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Unlock the Unknown with

Multispectral Imaging
Multispectral Imaging
Moves into the

Valerie C. Coffey

Advances in sensors,
filters and apertures
are driving the
evolution of
multispectral imaging
from expensive one-off
systems primarily for
military and defense
apps to affordable,
practical, commercial
systems for use in
everything from medical
imaging to satellite
remote sensing.

A multispectral image
from the DMCii satellite
identifies fresh
vegetation in Myanmar
(red), 2011. The UK-DMC-2
22-m obtained the image
from orbit using three
spectral bands: red,
green and NIR.

Courtesy of DMCii

1 | Ocean Optics E-book

Simultaneous imaging in multiple plications might need these wavelengths,
[A fused multispectral image]
wavelength bands across the spectrum but combining that spe-cific band into a
enables us to “see” details far beyond the multispectral system with another band
capa-bilities of the human eye. Combined poses significant engineering challenges.
with telescopes, multispectral imaging Applications between 2 and 3.5 μm are
(MSI) exposes the secrets of the uni-verse; usually quite specialized. For example,
combined with high-resolution micro- the detection of explosives and chemicals
scopes, it identifies hidden diseas-es. As falls into this category.
recently as 15 years ago, MSI was largely Standard definition imagers at 640 ×
limited to very expensive, bulky and cus- 512 pixels are the most common configu-
tom-built systems for laboratory and gov- rations for non-visible bands. Focal planes
Mission capability and operational
ernment applications. Systems in Earth with high-definition format (1,280 × 720
envelopes can be extended by
orbit required public funding because of performing imaging tasks later into or larger) are recent developments in sen-
the high cost associated with building the evening, for example, or from a sors other than visible charge-coupled
and launching them. Recent advances in longer range. devices (CCD) or complementary metal
shared apertures, sensors, filters and de- oxide semiconductors (CMOS). Such im-
Courtesy of Sensors Unlimited/Goodrich
sign have helped MSI evolve to more ac- agers can exploit large apertures since
cessible, affordable, compact systems for the large pixel size no longer limits spa-
commercial use. tial resolution. “Maintaining sensitivity in
Multispectral imaging combines two [The WESCAM 474HD] small pixels is an ongoing challenge for
to five spectral imaging bands of relative- focal plane manufacturers, as is incre-
ly large bandwidth into a single optical as-ing the dynamic range or well depth,”
system. A multispectral system usually says Olson.
provides a combination of visible (0.4 to Multispectral shared-aperture systems
0.7 μm), near infrared (NIR; 0.7 to 1 μm), provide a lot of benefit when they exploit
short-wave infrared (SWIR; 1 to 1.7 μm), disparate physical phenomena between
mid-wave infra-red (MWIR; 3.5 to 5 μm) reflected and thermally emitted target
or long-wave infrared (LWIR; 8 to 12 μm) signatures. Moreover, such systems also
bands into a single system. maximize spatial resolution. With a larger
Many electro-optic/infrared multi-spec- aperture, the sensor optics can support a
tral systems for intelligence, surveillance much longer focal length with true reso-
and reconnaissance (ISR) applications lution (i.e., not empty magnifi-cation) at
combine at least one reflec-tive-band the low f-numbers required for extreme-
(EO) sensor with one thermal-band (IR) ly sensitive detection and iden-tification
sensor. Visible, NIR and SWIR are usually The WESCAM 474HD is a large tasks common in ISR applica-tions. Mis-
shared-aperture SWIR and MWIR
considered EO bands and form images sion capability and operational envelopes
system recently developed at L-3
using reflected light from a target. MWIR Communications / Wescam-Sonoma. can be extended by perform-ing imaging
and LWIR are thermal IR bands, and they It uses a combination of reflective and tasks later into the evening, for example,
directly image the blackbody radiation refractive optics. An 11-in. shared- or from a longer range.
from a target. aperture front end supports both
spectral bands. The spectral light
paths are split, and more traditional Mission capability and
Multi- vs. shared aperture zooming (multiple field-of-view)
operational envelopes can
refractive optics complete the imaging
One way to categorize multispectral system. be extended by performing
systems is by aperture type, according
Courtesy of Sensors Unlimited/Goodrich
imaging tasks later into the
to Craig Olson, senior optical engineer at
L-3 Communications (Santa Rosa, Calif.,
ISR evening, for example, or
U.S.A.). Multi-aperture systems have one from a longer range.
window for each sensor, and sensors gen-
support much larger optical apertures for
erally do not share common optics; they Image fusion
have relatively uncomplicat-ed sensor de- the same overall system size.
signs but difficult packaging constraints. According to Olson, spectral systems MSI systems have an advantage in im-
Shared-aperture systems, in contrast, incorporating the 2- to 3.5-μm band are age fusion, says Olson, a capability that
combine as much of the opti-cal path as less common because both the atmo- has become accessible to many systems
possible among the various focal planes sphere and common optical glasses ab- in recent years. Th ey are compatible by
to minimize the size and weight of the to- sorb heavily in that region. Systems for design with image fusion and other ap-
tal system. Shared-aper-ture systems can scientific or industrial process control ap- plications that require close align-ment

2 | Ocean Optics E-book

of spatial information from two or more
spectral bands. While not provid-ing as
dense a dataset or “image cube” as a high-
end hyperspectral system, a multispectral
system combines just two panchromatic
data sets with diff erent insights into tar-
get characteristics to augment the infor-
mation contained in a snapshot or video
For example, when observing a parked
automobile, someone using thermal in-
frared can easily determine how long the
An enhanced image from the
car has been parked, if the engine is on,
Worldview satellite shows
and whether the air conditioner is run- the oil spill and clean-up
ning. However, since most common glass effort in the Gulf of Mexico
is opaque to the thermal infrared, such on 15 June 2010. Various
imagers cannot detect if anyone is still sensor bands highlight the
inside the car. A visible or SWIR imager oil and dispersant
will determine the presence of people in-
side the car but will yield no information
about the ther-mal history of the car. A
multispectral tactical sensor providing ously in both MWIR and LWIR using the
[The WESCAM 474HD]
fused imagery is a great asset in that case, same focal plane and camera engine. With
when both high spatial resolution and de- properly designed optical systems, multi-
tection of multiple target phenomena are spectral imagers using these focal planes
necessary. can dramatically reduce size, weight and
que iimaging
Unique ma ging regions
regions power for sys-tems that require both in-
Airborne/ground tactical sensors frared bands. “Th is technology is quite
recent and is an enabling technology for
An emerging group of commercial true MSI systems,” says Olson.
MSI sensors combines SWIR and MWIR.
Both spectral bands typically require low Earth-observing satellites
f-numbers, have similarly matched pixel
sizes available commercially, and can ex- One of the most fascinating appli-
ploit well-known and mature glass in their ca-tions of MSI is the remote sensing of
optical systems; consequently, these two Earth from orbit. In the past 15 years, MSI
bands are well-suited for large shared-ap- instruments installed on satellites such
(Top) Teledyne DALSA’s monolithic as NASA’s Terra and DigitalGlobe’s Worl-
erture systems. mul-tispectral imager can combine
Both SWIR and MWIR are com-mon different imaging areas for varying dview-2 have become powerful tools for
bands in which the penetration of atmo- bandwidths on one chip with “push- observing Earth, particularly for agricul-
spheric haze, smoke and/or clouds are broom” linear and TDI sensors to tural research and mapping of man-made
important. Airborne surveillance, tactical 12,000+ pixels. (Bottom) Teledyne and natural disasters.
DALSA’s four-band CCD sensor +
law enforcement, strategic ISR and aircraft In spite of a name that derives from its
pan (or mono) band enables Earth-
monitoring applications can all benefi t orbit multispectral imag-ing like that Disaster Monitoring Constellation of fi ve
from these bands when com-bined into of the DMCii constellation. The fi lters satellites, DMC International Imaging, Ltd.
multispectral systems. are visible as multicolored panels on (DMCii; Guildford, Sur-rey, England) does
The development of specialized SWIR the sensor surface. more than disaster monitoring. DMCii
lenses has advanced a lot in the past four coordinates multiple satellites to provide
Courtesy of Teledyne DALSA
years, according to Olson. Although astro- rapid-response imag-ing for disasters,
nomical systems have used NIR and SWIR precision agriculture, land-cover map-
imaging almost since the discovery of thanks to the introduction of new opti-cal ping, forest monitoring and other appli-
the infrared band by William Herschel in glasses, improvements in the tech-niques cations. DMCii currently owns and op-
1800, only with the availability of sensors for designing lenses using these materials erates two satellites: the UK-DMC with a
has the SWIR band been considered cost- and the increased availability of SWIR im- 32-m ground sample distance (GSD), and
eff ective for industrial inspection systems aging sensors. the UK-DMC-2 with a 22-m GSD. It also
and ISR applications. SWIR is now viable In addition, newly available dual-band coordinates several other satellites in the
for both single and multispectral systems infrared detectors can image simultane- constella-tion owned and operated by

