Cornitive Control Go No Go Task

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Developmental Science 17:5 (2014), pp 667–681 DOI: 10.1111/desc.


Cognitive control moderates early childhood temperament in
predicting social behavior in 7-year-old children: an ERP study
Connie Lamm,1 Olga L. Walker,2 Kathryn A. Degnan,2
Heather A. Henderson,3 Daniel S. Pine,4 Jennifer Martin McDermott5
and Nathan A. Fox2
1. Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans, USA
2. Child Development Laboratory, Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, University of Maryland, USA
3. Department of Psychology, University of Miami, USA
4. National Institute of Mental Health, USA
5. Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,USA

Behavioral inhibition (BI) is a temperament associated with heightened vigilance and fear of novelty in early childhood, and
social reticence and increased risk for anxiety problems later in development. However, not all behaviorally inhibited children
develop signs of anxiety. One mechanism that might contribute to the variability in developmental trajectories is the recruitment
of cognitive-control resources. The current study measured N2 activation, an ERP (event-related potential) associated with
cognitive control, and modeled source-space activation (LORETA; Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography) at
7 years of age while children performed a go/no-go task. Activation was estimated for the entire cortex and then exported for
four regions of interest: ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC), ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), dorsal anterior
cingulate cortex (dorsal ACC), and dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). BI was measured in early childhood (ages 2 and
3 years). Anxiety problems and social reticence were measured at 7 years of age to ascertain stability of temperamental style.
Results revealed that BI was associated with increased performance accuracy, longer reaction times, greater (more negative) N2
activation, and higher estimated dorsal ACC and DLPFC activation. Furthermore, early BI was only associated with social
reticence at age 7 at higher (more negative) levels of N2 activation or higher estimated dorsal ACC or DLPFC activation.
Results are discussed in the context of overcontrolled behavior contributing to social reticence and signs of anxiety in middle

Introduction 2001; Gladstone, Parker, Mitchell, Wilhelm & Malhi,

2005; Hirshfeld, Rosenbaum, Biederman, Bolduc, Fara-
Behavioral inhibition (BI) is a temperamental style that one, Snidman, Reznick & Kagan, 1992; Kagan &
involves the tendency to exhibit fear and heightened Snidman, 1991; Perez-Edgar & Fox, 2005; Schmidt &
vigilance in response to unfamiliar situations or people Fox, 1998). However, not all behaviorally inhibited
(Fox, Henderson, Marshall, Nichols & Ghera, 2005; children display social reticence as older children; nor
Fox, Henderson, Rubin, Calkins & Schmidt, 2001). Both do they develop anxiety problems (Degnan & Fox, 2007;
the stability of BI across childhood and the predictive Fox et al., 2001). Thus, a number of studies have
value of this temperament for the emergence of social examined the moderating factors contributing to the
reticence and signs of anxiety have been well documented progression of early childhood BI to later anxiety
(Bronson, 1970; Chronis-Tuscano, Degnan, Pine, Perez- problems (e.g. Fox et al., 2001; McDermott, Perez-
Edgar, Henderson, Diaz, Raggi & Fox, 2009; Fox et al., Edgar, Henderson, Chronis-Tuscano, Pine & Fox, 2009;

Address for correspondence: Connie Lamm, Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans, 2001 Geology & Psychology Bldg., New Orleans,
LA 70148, USA; e-mail:

