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Recruitment process in outlook



Submitted to

Jiwaji University


For the partial fulfillment of the award of Master of Business



Submitted By

Ragini Sen



This is to certify that, this Summer Internship Report entitled “RECRUITMENT IN OUTLOOK

GROUP” submitted to Prestige Institute of Management Gwalior, as a requirement for the

award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration, is a bonafide record of work

carried out by me under the supervision of Mr. Ajay Kumar S i n gh , Deputy Manager Outlook

Publishing India Pvt Ltd. The contents of this report, in full or in parts, have not been

submitted to any other Institute or University for the award of any degree or diploma.

Date: Ragini Sen


This is to certify that Miss. Ragini Sen Student of MBA program has completed her summer
training of 6 Weeks from 25-May-2018 to 10-July-18 and prepared this report entitled
Recruitment process in Outlook under my guidance.
His/ her performance during the training was excellent.

(Signature of Faculty Guide…………………………….)
Name of Faculty Guide

Behind every achievement lies an unfathomable sea of gratitude to those who have extended
their support and without whom it would never have come into existence. To them we say our
words of gratitude.

This report bears sincere thanks to several people who have made the contribution towards its

I would like to express my gratitude to Prestige Institute of Management Gwalior for including
internship program as a credit course which has provided an opportunity to gain practical
working experience in the organization

I would also like to acknowledge the support and guidance of Mr. Ajay Patel, Deputy Manager
and Miss. Parul, Team Leader Outlook Publishing India Pvt Ltd. Without their help and
encouragement it would have been practically impossible to complete this project.

Last but not least I am also thankful to the Professor Amrita Shrivastava, faculty guide who have
extended her kind help, guidance and suggestion without which it could not have been possible
for me to complete this report.

Ragini Sen

Prestige Institute of Management

Table of Content
 Declaration
 Certificate from faculty guide ii
 Certificate from the industry vii
 Acknowledgement viii
 Table of content v
Chapter 1: Introduction to organization
 Industry Profile

 History of organization

 About outlook publication

Chapter 2: SWOT analysis

 SWOT analysis
Chapter 3: Introduction to Topic

 Project topic: Recruitment

 Steps in recruitment process

 Recommendations and Suggestions

 Challenges faced by HR in recruitment process

 Learning and Experience

 Conclusion

 Annexure
Print M edia

Print Media, as anyone can understand is one of the most important factors coming through in
the way a nation works. Newspapers, magazines, books etc. are read by a lot of people and are
certainly one of the most trusted mediums of National and International News.
India has a vast array of Print Media with Thousands of Magazines and Newspapers in
circulation. Top Notch Journalism, great reporting, press unity and a very strong network is what
makes Print Media so much of a success even today in the age of Television and the Internet. It
is also said that Print Media also helped literacy and undoubtedly the General Knowledge of the
average person in India.
The newspaper with the largest Circulation in India is Dainik Jagran, having near about Two
million readers. Next comes Times of India, an English newspaper, followed by Dainik Bhaskar,
another Hindi Newspaper.
India has a lot of regional newspapers and magazines as well in a lot of languages. Therefore
there is something out there for everyone to read!

The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry is a sunrise sector for the
economy and is making high growth strides. Proving its resilience to the world, the Indian M&E
industry is on the cusp of a strong phase of growth, backed by rising consumer demand and
improving advertising revenues. The industry has been largely driven by increasing digitization
and higher internet usage over the last decade. Internet h a s a l m o s t b e c o m e a
m a i n s t r e a m m edi a f o r entertainment for most of the people.

The Indian media & entertainment sector is expected to grow at a Compound Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.3 per cent to touch Rs 2.26 trillion (US$ 33.9 billion) by 2020, while

revenues from advertising is expected to grow at 15.9 per cent to Rs 99,400 crore (US$ 14.91
billion).Over FY 2015-20, radio will likely grow at a CAGR of 16.9 per cent, while digital
Advertising w i l l g r o w s a t 3 3 . 5 per c e n t . The l a r g e s t s e g m e n t , I n d i a ’ s
t e l e v i s i o n industry, i s
Expected to grow at a CAGR of 15 per cent, while print media is expected to grow at a CAGR
8.6 per cent. India is one of the highest spending and fastest growing advertising market globally.
The country’s expenditure on advertising is estimated at 15.5 per cent in 2016, and is expected to
grow by 11.2 per cent in 2017, based on various media events like T20 Cricket World Cup, the
Indian Premier Le a gu e ( IPL) an d State elections. Television segment, which continues to
hold highest share of spending, is expected to grow by 12.3 per cent in 2016 and 11 per cent in
2017, led by increased spending by packaged consumer goods brands and e-commerce companies.

