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Instructor: Michele Owen Section 101

Office: LB 300 Wednesday and Friday
Office Phone: (765) 285-1939 8:00 a.m.
Office Hours: Monday, 8:00 a.m. and Wednesday, 3:00 p.m.

Required Materials: COMM 210 textbook and workbook, iClicker, AAA batteries, two-pocket
folder, and a stapler

Academic Dishonesty: "Honesty, trust, and personal responsibility are fundamental attributes of
the University community. Academic dishonesty by a student will not be tolerated, for it
threatens the foundation of an institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. To maintain its
credibility and reputation and to equitably assign evaluations of scholastic and creative
performance, Ball State University is committed to maintaining a climate that upholds and values
the highest standards of academic integrity" Please continue to read more of BSU’s policy at:

Class Participation:
● Much of our class will be discussion based and if you are not in class, we will miss
learning from your perspective. Participation is an expectation for this class so please be
prepared to share your ideas and be attentive throughout the entire class. Students who
detract from or continually do not add to the positive interactions in the classroom may
be marked absent for the day and asked to leave.

● Attendance is mandatory and you are expected to be present and on time for each class.
● If you fail to arrive on time you will be responsible for any information, quizzes, notes or
announcements you missed.
● If you are unable to attend class, please inform me ahead of time.
● Absences will only be excused with a doctor‘s note, legitimate documentation, or
university-sanctioned event excuse notice.
● You are permitted 3 unexcused absences in the small section before your grade is
affected, with the exception of speech days- Missing on a speech day will result in a
deduction of 20 points from your speech grade.
o After the third unexcused absence, 5 points (per absence) will be deducted from your
100 miscellaneous points.

Classroom Needs:
If you need course adaptations or accommodations due to a disability, please speak with me as
soon as possible so we can set up a time to discuss how your needs can best be met. If you have
emergency medical information to share or if you need special arrangements in case of a
building evacuation, please speak with me immediately and make a note on your Student Data

● Be prepared for class. You should bring your iClicker for every class, including speech
● Please bring extra AAA batteries. If your clicker isn‘t functioning or you fail to bring it
all, it‘s just like being absent.
● If you have any issues with your iClicker, please contact with your
name, section number, iClicker id number, and description of your concern.

Speeches/ Speech Days:

● Topic Approval- Submission of your TSPCI form allows me to give you feedback on
your speech topic and you to best opportunity to tailor your speech for the classroom
expectations. Please speak with me before modifying the topic of your speech so that you
have the greatest opportunity to be successful in the class. Failure to resubmit a TSPCI
form well in advance of the speech day or having an unapproved topic change will result
in a 5% deduction on the final speech grade.
● Attire - Professional attire is required on speech days. You are the focus of our attention
and you should dress in a way that adds to your credibility. Sneakers, tennis shoes, flip
flops, hoodies, hats, and ripped jeans are not professional attire.
● Behavior - If you arrive late on a speaking day remain outside of the classroom until the
speaker is finished.
● Preparation - All of your visual aids and any materials you need for the speech should be
ready before the class period in which you present. Your colleagues and you all deserve
an attentive audience. Be sure to email your PowerPoint presentation to yourself or save
it on a flash drive. Be prompt in preparation of your speech.
● Speaking Order - You will decide when you would like to speak. Order will be assigned
at least a week in advance. As a reminder, I will also post this information on

Assignment Submission/Return:
● Speeches are a performance and happen in the moment, and therefore can not be “made
up” unless extreme and documented emergencies. The same policy applies to in class
● Papers that are not submitted in paper form at the start of class will be considered late,
and late papers will be lose 10% for each business day late.
● Please make sure that your assignments are stapled and ready to be turned in at the start
of class.
o Assignments should be in proper format: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double
spaced, one-inch margins.
● You must submit your essay assignments and outlines in two ways:
o Printed and turned in to me during our discussion section AND …
o Submitted electronically on Safe Assign through Blackboard
● I will do my best to return assignments to you as soon as possible. However, please
remember you will receive assignments no later than two weeks past the date you turned
them in.
● Please keep in mind that copies of your work may be confidentially retained for
assessment and training purposes only.