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White, McDermott, Degnan, Henderson & Fox, 2011). behavior by measuring N2 activation and source-space
Two studies in particular have shown that aspects of activation (LORETA; Pascual-Marqui, Esslen, Kochi &
cognitive control, including response monitoring and Lehmann, 2002). The modeling of source-space activa-
inhibitory control, moderate the BI/anxiety association tion provides estimated activation for the entire cortex,
(McDermott et al., 2009; White et al., 2011). However, which subsequently can be used to conduct region
currently little is known about the differential neural specific comparisons of activation levels across condi-
activation patterns underlying cognitive control that tions or groups for cortical generators underlying ERPs,
support the continuity of this temperament. The purpose while still maintaining the excellent temporal resolution
of the current study was twofold: (1) to ascertain that ERPs are known for. Previous studies that utilized
cognitive-control-related neural activation pattern dif- only ERP measures of scalp activation were not able to
ferences for high and low BI children; and (2) to provide this spatial specificity. In the current study, brain
investigate which neural patterns moderate the associa- activation was measured while 7-year-old children per-
tion between early BI and later social reticence and signs formed a go/no-go task and source-space activation was
of anxiety. estimated for the entire cortex. Activation values were
We examined N2 activation, an event-related potential exported for four regions of interest (ROIs): dorsal
(ERP) associated with aspects of cognitive control, such anterior cingulate cortex (dorsal ACC), the ventral
as inhibitory control and response monitoring/response lateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), the dorsolateral
conflict (e.g. Bekker, Kenemans & Verbaten, 2004; prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and the ventromedial/or-
Dimoska, Johnstone, Barry & Clarke, 2003; Falkenstein, bitofrontal cortex (VMPFC), as these regions have been
Hoormann & Hohnsbein, 1999; Jonkman, Lansbergen & associated with N2 activation (Bekker, Kenemans &
Stauder, 2003; Nieuwenhuis, Yeung, van den Wildenberg Verbaten, 2005; Bokura, Yamaguchi & Kobayashi, 2001;
& Ridderinkhof, 2003). A number of studies, using a Lavric, Pizzagalli & Forstmeier, 2004; Lamm, Zelazo &
range of continuous performance tasks, have shown Lewis, 2006; Lewis, Lamm, Segalowitz, Stieben &
greater (more negative) cognitive-control-related ERPs Zelazo, 2006; Nieuwenhuis et al., 2003; Stieben, Lewis,
for clinically anxious (Hum, Manassis & Lewis, 2013; Granic, Zelazo, Segalowitz & Pepler, 2007).
Ladouceur, Dahl, Birmaher, Axelson & Ryan, 2006) and The current study incorporates a longitudinal design
non-clinically anxious (Hajcak, McDonald & Simons, in which temperament was evaluated in toddlerhood (2–
2003; Lamm, Granic, Zelazo & Lewis, 2011; Righi, 3 years of age), while social reticence with peers and
Mecacci & Viggiano, 2009) participants compared to neural responses were evaluated several years later in
non-anxious participants. Thus, high levels of activation childhood, at age 7. Henderson (2010) assessed social
may be related to excessive control (i.e. overcontrol). and affective outcomes concurrently with neural
Moreover, two studies have shown that ERN – another responses, and McDermot et al. (2009) assessed both
cognitive-control-related ERP – and N2 activation neural responses and anxiety diagnoses in adolescence.
moderate the association between withdrawn tempera- The current study builds on the extant literature by
ments and anxiety problems (Henderson, 2010; McDer- evaluating the impact of cognitive-control-related neural
mott et al., 2009). Specifically, Henderson (2010) found activation on the continuity of social reticence in
that N2 activation moderated the association between childhood rather than adolescence, and thus helps clarify
aspects of social reticence, specifically shyness, and the developmental emergence of this mechanism.
anxiety in 9–13-year-olds (mean age 11.12). Similarly, Given that previous studies have shown greater
McDermot et al. (2009) found that ERN activation (more negative) N2 and ERN activation for anxious
moderated the association between early childhood BI participants than non-anxious participants (e.g. Hum
and anxiety in adolescents (mean age 15.1 years). In et al., 2013; Ladouceur et al., 2006; Lamm, Granic,
both cases, the association between BI and signs of Zelazo & Lewis, 2011; Righi et al., 2009), we predicted
anxiety was strongest for children with larger ERP that BI would be associated with both greater N2
responses. activation and more source-space activation. Further-
These studies suggest that high levels of cognitive- more, given that greater ERN activation moderated the
control-related brain activation contribute to the conti- BI–anxiety association in prior work (McDermott
nuity of BI and to signs of anxiety in adolescence. et al., 2009), we also predicted the same pattern of
However, these ERP studies were not able to ascertain results in the current study. That is, we expected that
the cortical regions contributing to this overcontrolled higher BI scores combined with greater N2/source-
regulation. The present study investigated the cortical space activation would be associated with greater
specificity underlying the impact of cognitive-control- observed social reticence and parent report of signs
related brain activation on the continuity of withdrawn of anxiety.

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Behavioral inhibition and cognitive control 669

Method Measures

Behavioral inhibition measures (ages 2–3 years)

