Tony Robbins Delivers Personal Power: Dean's Award To Recognize Exceptional Leadership

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Dean’s Award to Recognize Exceptional Leadership

ing of being recognized. The deadline for nomi- of awards compared to the number of students
By Graciema Bertoletti, NF
nations is March 16 and self-nominations are not involved in HBS community life, but it’s surely a
Being a HBS student requires a lot of energy. valid. The selection committee considers the great start to motivate people to get involved in
There are cases, recruiting events, study groups, following factors in evaluating nominees and extracurricular activities.
midterms, finals, Shad once in a while, etc. their acts: Service to the HBS Community, Kirsten Nillson
Community? You might be telling yourself, “I Leadership and Exceptional Acts. “The Dean’s Award rewards people for the
just don’t have the time to do it. “Well, there are Right now, the students that were awarded work they do with respect to their communities,
some people that find more than 24 hours in a are working in full-time positions, and HBS starts I think that it’s a good initiative to encourage
day, and a lot of energy to serve not only their to become part of history. But, it was amazing people to think outside of their own careers, to
own interests, but also the community’s interests. how those people are still proud of being an HBS think about contribution, and not just about suc-
In order to recognize and honor those peo- community member and still willing to collabo- cess. I think that that spirit was captured last year
ple, the Dean’s Award was created to honor MBA rate and share ideas. It’s worthwhile to read their with the initiation of the award and I hope that
students for serving the HBS community through comments on the Award and their perspectives the classes to come are
exceptional acts of leadership. Up to 10 graduat- on HBS. Below there are comments from five of
ing students a year can receive this award. And the 10 students in the Class of 1997 who were
for those who had received it, it’s just a great feel- honored with this award. It’s still a small number AWARD, PAGE 4

