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P.O.BOX 503-00605



The tenant has inspected the premises herein referred to and satisfied with its state and
condition. The landlady has agreed to lease to the tenant and the tenant has agreed to take the
lease of the demised premises under the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

PROPERTY: The properties to this lease all those premises known as HOUSE NO 162being
part of the building erected and known as Mt. view estate. .

TERM: This lease shall be valid for one (1) year with effect from _______________Should either party
be desirable to terminate the lease before its expiry, a one month notice In writing should be given
or payment of the lieu thereof. In event the tenant terminates this agreement before the date of
occupation he/she be liable to pay one month rent in lie- and therefore forfeits the deposit for 1

RENT: Kshs.23,000/20.000 per month payable monthly not later than end month. The landlady
shall have the rights to repossess the property in the event the tenant fails to pay the rent within
the month due. Rent paid after 5th of the month shell drawn late penalty of 10% of rent

Rent will be paid by mpesa or cash

SECURITY DEPOSIT: The tenant is required to pay a security deposits_______
________________________________________________________ of rent for
two months to be held by the landlady during the term of the tenancy. The deposit shall
not act as rent for the last month or any month during the term of the lease but it shall be
applied towards defraying miscellaneous maintenance and utility costs that may be
outstanding on his part at the end of the tenancy.
The agreement incorporates the letting provision printed hereunder.


1. INTERPRETATION where the context admits

a. " The landlady" includes the persons for the time being entitled in reversion
expectant on the tenancy.
b. " The tenant includes the person deriving title under the tenant.
c. Reference to the property includes references to any part or parts of the property
and the furniture and fixtures or any of them.
The tenant will
A. Use the property in a tenant like manner for a private dwelling only and
shall not carry on or permit to carry on, any trade or business of any kind
B. Keep the carriage ways, car parking areas, gardens, fence and ground
forming part of the paid premises in clean and tidy condition and to spray
chemicals and water the shrubs and flowers in such, gardens as often as
necessary to maintain them in the same high standard as at the
commencement of this lease.
C. Not to make or permit fixtures to be or not to make any alterations or
additions to the said premises nor erect any fixtures therein nor to drive any
nails, screws, bolts or wedges in the floors, walls or ceiling thereof and not
to change the external color or decoration of the said premises without the
prior consent of the landlady.

D. Be responsible for all damages incurred as a result of negligence or willful act

of the tenant, his family, guest or servants and shall replace with articles of a
similar quality all items which shall be lost, broken or damaged during
E. Not to keep poultry, livestock or any other kind of livestock in the
F. The tenant shall ensure that proper security arrangements are made to protect
the property in his absence while on safari or leave or for any reason during the
tenancy period.
G. Not permit nor suffer to be done anything in or upon the said premises or any
part thereof which may at any time be or become a nuisance or annoyance to
the tenants or occupiers of any neighboring property.
H. Hereby upon signing this lease indemnify the landlady against all damages, loss
or injury occasioned to the premises or to any adjoining or neighboring
premises or to any persons, caused by any act, default, negligence or
omission of the tenant or his/her servants ,agents, licenses or invites of the
I. Will not permit to be done anything in the said premises whereby any
insurance of the buildings of which form pan against loss or damage by fire
may —become void or void able or where the rate of premium for any such
insurance may be increased and to repay to the landlady all sums paid in or
about any.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto acknowledgement here below signature or

marks to be theirs and they had freely and voluntarily executed this lease and understood

its contents on the ____________ day of____________________________20______

SIGNED for the LANDLADY______________________________

In the present of:________________________________________

SIGN by the said tenant___________________________________

In the present of: _______________________________________

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