Toddler Behavior Assessment Questionnaire (TBAQ;
Participants were part of a larger cohort of children Goldsmith, 1996). Data were collected at 2 and 3 years
(N = 291) participating in a longitudinal study of tem- of age. The TBAQ is a 108-item parent report question-
perament since infancy (see Hane, Fox, Henderson & naire that measures five dimensions of temperament. Of
Marshall, 2008). One hundred and six (48 males) interest in the current study was the dimension of social
typically developing children participated in this study
fearfulness, which measures children’s reactions to
at 2 (M = 2.24 years, SD = .25, range = 1.94–2.80 years),
unfamiliar adults and contexts (Goldsmith, 1996). The
3 (M = 3.05 years, SD = .13, range = 2.89–3.60 years),
TBAQ has been found to be a valid and reliable
and 7 years of age (EEG visit: M = 7.64 years, SD = .23,
questionnaire for use with 16- to 36-month-old children
range = 7.28–8.47 years; behavioral observation visit: (Goldsmith, 1996). In the current sample, internal
M = 7.64 years, SD = .21, range = 7.25–8.59 years). consistency was .85 and .88 for social fearfulness at 2
Participants were 68% Caucasian, 15% African Ameri- and 3 years of age, respectively.
can, 2% Asian, 2% Hispanic, and 14% reported more
than one ethnicity. Maternal education at the onset of
Behavioral Inhibition Observations (Calkins, Fox &
the study was reported as 16% high school graduates,
Marshall 1996; Fox et al., 2001). Observations of
47% college graduates, 36% graduate school graduates,
behavioral inhibition were conducted when children were
and 6% reported graduating from other programs.
2 and 3 years of age. Children were presented with an
Participants (n = 185) were excluded due to attrition, unfamiliar person and various objects during three
ERP low trial count, and various technical problems, episodes (i.e. stranger, robot, tunnel). Children’s mothers
such as computer problems. Children included in the were in the room during this task; however, they were
current study (n = 106) were no different from children asked to refrain from initiating interactions with their
with missing data (n = 185) on sex, v2 (1, N = 291) = .08,
child, but to interact with them as they normally would if
p = .77, ethnicity, v2 (1, N = 291) = .97, p = .32, mater-
their child initiated contact with them. During the
nal education, v2 (3, N = 291) = .35, p = .95, or infant
stranger episode, an unfamiliar experimenter sat quietly
temperament, v2 (2, N = 291) = .56, p = .77.
in the room with the child and their mother, and did not
make any eye contact for 1 minute, then played with a toy
Procedure dump truck for 1 minute, and then invited the child to
play with the truck for 1 minute. During the next episode,
Maternal reports of temperament were collected when
a toy robot, that made unpredictable movements and
children were 2 and 3 years of age. Observations of
sounds, was turned on and left in the room for 2 minutes.
children’s behavioral inhibition were also collected at
Last, the child was shown a pop-up tunnel and was
these ages during various tasks in the laboratory where
invited to crawl through the tunnel. Children’s latency to
children were presented with novel stimuli.
vocalize, latency to touch truck or robot/enter the tunnel,
EEG data were collected at 7 years of age. Children
and duration of time spent in proximity to their mother
were seated in a chair 38 inches from the computer
were coded during each episode. Inter-rater reliability was
screen. The electrode sensor net was applied and the go/
achieved at each age, with 19% overlap at age 2 and 10%
no-go task (Zoo Game) was administered. While chil-
overlap at age 3. Specifically, intraclass correlations (ICC)
dren performed the Zoo Game, parents completed a
across episodes were .78 for latency to vocalize, .95 for
number of questionnaires. In addition, at 7 years of age
children’s proximity to their mother, and .89 for latency
during a separate visit, children were paired with
to touch the stimuli/enter the tunnel at 2 years of age. At
unfamiliar peers recruited from the community to
3 years of age, ICCs were .97 for latency to vocalize, .98
observe their social behavior during various laboratory
for children’s proximity to their mother, and .99 for
tasks. Specifically, dyads composed of one child partic-
latency to touch the stimuli/enter the tunnel. Observed
ipating in the longitudinal study and one age- and
behavioral inhibition scores were created at each age by
sex-matched peer from the community participated in a
standardizing each variable and taking the average.
6-minute unstructured free play task, a 5-minute clean-
A behavioral inhibition composite score was created
up task, and a 5-minute special toy task. This study
based on age 2 and 3 year behavioral observation scores
received IRB approval from the University of Maryland.
and TBAQ social fearfulness scores, thus combining
Parents provided consent at each time point and children
information from multiple methods across toddlerhood.
assented to participate in this study at 7 years of age.

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Go/no-go ERP task (age 7 years)

The Zoo Game (McDermott et al., under review; Lamm,
White, Martin McDermott & Fox, 2012). A modified
version of the Zoo Game was used, presenting only
affectively neutral animal pictures. The current task
consisted of 75% go trials and 25% no-go trials. This
ratio of go to no-go trials ensures a prepotent desire to
respond (i.e. requiring enhanced response control in the
no-go trials). This ratio of trials occurred within two
blocks of 140 trials each. No-go trials, for both blocks,
consisted of monkey pictures, while go trials consisted of
other animal pictures. To increase children’s motivation
to participate (i.e. to make the stimuli more interesting),
animal pictures were used in this task rather than the
traditional stimuli of white letters on a dark background.
Prior to completing the two blocks, children completed
12 practice trials to ensure proficiency. Children were
asked to help a zoo keeper recapture escaped animals
with the help of a chimpanzee referred to as the
‘monkey’. To recapture the animals, children were told
to respond via button-press (as fast and accurately as
possible) as soon as they saw an animal on the screen
unless it was the ‘monkey’. Animal stimuli were
presented on the screen for 500 ms, followed by a black
screen for 900 ms or until the child responded (see
Figure 1). The inter-trial interval was jittered between
200 and 300 ms. Images were presented on a 17-inch
monitor using E-prime Software (Psychology Software
Tools, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA; Schneider, Eschman & Figure 1 Image of Zoo Game (go/no-go task) showing go and
Zuccolotto, 2002). no-go trials.