The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows in the Information and Broadcasting (I&B) sector
(including Print Media) in the period April 2000 – December 2016 stood at US$ 6.3 billion, as
per data released by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).

With a number of international magazines expanding operations in India, the market is

expected to continue growing, in spite of the growth of digital, mobile and social media.
Business magazines are by far the most common and popular in India, followed by
Entertainment (Bollywood), current affairs, fashion and travel
Concepts such as integrated newsroom, One India, and capacity sharing are emerging
in the industry.
Growth in Tier II and Tier III cities is providing a steady impetus to the Indian print
Emerging economies such as China, India, Russia and South Africa will see the fastest
growth in B2B magazines.
between 2013 and 2018, India is projected to be the second fastest growing advertising
market in Asia.
Readership Survey

Indian Readership Survey – IRS

The Readership Studies Council of India (RSCI), formed jointly by the Media Research Users
Council (MRUC) and the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), has announced the launch of the
world’s largest continuous survey of media usage, product consumption and ownership – Indian
Readership Survey (IRS).

The survey increased its sample size by 40% at an ‘An l India’ level, targeting a total of 3.30
laky respondents, across 91 Individual Districts and 101 District Clusters. Speaking on the
launch of the IRS 2016, I Venkat, Chairman, MRUC said, “The Indian Readership Survey is one
of the most definitive surveys for print media; consumer demographic profiling and
product consumption habits, anywhere in the world. India is one of those unique markets where
the print medium is growing consistently even though we are on the brink of a digital
revolution. After consultations with all relevant stakeholders we have finalized our research design
and begun the field work. IRS is the only industry recognized readership and consumer profiling
survey in the country and the team has worked hard to ensure it meets the high standards
expected of it.” To ensure reliability of the IRS, the technical committee has enhanced the
process of back-checks and included a third party auditor for monitoring the end to end
process of survey design and quality control checks. The survey has also added numerous safety
enhancement layers, powered by technology. Some of these include a tracker for GPS
locations of interviewers, enhanced
Audio recording and electronically addressed forms.
About RSCI

The Readership Studies Council of India (RSCI) is an industry body formed jointly by the Media
Research Users Council (MRUC) and the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) to bring out the
Indian Readership Survey (IRS).

About MRUC

Media Research Users Council (MRUC) is an industry body created with the purpose of
providing its members with credible and consistent research enabling critical marketing and
business decisions. Established in 1994, the C o u n c i l h a s members r e p r e s e n t i n g
a d v e r t i s e r s , agencies, publishers and broadcasting industries.

About ABC

ABC, founded in 1948, is a not-for-profit organization certifying circulation figures for member
publications, through a process of audit.

P rofile of Rajan Raheja Group

The Rajan Raheja Group is led by Mr. Rajan Raheja, a renowned businessman involved in the
Real Estate Development business for over 3 decades. The company diversified into
manufacturing and financial services over the last two decades. The emphasis is on setting up
focused companies, which aim to be profitable leaders in their respective fields with a long term
outlook. All Group Companies are professionally managed by independent CEOs.

Most of the Group Companies has a leading position in Market share, Technology, Brand,
Distribution or Profitability.

It's an entrepreneurial journey that has spanned both 'old' and 'new' economies -- building
successful brick-and-mortar businesses to exploring the frontier world of convergence
technologies. The Rajan Raheja Group made its beginning in the construction business. After
building a huge presence in the realty market, the Group diversified laterally into manufacturing,
financial services and media -- each venture initiated, and executed, to fulfill the objective of
Assuming leadership in core areas.

The list of the Group's successes is long and eclectic.

H&R Johnson (India) Limited is the top name in ceramic tiles in India.
Exide is the strongest brand of batteries in the automotive and industrial field.
Co-promoters of Supreme Petrochem Ltd. along with Supreme Industries Ltd,
largest processor of plastic materials in India.
The Group also joined hands with Oberoi Hotels as co-promoters of Trident
Hotels and luxury resort Rajvilas, which Coned Nast Traveler ranked as one of the
25 best villa hideaways in the world.
Prism Cement Ltd. has a production capacity of 2.5 million tonnes.
The Group is a Co-promoter of Sonata Software Ltd, one of the leading
software companies in India.
as owners and operators of a fiber optic cable network in Kerala through Asia net
Satellite Communications, the group is also a significant stakeholder in the
growing convergence business in India.
Co-promoters of RMC Ready-mix (India) Pvt. Ltd. along with RMC Group plc,
U.K, the world’s largest manufacturer of Ready-mixed concrete.
Hathaway Cable & Dotcom Pvt. Ltd has extensive cable network in 6 major
cities and 7 large towns across India.
Globes Stores Pvt Ltd. is India’s one of the largest apparel brand chain.
A 50% JV with the ING group of Netherlands in ING Life Insurance. The venture
is already the 5th largest insurer in India.
Rajan Raheja Group Companies

