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Iulian Stratan

HOW AND WHERE SHOULD I dysfunction (cardiogenic shock) or oxygen

MEASURE ARTERIAL PRESSURE IN neither reached nor being effectively extracted
by cells, probably because of arteriovenous
shunting or abnormalities in cellular metabolism
DOES IT MEAN? (distributive shock) (2). In response to shock,
three systems are stimulated to maintain CO by
Shock results from poor tissue perfusion maintaining preload: sympathetic stimulation,
and tissue hypoxia from inadequate circulatory release of vasopressin, and formation of
compensations needed to sustain acutely angiotensin II. The resulting action is increased
increased body metabolism. In critically ill venoconstriction and heart rate. However, these
patients, tissue hypoxia is due to disordered compensatory systems fail overtime due to an
regional distribution of blood flow both between inflammatory process with vasodilatation. The
and within organs. Briefly, oxygen bound to microcirculation is adversely affected, with
hemoglobin is transported in the red blood cell maldistribution of blood flow. Organ blood flow
by a convective process (cardiac output - CO) to and organ perfusion pressure are regulated by
the tissue, where it dissociates from hemoglobin two control mechanisms. The first, extrinsic,
to reach the mitochondria. In the normal state, involves a complex interaction of vasomotor
oxygen delivery DO2 =1,34 x Hb x CO x SaO2 effects between opposing neurohormonal
+ 0.003 X PaO2 where 1.34 is the amount of system. The second, intrinsic mechanism, organ
oxygen carried by 1g of hemoglobin, Hb is the autoregulation, depends on changes in afferent
hemoglobin concentration, SaO2 is the arterial arteriolar tone in response to the organ perfusion
oxygen saturation and 0.003 is the solubility of pressure itself. Below the autoregulatory
oxygen in plasma) is more than sufficient to meet thresholds, organ blood flows become linearly
oxygen consumption (VO2) demands of all tissue dependent on perfusion pressure. Because
and organs. Under a given level of oxygen hemodynamic factors such as volume depletion,
transport, VO2 begins to decline and becomes low cardiac output or inappropriate
supply dependent. Then, this result, after turning vasodilatation resulting in systemic hypotension
to anaerobic glycolysis to generate adenosine may directly produce organ hypoperfusion
triphosphate, in lactic acidosis (1). through in organ perfusion pressure, organ
Oxygen deprivation states in critically ill autoregulation is disturbed in shock patients
patients are often referred as shock states. especially during sepsis. Therefore, therapy of
Basically, shock can be related to loss in oxygen patients in shock should be aimed at restoring
carrier (hemorrhage or anemia), impaired CO an adequate organ perfusion pressure (3). In
(CO=heart rate x stroke volume) due to summary, the perfusion pressure is an important
hypovolemia (hemorrhage) or cardiac determinant of regional blood flow. Despite
evident limitations, inadequate tissue perfusion

124 Timiºoara, 2006

leads to formation of serum lactate. Reduction divided in a pre-intervention phase and a post-
in lactate levels reflects probably the restoration intervention phase. During the pre-intervention
of organ blood flow, and is a good surrogate for phase, because the bleeding is uncontrolled, fluid
one of the best level of blood pressure in shock resuscitation may be detrimental. Hypotensive
state. resuscitation is preferred for patients with
Although there are other, more sophisticated, penetrating injuries. Indeed, in a prospective
definitions of shock – hypoperfusion and clinical trial, patients with penetrating torso
hypotension are key aspects of syndrome. injuries who presented a prehospital systolic
Measurement and monitoring of arterial blood blood pressure below 90 mmHg were assigned
pressure are therefore intrinsic to the diagnosis and to an immediate-resuscitation group aimed at
treatment of shock. maintaining systolic blood pressure above 100
In modern critical care practice virtually mmHg, hematocrit above 25%, and urinary
all shocked patients have invasive arterial blood output above 50 mL versus a delayed-
pressure monitoring. resuscitation group receiving cannulation but no
fluid resuscitation until they reached the
operating room (4). Systolic blood pressure was
APPROACHES TO MEASURING ABP kept at 79 ± 46 mmHg in the immediate-
resuscitation group, as compared with 72 ± 43
l Indirect (non – invasive) methods: mmHg in the delayed-resuscitation group (P =
u Sphygmomanometry: 0.02). Seventy percent of the patients in the
- palpatory method delayed-resuscitation group survived, as
- auscultatory method compared with 62% of those in the immediate-
u Oscillometric technique resuscitation group (P = 0.04). The duration of
u Finger plethysmography hospitalization was shorter in the delayed-
u External tonometry resuscitation group. The results of this study have
confirmed those obtained in experimental studies
l Direct (invasive) methods: (5,6). Interestingly, in a swine model of
u Intra-arterial catheter penetrating liver injury with loss of 40% of
- widely used in modern intensive estimated whole blood volume within 30
care minutes, mean arterial pressure was significantly
- radial artery the most common site higher after vasopressin versus epinephrine
- femoral artery increasingly used versus saline placebo (7). All epinephrine and
- brachial and axillary vessels saline placebo-treated animals died within 15
sometime used minutes after drug administration, whereas all
- used with modern high - fidelity vasopressin-treated animals survived. It was
disposable transducers concluded that vasopressin improved short-term
u Regarded as “GOLD STANDARD” survival after liver injury when surgical
u  Catheter type – transducers also intervention and fluid replacement were delayed.
available Despite several limitations, these experiments
deserve an assessment in clinical practice (8),
since increasing blood pressure with certain
OBJECTIVES FOR MEAN ARTERIAL vasopressors seems efficient on the survival.
PRESSURE It has been suggested therefore, that the
response to fluid resuscitation in blunt trauma
Objectives in Hemorrhagic Shock with solid-organ injuries is inherently different
from that in penetrating trauma with large-vessel
The best level of blood pressure has never injury. To prove this hypothesis, a rat model of
been defined in hemorrhagic shock. However, standardized liver injury was developed, and
the natural course of hemorrhagic shock can be resuscitation was achieved with various fluid

