Relationship Between Circadian Rhythm Amplitude and Stability With Sleep Quality and Sleepiness Among Shift Nurses and Health Care Workers

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Relationship between Circadian Rhythm Amplitude and Stability with Sleep

Quality and Sleepiness among Shift Nurses and Health Care Workers

Article  in  International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics: JOSE · September 2015

DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2015.1081770


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Relationship between circadian rhythm amplitude

and stability with sleep quality and sleepiness
among shift nurses and health care workers

Akram Jafari Roodbandi, Alireza Choobineh & Somayeh Daneshvar

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(2015) Relationship between circadian rhythm amplitude and stability with sleep quality and
sleepiness among shift nurses and health care workers, International Journal of Occupational
Safety and Ergonomics, 21:3, 312-317, DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2015.1081770

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International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), 2015
Vol. 21, No. 3, 312–317,

Relationship between circadian rhythm amplitude and stability with sleep quality and sleepiness
among shift nurses and health care workers
Akram Jafari Roodbandia , Alireza Choobinehb and Somayeh Daneshvarc∗
a School of Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran; b Research Center for Health Sciences, Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran; c School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

Introduction: Sleep is affected by the circadian cycle and its features. Amplitude and stability of circadian rhythm are
important parameters of the circadian cycle. This study aims to examine the relationship between amplitude and stability
of circadian rhythm with sleep quality and sleepiness. Method: In this cross-sectional research, 315 shift nurses and health
care workers from educational hospitals of Kerman University of Medical Sciences (KUMS), Iran, were selected using
Downloaded by [somayeh daneshvar] at 21:14 13 December 2015

a random sampling method. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and Circadian
Type Inventory (CTI) were used to collect the required data. Results: In this study, 83.2% suffered from poor sleep and
one-half had moderate and excessive sleepiness. The results showed that flexibility in circadian rhythm stability, job stress
and sleepiness are among the factors affecting quality sleep in shift workers. Discussion: Those whose circadian rhythm
amplitude was languid suffered more from sleepiness and those whose circadian stability was flexible had a better sleep.
Variables including circadian rhythm stability (flexible/rigid) and amplitude (languid/vigorous) can act as predictive indices
in order to employ people in a shift work system so that sleepiness and a drop in quality of sleep are prevented.
Keywords: circadian rhythm; sleep quality; sleepiness; nurses; shift work

1. Introduction types of individuals in order to obtain a score to enter uni-

Some people are more alert, energetic and capable in some versity, out of 235 high school students participating in
special hours of the day and night and this varies from the study 19.1%, 68.1%, 11.9% and 9% had almost mod-
one person to another.[1] These characteristics are regu- erately morning type, neither type, moderately evening
larly repeated every 24 h and are called circadian rhythms, type and completely evening type, respectively. Morning-
adjusted by the body’s biological clock.[2] Circadian refers oriented students had a better performance in the morning
to variations in behavioral activities and metabolism of liv- examinations. The results of a study by Nag and Nag [8]
ing things.[3] Circadian rhythm is a sine-like wave with on circadian type showed that languidness in sleep habits
phase, amplitude and stability [4] (Figure 1). was affected by a shift-work schedule so that there was a
The circadian phase can be defined as a circadian significant difference in a night shift and a rotating shift.
variable (e.g., body temperature) reaching a particular However, such a difference was not observed among those
condition.[5] In addition to the circadian phase, other whose circadian rhythm stability was flexible. In research
factors such as circadian rhythm amplitude and stabil- conducted by Natvik et al. [9] on personality factors related
ity are of high importance in circadian cycle features.[6] to tolerating shift work in nurses, it was found that three-
Circadian rhythm stability and amplitude are determined shift nurses who had flexibility suffered less from insomnia
as flexible/rigid (FR) and languid/vigorous (LV), respec- and were able to work and sleep at any time of day. But
tively. Those whose circadian rhythm stability is flexible this was not true for two-shift nurses. Moreover, nurses
(F) type show flexibility toward sudden changes in internal who were languid (in both groups of two shifts and three
rhythm (like staying up for a night shift). In contrast, those shifts) showed a higher level of sleepiness, anxiety and
whose circadian rhythm stability is rigid (R) type resist depression.[9] Mokarami et al. [10] carried out research on
against sudden changes. Those whose circadian rhythm shift workers of SIPA Press and observed that 57.1% of
amplitude is languid (L) type find it more difficult to over- regular day workers and 47.1% of shift workers had poor
come sleepiness and lethargy as a result of lack of sleep. sleep quality.
On the contrary, those who are vigorous (V) type can resist Sleepiness is a state of fatigue in a person who
against sleepiness and remain vigorous.[6] In a study con- is inclined toward sleeping easily.[11] Sleep quality is
ducted by Besoluk [7] to determine the effect of circadian defined as satisfaction from sleep in which dimensions

