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Project Context

The progress of technology today has immersed towards work. The presence of

technology has reached its maximum provision of sustainable technology towards the

approach of effective assessment and management. The Muntinlupa City Hall City

Human Resources Management Department (CHRMD) – Career Development and

Advancement Division is one of the workplaces that was embracing information and

quality technology now. As they immersed themselves with technology through

recording specific documents and other forms brought about by information


Development of an Online Training Needs Analysis Tool for the Employee of

City Human Resources Management Department (CHRMD) – Career Development

and Advancement Division is best described as a systemized program where a specific

seminar is generated for the users to view and join. Simply said, it's development was

to give the employess the knowledge about every seminars that will occur in every

month stated and give them the privilege to be adjoined on a particular meeting as per

As for the problems that may occur, the Muntinlupa City Hall City Human

Resources Management Department (CHRMD) – Career Development and

Advancement Division, the city hall seeks to provide employees with a efficient,

smooth-going environment. Databases are one important aspect of that smooth-going


However, Employees working in offices currently do not have databases on

seminars which can be ineffective towards the discussion, and during the times where

emergency meetings can happen, it is common for seminars to have atleast one working

database. Many employees report that there can be ineffectual impact on seminars

because of its absence. Others report having problems because of the lack of

information displayed on assembly gatherings.

In response to this problem, our study proposes to investigate several options

for making the conference as impacting as it is. We plan to carry out an all-inclusive 2

participatory investigation into options for creating databases that can push greater

objectives and plans for the company (company-funded; employee-subsidized) and

different types of databases. We will also consider less expensive ways to mitigate some

or all of the problems noted above (such as unique partners of the databases that can be


Purpose and Description

In general, research objectives describe what we expect to achieve by a project.

Research objectives are usually expressed in lay terms and are directed as much to the client

as to the researcher. Research objectives may be linked with a hypothesis or used as a

statement of purpose in a study that does not have a hypothesis.

Even if the nature of the research has not been clear to the layperson from the

hypotheses, s/he should be able to understand the research from the objectives. These are

the general objectives of our study:

• developing a database that is focused on the seminar's development

• presenting the focus study of a specific meeting by being able to specify factors

which will emerged in an assembly

• creating a bigger picture towards influential seminars

As follows, These are the specific objectives of our study:

• to identify the seminar techniques that can help discuss a specific topic effectively

• to assess the employess that are participating in a meeting and their information

• to determine the info correlative to a specific assembly



General Objective:

The General Objective of this study is to develop an Online Training Needs

Analysis Tool for the Employee of City Human Resources Management Department

(CHRMD) – Career Development and Advancement Division that aim to provide an

easier and more manageable system that will help the employees in their current system

regarding the Seminar events.

Specific Objectives:

1. To design an Online-based website system with the following features:

a. Capable of managing every seminar records that will and they’ve

got held.

b. Capable of generating and printing detailed reports of the data

they needed.

c. Capable of ensuring that every employee at the said area can

attend every seminar that their department provide.

d. Capable of providing information for data analysis for planning,

budgeting, and scheduling of Future trainings and seminars for


e. Capable of identifying employees who have not yet attended

specific seminar.


The ISKAWTING Tutorial Game for Scouts of the Philippines is an Android-

based game application that can be played by scout members, students and Android

mobile users. It can be played offline and is a single player game. The ISKAWTING is

patterned based on the standard Scout Method used in the Philippines both by the Boy

Scout and the Girl Scout of the Philippines. The proponents uses the Troop’s Leader

Manual Handbook, an English language but of Philippine version as a reference to the

activities of the Scout Method. It has ten (10) levels that refer to different advancement

ranks of the Boy and Girl Scout of the Philippines. Each level contains a number of

survival missions that refer to different activities. The tutorial will be in a text and image

form. Survival missions must be completed in order to earn a badge and rank.

Succeeding levels can only be unlocked by completing each level. Like survival

missions, tutorials can only be accessed when a level is unlocked.

All unlocked tutorials will be accessible for reading through the game’s main menu.

Corresponding badges will be awarded at each completed level.

The limitations are based on what type of user are. If you are an Admin user,

you have the privileges to access the whole system. It includes the settings of the

system, the database where all of the events details are stored, the access to add, update

or delete a user, and to manage any events. And if you are only an employee, the only

privilege you have is that you can see what seminars or events are coming and you can

join. You can also update your account.

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