3 | Ocean Optics E-book

different nations. Each can image a 650- quality that is crucial to our end-users, velopment,” says Stephens. “With only
km swath of the Earth simultaneously in such as the U.S. Department of Agricul- four spacecraft, we achieve the daily re-
red, green and NIR spectral bands—ide- ture, which relied on DMC 22-m imagery visit required to view rapidly changing
al for vegetation observations. The three in 2011 for crop statistics in the U.S.A.” phenomena.” This is some-thing that the
spectral bands are similar to those of the The choice to design new satellites with Landsat community had high on their
long-established Landsat satellite con- the same key spectral bands as Landsat wish list, according to Ste-phens, but the
stellation, which serves as a standard for allows for cross compatibility and data cost of a single Landsat precludes having
cross-calibrating satellites from dif-ferent continuity. The DMC constel-lation repli- multiple units in orbit. Using commercial
nations. cates the core data supply of the Landsat off-the-shelf technol-ogy has changed
“The imagers are cross calibrated in or- program, while dramati-cally improv- the economics of space, he says, enabling
bit to within 1 percent of Landsat,” says ing Landsat’s 16-day revisit capability. spacecraft to be built at a much lower
Paul Stephens, director of sales and mar- “Our image swath is 650 km, rather than price. “Owning and operating spacecraft
keting at DMCii, “enabling a high image Landsat’s 185 km, thanks to a sensor de- profitably, without a government subsi-
dy, points the way to sustainable Earth

Satellite calibration
Sensor sensibility
Spatial resolution is the resolving power of an instrument to discriminate fea-
The improved technology behind
tures at a distance. It is based on detector size, focal length and sensor alti-tude.
Earth-orbiting MSI satellites is the de-
Measures of spatial resolution include GSD and instantaneous field of view (IFOV).
velop-ment in the past two years of ad-
The IFOV, or pixel size, is the area of terrain or ocean covered by the field of view of
vanced sensors, says David Cochrane,
a single detector.
director of technology marketing at Tele-
Landsat 7, named for its seven spectral bands, is one of the most accurately cal-
dyne DALSA (Waterloo, Ontario, Cana-
ibrated Earth-observing satellites, meaning its measurements are extremely accu-
da). “The latest advance in these sensors
rate compared to the same measurements made on the ground. Thus, Land-sat 7
is twofold,” says Cochrane. “All the color
data is often used as an in-orbit standard to cross-calibrate other Earth-observing
lines are combined on one chip, and ad-
vanced dichroic filters provide high trans-
According to Steve Mackin, chief scientist at DMCii, the UK-DMC satel-lites are
mission of light in the required color band
two-foot cubes that provide images up to several thousand kilometers long. The
only. It’s a great combination for our cus-
DMC satellites are cross-calibrated radiometrically against Landsat 7 ETM+ in the
tomers’ satellites.”
three spectral bands using two sites on Earth with distinct features: the Libya 4 site
Modern CCD and CMOS fabrica-tion
featuring sand dunes
techniques combined with advanced di-
(left), and the Dome-C
chroic filters have resulted in sensors that
site in Antarctica fea-
are more cost-effective while main-tain-
turing snow (right).
ing the high performance needed in re-
The first has no instru-
mote-sensing applications. By bond-ing
ments on the ground;
advanced dichroic filters onto the cover
the second is well in-
glass directly in the imaging path, a single
device can be tailored to image numerous
The Libya 4 site is
visible and IR bandwidths in a cost-effec-
used all year to trend
tive and reliable package. The advanced
against Landsat. The Dome-C site is mostly used in December and January. “Us-
technology filter approach enables up to
ing two sites and different methodolo-gies allows us to observe biases and remove
12,000 linear pixel arrays, while individu-
them,” says Mackin. “Ideally we want to characterize each site, so we are working
al elements are based on high-resolution
with NASA Goddard on proposals to more effectively model the interactions of the
time delay and integra-tion (TDI) technol-
surfaces we observed to try and reduce uncertainty. The long-term trend for uncer-
ogy to maximize sensitivity and through-
tainties in our data over Libya 4 is within about 0.3 percent of the long-term trend
of Landsat 7 ETM+, which is rounded to 1 percent, just to be safe.”
For multispectral sensors, a unique
Flying in constellation with other nations provides daily repeat imaging any-
Teledyne DALSA process combines the
where in the world. Starting in 2014, the next DMCii constellation will provide daily
multispectral filter with a multisegment-
repeat imaging with 1-m GSD panchromatic and 5-m GSD four-band multispectral
ed linear CCD in a single package. The
imaging. As of early 2012, the imaging capabilities of Landsat 7 have been ham-
mul-tispectral filters, developed in coop-
pered by an on-board scan-corrector failure, so DMC satellites are needed even
eration with experts in optical and metal-
more. However, even with a fully functioning Landsat, additional satellites en-
lic thin-film coatings and dichroic filters,
able more frequent imaging in between Landsat’s cycle of every 16 days, which is
are mul-tilayered thin-film dielectric in-
nec-essary in vegetation studies and to account for cloud cover.
terference filters that optimize transmis-