behavioral coding. During the first task, children

Social reticence composite (age 7 years)
participated in a 6-minute unstructured FP session in
Children’s Behavior Questionnaire-Short Form (CBQ; which various age-appropriate toys were scattered
Putnam & Rothbart, 2006; Rothbart, Ahadi, Hershey & around the playroom. Wariness (i.e. hesitance, uneasy
Fisher, 2001). The CBQ Short Form is a valid and behavior, fearfulness) and unfocused behavior (i.e. little
reliable maternal report measure of temperament for focus or engagement in any activity) were coded using 7-
reporting on children aged 3–8 years. The 94-item point scales in 2-minute epochs (1 = behavior not
measure gives scores on 15 dimensions of temperament. displayed during the epoch; 7 = behavior consistently
Of interest to the current study are the shyness (i.e. slow displayed throughout the epoch). Average scores were
or inhibited approach in novel or uncertain situations) created by adding scores across epochs and dividing by
and fear (i.e. negative affect, worry, or nervousness in the total number of epochs. During CL, children were
anticipation of pain, distress, and/or potentially threat- given 5 minutes to pick up the toys and place them into a
ening situations) subscales. bin. The amount of time (in seconds) children spent
uninvolved (i.e. watching peer, unfocused behavior, not
Social reticence observations. Children participating in actively cleaning or playing with toys) was coded. The
the longitudinal study were paired with an unfamiliar proportion of time uninvolved was calculated by dividing
peer from the community to participate in freeplay (FP), the time uninvolved over the total time of the task.
clean-up (CL), and special toy (ST) tasks. Children were During the ST task, children were given a Nintendo DS
introduced in the hallway and then entered the playroom with a game that elicited independent play. Children were
to begin the social tasks. Social interactions were told that there was only one special toy so they must
recorded from behind one-way mirrors for later share and take turns. Children’s initiation to acquire the

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Behavioral inhibition and cognitive control 671

toy from their peer was coded by the type of strategy exceeding 150 lV across the entire segment and fast
used. Of interest to the current study were passive transits exceeding a difference (peak-to-peak) of 120 lV
strategies (i.e. reaching, pointing, hovering). Proportions were marked as bad and interpolated.
of passive strategies were created by dividing the total
number of passive strategies over the total number of
Scalp data analyses
attempts to get the toy. Each task was coded by a
separate team of two to three coders. Each coding team Waveforms for correct go and no-go trials were seg-
overlapped on at least 19% of total coded cases. Inter- mented into epochs from 200 ms before to 600 ms after
rater reliability (intraclass correlations) were .70 for stimulus onset and baseline corrected for the 200 ms
wariness during FP, .74 for unfocused behavior during preceding stimulus onset. Mediofrontal N2 activation
FP, .95 for uninvolved behavior during CL, and .75 for was maximal between 280 and 380 ms after stimulus
passive strategies during ST. An observed social reticence onset; thus, peak activation was exported for this time
score was created for free play by standardizing and window. To eliminate trials characterized by attentional
averaging wariness and unfocused behavior. Then, free lapses or chronic non-responding, no-go trials that did
play social reticence was combined with uninvolved not have a correct go trial preceding and following them
behavior during CL and passive strategies during ST by were removed from analyses. Due to this strict criterion
standardizing and averaging these scores to create an the mean number of trials comprising correct no-go
overall score of social reticence across the three dyad ERPs was 25.29 (SD = 8.80; range = 14–49). Mean
tasks. number of trials comprising go ERPs was 137.91 (SD =
A social reticence composite score was created 36.81; range = 54–198).
based on the CBQ fear, CBQ shyness, and observed Visualization of the correct go and no-go stimulus-
social reticence to combine information from multiple locked waveforms revealed clear N1, P2, and N2
methods. components for all mediofrontal electrodes (see Fig-
ure 4). Furthermore, both go and no-go N2 waveforms
appeared more negative for high BI children than low BI
Anxiety measure (age 7 years)
children (BI groups were generated by dividing BI scores
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach & Rescorla, into thirds – high, middle, and low BI – and eliminating
2001). The CBCL is a standardized, highly reliable, and the middle group). Thus, scalp N2 activation was
valid measure of children’s emotional and behavioral exported for eight mediofrontal electrodes: four midline
problems (ages 6–18 years). Parents were asked to electrodes (8, 6 [Fz], 4 [FCz], and VREF [Cz]) as well as
indicate whether, and to what degree, their child exhib- four flanking electrodes (9, 7, 3, 54; two on each side).
ited a list of symptoms on a scale from 0 (never) to 2 Because of individual differences in peak N2 activation
(often). For this study, only the anxiety subscale raw across electrodes, each participant’s greatest (most neg-
score (seven items) was used because it specifically ative) activation during go or no-go trials was analyzed.
measured anxiety problems (unlike the internalizing
measure which captures both anxiety and depression).
Source-space data analyses
A distributed inverse model that incorporates the change
EEG data collection and analyses
in activation from one electrode to another (in this case
EEG was recorded using a 64-channel Geodesic Sensor 65 electrodes) was used to calculate the source-space
Net and sampled at 250 Hz, using EGI software (Net activation. This type of algorithm estimates activation
Station; Electrical Geodesic, Inc., Eugene, OR [data were voxel-by-voxel and sample-by-sample and does not
also processed using Net Station]). Once the impedance require any dipoles to be ‘fit’, thereby limiting the
values for all EEG channels were reduced to below 50 influence of user bias. The specific algorithm used in the
kΩ, data acquisition began. During recording, all current study was LORETA (Low Resolution Brain
channels were referenced to Cz and after acquisition Electromagnetic Tomography), which applies a con-
data were re-referenced using an average reference. straint to the minimum-norm solution in order to
Data were filtered using an FIR bandpass filter with a minimize the discrepancy between values of adjacent
lowpass frequency of 50 Hz and a highpass frequency of voxels (to achieve the most realistic model) within the
.3 Hz. To best capture eye blink artifacts, the threshold GeoSource interface (Electrical Geodesic, Inc., Eugene,
was set to 140 lV (peak-to-peak) and all trials in which OR; for a review of these constraints and other minimum
this threshold was violated were excluded from analyses. norm solutions, see Michel, Murray, Lantz, Gonzalez,
Furthermore, signal activation change (peak-to-peak) Spinelli & Grave de Peralta, 2004). A regularization