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2015 Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB)
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 313

Figure 1. A circadian rhythm can be entrained by external stimuli (e.g., light/dark or temperature cycles) and will maintain that
Downloaded by [somayeh daneshvar] at 21:14 13 December 2015

rhythm when placed in constant conditions. Features of the curve that are commonly measured are the period (the duration between the
occurrence of a relative position on the curve, usually peaks or troughs), the amplitude (the level of expression measured from the
midline to either the peak or trough) and the phase (the relative positioning of the curve in reference to a specific time point, such as the
time placed in constant light). Negative values denote time during light/dark cycles that entrain the clock. Positive values denote time in
constant light.

such as the beginning of sleep, maintaining sleep, sleep of Kerman University of Medical Sciences (KUMS),
quantity and how refreshed one is when waking up are Iran.
included.[12] According to Rutenfranz et al. cited in
LaDou,[13] those working during the day, shift-work peo-
ple without a night shift, night-shift workers and fixed 2. Method
night-shift workers suffer from sleep disorders in 15–20%, In this cross-sectional research, the study population con-
5%, 10–80% and 60% of cases, respectively. The rate of sisted of 315 shift nurses and health care workers from
sleepiness increases toward the end of a night shift in terms educational hospitals of KUMS, Iran. The subjects were
of mental features and physiological variables.[14] Sleepi- selected using a random sampling method. In this study, the
ness or poor sleep may be owing to the fact that their Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth Sleepi-
amplitude and circadian rhythm do not correspond with ness Scale (ESS) and Circadian Type Inventory (CTI) were
shift work.[6] used as data-collecting tools.
The body’s biological clock or the human circadian The PSQI examines sleep quality over the past 4 weeks
system regulates many regular activities of different body and includes seven scores for the following scales: sub-
organs. The sleep–wake cycle is no exception, which is jective sleep quality; sleep latency; sleep duration; habit-
adjusted by the biological clock as well as natural and ual sleep efficiency (the proportion of time that one is
artificial light, ambient sounds, work and social activities. asleep over the total time spent in bed); sleep distur-
Sleep is one of the most important human biological pro- bances (defined as someone waking up at night); use of
cesses which have deep effects on mental and physical sleep medication; and daytime dysfunction (defined as
health.[15] troubles someone experiences during the day caused by
In Iran, 80% of those employed in the health and treat- sleeplessness).[19] Total scores from 0 to 4 indicate ade-
ment system are nurses.[16] Studies have indicated that quate sleep and scores of 5–21 show inadequate sleep.
night-shift nurses suffer from sleepiness and making errors Farrahi et al. [20] reported Cronbach’s α of the Persian
twice as much as day-shift nurses.[17,18] Given that nurs- version of the PSQI to be 0.89.
ing is a serious and important job and the workers’ ability The validity and reliability of this questionnaire has
corresponding with employment in shift work has a notable been approved by Johns [21] and its Cronbach’s α has been
effect on nursing services, and since sleep quality and reported as 0.88. In Iran, Masoodzadeh et al. [22] used
sleepiness of people are affected by their amplitude and this questionnaire and its reliability was shown to be more
circadian rhythm, this study aimed to examine the rela- than 70% through test–retest. Sleepiness is a score between
tionship between flexibility/rigidity of circadian rhythm 0 and 24 which is attributed to each variable after com-
stability and languidness/vigorousness of circadian rhythm pleting the Epworth questionnaire. Scores of 0–6, 7–8 and
amplitude with sleep quality and sleepiness among shift more than 8 show adequate sleep, medium sleepiness and
nurses and health care workers from educational hospitals inadequate sleep, respectively.
314 A. Jafari Roodbandi et al.