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sion and bandwidth selectivity. The five- Prototype SWIR/LWIR a broad-brush IR image. “While frankly
band filter obtains an average in-band binoculars the effect is a bit creepy, SWIR enables
transmission of greater than 90 percent identification via facial features through
and out-of-band transmission is typically In 2010, the Advanced Development glass, while LWIR provides thermal info.”
much less than 1 percent. High-transmis- Group at FLIR (Wilsonville, Ore., U.S.A.) Road signage is another good target for
sion filters and TDI devices are useful in created the first pair of infrared binoculars this technol-ogy, says Jolivet, “since now
remote-sensing applications where sat- using two uncooled LWIR microbolom- you can read the sign, not just see that it
ellites are typically in high orbit and light eter sensors (8 to 14 μm). “Holding two is there. With a portable pair of LWIR/SWIR
signals can be weak. thermal weapon sights side by side, we binoculars—the only ones in the world—
Another feature of these filters is their realized that depth per-ception was pos- we’ll be seeing new things in all kinds of
precise alignment to the individual sens- sible,” says Noel Jolivet, project manager. applications.”
ing bands of the CCD using align-ment (That’s him in the images below.) “No one
marks on both the filter array and the mul- else had done this because of the ex- Biomedical applications
tisegment CCD. In this design, four bands pense, size, weight and power associated
were designed for R, G and B signals; one with running two cameras simultaneous- The way that light interacts with
NIR band; and a fifth broad panchromatic ly. Others had built so-called “bioculars:” bio-logical tissue varies considerably with
passband encompassing all four narrow one camera with the video going to both wavelength, making spectral imaging a
bands. These bands cor-responded to eyes, but that doesn’t provide depth per- powerful tool for biomedical and chemi-
five high-resolution TDI segments on the ception. With true binoculars (as opposed cal applications, says Randel Mercer, vice
single CCD chip. The exact resolution is to bioculars), the human vision system president of business development at
proprietary. However, typical resolutions comes into play, turning horizontal and Ocean Thin Films (Golden, Colo., U.S.A.).
in this application range from 4,000 to vertical disparity information from two For example, imaging in the NIR enables
12,000 pixels with pixel sizes from 5 to 33 sources into perception of depth.” depth measurement in tissue and blood
μm. For aerospace remote-sensing appli- The team proceeded to make a set of chromophores such as oxy-hemoglobin,
cations, the CCD and package have also SWIR binoculars (using InGaAS arrays of 1 deoxy-hemoglobin and bilirubin, when
been designed for high reliability and ra- to 1.7 μm), and finally, a pair of bin-ocu- compared to the visible image. Because
diation tolerance. lars with an LWIR sensor for one eye and spectral imaging is non-invasive, it’s also
an SWIR sensor for the other. “The beauty useful in the assessment of burns and skin
of this multispectral system,” says Jolivet, inflammation.
Whereas IR binoculars “is that the human vision system does Unfortunately, such MSI systems are not
alone make it difficult to the fusing, as long as you match the FOVs readily available commercially. Research-
[fields of vision] of the optics, can register ers typically build their own custom ma-
recognize a familiar person, the images to some degree, and can ad-
the SWIR/LWIR prototype just the brightness of the display to each Because spectral imaging
enables recognition of eye.” is noninvasive, it’s also
Whereas IR binoculars alone make it
facial features that overlaps difficult to recognize a familiar person,
useful in the assessment
with a broad-brush IR the SWIR/LWIR prototype enables recog- of burns and skin
image. nition of facial features that overlaps with inflammation.

[Infrared binoculars]

(Left) The Recon BN binocular system from FLIR features true binocular vision, allowing the user’s eyes to merge separate imag-
es of the SWIR (center) and LWIR (right) bands, used in general surveillance and situational awareness. Grayscale is preferred for
optimizing contrast and easily discriminating hot from cold. With false color, the user must remember whether cyan is hotter
or colder than orange, for example.
Courtesy of FLIR

5 | Ocean Optics E-book

chines using expensive off-the-shelf com- speed MSI camera. Valerie C. Coffey (stellaredit@gmail.com)
ponents—a cumbersome endeavor that To put together a system you can use is a freelance science and technology
writer and editor based in Boxborough,
costs from tens of thou-sands to millions to customize, once you’ve done analysis
Mass., U.S.A.
of dollars. Ocean Thin Films recently de- in spectral space, and you know the four
veloped a new MSI technology, the Spec- to eight wavelengths you need, you can
troCam, which fea-tures a proprietary specify a low-cost custom camera for
[References and Resources]
rotating filter wheel (RFW) with custom $25,000, whereas use of the filter with
dichroic filters in either segmented or other types of multispectral imaging
monolithic wheels that can be cost-effec- technologies like acousto-optic or liquid »» R.A. Schowengerdt. Remote
tively produced in mass volume. The seg- tunable filters might cost around $50,000,” sensing: Models and methods
for image process-ing, Academic
mented RFW can be custom configured says Jason Eichen-holz, chief technology Press, 3rd ed., (2007).
with up to eight interchangeable optical officer at sister company Ocean Optics, »» J. Eichenholz et al. “Sequential
filters. manufacturer of low-cost commercial Filter Wheel Multispectral Imaging
While filter wheels and CCD cameras ar- spectroscopy systems. SpectroCam can Systems,” Proc. OSA/AIO (2010).
en’t novel, what is new is the high-speed be used for 2-D spectroscopy research in »» J. Eichenholz et al. “Real
Time Megapixel Multispectral
integration of filter assem-blies that op- a variety of fields, including food safety Bioimaging,” Proc. SPIE BIOS Vol.
erate with a rotation rate of 1,800 RPM, and water-quality measurement, product 7568 (2010).
a rate that far exceeds the requirements screen-ing, machine vision, medical imag- »» J. Miller et al. “Hyperspectral and
necessary for most imaging applications. ing, surveillance and authentication. “The Multi-spectral Sensors for Remote
Combined with long-life motors and a sci- goal is to make spectral imaging compact Sensing,” DALSA Teledyne white
paper (2012).
entific-grade CCD array, this filter design and affordable,” says Eichenholz. ♦
enables a portable, con-figurable, high-

[Tuburculosis imaged with SpectroCam MSI system and standard light microscope]

(Left) The infected lung tissue is imaged in eight bands in the visible and NIR with the SpectroCam MSI system and a standard
light microscope.(Right) The SpectroCam has an internal eight-filter assembly, the wavelengths of which are custom defined
by the user between 350 and 1,000 nm; end users can change filters in about one minute.
Courtesy of Ocean Thin Films