In October 1995, group company Hatchway Investments Private Limited entered the print media.
OUTLOOK, a weekly newsmagazine headed by Lt.Vinod Mehta, galvanized a sluggish market
reeling under the impact of satellite TV.
OUTLOOK quickly carved a significant niche for itself among discerning readers who value its
in-depth, investigative reporting as well as its stylish visual format. Known to be fiercely
independent, OUTLOOK has shaken the establishment on events ranging from Kargil to
Kashmir to cricket, sensitized the reading public to important issues like big dams, education and
gender, and provided an unremitting focus on South Asian geopolitics.
Today, OUTLOOK is the preferred magazine of 1.5 million readers in India, and sells more than
11.2 million Copies over the year.

OUTLOOK is o n e o f India’s f o u r t o p -selling English weekly newsmagazines. OUTLOOK's

competitors a r e India Today & Readers D i g e s t . Currently it has several magazines like
OUTLOOK Business, OUTLOOK Money, Outlook Traveler, Outlook Weekly and
Outlook Hindi.

Geographical presence:

Outlook is present in both PAN and urban India, with annual turnover of Rs.10 crore (approx.)
Having over 4.8 million subscribers.

Vision of the company

To be the largest and most profitable magazine publisher in India.

To be the first choice of customers, people and investors.

Mission of the company

Leadership through empowering individual thoughts.

Delighting customers by offering quality products and services through a process of
innovation and adaptation.
Build a dynamic team of committed and passionate employees through sustained learning
And grooming.
Develop mutually beneficial relationship with business partners.
Employ cost-effective processes and thereby create a strong organization.
SWOT Analysis of the Company

● Published on Fridays so it covers special news and events which take place especially on
Friday. News of stock market as it closes on Friday, courts close on Fridays and also new movies
are released on Friday. Hence it is the biggest strength for outlook.

● Outlook magazines also cover international financial market.

● It had been famous for sensational stories like the “Kargil Bungle” and the “match fixing

● It offers very good subscription schemes with highly attractive gifts with them.

● It has distinguished and specialized magazine like Outlook Traveler, Outlook Money.

● Outlook traveler has been awarded international awards for best selling magazine.

● The survey has shown that 93% of readers retain all past issues of Outlook Money and this is
its distinguishing characteristic.


● Outlook has just been for thirteen years in publication.

● It is on a back hand from India today Hindi in Market share of Hindi magazines.

● From the survey it has come out that the Quality of content is not good.

● Even magazine’s paper quality, print quality and coverage have not been considered up to the

● Price of some magazine is high.

● Customer perception about Outlook serves to a political party.

● It takes four weeks in delivering the first copy.


● As Outlook has distinguished products like Outlook Traveller and Outlook Money, so the
company should focus more on it.

● As its near competitor India today has major market share in Hindi magazine segment so
Outlook should focus on English magazin segment.

● Should focus on quality of the content and this will eventually turn up the sales and popularity
of the magazine. Keep offering good Promotional schemes to retain their customers and also to
attract new ones.

● Outlook can increase its product line by launching new magazines with some innovative


● India today is its near competitor which has a well-known name and it has been in this
publication business for more than thirty years.

● India today Hindi covers major market share leaving little future prospect for Outlook Hindi.

● Outlook does not pays much attention on customer retention.

● Perception of readers that Outlook favors congress party and does not write anything against it.

Recruitment is the process by which organizations locate and attract individuals to fill job vacancies. Most

organizations have a continuing need to recruit new employees to replace those who leave or are promoted in order to

acquire new skills and promote organizational growth.

Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the

staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate

effective selection of an efficient workforce.”

Recruitment is a ‘linking function’, joining together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. It is a ‘joining

process’ in that it tries to bring together job seekers and employer with a view to encourage the former to apply

for a job with the latter. In order to attract people for the jobs, the organization must communicate the position in

such a way that job seekers respond. To be cost effective, the recruitment process should attract qualified applicants

and provide enough information for unqualified persons to self-select themselves out. Thus, the recruitment process

begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of

applicants from which new employees are selected


The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons / situation:

 Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death and labor turnover.

 Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of business activities of an

enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification.


The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates. Specifically, the

purposes are to:

 Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on conjunction with its personnel-planning and

job analysis activities.

 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

 Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or

overqualified job applicants.

 Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a

short period of time.

 Meet the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its work force.

 Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

 Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.

 Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.


The following are the most commonly used methods of recruiting people.


This refers to the filling of job vacancies from within the business - where existing employees are selected rather than

employing someone from outside.

A business might decide that it already has the right people with the right skills to do the job, particularly if its training

and development programme has been effective.

Promotions and Transfers

This is a method of filling vacancies from within through transfers and promotions. A transfer is a lateral

movement within the same grade, from one job to another. It may lead to changes in duties and responsibilities,

working conditions, etc., but not necessarily salary. Promotion involves movement of employee from a lower

level position to a higher level position accompanied by changes in duties, responsibilities, status and value.

Job Posting

Job posting is another way of hiring people from within. In this method, the organization publicizes job opening on

bulletin boards, electronic method and similar outlets. One of the important advantages of this method is that it offers a

chance to highly qualified applicants working within the company to look for growth opportunities within the


Employee Referrals

Employee referral means using personal contacts to locate job opportunities. It is a recommendation from a current

employee regarding a job applicant. Employees working in the organization are encouraged to recommend the

names of their friends, working in other organizations for a possible vacancy in the near future. In fact, this

has become a popular way of recruiting people in the highly competitive industry nowadays. Companies offer

rich rewards also to employees whose recommendations are accepted.


This refers to the filling of job vacancies from outside the business. Most businesses engage in external recruitment

fairly frequently, particularly those that are growing strongly, or that operate in industries with high staff turnover

Campus Recruitment

It is a method of recruiting by visiting and participating in college campuses and their placement centers.

Here the recruiters visit reputed educational institutions with a view to pick up job aspirants having requisite

technical or professional skills.


These include advertisements in newspapers; trade, professional and technical journals; radio and television; etc. The

ads generally give a brief outline of the job responsibilities, compensation package, prospects in organizations,

etc. This method is appropriate when (a) the organization intends to reach a large target group and (b) the

organizations wants a fairly good number of talented people – who are geographically spread out.

Employment Agencies

These businesses specialize in recruitment and selection. They often specialize in recruitment for specific sectors (e.g.,

finance, travel, secretarial). They usually provide a shortlist of candidates based on the people registered with the

agency. They also supply temporary or interim employees.

Recruitment Consultancies

Companies give their manpower requirements to Placement & Recruitment Consultants who undertake the job of

identifying suitable candidates for the Company.

Unsolicited Applicants / Walk-ins

Companies generally receive unsolicited applications from job seekers at various points of time; the number of

such applications depends on economic conditions, the image of the company and the job seeker’s perception

of the types of jobs that might be available etc. Such applications are generally kept in a data bank and

whenever a suitable vacancy arises, the company would intimate the candidates to apply through a formal



Manpower planning is done to identify the vacancies arising out of business needs. Each department undertakes

manpower planning every year. Manpower planning may be necessitated due to separation in the form of resignation,

termination, transfers etc., expansion / reorganization, time bound jobs of temporary nature / leave vacancies,

retirements (premature or on attaining the 58 years of age). Annual manpower budget, including current staff strength,

is prepared by the Business Head and approved by the Budget Committee comprising of Business Heads / Corporate

Heads / JMD and the Chairman.


The department head identifies the need for hiring based on Manpower Hiring Plan (Manpower Budget). The vacancies

can be arising due to resignations, terminations and retirement of employees.


The department head review the requirement for the position and the need to fill the vacancy. He checks whether the

requirement is as per Manpower Hiring Plan (Manpower Budget). Then, Head of the Department raise a Manpower

Requisition Form in a standardized format and forward the copy of MRF to the CEO for approval. The Department

Head along with HR Manager check whether the hiring requirement is for an existing role or a new role. If the

requirement is for existing role then the Department Head forward the MRF to the HR Department. If the requirement

is for a new role, then the Department Head create Job Description for the role in a standard format and forward it with

the MRF to the HR Department to start the recruitment process.