Tony Robbins Delivers Personal Power

By Chip Boyce, NJ deal with work, academics, or fami-
ly. Robbins amused the audience by
Second-year student Greg continually demonstrating his habit
Durst, after completing a hilarious of slapping his chest with one hand,
and difficult one-on-one exercise in which keeps him in a peak physio-
front of the crowd, said it best. “He logical state.
was easily the best speaker I have To illustrate the power of state,
seen at HBS – who else could have Robbins described showing a
moved a room full of cynical HBSers slumping Andre Agassi two videos.
around like a bunch of rowdy chil- One was of Agassi walking onto
dren? I was really inspired.” Centre Court for the Wimbledon
In a session billed, “Creating a Final, which he won. The other was
Personal Competitive Advantage,” of him walking onto court at the
Anthony Robbins delivered the French Open, right before a match
goods to a full Burden Auditorium he lost to a much lesser player.
crowd last Wednesday. Robbins has Agassi told Robbins that, at
spent nearly 20 years studying, Wimbledon, he was wondering why
modeling, and coaching successful the other player even bothered to
individuals such as Nelson show up for the match. Agassi was
Mandela, the President, Quincy very confident. At the French Open,
Jones, and many Fortune 500 execu- he looked different and less confi-
tives. In the process, he has synthe- dent. At the moment he was video-
sized his observations into a four- taped, he had been thinking if a time
step framework that he says anyone that the opponent had previously
can use to create an absolute com- beaten him. Agassi’s performance
petitive edge for themselves. faltered when he failed to use a
During his two-hour-plus per- physiologically uplifting strut and
formance, Robbins cooked up a live- mindset upon entering a court. And
ly blend of useful and humorous vice versa.
advice and exercises designed to Fourth, Robbins implored the
drive home those four steps. Indeed, crowd to GIVE MORE. As he states
shortly after Robbins got started, he in the pamphlet he handed out,
asked the crowd if, in the interest of “Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
increasing their retention of the Life is a gift and all of us who have
material, they would be willing to the capacity must remember that we
take an atypical approach to learn- mon sense stuff.” But, he says, it is Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, and the have the responsibility to give some-
ing. Everyone clapped their the combination of how you learn unnamed trader he coaches on Wall thing back; a small but consistent
approval, not knowing exactly what them and how you remember them Street who earned a half billion dol- commitment of time and caring can
he had in mind. Instead of asking for that makes the difference in how lars in one day a few years ago. As make a measurable difference in the
just a few volunteers for an exercise powerfully you put the four steps Nelson Mandela said in Robbins’ world.”
he requested that everyone stand into action in your life. handout, “There is no passion to be Robbins contributes to society
and stretch themselves out. First, RAISE YOUR STAN- found in playing small, in settling through his active charitable foun-
For the next 40 minutes, almost DARDS, Robbins pointed out that for a life that is less than what you dation, which feeds and coaches
nobody sat down. During a four- every great leader has an extraordi- are capable of living.” many people who have fallen on
part interactive “personal market- nary mindset that is “defiant of lim- Second, CREATE A UNIQUE tough times. He also adopted a class
ing” exercise sandwiched around itations.” He noted that life’s institu- IDENTITY – AND CONSISTENTLY of 30 children in Houston and has
Robbins’ energetic delivery of sto- tionalized unfairness demands that LIVE IT. Robbins mentioned the set up a college education fund for
ries and tips, nearly everyone there leaders “develop unreasonable power that FedEx, Kleenex, Coke, them. He certainly gave more
remained standing (many were even expectations.” Nowadays, people’s and Pepsi have in “owning a portion Wednesday; in addition to speaking
bouncing). By making everyone’s poor performance gets them down- of your brain.” He noted that the for free, he stayed on campus with
listening “state” more active, sized or outsourced; good perform- people at UPS hate it when they students until 8 p.m. answering
Robbins hoped to endure his advice ance brings them poor rewards; and hear someone say, “can you FedEx questions and signing autographs
and stories would manifest them- excellent performance merely yields this for me?” “You must create three hours after his initial presenta-
selves more actively in listeners’ them good rewards. But outstand- Raving fans” out of the people with tion was scheduled to end.
lives. ing performance does not lead to whom you come in contact, Robbins And the HBS community gave
So, what are those four steps excellent rewards; it leads to said. Consistently treat them to a graciously too. Nearly everyone
that he has used so successfully to rewards that are bigger and better taste of how you “live with pas- attending contributed to the positive
coach extraordinary people to than outstanding. For leaping the sion,” and they will rave about you atmosphere through their energetic
become more outstanding? By his miniscule chasm between excellent fanatically and positively to every- participation, and most stayed for
own admission, it is “mostly com- and outstanding, Robbins says, you one they know. the entire presentation, even though
can be rewarded like Warren Buffet, Third, Robbins described THE they had been told it would end an
POWER OF STATE. Living life the hour earlier than it did.
INSIDE way you want is rooted in under-
standing that the body tells the brain
 Opinion: HBS NO. 1 – Thanks for the rank, Page 2. how to feel. He noted that once you
understand how to efficiently adjust
 Humor: Lessons from Nagano, Page 14. your physiology – by studying and
learning your physiological habits –
 A&E: A Review of Café Brazil in Allston, Page 20. you will always have the power to
ensure you are in the best state to
R ECRUITER B USINESS smashing reviews (DJN, 2/20/98).
Banks High Tech The powerful equities arm of the
This week’s all-points memo Sun Microsystems continues to huge pension fund TIAA-CREF
from the chairman of J.P. Morgan & target delivery of microprocessors said it was “highly gratified” by the
Co. to the bank’s employees had an running in the 600-megahertz Walt Disney Co. shareholders vote
unmistakable message: It’s time to range within three to six months. on the College Retirement Equities
fish or cut bait. Chairman Douglas Sun has increased the number of fund resolution presented at
A. “Sandy” Warner wrote, “the employees in its JavaSoft sub- Disney’s annual meeting. As
credibility and competitiveness sidiary to 800 from 300 a year ago. reported earlier Tuesday, about
that we have attained across the The company also recently 35% of Disney’s shareholders sup-
board make it both possible and acquired the rights to more than 12 ported a CREF resolution urging
