DONOFRIO - Lesson2 - Passed

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Taller de Práctica Docente

Período de Práctica: Nivel Inicial.

Practicante: Vanesa D´Onofrio Monla

Institución: Privado (clases particulares).

Dirección: Suipacha – Prov. Bs. As.

Cantidad de alumnos: 2

Nivel linguistico del curso: Principiantes.

Tipo de Planificación: clase.

Unidad temática: Animales de granja

Clase: 2

Fecha: 24/05/17

Hora: 10 - 10. 40 Hs.

Duración de la clase: 40 min.

Fecha de la primera entrega: 22/05/17

Contenidos: The big family Farm. (Cow, horse, bird, pig, rabbit, bat, dog, cat, etc).

Objetivos: to learn vocabulary related to farm animals.

Be aware of the importance that all animals have in our life. Commented [A1]: Will you reflect upon this?
To have fun while singing.
Develop their listening abilities by listening to a song.
Identify different farm animals.
Identify the different sounds they make.

Language focus


REVISION Hello! Greeting. Hello how are you? /əu/
Listen! Giving commands Listen! Sit down!
Sit down! and instructions Let´s sit down, /ǣ/
Stand up! stand up.
Mother/father/ This is....
baby Let´s colour..
Black, white...
NEW Chicken - chick Identifying baby This is a chicken /ʧ/
cow – calf animals and their and her baby Commented [A2]: Check phonemes
Dog – puppy sounds. chick... /əu/
horse – foal /p/
Duck – duckling

Teaching approach: This lesson is based on the Natural approach, and organized through the PPP

Materials and resources: Farm animals made of hard paper, color pencils, scissors, glue, photos. .

Pegagogicail use of ICT in class: A video will be used to show the different sounds that animals make.
Setting arrangement: Students will be sitting in a row. Commented [A3]: Or line?

Cooperative work: Students play together and share their materials.

Possible problems during the class: If students get too excited I will let them know by clapping hands.

Potential language problems: I will to use techniques as: gestures, miming, or pointing to pictures
to be understood. I will try not to speak in Spanish.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I will give them the time to elaborate the instructions. I
will observe them and hear if they can produce chunks of a language.

Routine: 5 min.

Purpose to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work.

I greet the students “ Hello, children hello children, how are you, how are you? And showing pictures
of happy or sad they will answer. Commented [A4]: What are the expected answers?

Warm – up: 10min:

Purpose: To introduce the topic and some teaching points.

Teacher, goes to the place where the animal farm is and says - “This is a happy farm, look, here lives
the cow and points at it …..the sheep and points at it... students repeat the name of the animals.

Transition: Now, It´s your turn to put the animals anywhere (teacher uses gestures and miming) for Commented [A5]: What do you mean? What are they expected
to do? Do they just have to change the places of the animals?
them to understand the instructions.

Presentation: 10 min.

while they are playing and putting the animals in the place they want, teacher says STOP! And they
must help each other to remember the names of the animals “This is a cow... Commented [A6]: How? Have they had enough exposure? They
might find it easier if you mention the animals and they have to find
them. Recognizing is easier than producing.
Transition: Ok, now we say good bye to all the farm animals but they will say something to us. let´s see
how they communicate with us.

Let´s sit and watch a nice video and get ready to listen and sing to the different animal sounds. Commented [A7]: Link to video??
The animal sounds 2. 58 min. they sing the song together with the teacher. They hear it twice.

Transition: well, now we have learnt the names of the farm animals (this is a cow, horse,etc and their
sounds muuumoo, etc. Now this these animals form have families as we do, mothers have babies. Now
let´s see..
Practice: 10 min
Teacher shows them different farm animals and their babies. She mixes them up and they will try to put
them in the correct order. Teacher observes how they form the right pairs and then she corrects by Commented [A8]: Match them
saying: very good!, This is mother chicken and this is baby chick.... I mix the cards again and they
play forming the right pairs and saying the chunk of language. Commented [A9]: Do you expect them to say This is mother…
and this is baby…? Will you prompt that utterance? I think it will be
Clousure: Teacher sings; it´s time it´s time to put everything away, markers, scissors, pencils. Students
put everything away. Commented [A10]: They haven´t used them.

Transition: Now, give me your notebooks I will give you an activity to do at home. Teacher puts a
photocopy, and writes the instructions for the parents.

Note for parents: Queridos padres; Estuvimos trabajando con animales de la granja. Pueden ver el Commented [A11]: I think you should share the link with the
parents, but the activity must be done in class.
video con ellos. Me gustaríia que corten los dibujos y los unan correctamente (vaca – ternero, etc) lo Anyway, in this worksheet there are many animals that you haven´t
pueden colorear y traer la actividad para la próxima clase included in the language focus chart.

Lesson plan Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable Below Standard

component 5 4 3 2 1

Visual x

Coherence and x

Variety of x
resources –
Learning styles

Stages and x

Teaching x

Language x

Observations Nice lesson, Vane! I like the farm you have prepared.

You forgot to include the link/script of the video. What a pity. Pay
attention to my comments and take them into account when
delivering the lesson. Make sure you prompt students` answers.

Have second thoughts about the homework. If you are planning to

teach those vocabulary items, check the language focus chart and
the pictures you are using to teach the vocabulary.

Enjoy the lesson!!


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