6 | Ocean Optics E-book

Ultracompact Fully lithographically patterned dichroic filter array approach pres-
ents a way to change that.
Integrated MegaPixel
1.1 Traditional Multispectral and Hyperspectral
MultiSpectral Imager Systems
There a very few commercially available multispectral imagers.
Jason M. Eichenholz Most multispectral systems tend to be one-off or research-based
John Dougherty put together using off the shelf parts and cameras and can cost
anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of dollars per sys-
tem, depending on the application, wavelength bands, and res-
olution requirements. A typical multispectral imager essentially
consists of either rotating filter wheels, mechanically diced thin-
Abstract film dichroic filters mounted in front of an image sensor, or mul-
tiple cameras with bulk dichroic filters.
Multispectral imaging or imaging spectroscopy obtains spec- Even for those touted as commercial systems, there is no real
tral content of an object by dividing the image data, pixel by pix- volume production pathway with significant price or reduced
el, into wavelength (color) bands. The resulting 3D data cube (x, complexity enhancements at even as few as tens or hundreds
y, λ) allows materials to be identified by their pixel spectral con- of units.
tent at multiple wavelengths in addition to their spatial charac- A majority of devices that yield multispectral data are in fact
teristics. A new class of multispectral imaging systems are being hyperspectral imagers that are set to a few different wavelength
developed that utilizes lithographically patterned dichroic filter bands. In its most basic form, a hyperspectral imager consists of
arrays integrated with standard CCD and CMOS detector arrays. a wavelength dispersing element coupled to an image sensor.
These new imagers offer the unique advantage of scalability Most hyperspectral systems fall into one of the following cate-
to tens of Megapixel resolutions, compact size, and no moving gories; Whiskbroom/Pushbroom1, or Tunable Filter2,3. In addi-
parts. Our multispectral imagers are much simpler to manufac- tion there are many different techniques being developed for
ture in volume because the complexity is in the lithographically multispectral imaging including lens arrays coupled to individu-
patterned dichroics rather than in the bulk optical system. The al spectral filters4, multiple bandpass filters on top of traditional
patterned dichroic filter arrays are fabricated utilizing standard color cameras5 and Computed Tomography Imaging Spectrom-
microlithography techniques and can incorporate up to 10 dif- eters6,7.
ferent wavelength bands deposited onto a single substrate. The most common, whiskbroom or pushbroom systems re-
Each channel is selectively patterned on the substrate with the quire the system to be flown over the landscape from above
dichroic filter coating applied using standard thin film coating such as in an airplane or satellite to capture images of the swath
techniques. The technique is repeated for all of the wavelength of land below or to slide the object of interest beneath the sys-
bands and then the final filter array is directly attached and tem on a scanner such as a conveyer belt. The tunable filter
aligned onto the CCD. system typically uses a 2-D CCD array and utilizes either liquid
crystals or acousto-optical tunable filters (AOTFs) to scan the
Keywords: Multispectral, Hyperspectral, Imaging, Spectral, Spec- wavelength. All of these hyperspectral techniques have the ad-
tra, Patterned Dichroic, Filter Array, Bayer Pattern vantage that they are able to image the scene at hundreds to
thousands of spectral channels, each only several nanometers
1 Introduction wide. To do so, they sacrifice either image spatial resolution or
frame rate as they require increased acquisition time to scan ei-
Multispectral imaging involves capturing images of a scene ther the scene or the spectrum. This increased acquisition time
or object over multiple discrete wavelength bands and ex- compromises and in some cases excludes using these systems
tracting spectral content from that data. By leveraging known when imaging dynamic phenomena or moving objects because
spectral absorption or emission features to identify materials, they are not able to simultaneously capture the entire scene and
the technique can be used for everything from mapping rock all of the spectral content at once.
types in geological formations to identifying blood oxygen- In addition even if the scene is not moving at all such as in
ation or cancer cells. The problem is that multispectral imagers a pathology slide, a hyperspectral imaging system generates a
have historically been large, expensive, sophisticated airborne copious amount of digital data requiring significant acquisition
or satellite-mounted instruments. Because each scene is cap- and storage capabilities. Getting an answer from this data cube
tured in three-dimensions (x, y, λ), the resultant data cubes can is computationally intensive and in many cases the complete
be gigabytes in size, while only a fraction of the data is useful. hyperspectral data cube provides little additional information
Even though multispectral imaging would be a beneficial tool compared to just a few (typically 3-8) multispectral imaging
for a range of low-cost, real-time, limited-wavelength applica- bands. We have found that there are many applications where
tions like anticounterfeiting measures or medical diagnostics, just a few wavelengths are “good enough.”
the complexity of today’s offering makes it impossible. This new Using our lithographically patterned dichroic filter arrays, we

7 | Ocean Optics E-book

can build multispectral imagers that capture a scene over a small withstand the in-vacuum process heat needed to produce hard,
number of spectral channels. More important, such filters can be durable dielectric multilayers, but was expensive to manufac-
fabricated quickly, economically, and reliably using well-estab- ture, difficult to align with the substrate, and unable to produce
lished high volume batch-processing techniques. a deposited pattern that could be cleanly aligned “edge to edge”
to existing patterns without gaps or overlapping. Similarly, the
1.2 The Bayer filter dicing and bonding of individual filters together to form an as-
sembly is a tedious and expensive process at best, with minia-
The most commonly utilized approach to spectral imaging turization limited by handling and dicing constraints.
is an interlaced technique using three different colored filters The dichroic filter array production technique combines mod-
placed on top of a 2-D detector array to produce a “color camera” ern optical thin film deposition techniques and standard micro-
via a technique called Bayer filtering.8 In a Bayer filter mosaic, lithographic procedures, which enables the precision placement
each quartet of pixels utilizes absorptive gel filters for color se- and patterning of optical thin film coatings on a single substrate.
lection. To match the human eye response one pixel filter trans- This process allows for multiple patterned arrays of different op-
mits only red light, one pixel filter transmits only blue light, and tical filters for the patterned sensors and multispectral imaging
two transmit only green light (see Figure 1). This filter overlays applications. It also enables application in biophotonics, and use
the image sensor pixels with one-to-one correlation; in other in such applications as dense wavelength division multiplexers
words, when the detector captures an image, 25% of the pixels (DWDM), micro optical electro mechanical systems (MEOMS)
capture red wavelengths, 25% capture blue wavelengths, and and optical waveguide-based devices.
50% capture green wavelengths. These RGB filters are typically A wide variety of optical coatings can be patterned, including
absorptive gels and have extremely wide absorption bands with all dielectric multilayer reflectors, bandpass filters, dichroic edge
significant spectral cross talk between the red, green and blue filters, infrared blockers, or broad band antireflection coatings.
channels. The resultant data is processed using color-space in- In addition, enhanced metal reflectors, low reflectivity opaque
terpolation algorithms to create a color image. metals, and electrically conductive transparent patterns can also
We can apply this same architecture to our patterned multi- be deposited by this technique.
layer dichroic optical filters. We begin with the Bayer filter con- The production of a patterned optical multilayer coated ele-
cept but instead of using broad absorptive gels to capture data ment begins with the preparation of the substrate by polishing
at red, green, and blue wavelengths, we custom design the di- and cleaning, and then application of a photoresist layer to the
chroic filters so that the image sensor operates at λ1, λ2, λ3, and surface. Generation of a pattern is performed via mask align-
so on. ment, photoresist exposure and development, creating a resist
pattern on the surface to be coated. The prepared substrates are
then placed into a vacuum chamber for deposition of the de-
sired multilayer filter coating. Substrates may undergo exposure
to a plasma source or a beam of energetic ions before coating
deposition to better prepare the surface on an atomic scale, and
during film deposition to enhance film quality and durability.
Substrates also may be heated before or during coating depo-
sition, in certain applications. Processes such as electron-beam
evaporation, and ion-beam as well as magnetron sputtering
can be used to create the multilayer filters. After deposition of
the filter, the patterned coating is rinsed in a suitable solvent,
removing the multilayer film and the resist from the unwanted
areas, by means of a lift-off process. Finally, this sequence can be
Figure 1. Bayer filter mosaics are a typical approach to color imaging in
repeated as desired, allowing multiple filters to be deposited in
digital cameras.
arrays or other patterns. Additional details of the processes used
to make these dichroic filter arrays have been well described
2 Patterned Dichroic Filters elsewhere9-11.
An example of such a patterned substrate with multiple wave-
The production of patterned filter array technology is based
lengths is shown below in Figure 2. The large horizontal lines are
on the intersection of traditional thin film coating technology
approximately 100 microns and narrow stripes are approximate-
and standard semiconductor photolithography. It is common
ly 20 microns.
for optical processing technologies to utilize techniques and
There are a number of advantages that can be realized with
equipment from the domain of microelectronic fabrication.
the use of this process to generate patterned optical multilayer
Until recently, however, optical coatings have been one area
coatings. Because the process relies on precision microlithogra-
that existed primarily in the macro realm; entire optical surfaces
phy instead of cut metal masks to pattern the deposited coat-
could be coated quite easily with a bandpass filter, for instance,
ings, features (coated areas) as small as 10 microns can be pro-
but precise deposition of patterned optical filter coatings was
duced today, with spatial registration to adjacent coated areas
limited by the use of metal masking. This masking could easily
within 1 micron. Work is underway to drive to features as small