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constant (indicating how much noise is modeled) of 10-4 unrelated to child age, at the 2-, r(92) = .08, p = .46 and
was applied. This amount of regularization revealed 3-year visit, r(100) = .08, p = .68). A social reticence
current flow patterns that matched (via visual inspection) composite score was created by standardizing and
the grand-averaged scalp topography better than other averaging behaviors observed during FP, CL, and ST
levels. with the fear and shyness subscales (also standardized)
After the data were modelled (LORETA) for the entire of the CBQ (M = .0004, SD = .64).
cortex (2447 voxels), morphology-based regions of A priori t-tests revealed sex differences on some of the
interest (ROIs) were generated using the Montreal primary independent and dependent variables (see
Neurological Institute (MNI) average adult MRI (pedi- Table 1) and therefore sex was entered as a covariate in
atric head models are not yet available). We were all analyses. Preliminary correlation analyses were con-
interested in four ROIs: the VLPFC ROI (comprising ducted to examine associations between social reticence
44 voxels; lateral part of BA 11 and 47), the dACC ROI and anxiety measures, zoo task performance measures,
(comprising 50 voxels; dorsal part of BA 24 and 32), the and brain measures (see Table 2). Furthermore, because
DLPFC ROI (comprising 126 voxels; BA 9 and dorsal the number of trials comprising an ERP can affect ERP
part of BA 46), and the VMPFC/OFC ROI (comprising amplitude, and because a priori analysis revealed (1) a
147 voxels; ventromedial parts of BAs 11, 10, 14, and 13; trend-level association between trial counts and no-go
see Figure 2). Source waveform amplitudes (nA) for all N2 activation, r(106) = .17, p = .08, and (2) t-tests
voxels within an ROI were extracted for 200 ms before showed significant differences in trial counts between
stimulus onset to 600 ms after stimulus onset and high and low BI children, nogo: t(69) = 2.15, p = .04; go:
baseline corrected using the 200 ms before stimulus t(69) = 3.53, p = .001, trial count was controlled for in all
onset. To ensure that each participant’s maximal activa- subsequent brain analyses (ERP and source-space).
tion was analysed, we chose the voxel and moment in
time (within the 100 ms during which the scalp N2 was
maximal) that showed the most activation for each ROI. Results

Statistical analyses Behavioral analyses

All behavioral and EEG data with values larger or
Go/no-go performance accuracy
smaller than 2 SD from the mean were changed to show
values of 2 SD from the mean, thus preventing statistical To assess the relations between BI and no-go accuracy,
analyses from being skewed by outliers. Two types of we conducted a step-wise linear regression, with Sex in
regression analysis were conducted in this study in order step one and BI in step two. Results revealed a positive
to: (1) determine the association between early BI and association between BI and no-go accuracy, after con-
later cognitive control (both behavioral and brain trolling for Sex, b = .20, t = 2.20, p = .03, suggesting
measures) and (2) examine the moderating role of brain that as BI increased, no-go accuracy also increased
activation on the relation between early BI and later (Figure 3). No effects were found for go accuracy.
social reticence and anxiety. For the first analysis the To assess the relations between performance accuracy
entire sample was used (106 children). Since some and brain measures, we conducted two step-wise linear
parents did not complete the CBQ and/or CBCL regressions, with Sex and Trial Count in step one,
questionnaires, and/or some children did not perform performance accuracy scores (go or no-go) in step two,
the tasks that were coded for social reticence, the second and brain data (go or no-go) as dependent measures. Go
set of regressions was conducted on slightly smaller accuracy was not associated with go brain data (neither
samples (CBCL anxiety: n = 100; social reticence: N2 nor source-space) over and above Sex and Trial
n = 104). Count. Similarly, no-go accuracy was not associated with
no-go brain data (neither N2 nor source-space) over and
above Sex and Trial Count.
Preliminary analyses
Based on theory and confirmed through factor analysis
Reaction time (RT)
(eigenvalue = 2.04; loadings = .62 to .81), a BI composite
score was created. Specifically, BI observation scores and To assess the relation between BI and go RT, we
maternal report of social fearfulness on the TBAQ at 2 conducted a step-wise linear regression, with Sex in step
and 3 years of age were standardized and averaged (M one and BI in step two. Results revealed a positive
= .01, SD = .77). The BI composite variable was association between BI and go RT, b = .22, t = 2.36,

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Figure 2 Image of ROIs (regions of interest) superimposed on Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) average MRI.

p = .02, such that higher levels of BI were associated = .19, t = 2.01, p = .05. Thus, as levels of BI increased
with slower reaction time. To control for potential speed/ reaction times also increased even after controlling for
accuracy trade-off, we conducted an additional step-wise accuracy rates (Figure 3).
linear regression, with Sex and mean go and no-go To assess the relations between RT and brain mea-
accuracy in step one and BI in step two. Consistent with sures, we conducted two step-wise linear regressions,
the initial analysis, results in this second analysis also with Sex and Trial Count in step one, go RT scores in
revealed a positive association between BI and go RT, b step two, and go or no-go brain data as dependent

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674 Connie Lamm et al.

