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Conceptual Framework

In this part of the study the main intention is to assess household expenditures

and cash management. In order to attain this objective, the researchers prepared

conceptual frameworks that lead them to find solutions to the problem.

Input ProcessOutput

Profile of the respondents in

terms of:

 Age
 Sex
 Civil status
 Educational attainment
 Position in the family
 Family size
 Source of income
 Monthly income Survey
Household Expenditures Data Analysis Extension Activity

 Absolute Basics
 Discretionary Basics

Cash Management Variables

 Budgeting Activities
 Investing Activities
 Saving Activities

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 presents the conceptual model of the study in which it includes the

input, process and output that are considered in the whole study. It is premised on the

assessment of household expenditure and cash management of the respondents.

The input shows the respondents profile variables in terms of age, sex, civil

status, educational attainment, position in the family, family size, source of income and

monthly income. It also shows household expenditure variables in terms of absolute and

discretionary basics and cash management variables in terms of budgeting, investing

and saving activities. These variables were used to interpret its relationship from one

another and to answer the objective of the study.

The process box shows the method that would be used by the researchers in the

study. This is the survey questionnaire. This process served as a guide to know how the

respondents allocate household expenditures and manages cash. The researchers

used the results achieved through this process to give a conclusion to the research


After fulfilling all the input and process used to assess and to evaluate nexus of

household expenditures and cash management through the survey questionnaire,

gathered data were be analyzed and interpreted. Finally, the researchers ended up

proposing an extension activity to develop an effective system of cash management or


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