8 | Ocean Optics E-book

3 Patterned Photodiodes
At the most basic level a photodiode is a type of photodetec-
tor capable of converting light into either current or voltage, de-
pending upon the mode of operation. Photodiodes are similar
to regular semiconductor diodes except that they may be either
exposed (to detect vacuum UV or X-rays) or packaged with a
window or optical fiber connection to allow light to reach the
sensitive part of the device. When a photon of sufficient ener-
gy strikes the diode, it excites an electron, thereby creating a
mobile electron and a positively charged electron hole. If the
absorption occurs in the junction’s depletion region, or one
Figure 2. Three-wavelength band Patterned Dichroic Filter showing diffusion length away from it, these carriers are swept from the
various spatial variations. junction by the built-in field of the depletion region. Thus holes
move toward the anode, and electrons toward the cathode, and
a photocurrent is produced. Materials commonly used to pro-
duce photodiodes include:
as 5 microns. Undesired “shadowing” or thickness drop-off of
the coating at the pattern edges, unavoidable with cut masks,
is eliminated due to the clean pattern edge break produced by Table 1. Photodiode Detector materials and operating wavelength
the liftoff process. Intricate coating patterns of any shape or size bands
can be manufactured without the limits imposed by practical
Material Wevelength range (nm)
machining limits of the metal masks. In addition, the cost of
lithographic tooling does not increase greatly with pattern com- Silicon 190-1100
plexity, and has a longer usable life than cut metal masks placed Germanium 400-1700
on top of a substrate, which must be cleaned often to remove Indium gallium arsenide 800-2600
coating deposits, and can be easily damaged during loading,
Lead sulfide <1000-3500
unloading, and storage.
The patterned dichroic filter coatings exhibit optical and phys-
ical properties similar to that of their traditional, non-patterned The material used to make a photodiode is critical to defining
counterparts. The patterned films have a very high inherent re- its properties, because only photons with sufficient energy to ex-
sistance to environmental conditions such as humidity and tem- cite electrons across the material’s bandgap will produce signifi-
perature. Since the optical filter coatings are directly applied to cant photocurrents. Due to their greater bandgap, silicon-based
the substrate/device, mechanical resistance to shock and vibra- photodiodes generate less noise than germanium-based pho-
tion is improved over bonded discrete filter windows. This is a todiodes. However if you want to detect any wavelengths great-
major advantage for these multispectral imaging applications. er than ~1 micron, germanium or InGaAs photodiodes must be
In addition, as photonic technologies are miniaturized and used. This is an area for future investigations.
integrated with microelectronic and micromechanical systems, Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) refers
the ability to selectively deposit multilayer optical structures to both a particular style of digital circuitry design, and the fam-
directly onto the component enables the design engineer to ily of processes used to implement that circuitry on integrated
include wavelength selective filtering structures early in the de- circuits (chips). CMOS circuitry dissipates less power when stat-
sign process. It is no longer necessary to make a physical transi- ic, and is denser than other implementations having the same
tion from micron sized on-chip structures to macroscopic diced functionality. As this advantage has grown and become more
and bonded optical filter elements and back again for wave- important, CMOS processes and variants have come to domi-
length selective integrated optoelectronic or optomechanical nate, so that the vast majority of modern integrated circuit man-
devices for imaging application. ufacturing is on CMOS processes. CMOS technology is used to
One concern in this process is cleanliness and defect densi- produce most of today’s microprocessors, microcontrollers, stat-
ty. Using this methodology and refining it over time, we have ic RAM, and other digital logic circuits. CMOS technology can
produced hundreds of thousands of sharp-edged optical filter also used for a wide variety of analog circuits such as image sen-
structures for a variety of applications, including spectral sens- sors in cell phone, data converters, and highly integrated trans-
ing and imaging, LCD and DLP displays, and entertainment ceivers for many types of communication.
lighting. We have recently enhanced our capabilities in this area The ability to utilize CMOS to make electrical devices and
by placing this entire process in a class 1000 clean room manu- photodetectors on a single chip is enabling a major revolution
facturing space and adding magnetron sputtering to our plasma in imagers and active pixel sensors. The single chip solution of
enhanced ion sputtering capability. Additional enhancements a photodiode combined with the basic electrical function and
are also expected from new photolithography tools, including a ASICs to make a higher functioning device with active amplifier
semiconductor grade mask aligner that will help align the adja- and integrated analog to digital converters will open up a pleth-
cent pixels with micron scale precision and repeatability. ora of new applications.

9 | Ocean Optics E-book

An active pixel sensor (APS), is an image sensor consisting of syndrome: A researcher views his or her process at 100 distinct
an integrated circuit containing an array of pixel sensors, each wavelengths, but in the end, only three to five wavelengths
pixel containing a photodetector and an active amplifier. There show anything of interest. These applications can all benefit
are many types of active pixel sensors including the CMOS APS from higher spatial resolution and significantly lower spectral
used most commonly in cell phone cameras and web cameras. resolution, which allows us to offer an economical alternative.
Such an image sensor is produced by a CMOS process (and is Using our lithographically patterned dichroic filters, we can
hence also known as a CMOS sensor), and has emerged as an build multispectral imagers that capture a scene over a small
alternative to charge-coupled device (CCD) imager sensors. The number of spectral channels.
term active pixel sensor is also used to refer to the individual pix- The coatings consist of multilayer stacks of high- and low-in-
el sensor itself, as opposed to the image sensor. In that case the dex materials fabricated via plasma-assisted deposition or mag-
image sensor is sometimes called an active pixel sensor imager, netron sputtering. Adjusting the layer thickness and number of
active-pixel image sensor, or active-pixel-sensor (APS) imager. pairs tunes the spectral characteristics of the resultant coating
An example of a 2 x 8 array of active pixels with integrated to reflect or transmit over specific bands. As described above the
analog circuits and an integrated Analog to Digital converter is lithographic process allows us to pattern an entire wafer in pix-
shown below in Figure 3. The device (Taos TCS-3412) is config- els as small as 10 μm on a side. The thickness of the filter directly
ured as a color sensor for with four Red, Green, Blue and Clear limits how small the features can be. The thickness is defined by
color sensors as well as a broadband IR blocker deposited with the filter design and the desired spectral properties of the fil-
the pattered dichroic filter technology discussed above. In ad- ter. Features smaller than 10μm have been fabricated utilizing
dition each of the four color channel’s electrical gain can be in- different pattern geometries and for less demanding spectral
dependently adjusted, balancing the spectral response due to filtering. Metallic lines smaller than 1 micron are also routinely
the wavelength variation of the sensor’s quantum efficiency. deposited using the same techniques.
This device can be coated at the wafer level with thousands of By alternating between deposition and lithographic pattern-
sensors per wafer. The photolithography process has an added ing steps, we can form Bayer-filter-like structures corresponding
benefit in that the bond pad of the detector left uncoated. to the wavelengths of interest for a specific application. We de-
posit the layers for the λ1 filter, lift off the patterning, re-pattern
the wafer to apply the λ2 filter, and so on. In experiments, we
have iterated through 11 successive depositions and patterns in
a matter of a few days. The technology allows us to make a cus-
tom multispectral imager based on what the customer or appli-
cation needs, with a direct pathway to high-volume production.
A schematic of a 4-color, 6-color (including clear) and 8-color
(including clear) dichroic filter array is shown below in Figure 4.

