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Letters of Complaint Reasons wrong goods may have been sent, ¥ goods might have been damaged, sent late, or not delivered at all. Y aservice might not have been carried out properly, etc. When Making a Complaint by Letter => Make sure your complaint is justified (right). => Do not be rude. > State your facts clearly, and complain as soon as possible. => Assume that the person you are writing to wants to help you, and that the problem might not have been caused by him. Structure of Letter of Complaint ¢ Opening: fam writing to complain about... This letter concerns the Stereo set which I bought from you. © Details: Goods have been delivered later than our agreement... The main problem appears to be... ¢ Suggestions: We think the mistake could have been caused by.. Itis possible that the fault may be.. # Actions to take : Would you please look into it as s00n as possible, so thateon Icisvery important that this fault is corrected * Closing: We look forward to hearing. Please contact us to let us know when your engineers will be coming.. Language of Complaint > Should be impersonal. ** Try to avoid expression like : your mistake, your bad service, etc. Use definite article to avoid this : the mistake, the bad service, etc. ** The passive voice can also stop the complaint sounding “accusing”. You sent the delivery too late (active) (The delivery was sent late) We want you to replace the damaged goods. (We would like the damaged goods to be replaced.) > Try not give order. You must exchange this... (We would like you to exchange...) You have to send us. (WoUtld youl.) > Do not use “shock” words. We were amazed to see the damaged go0%. (We were surprised to see the damaged good. What the hell is this! You send me a ruined article. (We were disappointed to see the ruined article you sent...) ) -hir. Look at the different elements of a claim letter. Aan 51 Wimbleron Road Toronto, Ontario MAD 2V8 Canada THE GIO ss5a4ae + Fae GO) 555-4443 « wWNIISCONERCA | May 7. 20— Ms, Rowand Fisher Customer Service Manager New Tech Answers 454 Liberty Road, Philadelphia, PA. 19148, Dear Ms. Fisher: Jn a recent shipment from New Tech Answers. there were two problems: we received the wrong manuals and our account was incorrectly billed. Opening |» | ‘On April {.we placed the following order: one copy of 1.00533 and one copy of TM00567. On May 7, we received two copies of TM.00353. We || did not receive 7.00333 or TM.0056°, Focus ——+f We are returning —unuer separate cover—the (wo Copies of TM-0035°3 Please send us the two (2) nuanuals that we ordered. Also, please correct ‘our account. no, 594NT. The invoice was for USS32.50 (thirty.«swo United ro States dollars and fifty cents). ‘The correct invoice toral should be 17 | Cans32.50 thirty-two Canadian dollars and fitty cents), of at today’s ‘exchange rate, USS22.18 (ewenty.«wo United States dollars and eight cents), copy of the invoice is enclosed. | Cordiatty yours Holly Park Holy Park Purchasing Supervisor Enclosure:Invoice (Phorocopy) 5 ‘na Fecent eigen rain =. On wo orderea’ =. On. werredeive © Wo ote turing vem ced Acopy of isenciosed | F. Lyneh & Co. Ltd Nowento Order No.14478 August 20— SatexS pA ViadiPietra Papa 00146 Roma maly ‘Attn. Sig. Daniele Causto DearSig.Causio Our Order No.14478, | arm writing to you tocomplain about the shipment of sweaters we received yesterday against the above order. ‘The boxes in which the sweaters were packed were damaged, and looked as. ifthey had been broken open in transit, From your invoice No.18871 we estimate that thirty garments have been stolen, to the value of £550.00. ‘Because of the rurmmaging in the boxes, quite a few other garments were ctushed or stained and cannot be sold as new articles in our shops. {As the sale was on.a CIFbasis and the forwarding company were your agents, we suggest youcontact them with regard to compensation. ‘You wit! find a list of the damaged and missing articles enclosed, and the comisignment willbe put to one side until we receive your instructions. Yourssincerely eter Cr Peter crane Chief Buyer Encl. Mow didthe damage 3 Whydoes Crane 5 Whatdoes MrCrane 6 Whichwordsin the occur? suggest thatinr intendto dowiththe letterhavea similar Whycar'tmanyot ——causlohastdeal—— damaged imeaningtothe tvcartmanyot Setheompmaton? —_colgnment ion sole 4 Watisencfsed a date vw thelette? eae « getintouch with Complaint about damage You have already seen a complaint about breakagesin Mackenzie's emailto Glaston Potteries page 85 This letter aso deals with damage swounsn{pe pue swuie\duse) saparaiduers suopseny

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