The Persian version checklist of the CTI which has Table 1. Some demographic characteristics of the study
been examined and approved in terms of validity and reli- population (N = 315).
ability includes 11 questions covering two independent Variable Frequency %
variables.[23] The first variable is FR, showing circadian
rhythm stability, and those obtaining a high score from this Gender
variable are flexible and can be employed in a shift-work Male 136 43.2
Female 179 56.8
system with the ability of staying up during abnormal hours Marital status
of the day or night. The second variable is LV, showing cir- Single 84 26.6
cadian rhythm amplitude. Those who obtain a high score Married 231 73.3
from this variable are called languid, and find it more dif- Age (years)
ficult to overcome the feeling of sleepiness and lethargy as 20–30 104 33
31–40 121 38.4
a result of insomnia.[6]
>50 90 28.5
Those who obtain a score above 18.75 from five related Work experience (years)
questions in the first factor (FR) belong to the percentile <10 154 48.9
above 75 and therefore their circadian type is considered 10–20 121 38.4
flexible in terms of stability. These people are able to stay 21–30 40 12.7
Educational level
Downloaded by [somayeh daneshvar] at 21:14 13 December 2015

awake during abnormal hours of the day or night. The peo-

Diploma 38 12.1
ple obtaining a score higher than 22.5 for the second factor Associate degree 23 7.3
(LV) by answering the six related questions are considered Bachelor of Science/Art 228 72.4
to belong to the percentile above 75 and therefore their cir- Master of Science/Art 26 8.3
cadian type is regarded as languid in terms of amplitude. Perceived job stress
Overcoming sleepiness is more difficult for this group of Very low and low 46 14.6
Moderate 131 41.6
people. High and very high 138 43.8
In addition to completing the PSQI, ESS and CTI, the
participants were asked to answer a 5-item questionnaire
about job stress they perceived at work. Table 2. Status of sleep quality, sleepiness and circadian
SPSS version 11 was drawn upon to analyze the data. rhythm and amplitude features of the study population
For this purpose, the t test was used to examine the mean (N = 315).
difference for diverse age groups in terms of circadian
rhythm amplitude and stability, and the χ 2 test was utilized Variable Status % Frequency
to investigate the frequency difference for both genders in Sleep quality Adequate 16.8 53
terms of circadian rhythm amplitude and stability and in Inadequate 83.2 262
order to compare the frequency difference of sleep quality Sleepiness Lack of sleepiness 50.8 160
and sleepiness in FR and LV variables. Logistic regression Medium sleepiness 19.0 60
analysis was used to determine the factors affecting sleep Excessive sleepiness 30.2 95
Circadian Percentile above 75 19 60
quality. rhythm (languid)
amplitude Percentile below 75 81 225
(LV) (vigorous)
Circadian Percentile above 75 8.9 28
3. Results rhythm (flexible)
In total, 315 shift nurses and health care workers partici- stability Percentile below 75 91.1 287
(FR) (rigid)
pated in this study with a mean age and mean job tenure
of 35.68 (SD = 8.2) and 12.21 (SD = 7.7) years, respec-
tively. Table 1 presents some demographic characteristics
of the study population. of circadian rhythm stability and 91.1% had a percentile
Table 2 presents the status of sleep quality, sleepiness below 75 (R type).
and circadian rhythm and amplitude features of the study Table 3 depicts the frequency of sleep status among the
population. As shown, 16.8% of the participants had ade- subjects based on circadian rhythm amplitude and stability.
quate sleep; 50.8% of all participants had no sleepiness The results revealed that there is no significant difference
and 19% and 30.2% had medium and excessive sleepi- between adequate and inadequate sleep regarding their fre-
ness, respectively. The M (SD) hours of sleep for the quency in both the L and V groups (p > 0.05). Therefore,
subjects were 6.62 (1.6). In this study, 19% of the indi- circadian rhythm amplitude probably has no effect on sleep
viduals belonged to the percentile higher than 75 (L type) quality. However, this test showed that there is a signif-
in terms of circadian rhythm amplitude and 81% had a per- icant difference between adequate and inadequate sleep
centile lower than 75 (V type). The results indicated that regarding their frequency in the F and R groups (p < 0.05).
8.9% belonged to the percentile above 75 (F type) in terms Circadian rhythm stability therefore probably affects sleep
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 315

Table 3. Frequency of sleep status among the study Table 5. Regression model indicating factors with the
population based on circadian rhythm amplitude and stability strongest influence on the study population (N = 315).
(N = 315).
Sleep quality factor retained
Circadian in the model β p OR 95% CI
variable Adequate Inadequate pa
Reported stress 0.601 .007 1.82 [1.17, 2.82]
Circadian L (n = 60) (7) 11.67% (53) 88.33% 0.16 Circadian rhythm 1.479 .001 4.39 [1.85, 10.37]
rhythm V (n = 255) (46) 18% (209) 82% stability
amplitude Sleepiness − 0.422 .037 0.66 [0.44, 0.97]
Note: CI = confidence interval.
Circadian F (n = 28) (12) 42.9% (16) 56.1% 0.001
rhythm R (n = 287) (41) 14.3% (246) 85.7%
(FR) 4. Discussion
Note: Data presented as (n) percentage. F = flexible; L =
In this study, 83.2% of the individuals had inadequate
languid; R = rigid; V = vigorous; a = χ 2 test between both sleep and half of them suffered from medium and exces-
groups. sive sleepiness, and their mean hours of sleep per day was
Downloaded by [somayeh daneshvar] at 21:14 13 December 2015