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 6 7 6 7 6 7
3 4 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
Table 3. TAOS TCS-3414 Chip with integrated A/D, three color 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 6 7
plus clear channels and integrated IR blocker 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
5 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
6 7 6 7 6 7
Photodiodes and active pixel sensors are often used for ac-
curate measurement of light intensity in science and industrial Figure 4. Examples of three different Bayer type dichroic filter arrays
applications. They are also widely used in various medical appli- for multispectral imaging
cations, such as detectors for computed tomography (coupled
with scintillators) or instruments to analyze biological samples
(immunoassay). They are also used in blood gas monitors. All We have complete control of the location of each filter limited
of these applications could be enhanced with these patterned only by the capabilities of the photolithography and our coating
sensors, where each individual pixel has a different wavelength process.
passband. One of the big challenges in traditional hyperspectral
and multispectral imaging is how to extract useful infor-
4 Multispectral Imagers mation from the images. The computational burden imposed
by the sheer size of the data cube can push the processing time
As discussed above, while some military or scientific studies to hours or days or more. That’s fine for scientific research
may need hundreds of spectral channels, there are many more projects but few commercial applications can tolerate such
applications that require data over only a few well-defined delays. This is where the targeted wavelength approach of-
wavelengths of interest. In our experience, this is a common fers significant benefits. A product developer working on a

10 | Ocean Optics E-book

specific application typically already knows the absorption or Figure 6a above is a pattern specifically designed to make a
emission characteristics of his materials of interest. The often unique color camera that allows the addition of color with a very
have already performed hyperspectral analysis to determine small impact on low light level performance and negligible
the required wavelength bands. Once they have isolated impact on limiting resolution. The approach, which includes
their three to eight wavelength bands, we then tailor the dichro- the NIR portion of the spectrum along with the visible is enabled
ic filter to control the imaging wavelength bands for each pixel by placing this filter directly on the surface of the surface of an
of the detector. One set of pixels can be completely transparent EMCCD. It renders the correct hue in a real time, video rate im-
to provide a baseline reference value, for example. With this in- age with negligible latency. Figure 6b shows the same pattern
formation, the software can mathematically compare the results in reflection mode and has an additional filter for IR blocking12.
of two or more other wavelengths to that reference wavelength. Depending on the volumes needed for some applications
the filters are coated on thin glass substrates and mounted
directly onto the CCD or CMOS detector. For higher vol-
umes the coating can be applied directly onto the wafer or
standard wafer level packaging techniques. Utilizing wafer
level packaging has an advantage that the patterned filter
array coated glass wafer is merged and bonded to the sili-
con wafer before dicing. Some of the applications require
a fixed spacer between the two wafers. We can utilize a black
chrome netting between the layers for light beam shaping and
to prevent spatial cross talk.
The custom Bayer filter approach involves very few tradeoffs.
The image is captured in a single shot, so all wavelength data is
Figure 5. Three wavelength band square Patterned Dichroic Filters. acquired simultaneously. The method doesn’t sacrifice much
Sharp-edged microscopic filter elements are routinely produced using resolution just because you have a multispectral imager
our lithographic patterned coating process. The square filter elements operating over 8 channels with an 8 megapixel detector. This
are approximately 10μm in size. is done in most off the shelf digital cameras sold today. They
utilize advanced recursive algorithms to interpolate spatial
content among different-wavelength pixels to form the im-
ages13. It requires some computation but it is a process
performed by small FPGAs in nearly every digital camera,
compared to the laborious task of sorting through gigabyte data
cubes searching for features of interest.
A new custom Bayer-type filter can require non-recurring
engineering charges for the design and build, but after
that point the economies of scale offered by high-volume
batch processing kick in. With the exception of the filters,
our multispectral imager incorporates commercial off-the-
shelf products, including detectors and optics. Once the
(a) customized filters are fabricated, they’re placed atop detector
arrays in a chip-level integration process. The approach is prob-
ably not practical for five systems unless the user needs simulta-
neous imaging and spectral content or a very small size. How-
ever, if someone wants to produce 500 or even 5,000 systems,
dichroic filter arrays provide a pathway to get there at a fraction
of the price of today’s lowest cost multispectral or hyperspectral
The dichroic filter array technology is also very scalable. Since
we utilize photolithography to produce the arrays, it is just as
easy to produce a 640 x 480 array as it is to produce an ar-
ray for a 10 megapixel image sensor because the complexity
lies not in the technique for implementing the camera itself
but in the lithographically patterned dichroic filter. That sim-
plicity is what makes the dichroic filter array based system very
Figure 6 Microphotograph images of sparsely populated color filters. easy to build and easy to use.
(a) is a filter designed to provide color images in low light level
scenes and the (b) is designed to provide an additional IR filter. The
rectangular elements are 19x33μm.