The HR Executive considers and assesses the best way of attracting a pool of suitably qualified candidates, who will

meet the needs of the business. Depending on the nature of the position/grade, volumes of recruitment and any other

relevant factors, the Regional HR would use any one or multiple sources such as:
o Employee referral as per any company scheme that may be approved from time to time

o Advertisement in the internet/newspapers/magazines/company’s sites/job sites or any other media

o Placement Agencies / Consultants

o Direct recruitment from campuses/academic institutes;

A list of resourceful / quality consultants with agreed rate of commission is prepared by the HR Executive based on

specialization in the manufacturing Industry, past history, market reputation and ability to deliver.


The HR Executive forward the JD’s to the placement consultants and collect the resumes or profiles from all the



The HR Executive screen the resumes as per JDs and MRF and shortlist profile fit. He verifies whether the candidate

has appeared for an interview with the company previously from the application database. If the candidate has appeared

for an interview previously, then review the feedback from the Interview Assessment Form (IAF) and other documents



The HR Executive forward all the HR-Short listed resumes to concerned HOD with resume snapshot attached in mail

with a copy to VP function, Head HR and Manager HR. The Concerned HOD shortlists the candidates to be called for

an interview as per requirement for the Job and forwards the list to HR Department. The HR Executive prepares the

Interview Calendar and forwards it to the Concerned HOD and HR Manager with copy to HR Head and VP function.

The HR Executive obtains a tentative schedule from Concerned HOD and Head HR for interviewing the candidates. He

asks the consultants to line up the short listed candidates on scheduled interview date. Regular follow up is to be done

with candidates by the HR Executive to ensure 100% participation.


The HR Executive in consultation with the concerned department will set up an interview panel consisting of HR Head

/ Manager and Department Head / Manager. On the date of Interview, the HR Executive circulates the Application

Blank and Travel Reimbursement Form to the candidates for procuring information about the candidate. The HR

Executive forwards the Interview Assessment Sheet to the Interview Panel. The interview panel assesses the candidate

based on the factors mentioned below, in a prescribed format and gives its recommendations for approval.

 Attitude

 Knowledge

 Communication

 Experience

 Team spirit

 Loyalty expectation

 Initiative

The HR Executive coordinates the interview process. The HR Executive collects all filled TRF’s with Original bills

(Tickets) from the candidates and gets those forms approved by HR Head and forward the approved TR list along with

the filled Travel Reimbursement Forms and original bills to the Finance and Accounts for processing.

If the candidate is rejected, the HR Executive communicates the same to the candidate and files the Interview

Assessment Sheet, application blank along with resume of candidate in the Application Database.

The Concerned HOD and Head HR make verbal offer to the shortlisted candidate and discuss other terms and

conditions of employment. If the candidate accepts the offer then conduct reference check for the prospective employee

(Via telephone, Mail).


If the shortlisted candidate rejects the offer due to salary reasons, the HR Head renegotiate salary with the candidate, if

suitable, along with other terms and conditions.


Reference checks of the final short listed candidate are conducted by Head-HR. The candidate is asked to mention in

his application blank, the names and addresses of two or more persons who know him well. These may be his previous

employers, heads of education institutions or public figures. These people are requested to provide their frank opinion

about the candidate without incurring any liability. The opinion of referees can be useful in judging the future behavior

and performance of candidate. If the result of reference check is positive then continue with the induction process. If

the result of reference check is negative, then withdraw the offer and send rejection letter to the candidate.


The selected candidate will be given an intent letter with prescribed details as given below:

 Functional Band Position for which selected.

 Place of initial Posting

 Expected Date of Joining.

 Advise for medical examination.

 Details of the testimonials and other documents to be submitted at the time of joining.

 Acceptance by the selected candidate


The selected candidate is sent for a medical checkup at reputed hospitals before final selection / issuance of letter of

intent or after final selection / issuance of letter of intent. In case the candidate is declared unfit for employment the

offer / intent letter will stand cancelled.


On the date of joining the employee is issued an appointment letter by the HR Head. The appointment letter include all

the terms and conditions governing employment including Designation, Department, Salary & Scale of Pay, Date of

appointment, Probation, Medical Fitness, Retirement, Termination of Services, Secrecy, Transfer etc. All new joiners

undergo an induction program as per requirement soon after joining the organization. Induction program is done by HR

Department in consultation and involvement of concerned department / other departments. During the process of

induction, the new member is briefed about the following:

1. Company Profile & Products

2. Geographical familiarization

3. Organizational Policy & Procedures

4. Socialization with department rituals.

5. Employee Involvement activities

6. The induction process shall begin by verification of the following original merit certificates wherever

applicable subject to the level of hiring:

 Educational certificates

 Proof of date of birth

 Four passport sized photographs of self

 One passport sized photographs (each) of spouse, dependent children (if applicable) for medical insurance


 Relieving letter from the previous employer (If the relieving letter is not available, declaration regarding

resignation shall be obtained from the candidate)

 Copy of experience certificates for all the previous employments (if applicable)

 Salary slips certificate from the previous employer

 TDS certificate and Form 16 from previous employer (or Salary certificate)

 Copies of certificates and testimonials

 Nomination and other documents pertaining to provident fund, gratuity


Compress the "white space" in your hiring process

White Spaces are delays in hiring process that are unproductive, waste time, and virtually assure you'll lose talented

candidates. Often the longest delays occur between critical selection events. For example, a recruiter may need several

weeks to screen a few resumes from the Web job boards, or candidates who make it through screening may wait weeks

to interview with a hiring manager.

Here at Escorts Construction Equipment Limited, the delays occur when the outstation candidates are called for

interviews at Regional branches like Delhi and Faridabad. Sometimes, because of busy schedule of senior managers

and sometimes because of tight schedule of candidate, the interview has to be postponed. This delay could be

minimized by scheduling interviews in the regional locations. It is recommended to reduce the turnaround time for the

recruitment and selection process. It must be made mandatory for the candidates to take the test, filling up forms etc

within the stipulated time, this will make sure that the candidates do not hold casual attitude and take the recruitment

process more seriously. Additionally it will send across a positive image about the company.

Tie up with more & more consultants from multiple segments

Since the limited placement agencies are sourcing candidates to all construction companies, there often comes the

problem of duplication of data. Therefore it is recommended that more and more consultants should be tied up from

multiple segments to attract large pool of new and fresh talent.

Know what you're looking for in candidates

It is observed that the candidates sourced by placement agencies and send for further rounds of interviews are rarely

found suitable by the hiring managers. Therefore it is recommended that these placement agencies be given a well

drafted job description and job specification. This can also be circulated to internal employees under the employee

referral scheme. This will help people to get a clearer picture and provide for most suitable candidates.

Reduce the pre offer formalities

Pre-offer documentation includes filling of a lengthy Application Blank which includes all personal, educational and

professional details of candidate. This is very time consuming and even after taking these details from candidate it’s not

sure that offer will be made or not..


The major challenges faced by the HR in recruitment are:

Adaptability to Globalization

The HR professionals are expected and required to keep in tune with the changing times, i.e. the changes taking place

across the globe. HR should maintain the timeliness of the process

Lack of Motivation

Recruitment is considered to be a thankless job. Even if the organization is achieving results, HR department or

professionals are not thanked for recruiting the right employees and performers.

Process Analysis

The immediacy and speed of the recruitment process are the main concerns of the HR in recruitment. The process

should be flexible, adaptive and responsive to the immediate requirements. The recruitment process should also be cost


Strategic Prioritization

The emerging new systems are both an opportunity as well as a challenge for the HR professionals. Therefore,

reviewing staffing needs and prioritizing the tasks to meet the changes in the market has become a challenge for the

recruitment professionals.

Attracting Highly Talented Ones

The number of highly talented professionals is less. All the big MNC's are trying to attract these people with high

salaries, perks, incentives etc. There is a tough competition among these companies to get these candidates on their

roles. These days, it’s not just salaries which will pull the candidate in but various factors like brand, culture, location,

job security, reputation of the company etc play a major role in recruiting a talented professional.

The following trends are being seen in recruitment process:


The recruitment is one of the leading functions that organization outsourced. The outsourcing firms help the

organization by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs of the organization and creating a suitable

pool of talent for the final selection by the organization. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by

employing people for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. This practice helps

the organization in reducing time and costs in recruitment.


“Buying talent” (Rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the organizations today. Poaching

means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same or

different industry; the organization might be a competitor in the industry. Head Hunting means you attract the employ

of your choice from competitors by the way offering lucrative packages for beginning the work for your organization.

A company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions,

better than the current employer of the candidate. Indian software and the retail sector are the facing the most severe

brunt of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle poaching, as it

weakens the competitive strength of the firm.


Internet has created revolution in recruitment and selection process. E- Recruitment is the use of technology to assist

the recruitment process. Today aspirants having global mindset and information on opening are available online with

placement consultant website, companies website, city line websites and other portal. The job seekers send their

applications through mail using the Internet. Organizations are collecting database whole of the year through this and

exercising this to its level best. This will help in time and money cost for the companies and for aspirants it is easier to

access it on 24/7.