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regimens, including lactated Ringer’ solution, Objectives in Cardiogenic Shock
hypertonic sodium acetate (9). Survival time was
significantly longer in animals treated with The clinical definition of cardiogenic
hypertonic saline, while no difference was shock is decreased output and evidence of tissue
observed between animals receiving no hypoxia in the presence of adequate intravascular
resuscitation and those treated with different volume. Hemodynamic criteria are sustained
volumes of lactated Ringer’s solution. In this hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg
model, blood pressure was higher in the animals for at least 30 minutes or mean arterial pressure
treated with hypertonic saline. In contrast using < 30 mmHg below baseline value) and reduced
a massive splenic injury leading to uncontrolled cardiac index (< 2.2 L/min/m2) in the presence
hemorrhagic shock in adult male rats, the mean of elevated pulmonary capillary occlusion
survival time, if untreated, was approximately pressure (>15 mmHg) (12). In fact, under normal
127 minutes while infusion of bolus of fluid was conditions, the upstream pressure for perfusion
followed by a significant increase in blood loose of coronary arteries is aortic diastolic pressure.
from the injured spleen and a significant decrease The effective downstream or critical closing
in survival time. The authors concluded that pressure in the coronary circulation in unclear.
splenic injuries mimic large-vessel injuries. For the left ventricle subendocardium, the left
However, in their experiments, mean arterial ventricle end-diastolic pressure may be an
pressure was similar in untreated and treated accurate reflection of the downstream pressure.
animals (10). In conclusion, it is unclear which Consequently, aortic diastolic pressure should be
is the best level of blood pressure for the patients adjusted for maintaining at least an adequate
with hemorrhagic shock due to solid-organ
coronary perfusion pressure. Probably, blood
pressure should be maintained at the level which
The optimal level of blood pressure for
makes it possible to decrease the serum lactate
trauma patients during their intensive care unit
level without increasing the cardiac load
stay has never been investigated. Nevertheless,
work (13). In practice, guidelines for the
75 severely injured patients with shock resulting
management of patients with ST elevation
from bleeding and without major intracranial or
recommend a systolic blood pressure above 100
spinal cord trauma were randomized to
resuscitation, starting immediately after mmHg (14). Both, inotropic and vasopressor
admission, to either normal values of systolic agents have to be used if systolic blood pressure
blood pressure, urine output, base deficit, is below 80 mmHg (12).
hemoglobin, and cardiac index (control group)
or optimal values (cardiac index >4.5 L/min/m2, Objectives in Septicc Shock
ratio of transcutaneos oxygen tension to
fractional inspired oxygen > 200, oxygen Septic shock is defined by sepsis-induced
delivery index >600mL/min/m2, and oxygen hypotension requiring for vasopressors despite
consumption index >170 mL/min/m2; (optimal adequate fluid resuscitation. From the Surviving
group) (11). Despite these optimal values in the Sepsis Campaign guidelines, the end-points for
optimal group, the levels of blood pressure were initial resuscitation are: central venous pressure
similar in both groups. There was no difference from 8 to 12 mmHg, mean arterial pressure ³ 65
in rates of death, organ failure, sepsis, or the mmHg, urine output ³ 0,5 mL/kg/h, and central
length of intensive care unit or hospital stay venous (superior vena cava) or mixed venous
between the two groups. oxygen saturation ³ 70% (15).
In conclusion, there is a lack of firm data Unfortunately, there is a lack of end-point
that delineate the best level of blood pressure in for resuscitation during the following hours.
hemorrhagic shock. However, regarding the Vasopressors may be required when hypotension
results of studies on penetrating trauma, is persisting despite adequate fluid resuscitation
hypotension should be respected until bleeding using dynamic parameters. Increase blood
was controlled. pressure may restore organ blood flow by

