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Choose the best choice for each item. Tom: Mom, I don't feel well today. Can I skip school? Mom: —(1)__ Do you have a headache? Tom: T feel tired and very cold. T also have a slight headache, Mom: OK, _(2)__ Well, it looks like you have a fever. Tom: So what do we do? Mom: You have a temperature. We will have to keep a watch on you. If it goes up, welll take you to the clinic to see the doctor. Tom: So then there's no school for today? ‘Mom: No, no school. __(3)__making other kids sick. Besides, with a fever, you won't be able to focus on what the teacher is saying. Tom: T brought home my assignments, so I will sleep a bit and do them later. Mom: Good, you don't want to _(4)__ in your assignments, but you can wait until you are better and catch up on the weekend. Now, you should get some rest and we will see how you are later. Tom: 0K. 1. 1. Noworries. 2. Why do you skip? 3. What's the matter? 4, School is important. 2. 1. let’s take your temperature, 2. take your own temperature. 3. _ taking temperature is good 4, shall we take our temperature. 3. 1. There’s no way 2. You are good at 3. You are avoiding 4, There’s no point in 4. 1. getover 2. getdown 3. get ahead 4. get behind Teera: Hello, Mr. Smith, can T see you now? Counselor: Certainly, _(5)__ Teera: Td like to ask for your advice about my study plans after T finish high school Counselor: Right. _(6)__ Teera: My Math and Science scores are very high, so I think I want to study Engineering. I think I have the right skills for it. Counselor: Tagree. With your qualities, you will __(7)__a good engineer. I suggest that you start the application process as soon as it opens, __(8)__ you need to take all the tests required. Teera: Do youhave any other advice? Counselor: Well, _(9)__ some tutorial programs before taking the tests. They help students get higher test scores on average. Teera: OK, T'll do that. Counselor: Good. __(10)__ on your progress and let me know if there's anything T can do to help. Remember the library has some books on test ‘tal . Teera: All right. Thank you very much for all the advice, Counselor. Counselor: _(11)__ Se ole linet: 2. you're welcome. 3. how can [help you? 4. better late than never. 6. 1. What’s your major? 2. Are you an engineer? 3. What skills do you have? 4, What do you pian to major in? Tels do 2. learn 3. make 4. study 8. 1. that mean 2. who knows 3. that because 4. which means recommended recommendations I would recommend I have recommended ae Write a note Do mea favor Tell everybody Keep me posted sets How nice! What a job! My pleasure. Any questions? PeRe Someone stole my lunch bag at work, so, to soothe my feelings, my wife said she'd make me something special for the following day. Next morning as I pulled into my work's car park, I noticed a chap who was clearly down on his luck, so T gave him my lunch. T didn’t know there was a note from my wife in the bag. "I know who you are,” it said. “And I know where you live!” 12. Which of the following is TRUE according to the joke? The man felt better after having his special lunch. The man lost his lunch bag on the way to his office. The man was sympathetic to the chap he met in the car park. The man’s wife knew who had stolen his lunch bag and where he had been. SSR

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