This programmed bridges the gap between concepts reinforced in class room and real corporate and

environmental situation. Corporate having opportunity to evaluate students for long term

perspectives. Internship programmed is undertaken in the discipline concerned.


Every endeavor undertaken to accomplish challenging goals, can only be successful under the experienced and

encouraging guidance. I am privileged to have undergone training at Escorts Construction Equipment Limited. As

learning never stops, my learning at ECEL has come from a lot of exposure, on the job training and close interaction

with the HR department. In brief my learning’s and achievements can be summarized as under:

o Observed the Interview Process for Product Support & Sales vacancy.

o Understanding of profiles.

o Following up with the candidates during the recruitment process.

o Communicating with the HR Manager regarding the process.

o Help in the coordination of training for workers and managers.

o Learnt the effective use of communication tools.


Success of every business enterprise depends on its human resource. Recruiting and selecting the right people for your

business is a challenge. Finding the right man for the job and developing him into a valuable resource is an

indispensable requirement of every organization. Proper recruitment helps the line managers to work most effectively

in accomplishing the primary objective of the enterprise. In order to harness the human energies in the service or

organizational goals, every HR manager is expected to pay proper attention to recruitment and selection activities in an

organization. Thus, personnel functions recruitment and selection, when carried out properly, would enable the

organization to hire and retain the services of the best brains in the market.

The recruitment process inform qualified individuals about employment opportunities, create a

positive image of the company, provide enough information about the jobs so that applicants can make comparisons

with their qualifications and interests, and generate enthusiasm among the best candidates so that they will apply for the

vacant positions. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. It is

through recruitment that many individuals will come to know a company, and eventually decide whether they wish to

work for it.



Name of the company Outlook Publishing

Industry Type Print and Media

Name of Respondent Ajay Kumar – Manager HR

Instruction : Kindly underline / highlight your choice

1. Do you have a clearly stated Recruitment & Selection Policy?

-- Yes -- No

-- To some extent

2. Which recruitment source do you use for recruitment?

-- Internal -- External

-- Both

3. What are the external sources you use for the recruitment?

-- Advertisement -- Employee Referrals

-- Job Portals -- Placement Consultants

-- Direct Applicants -- Campus Recruitments

4. Does ECEL adopts Internal Recruitment Source i.e. Transfer, promotion or employee referrals?

-- Yes -- No

If Yes, then for which type of post

5. Potential Candidates in the organization are generated through the following recruitment


(Rank them based on the number and quality of candidates generated and also roughly

specify the percentage mix of each of the following sources adopted. For e.g. If the

organization get maximum quality candidates from Job Portals, then put ranking 1 and

percentage say for e.g. 40%.)

S No. Sources Ranking Percentage

1. Advertisements

2. Employee Referrals

3. Job Portals

4. Placement Consultants 1

5. Direct Applicants 3

6. Campus Recruitments 2

Any other sources, please


6. Rank the Qualities in the order of your preference on the basis of which you select the candidate.

S No. Qualities Ranking

1. Attitude 1

2. Experience 3

3. Knowledge 2

4. Communication 5

5. Loyalty Expectation 6

6. Present Ability 8

7. Initiative 4

8. Team Spirit 7

7. Is the estimation of Recruitment Process cost is done?

-- Yes -- No
8. What are the challenges you face while managing your manpower?

-- Attrition -- Recruitment
-- Replacement -- Absenteeism

-- Trade union -- Cost of non performance

9. What is the range of Attrition rate in the organization?

-- 1% - 5% -- 5% - 10%

-- 10% - 15% -- 15% - 20%

-- More than 20%

10. Rank the following reasons for attrition rate.

(1- Topmost Important Reason, 2, 3, 4, ….6- Least Important Reason)

S No. Reasons Ranking

1. Market Condition 2

2. Insufficient Salary Package 4

3. Inefficient Supervisor 3

4. Inappropriate Training & Development 5

5. Lack of Motivation 6

6. Higher studies and other personal reasons 1

7. Inept work environment 7

8. Others if any

11. Out of total recruitment in a year, what is the percentage of internal recruitment?

-- 0% - 5% -- 5% - 10%

-- 10% - 15% -- 15% - 20%

-- 20% - 25% -- More than 25%

12. What is the percentage of NO SHOWS? (Shortlisted candidates not turning up for joining job)

-- 0% - 5% -- More than 15%

-- 5% - 10% -- Not at all

-- 10% - 15%
Name of the Student: Ragini Sen
Course and Semester: M.B.A 3rd Sem. (E)
Batch: 2017-19
Specialization: Marketing
Name of Summer Training Organization: Outlook Group Magazine

Day Date Description of Work

1 25/05/2018 Introduction about company

2 26/05/2018 Learn about the work how can do the work

3 27/05/2018 Sunday

4 28/05/2018 Making different groups of students

5 29/05/2018 Make KJ Code to beginning the work

6 30/05/2018 We Can Start calling the customers for subscriptions the

7 31/05/2018 We can continue the calling of customers.

