Exhibit 142-2013.10.10 TG Proposal To Balch

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Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-55 Filed 07/21/18 Page 1 of 6

Gilbert, Joel

From: Trey 6lenn <trey@blueridgeconsultingine.corn>

Sent: Thursday, Octsber I0,2013 8:37 AM
To: Gilben, Joel; Roberson, David
Cs Trey Glenn
Suhiect, Drurnmond 35th Av Supertund Site Proposal 08OCTL3
Attachrnentsr Drummond 35th Av Superfund Site Proposai O80CTtr3;docx

Joel and Davld,

As discussed, Scott ahd t prepaled e draft scope proposal to support the North Birmlngham efforts with a focus on
E/PRloureach and tschnhal support. As you $,ill see this draft is {airly 6eneral. We iUst dldn't want to p0t a whole lot
of details in writing.since this may all be in litlgation at some tlme"

t have sent you this i5 draft to gEt your feedback a see if this is what you were looklng for, f lt ls, I will finallze and
serd l,oi, a. si8ned copr7. Please let me know if we are on the riBht traclc

Thanks, Trey

'.':l'!..llTl':" I
Confidential. Do Not Disclose. BB-FED00002903
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