6.62 (SD = 1.6). The quantity and quality of sleep often

decreases when the sleep schedule changes from night to
day. In a study by Menzel cited in LaDou,[13] the mean
quality such that flexible people have a better sleep than sleep of a morning shift and that of an afternoon shift
rigid people in terms of quality. was determined as 7.5 and 8.5 h, respectively, while night-
Table 4 presents the frequency of sleepiness based on shift workers slept 4–6 h on average. Maurice, cited in
circadian rhythm amplitude and stability. Based on the LaDou,[13] reported that 50% of day-shift nurses slept
results of the χ 2 test, the significant difference (p < 0.05) 7–8 h while only 15% of night-shift nurses slept equiva-
between sleepiness frequencies in the L and V groups indi- lent to this time. In this study, the mean amount of sleep
cates that circadian rhythm possibly affects sleepiness so was 4.68 h among the night-shift nurses and its quality was
that the rate of sleepiness is higher in languid people than inadequate in 83%. However, it should be noted that hours
in vigorous individuals. In contrast, results of the statis- of sleep required for anyone varies according to lifestyle,
tical test showed that there was no significant difference physical activity and age. Sleep disorders are mainly com-
between the R and F groups as far as level of sleepiness mon among shift-work employees since the time of sleep
was concern (p > 0.05). Circadian rhythm stability there- changes during a time which does not correspond with cir-
fore may have no effect on the status of sleepiness of the cadian rhythm and environmental conditions. In his study
study population. of 9000 night-shift workers, Thiis-Evensen cited in LaDou
To determine the factors affecting sleep quality of [13] showed that 20% of subjects suffered from sleep-
the study nurses and health care workers, logistic regres- lessness and complained about sleep problems caused by
sion analysis (backward stepwise conditional) was used noise. Evidence therefore suggests that night-shift workers
(Table 5). The variables of sleepiness, age, gender, mari- face more sleep disorders than their daytime counterparts.
tal status, educational level, perceived job stress, LV and The findings of the current study revealed that those
FR were included in the regression model. The results with languid circadian amplitude probably have more
show that circadian rhythm stability, rigidity (odds ratio sleepiness and those with flexible circadian rhythm may
[OR] = 4.39), perceived higher stress levels (OR = 1.82) have better sleep quality.
and the degree of more excessive sleepiness (OR = 0.66) Di Milia et al. [3] argued that languid people were
influenced the quality of sleep. less alert during the day and after lunch while vigorous

Table 4. Frequency of sleepiness based on circadian rhythm amplitude and stability among the study
population (N = 315).

Lack of Medium Excessive

Circadian variable sleepiness sleepiness sleepiness pa

Circadian rhythm amplitude (LV) L (n = 60) (19) 31.7% (18) 30% (23) 38.3 0.003
V (n = 255) (141) 55.29% (42) 16.47% (72) 28.23%
Circadian rhythm stability (FR) F (n = 28) (16) 57.14% (4) 14.28% (8) 28.57% 0.72
R (n = 287) (144) 50.17% (56) 19.51% (87) 30.31%

Note: Data presented as (n) percentage. F = flexible; L = languid; R = rigid; V = vigorous; a = χ 2 test
between both groups.
316 A. Jafari Roodbandi et al.