11 | Ocean Optics E-book

5 Applications particular application, may open the doorway to a new class
of valuable photonic solutions not addressable by today’s
The key advantage of this new type of camera and imager is current product offerings. They need a multispectral imaging
the ability to provide a compact system that is scalable to high product they can utilize at an affordable price, and litho-
volumes. These new imagers offer the unique advantage graphically patterned dichroic filter arrays provide the answer.
of scalability to tens of Megapixel resolutions, with compact
size and no moving parts. Classic static operations like filter
wheels on microscopes become dynamic, allowing the user References
to view the scene in multiple wavelengths simultaneously.
Sterk, A. A., “Multispectral pushbroom array imager”, Sensor
Surface mapping of vegetation can be streamlined and units
Systems for the 80’s Conference, Technical Papers. (A81-
can be added to aircraft without regard to flight path or speed.
13351 03-35) 109-112, (1980).
New markets like 3-D imaging and 3-D animation, which to this
point have used multiple CCD arrays, can now target end con- [2] Vo-Dinh, T, Moreau, and F, Hueber, D.M. “Multispectral
sumer use. imaging system using acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF)”,
The applications go well beyond entertainment and secu- Proc. SPIE Vol. 2819, 268-273 (1996).
rity. In agriculture, vehicle-mounted systems can be used to
monitor crops, detecting pests and diseases, assessing crop [3] Stevenson, B. P.; Kendall, W. B.; Stellman, Christopher M.;
and soil nutrient levels, and helping forecast yield. Lower and Olchowski, F. M., “PHIRST light: a liquid crystal tunable filter
cost multispectral imagers can help ensure food safety by hyperspectral sensor” Proc SPIE, 5093, 104-113 (2003).
scanning produce for everything from fungi and dirt to
bacteria, providing a means for preventing issues like the [4] Mathews, S.A., ‘Design and fabrication of a low-cost,
recent e-coli outbreaks in tomatoes, beef, and spinach or multispectral imaging system”, Applied Optics, 47, F71
salmonella contamination in peanut butter. While there are (2008).
hyperspectral systems for these applications, they are too [5] Themelis, G., Yoo, J.S., and Ntziachristos, V. “Multispectral
bulky and complicated to be deployed to the supermarket, the imaging using multiple-bandpass filters” Optics Letters, 33,
field or the farm. 1023 (2008).
The technology has applications in environmental monitoring;
for example, tracking pollutants from hazardous spills or moni- [6] Ford, B., Descour, M., and Lynch, R. “Large-image-format
toring smokestack output. In medicine, the devices could be computed tomography imaging spectrometer for fluores-
used in fluorescence imaging spectroscopy to detect tumors cence microscopy”, Optics Express, 9, 444-453 (2001).
in vivo or to monitor tissue oxygenation. The economies of scale
of the coating process make it easy to field a scanner affordable [7] Volin, C.E. Ford, B.K., Descour, M.R., Garcia, J.P., Wilson, D.W.,
enough to be placed in all surgical suites or even the bedside, on Maker, P.D., and Bearman, G.H., “High-speed spectral imager for
an average farmer’s tractor, or at a packing house. imaging transient fluorescence phenomena”, Applied Optics,
37, 8112 (1998).
6 Summary [8] Bayer B.E., “Color Imaging Array”, US Patent 3,971,065, July
The described patterned dichroic filter array approach
takes a different path for multispectral imaging, from a sci- [9] P. Buchsbaum “Method of Making Dichroic Filter Arrays”, US
ence experiment to a commercial product. It is a lower-cost, Patent 5,711,889, January 1998.
higher-volume solution that is the perfect fit for a range of
applications. It can’t produce spectra at a thousand wave- [10] P. Buchsbaum “Dichroic Filter Detector Arrays for Spectro-
lengths but the target applications do not need that many scopic Imaging” US Patent 6,638,668, October 2003.
wavelengths. In fact, most applications require between 3 and 6
[11] P. Buchsbaum “Tunable Variable Bandpass Optical Filter” US
wavelength bands plus a clear channel. In most cases the target
Patent 6,700,690 March 2004.
customers have already performed hyperspectral imaging
using traditional systems and they have already determined [12] Heim, G.B., Burkepile, J. and Frame W.W., “Low-Light-Level
the wavelength bands they need. In addition, they really EMCCD Color Camera”, Proc SPIE 6209, 62090F (2006).
need an answer to if the all of tumor has been removed or if
that leaf is contaminated, not a spectra. This technique, with the [13] Brady, D.J., [Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy] Wiley Inter-
unique ability to tailor an image and a spectral response for a science Publishers p295-300, (2009).

12 | Ocean Optics E-book

High-contrast taneous vasculature.4,8 However, optimal performance of mul-
tispectral methods depends on their postprocessing algorithms
subcutaneous that require optimal parameter selection and are susceptible to
artifacts from non-vein background. Additionally, multispectral
vein detection and methods which use postprocessing software merely detect the
localization using subcutaneous vasculature map without retaining other anatom-
ical information. In this letter, we apply a background removal
multispectral imaging and normalization scheme to multispectral vein imaging that
circumvents the limitations of other methods and allows for
Fengtao Wang, a Ali behrooz, a
high-contrast subcutaneous vein detection while extracting
Michael Morris, b Ali Adibi, a on vein subcutaneous physiological and anatomical structures.
aGeorgia Institute of Technology, School of Electrical and Computer At visible wavelengths, images of human limbs mainly entail
Engineering, 777 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30332 reflectance from skin, whereas at NIR wavelengths, images are
bOcean Thin Films Inc., Golden, Colorado 80403 comprised of subcutaneously penetrated light in addition to
skin reflectance. To extract the subcutaneous components and
Abstract remove the skin reflectance, referred to as background herein,
from NIR images, we can use the visible images as reference.
Multispectral imaging has shown promise in sub-cutaneous Visible images taken jointly with NIR images using a multispec-
vein detection and localization in human sub-jects. While many tral imager are used in a normalized subtraction algorithm to
limitations of single-wavelength methods are addressed in have the background removed from NIR images and bring out
multispectral vein detection methods, their performance is still the subcutaneous structures. The proposed method is applied
limited by artifacts arising from back-ground skin reflectance to multispectral data obtained by imaging naked arms of hu-
and optimality of postprocessing algorithms. We propose a man subjects with different skin tone and texture. The output of
background removal technique that enhances the contrast and the algorithm is a fused image that primarily contains sub-cu-
performance of multispectral vein detection. We use images ac- taneous components. Multispectral imaging in this work is per-
quired at visible wave-lengths as reference for removing skin re- formed using the Spectrocam™ Multispectral Imaging Camera
flectance back-ground from subcutaneous structures in near-in- (Ocean Thin Films, Golden, Colorado). Spectrocam is an imaging
frared images. Results are validated by experiments on human system based on a high speed rotating filter wheel coupled to
sub-jects. ©The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons an NIR enhanced CCD camera (a Sony ICX285 sensor) through a
Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in Carl Zeiss Distagon 2.8/25 mm ZF-IR lens, as shown in Fig. 1(a). In
whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including Spectrocam, multiple wavelengths are multiplexed in the time
its DOI. [DOI:10.1117/1.JBO.18.5.050504] domain, and as a consequence, the spatial resolution remains
Keywords: multispectral imaging; medical optics instrumentation; un-adulterated. The filter wheel can accept up to eight discrete
sub-cutaneous imaging; vein detection. filters. The camera software separates the images from each fil-
Paper 12806LRR received Dec. 18, 2012; revised manuscript received ter in real time, and presents the eight spectrally resolved imag-
Apr. 10, 2013; accepted for publication Apr. 11, 2013; published on-line es. In this work, five different filters with the custom-designed
May 6, 2013. spectral bands are utilized, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Narrow-band
filters at 546 and 570 nm correspond to the de-oxy and oxy
forms of hemoglobin, respectively. The 475 nm broadband filter
Subcutaneous vein detection using near-infrared (NIR) imag-
encompasses the strong absorption bands of melanin, beta-car-
ing has recently become a subject of study.1–4 Optical absorp-
otene, and hemoglobin. The 615 nm filter covers a region of little
tion of human skin and muscle plummets in the NIR window
absorbance by skin pigments. The 850 nm filter covers the NIR
allowing for light to travel to subcutaneous depths before losing
band that includes absorption by lipids but excludes absorption
coherence and directionality to diffusion.5,6 Unlike muscle and
by water.
skin, blood is a strong absorber of NIR radiation7 which contrasts
In the first experiment, Spectrocam was used to perform
the subcutaneous vessels against skin and muscle in NIR imag-
multispectral imaging on the anterior left forearm of an Asian
ing. As a result, automatic subcutaneous vein detection has be-
male under indoor ambient-light environment (without special
come possible using NIR imaging with extensive application in
light source), as shown in Fig. 2. The arm was held still before a
catheter insertion at health care facilities.8 It has been shown that
dark background. The exposure time under each individual filter
multispectral imaging enhances the performance of automatic
is set to 10 ms, and altogether the five spectral images are ob-
vein detection as it collects multiple layers of information that
tained within 100 ms. Thus, image co-registration from different
are used in image postprocessing software to localize sub-cu-
spectral bands, i.e., motion artifact analysis, is not necessary, es-
pecially for still human subjects. As depicted in Fig. 2, it is clear
Address all correspondence to: Fengtao Wang, Georgia Institute of Tech-
that the unfiltered image and the visible image, shown in Fig.
nology,School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 777 Atlantic 2(b) and 2(d), have lower vein contrast compared to the NIR im-
Drive, Atlanta,Georgia 30332. Tel: 404 934 0265; age [shown in Fig. 2(c)]. Mathematically, the vein-to-skin(back-
E-mail: wangft@yahoo.com ground) contrast ratio, denoted by M, can be defined as below,