8 01/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

9 02/06/2018 We can call on follow ups and new customers.

10 03/06/2018 Sunday

11 04/06/2018 We can take new data of Customers

12 05/06/2018 We can learn how to talk Customers

13 06/06/2018 We call customers and convince them to take subscription

14 07/06/2018 We can take new data of Customers

15 08/06/2018 We Can Start calling the customers for subscriptions the

16 09/06/2018 We Can Start calling the customers for subscriptions the
17 10/06/2018 Sunday
18 11/06/2018 We call customers and convince them to take subscription

19 12/06/2018 We can take new data of Customers

20 13/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

21 14/06/2018 We can take new data of Customers

22 15/06/2018 We call customers and convince them to take subscription

23 16/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

24 17/06/2018 Sunday

25 18/06/2018 We Can Start calling the customers for subscriptions the

26 19/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

27 20/06/2018 We can take new data of Customers

28 21/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

29 22/06/2018 We call customers and convince them to take subscription

30 23/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

31 24/06/2018 Sunday

32 25/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

33 26/06/2018 We can take new data of Customers

34 27/06/2018 We Can Start calling the customers for subscriptions the

35 28/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

36 29/06/2018 We can try to make follow ups

37 30/06/2018 We call customers and convince them to take subscription

38 01/07/2018 Sunday

39 02/07/2018 We can take new data of Customers

40 03/07/2018 We call customers and convince them to take subscription

41 04/07/2018 We can take new data of Customers

42 05/07/2018 We call customers and convince them to take subscription

43 06/07/2018 We can try to make follow ups

44 07/07/2018 We call customers and convince them to take subscription

45 08/07/2018 Sunday

Name of the Faculty Guide: Prof. Amrita Shrivastava

Signature of Faculty Guide:

Name of the Student: Ragini Sen
Course and Section: MBA 3rd E
Weekly report for (Duration of Week): 6 WEEKS


25/05/18 26/05/18 Induction is done on both the days.


28/05/18 02/06/18 We get familiar with the prices of the

magazine. And also learn how to make
subscription of the magazine. Digital
subscription is done by us on behalf of
04/06/18 09/06/18 Data of old customers is given to us. We make
calls regarding subscription. We also make
calls to some hotels and educational institutes
regarding the sell of magazines.
11/06/18 16/06/18 Make calls and send mails to customers
regarding the renewal of their subscription of
outlook magazine.
18/06/18 23/06/18 Make calls and send mails to customers
regarding the renewal of their subscription of
outlook magazine.
25/06/18 30/06/18 Make calls and done a sale also. Mails are sent
to the customers regarding the promotion of
outlook special offer.
02/07/18 07/07/18 Make the promotional calls to the people who
are not aware about the magazines and special
offers of outlook.
Thanks and Regards,

Yours Sincerely

Ragini Sen

Name of the Student:

Date and Day when student reported first time:
Kindly give feedback for the following points
1. Whether the student have reported before he/she proceeded for summer training.
a. YES
b. NO

2. Whether the Student get the approval for Topic of Summer Training
a. YES
b. NO

3. Kindly mark the performance of the student for following Parameters on a scale of 1 to 5

a. Regularity and Punctuality during training including reporting and submission of Weekly
wok report

1 2 3 4 5
b. Openness for Learning and Acceptability of task allotted

1 2 3 4 5

C. Able to work in team

1 2 3 4 5

d. Behavior

1 2 3 4 5
e. Quality in work allotted

1 2 3 4 5

Overall Remark on Student performance




Name and Signature of Faculty Guide


The Training and Placement Officer
Prestige Institute of Management

Sub: Undertaking for the submission of training certificate

Respected Sir/ Ma’am
With reference to the above cited subject kindly note that I have not received my summer Training
certificate from the organization. Kindly note that I will submit my Certificate on or before
……………………………. .Failing to which Training and Placement department have full
authority to cancel my summer training.

Kindly consider and oblige.

Thanks and Regards,


Yours Sincerely

(Name and Signature of the Student)

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