people were more alert during the day. Based on our find- Tamagawa et al. [30] compared two groups of fixed night-
ings, languid people suffer more from sleepiness and those shift and rotating shift workers. Their results revealed that
with flexible circadian rhythm have better sleep quality. there was no significant relationship between flexibility
Tonetti et al. [24] determined circadian preference and or need to sleep and personality and mental, emotional
mental quality of the sleep–wake cycle in secondary school variables.
students. They found that evening-oriented people’s awak- Logistic regression results showed that sleep quality
ening quality was significantly lower than that of morning- is affected by perceived stress, circadian rhythm stabil-
oriented ones and sleeplessness, fatigue, headache and ity, rigidity and severity of sleepiness. Accordingly, sleep
fatigue persistence without any particular reason during quality in subjects with high perceived stress (OR = 1.82)
the daily awakening was more common among evening- was lower than in those with lower levels of perceived
oriented people.[24] The current study results were also stress. Knudsen et al. [31] demonstrated that some occu-
similar to those of Tonetti et al. in that those with flexible pational stressors are significantly related to sleep quality
circadian rhythm had better sleep quality. and extreme workload. Chan [32] conducted a study in
A study carried out by Ognianova et al. [25] to examine order to determine factors related to nurses’ sleep qual-
stress states experienced by a group of operators working ity in rotating shifts and stated that 70% of nurses suffered
in a 12 h shift system reported that individual differences, from lack of sleep and also had a high level of stress. A
Downloaded by [somayeh daneshvar] at 21:14 13 December 2015

related to circadian rhythms, have a notable role in stress logistic regression model was used for this purpose and the
states. The findings of this study imply that languid peo- results indicated that older age (OR = 0.9), gastrointestinal
ple perceive more stress in the night shift and the subjects disorders (OR = 7.4), impaired sleep status (OR = 1.8)
with flexible circadian rhythm perceive less stress.[25] In and high scores on the strain and symptoms questionnaire
the current study, the reported stress acted as a meaningful (SSQ index) (OR = 0.3) are related to inadequate sleep in
index in languid people, which is similar to the results of nurses.[32] Findings from the current study were consis-
Ognianova et al.’s study.[25] tent with those of Knudsen et al and Chan in the terms of
Nag and Nag [8] carried out a study on female VDT- the relationship between perceived stress and sleep quality.
cum-telephone operators to investigate the effects of per- In addition, inflexible people with OR = 4.39 had
manent and rotating shifts on the behavioral responses and worse sleep quality than flexible people. Di Milia et al.
health disturbances. The results showed that languidness of [3] performed a study for validation of the CTI instru-
sleep habits was affected by the shift-work schedule. How- ment with mine shift workers and university day workers.
ever, this was not true for flexibility. This part of Nag and V-type individuals were more conscious than L-type sub-
Nag’s findings is in line with the current study results so jects according to the circadian rhythm domain and a
that shift-work participants in this study suffered more from significant difference was observed between F and L types
sleepiness with languid type but no significant relation- from 16:00 to 22:00. F-type individuals were reported to
ship was found between languidness of circadian rhythm be less affected by circadian and awakening factors in this
amplitude and sleep quality. period of time. Furthermore, F-type individuals reported
It is important to note that variability or adjustability of less needed sleep in comparison with R types. In Di Milia
circadian rhythm is also probable, i.e., one with morning- et al.’s study, those with V-type circadian domain and with
oriented characteristics may incline toward night orienta- stable F-type circadian rhythm were the most suitable peo-
tion or vice versa. With increasing age,[26] along with ple for shift work, and also in this study F-type people had
weakness in temporal symptoms and having a weak circa- better sleep quality than R-type in the terms of circadian
dian system (in terms of change in temporal situation and rhythm stability, and thus were suggested suitable for shift
return to the earlier mood), one’s inclination toward morn- working.[3]
ing orientation increases. This case corroborates the mood Based on regression analysis, sleepiness with an OR
that one is languid and flexible in terms of circadian rhythm less than one (OR = 0.66) was effective in improving
amplitude and stability, respectively.[27] Ageing reduces sleep quality and thus had a protective role in this area.
amplitude and leads to a morning-orientation habit. That is, It meant that sleep quality was better in people with
one sleeps earlier and gets up earlier as well.[28] Kramer higher sleepiness. Yazdi et al. [33] conducted a study to
et al. [29] studied individual differences in sleep and awak- compare sleep disturbances in shift workers and people
ening behavior under natural conditions among young working in a fixed shift schedule, and concluded that shift
and old subjects. They found that old subjects had more workers had poorer sleep quality than fixed-shift workers
regular sleep pattern than young individuals in addition to (OR = 2.2) and also had higher extreme daily sleepiness
midnight awakenings. In the present study, there was no than fixed-shift workers (OR = 1.3). In many studies, it
significant relationship between age and sleep quality. This has been observed that poor sleep quality and sleepiness
can be owing to lower variance of age of the subjects as occurred at a higher rate in shift workers. In the current
compared with Kramer et al.’s study. study evaluating the relationship between sleep quality and
To examine the relationship between personal features sleepiness, we found that sleepiness of subjects had a pro-
and shift-work tolerance in the New Zealand police force, tective role in sleep quality. This can be attributed to this
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 317

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