Table 1 Sex differences measures. Go RT was not associated with either go or

no-go brain data (neither N2 nor source-space) over and
Measures Statistic
above Sex and Trial Count. These results indicate that
Temperament and anxiety measures differences in brain data cannot be simply due to
BI composite t(104) = .80, p = .43 differences in task performance (neither RT nor perfor-
Social reticence composite t(102) = 2.88, p = .005
CBCL Anxiety t(98) = .78, p = .44
mance accuracy).
Zoo Game performance measures
Go performance accuracy t(104) = .28, p = .78
No-go performance accuracy t(104) = 3.46, p = .001 ERP analyses
Go reaction times t(104) = 1.62, p = .11
Brain measures To assess the relation between BI and N2 activation, we
No-go N2 t(104) = 1.05, p = .30 conducted a step-wise linear regression, with Sex and
No-go DLPFC t(104) = 2.06, p = .04
No-go Dorsal ACC t(104) = 1.73, p = .09
Trial Count (specific to trial type: no-go or go) in step
No-go VLPFC t(104) = 2.34, p = .02 one and BI in step two. For both the no-go and go N2,
No-go VMPFC t(104) = .57, p = .57 results revealed a negative association between BI and
N2 activation, no-go: b = .27, t = 2.90, p = .005,

Table 2 Preliminary Pearson correlation analyses (r-values) between temperament, anxiety, task performance, and brain measures


Behavioral Inhibition (BI) – .26* .16 .24* .08 .23* .30** .24* .26*
Social Reticence (SR) .26* – .23* .28** .08 .12 .20* .09 .23
CBCL Anxiety (Anx) .16 .23* – .28** .06 .07 .004 .01 .03
Go Reaction Times (RT) .24* .28** .28** – .23* .40** .01 .06 .03
Go Per. Accuracy (PA) .08 .08 .06 .23* – .23* .06 .05 .01
No-go Per. Accuracy (PA) .23* .12 .07 .40** .23* – .00 .08 .14
No-go N2 .30** .20* .004 .01 .06 .00 – .44** .48**
Dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC) .24* .09 .01 .06 .05 .08 .44** – .56**
Dorsal ACC (dACC) .26* .23 .03 .03 .01 .14 .48** 56** –

*p < .05; **p < .005.

(a) (b)

Figure 3 (a) Scatter plot showing positive correlation between BI and no-go performance accuracy. (b) Scatter plot showing
positive correlation between BI and go reaction times.

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Behavioral inhibition and cognitive control 675

(a) (b)
Go 100 ms

BN -10 µV

No-go N2

-10 µV


Figure 4 (a) Go and no-go waveforms showing difference between high and low BI scores (lV; more negative activation is down).
(b) Scatter plot showing negative correlation between BI and go N2 activation (lV). (c) Scatter plot showing negative correlation
between BI and no-go N2 activation (lV). The effect is still significant after controlling for go N2 activation.

go: b = .29, t = 2.24, p = .03, indicating greater differences for the P2, we conducted a similar step-wise
(more negative) N2 activation as BI increased. Because linear regression with no-go P2 activation entered in step
BI was associated with both go and no-go N2 activation, one (along with Trial Count and Sex). Results revealed a
to ascertain the link between BI and cognitive control negative association between BI and no-go N2 activa-
(i.e. no-go N2), an additional linear regression was tion, over and above no-go P2 activation, b = .16, t
conducted with go N2 activation entered in step one = 1.97, p = .05, again indicating greater (more nega-
(along with Trial Count and Sex). Results revealed a tive) N2 activation as BI increased.
negative association between BI and no-go N2 activa- Next, to determine whether no-go N2 activation
tion, over and above go N2 activation, b = .13, t = moderated the BI/anxiety and/or BI/social reticence
2.17, p = .03, indicating greater (more negative) acti- associations, we conducted moderation analyses with
vation during no-go trials as BI increased. In addition, early BI as the independent variable, no-go N2 activation
because grand averaged waveforms showed group as the moderator, and CBCL anxiety or social reticence

