Utku Taykut Graffiti Portfolio

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S tarted his visual journey at an early age itself with simple caricatures

and drawings. In 2007, he had taken a keen interest in graffiti writing

and began doing works under his newfound pseudonym ‘Fresk’. Up until

2010, during the time when he was honing his skills in graffiti writing,

several sketchbooks and writing/paintings on walls were done. The

passion attained through graffiti lead him to take up visual communication

design for his BA degree, giving an opportunity to widen his perspective

regarding the many techniques involved in digital and crafted media

and the various aesthetics associated with them. After the studies were

duly completed, his attention and focus were directed towards learning

and improving illustrations and typography particularly which, provided

an opportunity to join the team at the ‘Indyvisuals Design Collective

in Athens, Greece as an intern. During his time at the Indyviduals, he

worked as a graffiti artist and as an illustrator primarily, but it was also

during that period when was first introduced to screen-printing. He has

been working to master illustration and printing techniques ever since

by printing his many illustrations with screen-printing technique. In the

spring semester of 2016, he had joined the ‘Typography’ department

as a faculty assistant at the Izmir University of Economics (IUE), Turkey.

Immediately after, he enrolled himself at the University of Arts Poznan

(UAP), Poland to do his master studies in ‘Print Making’. He successfully

completed his thesis on “Graffiti Styles in Screen-Printing” and

graduated in the summer of 2018. Besides this, he has always continued

to work as a freelance graffiti artist, illustrator and a graphic designer.

e. taykutku@gmail.com
p. +48 574 130 742

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