13 | Ocean Optics E-book

|Uvein - Uskin|
M= , (1)
(Uvein - Uskin)

Where Uvein is the average pixel intensity of the vein area,

and Uskin is the average pixel intensity of intact skin around the
veins. The selection of vein and skin ,areas can be done based (1)
on the pixel intensity where four visually selected adjacent skin
(high-value) pixels are averaged to obtain Uskin, and four visually Fig. 1 Spectrocam™Multispectral Imager. (a) Picture of the imaging sys-
selected adjacent vein (low-value) pixels are averaged to obtain tem (courtesy of Ocean Thin Films, http://pixelteq.com/product/spec-
Uvein. tral-cameras). (b) Transmission spectra of filters populating the filter
wheel in the Spectrocam: narrow-band 570 nm, narrow-band 546 nm,
band-pass 800 to 900 nm, band-pass 560 to 690 nm, and band-pass 410
to 540 nm.

To enhance the contrast of veins against cutaneous back-

where Iref represents the reference visible image, I850 nm the NIR
ground, we use the visible images as reference for skin reflec-
image, factor a the scalar weight for achieving the appropriate
tance and subtract from the NIR image. The reference image
brightness in the fused image, and factor b the normalization
must be normalized to match the background component of
weight to enhance vein contrast of the fused image. The opti-
the NIR image. For the multispectral imaging shown in Fig. 2, we
mization of a and b is important for achieving improved visual
used the proposed normalization/subtraction scheme to arrive
at the fused image which, as shown in Fig. 2(e), has a consid-
erably higher visual vein-to-background contrast. The resulting
fused image (with the 615 nm image as the reference), as shown
in Fig. 2(e), has a contrast ratio M of 0.67, considerably higher
than the contrast of 0.037 in the NIR image. Mathematically, the
image fusion process can be expressed as below:

Ifused = a(I850 nm - bIref), (2)

Fig. 3 Multispectral imaging for subcutaneous vein detection. (a) Un-

filtered white light image with M = 0.04. (b) NIR image at 850 nm with
Fig. 2 Multispectral imaging for subcutaneous vein detection. (a) Color M = 0.06. (c) Visible images at 475 nm with M = 0.01. (d) Fused images
image of the anterior left forearm used in multispectral imaging. (b) Un- of 850 and 475 nm with M = 0.61. (e) Visible image at 546 nm with M =
filtered white light image with M = 0.01. (c) near-infrared (NIR) image at 0.002. (f ) Fused image of 850 and 546 nm with M = 0.77. (g) Visible image
850 nm with M = 0.033. (d) Visible image at 615 nm with M = 0.025. (e) at 570 nm with M = 0.009. (h) Fused imageof 850 and 570 nm with M =
Fused image of 850 and 615 nm with a contrastratio of M = 0.67, and 0.82. (i) Visible image at 615 nm with M = 0.04. (j) Fused images of 850
parameter values of a = 3, and b = 0.64. and 615 nm with M = 0.47.

14 | Ocean Optics E-book

Fig. 4 Multispectral im- narrow-band transmission spectrum. Even with partial overlap
aging for subcutane- of the NIR filter transmission spectrum with visible background
ous vein detection on a spectral window, the contrast of the fused image remains high
hairy anterior forearm. as the background components are removed from the NIR im-
(a) Color image of the
age and the subcutaneous information not present in the visible
anterior left forearm
images are retained.
used in multispectral
Body hair has a strong reflectance glare and can severely im-
imaging. (b) Unfiltered
white light image with pair the vein contrast. To study the effect of excessive density of
M=0.02. (c) NIR image body hair on the proposed method, anterior forearm of a Cauca-
at 850 nm with M = sian male with a high density of gray hair was imaged by Spectro-
0.02. (d) Visible image cam as shown in Fig. 4. The strong glare of the body hair blocks
at 615 nm with M = the skin underneath, and the subcutaneous veins have a very
0.01. (h) Fused image of low contrast ratio and are almost visually unnoticeable in the
850 and 615 nm with a NIR image. The fused image, as shown in Fig. 4(e), still provides
contrast ratio of M = 0.3 high vein contrast enhancement for the skin area with moder-
in the area with lower ate hair density, while the subcutaneous veins in high-density
hair density and param-
hair area remain obstructed. Thus, the pro-posed technique per-
eter values of a = 2.6,
forms well for a moderate density of body hair as shown in Fig.
and b = 0.37.
4. However, for subjects with excessive density of body hair, the
contrast and brightness in the fused image. In each experiment, skin must be shaved before using Spectrocam. The cross-polar-
the ballpark optimal values for these parameters are selected izer technique is also useful to mitigate hair glare, which shall be
automatically by the algorithm. The scaling factor a is simply addressed in a future study.
adjusted to map the highest pixel value in the fused image to In conclusion, we demonstrated that the resulting fused im-
the maximum non saturated value in the display scale. For the ages of three different human subjects with different skin tone
normalization factor b, the ballpark value is selected using the all entail clear subcutaneous vasculature maps with contrast en-
approximate expression below hancement of an order or higher, compared to the NIR images,
b = (A850 nm/Avis)[(Mfused - M850 nm)/(Mfused - Mvis)], while retaining the surrounding non-vein physiological struc-
tures. The high-contrast and reliable performance of the pro-
Where A850 nm and Avis are average total intensities of the NIR
posed background removal technique for vein detection and
and reference visible image. For Mfused, a desired ballpark value
localization in subjects with low to moderate hair density makes
(0.5 in our studies) can be used. Nevertheless, to achieve maxi-
it extremely useful for relevant health care applications.
mal contrast in the fused images, manual fine-tuning is also per-
formed around the automatically selected optimal values of a Acknowledgements
and b. In practice, the same procedure can be used for optimi-
zation of factors a and b in the clinic where manual adjustment This work was supported by the National Institutes of
around the automatic ballpark optimal values can be performed Health(NIH) under the project of “Real-Time Multispectral Ear-
by the healthcare specialist using immediate visual feedback ly-Stage Pressure Ulcer Detector” (Ref. 9).
from the resulting fused image.
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