The Harbus is pleased to offer a imperative that we shift from patents and related technologies the company to reconfigure its
new service in conjunction with developing our capabilities…to developed by VPL Research (DJN, board to achieve greater independ-
Baker Library to brief you on the achieving and capitalizing on lead- 2/23/98). A day after Microsoft dis- ence (WSJI, 2/25/98).
weekly business news highlights of ership” (WSJ, 2/23/98). Equitable, tributed its two-for-one stock split,
the main HBS recruiters. The news a U.S. subsidiary of the French shares gained 3% and are now trad- Retail
is taken from the Wall Street insurer Axa, denied persistent ing at 83 _ with volume of 21.5 mil- Nike stated continued weak-
Journal Interactive Edition, and rumors circulating at the Paris lion. Their new Internet Explorer ness in its Asian markets and
aims to provide a weekly summary bourse that its investment-banking 4.0 web browser is available, free of inventory gluts in the U.S. and
of articles that can be follow up in arm, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette charge, for download at the compa- Japan are expected to push third-
greater depth. (Sources: WSJ – Wall is up for sale. “We had no plan to ny’s web site. (DJN, 2/24/98). Dell quarter earnings below analysts’
Street Journal; DJ – Dow Jones sell DLJ,” said Equitable Chief might attempt a takeover of Data expectations and force layoffs (DJN
News Wires, FT – Financial Times). Financial Officer Stanley Tulin, at a General to bolster its computer- 2/25/98). Proctor & Gamble decid-
roadshow in Paris (WSJ, 2/25/98). storage offerings, the purchase ed last year to consolidate its more
Consulting Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, a unit would leave Dell with Data than $1 billion-a-year media-buy-
A federal judge has sealed a of Deutsche Bank AG, expects a General’s sizable Unix server. Dell ing business with Televest and Leo
lawsuit in which Andersen wave of staff defections after is also recently received approval to Burnett (WSJ 2/18/98). Staples
Consulting alleges that its parent announces 1997 bonuses early next set up a sales and manufacturing expects to increase the number of
Andersen Worldwide is trying to week, according to a report in customer center in China (DJN, new store openings to 150 in 1998
interfere with an arbitration pro- Friday’s edition of the Financial 2/24/98). Netscape just changed its versus 130 in 1997. Standard &
ceeding aimed at breaking up the Times. The Deutsche Bank sub- fiscal year end to 10/31 from 12/31 Poor’s recent ratings were based on
giant firm. The suit is part of a sidiary is expected to give a large to reflect their increased focus on their rapid growth strategy and
fierce battle in which Andersen part of its bonus pool to a relatively enterprise software based on the consistently improving credit
Consulting is trying to break away small number of staff, as a result, seasonal buying patterns of cus- measures (DJN 2/23/98).
from Andersen Worldwide and DMG employees in New York are tomers (DJN, 2/24/98). On-line
Arthur Andersen (DJN, 2/24/98). expecting a “mass exodus” (DJN, bookseller Amazon plans to begin Manufacturing
New ads from Deloitte & Touche 2/20/98). Robertson Stephens selling music products, including General Motors Corp.’s Delphi
Consulting Group will take a Investment Management Co said CD’s over the Internet (DJN, Automotive Systems unit said it
sledgehammer to an unspoken rule that, following the purchase of 2/24/98). signed a letter of intent to sell its
that until now has governed the about 1.2 million common shares of $1.2 billion-a-year automotive-seat-
bean-counting and consulting Canadian Conquest Explorations Entertainment and Sports ing business to Lear Corp., a lead-
crowd; no public name-calling. Inc. an oil and gas company, by one Sony Corp’s inaugural global ing supplier of automotive interi-
Their print campaign will include of its investment funds last bond offering is generating the ors, for an undisclosed amount
the headline, “Andersen December, it currently owns or con- same kind of hype as the compa- (WSJ, 2/23/98). Nemak SA will
Consulting: Distracted by in-fight- trols 6, 918,900 (or 11.41%) of ny’s much anticipated summer build its fifth plant at a cost of $75
ing. Deloitte Consulting: Focused Canadian Conquest shares (DJN, blockbuster movie, “Godzilla.” million to fulfill contracts it won
on our clients.” (WSJ, 2/26/98). 2/20/98). And if the hype is to be believed, from Chrysler Corp. and Ford
the $1.3 billion five year global Motor Co. Nemak, the auto parts
issue appears ready to open to division of Mexican.
Only Guilty of
Having a Good Time
By Laura Williams, FAS along. Was I being sucked into his
web? No, I would stay as ‘congru-
Entering the double doors at ent’ as long as I wanted to, thank
Burden Hall, I was reminded that I you very much! I looked at those
was NOT going to let myself be around me, their body language
won over. After all, infomercials changing ever so slightly, and I
and all the glib that goes with the realized I would never again wit-
fast “sell” always turned me side- ness a sea of 750 individuals hav-
ways, so for the next hour and a ing that perfect-posture attentive-
half, I would endure and I would ness. As much as I didn’t want to
be downright cynical…yep, admit it, there was an obvious
Anthony Robbins was not going to change in the air, a “warm-I-like-
get me. I kept being-here” feel-
telling myself, if I ing descending
was going to get a on everyone in
kick-start on self- attendance.
improvement, it Anthony Robbins joked,
wasn’t going to be he laughed at us, but How far was
by this abominal this mastermind
mostly with us, he
he-man, and Mr. of emotion going
Robbins was cer- inspired us… to take this? At
tainly not the some- what decibel of
one I wanted to sound would he
“unleash the power be satisfied with
within me.” In my world, my rules our getting the message? Was that
reign. Give me someone I wouldn’t what he wanted? He thrust key
have to reluctantly admit that I had words at us… ‘state of mind’, ‘cer-
actually gone and listened to with tainty’, and the biggie: outstand-
all the wizardry magic and spell- ing…and we found ourselves
binding influence wrapped shouting these words as we punc-
amongst the buzz-words…Come tuated the air emphatically with
on, give me someone not so slick, our fists.
not as well-packaged, without that
‘outstanding’ attitude, then I could Anthony Robbins joked, he
deal. laughed at us, but mostly with us,
he inspired us, he expressed his
But, like all generations, my thoughts and spoke words he felt
rules admit exceptions. After hear- we needed to hear. I have to admit,
ing the first 15 minutes of an the real spin on this is that I got his
upbeat “power of state” montage, message. He delivered. His mis-
later followed by turning to fellow sion was to give us the specific tan-
students on either side of me as we gibles to take with us and use as we
entertained in banter and ad-lib embark on our future journeys.
innuendos, I actually found myself This non-believer thinks his mis-
writing down positive references sion was wonderfully accom-
and phrases Mr. Robbins passed plished…it was outstanding!

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