● Outside of office hours, the best way to contact me is through email, and to ensure speedy
answers to your questions please email me before Dr. Denker/ Mr. Storr.
● I will routinely send the class emails so be sure to check your BSU email daily.
● You should also check Blackboard for any announcements and reminders.

Technology in Class:
● No electronic recording or broadcast of any portion of Comm. 210 lab or lecture is
permitted without written permission.
● Technology use in the classroom must be approved in advance and should only be
utilized for class related reasons. We have a limited amount of time together and I want
us all to be focused on the task at hand.
● If any of these devices are in use during class for non-course related reasons or without
prior approval, you will receive an unexcused absence for the day.

● Under FERPA I am NOT permitted to discuss students’ grades in class.
● Please make an appointment with me and then we will discuss.
● Please get in touch with me no later than 2 weeks after the assignment is returned to
appeal your grade. See page 21 of the workbook for more information on grade appeals.
● If you would like to appeal your grade you must wait at least 24 hours and submit written
documentation stating the basis of your appeal. I will review your appeal and then we
will meet to discuss your assignment.

Writing Center and Learning Center: Students who require assistance with their writing are
strongly encouraged to seek help through the university’s Writing Center. Students who require
assistance with other matters related to academic performance are encouraged to consult with
staff at the University’s Learning Center. Written work must meet the minimum standards of
correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. You are also required to use APA
format when citing reference material. Consult a grammar handbook or visit the Writing Center
if you are having problems constructing your written assignments. Please consult the APA
source guide at the library or APA guidelines on-line. The Writing Center at Ball State offers
free one-to-one writing feedback to all students in all classes. For a face-to-face or online
appointment, students should sign up on the Writing Center website. On the website, students
can also chat with a tutor, find writing resources, and discover information about other services
offered by the Writing Center. To make an appointment visit the Writing Center: Robert Bell 291
or make an appointment at:

Ball State University Diversity Statement: Ball State University aspires to be a university that attracts
and retains a diverse faculty, staff and student body. We are committed to ensuring that all members of
the campus community are welcome through our practice of valuing the various experiences and world
views of those we serve. We promote a culture of respect and civil discourse as expressed in our
Beneficence Pledge and through university resources found at . For Bias Incident Response service information, go to or e-mail


Student Data Sheet & Ethics Form: Due August 25th 5

TSPCI Demonstration Speech: Due August 30th 5

PRCA Survey: Due September 1st 5

● Survey should be completed by: _____________________

Demo Speech Practice Log: Due in your speech folder 5

Demonstration Speech Peer Evaluation: Due September 6-8th 5

❖ Due at end of class on the day the person you’re evaluating presents


❖ DUE: Within seven days of giving your speech

TSPCI Informative Speech: Due September 15th 5

Oral Citation Exercise: Due September 120th 5

Informative Speech Peer Evaluation: Due Sept. 27- Oct. 4th 5

❖ Due at end of class on the day the person you’re evaluating presents
Informative Speech Practice Log: Due in your speech folder 5


❖ DUE: Within seven days of giving your speech

*Group Contract: Due October 6th (due by end of class) ---

TSPCI Group Speech: Due October 11th 5

Library Research Worksheet: Due October 18th 10

Group Speech Practice Log: Due in your speech folder 5


❖ You have the first ten weeks of the semester to complete this assignment
❖ DUE: Within seven days of the speaking event you attend
❖ Last day to submit the assignment: October 27th

Group Speech Peer Evaluation: Nov. 1st - 8th 5

❖ Due at end of class on the day the person you’re evaluating presents


❖ DUE: Within seven days of giving your speech

TSPCI Persuasive Speech: Due Nov. 1st 5

Persuasive Speech Strategy Report: Due Nov. 15th 10

Persuasive Speech Practice Log: Due in your speech folder 5

Persuasive Speech Peer Evaluation: Due Nov. 29- Dec. 8th 5

❖ Due at end of class on the day the person you’re evaluating presents

Post-PRCA Survey (tentative due date) 5

● Survey should be completed by: _____________________


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