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HLED 411 Physical Activity & national Security

Exam 1 Study Guide

Spring 2017

Exam Date: Tuesday February 21, 2017

Topics Covered:

 Introduction to PA and Public Health

o Fundamentals of Public Health
o Fundamentals of Kinesiology
o Integrating Public Health and PA
o Measuring PA
 Health effects of Exercise and PA
o Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Health
o Overweight and obesity
o Musculoskeletal and functional health
o Cancer
o Mental Health and Risks of Exercise and PA

Exam Format:

Multiple Choice:

There will be 50 multiple choice questions, each worth one point. Questions will be taken primarily from
slide presentations. If, after reviewing the slides, you are unclear about a topic, please refer back to the
assigned readings for clarification. If you are still unclear, please feel free to ask me.


There will be 2 essay questions on the exam, each worth 25 points. Essays will be graded on the basis of:
Accuracy (10 points); Completeness (10 points); and Clarity (5 points). Two of the following essay
questions will be on the test.

1. Please list or draw the different layers of the social-ecological model of health behavior. Next, select
two different layers of the model and give an example of how each one can impact physical activity

2. Please define what epidemiology is. Next, please describe how the field of physical activity and
health has benefitted from taking an epidemiological approach.

3. Please briefly and accurately describe the concept of compressed morbidity. Next, please describe
the relationship between compressed morbidity and national security. Lastly, please describe the
relationship between physical activity and compressed morbidity.

4. Using the figure below, please describe the dose-response relationship between physical activity and
5. Describe what it means to have “health disparities.” Next please identify two examples of
disparities in health that we have discussed in class. Lastly, please describe the role of equity
and equality as they relate to health disparities.
4. Using the figure below, please describe the dose-response relationship between physical activity and

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