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Engineering Workbench CEWB/CWBQM

Engineering Workbench transaction can be used to change pretty much everything in the routing and in the BOM. Knowing this

transaction will most part of the time avoids you from writing an ABAP code to update your routings and BOMs.

Note that Engineering Change Management is not needed to use this transaction.

In this example I will focus on the standard values of the operations. But again, pretty much everything can be changed.
1. Define in customizing your working area.
You may have pre-defined working areas in customizing. They will work. But I would advise you to create your own to simplify the

transaction and only load data you need.

Logistics – General ->Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) -> Basic Data-> Engineering Workbench ->Edit Working Areas

Here I focus on the operation of the routings.

Then if I launch CEWB transaction, I can select my working Area.

2. Selection
In the detailed selection criteria, you can select by pretty much any field in the routing. But you need to be careful with this selection, it’s

quite complex, so you could select extra-operations or miss the half of it.
Engineering Workbench CEWB/CWBQM

For instance, you can select by plant in the operation, in the header of the routing, or in the material assignment which could be


So my advice would be to always check what you selected before making any changes.

Then pressing “load Task list” the system will select you the operation corresponding to your selection criteria.

I selected all the operations where the routing is assigned to a material in plant 1000.
3. Select what you want to change.
Once the operations were loaded, I select the tab “Processing Times” where my standard values are stored.

Here I need to select which column I want to change, and which operation I want to change.

Engineering Workbench CEWB/CWBQM

Above I selected the 1st and 3rd standard values, on all the operations.
4. Mass Change.
Select Extra -> Mass Change.

The system asks me for a key date:

Engineering Workbench CEWB/CWBQM

Then in the Mass Change screen I can define a new value for all the operation, I can choose to replace only value X per value Y. Or I

can also use a formula.

I will use a formula to reduce by 5% all the times. I choose the button “formula”.

I enter 0.95*X. Note that you can also use an ABAP code for a more complex formula.

Engineering Workbench CEWB/CWBQM

Then I can execute.

The system will change all the operations I selected (without saving), and display the result.

The system didn’t save anything at this point. It shows you the result and a log. You then can check the result, the log, perform some

adaptation if needed.

Once you’re happy, you can save the result. This transaction is very powerful and also quite complex.

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