126 Timiºoara, 2006

improving perfusion pressure. On the other hand, HOW CAN I ASSES WHETHER THE
one can hypothesize that stimulation of alpha CARDIAC OUTPUT IS APPROPRIATE
receptors leads to endothelial cell apoptosis,
worsening the picture of septic shock (16).
However, this issue remains conflicting since
Circulatory shock is defined by inadequate
when the endothelial cells die, they detach from
oxygen availability in the cell, and to
the vessel and are cleared from the circulation.
appropriately answer the title question, we must
Therefore it is difficult to determine how
extensive endothelial cell death really is. therefore focus on the circulation rather than on
The best level of mean arterial pressure of the heart. In other words, the interpretation of
65 mmHg has been shown to be physiologically the cardiac output, the question is less whether
equivalent to higher pressure (17,18). Indeed, in the heart functions well enough to provide an
a prospective, randomized, 14 septic shock adequate cardiac output than whether the cardiac
patients were randomly treated to achieve a mean output produced enables adequate blood flow to
arterial pressure of 65 mmHg by increasing the supply enough oxygen to the cells. The
dose of norepinephrine for a 4 hour-period (18). interpretation of an appropriate cardiac output
Increasing mean arterial pressure from 65 mmHg value will therefore include a number of
to 85 mmHg with norepinephrine resulted in a peripheral, as well as central elements.
significant increase in cardiac index from 4.8 to In fact, the appropriateness of the cardiac
5.8 L/min/m 2. Arterial lactate and oxygene output response can be assessed by considering
consumption did not change, as well as renal the response to three clinical and three biological
function variables. In conclusion, mean arterial questions:
pressure can be maintained at 65 mmHg in septic
shock patients. One should remind the limitations Clinical
of this clinical study. First, with longer periods
of evaluation, a time effect with spontaneous 1. How is the cutaneous perfusion? If blood
improvement of the studied variables related to flow to the skin is decreased, the skin will be
the natural history of the disease cannot be ruled vasoconstricted, mottled and cyanotic.
out, altthough the use of control group 2. How is the mental status? Cerebral
strengthens the findings of the present study since hypoperfusion is typically manifest by
patients in this group had an evolution that was obtundation and confusion (that are acute and
similar to that of the treated patiens. Secondly, otherwise unexplained)
the findings of the present study may not be 3. How is the urine output? Decreased
applicable to all patients. Older patients, patients renal blood flow is an early sign of inadequate
with a prior history of severe atherosclerosis, or cardiac output, and is associated with reduced
those with severe hypertension may have a wider diuresis.
range of pressure-dependent perfision. Organ
perfusion could be pressure-dependent over the Biological
range of 65-85 mmHg, and it is possible that this
group of patients could benefit from higher (e” 1. What is the blood lactate level? In severe
90 mmHg) levels of mean arterial pressure. shock, anaerobic metabolism will develop and
Thirdly, another limitation to the study is the results in hyperlactatemia associated with
sample size studied. The sample size studied was metabolic acidosis (due to the release of H+ ions
appropriate to test our hypothesis on the during ATP degradation). The normal lactate
physiologic variables evaluated. A far greater concentration is around 1 mEq/L, and
number of patients should be evaluated to hyperlactatemia is associated with a lactate
determine whether the level of mean arterial concentration above 1.5 to 2 mEq/L.
pressure reached has any influence on the Importantly, hyperlactatemia per se does not
survival of patients in septic shock.
mean that cardiac output is inadequate, as other

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abnormalities may contribute to hyperlactatemia and better assess tissue oxygenation (20), and
in septic shock. However, where shock is present, may in the future help in our assessment of the
an inadequate cardiac output, if severe, is always adequacy of cardiac output.
associated with hyperlactatemia. The presence of
hyperlactatemia should, therefore, act as a warning
signal of a potentially inadequate output. REFERENCES
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