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

676 Connie Lamm et al.

as the dependent variable. To avoid multi-collinearity, the between BI and cortical activation for DLPFC, b =
predictors were mean centered and interaction variables .19, t = 2.00, p = .05, and dorsal ACC, b = .21,
were calculated as product terms of the mean-centered t = 2.26, p = .03 (Figure 5).
predictors (Aiken & West, 1991). Step-wise linear Next, to determine whether no-go DLPFC and dorsal
regressions were conducted with Sex and go N2 activa- ACC activation moderated the BI/anxiety and/or BI/
tion (covariates) in step 1, BI first and then no-go N2 social reticence associations, we conducted moderation
activation second in step 2, and the BI-by-N2 interaction analyses with early BI as the independent variable, either
term in step 3. The interaction between BI and no-go N2 DLPFC or dorsal ACC as the moderator, and CBCL
activation was significant for social reticence, b = .19, anxiety or the social reticence composite measure as the
t = 2.00, p = .05, and not significant for CBCL dependent variable (see Figure 6). To avoid multi-
anxiety, b = .05, t = .52, p = .61. Simple slopes were collinearity, the predictors were mean centered and
tested to follow up the significant interaction by re- interaction variables were calculated as product terms of
calculating no-go N2 activation into new variables the mean-centered predictors (Aiken & West, 1991).
representing high (more negative) N2 activation and Step-wise linear regressions were conducted with Sex
low (less negative) N2 activation and running additional and go source-space activation (covariates) in step 1, BI
regression analyses using the re-calculated scores, as scores first and then source-space activation second in
suggested by Aiken and West (1991). Follow-up analyses step 2, the BI-by-source-space interaction term in step 3.
showed that when N2 activation was high (more nega- Two of the four regression models yielded significant
tive), early BI was positively related to later social interactions: one, with DLPFC as the moderator
reticence, b = .37, t = 2.85, p = .005. However, when associating early BI with later social reticence, b =
N2 activation was low (less negative), early BI was .35, t = 3.92, p < .001; and two, with dorsal ACC as the
unrelated to later social reticence, b = .03, t = .18, moderator associating early BI with later social reti-
p = .86. cence, b = .26, t = 2.82, p = .006. No interaction
effects (BI-by-source-space activation) were associated
with CBCL signs of anxiety (DLPFC: b = .03, t =
Source-space analyses
.30, p = .77; dorsal ACC: b = .10, t = .98,
To assess the relation between BI and no-go source-space p = .33).
activation, we conducted a series of step-wise linear To ensure that our pattern of effects was not simply
regressions, with Sex and Trial Count in step one and BI due to individual differences in arousal or vigilance,
in step two for each ROI (DLPFC, dorsal ACC, VLPFC, additional moderation analyses were conducted. To
VMPFC). Results revealed a positive association control for individual differences in arousal, we re-ran

(a) (b)

Figure 5 (a) Scatter plot showing positive correlation between BI and estimated no-go DLPFC activation (nA). (b) Scatter plot
showing positive correlation between BI and estimated no-go dorsal ACC activation (nA). For both A and B greater source-space
activation is up.

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Behavioral inhibition and cognitive control 677

(a) (b)
3.00 0
Low BI High BI

Social Reticence Composite

2.00 -0.2

Social reticense

1.00 -0.4

.00 -0.6

-1.00 Smaller N2
-0.8 Larger N2


-2.00 -1.00 .00 1.00 2.00 3.00

BI Score

(c) 0.6 (d) 0

Low BI High BI
0.4 -0.2
Social Reticence Composite

Social Reticence Composite

Low BI High BI -0.6
-0.4 -0.8
-0.6 -1
Low DLPFC Low Dorsal ACC
-1.2 -1.4
High DLPFC High Dorsal ACC
-1.4 -1.6

Figure 6 (a) Scatter plot showing association between BI and social reticence. The remainder of the figures show no-go brain
activation (ERP and source-space) moderating the relation between early BI and social reticence at age 7 (figures show slope
differences); (b) no-go N2 activation; (c) estimated dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation; and (d) estimated dorsal anterior
cingulate activation.

the above moderation analyses with mean activation for representing high source-space activation and low
the time period before stimulus onset ( 200), a measure source-space activation and running additional regres-
of each participant’s base-rate of arousal, in step 1. We sion analyses using the re-calculated scores, as suggested
repeated this process with mean RT and mean accuracy by Aiken and West (1991). Follow-up analyses showed
in step 1 (separately) as measures of vigilance. All that when DLPFC or dorsal ACC activation was
interaction effects outlined above were still significant elevated, early BI was positively related to later social
after controlling for these measures, suggesting that our reticence (DLPFC: b = .56, t = 4.54, p < .001; dorsal
moderation effects outlined above cannot be simply due ACC: b = .41, t = 3.47, p = .001). However, when
to individual differences in arousal or vigilance. DLPFC or dorsal ACC activation was low, early BI was
Simple slopes were tested to follow up the significant unrelated to later social reticence (DLPFC: b = .19, t
interactions by re-calculating source-space activation = 1.36, p = .18; dorsal ACC: b = .07, t = .54,
(DLPFC and dorsal ACC separately) into new variables p = .59).

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678 Connie Lamm et al.

