the language, it is not an artificial and closed system but a
living variety that changes, develops, modifies, invents or borrows new words and
expressions – all of these are reflected on these levels. It should be borne in mind that
major changes primarily concern lexical level of the language. In this connection scholars
over the world distinguish the basic lexical strata – general words, general scientifical
words and special terms and terminological word combinations. Researches carried out by
scholars yielded some fruitful results and conclusions: what should be put into
respective is choice and arrangement of the words in the flow of speech. So it’s vitally
important to know the rules of collocations and colligation so as not to be confused but
use the words (or lexical patterns) in strict accordance with the rules of lexical-
phraseological and morphosyntactic combinability of words.

It should be taken into consideration that the register of intellectual communication is

the register that has its own features. They are extra-linguistic and linguistic features:
precise character of the texts, use of various definitions (socioculturally marked units of
contextually used words and phrases), abstract character of the texts, generalization,
objectivity. The list may be endless so far as this kind of texts are under discussion
and through constant detailed analyses of the structure of the paragraph scholars has
arrived at some results and optimal ways of division of the text that contributes
greatly to the more effective passing on information and comprehension of it.
There are four levels that help conduct analysis of the text and single its specific features. They
are phonetic, lexical, morphological and syntactic levels.

It is considered necessary to single out a special register – the register of intellectual

communication so as to distinguish some features that are characteristic of this one variety of
the language. But what is a register? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a register
is the words, style and grammar used by speakers and writers in a particular situation
or in a particular type of writing.

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