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Appendix 1


Year Level: Year 6 Time: 1 hr Date: 19.10.2018 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: Science, Design & Technologies - Students understand that plants need sunlight
and water to survive
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum - Year 4 Science: Living things have life cycles
Science – Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)
The growth and survival of living things are affected
by physical conditions of their environment
Design & Technologies – Knowledge and Understanding
(Technologies Contexts)
Past performance, and current and future needs
are considered when designing sustainable food
and fibre systems for products (ACTDEK021)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural

competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s engagement Sustainability

Islander histories and cultures with Asia
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Predict the growth of plants in different conditions
• Find information about different types of plants using a device
• Present information to a group of peers

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Design brief - Specific sites will be given to students at
- Grow your Own Plants video educational risk during research period to
- Grow your own plants worksheet prevent distractions. They will be given a
- iPad checklist of things to research during this time.
- Lined paper

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)
Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
- Did the materials keep the students engaged in the lesson?
- What materials did we use that worked in the lesson?
- What materials did we use that didn’t work in the lesson?
- Are there any resources or techniques that you’d like to see used instead?
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
- How effective was the overall lesson?
- How can I do it better next time?
- Did I meet all of my objectives?
- How did I deal with any problems that came up during instruction?
- How was my overall attitude and delivery throughout class?
[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction: Resources/References

10 min 1. Have YouTube Video Grow Your Own Plants ready to play before Grow Your Own Plants
lesson video –
2. Instruct students to sit on the mat. /Lly75dEbXE8
3. Start with general questions to link to students’ prior knowledge,
“What do living things need to survive?”
“What do plants need to grow that’s different from other living
4. Tell students that they are about to watch a video on growing plants.
Ask them to pay attention as they will be doing a multi lesson project
based on video.

Lesson Steps

5 mins 1. After students watch the video, tell them “What happens to plants Grow your own plants
worksheet – see
when you take one of its conditions of living away?”
2. Tell the students the first activity they will be doing today:
a. Based on the video predict what will happen to each seed
after two weeks.
b. Write or draw your prediction in the worksheet that will be
3. Have a student repeat the instructions back to the teacher. Then
instruct students to take a worksheet each from the teacher before
returning to their desks.
4. Allow them 10 minutes to complete the activity while teacher walks
10 min
around the class to observe students.
5. Then ask for volunteers or pick a student at random to explain why
their answers.

5 mins 6. Collect the worksheets from students and hand out design brief. As
the teacher is handing out design brief, they will explain to students
about the project the students will be doing.
7. Go through the design brief, explaining what the students have to do
and the criteria for this project.
8. Answer any questions the students would have.
9. Their first task is to research plants at least three that they will likely
grow in their garden and write down relevant information they find.
Students may only choose fruit or vegetable plants.
a. Information students should pay particular attention to are its
growth cycle, rate of growth, maintenance and condition it
15 mins needs to grow, and how much water it needs, etc. iPad
10. Hand students lined paper and iPad. They may need to share one
Lined paper
between two if there is not enough iPad for each individual.
11. Allow students 15 minutes to research. Ensure that the students use
Kiddle Search Engine and not Google to find information as Kiddle
has safe search.
12. After allocated time, instruct students to put down their iPads. Tell
them that their next task is to tell a group of peers of four about the
13. Group students at random. During their peer presentation, teacher will
move around and observe each group for a few minutes.
14. At the end of allocated time, signal students to stop and return to their
5 mins own seats.

Lesson Closure:

1. Have students return the iPads to the teacher and clean the
surroundings of their desk.
2. Use the remaining time to ask students what they have learnt in
today’s lesson.


- In the next lesson students will be using an app called Garden

Planner to create a design of a garden. Tell students they may try out
the app at home to get used to its function before the next class.
- Remind students that they will need to bring recycled materials to
make their garden planters in a future lesson. Have students start
thinking early about their planter design.


- Objective 1: Grow Your Own Plants worksheet will be collected and

record student’s ability to predict the growth of plants in various
- Objective 2: Lined paper students used to record information will be
used to assess objective 2.

- Objective 3: Informal assessment. During the peer presentation,
teacher will walk around, observing students as they convey their
information to the group.

Grow Your Own Plants ✿
Predict the growth of the each of the seeds after two weeks.

Seed A is given water but no Seed B is given plenty of sunlight

sunlight. but no water.

Seed C is planted in Seed C is planted in good

sand instead of soil. soil and is given water and

Once you’re done with the first activity, look at the questions down below and have a think!

a. Do you think sunflowers can grow when it is cold and snowing?

b. What are some plants that can grow in summer but not in winter?
c. Do caterpillars and snails help with the growth of plants? Why?
d. What about bees and butterflies?

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