Discussion Valiente, Spinrad, Cumberland, Liew, Reiser, Zhou &

Losoya, 2009; Nigg, 2000). Further support for this
The goals of the current study were twofold: (1) to hypothesis comes from the fact that overcontrolled
examine the relations between BI and cognitive-control- behavior has been associated with internalizing behavior
related brain and behavior measures; and (2) to examine problems (for a review see Eisenberg et al., 2009), such as
whether cognitive-control-related cortical activation anxiety disorders.
moderated the association between early BI and later We also found that BI was associated with estimated
anxiety problems and/or social reticence at 7 years of source-space activation. More specifically, BI was asso-
age. BI was measured with behavioral observations and ciated with greater DLPFC and dorsal ACC activation.
maternal report questionnaires at 2 and 3 years of age. These source-space results are in line with previous N2
Cortical activation was measured using the N2 – an ERP source-space activation results. For example, Lamm
associated with cognitive control (e.g. Bekker et al., et al. (2011) found greater prefrontal cortical activation
2004; Dimoska et al., 2003; Falkenstein et al., 1999; for a group of anxious aggressive children than control
Jonkman et al., 2003; Nieuwenhuis et al., 2003) – and children using a similar method of modeling source-
estimated source-space activation, captured during a go/ space activation. However, our data are at odds with
no-go task at 7 years of age. Two outcome measures some of the fMRI data (e.g. Bishop, 2009; Bishop,
assessed at 7 years of age were used: (1) Maternal report Duncan, Brett & Lawrence, 2004; Etkin, Prater, Hoeft,
of anxiety on the CBCL; and (2) a composite assessing Menon & Schatzberg, 2010; Etkin & Wager, 2007); this
social reticence, which included maternal report of could be due to physiological differences inherent in each
shyness and fear (CBQ questionnaire) and detailed method, suggesting the need to examine brain function
behavioral observations of children’s interactions with using both fMRI and ERP measures in the same
an unfamiliar peer. subjects.

Main effects of BI on neural activation Moderation effects

As predicted, results revealed that BI was associated with The second research question addressed in this study
greater (more negative) N2 activation and that this effect examined whether cognitive control moderated the
was evident even after controlling for go N2 activation relations between early BI and later maternal reported
and no-go P2 activation. These results are consistent signs of anxiety and/or later social reticence. As pre-
with cognitive-control-related ERP studies with a variety dicted, greater levels of cognitive-control-related brain
of clinical and non-clinical samples of children with activation (both N2 and source-space) moderated the
heightened anxiety. Specifically, Ladouceur et al. (2006) association between early BI and later social reticence.
found greater ERN activation for clinically anxious This study builds on the extant literature by elucidating
children than non-anxious children using a flanker task. which brain regions (modeled activation) specifically
Righi et al. (2009) found greater N2 activation for more moderate this association. Interestingly, only DLPFC
compared to less non-clinically anxious college students and dorsal ACC activation – two brain regions consis-
using a go/no-go task. Hum et al., (2013) found greater tently linked with cognitive control (e.g. Braver, Paxton,
N2 activation for clinically anxious children than Locke & Barch, 2009; Carter & van Veen, 2007) –
non-anxious children using a go/no-go task. moderated this association, supporting the notion that
The current data also demonstrated that BI was excessive cognitive control (i.e. overcontrolled behavior)
associated with longer latency RTs and greater perfor- contributes to the relation between early BI and later
mance accuracy. Interestingly, behavioral data did not social reticence (e.g. Caspi et al., 2003; Nigg, 2000). It is
correlate with brain data, suggesting that activation also noteworthy that this moderation effect was evident
differences were probably not due to differences in task even after controlling for go activation, suggesting that
difficulty (i.e. it is unlikely that BI differences in brain these results cannot be simply due to basic ongoing
activation were observed simply because the task was motor or attentional control.
more difficult for children higher on BI). Rather, this It is not clear why cognitive-control-related brain
pattern of behavior and brain results is more likely due to activation did not moderate the association between
behaviorally inhibited children applying excessive regu- early BI and maternal reported signs of anxiety. It could
latory resources (overcontrolled behavior). Such an be that despite oversampling for BI in infancy, our
hypothesis is in line with a number of developmental sample of typically developing 7-year-old children did
theories of emotion regulation (e.g. Caspi, Harrington, not show sufficient anxiety problems to reveal any
Milne, Amell, Theodore & Moffitt, 2003; Eisenberg, effects. This notion is supported by the fact that

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Behavioral inhibition and cognitive control 679

McDermott et al. (2009) and Henderson (2010), two strategies more efficiently (i.e. show moderate decreases
studies showing that cognitive-control-related ERPs in DLPFC and dorsal ACC activation).
moderated the link between withdrawn temperaments
and anxiety, assessed samples of children considerably
older (mean age 15.1 years and mean age 11.2 years, Acknowledgements
respectively) than our sample of 7-year-old children.
This hypothesis is further supported by Meyer, Wein- The project described was supported by NICHD grant
berg, Klein and Hajcak (2012) who found that the number R37HD17899 to Nathan A. Fox, NIMH grant
relation between greater ERN and elevated anxiety number R01MH093349 to Nathan A. Fox, and NIMH
problems was only evident in older children (roughly grant number P50MH078105 to Megan R. Gunnar. The
11–13 years) and not younger children (roughly content is solely the responsibility of the authors and
8–10 years). Thus, it may be that 7-year-old children does not necessarily represent the official views of the
show enough variability in social reticence to reveal NICHD, NIMH, or NIH.
significant effects but not enough variability in anxiety
symptoms, and that with age, anxiety symptoms may
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Conclusions Bronson, C.W. (1970). Fear of visual novelty: developmental
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ascertaining that BI is associated with greater dorsal Calkins, S.D., Fox, N.A., & Marshall, T.R. (1996). Behavioral
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edge may allow us greater measurement specificity for R.F., & Moffitt, T.E. (2003). Children’s behavioral styles at
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