Exhibit 151-2014.10.17 TG Email To Balch, Drummond and SP Meetings With ADEM About NPL and Status of PA

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Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-66 Filed 07/21/18 Page 1 of 2

From: Trey clenn <lglenn@6ecllcnet>

To: Andrarys, Blake
GC: JorEs, Curt: Joel Gilbsrt; Scott Phillips
sent: 31412015 3i27i22 PM
Subject: Re: BillirE


Looking forward to talking to you soon. The following are the main categories of ongoing items that we are
working on.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

IIPL Respome - Ibchnicel Support

Finalizing sampling report - data validation

Working with legal team on stratery development and implementation, including presenthg altematives, analysis
and outcomes of EPA's CERCLA process

Community and Stakeholder Engegemcnt

Community - positioning listening coordinating with legal tearn regarding messaging and ottrer specific actions
ADEM - active conyersations with ADEM and EMC (inctuding NPL and PA)
City - active conversaiions v/ith city officials (primadty in positioning phase)
Industry Groups - active coordination with industry groups regarding EPNs actions and policy interpretations and
consequences to industry and the economy

EPA Clean Up Monitoring

Actively monitoring emergency response clean up activities, can provide detailed reports as n€cessary

Ihrrant PA
Preliminary review of irformation and coordination with legal team
Preparation of map around facility of available information for future analyses
Awaiting receipr of facility information from legal team prior to taking next steps of review

On Wed Mar 4, 2015 at l1:02 AIVI, Andrews, Blake 9\ndgw@drumrng!dgq&9!q> wrote'


I bave a oall tornorrow to discuss ritl

Travelers bort to handle past billirg and will bllo*' up nit! you after ttrat. Travelers
has been clear though that future bilirgs xill need daily entries describirg thc wo* ad time billed. AIso, rvhn )'ou get a
ohanoc, pleaso respond to my quostion concs-ing r*'ht SEC is cunently workiog on. Thanl6.


F rorn : Trey Glenn [mailto : tglennirT.:se c l[ c ne

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Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-66 Filed 07/21/18 Page 2 of 2

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